Ch.15:New York City

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The Nicktoons were discussing their next move in the storm.

Leo:So many of the Syndicate's gotten their hands on the Ooze. So, I'm thinking we need to go to our world and cut the supply off.

Kitty:Good plan.

They all landed on the roof of a building.

Dudley:So now where are we?

They all saw a huge city, lit up by the light of the moon.

Leo:Looks like New York. Our home.

Jimmy:I've always wanted to visit The Big Apple. Though I certainly wasn't expecting it to be The Big Apple of another universe.

They began looking around.

Timmy:So whats the game plan?

Leo:We need to stop the ooze at it's source, by taking down the Kraang.

Miko:And they are...

Donnie:Evil alien brains from another dimension. They tend to use robot androids as bodies.

Danny suddenly stopped.

Danny:Uh, quick question. Do these androids have the same skin suit that looks like a dude in a business suit?

Leo:Uh, yeah. How'd you...there's a bunch of 'em right behind me isn't there?


Leo turned to see a small group of Kraang droids, pointing their blasters at them.

Kraang 1:It is the ones known as "The Turtles."

Kraang 2:The are accompanied by the heroes of the others worlds. Known as "The heroes from other worlds."

Kraang 3:You go no further. This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place.

Everyone looked at them in confusion.

Lincoln:Who talks like that?

Timmy:You guys clearly don't know how humans talk.

The Kraang began opening fire. El Tigre ran in slashed several droids to pieces. Some of the Nicktoons returned fire. Annie and Pony ran in and began whacking the droids in the face. The remaining androids began running off.

Jenny:For advanced aliens, they aren't so tough.

Leo:You want to know something funny? They've been on this Earth for centuries.

Jenny:And they still don't know how to talk normally?

Danny:Surprised it took until you guys to discover them.


Dudley took a closer look at one of the Kraang droids. He got a small surprise when he saw the Kraang in the stomach of the android. The Kraang suddenly leapt out and clung to his face. He began screaming and running around.


High Five pulled the Kraang off and kicked it away.

Mikey:And it's good!

Spongebob:So now what?

Raph:We need to go back to our home. Our friends could be in deep trouble.

The turtles brought the other heroes to a manhole.

Jenny:You guys live in the sewers?

Leo:Can't exactly walk among humans looking like this.

They lifted the cover off and ventured down into the sewers. Jimmy was pondering. and Lincoln took notice.

Lincoln:Something wrong, Jimmy?

Jimmy:Something's been stumping me. The villains have been collecting massive energy sources from their worlds. Ghost energy, kinetic power, jellyfish electricity. What would they need so much of it for?

Jenny:Bet ya a million bucks it's a doomsday machine.

Leo:Actually, I wonder if it has anything to do with the storm.

Zim:You believe there may be a hidden player in this game?

Leo:That's one way to put it.

They made it to their lair.

Dudley:Nice place you guys got here.

Spongebob:Where'd you get all this stuff?

Mikey:You'd be amazed at what people toss away.


Out of nowhere, someone charged at the others. Ronnie Anne blocked it with her bat. It was the turtles' allies. April O'neil

Casey Jones,

And Master Splinter

Donnie:Woah, guys! Calm down, they're friends!

The three backed off.

April:Sorry. We thought you guys were with the Syndicate.

Jenny:It's all good.

Donnie:You guys are okay?

Casey:We're good. Both ninjas and Kraang tried to come in here, but we made sure that they wouldn't come back.

Splinter:Where have four been?

Mikey:Traveling the multiverse, beating bad guys of all shapes and sizes.

Leo:These guys may not look like much, but they know how to fight.

A slight gurgling was heard that made everyone jump a little.

Pony:That was me, sorry. We haven't had anything to eat much during this whole venture.

Zim:Perhaps we could use a slight lunch break.

Mikey:I think there's some leftover pizza in the freezer.

El Tigre:I'll grab it.

He ran to the kitchen. After a few minutes of waiting, he returned with the reheated pizza. Though he had a look of horror on his face.

Danny:What's with you? You look like you just saw murder.

El Tigre:There was a mutant cat...made of ice the freezer.

Mikey:Oh, that's Ice Cream Kitty.

Donnie:I was working on a batch of retro-mutagen when SOMEONE spilled ice cream into one of the cups of mutagen I was working on. The cat licked it and mutated into...well...that.

As they chowed down on the pizza, the began talking about their next move.

Jimmy:So who's the Syndicate member of this dimension, anyway?

Leo:The Shredder. Leader of the Foot Clan. An ancient clan of ninjas.

