09 - Epilougue. Last Days...

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The clock ticked slowly...reaching the day of farewells...

1 month...3 weeks...2 weeks...

Now...only 3 days left...there will be no turning back. Our end is about to come.

As I felt these passing moments, I could not help but think of my past...with Nico...with u's...for the past 2 years...it was so fun...and more impacting compared to these ending days. I'm happy it all went so well...I'm happy...that we can all have our happy endings...

"...saa, yume wo...kakaeru no wa...minna no yuuki..."

I sang one of our songs (Bokutachi wa no Kiseki) slowly and calmly, as I looked over the building in front of us..

"Maki-chan, why are you singing?"

!!? Ni-nico?!!


March 27
Location: The gates of Otonokizaka Academy. Sunday. 10:12 AM

"Nico-chan? Why are you here?"

"Why, Maki-chan? Am I no longer welcome here?"

"Eh, no that is not what I meant. Aren't you suppose to be doing a rehearsal with Rin-chan and Hanayo-chan?"

"I cancelled it. I wasn't in the mood to dance because I wanted to come here."

"One more look, huh?"

"Yeah. This may be the last time I might come here. As a member of u's. As your special friend."


I was at the school. I felt like I wanted to be there, even though I am still a student here. I borrowed the keys to the school from the principal via Kotori-chan, since I planned to explore this place. Guess I won't be the only person here...

"So, why were you singing?"

"Just...just felt like doing it..."

"Well...no time to waste. Let's go!"

Together we went inside our school. I made sure that every step, every look, every touch Nico makes here will be as special as possible. She's no longer a student here, no longer a high schooler. We know that. I held her hand so tight to make her remember I am still beside her. She smiled.

We passed through every area of the empty school. The alpaca farm, the classrooms, the cafeteria, the garden, and finally the rooftop. As for our clubroom, it no longer belonged to us. It was locked, with all our stuffs inside no longer there. Fortunately, neither Nico nor I looked sad or anything.

"This reminds me of going to the art museum with you, Maki-chan."

"You have a point, Nico."

After we have explored everything, we were about to leave when...

"Maki-chan, let's go to the piano room."

Nico requested we go to the piano room. As I opened the door, Nico-chan immediately went in, touched the piano - and played it. To my surprise.

Nico was playing the piano, this time she did not screw up. I heard the tone of Aishiteru Banzai smoothly and sweetly. My eyes grow big with joy as I saw my love playing the first song I played when I enrolled here almost three years ago.

"Maki-chan, what do you think?"

"Wonderful, Nico-chan." I smiled and blushed as I hugged Nico-chan tightly. The two of us were alone there at that room. Nico-chan smelled really nice. I noticed her hair got a tiny bit longer too.

Moments later, however, I noticed someone was looking at us from the door.

"Who's there!!?", I said.

"Umm...uhh..." Slowly the person, a girl with long dark purple-crimson hair, came out. She wore a casual dress, has a small purse, and seemed pretty shy as she looked at us.

"Ummm...sorry...Maki-senpai. I was...I was just curious of the noise I heard, that's why I came here. I did not expect someone else was here."

I looked at the girl in front of us. The fact she just called me "senpai" caught my attention. She looked familiar, then I remembered...

"Wait a second. You're...you're a student of this school, am I right?!"

"Umm...yes I was...Maki-senpai! My name is Riko Sakurauchi. I was a student here...but I transferred to another school already."

"Oh! Nice to meet you! Uh, I guess you already know who we are so we don't have to introduce ourselves.", I said.

"Why are you here by the way?", Nico asked.

"Actually, I came back here to see this school since I missed being here. I won't be here long though!"

"I see. Me and Nico-chan were just doing the same thing."

"Oh! How cute to see you two here together!", said Riko as her eyes grew big and she seemed to blush for a bit.

Nico and I looked at each other when she said that. We blushed for a bit after realizing this girl just saw us hug each other. Riko then picked something out of her purse.

"Umm...I hope you two don't mind but...could I have your autographs!?"

"No problem!", said Nico as she was the first one to give an autographed, then I followed.

"Thank you so much! Good luck with the concert by the way!"

"Good luck with your new school too, Riko!", I said.

The girl immediately left cheerfully. Once she was gone, Nico-chan said to me:

"Hehe, Maki-chan, you're a senior now. How is it like for someone else to address you as 'senpai', huh?"

"What are you talking about, Nico? It doesn't matter to me."

"Oh really? Didn't you address me as 'Nico-senpai' when we first met?"

"!! That's...that's because...it's not like I said it because I wanted to or anything..."

"Maki-chan, CALL ME NICO-SENPAI! I want to hear you say that now!"

