16: drop out

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    Sunghoon took a glance at Haesoo's desk with an anxious look. He had no idea what to do anymore. He called the girl a few times but the call always got rejected, he went to her house and waited for her for a long time but yet, she didn't show up anymore. He went to the school today with the hope to meet the girl again and took his chance to explain about the bouquet at the night festival but sadly, the girl was absent.

Soohyun stepped into the classroom, looked away when everyone was looking at her and started to drag about the moment she betrayed Haesoo on the night festival. Some of them laughed when someone spoke up about the moment she got humiliated in front of others. Sunghoon was a guy who doesn't like to see someone get humiliated and always advised people who were always laughing at someone's fault but for the first time in his life, he didn't back up the girl and just let her get humiliated.

Soohyun bit her lips, held her bag pack, and went to her desk while holding her tears. She took a glance at Sunghoon who was pretending to be busy instead of stopping the others who were humiliating her and sighed heavily, finally realizing that no one was on her side other than the old version of Jay.

The feeling of regret came through her mind.
The feeling she missed every moment of her with Jay when they used to be dating and everything related to him. The way he treated her--- no one could ever do that to her. now she realized that she would never be that special to someone again.

Soohyun took a glance at Jay's desk and lowered her head when Hyuri caught her. She shifted her gaze to Haesoo's desk, raised her eyebrows when the girl was absent along with Jay.

"Where are you looking at? Are you planning to use Haesoo again?" Hyuri started to pick a fight as she noticed that Soohyun kept staring at Haesoo's desk.

Sunghoon closed the book, tried to stop Hyuri from picking a fight with Soohyun in front of others. The situation started to get fire when Soohyun stood up, approached Hyuri angrily when the girl suddenly picked a fight with her even though she was just minding her business.
Since Hyuri and Soohyun were both had anger issues, it's hard for them to be gentle to each other.

"What's your problem?"

Hyuri clenched her fist, "At least apologize to Sunghoon for everything you have done."

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Haesoo lost because of you."

Soohyun crossed her arm, "Is it my fault? She lost because she loves to walk around the place alone. Why is it my fault?"

"Haesoo will be with me if you didn't change her task. Just tell me that you didn't want Sunghoon to confess--"

Soohyun sighed heavily, "Do you think I know that Sunghoon wanted to confess to her? I had no idea!"

"Then, why did you take her task?"

Soohyun took a moment to reply.
"Because I want to give the bouquet to Jay. I want to apologize. I want to befriend him. It's not related to Sunghoon."

"I admitted that I lied to Haesoo. I know that I'm wrong. But why did you keep making this problem bigger?"

Sunghoon put Hyuri away from Soohyun.
"Haesoo lost, Soohyun. We had no idea where she is." Sunghoon spoke to her softly, trying to calm her from getting mad again.

"It's all about Haesoo." She whispered.

"What did you just say?" Hyuri held her anger.

Soohyun rolled her eyes, "Leave me alone. I already explained the truth to you. I had nothing to do with Haesoo." She sat on the chair and took out her books without minding Sunghoon and Hyuri who were standing behind her.

"Jay, come out!" Yoonhyuk went into the classroom with a crepe on his right arm and a few bandages on his face. Everyone looked at him in confusion, wondering why did he turn this way, looks so scary and sick. Yoonhyuk approached Jay's desk closer, kicked the desk causing it to fall on the ground as a way to let go of his anger. He went towards Haesoo's desk, did the same thing.

Sunghoon pushed the guy hard,
"What's wrong with you? Do you need to kick her desk?!"

Yoonhyuk pointed his finger at the crepe on his right arm, "Your friend did this to me last night." He looked at Sunghoon into his eyes angrily. "He broke my arm! He almost broke my legs!"

Sunghoon pushed the guy away, "Then why did it relate to Haesoo?"

"I was about to have the best night with her last night but everything ruined when Jay came."

Sunghoon widened his eyes, "Best night what?"

Yoonhyuk bit his lips, "What do you think?"

Sunghoon suddenly dragged the guy away from the classroom making everyone lose their words and took a step to the back as they were going to fight.

He held the guy by his collar,
"What did you do to Haesoo last night?"

