15: red ribbon

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⚠️⚠️ TW ⚠️⚠️
this chapter contains sensitive content that might be disturbing the reader.


    "Bouquet?" Soohyun hand the bouquet to the visitors with a smile on her face and stopped working when she saw Jay and his friends were walking in the same direction as her. She cleared her throat, took a chance to talk to Jay by giving the bouquet to him since he didn't have one. She walked towards Jay, stopped right in front of him causing his friends to stop on their ways too.

As soon as they looked at each other, the other started to cheer them happily, especially Minhee and Junho. They knew about their past relationship, of course, they were so happy to see Jay and Soohyun meet each other again. They knew that Jay doesn't like it, but they still teased him because it was fun to see him get mad.

Minhee pulled the others away, giving Jay and Soohyun space to talk to each other. Because of Minhee, everyone back away from where they were standing and watched Jay and Soohyun together silently.

At the same time, Sunghoon saw the scene. He stopped talking to his friends and got so confused to see Soohyun who was bringing a basket of bouquets with her. He raised his eyebrows, wondering why did the girl take the job when it was supposed to be for Haesoo. He was asking himself, who is the mascot that he met earlier? who is the one he spoke to if it is not Soohyun?

At that moment, he realized that something was wrong. He fixed his eyes on that one bouquet with a letter that Soohyun put in the basket, he then exhaled deeply when he saw the bouquet that was supposed to be for Haesoo, the girl he fell in love with.

Sunghoon took a step towards her as he has a lot of questions on his mind and before he could approach Soohyun, Hyuri suddenly stopped him by asking about Haesoo.

"Sunghoon, have you seen Haesoo? She is supposed to be my partner for tonight but I still haven't seen her since the festival started."

Sunghoon sighed, "Why did Soohyun take her jobs? Isn't she supposed to be the mascot? Then does that means Haesoo is the one who became the mascot?"

Hyuri got confused, "What do you mean?" She fixed her eyes on Soohyun who was taking over Haesoo's jobs.

"What the--"

Sunghoon held her hand to stop her and took out his phone to call for Haesoo. Hyuri nodded, did the same thing as they were so anxious about Haesoo.

"This is so messed up," Sunghoon muttered, seems so obvious that he was holding his anger because of Soohyun right now.

"I had no idea that the mascot is Haesoo. I thought it was Soohyun. The bouquet... The letter.. and everything were messed up. It wasn't supposed to be for Soohyun."

"Haesoo might get understood because of this."

"What should I do?" He bit his lips in frustration.

He groaned when she didn't answer the call.

"Jay, here is a bouquet." Soohyun hand the bouquet to Jay with her gaze glued at the guy, hoping for him to accept the bouquet, or else she will get humiliated since there were a lot of people were watching them.

Jay scoffed when he realized that Sunghoon was watching. "Are you trying to make him jealous?" He asked her sarcastically and she immediately shook her head, she also had no idea that he was there.

"You can have this." She tried to hold his wrist but he quickly put his hand to the back, didn't want anyone to touch him tonight, especially Soohyun. She gasped when he kept rejecting her,

"This is not a confession. It's an apology." She said seriously, hoping for Jay to believe her.

Jay gave a plain reaction. "You seem so desperate to make me forgive you. Why? Do you feel like you are living in hell? When there's no one care about you other than me?"

Soohyun bit her lips, had no idea how to answer because his words were half correct and half wrong.

Jay didn't want to humiliate her, so he was just talking to her in a whispering tone.
"Let's move on and live a new life. This time, leave me a thousand feet apart. Get it?"

Soohyun grabbed his wrist causing him to flinch and put her hand away from him.

"Don't touch me." He muttered coldly.

"At least, give me a chance to forgive--"

Sunghoon suddenly cut her off,
"Lee Soohyun, have you seen Nam Haesoo?"

Jay raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Soohyun looked at Sunghoon nervously,
"I don't know..."

Hyuri interrupted, "What's wrong with you? Did you need to take her job and force her to be the mascot when it is supposed to be yours?"

Soohyun got mad and put Hyuri away from her. "Why are you mad at me? Haesoo was so good with this. It's not that I'm forcing her."

Sunghoon brushed his hair out of his face,
"Hey, Lee Soohyun."

