Meeting Them

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I wake up and pull out my clothes for the day. I decide on my ruffled leather jacket, a black dress with a bright green belt around the waist, my black leather boots, and black leggings. I hop into the shower then dry off and get changed. I brush and blow dry my brown to strawberry blonde hair and braid it, tying it with a green ribbon on the end.

I wave to my uncle before starting my walk to school. I'm glad to live close to the school so I decide to stop by a bakery I saw on the ride to my Uncle's house. I notice the woman standing at the counter is wearing traditional Chinese dress so I decide to brush up on my Chinese. (this next part is in English so Y'all can read it but note it is said in Chinese) "Goodmorning, may I have a cherry tart please?" I say, smiling at the woman.

"Yes, of course. I didn't think many people knew mandarin. You look new dear, what is your name?" The woman said. "Kennedy, I just moved from America. I learned Mandarin as a side hobby. I am actually Dutch, Chinese, and French but I didn't know about the Chinese until I moved here to live with my great uncle Fu. Thank you so much miss for the breakfast, I must be off to school." I say with a smile as I take the bag and pull out my wallet to pay.

"Oh, call me Sabine and don't worry about paying, it's on the house." Sabine says. I smile and nod thanks before leaving and heading towards the school. I look around the crowd to see if I can find either of the superheroes without the masks of course. I spot a blonde boy and I immediately know it's Chat Noir. I head over to him and the boy in the red cap he is talking to.

I tap him on the shoulder and he turns to me. I make a quick mental switch back to English and say "Hi, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could help me? I have no idea where anything is." "Sure, I'll take you to the office. My name's Adrien." He says, holding out his hand. I take it and shake, giving him a smile. "My name's Kennedy."

He waves to the boy in the cap before saying "follow me" and heading inside the school. We walk up some stairs to a big wooden door and I knock. "Come in," I hear before opening the door. I smile a quick thanks to Adrien before heading inside. I found my Chat Noir, now I just need to find Ladybug I think as I step up to the headmaster's desk.

-A Miraculous Time Skip Brought To You By Lumara's Kiwi Fruit-

I stand at the front of the classroom with the teacher and scan the classroom. My eyes stop on a girl with dark blue-black hair sitting in the second row who is doing something in a sketchbook. Ah, found you Ladybug, now for the reveal, I think as I smile to myself. "Hello, my name is Kennedy. I moved here from America and I hope to make friends with you all." I say cheerily as I smile.

   "Thank you Kennedy, you may take a seat behind Marinette. Please raise your hand Marinette." Mrs. Bustier said. The girl with the black-blue hair raises her hand and I make a mental note of her name. I pass Adrien and give him a small wave. He waves back and I smile, glad I decided to ask him for help.

   I sit down and both Alya and Marinette turn around to talk to me. "That's so cool that you moved here from America. The only other person we know who went to America was Lila." At the mention of Lila, Marinette stiffened and I remembered the Volpina incident that Uncle Fu told me about. "Thanks Alya. I used to live in the state of Michigan. That's why I wear a Petoskey stone necklace, it's a bit of home." I say, pulling out the necklace from under the jacket and toying with the stone.

   "Wait, how did you know my name?" Alya asked, confused. "Um, how could I not know your name. You run the best blog ever, the Ladyblog. I used to watch it all the time back in Michigan." I say, pulling out my phone and pulling up the site. "Even cooler!" Alya quietly squealed. "I know you want to talk more but a) I'm an introvert which means social interactions are not my forte and b) we are in class so we can talk later." I say before gesturing for them to turn around.

-A Quick Time Skip Brought To You By Alya's Speed For The Ladyblog-

   I collected my things and placed them in my bag as the bell rang, signalling the end of class. I went outside and waited for Alya and Marinette so I could talk to them some more. "Hey, so what do you want to know about me?" I ask as I walk up to them. Marinette shrugged and Alya said, "Oh, why did you wave to Adrien as you passed him?" 

   I shake my head at the reporter's attempt to stir up a story. "He helped me find the office this morning so I thought I would be friendly." I say. "Cool, so you have met most of the group then." Alya says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me over to Adrien and the boy in the red cap. "So Kennedy, this is Nino." Alya said while pointing at the boy in the red cap.

   "Sup, dudette." Nino said while holding out a fist. I gave him a fist bump and smiled. He smiled back and said "Finally, someone who understands me." I laugh and say "You remind me of some of my friends from back home." 

-Another Time Skip 'Cause The Author's Lazy-

   It was the end of the day and I waved goodbye to my four new friends as I headed home. I had formulated a plan on how I was going to reveal that I knew. I would make them each a small painting that looked simple and inconspicuous to any random person looking at it, but to the miraculous, it will have a deep meaning. In order to cover it up, I would also give a hat to Nino and make Alya a bracelet. As soon as I got home, I got out my supplies and started working on them.

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