Machines of the Desert

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you told 2B and 9S about a story of the mission changed a lot for you, a story about a girl named Rose.


POV: You


Me, 2B, and 9S were walking through the first part of the desert before getting to the gate that lead to the main desert. I was back to normal after the emotions I felt from telling 2B and 9S the story of the mission when Rose died. we found the gate to the main desert and there was a woman with a hood standing a bit away from the gate on a ledge. we jumped on to the ledge to speak to her and when she noticed us she spoke.

"Hey, Our leader told me all about you" The woman says "Name's Jackass, Nice to meetcha. I hear your planning to take out all of the machines in the desert. Guess that means we need to get that entrance open"

"Yeah, it looks like it" I say.

"So,um, Jack...ass, was it?.What are you doing all the way out here?" 9S asks Jackass.

"Hmm? Oh, that, well..." Jackass says then the gate to the gate that leads to the main desert blows up scaring me almost half to death due to the suddenness "Wouldn't want to have any one getting tangled up in that now would we?. Don't go trying to be a hero all right?"

"Can't make any promises" I say as I walked towards the entrance still a bit shaken from the explosion.

2B ran to my side on my left and following behind us was 9S "are you alright?" 2B asked me.

"Yeah, just a bit shaken that's all" I reply.

"How so? no one touched you" she says.

I sigh and then say "Shaken as in the context of an after effect of something happening suddenly or trauma"

"I see, that's something I'll keep in mind" She says with her finger on her chin.

we then find 3 hoppers wearing tribal like blue clothes around them and masks covering their heads, my swords were on my back. I pulled out my light sword and ran up to the machines and sliced at each of the machines before they could attack. I walked back to 2B and 9S, 2B had a questioning look on her face.

"are you sure their dead?" she said as she motioned to the 3 machines who just stood there with a slash mark across the front.

"Yup" I say simply and the machines blow up behind me Michael Bay style "We should continue walking, we should almost be at the main desert"

"Agreed" 2B states

We continue walking through the narrow passage way before getting to the opening of the main desert and seeing the vastness of the thing.

"Waypoints have been marked on your map of high concentrations of hostile machine lifeforms inside the desert"Pod says then i see a minimap show up lower right side of my view "Transferring waypoint data to Pod 042 and Pod 135"

We then started running towards the nearest way point and slid down the steep hills of sand. as we ran I saw something unusual sticking out of the sand so I stopped and walked over to it.

"Is that a pod?" 2B asked as I picked it up.

"Pod, is there anything we can do with this pod?" I ask.

"Negative, the pod is not functional, but special weaponry is still operational" Pod says "Proposal: (Y/n) should add special weaponry to Pod 808's weapon arsenal and keep pod for spare parts"

"Yeah lets do that" I state.

"Affirmative, Lock-on missiles equipped"

We then continued running until we got to the way point and 5 wrenches jump out of the ground with 2 of them wielding swords. they were all wearing the tribal clothing that the three in the canyon were wearing, a few of them were wearing masks.

"An....droid..." One of the machines say.




we drew pour swords and started fighting them.

"These machines are....talking" 2B says.

"I heard from the resistance that they have been seeing this a;pt lately" 9S states.

"For some reason they always think I'm an android every time I come here. It could be the microcomputer inside my head" I add.

Once we were finished we started heading towards the next waypoint near a archway. We ran towards the archway and found one of those vending machine transporter things. 2B goes up to the interface on it and touches it, The YoRHa emblem then appears on its screen meaning that we could use it. After that we went to the second waypoint and 1 rook, 3 hoppers and 3 wrenches. They had swords, saws , and energy blasters. As we fought the machines they spoke.

"Enemy...K-kill enemy.."




"2B don't listen to what they are saying, their just emitting words at random, they don't mean any thing" 9S says.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, anything is possible" I say.

We then defeated the machines and I was sweating a lot due to the heat. I take a cloth out of my pocket and wipe my forehead.

"Why does your body look shiny?" 2B asks me.

"It's because I'm sweating, humans sweat when their bodies need to cool down or when they move around a lot" I state "And when its hot"

"Tell me about it" 9S says.

"I see" 2B says.

"You guys should be thankful that you guys can't over heat" I say.

I take a bottle of water out of Pods infinity storage and drank some of it before putting it back. After doing that I hear a bunch of screaming from behind me. I look behind me and see a bunch of suicide bomber machines running over a nearby dune towards us and one of them shouts.

"Allahu Akbar"

"What in the fuck not these guy? Pod shoot them down" I say.


He then shoots his lock on missiles and after a few salvos pod destroyed them all.

"I hate those things" I say with a sigh.

"What were those things?" 9S asks me.

"Suicide bomber machines, let's leave it at that." I say.

"one way point left" Pod says

"Okay lets head there" I state.

We decided that we would slow our speed down a bit so I wouldn't wear my self out, I may basically be a super human but I still have my limits, especially in the heat. 2B kept looking over at me as if she was waiting for me to do something to allow me to cool off more. Once we got to the final waypoint a single hopper jumped out of the ground with the tribal clothing and a mask wielding a sword.

