14: festival

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⚠️⚠️ TW ⚠️⚠️
this chapter contains sensitive content that might be disturbing the reader.


"Lee Soohyun. Don't you know about her?" Jisung asked Haesoo anxiously and she nodded in response. She had no idea who Soohyun was. She just know about the girl when her friends and Jay kept mentioning the name in front of her. Haesoo wasn't the type of person who loves to busy body about someone else's matter, so she just remained silent for a long time, didn't talk about the girl in their conversation until someone spoke about it.

Haesoo took a glance at Soohyun who was talking to her classmates after she has done introducing herself in front of the classroom.

"How did you know her?" Haesoo asked Yedam.

Sunghoon lowered his head when Yedam peek at him. "Just tell her." Sunghoon finally allowed Yedam to tell the truth to Haesoo.

"Lee Soohyun and Jay were once dating when they were 15. We knew her because we used to go to the same school together and we separated from each other when we got into high school."

Jisung continued, "Both of them were so happy with each other. Jay was so in love with the girl. He treated her so special and always put her in the first place. He was so protective when someone approached Soohyun. Everyone knows how deep and sincere his feeling for the girl was."

"But later then, he found out that Soohyun wasn't into him and was just using him for her sake."

Hyuri interrupted, "Soohyun fell in love with Sunghoon, not Jay. She used Jay as a way to get closer to Sunghoon because both of them had a strong friendship."

Sunghoon looked at Haesoo and smiled,
"It's a rumor." He said softly.

"My friendship with Jay was coming to the end because of a rumor."

"The rumor said that I was dating Soohyun silently when  Jay was together with her. That's why we ended up this way."

Hyuri rolled her eyes, "I told you to stay away from her."

"It's a mistake." He replied.

"I never have a feeling for her. Soohyun is like a friend to me. It's hard for me to fall in love with someone. Soohyun was not my type. It will never be her."

Yedam smirked, "Are you falling in love with someone now, Sunghoon?"

Jisung and Hyuri laughed.

Sunghoon didn't hesitate to reply and nodded.
"I found my first and last love." He smiled, showing the dimple that makes him look so attractive.

Haesoo nodded as understood and fixed her eyes on Jay who just went into the classroom with his messy look as always. He went straight to his seat, didn't even take a glance at Soohyun who was looking at him from far. He knew that everyone was watching him and waiting for his expression after finding out about Soohyun being here, that's why he acted so cool like he has no feeling.

He took a seat, rest his head on the table, and slept until the last lesson has ended because had no interest to know about Soohyun since he already knew her well.

Haesoo took a glance at his wrist, slowly sighed when she realized that he didn't wear the red ribbon she gave him. Haesoo had no words to say and didn't want to force him to follow her words, so she just ignored him and let him do anything he wanted to. At the same time, Soohyun approached Jay who was already sleeping peacefully on his desk.

She reached her hand to his wrist, held it causing him to immediately wake up, and lifted his head to see her. As soon as their eyes met, Soohyun pulled him and dragged him out of the classroom, leaving everyone speechless. Jay looked at her with a cold stare, didn't let go of his wrist from her.

"Funny how you still dare to hold my wrist." Jay crossed his arm and leaned his back against the wall.

Soohyun sighed,
"Do you need to make it obvious? Everyone was looking at us and talking about our past."

"Then let them know."

"Jay, what--"

"They will hate you for being a cheater."

"Jay, can you stop bringing about the past? I'm here to help you."

Jay chuckled, "It seems like you're so scared to let them know that you're a cheater. Soohyun, I don't need your help. So, just leave me alone."

He walked to the classroom and stopped when Soohyun spoke up.
"Let's forget about past--"

"What the fuck? Shut up." Jay groaned.

He brushed his hair out of his face,
"You were the reason my world has crashed down. Remember that you left me on the important day of mine!"

He pushed her away when she approached him and immediately rushed to the classroom without waiting for Soohyun.


    "So, here are the flowers that you needed to give to the visitors tomorrow. You can add more stickers on the bouquet or any ribbon to make it looks more interesting." Sunghoon put all of the flowers and colorful pieces of paper on the table to make a bouquet. Hyuri came along with her basket and gave a lot of stickers and plain paper to Haesoo who was so amazed to see the flowers.

"I have an idea," Hyuri spoke up while making the bouquet.

