The Resistance Camp

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter You, 2B, and 9S were clearing out machines in the desert and after following a machine who ran away you guys ended up fighting a humanoid machine, after killing it another one crawled out of it and started making the cavern collapse. You guys got out safely and here you are.

P.S.: The story will mostly follow story with some major differences when it comes the end of the actual nier automata story meaning it will be a while before meeting A2.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me,2B, and 9S just fought that humanoid machine and we were climbing up a hill that is next to a literal river of sand. When we got to the top we saw a metal box blocking our way.

"I got this" I say then started walking up to the box.

"No I got it" 2B says while moving past me and starts pushing the metal box.

"Okay then" I state.

The metal box then falls down and crushes something metal after 2B pushed it far enough. I look and see a open space with 2 rooks wielding swords, I look under the metal box and saw a rook crushed under it. When 2B sees the rooks she takes them out with speed.

"2B, are you trying to prove something?" I ask.

"N-no" SHe shouts then says normally " I'm just doing my job as a YoRHa android"

"If you say so" I say.

We walk through the open space and through the tunnel on the other side. When we exited we were in a small canyon and 9S says.

"This should be good. 9S to Operator"

"Operator 21O to 9S, What is it?" 21O says.

"We just...ran into a pair of humanoid machines, we weren't able to capture them though, but we have combat data ready to upload" 9S says.

"Understood, ready for upload" 21O says.

9S then started uploading the video data that he and 2B captured.

"Upload complete, Anything else?" 21O says.

"Nope" 9S states.

"Okay then, I'll be closing the channel now" 21O says then closes the channel.

"That was weird, The humanoid machines I mean" 9S says as we started walking through  the calm desert.

"Sure was" I reply.

I hear pod beep and a screen appears with a familiar face on it.

"Operator to H1, can you hear me?" the voice says.

"6O?" I question.

"Yup, it's me. I have something exciting to tell you H1" she says excited.

"You can just call me (Y/n) 6O" I say.

"Okay, (Y/n) guess what?" She says.


"I'm going to be your operator from now on along with 2B" She squeals happily "I'm so excited to be your operator"

"When did this happen?" 2B asked 6O.

"The Commander assigned me as (Y/n)'s operator a little bit ago" 6O says " That means I get to talk to a human regularly, How exciting"

"I know what you mean" 9S says.

"Well I gotta go, Bye" 6O says then closes the channel.

"She was REALLY happy" 2B says.

"Why wouldn't she be?" 9S states "It's like every YoRHa android's dream to meet a human, let alone talk to one regularly" He continued.

"If you say so" 2B says.

We got to the exit of the sand and onto the asphalt of the city. We started walking back to the resistance camp and the sun was starting to set so we quickened our pace so we could get to the camp before the sun fully sets. I've personally never been there but I've heard of it before. When we got there I looked around and the camp was illuminated by lights and torches, very few people were around but I guessed they were resting in for the night. There was a woman by what looked like a lot of communication and scanning equipment. 2B and 9S walked up to her so I followed.

"Hello Anemone" 2B says.

"Hay, thanks for clearing out the desert for us" Anemone says then she looks over at me "N-number 1"

"The one and only" I say "It sure has been a long time"

"It sure has" She replies "Anyways, here is a gift from us to you" She says while handing 2B 2 keys "Use the room as much as you would like"

"Thank you" 2B says.

We walk over to the room and 2B opened the door and we saw room with shelves, trunks, crates, and 2 beds in the medium sized concrete room. I looked at the beds and I yawned.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" 2B asks.

"I'm tired, Humans need sleep in order to function properly" I reply to her.

"Like how androids need to go into sleep mode for at least 5 hours in order to function at our best performance in combat and in movement and such" 9S questions.

"Exactly like that" I answer. I looked at the 2 beds and say "You guys can take the beds"

"If you say so" 9S says then goes to the bed on the right.

"I decline, you will sleep on my bed and I will take the floor" 2B argues.

"It's fine 2B" I say.

"No it will not, for a android to let a human sleep on the floor is disgraceful" 2B states.

"Alright, alright I will take the bed" I said then sat on the side of the bed.

"Is it alright if I accompany you in your bed?" 2B asks with pink cheeks.

