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"Baby I'm home" Roman yells as he walks through the door

Normally you would be down there greeting him home from his road trip. Instead you were lying in bed with a really bad migraine, for the fourth time this week.

"Y/N? You okay my girl" Roman whispers as he walks into your shared bedroom

You wince at the light from the hallway that came into your dark bedroom. You pull your blanket up to cover your face.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asks crouching down in front of you

"I have a migraine and nothing is helping" You mumble into your pillow

"Again? This is like the fourth time this week" He's says as he gets up and moves to his side of the bed

He climbs in and pulls you onto his chest. "I think it's time to go to the doctor. We need to know what's going on" He said rubbing your back

The next morning Roman calls your doctor. He was able to get you an appointment for later in the day.

You were a little nervous walking into the doctors office. You were never a fan of doctors and you were just hoping nothing serious was going on.

They called you in and the doctor started asking you a series of questions. He then sent you off to get some testing done. Your tests all coming back clear or negative.

"Y/N do you wear glasses?" The doctor says to you

"Um I used to but I stopped wearing them a few years ago. I only used them when reading and using my phone" You told him

The doctor then suggested you go get an eye exam. Just in case that was the reasoning behind your migraines.

"I'm not making that appointment" You told Roman when you got home

"Why not?" He asked getting a little upset with you

"I hate the way I look with glasses on. That's why I stopped wearing mine" You tell him

"Y/N I'm sure you look fine. You need to make that appointment. It could solve your migraine problems"

You gave up and booked an appointment with your eye doctor. Roman goes with you, he wanted to make sure you actually went.

You explain what's been going on and the doctor suggest they do an eye exam. They run all the tests and do the exam. You and Roman waited for the results once they had everything the doctor came back into the room.

"Alright Y/N I have your new prescription here for your eyes. Due to you not wearing your glasses when needed. It caused a strain on your eyes, causing the headaches and migraines. Unfortunately since you didn't wear your glasses, you're going to have to wear glasses all the time now. I'd suggest you get used to the new prescription with glasses before moving to contacts if that was something you wanted"

You nodded your head understanding what the doctor was telling.

"I also recommend getting the glasses sometime soon. You don't want your eyes getting worse"

After the appointment Roman took you to the store to pick out glasses. You agreed to get it done right away.

You were there for what felt like hours, trying on frames. You didn't like anything they had.

"What about these?" Roman said holding up basic black glasses

You grab them and slide them on.

"They look good on you" Roman compliments you

You ended up going with the black ones. Hours later you get your glasses with your prescription in the lenses. You put them on and look around, making sure they were okay.

"I look so stupid" You say as you leave the store walking with your head down

"No you don't. I love them" Roman says

He stops you and makes you look up at him.

"You look beautiful baby, don't let anyone say anything else. I love the way you look with them on and no more migraines now" He says kissing your head and pulling you in for a hug


requested by @Minutemen2018

thanks for the request. Hope you liked it :)

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