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"For the last time Y/N, get up, you have work and not just that but it's your first day, so get up" your mom said as she came into your room trying to wake you up for the fifth time this morning.

"Uggghh, okay, okay I'm up" you said as you got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom

Your parents got divorced when you were little, you lived with your dad in Toronto for most of your life but you finally wanted to leave and go live with your mom and start fresh. So you moved to Montreal to start your life over. You had left everything back in Toronto, your friends, your job, and even your boyfriend, who now is your ex boyfriend. Today was your first day of work, you applied to be an athletic therapist at the Bell Centre. A couple days later you went in for an interview and ended up getting the job.

You changed into your uniform and put a black hoodie over top of it since it was a little cold out. You then headed downstairs to say goodbye to your mom and start walking to the bus stop since you didn't have a car yet and your mom won't let you drive hers.

You stood at the bus stop and noticed a Tim Hortons across the street. You checked the time on your phone, the bus would be there in about 20 minutes so you decided to go grab a Tea.

You walked into Tims, only you didn't really walk in you just went up to the door. The line was so long it was going out the door. You sighed and just waited.


It was finally your turn to order so you ordered a steep tea and a doughnut. As soon as you got everything you headed out quickly. You were texting your mom as you quickly walked out and bumped into someone causing your tea to spill all over your hoodie.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" the stranger said

You sighed "It's okay, don't worry about it" you said as you looked up and made eye contact with their beautiful green eyes

"I can buy you another one if you'd like, but you might have to wait a bit" he offered

"No thanks, it's okay, I'm going to be late for work" you said with a smile

With that you walked out and headed across the street back to the bus stop to wait, again. You looked at the time on your phone, the bus would be there in 5 minutes but it felt like forever. You leaned on the bus stop pole as you drank what was left of your tea and ate some of your doughnut.

Just as you saw the bus down the street in traffic someone stopped their car in front of where you were standing. The driver opened the window and you came in contact with the same green eyes from earlier.

"I felt really bad about your tea, so here" he held a medium sized cup in his hand

You let out a little laugh as you walked towards his car.

"Thanks, but I don't want it" you told him

"Yes you do, I know you do" he said

"No I don't, but thank you" you said

You were paying attention to the boy when you noticed your bus pass by you.

"Oh shit, my bus" you said with anger in your voice

"Wait I can give you a ride, since you won't take the tea" he said

"Ugh, are you sure?" you asked

"Yea positive, it's the least I can do"

You got into the passenger seat of his car.

"So, where to" he asked

"Bell Centre"

"Really, me too"

"Really?" you asked him

"Yeah, I'm Brendan Gallagher by the way, I play for the Canadiens" he introduced himself

"Oh wow it's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N and I'm the new athletic therapist for the Canadiens" you introduced yourself

"It's nice to meet you too, Y/N"

You guys got to know each other a little more on the drive to the arena. When you got there you both walked to where you each had to be.


You were sitting in your office going through files and trying to get things organized. When you heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" you said

One of the managers opened the door

"Your first patient Miss Y/L/N" he told you

"Bring him in" you said as you stayed focus on your work

The manager left, you heard the door close. You looked up and saw a familiar face. Brendan was standing by he door with a big smile on his face.

"So how's your first day so far" he asked

You laughed "Its been good so far, so what's wrong with you?" you asked him

"Oh, nothing's wrong with me I just made something up to see you" he said with an even bigger smile

You blushed a little when he told you that.

"Thanks Brendan"

"Y/N, I know we just met but would you go on a date with me this weekend" he said with the look of worry on his face

"I'd love to" you told him

"Really?" he asked

"Yea" you said giggling a little

"Wow, to be honest I thought you'd say no" he said

"Why do you think that, by the way don't you think you should be getting back to practice" you said

"Because I'm not the best with girls and yeah I probably should. Wait could I get your number" He asked

"Yea of course, but come see me when practice is done and I'll give it to you" you told him

"alright" he said as he walked out of your office

For the rest of the day you had a smile on your face and couldn't wait till the weekend

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