The Party

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   I laugh and say "Yeah. I was thinking I would have my party here after school tomorrow and maybe having a sleepover with Marinette, Alya, Nino, and us three afterward. And before you say anything Adrien, I already talked with uncle Gabriel and he said he was fine with anything." He looked stunned and JoAnn just laughed. I looked at her and she stopped.

   "Hey Adrien, I don't have Nino's number yet to ask him so can I borrow your phone for that?" I said, pulling out my phone to call the girls. He nodded and I called Alya first. "Hey Alya." 'Hey Kennedy, what's up girl?' "Nothing much, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my  birthday party tomorrow." 'Yeah, of course!' "Awesome, and I'm having a sleepover afterward. Bring stuff for that." 'Okay! See you tomorrow.' "Bye Alya."

   I ended the call and then called Marinette next. 'Hi Kennedy, what's up?' "Hey Marinette, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my birthday party tomorrow?" 'Yeah, what time?' "After school and it's a sleepover too. Also, can you let Alya know it's at the Agreste mansion too? I forgot to tell her." 'U-um sure! Bye, see you tomorrow.' "Bye." That reminds me, I need to let her know that me and Adrien are cousins. She seriously has it bad tho.

   I put my phone away and turn to Adrien. "So both of the girls said yes and I'm assuming that Nino will say yes so that means I have a TON of cooking to do today and tomorrow morning. If I'm gone for the next 24 hours, it's best to assume that I'm in the kitchen." I said, planning out everything I was going to make. Adrien laughs and hands me his phone. I hit the call button on Nino's contact.

   "Hey Nino, it's Kennedy." 'Hey! How are you doing dudette?' "*laughs* pretty good Nino. So I was wondering if you want to come to my birthday party tomorrow?" 'Heck yeah! Where and when is it?' "After school at Adrien's house, now that I can actually call it that. It's also a sleepover and the girls are coming too." 'Woah, you actually got Adrien's old man to allow you to have a party?' "He's my uncle. besides, all he needed was a little reminder of who he was. See you later Nino." 'See ya dudette.'

   I ended the call and gave Adrien back his phone before heading down to the kitchen to start on all of the food. This is going to take a while.

-Time Skip To After School Friday-

   I was in the kitchen working on finishing the last few snacks for the party when my phone buzzed. I wiped off my hands and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Today I had insisted on wearing casual clothes after school so that I wouldn't get anything dirty. I looked at the text and saw it was from Alya saying they were here. I took off my apron and went to the front door to let them in.

   "Hey guys, I'll take you up to the guest room to drop off your stuff." I said, snatching all of their bags from them before they could say anything. I jogged up the steps while carrying about 40 lbs of luggage. I opened the door to the room and dropped the bags by the door. "What in the world did you guys pack in there? That weight almost the same as everything I had brought to live here in Paris." I said, stretching my arms above my head.

   They all stood with their mouths agape at my room. I had painted the walls white with a black accent wall. I had a white desk and white metal frame daybed in the corner. The bedside table was teal and the sheets were a teal and turquoise print. The black curtains were open and a zebra rug sat in the center of the room. I had a large screen T.V with multiple black and white beanbags scattered on the floor around it. The second-floor level had a giant library filled with tons of books in all my favorite genres. (A lot like Adrien's room)

   "So, the chick sitting on the bed with her nose in one of my books is JoAnn. She's one of my besties from Michigan." I said, pointing to her. She gave them a small disinterested wave in response to the introduction. I walked over to her, yanked the book out of her hands, pulled her off the bed, and said be friendly before you could say miraculous ladybug. She sent me a glare before looking at the group.

   She suddenly gasped and squealed and I had to clamp a hand tight over her mouth before she said anything that could have a major backlash. She licked my hand and I wiped it on her shirt before slapping her arm lightly. "So JoAnn, this is Alya, Marinette, and Nino. And you've already met Adrien, my cousin." I said, pointing to each as I said their name.

   "So, what do you guys want to do first, you are my guests." I said, slipping my hands in my pockets. I was currently wearing dark bootcut jeans, black combat boots, A moss green tank top, a leather jacket, and my hair tied back with my camo and U.S.A flag cheer bow. "How about we start with food and then do presents and cake after?" Adrien suggested. "Wow Adrien, and you complain that Plagg only thinks with his stomach." I said teasingly.

   He stuck his tongue out at me and I laugh. "Who's Plagg?" Alya said, reporter instincts kicking in. "Oh, just a stray black cat that tends to wander on the roof and beg for food. I'm the one who gave him his name." I say. Adrien silently thanks me for the coverup as the rest believe me. We make our way down to the dining room which is decorated with white balloons and teal streamers. I sit down in my usual spot and so does Adrien.

   I nod to the chef after everyone is seated including Uncle Gabriel and Natalie. "So I decided to make my favorite meal I would have back home. If you don't like it, I also made a different disk for the staff and there is extra of that." I said. Everyone took off their covers and looked at the food in awe.

   I had made spinach artichoke dip stuffed chicken with green beans and homemade garlic bread. I said a silent prayer over the food. I took my sharp knife and cut a bite off before spearing it with my fork. "What are you guys waiting for? Eat, my word!" I said before eating the bite on my fork. After everyone was done, the staff cleared the table.

   "Wow, you seriously made that?" Nino said. I nodded and smiled. "So you guys want to do presents next?" I said. They all nodded and then booked it out of the room. I laugh and wait patiently. Adrien arrived first with his gift. The excitement in his eyes made me just so happy that I didn't even need anything for my birthday.

   After everyone was here, I started with my (second) gift from uncle Gabriel. I took off the wrapping paper and opened the thin box. Inside was a bunch of family photos from when I was younger and he would come to visit. They were before my parents got divorced, tons of them form special times I had forgotten. I covered my mouth and started to cry.

   I stood up from the table and walked over to him. He wrapped me in a hug as I sobbed into his chest. After I was calm, I whispered "Thank you. This means so much to me." He wiped one of my tears and said: "Of course my little butterfly." I smile then made my way back to my seat. All my friends looked at me with confusion besides JoAnn who gave me a hug and Adrien who gave me a knowing smile of reassurance.

   I took a deep breath and opened the next gift from Alya. It was a new case for my phone with a galaxy pattern on it. I got a mix CD from Nino that the title made me chuckle. I got a hand-made bag from Marinette that made my heart warm at the intricate design. Lastly was the gift from Adrien (JoAnn gave me my gift earlier, it was one of the books I had wanted).

   I opened the small box. Inside was a small earring and necklace set. The earrings were set with a magenta dragon's eye stone and the charm on the necklace was a shiny midnight blue dragon with a tiny magenta dragon eye stone for the eye. I got up and wrapped him in a tight hug. "Thank you, Adrien. Thank you all for the gifts. They all mean so much to me."I say after letting go of Adrien.

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