I gave Nico her wish and called her Nico-senpai. Then we locked the room and left the school. We walked back to meet with the other girls when I noticed Nico-chan was thinking of something...I wonder what was on her mind.

Two days later...

March 29
Location: Inside the Tokyo Dome. 9:16 AM.


This is it, our last day. Tomorrow is the concert. But today, I no longer felt sad or guilty. Actually, I felt excited to do the concert. Especially when I wanted to do something...special. It was an idea I got when we met a fan of ours back at school two days ago.

I sat on the stage after we just finished a rehearsal. I looked at the ring Tsubasa-chan gave to me last time. I felt happy that she accepted our relationship, though I felt that it might have been better if I bought one myself. Maki-chan then came towards me...

"Sorry, Nico-chan..."

"Sorry?...for what?..."

"Sorry...that you and the others won't be able to celebrate my birthday in time..."

"Oh! Your birthday...April 19, right?"


That's right...it will be my Maki-chan's birthday next month. Honestly, I haven't had a present for her yet.

"Nico-chan, I hope you don't screw up on my birthday like you did last time." (to get an idea what happened, read my other fanfiction titled "A Short NicoMaki Story" )

"Hehehe...yeah...but don't worry, I won't do it again!"


Yeah, like I will be doing something else instead. Maybe?

She sat with me for a while. We did not talk since we didn't have any idea of what else to say with each other. I took this chance to tell her a certain thing I want to do... the idea I got from meeting Riko two days ago.

"By the way, Maki-chan...I have something I want to ask?"

"What is it?"

"About the concert...I wanted to say something to the fans, but I wanted to know if it's okay with you?"

"Huh? I don't get why I am involved in that plan of yours. What will you say to them anyway?"

"I...was thinking of confessing...to them..."

"Confess what?..."


I saw a very blushy and shocked Maki-chan in front of me. How cute.


Wait. What? WHAAATT? Did I just hear Nico-chan saying she wants our fans to know we're lovers!!?

"Wha-what!! Nico-chan! Are you out of your mind?!"

"I don't care, Maki-chan! I want the fans to know we're an official couple! I'd feel better if I do that!"

"Ni-nico?! Are you even sure about that? What if they'll hate us for that?!"

"Maki-chan!! Don't you trust your fans? Sure, maybe some will hate us for being lesbians, but A LOT MORE will love us for it! I'm sure about that!"

"Also, I'm positive some people already know what our statuses are! I've seen a lot of fan arts on the Internet already! Everyone is shipping us, calling us NicoMaki or somewhat."

"No kidding?!"

"Maki-chan, don't lie to me! I'm sure you saw them too!"

Seriously, I never thought our fans love us this much. And I never they were stalking us. Maybe this is what we get, since both I and Nico are stalkers. Ooops, I think I just admitted that.

"Sigh, Nico-chan. Did you get that idea after we met that girl Riko two days ago?"

"Yeah. Don't like it, Maki-chan?"

I'll be honest. I think it is nice to let everyone know. But I am not sure if it really was a good idea...

"Geez. If you want to tell everyone then tell the manager first. I am not sure if he and the staff will allow that though."

"Hmmm...yeah you might be right about that."

Once we ran out of words to say, I held Nico's hand. Then I held her face.

"Maki!! - "

"Can I do it now? Here?"

"...you're so impatient, Maki-chan..."

I leaned towards her, Nico closed her eyes, then I readied to kiss her...

RIIIING! Nico's cellphone rang.

"Oh. Wait Maki-chan. I'll answer this phone fir - "

I took Nico-chan's phone away and kissed her. Passionately. I wasn't gonna let a phone call ruin the moment.

"Okay, you can check it out now."

"Geez, Maki-chan."

Nico took her phone and found Tsubasa-chan was calling her. She answered the call and I just waited patiently. After they were done talking...

"What did Tsubasa say?"

"She was just thanking me and stuff. She bids us good luck for the concert. And she said she misses you."

"I see. Well...good luck for Tsubasa and A-Rise too."

"EVERYONE!! GATHER UP!", said Honoka as she called everybody's attention.

"Well...looks like we're gonna have a practice. Let's go Nico - "

Nico held my hand tightly. Then she whispered:

"I love you, Maki-chan."

"I love you too, Nico-chan.", I whispered back.

We were ready. Finally, we felt relief for everything that has happened to us. No longer are we afraid, are we jealous, nor are we regretful. It all was for the best. This was our destiny. This was all...all worth it.

I love Nico, I love u's. I love the fans and everyone. Thank you...

Cheers for the love. I am glad to be here...

--- END ---

A/N: I thank you the readers for all your support. I also thank u's and wish them good luck.

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