MariChat and DjWifi

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I walked over to the window and pulled out my phone. I clicked on the special contact I had made for his superhero form and called him. "What in the world is taking you so long to get over here? Obviously you are transformed." 'Trying to avoid all the security cameras.' "If you told me that earlier, I have a solution to your problem. I control all of the security cameras surrounding my room and it's veiw." I clicked off the call and opened the controls for my cameras. I turned them off and opened my window so he could enter.

He finally landed in the room. Most everyone was shocked at his arrival besides JoAnn. He had a sly grin on his face and it made me want to slap him. I walked over to him and punched his arm. "Ow! What was that for?" He said, rubbing the spot where I hit him. I glared at him before walking to my bed and plopping down to read my new book.

I glanced up from my book to see them all looking at me. Chat and JoAnn looked like they were waiting for me to do something and the other three looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" I said, setting my book down. "You just punched a superhero and hurt him, doesn't that seem a little crazy?" Alya said.

"Nah, he was just being a wuss." I said, resuming my book. I heard him scoff in indignation and I smirked. "Before you try anything Chat, you best remember who you're messing with." I said. I looked up and saw all of my friends looking at me in disbelief. I rolled my eyes at them. Putting a bookmark in my book, I tossed it up onto the second level of the room.

I stood on my bed and jumped, grabbing the edge of the railing before flipping myself onto the floor of the second level. I wiped the sweat off my hands and grabbed the book, placing it on the shelf. I stood on the railing and did a front tuck before landing superman style on my floor. I brushed my hands off and sat down in my beanbag, motioning for the group to do the same.

Once everyone was sitting in their normal seats, I said: "So, now that Chat is finally here *glares at him* how about we start a new round of dares?" They nodded in agreement and I smiled. "Okay. So, Chat, truth or dare?" I said. "Truth." He said. "Wonderful." I said, a mischevious glint in my eye.

"So what do you think of your 'princess'? I'm pretty sure she will be surprised to hear it." I smirked. Chat blushed pink and Marinette turned red. "Well, I think that she is smart, creative, brave, fun, sassy but shy, and beautiful." He said, slowly turning red with each word. I silently fangirled and so did JoAnn.

"S-so Alya, truth or dare." He sputtered out. "Um, dare." She said. "I dare you to hold a handstand for as long as possible." Chat said. She stood in the middle of the circle and did one for about a minute before she dropped out of it. Alya sat back down and scanned the group for her next victim.

"Nino, truth or dare?" Alya said. I watched as his face turned slightly red. "Truth." He said. "Have you dated anyone?" Alya asked. I could see the underlying jealousy and I couldn't wait for my ship to happen. "No." Nino said, almost puzzled at the question. I held back a laugh as I thought all of these children are oblivious.

"Kennedy, truth or dare?" Nino said. "Truth." I said. No way am I pushing the limit on my physical capabilities tonight. "So how old are you?" He asked. "Technically yesterday I turned 15." I said. They all looked at me in disbelief. "Crazy. That means you are the youngest person in our grade. I would have thought you were the oldest since you act so mature." Nino said.

I shrugged. "I was the youngest in my grade at my old school too. I guess I just had to grow up quick. I didn't really have a childhood, and most of it consisted of my parents fighting and night terrors. I also had to take care of my cousins when their parents went missing for a month." I said, fighting tears as flashbacks washed over me.

I sat in my chair, shaking at the uncontrollable memories. I closed my eyes tight to try and fight the memories. I felt the tears flowing down my cheeks and curled in on myself I the shaking got worse. I felt blackness trying to take over as I faded in and out of consciousness.

I felt familiar arms pick me up and carry me. I could hear Chat's and my uncle's voice like they were far away. I
could tell they were worried but I couldn't open my mouth to speak. I wanted to scream for it all to go away. The talking suddenly stopped and the darkness continued to close in, the silence almost suffocating.

Just as the darkness was about to consume me, I hear a familiar tune and try to listen carefully to it. Memories of my dad singing me to sleep flashed into my vision. I gasped and sat upright, my eyes flying open. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and my body was still shaking.

I looked to see JoAnn and Chat waiting with anxious faces next to me. JoAnn shoot up from her seat and wrapped me in a hug. "I was so scared that something was going to happen to you." She whispered. I hugged her back and said "I wouldn't leave you like that." I could hear the tears in my voice and feel the burn in my lungs.

"You were screaming something about leaving in your sleep.It sounded like 'don't leave me, don't take me away'." JoAnn said in a terrified whisper. I trembled as a wave of cold washed over me. Chat wrapped a blanket around me and I gave him a weak smile.

   After a bit I was feeling better and insisted I go back to my room. They finally let me after I agreed to have a piggy back ride to the room from Chat. I ducked under the doorway and he set me down next to my bed. They all looked at me with concern and it made me somewhat mad.

   "I'm fine, okay? I didn't die and don't plan on doing it anytime soon so can we go back to the game?" I snapped, an edge to the words. They nodded and I rubbed my temples to rid the small budding headache.

    "Okay, so I have a special dare for the two boys. I dare you to complete the dare I told you to do earlier. Back out, and there will be serious consequences." I said. They both shoot me looks of horror and I just laughed. "Y'all were taking too long so now I'm making you do it. Oh, and if it's not genuine, there is also a punishment." I said, a mischievous glint in my eye.

   The girls looked confused and I looked at JoAnn. She must have made the connection because she squealed and fan-girls silently. Chat had decides to act first on the matter. He walks up to Marinette and whispers "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are princess, inside and out?" Marinette blushes crimson red and DjWifi looked confused. That's when I realized my hearing was being heightened because of my dragon miraculous.

   Marinette was avoiding Chat's gaze out of the pure will to not crack. I sent her a mental message saying 'Just admit it, you love him. You're an amazing girl Marinette and it's obvious he loves you. I didn't dare him to tell you that you were beautiful. Nor anything else he manages to say before he accomplishes what I told him to do.'

   Her eyes shot up and looked at me. I gave her a small smile and she looked Chat in the eyes. "You're an amazing girl with so much creativity and kindness. You are braver that almost everyone I know and so bold that you can rival Ladybug. I just want you to know that I love you." Chat said as he lightly rubbed her cheek with his thumb.

   Marinette gasped in shock. Just before she could reply, he kissed her. Her eyes were wide in shock before they softly fluttered closed. I could tell that it was getting more passionate so I turned to see the other couple was having a make-out session as well. I internally squealed at my ships sailing. Only if I could have a perfect match for me.

(A/N: Before you guys go there, readers, I am not lesbian. I don't have any problems with people who choose that as their relationship path but it is not one I will take. Which means JoAnn is my bestie who I can fangirl with over all things MariChat and Adrienette but not a potential love interest. No ideas from y'all in the comments.)

   I sighed and could feel my mood dampened even in this overwhelmingly happy moment. I guess I'm just not some character in a story that is destined to be happy. As long as everyone else is happy I will be fine.

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