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"UUGGHHH" you groan as you held your stomach and sat in front of the toilet in your hotel room.

You haven't been feeling well lately and you didn't know what it could be.

"Y/N, you okay in there?" you heard Brandi Holtby, Braden Holtyby's wife, say through the door

"Not really" you say flushing the toilet and opening the door

"Oh honey, you look terrible is there anything I can do for you?" she said

"Not really, I mean you've done everything you can and nothing's working" you said holding your stomach and lying down on your bed

"Not everything" Brandi said with a smirk

Before you could say anything else Brandi took off and came back right after the boys came back from their practice.

"Hey babe" your boyfriend, Michael Latta said as he walked into the room

"Hey" you managed to said

"Awe you poor thing. You need to rest and not do anything today" he said pulling a blanket over you

"But what about the game?" you said

"Don't worry about it" he replied

"Okay, you sure" you said

"I'm positive" he said giving you a kiss on the head and walked out of the room

As Michael and the guys were down in the hotel having lunch you heard Brandi come in, throwing a rectangular shaped box at you.

"What's this thing for" you said getting up

"It's to see if we can solve your problem" she said while pushing you into the bathroom

You stand there looking at the box. You open it and took out three different pregnancy tests you sighed and did what it said to do on the box. You waited about 5 minutes for the results. When 5 minutes were up you looked at each test smiling at first you didn't think too much of it but then you had tears in your eyes. They ALL read positive.

"What's wrong" Brandi said as she walked into the bathroom

"I-I'm p-pregnant" you managed to say

"OMG Y/N CONGRATS...but why are you crying aren't you happy isn't this what you and Michael have been wanting" she said coming closer to you

"Of course I'm happy and yes this is what we've been wanting, but not now this is too soon. What will Michael think? Will he leave me? What will he say? What will he do? HOW WILL I TELL MICHAEL?" you said panicking around the room

"Y/N calm down please it's going to be fine. You just have to relax and tell Michael what's happening. Okay and even if he does leave I'll be here for you" she said looking at you with serious face

"Okay, I'll tell him after the game" you replied

You stayed in bed and didn't go to the game like Michael told you to even though you were feeling better. You were watching the game on tv and seen that the boys were losing. You knew if they lost they wouldn't be happy so you were hoping for a win. Plus if they won they would advance to the next round.

The boys ended up losing and you started to freak out because you knew it was time.

You expected to see Michael mad and upset that they lost. But he wasn't he was just a little upset and tried from the game. As he walked into the room he looked at you and ran. He slammed his lips into yours and just before things got heated you stopped him.

"What's wrong babe?" he said

"I need to talk to you Michael" you said a little scared

"Okay...we're not breaking up are we?" he said a little scared himself

"Oh no I wouldn't want that not one bit but uh...um...Imma...uh" you stuttered

"Y/N just tell me it's okay" he said reassuring you

"Well uh....I'm pregnant" you said as you looked down with a tear falling from your cheek as you grabbed all the pregnancy tests off the counter to show him

"OMG REALLY!! IM GONNA BE A DAD!" Michael said looking at you and then the three tests

"Wait, what...you're not mad or anything" you asked kind of shocked

"No why would I be you know I've always wanted kids, especially with you" he said laughing a little

He kissed you so passionately and knelt down to your stomach and started talking to the baby.

"Hey there I'm your dad and this is your beautiful mom. I'm just gonna say that I can't wait till you're in this world cause we're gonna have so much fun together" he said to your stomach

You looked down and laughed. Michael stood back up and kissed you again.

"I might have lost the game and got eliminated from the playoffs but in the end I'm still winning" he said before kissing your lips once again and then going down and kissing your stomach gently


don't remember who requested it, but i hope you like it :)

as usual I hoped you guys liked it I didn't really know what to write for this one just because I don't really know Michael Latta...but I think I managed well.

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