Bolt Night: Ryan Callahan and Ondrej Palat

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EvelynaKitty wanted me to write this one about her co-worker because she wants to know why he is sleeping on the job.....just kidding!!  No, seriously I have no idea how this one is going to turn out.  


(Stephi's P.O.V.)

"Campbell, you look exhausted today.  Did you have a long night?"

My coworker, Campbell glared at me.  I quickly saw the dark bags under his eyes, which made me wonder what happened.  I know sometimes he can be a little bit mouthy, but he's a good kid.  Most of the time, that is.  

"I only slept two hours last night Stephi.  This team kept me up for the most part, and I can't even remember what happened,"Campbell replied to me as he was rubbing his tired eyes as he stood by the cash register.  

I asked him as two customers walked in, "Well, tell me what you can recall.  Maybe that will help you out, Tammy 2.0."

He sighed, and rolled into his bizarre story.  


(Campbell/Tammy 2.0 P.O.V.)

It was a dark and stormy night.  I started to walk out of Eddie & Sam's New York Pizza when suddenly two strangers walked up behind me.   I sauntered to my car, not really caring to see if they were following me or not.  I started to hop into the driver's seat, when the two men came up behind me and grabbed on to me!!  

"What are you doing to me??  SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I yelled out, but they immediately gagged me and dragged me to an unmarked white van.  

"Pally, don't you think he'll be a fine specimen to harvest a new hip from?"

"I agree with you, Cally, he's perfect.  Too perfect almost."

My head started to droop onto my chest, but I was able to see my captors before the drugs started to work on me.  I was kidnapped by two of the Bolts players: Ryan Callahan and Ondrej Palat.  

The next thing I knew, I blacked out as Amalie Arena came out in the distance.  


I woke up in a dark room as lightning flashed before my eyes.  I felt a bizarre sensation mark the right arm of my body, almost at my hand.  I slowly gazed around at my surroundings, and immediately, Ondrej Palat's eyes greeted mine.  

"What am I doing here??" I asked Pally.  

"I am glad you asked, young one.  You see, Cally over there is a little bit....obsolete at the moment.  His hip is bothering him, and we needed someone to transfer his unfortunate situation to.  Actually, we're not who we say we are.   Pally and Cally are out of business right now.  Those two needed to be deleted immediately, and I'd say my associate and I did a fine job of that."

The lights blinded me, and Jimmy Vesey along with a smirking Sidney Crosby looked back at me.  I knew where we were in the arena, and I saw the REAL Ryan Callahan and Ondrej Palat tied up right beside the popcorn machine.  Pally must of had Kuch's post practice cookie in his hands, but it was all in crumbs all over the ground.  

"The Tampa Bay Lightning, their precious little 'Savior of the NHL,' their stupid little dream to be winning on point will become OBSOLETE at the hands of all who wish to end hockey in warm climates forever!"

Sidney randomly blurted out, "DELETE TAMPA!!  DOWN WITH THE BOLTS!"

The real Ryan Callahan looked around and saw the mark of where they were going to, I only assumed, caused harm to my body.  The mark was a backwards R with the number 618 on my hand.  I was marked with a dangerous symbol, and I was not alone in my misery.  

Cally and Pally had a similar mark on their right arms, except their numbers were 617 and 619.  Sidney and Jimmy were going to murder us, and better yet, hunt the rest of the NHL down as well.  We were goners, and I should of heeded Stephi's warnings more.  

EVIL EXISTED IN THE NHL!!!  It has been there in plain sight all along with their leader, Gary Bettman.  He wants to get rid of everything that doesn't belong in the NHL.  

Jimmy slapped me on the face, and I decided to act like it knocked me out cold.  Fortunately for me, he believed me and whispered in my ear, "The first deletion begins here."

He walked out alongside Sidney, and once they were gone from the shop, I darted around to face the two Bolts players who were so close to me, yet so far away.  I started to frantically search around for something sharp, something I can use to free myself from the ropes and the gag before they find me again.  

My hand hit something with a handle and two blades: scissors!!  They are perfect for slicing the ropes and freeing myself!  At lightning fast speed, I used them to snip away at the fabric covering my mouth so I could breath fresh oxygen again.  The fabric fell to the floor, and I had to hide a gasp threatening to escape from my mouth.   

I turned, to the best of my ability, and started to hack away at the ropes surrounding me.  After a few precious minutes of cutting at the threads and cursing silently, I broke free and hopped out of the chair.  I darted over to Cally and Pally's sides, and I started to untie them as fast as I could.  I freed Pally first, and he helped me with his teammate's bindings.  

Cally quickly whispered to me, "Thank you.  Vladdy, he knew something happened, but he didn't know what was going on.  We need to get out of here!"

Pally nodded along with his teammate, and we booked it out of there just as the sun was rising in Tampa.  We bolted to the player's parking lot and hopped into Cally's vehicle.  

"Do you need me to drop you off anywhere....."

I replied, "Campbell.  And if you could drop me off at Eddie & Sam's New York Pizza, that would be awesome.  I just wanna go home and sleep the day away."

The duo nodded at me and quickly drove me to the restaurant.  I thanked them for the ride, got in my car, and drove to my apartment.  I fell asleep for two hours.  


(Stephi's P.O.V.)

"And that's why I feel dead on the inside.  It was a long night, and I don't ever wanna experience that again."

I looked at him as if he was insane.  I knew the league was evil, but THAT evil???  That's ridiculous and completely unnecessary.    

I had to ask Tammy 2.0, "All of that happened?"

He nodded at me and showed me his mark with the numbers.  The customers walked up to the counter with a few shirts.  I took their shirts, bagged them up, and they started to pay for their merchandise.  They handed me a note that was for Campbell, and I quickly handed it to him.  

He gasped at the note, and dropped it to the ground.  On the note, it said some shocking words on it.  



A/N- What a rush that imagine was, and it was so much fun to write!!  Requests are always open, so don't hesitate to request an imagine!!

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