She looked at him as he called her in a cold tone.

"You ruined everything for sure."

Soohyun gasped, "Why? Why did you hate me so much? Why did everyone try to put me down? I'm not doing something wrong--"

"If you didn't change the job, everything will be alright. I would meet Haesoo and tell her about my true feeling. I would take her with me."

Jay shifted his gaze to Sunghoon.

"At least told me that you want to change your job with her. At least let me know that she was the one who was wearing the mascot."

"I gave a bouquet to the mascot, told her to pass it to the flower girl. I thought the mascot was you and the flower girl was Haesoo, but now it's changed."

Sunghoon exhaled, "Thank you for ruining my night festival that was supposed to be the best day of my life."

Soohyun got mad when she felt so humiliated after getting scolded in front of other students.

Hyuri immediately stopped them,
"Haesoo was missing. We need to look after her. I already asked other students about her and they said that the last time they saw her was almost 25 minutes ago."

Sunghoon called for her again and sighed in frustration when she didn't answer him. Jay realized what was going on. He took a step away from them.

"Jay, don't you want to look for her?"

Jay stopped and looked at them.

"Why should I?"

He replied calmly and went to the back of the school.

Jay walked past Selim and rolled his eyes when the guy called him loudly just to annoy him.


Jay sighed heavily,
"What do you want?"

"Why aren't you with Haesoo?"

"Oh god. Why did everyone keep asking me about her?" Jay stopped on his way, getting so annoyed at how people kept mentioning the girl in front of him.

"Do you know where she is?"

Jay continued walking.

Selim smiled evilly, "We just came back from Yoonhyuk's house."

His friends chuckled.

"Yoonhyuk is having fun. Why don't you join him?"

Jay scoffed, "Why should I join a bunch of bitch like you?"

"It's so interesting, Jay."

Jay didn't respond, taking a step away to leave.

"Yoonhyuk brought Haesoo with him."

Jay immediately stopped on his way and turned his body facing Selim while holding his anger.

Selim laughed, "Haesoo does have sexy thighs. Yoonhyuk is so lucky."

"Did you fucking touch her?" Jay ran towards Selim and grabbed the guy by his collar.

Selim just chuckled, "I want to touch her but Yoonhyuk doesn't allow me to."

"Haesoo is for him tonight. You know that he doesn't like to share his favorite girl."

"I hope I have the chance to be with her. I'm honestly so jealous of Yoonhyuk."

"What will happen tonight, Jay? Can you guess it?"

Jay pushed the guy on the ground,
"Who are you to tease me? Who are you to use her that way?"

Selim laughed.

Jay quickly grabbed his key and went towards the parking lot to take his bike. At the same time, he bumped into Sunghoon who was also busy looking for Haesoo.

"Jay, have you seen--"



  Haesoo cried harder as Yoonhyuk threw her on the couch harshly. He approached her, grabbed her neck, and pushed her onto the couch just to make her stop crying.

"Stop crying!" He scolded her and slapped her as she didn't listen to him. Haesoo shouted in pain, widened her eyes when he sneaked his hand to her waistline while leaning his face closer to her and now, their eyes met. Haesoo shut her eyes, shook her head as she begged for him to stop. She put her hand on his shoulder, pushed him away but badly, she wasn't strong enough to fight him back.

Yoonhyuk smiled evilly when he leaned his face closer to her lips. As Haesoo kept moving, he suddenly stopped her by scooping her cheeks aggressively and making her look at him straight in his eyes.

"You're beautiful in this close." He smiled.

Again, Haesoo fought him back. She slapped him on his cheeks and got so scared when he lost his patience.

"How dare you slap me--" He dragged her by her collar, threw her to the wall causing her to bump into the wall, and fell on the floor so hard. Haesoo bit her lips to stop herself from sobbing as he approached her again.

He got on his knee, made her looked at him by pulling her hair.

"Listen to me or I'll hurt you more." He pulled her hair harder.

Haesoo immediately nodded, having no energy to fight anymore because she knew that he would get hurt her again. Haesoo shut her eyes to stop herself from crying and bit her lower lips causing her lips to bleed. At this point, Haesoo was so scared until her body was shaking like she got cold.