Miko:Hold on...the Foot? They're called...The Foot...

She began chuckling, but Splinter than whacked her on the head with his staff.


Splinter:Miko, this is nothing to joke about. The Foot Clan are one of the deadliest ninja clans in history.

April:Exactly, and the Shredder is even more dangerous. And if he struck a deal with the Kraang, that means he's even more deadly.

Spongebob:Well then, let's go kick some foot!

Splinter, Casey, and April joined the Nicktoons as they began looking for the Kraang base.

Pony:So how are we gonna find the Kraang base?

Leo:If Shredder is working with Kraang, maybe we could track a Foot Ninja to where they're set up.

Raph:Oh that's great. Why don't we go calling out for one?


He was cut off by Jenny clamping his mouth shut.

Annie:Pony, there is no way they are actually going to...

She stopped when Dudley turned turned her head to a small swarm of Foot Ninjas

Pony:You were saying?

Annie:You got lucky...

The ninjas charged at them. During the fight, Donnie managed to slip a tracker onto one of the ninjas just before they retreated.

Donnie:Got 'em. Now we just have to follow them to wherever Shredder is.

Then stealthfully followed the Foot Ninjas to an abandoned subway station. They looked down below to see The Shredder. Along with numerous Foot Ninjas and Kraang droids. They also saw several figures. They were some of his associates. Dog Pound,


Baxter Stockman (In his low tech armor),

and Karai.

Shredder was talking to some of his associates.

FishFace:I am not comfortable with this set up, boss.

Shredder:This alliance is only temporary. Only so we can supply mutagen for the Syndicate's power. Speaking of which, we are due for another batch.

They opened a large door, revealing a worm monster.

Donnie:A Kraathatrogon.

Aang:A what?

Donnie:A creature from the Kraang's home dimension.

They hooked the worm up to a strange device. Extracting a certain substance from it

Kitty:They're milking them...for the mutagen?

The heroes began gagging

Zim was the only one not gagging.

High Five:How come you're not gagging?

Zim:My race has no gag reflex.


They looked over the villains and knew what had to be done

Miko:Mind if I say it?

Mikey:Be my guest.


She jumped down, crushing one of the Kraang droids. The rest of the heroes joined.

Mikey:Hey! Shred-Head!

Shredder and his cohorts turned around.

Shredder:Turtles. I was hoping you'd arrive.

Leo:It's over, Shredder, give up!

Shredder:If only it was so simple. Destroy them!

The heroes readied up and charged at the villains. Shredder retreated up to the mutagen vat.

Casey:Man, you guys are good.

Zim:We're heroes of our respected worlds for a reason.

Shredder's minions began attacking.

Dogpound:You're the greatest heroes of your worlds? What makes you thing you can stop us?

Danny blasted Dogpound into the wall.

Danny:That's one reason.

Jenny was facing off against Stockman. He tried to fire his weapons on her, but they had zero effect. He began cowering.

Stockman:I surrender! I don't even work for him! I'm basically a hostage!

He was curled up.

Jenny:You, are a terrible disappointment.

Kitty was fight Karai.

Karai:It's been a while since I had an opponent who could keep up with.


April sneaked up behind Karai and knocked her out. More Foot Ninjas and Kraang droids arrived.

Splinter:My sons, we will deal with the footsoldiers. The fight with Shredder is yours!

April:Good luck.

The heroes leapt up towards the mutagen vat.

Aang:Alright Shredder, give up now, and spare yourself a pounding!

Shredder pulled his blades out.

Shredder:I never yield.

He then pressed a button, then there were loud footsteps. Then, emerging from the shadows was an enormous three headed robot

Shedder leapt onto the back of the large robot.

Shredder:Meet Stockman's latest creation:The Cerberus Mouser!

Pony:Bring it on!

The robot began snapping at the heroes. The turtles jumped on it's back and began fighting Shredder.

Shredder:You're outmatched! Give up.

Leo:Heroes don't give up easy!

The turtles began to overwhelm Shredder. The Nicktoons began attacking the robot's legs, causing it to plummet to the ground. Shredder used his blades to slow his fall by grabbing onto one of the mutagen vats. He then escaped.

High Five:So that's Shredder dealt with. But what about the Ooze? is flammable.

Aang:Leave that to me.

He used some of the fire from the destroy robot and bended it towards the vat.

Aang:Fire in the hole!

They leapt down just as the vat exploded. Some of the rubble from the explosion buried the Kraathatrogon.

Donnie:Looks like we finally cut off the Syndicate's ooze supply.

Miko:And hopefully this is the last dimension we have to deal with a giant worm monster...

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