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"Have you told your brother yet?" Mitch asks as you two were on facetime

"No I haven't seen him yet. I just got home last night. He's been busy with his friends. Im not even sure how I'm suppose to tell him." You tell Mitch

"What do you mean? You flash him your ring and that's pretty much it" He says with a laugh

"I can't just do that to him after not seeing him for a year. Oh hey Trevor, Mitch and I are engaged now" You joke

Mitch laughs "Let me know when you do. I gotta go. I'll call you later. Love you"

"Alright I'll talk to you later. Love you too" You say before hanging up the call

You were back home for a bit of the summer. You decided since your twin brother was back in town you'd come see him. You had moved to Toronto full time for school and work. And Trevor had moved to Anaheim. You two were at opposite ends of the country. Today was your first time seeing him in about a year.

A lot has changed for you. You graduated from University and got a job with your degree. You moved in with your boyfriend and got a dog together. Just recently before you left to come home. Mitch had proposed to you and of course you said yes.

Everyone knew about the engagement except for Trevor. He was always an over protective brother. When you told him you started dating Mitch, it didn't go smoothly. Trevor hated the idea of you two dating, he never accepted it. So how were you going to tell him you got engaged to the guy he hated.

Later in the day when Trevor came home with his friends. They headed into the basement and started playing games and just hanging out.

You walked downstairs and laughed "Do I not get a hug or what?" You said and all the boys turned around

Trevor jumps over the couch and runs over to you. "I didn't know you were coming home" Trevor says as he hugs you

"Thought I should come considering we haven't seen each other in a while. And I see nothing has changed with you guys" You say looking at the paused NHL game

"And a lot has changed with you." Jack says from the couch with a smirk. You roll your eyes. He always flirted with you even after you shot him down, three times.

"Good to see you Y/N" Cole said getting up to give you a hug

This is how it was always with the guys. Jack would say some flirty comment, you roll your eyes and then shy little Cole would come in and give you hug.

You sat catching up with the boys and Trevor. It wasn't until you reached for a snack until someone noticed your finger.

"Damn Y/N. Who put a ring on it" Cole blurted out

Jack chokes on his drink as he sees the rock on your finger.

You froze and looked over at Trevor, who had paused his game and saw your ring.

"Yeah Y/N. Who did?" Trevor said as he grabbing his controller harder, his knuckles turning white

"Mitch" You said quietly

It was loud enough for Trevor to hear "I thought I told you to dump his ass." Trevor said running his hand through his hair

You made a disgusted face "Im not going to listen to what you have to say about my healthy and happy relationship just because you don't like the guy. You can grow a pair and get over it" You tell him

"No Y/N he's not good for you. He's four years older than you. Why couldn't you date someone, I don't know, your age. He's putting shit in your head and now she's making you marry him" Trevor barks back

"He's not making me do anything. He asked me and I said yes. On my own" You say "This is why I didn't want to tell you about it" You add

"Wait so mom and dad know about this?" Trevor asks

You nod "Yeah, actually Mitch asked dad if he could ask me to marry him. Which is also one of the many reasons I said yes to him. Dad's opinion matters a lot to me so if he thinks Mitch is good enough for me then he is"

"And what my opinion doesn't mean anything to you? I'm your brother, your twin brother." Trevor asks

"Trevor it means a lot to me but you are really the greatest with relationship advice or choices. That's something for mom and dad. You can help me make decisions for other things"

Trevor is taken back "I'm great with relationships" He says crossing his arms over his chest

"Yes of course you are. That's why instead of looking for a girlfriend, you're hanging out with dumb and dumber. No offence Cole" You say

"Hey" Jack yells

You ignore him "Long story short Trevor I'm happy and you should be happy for me. Mitch is a great guy and you should really just sit down and get to know him. He has never said a bad thing about you or anyone for that matter. If the only thing you have against him is that he's older than me. That's not a good enough reason" You tell your brother

Trevor huffs, knowing you were right. "Fine for your sake I will get to know him. Just don't expect me to like him right off the hop" He tells you

"I'll take it" You smile with a shrug and leave the boys alone in the basement again

You ran off to your room to call Mitch and let him know how Trevor took the news.


requested by heyitzzzanna

Thanks for the request!! hope you liked it :)

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