"Let's go." Yoonhyuk grabbed her wrist, immediately dragged her towards his room.

Haesoo didn't respond.

"Don't you hear me? Let--"

"You fucking hoe, Kang Yoonhyuk! Open this door before I burn your motorbike!"

Haesoo and Yoonhyuk immediately shifted their gazes to the door. Yoonhyuk groaned, threw Haesoo away from him, and brought a baseball bat into his hand as he realized that it was Jay.

"Open this fucking door!" Jay kicked the door a few times causing it to almost break apart.

"Open this door!" He shouted, kicked it again.

Yoonhyuk stood in front of the door and leaned his head against the door.

"Chill, Jay."

Jay stopped kicking the door and listened to Yoonhyuk.

"Where's Haesoo?"

Haesoo approached the door but she suddenly stopped when Yoonhyuk was about to throw his hand at her again, telling her to shut up before he was continuing talking to Jay.

"She does have a beautiful face and body. What a lucky of you." Yoonhyuk teased him.

Jay kicked the door again, "Open the door!" He groaned and continue doing the same thing.

"Jay, wait here okay? Let me enjoy my time with her first." Yoonhyuk took a step away from the door, approached Haesoo again. He evilly smiled at her, held her collar before dragging her to the room.

"Open this door! I told you to open this door!" Jay shouted angrily and aggressively kicked the door causing the doorknob to break. He immediately went into the house and was surprised to see Haesoo who was dragged by Yoonhyuk like an animal.

Haesoo shook her head to Jay, telling him to stay away because Yoonhyuk was holding a bat in his hand. She didn't want Jay to get hurt because of her, so it's better to tell him to stay away and end this with Yoonhyuk nicely.

Jay refused to listen to her,

Yoonhyuk sighed, pushed the girl on the floor again making Jay get so mad.

Yoonhyuk gripped the bat in his hand, tried to knock Jay out by hitting him on the head but he was surprised when Haesoo suddenly pulled him from behind, trying to stop the guy from hitting Jay.

"Hey, Nam Haesoo!" Yoonhyuk groaned.

He shrugs her off causing her to bump her body on the wall. Jay clenched his fist after seeing that, immediately did the same thing to Yoonhyuk before stepping on his body.

Jay grabbed the bat, hit the guy on the body a few times while letting go of all of his anger. Yoonhyuk didn't give up. He snatched the bat away from Jay and cursed out loud when Jay
kicked his body causing him to couldn't move his body anymore.

For the first time in her life, Haesoo saw Jay get so mad at someone like he already reached the highest level of his anger.

He threw the bat away and kicked the guy for the last time while gasping for breathing. He wiped his sweats and approached Haesoo who was crying because she was so scared.

He let out a heavy exhaled, was so relieved that she was good.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, caressing her cheeks softly. She had no words to say, too nervous and scared at the same time.

Jay held her hand, "You're not okay."

He pulled her on the back, brought her out from the place before Yoonhyuk woke up from his unconsciousness.


"Here's the food." Jay served all of the food on the table and looked at her who was just shutting her mouth for the whole time. Haesoo looks so hurting right now. She pinched her head as she got dizzy, and groaned when she touched her cheeks. Jay approached Haesoo, got on his knee before leaning his body closer to her.

"Where does it hurt?" Jay held her wrist and cursed when she had a lot of bruises after getting beaten by Yoonhyuk earlier.

Jay helped her to roll her sleeve, sighed heavily when there were more of them.
"Did he kick you? or hit you?"

Haesoo bit her lips, hesitant to answer because she doesn't want Jay to create any trouble with Yoonhyuk again.

"Jay, it's okay..."

"What do you mean? look at what he did to you. He deserves more punch for hurting you." Jay took out a bandage, applied it on Haesoo carefully, so she wouldn't get hurt.

Jay held Haesoo closer to him,
"Did you bite your lips?" He asked her anxiously. Haesoo slowly nodded,
"Yoonhyuk would slap me if I let out a noise. So, I bit my lips."

"I will slap him harder if I see him again," Jay spoke up and had dinner meanwhile Haesoo was just looking at the food without any appetite to eat. She lost her feeling after crying too much earlier. She got so traumatized because of what happened to her a while ago.