"Sure, I don't mind" I reply "It's been a while since I've had company with me in my bed"

"And who was last?" 2B asks curiously with suspicion.

"The last person was R8 when we had to go on a mission together and needed to stay the night in a old watch tower, But before that was a certain pair of sisters" I say while rolling my eyes at the last part and layed down on the bed with my back against the wall.

"I see" 2B says as she takes her heels of and lays next to me facing me.

"Your looking into my eyes aren't you 2B?" I say being curious.

"And if I am?" She says.

"Nothing, except that your interest in me is rising, Isn't it?" I reply.

"I don't know what your talking about" 2B states.

"I'm not dense 2B. I can see that you are interested in me, ever since we met this morning" I tell her "And with that I say good night" I say then closed my eyes.

After a few minutes I drifted off to sleep.


I looked at (Y/n)'s face as he slept and he looked peaceful, not really what you really see when your a YoRHa unit on the surface. When I looked at his lips I couldn't help but get intrigued to try to kiss him. I slowly lean in close to his lips then I hear 9S say my name, startling me.

"Hey 2B" He says.

"What is it?" I respond.

"Since we met (Y/n) today it's been a nice start to a cool ride, but a few things caught my interest about him" 9S says as he laid on his bed.

"And what would those things be?" I ask.

"One of them is if whoever put the micro computer in (Y/n)'s head would of thought to do the same thing to a female human for a adam and eve type thing which would make the most sense yet we have no other record of someone else like him, (Y/n) probably wouldn't know if there was a girl implanted with a micro computer if he was the first one" He says making sense of the thought "And about his story about him, the commander, and the girl R8, I just find it odd how long it took for R8's black box to go offline, normally after taking that much damage like that and losing that much fluid, she would of been gone with in seconds of her speaking her last words but it took 30 seconds, I just found it odd"

"Some thoughts are unnecessary 9S" I state.

He chokes up a bit then says "T-that's true but I can't help but be curious" He then tells his pod "Pod, take me out of sleep mode at 8 o'clock"

"Affirmative" his pod responds.

I looked back at (Y/n) and I hear him mumble something in his sleep in a angered town with a tear going down his face.

"I will kill you Nier"

I wipe the tear off his face then got closer to him and told Pod "Pod, get me out of sleep mode at 8 o'clock"

"Affirmative" He says and I close my eyes.

Part 2.

POV: You

I opened my eyes to see 2B laying very close to me, we were nose to nose with each other and her chest was against mine, her legs were intertwined with mine and I could feel her light breathing as she was in sleep mode.

" I've always wondered why androids were so identical to humans in almost every way and even down to their weight to shape proportions. I always knew those weight numbers were a lie" I say to myself.

I hear my stomach grumble so I got myself out of bed and turned the light on to in the room to see Pod and 2B's pod sitting right next to the bed. Pod notices that I am awake and hovers over to me. I walk outside to see most of the androids were out and about doing their chores around the resistance camp. The sun just started to rise over the city ruins.

"Pod, is there any more food in your storage?" I question.

"Negative, Proposal: (Y/n) should find some food"

"No duh" I say.

"I sense sarcasm" Pod says.

"How long would it take for you to go back to the hotel and cook me some food and bring it back to me?" I ask.

"Approximately 45 minutes" Pod say "It would be quicker if you hunt for some food and cook it right there, and with the surplus food we can save"

"Okay I will do that then" I say.

I walk out of the resistance camp and I felt 2 pair of eyes watching me but thought nothing of it since who wouldn't be curious about a new face. I walked through the streets looking for a moose or a boar. I then spot a huge boar al by itself in the middle of a field in the middle of the city feeding on some grass. It was by a broken overpass with a rusted truck under some rubble.

"Pod, give me my sniper rifle" I tell pod.

"Affirmative" Pod says as a large rifle appears in his hands.

I take the rifle and aimed down the sight. I aimed at the boars head and pulled the trigger making a loud bang that shook the air sending birds in the vicinity into the sky. The boar fell to the ground motionless without a squeal. I gave the rifle back to pod and walked up to the dead boar.

"Pod, cut up the boar and put the meat in your infinity storage. Give me a few pieces then go back to the hotel and put the rest of the meat in the freezer back home" I say.

