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"I'm so sick and tired of you" You yelled at your boyfriend

"You're tired of me? Why? You're the one that drives me crazy" He shouted back

"That's exactly why, you flip everything on me even when it has nothing to do with me. You're so manipulative, you peer pressure me into doing everything, and you never listen to what I have to say. And when you do listen it goes in one ear and straight out the other" You explained

"You are the exact same way. You make everything my fault and you always tell me what I can and can not do" He argues

"Maybe if you were to ever listen to me you'd know that I care. And that I'm not telling you want to do"

There was a pause and your boyfriend was about to speak.

"You know what before you say something stupid. I'm going to say this. I'm. Done. I can't do think any more I've tried SO hard and I just can't believe i stuck around for this long. I'm mad at myself for it"

With that you slammed the door as you walked out of your house. You walked out and didn't realize it was raining, you felt stupid. You were in nothing but a light hoodie, tights and converse.

"Lovely" You said as you stepped in a deep muddy puddle

You started to cry not because of what had just happened. But you were just frustrated with life at the moment. You moved to Montreal to get a fresh start. You started a new job tomorrow and you were anything but ready for it. Especially now that you didn't have any of your belongings. You definitely regretted leaving the house instead of kicking him to the curb but you couldn't go back now.

As you walked a bit more through the dark city you came up to what looked like a diner. You managed to take the most important things with you, your wallet and phone. You headed inside and sat down at the front counter.

"What can I get you sweetheart? Possibly a wash cloth?" A middle aged women said as she walked out from the kitchen

You were confused and grabbed one of the silver napkin holders, using it as a mirror. You saw that your eye liner and mascara had run down your cheeks.

"Yes please and a coffee" You answered her

She first grabbed you a clean cloth she had and ran it under warm water. Then started on a fresh pot of coffee.

"Washrooms that way" She said handing you the cloth and pointed down the aisle of booths
"Oh and how do you like your coffee?"

You smiled at her "Double Double but with milk" You told her before you walked off to the washroom

You stared at yourself in the washroom mirror before cleaning yourself up. You finally finished and walked out to drink your coffee. As you walked over to your seat you noticed there was a man, probably around your age, sitting a couple seats down from you.

"Here's you pie, Josh" The waitress said as she placed a piece of pie in front of the man

She then loved over at you and walked over. You handed her the cloth.

"Thank you..Luna" You said as you read her name tag

Luna smiled at you and nodded her head. "Anytime! Need anything else?"

"Well that pie looks really good. Got anymore?" You said looking over at Josh's piece

"Always. I'll be right back" Luna said as she walked back into the kitchen

"How come I've never seen you around before" The man, who you think is Josh, said

"Well I just moved here about a week ago for a new job, I don't really know the area so well"

"I'm sure Josh here wouldn't mind showing you around the city, right Josh?" Luna said as she walked out of the kitchen with your piece of pie

"I mean only if you want toooo" He dragged out his last word waiting for you to give him your name

"Oh ugh, Y/N"

"What do you say Y/N. I can show you around a bit" Josh said and he put down his now empty cup of coffee

"You know what, I'd love that" You said eating the last bit of your pie

"Sounds good. Let's go"

You two said your goodbyes and thank yous to Luna and walked out together.

"So your car or my car?" Josh asked

"I ugh, don't have a car, so yours if that's okay" You told him

"Oh. Not a problem" He said unlocking his car, walking to the passenger door and opening it for you

You didn't realize how nice Josh was on the eyes until you walked past him to go into the car. His eyes were so blue, you could stare into them all day and never get tired of them. His beard was was all scruffy looking but it suited him well and his hair, his hair was longer and you loved it. You just wanted to run your ands through it.

"Thank you" You told him as he closed the door for you

He then got in himself and started to drive off showing you all his favourite places around the city. His most favourite being the Bell Centre. You wondered why, considering that was the building you had to be at in the morning for your job. You kept quiet and didn't say anything. You and Josh were driving around for a while until he stopped in a parking lot and faced you.

"IS this where you kill me?" You asked

He laughed at what you said "No. I was going to ask where I could take you. You know like home"

You made an 'O' shape with your lips and then frowned a bit. You didn't think this far ahead. You couldn't go back to your place he would be there and you didn't want anything to do with him.

"Y/N?" He asked taking you out of your thoughts

"Ugh, is there a hotel near by?" You asked him

"A hotel? I thought you've been here for a week already. Do you not have a place?"

"Um, I did with my ex. We kinda broke up like five hours ago" You told him

"I'm guessing he was your way of transportation too?"

