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You and Dylan were having such a great day that nothing could ruin it. It was such a great start to the new year. You two went out for lunch and went shopping. To end the day you were going to watch Dylan's first NHL game ever.

You two had just gotten home from the mall. As Dylan walked through the door of the apartment and dropped all the bags.

"Thank god we're home I need a nap" Dylan said walking towards the room you two shared

You laughed while you grabbed some bags and went to the living room. It was about 4 o'clock and the game was at 7:30. You decided to cook dinner so when Dylan woke up he could eat and then you two could get ready and leave for the game.

You cooked some chicken and pasta,which didn't take you very long to make. Dylan still wasn't up so you walked up to the bedroom door and knock on it before opening it.

"Babe?" you whispered

"Hmm" Dylan hummed as he turned to another position

"The food is ready, so if you wanna eat come to the kitchen" you said then walked to the kitchen to make the plates

"Okay" you heard Dylan as he slowly walked out of the room rubbing his eyes

You two sat down and ate your meal in a nice silence. After you and Dylan finished eating you two got ready for the game. You went to the bathroom to take a shower when you where done you blow dried your hair and straightened it. You were wearing black tights and one of Dylan's Erie Otters hoodie, since you didn't have anything with his name on it for Arizona. You also wore your black and white low cut converse. You got out of the bathroom to find a very fresh looking Dylan Strome fixing his tie in the mirror. He was dressed in a classic black and white tux.

"Don't you look so handsome" you said hugging him from behind

"Thanks babe, I'd say you look good too but you're missing something" he replied

"Oh really, what is that?" you ask as you crossed your arms

Dylan walked into the closet and came out with a black gift box. He handed it to you and you grabbed it giving him a confused look. You placed it down on the bed and opened it. You moved the tissue paper out of the way, revealing the Arizona Coyotes logo. You looked up a Dylan and smiled, you took the jersey out and turned it around. It had Strome and the number 20 on the back. You placed it down and ran over to Dylan to give him a hug.

"Thank you babe I love it" you said into his chest

"You're welcome" he replied

You walked over to the bed and picked up the jersey. You placed it over your head and put it on. It fit perfectly on you.

"Now you look beautiful" he laughed

"Thanks dyl" you said looking at the time on your phone

"Oh my god, look at the time we need to get going" you said grabbing your purse and heading to the door

With that you two were on your way to the Gila River Arena.

When you got there you two had to split ways. You gave Dylan a quick good luck hug and kiss. Then you met up with his parents, who were up in the seats with all the other fans.


It was 2nd period and the game was tied 1-1, which happened to be Dylan's first goal of his NHL career.

The period was half way done and Dylan was on the ice. His teammate passed him the puck and he skated fast up by the boards with a guy right behind him. Dylan didn't see the guy coming up behind him and all of a sudden he went head first into the boards. It all happened so fast you didn't even know what was going on. Dylan just laid there lifeless. None of the refs blew the whistle and the whole arena was yelling at them. The whistle was finally blown and the Arizona Coyotes' medics came out to see what was wrong. Dylan tried to get up but fell right back down so they called for a stretcher to take him away and that's when you started to worry even more. Dylan's mom was in such shock she lost all colour in her face and his dad just sat back quietly with his hand on his forehead covering his eyes...until his phone rang.



"Hello is this Chris Strome" said the medic

"Uh yes, is everything okay with Dylan?"

"I'm afraid not Dylan hint his head pretty hard and he may have a major head injury" said the medic

"Oh my god. where is he? can we see him?" his dad said shockingly

"He's on his way to the hospital. No visitors are allowed when he gets there but you can let the workers know you're there for him and wait so you can see him"

"Oh okay we'll be there shortly, thank you for the call"

With that the call ended and Dylan's dad told you what was going on. It put tears in yours and Dylan's mom's eyes. All three of you ran out of the arena into the car and drove to the hospital. When you got there Dylan's dad ran to the front desk and ask where Dylan was. The lady told him to calm down and have a seat cause the doctor was with him.

About an hour later the doctor came out asking for us.

"The Strome family" the doctor said looking around the room

We all stood up and walked towards the doctor with worry in our eyes.

"I have some good and bad news to share with you first the bad news is that your son had a really bad concussion that made him slip into a coma (idk of that can happen so bare with me) but the good news is that he should wake up in about a month or so which is good because most comas last for about 2-3 months" said the doctor

Once you heard the word coma you fell to your knees sobbing. You didn't know what to think accept for your boyfriend being in a coma not caring how long it was for.

Dylan's dad picked you up off the floor and carried you into the room where Dylan was. You sobbed even harder just looking at his body lay there lifeless. His dad put you down and you walked slowly up to the bed where Dylan was. You grabbed his hand and kissed it

"I love you Dylan" we're the last words you said before you had to leave

***2 Months Later***

You sat in the hospital beside Dylan's bed holding his hand. When all of a sudden the doctor came in.

"Miss I have some bad news" he said

You looked up quickly.

"Dylan hasn't shown any signs of waking up and 2 months ago on this day he was suppose to wake up but hasn't. I'm sorry but we're going to have to pull the plug"

"WHAT!!!  YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT" you yelled, as you starting crying

"I'm sorry Miss but I can and its happening later today so do whatever you need to do" he said and walked out of the room

You were so shocked but the first thing you did was call Dylan's dad. He answered right away and you didn't even bother to wait till he said hello.

"Everyone needs to come to the hospital now. The doctor is going to pull the plug later today" you managed to spit everything out

"WHAT!! Okay Y/N we'll be right there"

The call ended and you looked over at Dylan with more tears in your eyes. You didn't want to lose him. You still had hope that he'd wake up.

"Come on dyl, I need you. you can do this you're a fighter" you said grabbing his hand

"Please Dylan, please wake up" you cried

All of a sudden Dylan's family came running into the room. His mom ran up to you giving to a tight hug.

"Don't worry dear, Chris is doing all he can to change the doctors mind" she said starting to cry and held you close

Dylan's brothers walked up to you giving you a hug and then they both sat down in chairs across from Dylan. You sat beside the bed leaning your head on Dylan's arm.

Dylan's dad comes through the door with a sad look on his face. You all looked at him and he shakes his head.

"We have half an hour to say good-bye" he said with tears forming

You all started balling your eyes out you couldn't believe this.

Everyone had some time to say good-bye to Dylan by theirselves in the room. First was Dylan's parents then his older brother Ryan then his younger brother Matt and then you.

After everyone was done you all gathered in the room together. The doctor then came into the room.

"I'm really sorry to be doing this to you" he said right before he pulled the plug

At that moment you just fell to your knees. You just couldn't believe he was gone....


"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!!!!" you heard someone scream your name

You quickly opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend Dylan Strome shaking you wake.

"OH DYLAN!!! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU FOREVER" you cried hugging him

"It's okay babe it was just a bad dream" he said hugging you tight

"I don't know what I'd do without you" you said tearing up

"It's okay babe I'm here just go back to sleep. Everything will be fine" he said pulling you up on his chest

And with that you fell asleep on Dylan's chest safe and sound.


don't remember who requested this but here you go. Hope you enjoyed it :)

writing this made me sad because of all the crying which reminded me of when Canada lost the game against Finland and the camera was on Dylan and he was crying. it broke my heart to see him like that because he worked so hard.

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