"Affirmative"Pod says then uses his mirage program to cut up the boar.

He gives me a few fillets of the meat to me then flies off towards the direction of the hotel. I make a quick firenand cooked the meat before eating it. By the time I'm done eating pod comes back says.

"Report: All of the meat was put in the freezer. Also the hotel is safe and secure" Pod reports.

"Good" I say "Let's head back to the resistance camp"


I started walking towards the resistance camp as the sun started to rise higher into the sky. I looked at my watch and it was 7:45 am. I entered the camp when I got to the center of the camp I saw a all to familiar android exit the back of the camp. She had red hair and one of her bangs were lifted, she wore a shirt that had a slit on her left side with red pants and black boots.

"Shit, shit, shit not her" I say quickly That means-"

I got cut off when I turned to see the other sister who looked exactly like her sister except no bangs were lifted and the slit on her shirt was on her right.

Devola on the left and Popola on the right

"Leaving so soon (Y/n)?" The sister says.

"Ohh hey Popola" I say nervously.

" Did you miss us (Y/n)?" I hear the other say from behind me.

"Hey Devola" I say nervously while turning so I could face both of them.

"Why are you so nervous (Y/n)?" Popola says with her left hand on her hip.

"Yeah, it's not like we're going to hurt you except for this" Devola says before punching me in my left cheek.

"I deserved that one" I say with some blood coming off my lip and wiping it, the cut the blood came from quickly heals away.

"And this" Popola says then kicks me on the other side of my face.

"And that one" I say.

"What happened?" Devola asked me sternly and I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I wasn't able to kill Nier before he got to you, I took to many injuries" I say with my head down " I'm sorry, Devola, Popola"

"Hey, it's okay (Y/n)" Popola says as she walks up to me and hugs me from the right side.

"Yeah, Life is a little harder now but were good" Devola says as she walks up to me and hugs me from the left side.

"We've just missed you"Devola and Popola say in tandem before kissing me on the cheeks where they hit me.

"Not the best reunion but yeah. Ohh fuck, I forgot how much they liked teasing me" I thought.

"So (Y/n)~" Devola says.

"How has it been without us to accompany you in bed?~" Popola continues.

"I-I can't exactly answer that question" I said remembering last night with 2B and that night with Rose.

"Why is that? Did you find someone new?" They both say.

"That's a bit funny coming from a former bard and librarian" I say and they pout a bit. I then noticed that they didn't let go of me yet "So uhh, are you girls going to let go of me?"

"Nope" both of them say.

"We have lost time we need to make up for" Devola says.

"Yup" Popola adds.

"Well that lost time can be made up at another time" I say.

"So this is what you've been up to?" I hear 2B say in a serious voice.

I look in the direction of 2B and she had her right hip and 9S was behind her with a worried expression.

"Mind explaining?" She adds.

"Well you see, after getting some food I ran into some familiar faces" I say motioning to Devola and Popola who stayed quiet.

" I see, well we need to head out" 2B says.

"Okay, I'll be right there" I tell her.

"She nods and then starts walking towards the exit of the camp with 9S in tow. I look at Devola and POpola then sighed.

"Please let go, I have a job to do girls" I say.

"Do you have too?, we just reunited after almost 8,580 years" Popola says.

"I know but I work with YoRHa now and my missions are top priority" I tell them.

I hug them back and Devola says "Promise us, that you will be safe"

"And won't die" Popola adds.

"I promise" I tell them and they release me from the hug.

"We will see you later" Devola says and Popola nods.

"Okay, see you girls later" I say with a wave as I walked towards the exit of the resistance camp.

"When I exited the camp 2B and 9S were waiting for me. 2B had her arms crossed while tapping one of her heels on the ground, 9S was playing a game on his pod trying not to draw 2B's attention.

"So who exactly were those girls?" 2B asks sternly.

"Devola and Popola, they are really old friends from my past" I say then mutter "Who really like to tease me"

"I see, I was thinking of something else. Anyway, we were going to look around the city for any new activity" 2B states.

"Okay then, shall we get going?" I say.

"Yes" she replies.

"Is 2B getting jealous?" I thought.


Hello everyone here is the end. I hope you guys liked the chapter. Now until next time bye.

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