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 "Sweetie, you're moving to Paris tomorrow."

   The one sentence that flipped my world upside down. I wanted to see Paris, but not this way. I sigh as I look back at my home before entering the car to leave the only world I have ever known. I'm going to live with my great uncle Fu. Who knew I was part Chinese? I hope to see Uncle G while I'm there and hopefully meet my cousin. "Look out Paris, you have a new resident on the way."


   I opened the door to what appeared to be an ancient Chinese massage place. "Um, hi." I said awkwardly to an elderly man in a Hawaiian print shirt. He smiled and said "Come in Kennedy. I'm glad you are here early, I have more time to explain." I followed him to a teapot and he handed me a small cup. I took it and gave him a small smile.

   We sat down at a round table next to a mat. "So explain what uncle Fu?" I ask, trying to polite. I feel so awkward right now, I swear I am the most awkward person on earth. "We will get to that it due time. First I want to hear about your trip and more about you. I don't know much from what your mother told me." Uncle Fu said.

   I took a deep breath and let go of some of the tension I felt. "Well, the flight was long, boring, and congested in my opinion. I also almost had a panic attack a couple of times due to my claustrophobia. Otherwise, the trip was good." I said. He laughs and I smile, feeling more at ease with my great uncle.

   "So, more about myself, hmm. Well, I enjoy any art and I am really nerdy. I am an absolute geek in science and math and I am a bookaholic. I am also a very awkward person and incredibly introverted. I can't believe I'm in Paris right now and will probably be here for a while, considering how things are back home. Yeah, there's not much I can say about my accomplishments though. I feel like I suck at doing most things." I say, muttering the last part.

   "You are a very modest person, perfect for the job I will be giving you." Uncle Fu says. "What job are you talking about Uncle?" I say, twisting my hands. "Ah, this Kennedy is where the explaining comes in." He says with a mysterious look on his face. My Uncle Fu then explains everything about the Miraculous.

   After listening and processing this information, I make a connection. "So that's how Ladybug and Chat Noir became heroes? I knew there was always more to the story than just they came because a villain showed up. So you said that I don't need to know their names because I will meet them in due time. So does this mean that I will only meet them in superhero form or will I know their identities like you because you said you're training me to be the next Guardian of the Miraculous?" I say.

"You will know their identities and you will also be receiving your own permanent miraculous. You will fight alongside them with the dragon miraculous, which grants the power of wisdom and healing." Uncle Fu said, handing me a black box with red imprint. I opened the box and a turquoise ball of light came out. Inside the box was a simple midnight blue cord bracelet which I slipped onto my wrist.

   The light stopped in front of me and a midnight blue kwami with three silver stars on its forehead, tiny horns, and magenta dragon eyes appeared. "Woah, this is so cool!" I said excitedly. The tiny kwami giggled and I noticed the wings it had. "Hi, I'm Lumara! I am the Dragon Kwami." I look in wonder at the kwami and she giggles again.

   "Hi Lumara, I'm Kennedy. I'm guessing you are hungry?" I say. The kwami nods her head and I stand, finding the kitchen quickly and pulling out some cubed kiwi. I hold a piece out to Lumara and she gratefully takes it from my fingers. She pops the whole cube in her mouth and I giggle. 

   "So how do I transform?" I ask, snacking on the fruit with Lumara. "You just say 'Shining Star Rise'" Lumara says after swallowing her food. I stand up and look at my uncle who nods in approval. "Lumara, shining star rise!" I say.

My kwami gets sucked into the bracelet, which flashes before turning into a silver chain bracelet that wraps around my middle finger with three stars. I feel a bubbling light faze over my eyes and I blink as I feel a mask settle over my eyes. When I open them, I feel as if the world is slightly brighter. I pull my arms over each other and magenta gloves appear with the same bubbling light. I run my hands over my hair and feel a slight weight on my head as my hair is magically pinned out of my face. I run my hands over my shirt and do a quick spin and the bubbling light replaces my clothes with a midnight blue knee-length dress speckled with shimmering stars. I slam my foot down to stop spinning and magenta to midnight blue thigh high boots appear from the bubbling light as it shoots up my legs. I smooth the back of my dress and feel a tail appear underneath. I pull from my shoulders at an invisible force and feel sudden what I can guess as wings appear. I flap them once and have one foot pointed down just in case they don't work while my hands are out in an unneeded balance position.

   As the transformation completes, I realize that there was background music the whole entire time I was transforming. "Oh my word....I'm seriously the weirdest person on the world for that to be the first thing I realize. Great going Kennedy, you just won the most awkward and weird person ever award." I mutter to myself. I twist and turn as I try to see what this new power brings.

   "Um, uncle Fu, do you have a mirror?" I ask as I struggle to see anything. He nods and leads me to a full-length mirror. The first thing I notice is my eyes. Where the white of my eyes was is now a pale magenta and my irises have a slight magenta discoloration to them. I'm wearing a midnight blue mask around my eyes and a crown of three silver stars like the one on my miraculous. 

   "This is so cool! Now, what to name myself. Oh and Uncle Fu, why did you give me the Dragon Miraculous?" I say, turning to look at my uncle. "Only one other guardian has been female. She was also given the Dragon Miraculous." He said. "Woah..." I breathe out, feeling responsibility weighing on my shoulders.

   "What was her name?" I ask hoping to get an idea for my superhero name. "Her real name was Lila Midnight, and her superhero name was Dragora." He says. (No, not Lie-la, it's a different person) I think about it, wanting to give her some tribute. "Hmm, I'll be Dragora Midnight, in honor of her." I decide, smiling at my uncle.

   He smiles and nods before heading back to the table. I go with him and sit on my knees, my tail curling around me. "You will meet Ladybug and Chat Noir at your school tomorrow. I want you to discreetly let them know that you know it's them on Tuesday." He says. I nod and say "Of course uncle, but don't you think it's a little risky to have them going to the same school?" I ask.

   My uncle laughs lightly and I tilt my head in confusion. "Those two are incredibly dense, so they will most likely never make the connection. You will understand when you go to school tomorrow." "Okay, one last question, I don't speak french so..." I say, hoping he can understand. "Your Miraculous will help you, but what languages do you know?" Uncle Fu asks.

   "Um, Dutch, Chinese, Spanish, and English." I say. "French will come to you quickly if you could learn Dutch and Chinese." He says. I nod and then say. "Shining star set." We bid goodnight to eachother and I head to my room, excited for my first day of school in Paris.

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