"How about we use this plain paper to make a letter? Everyone can write a special letter if they want to give this bouquet to someone they love. It's like a blind confession."

Haesoo grinned, nodded happily. "It's a great idea, right?" She looked at Sunghoon.

Sunghoon chuckled, "Can I write something? He took a seat next to Haesoo and wrote something on the paper. "Are you going to confess tomorrow?"

He nodded, "I hope I have enough courage to give this bouquet to her. I can't wait." He looked at her and hand the letter to her with a sweet smile on his face.

"Please keep this. It's for my bouquet. Don't read it, okay?"

Haesoo nodded, took the letter, and put it in the bouquet. She lowered her chin as she could feel that she would be so heartbroken tomorrow. Seeing Sunghoon confess to the girl he loves by using the bouquet that she made will stick in her mind forever. She couldn't do anything other than watch him being happy with his life even though she wasn't the girl he loves and still needs to do her job. So, she wouldn't ruin the festival.

Haesoo continue doing her job and stopped when Soohyun went into the room. Sunghoon lifted his head to see her, showed her a bitter smile as soon as she sat next to Hyuri, facing Sunghoon and Haesoo.

"Beautiful bouquets." Soohyun complimented making Haesoo smile. "What are you going to do tomorrow, Soohyun?" Haesoo asked the girl nicely.

Soohyun replied, "I need to be the mascot for tomorrow. I just tried the mascot on my body for 10 minutes and it already made me melt like cheese."

Haesoo laughed while the others were wearing a plain face, doing their works silently.

"I bet you will look cuter with the mascot on your body. You already have a beautiful face anyway."

"You're so good at complimenting." Soohyun dragged her chair closer to Haesoo and talked to her because Haesoo was the only one who treated her so nicely. Soohyun then lends help to Haesoo, so her work will be done in less than an hour.

"Letter? Such a cute way to confess." Soohyun looked at the letter and wrote them too.

"Are you going to confess too?"

Soohyun nodded, "Not a confess, but just a sincere letter." She put the letter in her bouquet.

At the same time, Jay went into the room to take the bag pack that he left under the table. He has done his work, so all he need was to go home and get ready for the festival tomorrow. Haesoo was surprised to see him and immediately shut her mouth with her gaze glued at the bouquet, meanwhile, Soohyun was just staring at Jay and looking away when he caught her.

"Move," Jay spoke up making everyone look at him. Haesoo lifted her chin, looked at him in confusion when he stood behind her.

"What do you want?" She asked him nervously.

"Just move." He coldly replied but yet Haesoo wasn't responding to him because she was still blank at his words.

Jay sighed in frustration. He pulled her chair
to the back causing Haesoo to be so surprised and got on his knee to take his bag pack under the table. He carried his bag pack, quickly took a step to leave the room without taking a glance at everyone in the room.

"Jay," Hyuri called him.



"What do you want?" He groaned.

Hyuri then stood up, took a paper and a pen before approaching him. "Write a letter for your special one." She smiled evilly, pointed her finger at Haesoo causing Jay to push her hand away from him. "Don't make a false conclusion." He replied, still refusing to write the letter.

This time, Hyuri whispered to him when the others were focusing on their works.

"Sunghoon wrote a letter too and he will confess tomorrow."

Jay looked at her with a cold stare, "Then, what's going to do with me? Are you asking me to celebrate them? Or throwing confetti-like they are getting married?"

Hyuri sighed, "Then, don't be mad if they are getting together. Stop being so obvious."

"Hyuri, shut your mouth before I shove cigarettes into your mouth." He grabbed the paper and threw it away.  "Useless." He muttered before leaving Hyuri speechless.

"What's wrong with him?" Sunghoon asked in confusion after he saw the guy throw the paper away. Hyuri turned her body facing him and shook her head,

"Emotional like a girl as always."

Soohyun grabbed her bag, "I need to go."

Haesoo looked at the girl and raised her eyebrows, "I thought we wanted to do this together."

Soohyun smiled, "Let's meet at the festival, Haesoo. I need to go home with someone." She grabbed her bag pack and quickly left the room after bidding goodbye to her friends.

"Don't you think she is weird? what is the reason she came back?" Hyuri asked Sunghoon curiously.

Sunghoon sighed, "She came back to apologize and fix their friendships."

"Then, what is she going to do now?"

