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"Are you ready to go yet" Kris said to you as he touched up his hair

"I just finished. We aren't going to be late, calm down" You said as you grabbed your purse and headed for the door

"I'm just teasing you" He says grabbing his jacket and leading you out the door

You two get to the team event just in time. For the first half of the event fans were aloud in to meet and interact with their favourite players. So the wives and girlfriends just sat out of the way, watching there partners enjoy the time with their fans. The second half was for the players and their families which included open bars, dinner and dancing.

The event was to celebrate the end of another season. Of course not ending the way the team wanted it to but they also were okay with how it ended. It was the prefect way to end the year off together eating, drinking, talking, playing games and just hanging out.

After the fans left the real fun began. You could loosen up more and enjoy the night. After dinner the venue had opened up the dance floor which of course you and all the girls loved. A lot of the guys would stood around the dance floor with their drinks, talking with each other and watching their girls dance around. After a while they slowly started to sit back down at random tables that were around.

"Kris! Come dance!" You said grabbing whatever number drink off the table

Kris laughed at you and shook his head, he knew you've already had one too many drinks. "I'm good babe, go have fun with the girls"

He watched you as you made your way back to the dance floor. The single guys had now joined in on the girl's dance circle. It started to become a dance off circle as one guy would enter the circle, dance around and then one of the girls would hop in and show him up. You were all having so much fun.

You and some of the girls decided to have a break and head over to one of the bars in the venue. You ordered drinks and sat there for a while.

"You got some moves there little lady" You heard from behind you as you took a sip of your drink

You look over and see Bryan Rust, who had his arm hanging over your shoulders, he smelt like a mix of cologne, sweat and alcohol. "Thanks Rust" You said as you patted his back

"And you look hot in that dress by the way. It really shows off everything" He says moving his hand from your shoulder to sitting on your inner thigh

Just as he did that Kris was walking up behind you, to check up on you. But as soon as he saw Rust move his hand and eyes down on you he heated up. He wasn't one to start a fight in public so he balled up his fists and head in another direction. But what he didnt see was you get slightly uncomfortable and move Rust's hand off of you and placed it on to the bar ledge.

You've known Bryan for a long time, even before he was in the NHL. He use to play minor hockey with your younger brother, he was like a second brother to you. Bryan had a very flirty personality and all the guys and girls knew he was never serious about what he said. It was probably the reason why he doesn't have a girlfriend. But this was the worst he has ever been. He's never told you to your face that you were hot or even touch you for that matter. So you were starting to get weirded out and a little uncomfortable. Even though you had a feeling it might have been the alcohol talking but everyone knows drunk words are sober thoughts.

"Ugh, excuse me Rust but I got to go to the little girls room. Ill be right back" You lied as you interrupted him

You stood up and started walking to your table, looking for Kris. When you got there you quickly looked around and didnt see him.

"Geno have you seen Kris?" You asked Malkin, who was someone who was with Kris all night

He answered you with a shrug and a head shake "I thought he went off to look for you"

You shook your head at him and started to walk around looking for him. You were about to ask someone else until you walked closer to one of the bars. Kris was sitting at the bar laughing with one of the female bartenders. You wouldn't have minded but the way she was leaning down on the counter to show off her chest bothered you. So you quickly walked over to the situation.

"Hey baby, you ready to head out" You said as you snaked your hands his bicep

The bartender looked up at you blushing, in possible embarrassment. She gave you a smile and wished you good night. Kris returned it and you just gave her a fake smile.

The whole ride home was filled with awkward silence you thinking it's because of what you saw but for Kris is was for something else.

"What's up with you? I should be the only one mad here" You spoke as soon as the front door closed

Kris turned around to face you with an eyebrow raised. "Why are you mad at me? You're the one allowing my teammates to put their hands on you. In places that only I should be touching"

You didn't realize it but you guessed that Kris saw Bryan touch your thigh. "Well ,I'll have you know that I didn't allow it. If you were there you would have known that I moved his hand off of me and I felt uncomfortable. then went off to find you. But you were too busy being jealous and drooling over that bartender" You argued

Kris crunched his nose up at the word jealous "Jealous? I'm not jealous. You're clearly the jealous one here"

"Sure I'll admit I was a bit jealous. Kris she practically had her boobs in your face and you did nothing about it"

"Only because I thought-"

"Ya you thought Kris. That's the problem" You said as you walked up to your room to change your clothes, leaving him by the door way

Kris felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he followed you into the room. He didn't know that you pushed Bryan away from you and he felt stupid for letting the bartender flirt with him even if he wasn't flirting back. He still felt stupid for letting it happen.

"Y/N I'm sorry. Seeing him touch you like that and knowing the relationship you have with him make me feel-" he paused not wanting to say the word "jealous"

"What makes you think I would leave you for him?" You asked him

Kris shrugged his shoulders "The fact that he's young, he's good looking and you've known him for so long. Everyone knows long friendships of the opposite sexes become couples at some point" He tells you

"Kris no one is going to make me stop loving you. It doesn't matter how old you are or how long we've known each other. I love you more than anything on this planet. Plus you're the best looking player on the team. No wait, the whole league"

He laughed as he looked down at you. He then planted a passionate kiss on your lips.

"I'm yours, I've only ever been yours" You told him as you to parted from the kiss


requested by Carnivoria

thanks for requesting love <3

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