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You remember the night like it was the other day. It was about two and a half months ago. You had just started dating Sammy a couple months before. It was your first time together. It was amazing, it was the most passion you ever felt from a guy. He made sure you were comfortable at all times and always asked before going further. The way your bodies moved together was electric. It was the best first time you had with anyone.

You had done it many times after that but you were so sure it was the first time. You two were so into it you weren't really paying attention to protection. Even after his teammates reminded you two to use it before leaving dinner.

You now sat on the bathroom floor not knowing what to think or how to feel. You looked down upon the little stick with two faint lines in the window.

You and Sammy had only been only dating for five almost six months. You were barely into a relationship, anything could still happen. There wasn't anything screaming that you two were going to be together forever. Even though you hope that's how it would turned out.

A knock at the door startled you, taking  you out of your thoughts for the moment. You quickly slide the pregnancy into a bathroom drawer and run off to grab the door.

"Hi my girl" Sammy says as he walks through the door

"H-hi baby" You stutter, still in your thoughts

The second you saw Sammy's face, a million questions and thoughts started running through your head. And that's when you blurt out.

"I think I'm pregnant"

Sammy's face went pale. His everyday smile fades and became a mix of shock and worry. You couldn't read what he was feeling but your mind went straight to the negative. You instantly started to ball your eyes out. Thinking the worst. As soon as you hit the ground next to Sammy he reacted quickly.

"Baby! Y/N don't cry. Why are you crying?" He says as he picks you up off the ground

You take a second to catch your breath and he patiently waits as he holds you.

"Why are you crying, mon amour?" He repeats as he rubs your back

"Because Sam it's way to early on in our relationship to have a baby. Are you even ready for one? Cause I'm sure not. Do you even want one? I understand if you want to br-"

"Y/N! Stop. Why are you saying all this? I love you and I know it's really early to have a baby right now. We can do this. We'll be alright and I'm not going anywhere because you're the best thing to ever happen to me"

You slowly start to feel a weight lift of your shoulders as Sammy told you that.

"And we don't have to live together yet. You can have baby for a couple days. I'll come over and help out and vice versa. Then we can spend the off season looking for places or whenever you're ready"

You smile as you feel butterflies in your stomach. What did you do to deserve this man?

"Do you know if you're a hundred percent pregnant?" He asked as he wiped your tears away

You slowly walked to the upstairs bathroom grabbing the test you took earlier. You showed him.

"I know it's not always a hundred perfect but I have a lot of pregnancy symptoms. So I think I should make an appointment"

He examines the test agains and pulls you in for a hug.

"Everything will be fine mon amour"


It been a couple weeks since you found out about your pregnancy. Sammy has been the greatest help. He started looking at houses to get ideas on what you want and do not want. For when you're ready to move in with him. He even helped you find a doctor and also helped schedule your first appointment. In which you are at now.

"Y/N" The sonographer called out

You and Sammy stood up and followed her to the room. You got up on the bed and did as you were told. As soon as you rolled up your shirt you got really nervous. Sammy must have noticed just he grabbed your hand and rubbed the top with his thumb.

"Alright so this is your first appointment. Today we aren't going to do too much. Just make sure baby is healthy and doing okay" The tech told you

She placed the cold gel on your lower stomach and started to move the scanner around.

She stopped and showed you the little human like figure on the screen. She suddenly came to a stop as she told you what you were looking at. Her face became confused and then turned into a smile.

"It looks like someone is camera shy" She said as she moved the scanner again

"What do you mean?" You asked

"It looks like you're having two little angels"

"Twins?" Sammy asked unexpectedly

"Mhmm" The tech hummed as she nodded

You walked out of the office holding a picture of your ultrasound. You couldn't believe there was two of them in there.

You were quiet on your way back to Sammy's car. You got in and were still staring at the picture in disbelief.

"Babe it wi-" He started

"Sammy we have to find a house. Fast" You interrupted him

"I got a spare bedroom at my place, for them. You can move in with me closer to your due date. That way we won't be in such a rush"

You nodded at Sam's idea and then stopped "Ugh Sammy? Your 'spare bedroom' is Vince's room"

"Yeah I know, he's a built in babysitter" He laughs "Y/N stop worrying. We'll fix our living situation when the time comes. Let's just make sure our babies get into this world healthy and safe"


requested by MrsDeBrusk
thanks for requesting hope you like it <3

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