Ch.14:Great Lakes City

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The Nicktoons landed at their next destination.

Ronnie Anne:Ah, Great Lakes City. Home sweet home.

Lincoln:Man, been a while since I've been here.

Ronnie Anne:I really hope my familia's okay.

Just then, they heard loud crashing.

Ronnie Anne:It came from the Mercado!

The kicked the door in to find Ronnie Anne's family fighting off Syndicate gremlins

Hector:Get out! Of my! Mercado!

Ronnie Anne:Hey, uglies!

They turned to her.

Ronnie Anne:Back off my family!

The group began to help fight off the soldiers. Some of them even used the fridge doors to knock them out. One of them tried throwing one of the shelves onto Carlos. But Kitty managed to catch it. However, she couldn't keep it up much longer.

Kitty:Gonna drop it!

Carlos ran out of the way as Kitty kicked through the shelf. Three grunts had Bobby, Rosa, and Maria cornered. Aang spotted huge jugs of water and used his waterbending to blast the grunts away. The grunts ended up retreating and fled from the store.

Ronnie Anne:Yeah, and stay out!

The Casagrandes got up. Maria hugged her daughter.

Maria:Ronnie Anne! Oh thank goodness you're okay!

Then, out of nowhere, Rosa began hitting some of the other her Chancla.

Rosa:How dare you kidnap my granddaughter!

Ronnie Anne:Abula, stop! They're my friends!

El Tigre:Yeah, way to thank the people who just helped you!

Carlota noticed Miko.

Carlota:Love the hair.


Ronnie:Mom, where's Sid? And the others?

Hector:The building was evacuated earlier. But Sid and her family are still trapped!

They then heard banging on the upper floor. The Nicktoons raced outside. They found Sid and her family, backing towards the balcony.

Ronnie Anne:Sid!

Sid looked down to see her friend.

Sid:Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne:Sid, you're gonna have to jump!


Ronnie Anne:Just trust me!


She did so.

Ronnie Anne:Tigre!

El Tigre:On it!

He shot his claws at the wall of the building, grabbing it. It pulled him up and he grabbed Sid. Sid nervously opened her eyes

El Tigre:You okay?

Sid was mesmerized.

Sid:I am now.

The rest of Sid's family jumped, with some of the other Nicktoons saving them.


Everyone looked at her in confusion. Ronnie Anne hugged Sid.

Ronnie Anne:Sid, we gotta stop Becky!

Sid:Well, if we are, we might need some extra help.

They followed Sid to the zoo, and there were Ronnie Anne friends.

Nikki:Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne:Guys!

She embraced her friends.

Sameer:We were so worried!

Casey:Where have you been?

Ronnie Anne:Saving worlds. With these guys.

She pointed to the other heroes.

Jimmy:So what are you guys doing here?

Sid:They've been gearing the animals up to help take down Becky!

Some of the bigger animals had saddles on them.

Mikey:Well then, lets ride.

They all began venturing through the city.

Timmy:So where do you think Becky is?

Zim:My guess would be somewhere where she could steal power for the Syndicate. Ronnie Anne, is there anything here that can be used as energy? 

Ronnie Anne:I'm not really sure. But we need find her asap before she causes anymore harm.

They began looking all over the city for her.

Ronnie Anne:Grrr! Where is she?!

Mikey:Guys, look!

They found Becky stealing electricity from a building.

Ronnie Anne:Becky!

Becky spotted them and immediately took off.

Kitty:After her!

The heroes gave chase after the small girl.

Jenny:Wow, she's fast.

Casey:She is one of the top students in gym class.

Becky then suddenly stopped and had a devilish grin on her face.

Dudley:Oh, I don't like that look.

Ronnie Anne:You don't stand a chance, Becky! Chandler couldn't beat us, and neither will you!

Becky:That's because Chandler didn't have what I do.

She whistled, and then they heard something large running their way.

Ronnie Anne:Oh Man...

The creature revealed itself. It was Becky's dog, Malo, who was the size of a mammoth, wearing battle armor!

Laird:Would it be alright if I stayed behind on this?

He tried to run but Jenny grabbed him.

Becky:You like the makeover I gave 'em? Amazing what some ooze and Irken battle armor can do. Sick them, boy!

Becky snapped her fingers, and several grunts arrived to aid her. The mutant hound charged at them, firing the weapons at them. The animals seemed frightened and were about to run but Sid stopped them.

Sid:Please! We can't do this alone. This what we trained you guys for!

The animals then charged in, taking out several grunts. The Nicktoons hopped off the animals and began dealing with the grunts.  Ronnie Anne's friends decided to help out as well.

Casey:I did not think beating bad guys was this fun.

Jenny:Welcome to our world.

Laird was the only one avoiding fighting. The grunts were trying to hit him, but they kept knocking each other out. Eventually, Malo was the only threat left.

Aang:Anyone know how to take down a mutant dog with alien battle armor?

Miko:Five and I will take out it's weapons.

The dodged the attacks and managed to hop on Malo's back, and began chopping and bashing the weapons on the cannons. Meanwhile, Sid ventured to under the dog's belly. He then got an idea.

Sid:Hmm...I wonder...

He began tickling Malo's tummy.

Sid:Tickle, tickle, tickle.

Malo than suddenly rolled on his side.

Sid:Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?

Everyone was extremely surprised.

Sid:I never met an animal who could resist a good belly rub.

Becky growled.

Becky:Whatever! I'm still gonna destroy you!

She pulled out an Irken blaster.

Ronnie Anne:Becky! 

Ronnie Anne flew in on her skateboard and whacked Becky right in her face with her bat, knocking her out.

Jimmy:Nice shot.

Ronnie Anne:Honestly, I've kinda wanted to do a trick like that for a while.

Donnie fed Malo the retro mutagen, returning him to normal.

Donnie:With all the mutants we've been going up against, I think it's best we stop it at it's source. New York. Our New York...

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