He replied calmly, "To make Jay forgive her."

Yedam and Jisung spoke up after they have done playing the video game.

"Sunghoon, are you jealous?" Yedam teased Sunghoon making Jisung laugh.

"She is my friend, Yedam--"

Jisung interrupted. "Friends in public, lovers in private."

Sunghoon threw a tennis ball at them.
"Stop creating a false rumor."

"Why? There's a rumor saying that you also like her back!"

"Your mouth!" Sunghoon threw a few tennis balls to them again.

"Oh my god! You never denied the rumor! Don't you remember? That means the rumor is true!"

"Shut up!"

Haesoo looked at Sunghoon and shook her head to stop herself from overthinking the small matter.


"Welcome to the night festival of our high school," Sunghoon spoke up in front of the audience politely and grinned when the student cheered for him happily. He bowed to them, continue giving a speech for the opening of the festival. Everyone was taking a picture of him, keep clapping their hand because they were so proud to see the guy. Not even students, the group of VIPs who attended the festival also keep complimenting how good he was tonight.

He looks more attractive with a white turtle neck black pants on his body. The style might seem so simple to others, but when Sunghoon wore it, everything looks so perfect.
Haesoo watched him from far, too sad that she couldn't attend the opening because she needed to give a bouquet to people who are coming to the festival.

After a long time of adoring him who was giving his speech, Haesoo widened her eyes when Sunghoon caught her. He gave a microphone to the principal of the school and took a chance to adore her while the principal was giving his speech.

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows making Haesoo feel so crazy as he looks so mesmerizing. He then waved his hand to her as a way to bid goodbye when he needed to do his work and chuckled after she ran away because of the embarrassment.


  "I got caught," Haesoo mumbled in embarrassment, face-palming herself as she could feel her cheeks were burning. She leaned her back against the wall and shook her head when his appearance tonight crossed her mind.

"I need to do my work--" Haesoo shut her mouth when the bouquet that she prepared yesterday wasn't on the table. She looked under the table and became so anxious when she lost all of her bouquets. She left the room and slowed her steps when she saw Jay nearby the room.

He didn't realize that she was near him because he was too busy listening to his friends. He leaned his back against the wall while crossing his arm, and laughing when someone made a joke. Haesoo looked at him again, couldn't believe that it was him. The way he looked tonight was so different than usual.

Jay, the guy who loves to wear skinny jeans and a rock and roll jacket every day suddenly changed into a guy who looks so dope tonight. He was wearing a black turtle neck with a necklace around his neck and black ripped jeans along with fancy earrings.

The way he looks tonight made Haesoo amazed to see him. Not because she fell in love with him, but she was just amazed to see him differently.

No more rock and roll leather jacket with skinny jeans.

As soon as Jay caught her who we standing in the hallway, he wrapped his arm around his friends and went away, leaving her alone.

Haesoo shook her head and without wasting any time, she went to the changing room to ask Soohyun if she know where the bouquet is. She walked towards the room while calling for Hyuri and sighed when she didn't respond to the call. Haesoo was nervous, she had no idea if she lost all of them. Sunghoon would be so mad at her and disappointed in her for being careless. The festival would be messed up just because of her one mistake.

Haesoo went into the changing room and was surprised to see Soohyun who still didn't wear the mascot. "Why didn't you wear the mascot yet? There are a lot of people outside the room. You need to entertain them."

Soohyun didn't respond.

"Soohyun, Sunghoon would be so mad if you didn't do your job. Your job is the most important in this festival because it is a request from the principal. The principal will look for you soon--"

"Haesoo, can you wear it for me?" Soohyun cut her off.

Haesoo blankly looked at the girl,
"But Soohyun, I need to find my bouquet. I'm already late. Do you know where my bouquet--"

Soohyun pointed her finger at the back of the room, "I bring them here."

Haesoo exhaled deeply when she spot all of the bouquets. "I thought I lost them!" She took them and was about to bring them out but Soohyun quickly stopped her.

"I will do this."

Haesoo lost her words, "You need to be the mascot--"

Soohyun shook her head, "I want to do this."


"I have a trauma, Haesoo. I'm so scared of a  mascot."

"Don't worry, Haesoo. I already told Sunghoon about this."

"He already knew that we exchanged our role for tonight."