"I think i can do this my self" I said as I pulled out my light sword.

I ran at the machine and it tried to attack but i blocked it's sword. when I pulled away my sword i hit the machine on the side with the blade.

"Die...Run...Run...Scary..." The machine said before jumping into the sand.

After a moment the hopper jumps out of the ground in the tunnel on the ledge above us.

"Individual unit ID marked" 2B's Pod says "Sharing data with Pod 135 and Pod 808"

I see a mark on my map of the run away hopper.

"I guess following the hopper might lead to more of the machines" I say then started running towards the marker on my map.

2B and 9S followed me and 2B asked "What do you mean by hopper? were not near any factories"

"(Y/n) nicknamed each machine to make it simpler for him to remember and say things about specific machines" Pod tells 2B and 9S "Would you like the data of all the nicknames so you can understand?"

"Sure" 2B and 9S reply.

As we ran they saw the huge complex of buildings and they didn't know what it was.

"What is that?" 2B asked.

"It's an apartment complex, they were used for homes for many people when space was limited" I explain.

"Why would humans want to do that?" 9S asks.

"Some people didn't have a choice" I reply.

"You have new mail" 2B's Pod says as we got close to another of those transporters.

We stopped at the transporter and 2B touched the screen and did the same thing as the transporter in the main desert.


I looked in my inbox and saw a email named Jupiter's Fortunes from 60. I decided to read it.


Have you heard of "Jupiter Fortune Telling"? It's all the girls over in R&D have been talking about lately! They say you can examine the color and shape of Jupiter's Great Red Spot to learn about what kind of luck you'll have with health, work, and love!

Sounds amazing, right? I'll try it and let you know what I find out!

-Operator 6O

After reading it I shook my head a bit at the stupidity of fortune telling.

"Forune telling is just something that get people's hopes up or brings them down" I thought then looked over at (Y/n) who was drinking some water "Health, Work, and Love? I guess it wouldn't hurt to have my fortune told when we get back to the Bunker" I thought reconsidering it "Me and (Y/n), would it even work out? but first I need to show him I am worthy of being with him"

"Fortune telling? huh, you look like your interested in what 6O said" I hear (Y/n) say from behind me, probably looking at my screen.

POV: You

After saying what I said to 2B she quickly swiped away her screen and turned to me.

"You know it's rude to look at other people's screens without permission" 2B states.

"Sorry, you just looked mesmerized so I wanted to see why that's all" I say before walking towards the marker of the machine.

2B said nothing and followed me, 9S wasn't paying attention to me and 2B so he shrugged his shoulders and followed. When we got to the marker 2 machines jumped out of the ground. 2B walked up to the machines and drew her heavy sword then sliced once cutting both of the machines in half. She then puts her sword bank and took out her light sword, I did also and so did 9S just in case. We walked through a hole in a building and saw the marked machine jump out of the ground.

"Ahh...Run...Run..." The machine says.

We try to run after it but 2 hoppers with swords ambush us.

"Hello. how are you?" one of the machines asked.

"Nice...Weather...Today" The other machine says.

Before they could speak again 2B kicks one of the machines into ta wall killing the machine and breaking the wall. Then she quickly slices the other machine before walking back to me and 9S. As she does the machine she sliced falls into a hundred pieces. Me and 9S looked at each other with questioning expressions then brushed it off.

We continued our way to the marker through a narrow path between building ruins. We then found a open space in the path that had some destroyed cares and a destroyed semi. A bunch of hoppers then jumped out of different places, some wielding weapons and some not. Then in the back a boxer comes from out of no where.

"I will take care of the boxer, You guys take care of the hoppers" I say.

"Understood" 2B says and 9S nods.

I run towards the boxer by stepping on a few of the hopper's heads. When I got to the boxer it looked at me and started doing it's double arm windmill attack.

"I hate when you guys do that" I grumble " Pod, assist me with support fire from your gatling gun"

"Affirmative, Gatling gun now equipped" Pod says then starts shooting the boxer.

It finished windmill attack and tried to crush me with it's right arm so I evaded. As it's arm was on the ground I ran up it and took out my great sword and chopped off it's right arm. It tried to grab me off its head so I climbed up it's left arm and gripped my great sword. Then I jumped off it's hand and brought down my sword cutting down the middle of the machine then landed on my feet. The machine fell to it's knees and exploded. I turned to 2B and 9S, 2B's cheeks were a little pink and 9S had a huge smile on his face.

"That.Was.Awesome!" 9S shouts.

I bow jokingly "Thank you thank you I will be here for a very long time"

I then hear a giggle and I looked at 2B "Was that you?" I asked.

"I don't know what your talking about" She says in a serious like tone.

"Are you sure? I swear I heard you giggled at my joke" I say.

"It was just apart of your imagination (Y/n)" She states.

"But I heard it too" 9S states.

