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After what seemed like forever you finally got pregnant. With a little boy. He was your little miracle baby. Right after the doctors told you, you wouldn't be able to get pregnant. He appeared to show them they were wrong.

When Pierre-Luc found out you had gotten pregnant he was more than happy. He did anything and everything in his power to make sure the pregnancy was a good experience for you.

Your pregnancy went really smoothly but your labour was all but that. You had a hard time pushing and then suddenly the doctor couldn't track your sons heart beat. They took in for an emergency c-section and got him out right away. After everything was settled the doctor had said they got your baby stable but they did find out that he had a heart condition.

The condition never stopped Alex from being a kid and doing what he wanted. Even after being told from doctors he shouldn't be doing any excessive activities, he still did them. He was just really careful with himself, he knew his limits.

Alex played several sports but hockey, for many reasons, was his favourite. He loved it like his dad but from a different perspective. Alex loved being a goalie. Every time he'd go to Pierre-Luc's games he'd watch Hellebuyck do his stretches and warm-ups. He even sometimes got to practice with Hellebuyck and his coaches, which he loved.

When Alex was old enough and when he was ready you and Pierre-Luc put him on a hockey team. He loved playing games and stopping pucks. He got better every year he played he worked his way up to Pee Wee hockey. It was his first year with a new team with kids his age and a little older. He was so excited his coach was giving him the start. You helped him to his change room and then headed off to the stands.

Second period had started and Alex's team was up 2-0. The puck was on the opposing end. You watched the game and then turned to look at Alex. One minute he was standing ready for the play to come to him the next he had fainted and was lying flat on the ice.

"HEY!" You yell as yo bag on the glass in a panic trying to get coaches and refs to notice your son on the ice

Alex's coach was first to notice and started yelling with you as he jumped on the ice to stop the play. The coach headed over and then waved for medics. You were so scared and didn't know what was going on. The. coaches kept you back as the medics do their thing.

It wasn't until the medics got off the ice with your baby boy on a stretcher. You got into the back of the ambulance with Alex and held his hand as you called Pierre-Luc, who was on a road trip.

Pierre-Luc picked up his phone almost instantly. It must have been intermission.

"Hey baby" Pierre said as he answered the call

"Luc it's not good. Alex he fainted on the ice and I don't know what's happening. We're going to the hospital. I don't know what to do" You cried out

"Woah Y/N what's going on? Slow down and take a deep breath"

"Alex had his first hockey game of the year and he fainted Luc. I'm so scared right now" You say sobbing

"Okay, okay I'm on my way I'll be there as soon as I can"

"Okay" You say softly as you nod your head

The phone call ended. You grab Alex's hand. "Everything is going to be okay my boy" You tell him softly

It's been a couple hours since you got to the hospital. You have been waiting in the waiting room while the doctors ran some tests on Alex. During that time Pierre-Luc was able to get on a plane home and be there for you two.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dubois?" A doctor called out. You and Pierre stood up and followed the doctor down the hall to Alex's room

"So we ran a bunch of tests on Alex and nothing serious came back. He will be discharged this evening. We just ask that he gives himself a break from all sport activities for about a week or so. His body needs to rest" Pierre and yourself both nod showing you understood

You two head into his room together. Alex was lying awake.

"My baby boy! You scared the crap out of me" You say as you walk over to his bed

"I'm sorry mom" He says as he reaches out to hug you

"We're just happy you're okay but you're going to have to take a break from hockey for a bit, due to this incident. And when you get back out there you're going to have to take it easy. Listen to what your body is telling you and report it to your coaches" Pierre-Luc tells him

Alex lets out a sigh and nods sadly

***Years Later***

"With the 5th overall pick, the Winnipeg Jets select. From the Brandon Wheat Kings, Alex Dubois"

You stand up in excitement and hug Alex before he walks over to the stage. He slips on the jersey given to him. He could not be happier. He got drafted by the team he grew up watching his dad play for, who he now coaches for. The team that made him realize his love for the sport.

Making the NHL wasn't easy for a hand full of goalies. Alex was no exception. He played for the Manitoba Moose, The Jets' AHL team. He enjoyed it but everyday he was waiting to get the call from the GM, telling him they needed him. The Moose had missed the playoffs that year by a single point. The Jets on the other hand were just entering their post season.

Alex didn't watch the latest Jets game. Their started had gotten injured. It was just after the game when Alex was heading off to bed when he got a call.

"I was told I could call you and give you the news. Unless you know why I'm calling you" Pierre-Luc said

Alex was confused "What news?"

Pierre laughs "So I guess you didn't watch the game. Well our starter got injured and we are unaware when he'll return. We had a meeting and we are calling you up for the start of the playoffs"

Alex was so happy to hear the news of him being called up. Hearing it from his dad was even better.

"Thanks Dad!"

"It's coach now" Pierre-Luc jokes

Alex's debut didn't happen until the first game of the second round. He was nervous and excited but he didn't let his emotions take over. He didn't want anything to happen like it had in the past.

When the players got ready to get onto the ice Pierre-Luc came around.

"How you feeling?" He asked his son

"Pretty good just a little nervous"

"Well just take it easy and let us know if you need to come off the ice"

Alex nods and it was time for the game to start.

The game wasn't easy but Alex stayed focused and ended up getting his first NHL win. The coaches loved how Alex played and decided to keep him starting for the rest of the series. The Jets ended up sweeping the other team.

The Jets were headed into game seven of the Stanley Cup final, in Winnipeg. Alex had become the starting goalie for the team. He was having an amazing run. It was 2-2 going into the third period. Half way through the period the Jets scored, giving them a one goal lead. Alex stayed focused and calm.

He didn't let loose until he heard the final buzzer. That was it, the Winnipeg Jets won the cup.

Alex threw off his helmet and gloves. The boys crowded around him cheering and screaming.

"We did it coach" Alex yells to Pierre

"No buddy, you did it and it's dad" He laughs as he pulls Alex in for a hug

You came running down to the ice and straight to Alex and Pierre.

You hug and congratulate them both.

"You see all the hard work payed off and you never let anything get in your way. Not even your condition" You tell Alex and he smiles at you


requested by dubois_is_bae

Thank you for requesting!! go jets go :)

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