08 - Trust

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"Tsubasa-chan?! I thought you said you wouldn't come here.", said Maki.

"Hehe...yes I did Maki-chan! Yes I did. Maybe...I just got curious of what you two will do I guess.", said Tsubasa as she smiled at us.

"Or maybe you came here TO BREAK US UP!! Am I right, Tsubasa-chan?!", Nico exclaimed as she glared at her insecurely.

"...hehe...yeah, you're right, Nico-chan! I still like her after all!"


Tsubasa again!? So persistent! She still wants my Maki-chan, huh? Not this time. This time...I will fight for her!! I grabbed Maki-chan and hugged her. I hugged so much to show Tsubasa that I will fight for her no matter what!

Tsubasa started coming towards us. I readied myself for what she might do.

"Well. Good luck you two!", she said.

... ...

Huh? That was it? Tsubasa-chan came to us to say that?

"Tsubasa? What...what did you just say?"

"Hmmm...you don't get it, Nico? I said that I'm wishing that you two have a good luck with your relationship!"

"Eh?! Wait a minute...WAIT A MINUTE!! Tsubasa-chan, you're telling me that you want "us", me and Maki-chan, to be together!?"

"Yep. That's what I meant!"


Okay, now I am confused. And so is Maki-chan beside me.

"Hehe...Nico-chan, you were expecting I would say that I want Maki back. I'll be honest, I do want her back. But Maki-chan had made a decision. She decided to choose you, Nico-chan."

Her reason got me thinking...

"Hold it. Do you really love Maki-chan, huh? Or are you thinking this is all a game - "

"I'm serious Nico."

I know Tsubasa-chan well enough to understand her reaction but still...after all that happened...I kinda find it hard to take it all in.

"Listen. As much as I want to fight you for her, I realized already that Maki-chan loves you more than me. Which means that no matter what I do, in the end Maki will pick you. I won't put myself in a fight I cannot win."

Then Tsubasa looked at Maki.

"As for you, Maki-chan..."

She smiled, closed her eyes, and said:

"Hehe...I hate you sooo much!"

"Ehh?! Tsubasa-chan?!" Maki-chan is clearly caught off guard.

"You hurt my feelings, Maki-chan. I admit that I'm not happy for all you did. You could've just said no to me from the start!"

I can tell she's just taunting Maki-chan. Otherwise, she would have not made a happy face like that.

"Sorry...Tsubasa-chan. I just wasn't thinking straight at the time - "

"I understand. Spending time with you was fun regardless. I won't forget it."

Okay, I get the idea. But I interfered with a question, with my eyebrows drooping.

"Sooo...does this mean you won't bother our relationship anymore, Tsubasa?"

"Well...no...not until I give you two these items!"

"Items? What do you mea - "

Tsubasa-chan pulled out two small boxes from her longcoat's pockets.

"Here! I want you two to open these boxes both at the same time!", she said as gave them to us.

Holding this small box, I got the feeling that I knew what Tsubasa-chan was giving us.


...Oh my god...is this...

"Tsu-tsu-tsubasa-chan!!? These are...these are...!?"

Tsubasa smiled at us with much joy.


"...Wedding rings!!?", exclaimed Nico as she opened the little box over her hand. I thought the same thing too, but I'm even more surprised with what I am seeing.

"Hahaha...no Nico-chan! They're just matching rings I bought a week ago."

"They're...they're expensive...Tsubasa-chan, were you expecting this would happen?", I asked.

"I kinda considered it, Maki-chan. Actually, I wanted both of us to wear those rings at our "date" earlier, after we kissed. But you refused my lips so I decided not to bring it out."

Nico-chan noticed those words and asked Tsubasa-chan.

"Wait, what!? You...you didn't kiss Maki-chan!?"

"Hehe, I knew it. You were stalking us earlier! Well, you should thank Maki-chan, Nico. She refused the kiss just as I was about to give it to her."

"Maki-chan!! Is it true?"

Nico quickly turned towards me demanding an answer. I responded as honestly as I could.

"Yeah...Nico. I pulled my face away from her the moment she was about to do it."

Nico was surprised hearing that. Tsubasa-chan continued.

"That was when I realized that she had made a decision. There was no other reason why she would refuse my kiss."

"Oh....but...but what were you two talking about before that?!", Nico asked.

"Well...Nico...", I said those words as I explained things to her...

--- Many hours earlier ---

A flashback during our date at the restaurant.

"Tsubasa-chan...isn't this a bit too expensive?"

