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You woke up to the sudden feeling of throwing up and that's just what you did. You jumped over a sleeping Brandon while you covered your mouth. Hoping to make it in time, which you did. Forgetting to close the door being in a hurry. Brandon stood in the doorway rubbing his eyes before he walked over to help you. He held back your hair and rubbed your back. You sat up on your knees taking a breath as you flushed the toilet. Brandon handed you a towel to wipe your mouth.

"You okay Y/N?" he asks as he kisses your temple before you got up

You nodded your head. You have been feeling like this for a while now and you couldn't think of what it might be. First you thought it was food poisoning and then the stomach flu but those usually lasted for a day or two. This had been going on for about two weeks. Brandon had gotten back from a long road trip a couple days ago so this was all new to him.


Today was the first home game back form the raid trip. You were excited to finally go back and watch your man play hockey that wasn't on a screen.

As you were getting ready at your vanity you felt another episode happening. You ran so fast to the bathroom pushing past Brandon who was getting ready in there.

"Babe maybe you shouldn't go tonight" He said as you both walked out of the bathroom

"Brandon it's just a little stomach bug, I'll be fine"

"Okay" he said as he went to finish getting ready

You got to the rink, wishing Brandon good luck on the game and then headed over to the wags lounge. You were greeted by Kiley, McAvoy's girlfriend.

"Hey girly" She said handing you a glass of wine and hugging you

"Hey K" you said hugging her back

You looked down at the wine and just wasn't feeling it. You put the glass down and Kiley gave you a weird look.

"What have you done with Y/N" she laughed

You smiled at her joke "I'm just not feeling it today that's all" You said as you looked down

"Y/N you okay? How have you and Brandon been?" she asked with a concerned look on her face

"I'm fine, Brandon and I are great, better than ever"

She nodded her head. You two continued to talk as you headed over to your seats. During the first and second period you had left your seat multiple times due to many false alarms. Kiley started to worry about you. During second intermission Kiley and a couple of the other girls came up to you in the lounge.

"Y/N honey, I don't mean to sound rude but you don't look too good" Melanie Krug spoke as she sat across from you with Kiley and Elizabeth Moore behind her.

You huffed out a breath "To be completely honestly with you. I feel like complete crap and I have been for like the past two weeks"

Melanie nods that she understands and then looks up at Elizabeth.

"Y/N just curious but when was your last period" Liz asked kneeling in front of you

You sat there and thought about it. "Now that I think about it I'm not sure I've been so busy lately"

Liz looks back at Mel and smiles they both get up and leave the room. You looked up at Kiley who was also confused.

Minutes later the girls come back into the lounge. They hand you a plastic bag from the drug store. You looked in it seeing a box containing a pregnancy test. You looked at them with a scared face.

"This maybe or may not solve your problem so just take it" Mel said

"But the third period is about to start" You said trying to get out of this situation

Mel and Liz both laughed "The game and Brandon will still be there when you're done" Liz said

You then walked to a private bathroom to do your business. After you finished and flushed there was a knock on the door.

"You finished in there" Kiley said from the other side of the door


She opened the door and you started crying.

"Y/N what's wrong" She said as she hugged you

"What if Mel and Liz are right. What if this is my problem. What if I really am pregnant"

"And if you you are it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be such a great mom"

"What about Brandon. We didn't want kids until we got married"

"Y/N if Brandon is gonna marry you, I'm sure he'll be okay. And if not I'm here for you and I'm sure the other girls have your back too"

You nodded and wiped away your tears. "Well I'm sure it's ready to look at now" You said picking up the test

You looked at Kiley unsure. She gave you a reassuring look and then you looked. The test read pregnant. You didn't know what to do you just showed Kiley the test and she smiled.

"I know you're scared but congratulations" She hugs you again before you two left to sit in the lounge

You ended you telling Melanie and Liz about it coming back positive. They were happy for you and also telling you not to worry about Brandon because they all know how much he loves you. You sat with the girls for the rest of the game but you didn't care about the game. All you thought about was how you were gonna tell Brandon.

As the game ended all the girls headed back to the lounge and then down to the dressing room to congratulate their men on the win. You felt really nervous about seeing Brandon.


You climbed into Brandon's truck and headed towards home.

"Babe you good?" he asks as you stayed quiet in your seat and played with his hand

"hmm, oh ya I'm fine"

The rest of the ride was quiet. When you got back home. You opened your own door instead of waiting for Brandon to open for you. You jumped out of the truck and opened the house door. You went straight to your room.

After a while of more silence. Brandon came into the room he stood in the door way.

"Okay Y/N if you don't tell me what's wrong right now. I'm gonna go crazy. I know you better than anyone and I know you are not fine. What happened at the game? Did I do something wrong? I mean I know that hit was pre—"

"Brandon I'm pregnant" you blurted out interrupting his rambling

"Wait what?" he said shocked

"I'm preg—"

"I heard you babe, but are you serious are you actually pregnant" You nodded your head slowly and a smile grew on his face

"What's the smile for? I thought you didn't want kids yet"

"Are you kidding. This is great. I mean yeah we talked about having them after marriage but I don't really care about that. I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!"

He peppered your face and stomach in kisses. You laughed at him. The minute you heard him yell that, your whole mood changed.

"Are you sure we're ready though" you asked him

"That doesn't matter. No one is ever 100 percent ready for a baby. As long as we love them that's all that matters. Don't worry Y/N we got this, we're gonna be great parents"

You smiled at how excited he was about this. Which caused you to be a little excited. You were still scared about this all happening but you knew you weren't gonna be doing it alone.


requested by gamergirlT456
I hope you like it ❤️

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