07 - Tears

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"I gazed at the large dome overhead. The Tokyo Dome. The place where it will all end. An end...for all of us...for me...for Maki-chan. Just looking at it makes me sick. I just...I just could not accept...our concert...there. It will be there on that damn place that we will say goodbye. That we...u's...will have our last...our final...concert. Why...why can't I get over it!?

I thought I accepted it, I thought I was ready for it. No it seems. Thinking it will be our last performance...I...


I shouted those words to the girl behind me. The two of us, on top of this building overlooking the dome. Face to face. Just us.

The moment had come...for us to talk. A long talk.

"Let's end this...here and right now!", I shouted.

--- ---
6:05 PM

I waited for her to say something. Anything! .... ...

Maki-chan did not say a word. She just stood there making a sad face like she is about to cry. Hmph, I won't fall for it. I can't trust her anymore...can I?

"Tsk...How dare you!? You're doing it again, huh? Have nothing to say, huh?!"

She stayed silent. She's getting annoying. I want to hear her voice, damn it! I'll keep taunting her till she does something.

"Come on! Maki-chan say something! Don't tell me you're mute!"

Not enough. I have to taunt her even more...

"...Maki Maki Mute! Maki Maki Mute! MAKI MAKI MUUUTE!!"

I could not take anymore. I've been trying to stay silent all this time. I've been trying to accept her decision. But the part of me that doesn't want to hold back now wants to make a move.

"Maki Maki Mute! Maki Maki Mute! MAKI MAKI MUUUTE!!"

All I ever wanted was for her to say that she still loved me, or something to calm me down. After that...maybe...just maybe...I will accept what has happened between them. Then...boom.

She slapped me.


I slapped her hard. She was going too far with her words...what have I done?

I did not want to slap her, but I did. She was just sooo annoying! I no longer had control of myself.

Then, Nico-chan said:

"I wanted to slap you hard in the face that day when we were about to practice, you knew it was coming didn't you?"

I knew Nico...but you didn't...

"But...I never slapped you at the time...do you know why?"



I lost it. When Nico-chan said that...I started crying. How embarassing. I came here with a poker face expression, planning to eat up my pride and tell her my feelings without any setback. I came here expecting to be the tsundere Nico wanted.

But this time...it wasn't me anymore. It was someone else. A different Maki Nishikino. A different side of me I never knew existed...

"That's why...sniff...why...sniff...what the heck is wrong with my heart!!"

I cried again as she said that. At this point I felt really guilty. I no longer acted like the tsundere I was. At this point, I acted like a little girl...weak...powerless...This feeling...is way too painful...

"I'm guessing you feel the same way too, huh Maki-chan? You can't decide, can you?" I just listened to what she said. She's right, what can I do?

"Sigh. Maki-chan..." As Nico said those words, she gently put her left hand on my cheek. She then put her face closer to me. For the moment I thought she wanted to kiss me or say something. Then, she pulled out my left hand...and said...

"...slap me again, Maki-chan."

I broke like shattered glass when she said that. I thought it was over...

"I mean it, Maki-chan. Slap me. Slap me really hard now so that I can finally find a good reason to hate you! Slap me so that our connection with each other will break once and for all!"

No...Nico...please stop. I know...you understand my intentions but...

"This is what you wanted, right Maki-chan!??"

I continued crying.



I screamed those words. As tears rolled down my face, I knelt to the ground putting both my hands on my head, grasping it as if I had a headache.

"Noo...no no no...no no no no no...NO!"

I realized. I realized why I am so hurt now. I realized that I have become a different person. I have...changed...for the worse. In all my years of growing up...this was what I have become. But no...I never! I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO CHANGE!!! I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON THAT NICO-CHAN NEVER RECOGNIZED!!

"You're so confusing, Maki-chan! One moment you say we should break up, the next moment you want us to be together. What the heck is wrong with you!?"

...That's right...I don't want this...I never wanted it...at all!!

I looked at Nico and showed her my poor face. The face of weakness, and guilt. For a moment, Nico reacted like she did not want to see it. Then I held her face, she did not resisted, and looked her in the eye. I wanted her to see my eyes, the eyes of true regrets. Then...then...I wanted to make it up with her...I...wanted...her lips...

"Don't kiss me! Please, I don't want things to get more confusing!"

Nico pushed me away. I know what I did was stupid. How can she accept that as an apology? I clearly no longer controlled myself.

"Maki-chan! Give me a straight answer!"

Nico said those words with an angry tone. I prepared myself for what she will say next...

.... ....