Jay stopped eating, "Why don't you eat with me?"

Haesoo lowered her head, "I'm not--"

Jay suddenly shoved the food into her mouth,

Haesoo chewed the food and opened her mouth when Jay was about to feed her again.
He gently feeds her and continues eating his food after he has done feeding the girl.

Haesoo leaned her head against the couch, decide to wait for Jay to finish his food instead of going to her room. She slowly shut her eyes as she felt so sleepy and after a minute of trying to keep herself awake, Haesoo finally slept. Jay turned his head facing her, and shook her body to wake her up.

"Haesoo, you would have a hurt neck tomorrow. Don't sleep in that position." He spoke but she just respond to him by humming her words.

Haesoo finally leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around Jay, hugging it like he was a pillow. Even though it was hard for Jay to finish his food, he didn't shrug her off and let her sleep comfortably because he knew that she was so exhausted.

"Haesoo, take a shower before sleeping."

Haesoo mumbled in her sleeping making Jay have no idea what she spoke about.

"There's still food here. Do you want to finish them?" He asked her and she shook her head before fixing her position. She then lay on the floor with her head on his lap, continue sleeping peacefully.

Jay looked at her surprisingly, gasped as his heart was beating so fast. He cleared his throat to control his feeling and kept his eyes on the television while finishing the food.

After a few minutes, Jay finally finished his dinner. He then took all of the plates to bring them to the kitchen and stopped as he realized that Haesoo was still sleeping on his lap. He put the plate on the table, wrapped his arm around her waist before carrying her carefully.

"I'm sorry for touching your waist, Haesoo.
He whispered, putting her on the bed while fixing the blanket on her body. He then sat on the bed, reached his hand to her hair, and brushed it causing her to mumble in her sleeping.

Jay leaned closer, "You need to wake up and brush your teeth."

Haesoo groaned, covered the blanket around her body. Jay sighed, put the blanket away from her to look at her face. He teased her by pulling her cheeks just to wake her up.

Haesoo finally woke up. She yawned, and looked at Jay in confusion, processing her mind as she was confused to see him in the room with her. She blink her eyes, and quickly fixed her position when she remembered the moment she ended up here.

"If you don't want to take a shower, at least brush your teeth first," Jay muttered.

She nodded, "I'm sorry. I was so sleepy."

Jay hummed in response, "You might be so exhausted tonight. I will leave you alone. Tell me if you have something to say or something to do."

"There's a lot of food in the fridge. Just finish them if you're hungry."

Haesoo lowered her head, "Thank you so much, Jay."

Jay walked towards the door and took a glance at her for the last time,
"I'm going to sleep first."

"Goodnight," Haesoo spoke.



Haesoo suddenly woke up from her sleeping after she heard a familiar voice around her. The voice was so scary and it honestly made Haesoo feel so scared. She looked around the place to search for the owner of the voice and jumped off from the bed as she saw Yoonhyuk in the room.

Yoonhyuk smiled evilly, looking so creepy causing Haesoo to become so nervous again. She ran to the door, cried when the voice was haunting her. She fell on the floor, shutting her eyes and trying to ignore the voice that was getting louder and louder.

Just by seeing Yoonhyuk in the room, it already made Haesoo feel so traumatized. The moment the guy touched her body and hurt her harshly crossed her mind again making her feel so crazy.

Haesoo cried louder, telling Yoonhyuk to leave her alone. She blink her eyes and saw Yoonhyuk was getting closer to her but when she kept her eyes open, the guy wasn't in the room anymore.

Haesoo sobbed in tears, screamed when she heard a knock on the door. She suddenly felt so hard to breathe. She lost her focus, she failed to control herself from crying causing her whole body to shake like she was shivering in cold.

"Haesoo, what's wrong?"

"Haesoo, are you okay?"

Haesoo cried harder as the voice came again.
She heard Jay's voice around her but at the same time, she heard Yoonhyuk's voice who was laughing at her.

"Nam Haesoo, I know you're there. Tell me, what happened?"

"Haesoo, it's okay. I'm here."

"Haesoo, can you hear me?"

Jay quickly went downstairs, searched for the key to her room. As soon as he found it, he rushed to the room, unlocked the door before stepping into the room.