"Huh? I thought you're rich too, Maki-chan?"

"I am rich...but I don't usually eat at restaurants very much. I'd prefer simpler food, or whatever mom prepares."

(Even more so when I started hanging out with u's. I had to eat the same things they eat too, right?)

"Wow. You're really picky, huh?!", then Tsubasa-chan looked at me sharper than before.

"Well then...Maki-chan, tell me something."


"Who do you pick: Me or Nico-chan?"

"Eh!? Tsubasa-chan, you already know the answer! Isn't it obvious?"

"If it's obvious, then why won't you tell me now?"

That got me thinking, but I somehow could not reply.

"Tell me your answer when you're done eating!"

I ate the meal she prepared for us. I did not really focus on what she said. At the time, I already knew what answer I would give.

"I'm done, that was delicious by the way. So, have you made up your mind?"

"...You, Tsubasa. I choose you."

"Wow, how sweet! I'm so happy to hear that!"

I thought I was answering honestly at the time. Otherwise, I would have not been so surprised when she said:

"If that's the case, let's kiss!"

"Huh!!!? Wait, Tsubasa - ", my eyes widened and I felt like I wanted to leave for a bit. Weird.

"Why? We can't end this date without a kiss, right?"

"Yeah, but....fine...do what you wish...", I agreed even though I felt like I don't want to.

She slowly leaned towards me. Soon her lips were already so close to me. I closed my eyes as I waited for those lips to reach mine. But then - for some reason - I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Almost by instinct, I turned my face away.

"!! Maki..."

"Ahh! S-sorry, Tsubasa! I just got a bit nervous - "

"Nico, isn't it?"

"Huh?! Tsubasa-chan, I..."

"I can tell, Maki-chan. Your reactions, your eyes, your heart. You still love Nico, don't you?"

Hearing those words forced me to rethink what my real answer was. Ultimately, I realized too that I still loved Nico, which made hold my hand really tight.

"Alright, Maki. It's time to end our date."


"I understand, Maki-chan. If you still love Nico then love her, Maki-chan. I don't want you to force yourself on me if you don't want to." I felt guilty as I heard that. But it looked like Tsubasa-chan was okay regardless.

"Tsubasa-chan...sorry...I really did..."

"Say no more, Maki-chan."

Tsubasa smiled innocently after that, showing me she really accepted defeat. I felt guilty looking at her, and what I did to her, but I'm glad that she understood. Then...

"By the way, Maki-chan, I think you should be looking for Nico now."

"Huh?! Tsubasa, what do you mean?!"

"Just a feeling, but, I think Nico's been stalking us."

Hearing that, I realized that Nico might be really hurt for what I did. I decided to look for her, Tsubasa-chan helped me out. Eventually, Tsubasa's friends called us, telling where Nico is.

--- ---

"Yeah...that's what happened, Nico."

I explained everything to Nico. It looks like she was satisfied. I did notice, however, that Tsubasa cried, a tear flowing down her cheek.


That was strange...I cried a bit as I heard Maki-chan explain to Nico what happened. Why? Is it because I still could not accept it? Or is it because I feel out of place? It's strange...I am already happy for her...for them...I tried to wipe it off...

"Ah! Tsubasa-chan! You alright?", said Maki.

"Eh...ah...no, this is nothing! Just tears of joy...I guess."

"You sure!?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry! Well...I guess I've bothered you for too long now! I'll be going!" Maki was about to say something, but let me go anyway.

I hurriedly left them together, walking as fast as I could away from them. Until I was outside the building.

Once outside, I sat in a corner and cried. I covered my mouth to make sure no one heard. I cried as I felt the pain of losing my loved one. Of losing. I don't why I acted like that. I don't know...


Before long I heard another voice. I looked for it's source before suddenly, someone hugged me. It was a hug so tight, that I could not let go.

"Tsubasa-chan! Please don't cry!"


It was Arisa Yuuki. Soon, I saw Erena Toudou running towards me too. My two friends...A-Rise...

"Tsubasa, it's alright! We're here now so don't cry!"

"Yeah...but not for long...", I said.

I was both glad and embarassed that they arrived now to see me like this.

"You two...eventually you will leave me alone again..."

"Tsubasa-chan...don't say that. We'll still be idols right? We might have another year or two to be together!", Arisa responded.

"Kira-chan, even though I will be transferring to another school, that doesn't mean I will leave you yet.", Erena replied.

Their words calmed me down, soon I stopped crying.

"Guys...sorry, I just got too emotional this time. And really, this is embarassing..."