"I badly want to taste her, Sunghoon but Jay was so annoying. He came at the wrong time. He came so early which I couldn't make my first move yet." The guy showed a creepy look, laughing evilly.

"What a pity." He mumbled, teasing Sunghoon.

Everyone gasped when Sunghoon suddenly punched the guy in the face. Yoonhyuk rolled his eyes and smiled,

"I got beaten a lot these days, I will never let anyone put me down easily again." He said while taking off the crepe from his arm even though his condition was still healing with the pain Jay did last night. Yoonhyuk pushed all of the desks away, giving them space in the center of the room.

Soohyun grabbed Hyuri by her arm,
"What are you watching? Call the teacher."

Hyuri went towards the door to leave and gasped when Yoonhyuk suddenly threw a chair towards her. Before it could hit her, she got to leave the room successfully when Yedam and Jisung opened the door as they were about to go into the classroom.

"What the hell is--" Yedam surprised.

Jisung quickly held Hyuri's hand, pulled her away when Yoonhyuk lost his anger, telling Hyuri to not call the teacher.

Sunghoon lost his temper when Yoonhyuk threw a chair at his friends again. Yedam and Hyuri shouted in surprise, groaning in pain as it hit them so hard, especially Jisung. Sunghoon immediately grabbed Yoonhyuk by his collar, threw his body against the wall.

"Stop hurting, my friends." He said angrily but the guy was just laughing at how funny the scene was.

"Let me go or I will ruin Haesoo's life."

Sunghoon gripped the guy on the collar as he mentioned Haesoo in the conversation, getting mad again.

"Bring Jay to me now."

"Don't touch my friends."

"Do you want me to ruin Haesoo's life? Tell me if you want to know what it is. I bet you will listen to me well."

Sunghoon exhaled, "Stop telling me your stupid joke."

Yoonhyuk chuckled and whispered.
"I got a video of Haesoo.." He paused as he chuckled.

"I brought her to the car last night."

"During our way to arrive at my house, I recorded a video of Haesoo."

"I love how she--"

A punch got on his face again.

And before Sunghoon could continue;

Yoonhyuk attacked him harder.

"Don't you dare to spread the video!" Sunghoon fought back. He took off his jacket, lose his collar before attacking Yoonhyuk again.

Yoonhyuk pushed him to the ground and sat on the body with his hand pulling Sunghoon's hair strongly. "Don't you scare of me, Sunghoon?"

"I'm the son of the director of this school. You can't punish me even it is my fault."

He pulled Sunghoon harder,
"You will get punished, Sunghoon. Get ready to drop out of school."

Before Sunghoon could respond, Yoonhyuk's dad who was also known as the school director came to the classroom with Mr.Do on his side, the principal of the school.

Yoonhyuk smiled evilly at Sunghoon.

"Park Sunghoon, come to my office."

Sunghoon pushed Yoonhyuk away and wiped the blood from his lips.
"Why? Your son started it first."

Mr.Kang pretended to don't hear anything.

At the same time, Hyuri, Yedam, and Jisung approached Sunghoon.
"Why did Sunghoon need to go to the office? Yoonhyuk did it first. We saw that."

Soohyun watched them in silence.

Yedam spoke up too, "Soohyun, you saw them right?"

All eyes were on her.

Soohyun glared at Sunghoon, "He did it first."

Hyuri clenched her fist. "What's wrong with you, Soohyun?"

Sunghoon rolled his eyes,
"Are you doing this because I was humiliating you before? You don't need to lie at--"

Mr.Do stopped Sunghoon by holding his sleeve,
"Let's go to the office."

"Yoonhyuk, back to your classroom."

Yoonhyuk smiled, left the classroom after bumping into Sunghoon's shoulder.

"Wait until Jay knows about this." Hyuri glared at Soohyun and followed Sunghoon from behind.


  "Jay, where are you going to..?" Haesoo asked Jay curiously with her gaze glued at the guy who was wearing a white t-shirt with a purple jacket and light brown pants on his body, looking so simple but yet attractive. Jay turned his body facing Haesoo who was laying on the couch, still looking so exhausted and sick after the accident last night.


