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"Y/N this is Kent Hughes, General Manager, of the Montreal Canadiens" Your coach introduced as you walked into his office.

You smile "Hi, nice to meet you"

"You as well Miss. Y/L/N. So you're probably wondering why I'm here and why I'm wanting to talk to you. Well my scouts have been watching you for some time now. I've seen some of your game tapes. Along with the scouts and the rest of my team back in Montreal. We all think you'd be a prefect fit for our team. So we're offering you a try out at the next practice. It's not so much for us but for you. We want to make sure you like it and want to come join us. What do you say?" Kent explained to you

You were surprised at the offer but accepted immediately.

"Yes, I'd love to. Thank you so much. When would you like me to come to Montreal?" Yoi ask

"Well the team is on the road for a couple more days. You can come before they get back. You know just to check out the facility, get used to where things are. Once the guys are back you'll be on the ice at the first practice"

You smile and nod "Sounds great to me"

"Prefect we'll see you then" Kent says shaking your hand.

Thank night you packed your bag and in the morning you were on a plane to Montreal. The first couple of days you checked out the Bell Centre and the practice facility. You met the staff that usually didn't travel with the team. You also came across some of the guys going through rehab for injuries. They welcomed you to the organization and couldn't wait to start playing with you.

It felt like forever but your tryout day finally came. You headed to the practice rink bright and early like everyone else. As you walked to the door you began to get nervous.

"Hey you coming or not?" A voice yelled

You looked up not realizing they were talking to you. They had been holding the door for you. You jogged over and entered the building.

"Thank you" You said shyly

"No problem. It's Y/N, right?" The male asked

You looked up with a smile meeting a pair of brown eyes. You nod at him as you feel your cheeks go flush.

"I'm Jake" He says introducing himself, extending his hand out

You give him a smile and shake his hand. His bigger hand wrapping around your smaller one, fitting perfectly together.

You let go of his hand and he walks with you to the locker room. You met with the rest of the team before heading out on the ice.

Practice started out as normal, just going around and doing drills. It then moved onto making plays in a game situation. Finally the last hour of practice was a scrimmage. This was where you were going to find out who you'll be playing with for your first game. Also figure out who you had good chemistry with.

The scrimmage went on, you played with just about everyone with every possible line combination. You found yourself performing best with Josh Anderson and Jake Evans. You just felt comfortable with them and could trust them, making it easier to play.

"Great job out there Y/N" Jake called out to you as you reached the locker room

You smile before saying "Thanks"

It was game day now and your coach came in to give his pregame speech and to announce the starting line up for tonight.

"Alright everyone. We really need a win here so let's get out there and play our hearts out. Especially in front of a home crowd. Now for the part you guys are waiting for. Starting for us today is Andy, Evans and Y/N/N. Romanov and Chiarot and in net tonight Primeau. The locker room cheers before everyone stands up and heads out to the ice.

"You ready?" Jake asks you before anthems start

"Yeah just a little nervous" You tell him

He places his gloved hand on your lower back. "You got nothing to be nervous about. Everyone is going to love you, and you're an amazing player" Jake tells you

You smile at him and anthems start.

Your nerves went away as soon as the puck was dropped. The first two periods went scoreless which was bad but it defiantly wasn't great either. Mid way through the third was going the same until Josh had passed the puck up to Jake, who skated it up into opposing zone. You were open to shoot, not knowing if it was going to go in. Jake passed you the puck and you one timed it into the back of the net.

Jake skated over to you cheering. He tapped you on the head. "What a beauty Y/N" He said as he hugged you

"Let's fucking go Y/L/N" Josh yelled as he skated to you

Jake grabbed the puck and threw it to one of the equipment managers. You and the boys ended up winning 1-0, with your lone goal.

Unfortunately the rest of the season didn't go the way the team planned. Montreal was sitting 31st in the standings and you guys were on a losing streak of ten game straight.

After the tenth lose you weren't in the greatest mood. You brushed off everyone who tried to talk to you. Josh wanted to watch films with you but you told him another time. Brendan wanted to workout together but you told him you already had your workout. Cole wanted to work on one timers with you but you told him his one timers were perfect already. You didn't want to do anything but sulk at home, alone.

"Y/N would you maybe want to-" Jake started

"No Evans save it, I don't want to do anything. Not watch films, workout, practice. Nothing I don't want to do anything so don't ask" You spat at him

His eyes grew sad. Ever since the streak was at five games you started pushing him away more and more. Over the season you two became close, extremely close. The team suspected you were more than friends and teammates. But every time they asked you shut them down. You couldn't help but feel a tug at your heart every time you told someone you two were strictly just friends. Of course you wanted something more, you just didn't think it was appropriate since you played with him.

Josh saw the look on Jake's face and knew instantly what he was going to ask you. "Y/N I don't think that's what" You walked out "Jake wanted to ask you" Josh said fading out as he looked across the room at Jake.

"I'm sorry man" Josh says as he walks over to Jake

Jake shakes his head "I still go one more thing try" He says with a sly smile

Jake quickly grabs his things and head to the parking garage. Hoping that's where you'd be. Lucky for him you were still on your way to your car.

He smiled when he saw you. "Y/N" He yelled, causing you to turn around

You rolled your eyes, not wanting to talk to anyone right now. "What do you want Evans?" You ask him as he approaches you

He smiles even though you got a smug look on your face. He gets closer to you until there's no room left between you. Your pushed up against your car and his lips are inches away from yours. He looks you in the eyes in last time before colliding his lips with yours. As soon as your brain registers what's going on your tense body relaxes. You fall into the kiss but then you remember where you are and push him back.

"W-what if coach sees us?" You ask Jake

"What? He doesn't care, no one here cares. As long as PDA stays out of the locker room" Jake says with a smirk

You look around the parking garage and pull Jake in towards you.

"Wait, before we do that again. I just wanted to ask you out on a date. I wanted to see if maybe you want to go out for dinner or something tomorrow night. I was going to wait until after the season to ask you but I honestly can't wait that long" Jake says

You were surprised, not expecting him to ask you out. "I-I'd love to. I'm also sorry for being such a bitch these past few weeks. This is not exactly how I wanted my first season in the NHL to go" You say blushing

"It's fine I can handle it" Jake says laughing "No one can predict how the season is going to go. I feel bad we've been playing like ass lately but I'm just happy I get to play along side you" He says

You blush again, looking at the ground. You feel Jake's hand under your chin. Lifting your head up to meet his eyes again. You lick your lips wanting to taste him again. As if on cue he read your mind. He leans down and kisses you again. This time you knew what was going on from the minute it started.

Seconds later you here cheering and whistling echo through the garage. You and Jake break away from each other and laugh.

"I'll pick you up at seven" He says

You nod as you bite your lip. Jake kisses your cheek before heading to his car. You get into your car and just think about what had just happened.


requested by Just_A_Dsmp_Fan_22

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