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"Again!! Ugh can we please play a game where you two aren't all over each other" You heard Brady yell from the other side of the net.

You were on vacation with your boyfriend's family. You were playing volleyball with Matthew, Brady and Taryn. You and Matthew being on the same team was great considering he carried your team most of the time and you celebrated every point by giving him a kiss. Sometimes it got a little carried away and Matthew would start to grab your butt and you two would get comments from Brady and Taryn. You just couldn't help yourself, you were just so in love with this boy.

"Maybe we should change up the teams" Taryn suggested

"No, we tried that already. They just kiss each other through the net" Brady said giving up and laying down on the sand.

Everyone else joined Brady on the sand. Before you sat down Matthew grabbed your hips pulling you down so you were sitting between his legs.

"You guys make sitting gross too and I don't know how that's even possible" Taryn said getting up and moving to the other side of Brady

You all headed inside after a while of sitting out in the sun. Matthew held on to your waist as you headed back to the house.

"That was a quick game" Chantal spoke

"There was barely a game. Matthew and Y/N just grope each other the whole time" Brady said as he sat down

"We can't do anything without them basically sucks their faces off" Taryn complained

As everyone complained downstairs you headed upstairs with Matthew to your room. Matthew laid on the first bed in the room and you crawled onto of him. You two started kissing and then it became more of a sloppy make out. With little thought Matthew broke the kiss and pulled your tank top off along with your bathing suit top. He then pulled off his shirt and then continued to kiss you. Matthew rolled you over so he was now on top. He started kissing down your neck causing you to let out a moan. Just before he could do anything more the door flew open.

"WHAT THE F*CK" you heard Brady yell from the door

"Brady language" Keith yelled at him from downstairs

Matthew quickly grabbed his shirt from the ground and covered you up.

"Dude ever heard of knocking" Matthew questioned

"I didn't think I had to considering this is my room too. I guess I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight"

"You should still knock and why what's wrong with your bed"

"YOU'RE IN IT!! And I'm not sleeping in yours"

Matthew then noticed he was in the wrong bed.

"What is with all the yelling" Chantal said coming into the room. Brady pointed at you two in his bed. You were now wearing Matthew shirt over your small figure. Chantals mouth making an "O" shape.

"Brady go play something with dad and Taryn and leave them alone" She said gesturing him to leave

Brady huffed and rolled his eyes as he did what he was told.

Chantal left right after him. You and Matthew weren't feeling it anymore and decided to go down to grab something to eat. So you two changed back into your clothes and headed downstairs.

After eating you two headed out to the beach to join everyone else.

"Would you look who it is" Brady said

"Brady leave them alone" Chantal said

"Ya maybe if you ever got a girlfriend you'd know how hard it is having two annoying siblings" Matthew fired back at Brady

"Enough you two" Keith said coming between the boys

"Matthew go for a swim. Brady go sit in the sun kid, you need it"

As you watched the boys do their own things you sat on the beach chairs tanning with Taryn and Chantal.

"You know Y/N there's nothing to be embarrassed about or anything. Brady may never forget that moment but if I'm being honest Keith and I use to do it every chance we got considering we barely saw each other some months and Keith's brother walked in on way worse then what Brady saw"

"Ew mom gross" Taryn said getting up to join Matthew in the water

You laughed at Taryn as Chantal rolled her eyes at her daughter and continued.

"What I'm trying to say is don't let Brady stop you guys from doing what you want. Yes, it was bad timing but not every time will be perfect and I know you can handle them but Brady and Taryn's comments and chirps with continue on"

You smiled at Chantal's advice and thanked her. You two sat in silence as you two watched the three siblings get together and try to take down their dad in the water.


requested by Gianna_Tkachuk19

Hoped everyone liked it :) I'm officially done school until the fall now so I'll have a lot more time to do more imagines.

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