He spotted Haesoo who was sitting at the corner of the room, hugging herself while crying in sobbing. She didn't realize that he was with her because she was too scared after listening to Yoonhyuk's voice in her head.

"Haesoo," Jay called her softly to calm her and got on his knee with his gaze glued at her.
Haesoo still couldn't hear him even though he was just a meter away from her. She shook her head when the voice came again and had a hard time breathing.

"Haesoo, I'm here. Can you hear me?" Jay approached her closer and held her hand.

Haesoo didn't hold his hand back and put it away from her before crying louder.

"Nam Haesoo, it's me. Jay." He held her hand tightly, didn't want to let her go even though she tried to push him away.

Haesoo sniffed her nose, still lowering her head.

Jay leaned his body closer to her, rolled up his sleeve, and showed his wrist to her.

Haesoo looked at the red ribbon on his wrist and finally could calm herself.

"It's me. I'm wearing the red ribbon you gave me." Jay spoke softly making Haesoo look at him.

Haesoo finally held his hand back.

"Jay." She mumbled with tears on her cheeks.

"I'm so scared. I saw Yoonhyuk in this room. He called me and laughed at me."

"He tried to hit me as he did to me. I'm so scared." She held his hand tighter.

Jay pulled her closer to his embrace, hugging her tightly before patting her back to calm her.

"I'm here. I'm always here."

"Do you want me to be your listener?"

"Or do you want me to give you advice?"

"Do you want to do something to clear your mind?"

"You can tell me. I'm all free." He brushed her hair gently.

"Can I hold your waist, Haesoo?"

Haesoo hummed in response and leaned her head on his chest when he carried her to the bed. He carefully put her on the bed and lay next to her. He reached his hand to her shoulder, patted it to make her fall asleep.

Haesoo looked at Jay and listened to his words.

"I still remember the moment we went to the rooftop and had our lunch together."

"Do you remember what I said to you when the rain suddenly poured heavily?"

Haesoo shook her head.

"I told you that no one will die because of the rain."

He chuckled, "But Haesoo."

"I got fever after I went home. I'm almost dying."

"I asked my mom, what is medicine I should eat to cure my fever."

"Do you want to know what did I eat?"

Haesoo nodded.

"I accidentally eat my mother's period pain killer."

Haesoo couldn't help but giggle at his answer.
Jay laughed too and continued after leaning his body closer to her as the conversation started to get so interesting.

"The funny thing is my stomach got hurt after that."

"I thought I'm a half-woman."

Haesoo looked into his eyes,
"Then did you find the right pill?"

Jay nodded.

"Did you buy them?"

He shook his head.

"I met you when I was hanging out with my friends at the park right?"

She nodded.

"You're my pills."

They looked at each other for a long time.

Jay was about to hold her waist but he quickly stopped as he remembered that she wasn't comfortable with that action.

"Sorry." He spoke.

"You must be so uncomfortable to be with me."
He put his hand away from her.

Before Jay could continue, Haesoo's phone suddenly rang. Haesoo took the phone that was next to her pillow and looked at the screen for a long time as she realized that she received a call from Sunghoon.

Jay lowered his hand, "Do you want to talk to him?"

Haesoo didn't respond, just looking at the screen of her phone.

"If you're comfortable to be with him, just talk to him, okay?" Jay smiled and got off the bed.

"I will sleep first."

"Have a good time." Jay bid her goodbye and left the room.


Jay got into the room with a heavy feeling. He was about to have a good conversation with Haesoo but he failed when the girl choose the guy she loved over him. He let her talk to the guy because he knew that the guy will help her to cure her sadness.

He switched off the light, got on his bed, and shut his eyes to sleep.

He slowly opened his eyes when he could feel someone was getting on the bed and lying next to him. Before he could turn his body, he was surprised when Haesoo hugged him from behind.

Jay turned his body facing her and looked at her in confusion.

"Why are you here...?"

Haesoo didn't respond, just hugging him tighter because she was so embarrassed to see him.

Jay held her shoulder making her finally look at him. Haesoo broke off the hug,

"I'm comfortable to be with you, Jay."

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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happy valentine day~~ did you receive any gifts from your love one?

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