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You went to a party with a few of your friends. What felt like minutes, eight shots and multiple drink later you lost every single one of them. You found yourself sitting on the couch, double fisting drinks, watching everyone dance, and try to yell over the music to talk to each other.

The room was spinning until someone came up to you. That mess of curls and that big smile you loved. Blocked your view of everyone.

"Hey Y/N. You doing okay?" He says crouching down to your height.

"Mo!" You drunkly yell at with a stupid smile on your face. Usually you'd be really shy around him but due to your liquid courage. You had all the confidence in the world tonight.

He laughs a little before removing the two cups from your hands and putting them down on the table next to you. He gets whoever was next to you to move so that he could sit beside you.

"Hey, where did my drinks go?" You ask him as he squeezes in next to you. His knee knocking with yours as he sit there.

"I drank them" He lied

You pout and cross your arms over your chest. Moritz let out another laugh as he throws his arm around your shoulders. You then leaned into him and laid your head on his chest.


"What's up?"

"The room is spinning and i feel like my head is going to explode."

He tightens his grip on you. "It's cause you're dru-"

Before he could finish his sentence you slapped your hand over his mouth. "N-no I'm n-not. O-okay" you stuttered out as you pointed a finger at him. He nodded before you removed your hand from his mouth.

A mix of the alcohol and being comfortably pressed up Moritz's side. You found it hard to keep your eyes open. You started to doze off when Mo noticed. He lightly shook you awake.

"Y/N do you want me to take you home?" He asks loud enough you could hear him over the music.

You just slightly nod. Before you know it he was carrying you outside and walking to his car. Your bare arms and leg were met with the cold wind outside. You shutter at the cool breeze pressing into Moritz's chest more to try and stay warm. Mo notices.

"Think you can you stand for a second?" You nod and he slowly set you down making sure you were stable before letting you go. He pulls his hoodie over his head and slides it over you. He pulls the hood over your head and makes sure it's pulled down all the way.

"A little better?" He asks

You nod happily as you take his scent in. "Thank you" You mumble before he's picking you up again.

Moments later he's setting you down in the passenger seat of his car. He runs around the car to get in himself and then he's driving off to your apartment building.

You suddenly felt more awake than before. You watched at he drove with his left hand on the top of the steering wheel. His right arm resting on the center consul.

Getting another whiff of his cologne on his hoodie, you smile to yourself. "I like your hoodie."

"Oh, do you?"

"Yeah it's mine now." You tell him as you cuddle into it more. Mo smiles at you. "Sure, you can have it."

As he drove you started to feel tired again. You leaned your head to rest on the center consul beside his arm. You look up at him as he focused on the road. You then started to play with his fingers as they draped down.

You didn't notice Mo park the car until he was opening your door and picking you up again. He carried you up to your suite. Digging your keys out of your purse you found them and gave them to him.

He walked you over to your room. setting you down on your bed. He helped take your shoes off.

"I love you Mo" You blurt out as he takes the second shoe off.

Mo freezes in his place, his heart racing. He was already flustered from being around you this just added to it. He shook it off best he could and stood up.

"I love you so much" You repeat

"Lay down Y/N." He says trying to ignore his feelings

"But I do Mo"

"Then tell me that when you're sober" He says as he pulls the blanket up over you.

He leaves the room for a minute coming back with an advil and glass of water. Placing it down on your side table. He looks over at your now sleeping body. He smiles at you before pressing a kiss on your head. Just as he a about to leave you call for him.

"Can you please stay with me?" You ask

He lets out a sigh being smiling. "Yeah sure."

You wait for him to get into bed before dozing off again.

In the morning you slowly open your eyes. You groan as you feel your head pounding. You looking to see and advil and water sitting in your night stand. You take it and set the water down before stretching your limbs out. You didn't remember much from last night. The last thing you remember was sitting on the couch watching people dance.

You looked at what you were wearing. Seeing a hoodie you recognize but couldn't put your finger on it. You still had your dress on underneath. Suddenly you feel the bed move and it explained the hoodie.

You look over to see none other than Moritz. You could barely have a simple conversation with him, how the hell did you get him to sleep in your bed. You thought to yourself. Your cheeks started to flare up and your heart was beating fast. He looked so perfect as he slept.

As the advil kicked in. You let Mo sleep as you got up. You showered and changed out of what you were wearing. You went to the kitchen and made yourself a cup of coffee.

"I was wondering where you went." Mo said in his morning voice

"Yeah just needed a coffee. Want one?" You offer.

"Yeah sure if you don't mind."

You make his coffee and join him at the island.

"I put your hoodie on the chair by the door so you don't forget it."

No laughs a bit. "Oh no. It's yours now."

You furrow your eyebrows at him, confused.

"You loved it so much last night. You claimed it as your own."

Your face goes red of embarrassment. You run and hand through your hair. "I'm sorry. I don't remember very much from last night."

Moritz shrugs "I didn't think you would. Besides from you being cute all night not much happened." He smiles before sipping his coffee.

You hide your blushing cheeks behind your mug.

"Oh wait" Your heart stopped waiting for what he was about to say.

"You told me that you loved me...twice." He confesses

Your head falls into your arms on the counter top. Now you were playing shy and didn't want to say anything. You were so embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry. I-"

"Is it true?" He interrupts

"Is what true?"

"That you love me or at least having feelings for me?"

You sit there, staring at your coffee. You get the courage to look up at him.

"I guess you can really say that drunk words are sober thoughts." You admit

"That better be the case because I feel the same way."

You were in complete shock not thinking he would actually like you back.

"I've been wanting to ask you out for sometime now. Just couldn't build up my conference to actually do it." He admits

"Just leave it to me and my drunk ass to help with that" You joke

Mo laughs. "Would you and your sober ass. Want to maybe go out sometime?"

You giggle as he mocks you. "I'd love that."


requested by @HolyCheeriosBroski

hope you liked it :) slowly but surely getting through my requests.

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