6:14 PM

I ran out of tears to shed. I did not answer her because I could not think of one. I just looked at her without a word. That made Nico reply:

"Hmph. You never change do you?"

Soon, a moment of silence between us. Nico stood turning away from me. I just sat, and tried to grasp everything that happened. Then Nico asked:

"By the way...how did you find me here?"

At this point, I regained my senses and have calmed myself...for a bit.

"...Tsubasa's friends saw you come here, and called us..."

"You mean Anju and Erina?"

"Yeah...they were checking out that dome and were heading back home when they saw you come here."

"Maki...did you come here alone? Is Tsubasa...?"

"I came here by myself, Nico! Tsubasa told me she doesn't want to come with me."

"Maki..." Nico turned towards me. Then...suddenly a boost of confidence went in me. I said:


Immediately I made my move.


"True, I hanged out with Tsubasa-chan! True, I wanted it to happen. True, that I am aware of what I am doing! But you know what is not true!? My feelings for Tsubasa...our relationship!!? ALL OF IT ISN'T TRUE, NICO!!"

"I tried to enjoy our time together, I wanted to believe we were in love. But the more I lied to myself, the more I hurted myself! I...I...just could not take it anymore!"

Nico was surprised that I suddenly acted that way. That old self of mine. Denying all that happened just as I used to do.

"Nico! I don't care anymore what will happen! I don't care anymore if I become obsessed with you Nico! I LOVE YOU. That is the only thing I care about now!!"

After I said it all...Nico smiled. She no longer looked at me with hate. It seemed like all she ever wanted...was to hear me say those words.

"I see. You are obsessed with me, right Maki-chan?"

Even Nico sounded calm and relieved when she said that. I did too, the word "obssessed" did not seem to bother me anymore.

Now, after all those days...I finally...felt happy.

"Prove it, Maki-chan. Prove to me that you do love me, that you are obsessed with me."

This must be what she wanted. Proof that I am still devoted to her. I wondered how I should prove it to her. Should I tell her how much I love her? How cute she is? Another date? All of it raced through my mind when she said:

"I'll be selfish this time...kiss me, Maki-chan."

Jackpot. She just wanted a kiss. But it made me nervous, still I tried to give what she wanted.

As my lips slowly met Nico's lips, I stopped. I hesitated. What if she doesn't like the taste? What if...if this was the right thing to do? Then...


She could not wait any longer. Nor do I. I want it. She wants it.

...Sigh...it couldn't be helped then...

We kissed. On the lips. Passionately. But this time, I made it longer. I kept my mouth on hers even longer. I never wanted to let go. I want her to know how much I want her.

10 seconds...60 seconds...minutes passed...we still kissed...

Before I knew it, I was lying on the floor, with Nico on top of me. We were still wearing our clothes, we were still in control of ourselves. We...we...finally...became one again. And I liked it.

"Pant...pant...Maki-chan...you're a rougher kisser now than before...pant..."

"How long...pant...how long was it?...pant...Our kiss?..."

"You mentally counted that too, Maki-chan? Hehe...guess you are obsessed with me."

"...9 minutes...we kissed for 9 minutes...Maki-chan..."


"...I won't give you another kiss, Maki-chan! That will be our last!"

"...I see...I understand..."

"That was a joke!"


"Maki-chan, that was just a joke. You actually took it seriously? Hehe, what a moron!"

"Nico! That wasn't funny!?"

"I know hehe. At least...at least you care...*smile*"


Finally, I had all the evidence I needed to find out if she still loved me. I feel like I wanted to cry with tears of joy! Look at her face now, all red and blushing. I feel...okay now.

I forgave her. I no longer had anymore hard feelings. It was all enough for me. I've done what I had to do...almost...

One more thing to say...and it is the most important thing to say...



"Maki-chan....I love - "

"Here you are!"

...wait. What? That wasn't my voice. Nor was it Maki-chan's.

"Hehe...I love the scenery! How romaaanticc!"

Oh no. All of a sudden, someone's voice came out of nowhere. Someone...was watching us?

"How interesting. So this is how you two make up. I'm jealous!"

"Gosh, I wish I could have seen you two done more than just a long kiss!"

This figure...this girl revealed herself from the shadows...walking towards us. Both of us were shocked.

Immediately I stood up and prepared for what she may do. I glared at her with a tiger look. I held Maki-chan's hand tightly - in case we needed to escape.

Just what do you want from us? Huh, Tsubasa-chan?


A/N: Two more chapters to go! Thanks for following me and reading my stories, guys!

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