Truth or Dare

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   After having my homemade ice cream cake, we went up to my room and pulled the beanbags into a circle in the middle of the room. everyone was sitting down on one of the chairs. on my left was Adrien and on my right was JoAnn. Next to Adrien was Marinette (my doing *evil grin*) and next to Marinette was Alya. Nino was sitting between Alya and JoAnn.

   "So, we are playing truth or dare." I said, and evil grin on my face. I looked at JoAnn and pulled her closer so I could whisper her my plan. "Okay, so operation shipping is a go. We will start with Alya and Nino then we will see if we can pull off Marichat." I whispered. She nodded and started fangirling.

   "So, I don't know how you guys usually play but I play like one person starts and then whoever they ask gets to ask anyone they want after they answer the truth or complete the dare. I only have two rules, 1)you can't ask the person who asked you and 2)if the person is too uncomfortable with doing the truth or dare, they don't have to do it." I said. They nodded and I started.

   "Adrien, truth or dare?" I said. "Dare." He said. I smirked and could tell I had an evil glint in my eyes. I could see the regret wash over his features. "I dare you to do a backflip." I said. Adrien hesitantly got up and stood in the center of the circle. He executed a perfect backflip and I laughed at our friend's stunned faces.

   "Okay, Nino, truth or dare?" Adrien said. "Truth." Nino responded. "Who do you have a crush on?" Adrien asked. His eyes sparkled with mischief and I could guess who it was. "U-um, it's Alya." He said, a bright red blush lighting up his cheeks. Alya blushed and smiled at Nino.

   "So, JoAnn, truth or dare?" Nino said. "Dare, I'm not chicken." She said with a challenging look in her eye. "I dare you to try and catch Kennedy." Nino said with an amused smile. I went wide-eyed and jumped out of my beanbag, booking it out of the room and through a maze of halls before I made it back to the room. JoAnn entered the room a few minutes after me, out of breath from all the running.

   "How in the flipping world can you run that fast?" She said after she caught her breath. I just shrugged. "So Kennedy, truth or Dare?" JoAnn said. I narrowed my eyes at her and said "Dare." She smirked. "I dare you to do a roundoff backflip back-tuck and land in your splits." I sighed. "Can I change first? I really don't feel like ripping my clothes." I said. she nodded and I went into my closet.

   After changing into a pair of long spandex, cheer shoes, and a red tank top, I had them clear a path. I got a short running start before doing my roundoff backflip back-tuck and landed in my left splits. I did a switch into my right splits and then stood straight up. All of them had gaping mouths and I said "What?"

   "How in the world can you do that? And how did you get so ripped?" Alya said, voicing what the others couldn't. "Competitive cheer. I did it for six years straight before I moved here. I could probably lift any of you if I wanted." I said, sitting back down in my beanbag. Everyone pulled the circle back together and continued the game.

   "So Marinette, truth or dare?" I said. "Um, truth." She said. I'll be nice this time. "So, if there was one thing you could accomplish before you died, what would it be?" I said. "Um, I'm not sure, There's so much I want to do. If it was career-wise, it would be that I became a fashion designer." She said. I nodded and smiled.

   "Alya, truth or dare?" Marinette said. Alya thought about it and said "Truth." "What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever posted on the Ladyblog?" Marinette said. I could guess what it was but it was her question. "Probably the Akuma battle where Ladybug had to kiss Chat Noir to break the Akuma spell. It was kind of awkward now that I think about it. And LadyNoir is just not a possibility anymore, I have a better ship." She said.

   I pulled out my phone and sent her a message saying "MariChat for life!!!" She looked at the text on her phone and laughed. "Exactly Kennedy, you read my mind." She said. "Which if I plan it right, I know how to make that happen. I'm pretty sure they know each other and I have a way to contact him." I said. She nodded enthusiastically.

   "So, Kennedy, truth or dare?" Alya said. "Truth. You guys don't know much about me." I said. "So what brought you to Paris in the first place?" She said. I felt my mood darken and tears threaten my eyes. JoAnn put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with concern.

   "I'm sorry Kennedy, you don't have to answer." Alya said. I shook my head. "You guys need to know anyways. So about eight years ago, my parents divorced, It wasn't the prettiest but I ended up going back and forth between houses every other week. The past year had started to get rough and my dad and mom were arguing over me all the time. It got to the point where the court decided it was safer if I moved out of the state. I didn't have any relatives that were in the U.S.A that could take me in so my uncle Fu offered to keep me in his home here in Paris." I said, silent tears rolling down my cheeks.

   I ended up caught in a group hug and I started to sob into Adrien's shoulder, who happened to be the closest. After I calmed down, I laughed weakly and said "It seems I just keep crying on you coz." He smiled at me but I could see the worry in his eyes. I take a shaky breath before saying "Shall we continue the game?" They nod and head back to their seats.

   "Okay, so I have a group dare and then two special dares for the boys." I said they nodded and I said "Group dare first. We're going to do the cinnamon challenge!" I say. We all head down to the kitchen and I give them each a spoon heaped with cinnamon. "Okay, so the first person to eat all of the cinnamon or the last person to not spit it out wins." I say. 

   We all stick the spoons inside our mouths and almost immediately Nino spit it all out. Soon after Alya and Marinette spit it out. I had started to swallow it but it was super chalky in my mouth. Adrien finally had to spit it out and it was just me and JoAnn. I finally swallowed it all and cheered. "I won, heck yes!" I shouted.

   "wait, you swallowed all of it dudette?" Nino said in disbelief. I nodded. "After being forced to do the cyan pepper challenge a few times, this is nothing." I said, grimacing at the memory of swallowing the spicy powder a few times. They laughed at my facial expression and I said "You think it's funny until you have to do it. The first time, I couldn't taste normally for a week after."

   We made it back to the room and I pulled the two boys aside. "Okay, so Nino, you have to give Alya a kiss on the lips for at least five seconds. No backing out." I said before I shoved him towards Alya. He was blushing in embarrassment. I turned back to Adrien and quietly said "So, I don't care how much you keep telling yourself that you only love Ladybug, you have a crush on Marinette and I know it. You are going to come here as Chat and hang out for a bit. Before you leave, you have to kiss Marinette on the lips. No choice in the matter."

   He blushed heavily and I dragged him to his room while shouting back to the group "Adrien's dare might take a while so He will be back in a bit." I closed his room door behind us and said "If I don't see you in my room in a minute, I swear Agreste, you won't like what happens." I said, my eyes flashing flaming orange. He gives a curt nod and I leave. Now for phase two of MariChat.

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