The Gifts

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   I stepped back from the paintings, which were both complete. I looked at my paint covered hands, arms, and apron. A while ago I had changed into grey sweats and a too big t-shirt. I went and washed up before starting on Alya's bracelet. I picked out an orange and white fox charm to be the centerpiece of the bracelet. Once it was completed, I placed it carefully into a small box and put it next to the two drying paintings. Satisfied with my work, I put on PJs and crawled into bed, ready to get a good nights sleep.

-The Next Morning-

   I was walking to school with the bag containing my presents for my new friends. I walked up the steps and went to my locker, placing by backpack inside and pulling out everything I would need for class. I slung my bookbag over my shoulder and jogged to class, excited to give each of them their gifts. I pulled out the four packages and set them out on my desk.

   Adrien and Nino arrived first and I gave them a cheery wave. "Goodmorning boys, how are you?" I said, smiling at them. They smiled back and Nino said "Nothing much dudette." Adrien was looking at the packages and I could see his curiosity. I laugh and say "Hey Adrien, ever hear that curiosity killed the cat?" 

   I see him stiffen and can only guess what he's thinking right now. He seems to push whatever was bothering him out of his mind and comes back with "So I'm a cat now?" in a teasing tone. I roll my eyes and say "Well you sure do act like one, I mean you can't even wait for me to tell you why I have these before you're trying to figure it out." I gesture to the wrapped gifts. 

   He pouts a little and I laugh. He reminds me of uncle G whenever he visits. I wonder if I'll be able to find him. The girls enter the classroom and I start bouncing on my toes in excitement. "Okay, so I need you four to come here." I say to my friends. They oblige and I grab the gifts off of the desk, still bouncing in excitement. 

   "Okay, Alya, this is for you." I say, handing her an orange wrapped box. "Nino, this is yours." I hand him a box. "Okay, Adrien, here's yours and Marinette, here's yours." I say, handing them the last two. Both Alya and Nino immediately rip off the paper and open the boxes.

   I look at Marinette and Adrien and notice they haven't even moved to open them. "What are you guys waiting for? We don't have all day." I say jokingly. "You made us things and you barely even know us. I can't accept this." Marinette said, holding it back out to me. I look at her and say in a firm tone "No, I spent to much time on making all of these, minus Nino's hat, you are not giving it back to me." 

   I turn to look at Adrien and see he's having a different dilemma. "No one has ever done something like this for me. Thank you." He says quietly. I almost miss his words but then I say "Well, you gotta start somewhere right? Besides, I make stuff like this for my friends all the time. Friends and family are some of the things I value the most." I start to tear up and almost choke on them. I swallow my tears as I watch Adrien and Marinette open up the paintings.

Marinette's POV:

   I carefully rip open the paper and pull it off. I look at the painting in awe. It's a painting of a pink rose reflected in rippling water. One of the leaves has a ladybug and it is absolutely beautiful. I look at her signature in the bottom corner and read the caption underneath. It read the luck of the magical Ladybug. I gasp and look up at her. She looks at me with a knowing smile and I panic.

   How could she know?! I thought the miraculous magic worked on everyone? Oh no... she wouldn't tell would she? Oh my... Tikki's going to kill me. I think in a panic. She hands me a note while everyone else is distracted and it says we will talk later, after school. I nod my head as I swallow the lump in my throat.

Adrien's POV: 

   I rip off the paper delicately and turn over the canvas. It has the silhouette of a black cat in a doorway of an empty house. Outside the doorway, it's raining and a street lamp glows in the rain. I see her signature in white in the bottom right corner with a caption underneath. I read it and it says the Black Cat's magical curse of destruction. I look up at her and she looks over at me from looking at Marinette and gives me a knowing smile. 

   I panic as the realization hits me. She knows, but how? Would she tell anyone? No, she would have already instead of letting me know in a discreet manner. Oh, well hopefully Plagg doesn't kill me. I thought. I smile at her and she seems relieved. I pull out a piece of paper and write down when can we talk? She takes it and reads, quickly writing a response. Marinette wants me to come over for a bit after school so after then. Text me if that works for you with her number. I nod and give her another small smile, she sighs and smiles back.

Kennedy's POV:

   Now that I have that situation under control, I can relax a bit. Now to wait for the end of school. Hopefully, the conversations go as well as this did.

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