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"Aden no, no pushing. Wait your turn" But it was too late your 3 year old had pushed the little girl that was in his way

You ran over to the scene as you heard crying. The little girl had hit her head on the side of the play structure.

"It's okay Linnea. You're okay girl" You heard someone cue to the toddler

A curly headed man came jogging over to the crying toddler. He picked her up and held her head as she cried into his shoulder.

"Aden say you're sorry"

The little boy hesitated before leaning from your arms. "Sowwy baby" He said as he patted her back gently

You smiled at your son's actions.

"I'm sorry about your daughter, Aden doesn't usually do that" You said as you looked up into the man's deep brown eyes, almost getting lost in them.

"Oh ugh, Linnea's not my daughter. I'm babysitting for a teammate"

"Oh well she's really cute"

"You're really cute too"

You blushed like crazy at his comment and couldn't find words to say.

"Sorry to be so forward. I'm Tyson by the way" He said as he stuck his hand out

"Y/N" You say blushing again before shaking his hand

"So is he yours" He said referring to Aden, who was now running around the playground again

"Yeah, Yeah he is" You said becoming shy

You got a little scared telling him Aden was yours. Every time you let a guy know you have a kid, they seem interested but then they stop messaging or talking to you. They sometimes think they can handle a kid but then end up leaving, just like Aden's  biological dad.

"That's awesome! He seems like a great kid" Tyson told you

You smiled at him "He is a pretty great kid" you agreed watching your son, who was now playing with Linnea

You and Tyson talked about your lives and got to know each other before it was time to leave.
Before running off to grab the kids Tyson stops you.

"Do you think I can have your number? You know for next time I'm babysitting, so the kids can play together" He said blushing a bit as he places a hand on the back of his neck

You giggled at his explanation thinking smooth. "Sure" He handed you his phone and you typed your digits in. He quickly sent you a text. "There now you have my number" You quickly made him a contact and then ran to grab Aden.

The next couple of weeks Tyson would text you non stop. It started out as planning play dates for the kiddos. It didn't take long for your conversations to move onto something for personal. You two got to know each other really well, really fast. On top of all the texting. You two did meet up so that the little ones could hangout. Which got you two seeing each other, a lot.

As if Tyson wasn't attractive enough on his own. Seeing him take care of not only Linnea but also Aden. Made him hundred times more irresistible. You thought you had fallen for those brown eyes and curly hair. When really it was his father figure instinct.

You were in the middle of preparing yours and Aden's lunch when you received a text for Tyson.

Tys: Hey just finished my meeting. Could I come over?

Y/N: Of course! Should I add two more plates to the table for lunch?

Tys: Haha, just one today Linnea has plans with her mom.

Y/N: Uh oh, Aden won't be to happy to hear that. See you soon.

Tyson texted you back letting you know he's on his way over. In minutes you hear a knock at the door.

"It's open" You yell from the kitchen

Tyson walks into the kitchen. He hugs you from behind as you make everyone's plates. He asks how your day is going as Aden runs into the kitchen.

"Nea?" he asks, not knowing how to say her full name

Tyson smiles as he looks down at the toddler pulling on his pants.

"Not today buddy. It's just me, you and mommy" He tells him as he picks him up

Aden pouts and crosses his arms. You and Tyson both laugh at his actions.

"Next time I pinky promise" Aden smiles and links pinkies with Tyson.

Tyson then helps Aden into his booster seat at the table.

After lunch just as Tyson was about to help you clean up. Aden pulls him into the living room to show him his new toys. You let him know to just go, you got this.

As you clean up you can hear Aden and Tyson playing together. Just as you finish you head over to the now quiet living room. You walk in scanning the room to see a mess of toys. The TV playing Aden's cartoons at a low volume and right in front of the couch you see a sleeping Tyson with Aden curled up to him, snoring away.

Your heart skipped a beat at the site right in from of you. You felt butterflies in your stomach. Can this man get anymore attractive, you thought.

You tried to be quiet as you cleaned a few toys up. You had your back turned to the boys.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I guess the early morning and boring meeting did it for me today" You hear Tyson say as he gets up from his spot on the floor

You laugh a little "It's fine don't worry"

Tyson starts to pick up sleeping Aden off the floor. He then walks down the hall to put him in his bed. You watch as he sets him down, pulling the covers over his little body and then kissing his forehead gently.

"How good of a sleeper is he during his naps" Tyson asks you as he closes the bedroom door

"He's pretty good, he'll probably be up in an hour or so" You tell him

"Perfect, because I think this'll be the first time. We're alone with no kids"

You think for a moment. He's not wrong, either Aden, Linnea or both were always around.

"Well what do you wanna do then"

You both just end up sitting in the living room watching Netflix. Tyson insisted on you laying with him. So here you are between his legs laying on your stomach, with you head on his chest.

A couple minutes go by and you catch Tyson staring at you. You look at him with a questionable look. He looks at you again and then scooches up ward causing you get off him and sit up as well. Giving him a confused look again.

"I wanna take you on a date.Without Aden. I love him to death but I like the me and you time. He can come on the second date" Tyson said looking over at you

You started off smiling but then it faded fast.

"You wanna take me on a date?"

"Been wanting to since the day I met you"

"Tys I would really love that but I don't have anyone to watch Aden"

"I can ask Gabe and Mel to see if they can watch him. I'm sure they wouldn't mind, I know Linnea wouldn't" He laughs "I hope they'd be able to because I probably wouldn't trust anyone else with him"

"Alright then"

"Alright then what?"

"If you can find a babysitter for Aden. Then you can take me out"

"On a date?"

"Yes! On a date" You said laughing

He lays back down pulling you on top of him again. Moments later Aden wakes up and walks into the living room, ready to play. He drags Tyson away from you once again and you're left watching them play together. You loved watching Tyson interact with Aden and seeing how good he was with him. You couldn't help but think about a possible future between you and Tyson.

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