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"Y/N are you ready? Cause you're up after this" you heard your coach say

You took a deep breath and stood up before taking off your USA Olympian jacket.

"Yeah, I'm ready" you said to your coach as you walked towards an area you had to wait your turn in.

As the girl before you finished up her floor work you searched the crowed like a where's Waldo, for your boyfriend Auston. Your eyes stopped as they found him, he was waving around a little American flag. He looked right at you with the biggest smile, which made a smile spread across your face and get a butterfly feeling in your stomach. You then looked up at Auston again and he was making a heart with his hands you smiled and nodded at him as one of the Olympic volunteer told you to take your place at the corner of the mat.

You waited for the pervious girl's score which was really good. You got a little nervous but a picture of Auston smiling at you appeared in your head, which made you forget about everything and focus on your routine. You waited for the crowd to calm down and for the music to start. It was down to you. You were the one who had to get an almost perfect score to get US the gold. You took the biggest deep breath and right when you let out that last breath the music started.

You did flip after flip and moved your body in ways the judges have never seen. You were so worried you were going to mess up in places you weren't 100 percent in but the image of Auston cheering you on made you try 10 times harder and caused you to be perfect. You finished your routine and the stadium erupted with cheers from all of the USA fans. You then bowed to the cheering people and walked off as you blew a kiss in Auston's direction.

You sat patiently for your score with your coach, who sat beside you. All of a sudden your score starts to pop up on the screen. Your eyes went so wide they were going to pop out of your head. You couldn't believe it you had just beat the other girl by a couple points causing the USA to win the gold. Your team ran towards you as you walked back to your area as you waved at the cheering fans.

As everything settled down you and your team walked off and into the change rooms to get ready for the medal ceremony. You got your USA Olympian track suit on, fixed your hair and makeup then waited with the rest of the girls until it was time for the medals.

One of the Olympic volunteers had knocked on the door of the change room, asking for the team. It was now time for the medal ceremony. You had butterflies in your stomach but they weren't the bad and nervous kind they where the good and excited kind. You and the team walked out to the podium waving to the USA fans as you walked by. You found Auston in the crowd again he was cheering like crazy. He was so proud of you.

As the announcer announced the bronze and silver medal winners you stood behind the podium holding hands with your team.


As soon as the announcer finished the spot light was on the center of the podium. You and the team all jumped up on it together. The medals were then handed out. You then held hands again and waited for the anthem to start.


You and the team finally got to go have your own time so you went back to the change room to go grab your bag and meet Auston outside.

You walked towards the front doors of the building proudly wearing your medal. You then saw Auston's back towards you so you quietly walked up to him and jumped on his back.

"Oh my god, you scared me" he said

"Good" you said while laughing

"So how does my golden girl want to celebrate" he said as he put his arm around you and walked towards the hotel

"To be honest, I just want to cuddle, eat pizza or something and watch movies" you said

"Well if that's what you want then that's what we'll do" he said before kissing the top of your head as you two walked into the hotel

You finally got back to your room and the first thing you did was grab a pair of shorts and Auston's Maple Leafs hoodie and ran into the bathroom. You just wanted to get out of you uniform so bad and into more comfy clothes. You put your hair up in a messy bun and took off all the makeup you had on from earlier. You then walked out and went straight to the bed. Auston had just finished ordering a pizza for the two of you.

After the pizza came you two ate a couple slices then curled up together on the bed. You were laying on Auston's chest and he had his arm arm around you, while your legs were tangled under the blanket. You were probably the most happiest girl on the planet. You had just won a gold medal, and now you were watching your favourite movie, while cuddling with your favourite boy.

You felt your eyes getting heavy, and right before you shut them to go to sleep you heard Auston say

"I love you Y/N" as he kissed the top of your head

"I love you too, Auston" Was the last thing you said before falling asleep.


requested by Emma_Kiser05 hope you liked it :)

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