"Your hearing module must be getting faulty from all the sand" 2B tells 9S.

"It is not" 9S tells 2B.

"Are you sure?" She questions 9S.

"Yes I'm sure" 9S says.

"Alright, Alright, Now let's keep going before we lose the machine" I tell them.

We start running towards the other side of the path way and we see the machine running towards us then it sees us.,

"Run...Run.. Aaaaah! Not this way!" The machine says then turns around and starts running the other way.

"I wonder what makes them choose these words" 9S says.

We continued running through the path then we came up to what looked like a android grave yard.

"What in the fuck? why is there so many dead androids?" i asked pod.

"Hypothesis: They were killed my local machine life forms"

" What are they doing here?" 9S says.


"It's like they were gathered here" 9S adds.

We then continued running through the passage way and into a dark tunnel and we saw the machine exit on the other side.

"They dont give up! Run! Run!"

"There it goes" I shout.

We get to the end of the tunnel to be met with a edge. we looked over the edge to see a lot of movement below. We run down the ruins of this collapsed hole to the bottom. The three of us then step on some loose ruins and fell the rest of the way to the bottom and landed on our feet. I looked at all of the machines and I was looking at the most weirdest thing ever fucking seen in the almost 8,600 years that I have been alive. The machines were literally trying to fuck each other and imitate human intercourse.

"This is the weirdest fucking thing I have ever seen" I say.

"What is this?" 2B asks.

"My. Love. My. Love"

"Don't listen to them 2B" 9S says.

"I have to agree with him on this one" I say.

"Together. Forever. Together. Forever"

"They don't have any feelings, they are just imitating human speech" 9S says.

"Not sure about that but I really hope your right" I tell 9S.

"What are they trying to imitate?" 2B asks me.

I then start sweating bullets on how to answer her "Well, umm, they are uhh"

"Spit it out already" 2B demands.

Before i could tell her the machine that we were following jumped down on the other side of the hole.

"I'll get you for this" The machine says and all of the machine became hostile and started to attack us.

"Let's take'em out"I shout as I readied my light sword.

We then started fighting the machines. it was one after another of hoppers and wrenches, it started to remind me of my last mission for YoRHa before I left. With that the reminiscing memories made me fight harder slaughtering every machine that I came across.

"Kill androids"

"Kill. Destroy"

"Kill Hatred Pain Slaughter"

Then all of the machines that were around us kept repeating.

"This. Cannot. Continue"

"This. Cannot. Continue"

"This Cannot. Continue"

The kept repeating it until all of them were saying it at once then they all started to freeze in place until all of them were frozen. Then they all started acting insane while saying the same phrase. They started climbing up poles and such and made a big mass up in the air in the middle of the hole all made of the machines.

"Whats happening?" 9S asks.

"I have no clue" I reply.

Then the mass opens up and a body falls out of it.The body was naked and had long white hair. It then started to stand up.

"A android?" 2B questions.

"That is not an android" I say.

"This...this is a machine!" 9S exclaims.

It stands up and it had abs and had no genitals. It really disturbed me.

"We need to kill this thing" I shout.

We then started to attack it, after shooting and slicing at it the machine stumbles back and says.


I go to slice at it and it side steps me.


Pod then shoots his gatling gun at him and the machine puts up some sort of barrier.


Then it shot all the bullets that were shot at it back at us and we dodged them all.

"It's evolving, we better finish it off quick" 9S shouts.

"I know that" I shout back"Pod, shoot 3 charged lasers at him, to weaken him and we will finish him off"

"Affirmative" Pod says then charges up 3 lasers and releases it at the machine.

It stumbles back and Me, 2B, and 9S charge at the machine from 3 different sides. Me and 2B stabbed from the front of it's stomach while 9S stabbed it through it's back. The machine grunted in pain before we pulled out our swords. The machine then fell on to the ground with it's blood spilled on the ground. We backed away from it for safety.

"Is this really a machine?" 2B asks.

"I'm not exactly sure. with the android bodies and those machines, that might be a combination of the 2" I suggest.

Then a light starts shining where the wounds in its stomach were from us stabbing it. Then a hand pops out of the light and an entirely other one climbs out.

"Damn it, not another one" 2B says.

The machine then starts roaring like if it was angry for killing the other one. The ground starts to shake and the ruins start to crumble.

"We need to get out of here!" I shout.

We ran the other way and we saw a hole open up in the side of the whole. We started running and jumping and climbing towards the hole before reaching it in time of us not being crushed. We ran through the tunnel and then the rumbling seemed to stop.

"It stopped, looks like were safe now" 9S says as the 3 of uss slowed our pace.

"What the hell just happened" 2B asked as we walked next to a literal river of sand.

"I have no clue. 6000 years of living and never seen anything like that. I think we should report this to command" I state "9S you mind handling that?" I ask.

"Not at all" He replies " We just need to move to a area with better reception first"

"I guess were going to need to do some walking then" I says


Hello guys here is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys are liking this book. Now until next time bye.

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