"No it isn't! Actually, I miss the crying Tsubasa-chan! You're really cute when you cry!"

"Hehe, Arisa-chan, are you a sadist or something?", I replied.


"Kira, there's nothing to be embarassed about. Breakups and rejections are normal experiences. Come to think about it, you were crying when we first met."


"Erena's right! If my mind was correct, you got rejected at the time, right?"

"Please, shut up you two!"

Now I am happy with them around. They managed to change my mood and comfort me. They supported me, including my decision to be with Maki-chan, no matter what I did. I'm really glad to have friends like them.

"Hey, everyone. You think it was right for me to let Maki-chan go without a fight?", I asked. Personally, I wanted to know what they think about me after it all happened.

"Kira, personally I think being Maki's shipper is better than being her lover!"

"Ohhhhh! That's interesting.", I replied. It did not took long for me to immediately accept what had happened after Erena suggested that. Thanks! Now I feel a lot better.

I turned around and looked up high at the building where those two are in. This time, I calmly whispered, without feelings of guilt or despair:

"Good luck you two."

--- ---


Phew! She's gone, and everything is alright now. Finally, we're alone again at last!

At least Tsubasa-chan was a fair person. I no longer hated her, I probably might have respected her a bit more now. Someday, I might want to do her a favor......heck, what am I thinking?!

"Ehem. So, is everything okay now?"

"I guess...Nico-chan. Still, I have to say sorry - "

"NO MORE SORRIES, MAKI-CHAN!! When will you stop blaming yourself!?"

When I said that, Maki-chan unusually looked at me and smiled. She was happy I reacted like that? Anyway, her smile made me blush and look away from her.

"Well...what are we gonna do about these rings then?"

"What else?! We'll wear them, Maki-chan!"

"I don't know, Nico. Tsubasa-chan bought this for us so - "

"So what?! She gave us these for the two of us! We should not waste her efforts at least!"

"Hehe. Or maybe because you can't afford to buy them, Nico.", for some reason, Maki-chan said it like she was taunting me.

"WHAT!!!? Stop it, alright! When I become a real idol, I will get rich! And why are you teasing me so much, huh?!"

"Because I love you."

"Ahh!?", I said that the moment I heard those words. Maki-chan loves me!! Yes! Oh dear my heart just suddenly pounded like crazy, I'm blushing really hard! Darn it! Her smile is making me want to look away even more!!

"Damn you, Maki-chan!", I shouted with my eyes closed.

"Huh?! N-Nico! Why? - "

"Because I wanted to say that first!"

Yeah. "I love you, Maki-chan!" I really wanted to say it first!

"Damn Tsubasa-chan too! Had she not interfered, I would have told you I love you first!"

"Hehe...", Maki-chan started laughing. I can't believe she's this happy. I couldn't help but just feel awkward and speechless this time! Am I being more tsundere than usual?!

"Whatever! Let's wear these rings already and get this over with, Maki-chan!"


We took out those rings and slowly wore it on out hands. Maki-chan suddenly grabbed my left hand and put a ring on my pinkie. Uhh, her hand felt so warm and soft, I can't stop blushing! I miss her hand so much!

"Hey, Maki-chan. Put it on my ring (fourth) finger!"

"Ehh?! You kidding me?! You do that only when you get married!"

"Why? You don't want to marry me, Maki-chan!?"

"!! Nico are you out of your mind!? No way could two girls get married - "

"At least pretend! Can't we just pretend we are, Maki-chan?!"

I said that with love. I really wanted to show her how much I love her! Like I care what other people think!

"...do you...do you trust me again, Nico?!"

"Of course, idiot! But break that one more time, and I will seriously hate you for that!"

Maki-chan nodded and put the ring on my ring finger. Yes! Then Maki-chan raised her left hand willingly. There, I put the other ring on her ring finger. We looked at each other's hands soon after.

"Pretty.", Maki said.

"Gorgeous!", I said.

After that, we hugged each other tightly. Then together we looked at the Tokyo Dome in front of us - this time we felt both joy and acceptance. Hard feelings for all that happened had finally washed away. I, we, felt back to normal again.

"Never forget me, Nico-chan.", said Maki as she looked at me with love in her eyes.

"I will, as long you don't forget me too, Maki-chan!"



We held hands afterwards...I'm glad we got the chance to do that one more time...

-- -- --

A/N: Phew! I really thought out this chapter really hard. Last chapter will be coming soon! Thank you so much for all your support out there!

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