Haesoo approached him nervously, "If you want to go out, please get home quickly..." Her hand was shaking as she held his sleeve. Jay realized that immediately interlocked his fingers with her just to calm the girl from being nervous.

Haesoo, let go of her hand from him slowly,
smiled at him as their eyes met, "I think you need to go now. Please ride your bike safely."

She waved her hand at him and went to the room after Jay left the house. Haesoo was so scared to be alone in the house, especially when she had no idea where to go if someone break into the house. Thinking of Yoonhyuk, the guy probably knew where Jay live since they used to be best friends a long time ago.
Haesoo shook her head and covered her body with the blanket around her, so she would not think about Yoonhyuk again.

Again, her hand was shaking.

what if he comes into the house when Jay is not around?

what if he will do something bad to me again?

she thought.

She gripped the sheet, shut her eyes tight when she felt so sucked in her chest, the feeling of hard to breathe.

"Haesoo, I'm sorry for leaving you alone." Jay got on the bed, wrapped the blanket around them before turning his body facing Haesoo's back. Jay held her shoulder, tucked her hair behind her ear, and slowly leaned to her ear, whispering something.

"I'm sorry." Jay turned her body facing him and smiled at her. He pouted, started to feel so guilty when he saw her teary and puffy eyes. He wiped the tear on her cheeks, stopped it before softly playing with her puffy cheeks.

"Jay, aren't you supposed to leave?"

Jay shook his head, "Not anymore."

"How can I leave you when you're at your lowest?" He put her closer to his embrace, telling her some jokes and funny stories as a way to entertain the girl. Haesoo lifted her chin to look at him, just listening to him silently.

Haesoo was so amazed at how Jay could change the atmosphere so quickly. The way he talked to her softly, the way he entertained her, made Haesoo feel so safe with him.

Even she was just listening to his voice, it already saved her a lot.

Jay, the guy who used to be so bad at her
became the guy who saved her at her worst.
She never expected this to happen.

"Why did you look at me, Haesoo? Am I too attractive?" He chuckled, leaned his forehead on her. "Can you look at my eyes?"

She followed his words, looked at him in a close way.

"Oh, so this is how those fishes look at each other when their head meet."  He mumbled causing her to chuckle.

"Big eyes, looking directly into our soul."

She laughed more, forgetting the moment she was so scared earlier.

Indeed, Jay was the one who saved her and protected her at her worst.

Only him.

Haesoo was just staring at him while listening to his playful stories.

He then let their noses touch each other, gently stroke her cheeks.

"This is how two birds look at each other." Jay entertained her again.

He locked his eyes on her, "This is so funny. You're so close to me. I feel like my eyes are about to explode."

Haesoo giggled, slowly leaned her head on his shoulder before wrapping her arm around his neck. "Thank you so much, Jay."

"Thank you so much." She mumbled.

"I feel so safe with you."

"So I'm so thankful for everything you have done to me."

"I'm sorry if you're tired of taking care of me."

"It will take a long time for me to cure my sickness anyway."

Jay brushed her hair, "I will never get tired of you." He pulled her closer.

"Nam Haesoo." He whispered.

"Don't you feel anything when you're with me?"

"Your feeling. I mean your feeling."

"Did your heart tell you something?"

"Whenever you see me? Whenever you are with me? Even in this moment of us?"

"Did your heart beat faster right now?"

"Because I did."

"It beats so fast. I'm trying so hard to control my feeling."


Jay raised his eyebrows in confusion when the girl remained silent. He slowly broke the hug, looked at her who was sleeping peacefully in his embrace. He smiled, keeping the girl closer to him after fixing the blanket on their bodies.



  Haesoo yawned, rubbed her eyes as she just woke up from her sleeping. She lifted her head to see Jay who was sleeping peacefully, adored him in silence, and started to giggle when those jokes from Jay crossed her mind. She looked at him for a long time and was surprised when his phone was ringing. She took his phone, shook him to wake him up but he didn't give any sign to move, just mumbling in his sleeping.

"'Mrs.Lee...?" Haesoo answered the call nervously.

"Hello, Jay. Why didn't you come to visit me? Do you have something to do at your house?"

"Soohyun told me that you are absent. Is everything well? I will ask your girlfriend to visit you if you're not well."