You nodded your head "I was waiting to start my new job to buy a car"

"Well looks like you're staying with me and I'm taking you to work tomorrow" He told you

"What! No Josh. Just take me to a hotel and I could just walk to work"

"Nope you're coming home with me. I won't take no for answer" He said as he started driving again

"Josh?" You said quietly

"Yes Y/N"

"I don't have any clothes or make-up or anything for that matter"

"Then we get up early tomorrow and go shopping"

You smiled at Josh as he kept his focus on the road. He finally came to a stop which you assumed was thee parking lot to his apartment. He lead you up to his door and opened it for you.

"I'll stay on the couch" You told him as you walked in

He laughed "What no! I live alone in a two bedroom apartment that has two beds. You can have the spare room"

He walked you down the hall to your room and you walked in. As you checked it out he walked away and then came back with clothes for you to sleep in and a towel.

"Sorry this is all I got for clothes and I thought you might have wanted to shower to I brought you a towel, guest bathroom is down the hall to the left"

"Thank you, this'll do" You said smiling at him

"If you need anything I'll be in my room just across from the washroom"

You nodded your head before he disappeared down the hall. You gathered what he gave you and entered the bathroom and started up a warm shower for yourself. You cleaned yourself up and got out of the tub. You wrapped yourself in the towel. You grabbed Josh's shirt and pulled it over your head, it was huge on your tiny figure. It went down to your knees. You went to pull on the sweats he gave you but they were way to big and just fell off. So you ditched the pants. You quickly wrapped your hair in the towel and exited the bathroom. Just as you left Josh was coming out of his room.

"oh ugh, Sorry"He said trying not to look at you

He was wearing sweatpants and was shirtless.

"It's fine, I-I don't need these. They're too big" You told him as you held out the pants trying not to look away from his eyes

He grabbed the sweats and smiled down at you and then suddenly got really close to you. Your heart started to beat faster and your breathing was uneven. You were amazed by what he could do to you even though you just met. You felt him lean closer to you not breaking the eye contact. He then looked down at your lips and began to come closer again. You got scared and just turned your head giving him your cheek instead.

"Thanks again Josh" You said as you back away from him with a little awkward smile

"Anytime Y/N"He said as he closed the door to his room

You headed into your room and cursed at what just happened. You couldn't be falling for him. You barely knew him and you just got out of a toxic relationship. You needed time and to find your own place, fast.


The next morning Josh woke you up really early so that you could pick up a couple items and clothing for yourself. You got back to his place giving you just enough time for you to get ready for work.When you were ready Josh drove you to the Bell Centre.

"Thanks Josh" You said getting out of the car

"You don't have to keep thanking me. I want to help you"

"Well still, thank you"

With that you closed the door and made your way into the building. You enjoyed meeting everyone that was part of the staff team.

"The team will start rolling in soon for their practice. In the mean time you can maybe look through the player's files and get to know their history with injuries" You nodded and headed over to your office to get a head start on your work

As you were mid way through the files your boss came in to get you to meet the team.

"Hey guys. Just before you head out for practice I'd like you to meet Y/N L/N. She will be joining our athletic therapy team"

You moved out from behind it marking the whole room visible for you. You scanned the room and your eyes landed on a player who looked familiar to you but it was hard to see him due to his helmet being on. A glare from the ceiling lights on his visor making it hard to see his eyes.

After meeting the team you headed back to your office to finish what you started. As you went through your work a file for 'Josh Anderson' came up. You clicked on it and there was your answer. His headshot popped up and the same blue eye that looked at you last night where now looked at you through the computer screen. You were so surprised to see him and wondered why he didn't tell you when he dropped you off.

"Y/N right?" You heard a voice at your door

You looked up to see Josh standing in your doorway. "Why didn't you tell me?" you asked him

"Didn't tell you what?" He questioned

"That you play for the Canadiens"

"To be fair you never asked what I do" He pointed out

"Anyways, I need a therapy session. There's been things happening at home that I think I might need a therapists help"

You raised an eyebrow at him "I'm not that kind of therapist"

"That's okay I just need a second word on something"


"Okay so there's this girl I just met. She like no taller than 5'5" has these amazing big brown eyes that I love to look into. Her hair looks so soft I just want to play with it, looking at her lips drives me crazy and just makes me want to kiss her. She looks better without make-up but she's just as pretty with it on. Oh and she looks really good wearing my shirt" He added a wink and he smiled at you

You were blushing like crazy because you knew he was talking about you "W-What are trying to get at Anderson"

"Well I want to talk her on a date one day but she just got out of a relationship. How am I suppose to know when she's ready to date again"

You were blushing even more now "I'd say give her a couple weeks to a month. She'll let you know when she's ready"

He smiled so big "Thanks for the advice"

"Anytime" you said

After that he ran out of your office. Probably going off to tell the guys or something. Seconds later he comes back shaking his keys.

"I almost forgot you ready to go home" He said

You laughed at him and nodded collecting your things and then turning the lights off in your office. You then headed home with Josh day dreaming about that date you'll get with him as soon as you were ready for it.


not requested but I needed some Joshy for Carnivoria and I :)

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