"So, it depends on you now."
Soohyun held Haesoo's hand tightly and begged the girl to help her.

"Sunghoon, already know about this...?"

Soohyun nodded.
"Please, Haesoo. Just this time."

"I'm begging you. I don't want to be the mascot."

Haesoo took a moment to reply.

"Haesoo, I will do well. Don't worry. I know what should I do."

"Haesoo, I'm so scared of mascot--"

Haesoo finally nodded, letting go of all of the bouquets. "Alright. You should tell me earlier, Soohyun. Why did you need to tell me now?"

"I'm sorry..."

Haesoo smiled, "It's okay."

"You know what to do, right?"

Soohyun nodded.

"Take my place. I will wear the mascot."

Soohyun excitedly nodded and put all of the bouquets on the basket, getting ready to do her work. Haesoo took the mascot, looked at it for a long time, and finally wore it.


"Oh my god. It's getting hot here." Haesoo mumbled as she could feel her sweats was over her body. She walked around the place, entertained everyone by dancing and taking a picture with them. She continue greeting some people who had just come to the festival and sat on the ground because she felt so exhausted.

"Hey." She was surprised when she heard the familiar voice. She lifted her head to see the person who was standing in front of her and fixed her mascot when she realized that it was Sunghoon.

He was holding a bouquet with him.

Haesoo smiled, "Is this for me?"

Sunghoon shook his head, "Of course, no."

"I need your help." He spoke up.

He handed the bouquet to her.

"Please hand this bouquet to the girl who is in charged to give a bouquet to the visitors."

Haesoo's heart started to beat so fast.


Sunghoon shook his head.
"No. The other one." He smiled at her.

"Please tell her that the bouquet is from me, okay?"

Haesoo nodded.

"I trust you." Sunghoon left Haesoo with a smile.

Haesoo bit her lips as she got so hurt.

"So, he likes Soohyun."  Haesoo lowered her head and looked at the bouquet silently. She cleared her throat, shook her head when her eyes got teary.

Without wasting any time, Haesoo walked away, looking for Soohyun. After 5 minutes, she finally found her. Soohyun was giving a bouquet to the visitors happily, looking so beautiful as a rose.

She approached the girl,

"Hey, Haesoo! How are you doing?"

Haesoo took a moment to reply and sniffed her nose as tears escaped from her eyes. She then tried so hard to control her sobs.

"Sunghoon gave this to you." She gave the bouquet to Soohyun.

"Why did he give this to me...?"

Haesoo bit her lips, "Because he likes you."

"Oh?" Soohyun smiled.

"If you meet him, tell him that I love the bouquet."

Haesoo nodded and walked to the back of the school. She felt so emotional causing her to not do her jobs well. So, she decided to take a rest at the place where she bumped into Jay and was glad that there was no one there.

She took off the mascot head and started to cry when she looked at the mascot's face. She sobbed in tears as she felt so hurt after knowing the truth.

"I thought the rumor is false." She muttered, keep crying causing her to hiccup at her words.

"I can't do this." She mumbled as tears kept streaming down her face.

"Haesoo~~" Haesoo was surprised when she saw a group of the boys was walking towards her with a sweet on their faces.

She stood up, took a step away when they approached her closer.

"What do you want, Yoonhyuk?" She wiped her tears.

Yoonhyuk smiled, "Your thighs are so sexy."

Haesoo blankly looked at him.
"Leave me alone." She took a step away and shouted in surprise when one of them grabbed her by holding her collar and pushing her causing her to fall on the ground.

Haesoo stood up again, started to breathe heavily as she got so nervous.

Yoonhyuk reached his hand to her chest, trying to touch her breast but she quickly stopped him by pushing him hard.

Yoonhyuk widened his eyes, got so mad at her.

"Let's bring this girl to the car." He angrily spoke at his friends.

They nodded, held Haesoo strongly, and dragged the girl away.

As soon as Haesoo shouted for help, she got a slap from Yoonhyuk.

"Shut your mouth and everything will be alright."

Haesoo cried harder and bit her lips to hold her scream, so she wouldn't get slapped again.

Yoonhyuk stroke her hair, tried to take off the mascot from her body as soon as she got into the car with him.

"Don't cry." Yoonhyuk smiled, keeping touching her.

"Jay will never know about this, Nam Haesoo."

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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long chapter because i feel so happy today hihi

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