"Do you like stew? I will pack it for you and tell Soohyun to bring it to you."

"Jay, I'm so worried about you."

Haesoo finally spoke up, "Who.. is this..?"

"I thought this was Jay's number."

"It's Jay's number. He is sleeping right now..."

"Oh. I'm Lee Sujin, Soohyun's mother."

"Jay is Soohyun's boyfriend. Who are you...?"

"Soohyun's boyfriend...?" Haesoo looked at Jay and continued talking to Soohyun's mother,

"May I know who are you, young lady?"


"I'm his friend."


"Haesoo...?" Jay mumbled in his sleeping and was surprised when Haesoo wasn't in his embrace anymore. He took the blanket away, quickly went downstairs, looking for her in the kitchen and in the living house, the place where she always spent her time in his house.

"Haesoo? Where are you?" He called her, heading towards the door to look for her around the neighborhood but before he left, his step stopped when he caught a note on the table, with Haesoo's handwriting.

He took the note, read it carefully.

"Jay, Soohyun's mother just called you a moment ago. I'm sorry for answering the call without your permission. I should have asked you first. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but into your relationship with Soohyun.

Mrs.Lee told me that Soohyun will visit you later.
Mrs.Lee seems so worried about your absence. So, she wanted Soohyun to take care of you.

Jay, you should have told me earlier that you have a relationship with Soohyun.

At first, I thought you had already broken up with Soohyun.

but now, I found out that you're still dating Soohyun from her mother. So, I'm sorry for everything I have done for you.

I shouldn't stay with someone's boyfriend. Be in your embrace, hugging you as nothing happens. I feel so sorry.

anyway, I'm still thankful to you for helping me. You helped me a lot. Thank you so much for staying with me. You saved my life, Jay! Thank you so much!

Have a great time with Soohyun and her family later! Goodbye!"


"Jay, my family prepared a spicy soft tofu stew for you." Soohyun went into the house and served all of the food on the table. Jay just stood at the door, speechless when the girl suddenly went into the house without his permission. Mrs.Lee came into the house with soft drinks on her arm, she smiled at Jay and put those drinks on the table before approaching the guy again.

Jay bowed, "Hello, Mrs.Lee."

Mrs.Lee patted Jay on the shoulder,
"How are you? Why did you absent from school today?"

Jay smiled, "I'm completely good."

Soohyun interrupted, "Then, why did you absent?"

Jay quickly responds, "Because I'm busy taking care of someone."

Mrs.Lee widened her eyes and held Jay's arm,
"Did you mean the girl that pick up my call earlier? Did you take care of her?"

"Yes. Nam Haesoo."

Soohyun looked away, pretended not to listen to his conversation with her mother. Suddenly felt so uneasy when Haesoo was mentioned in the conversation, especially when Jay brought her name first.

"Who is Nam Haesoo? Why did you take care of other girls when you have a girlfriend? You shouldn't do that to my daughter."

Jay gently held Mrs.Lee's hand, "Mrs.Lee, my girlfriend is not Lee Soohyun."

"What do you mean? Why did you say this? Aren't you the one who love--"

"Soohyun, why didn't you tell your mother that we already broke up?" Mrs.Lee gasped at his words, quickly shifted her gaze to Soohyun who looks so nervous to reply to Jay.

"Your daughter fell in love with my friend, Mrs.Lee. That's why we broke up."

Soohyun stood up, "No. It's a mistake. How many times do I need to tell you that it's a mistake?"

"I accidentally fell for Sunghoon."

"Mrs.Lee, thank you for worrying about me. I appreciate it a lot. I didn't mean to break you apart. I never expect to do that to you because I know you adore me like your son."

"But Mrs.Lee, your daughter turned me this way. She ended our relationship. So, I think I should move on from everything."

Jay bowed as apologized, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you, Mrs. Lee. You're so nice to me. You're like my real mother. I appreciate everything you have done to me."

Mrs.Lee smiled, "It's okay, Jay. Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's Soohyun's fault for doing this to you. But Jay, I hope I could still treat you like my son. I adore you. I have seen you growing up since you were kids, so, I hope our family bond didn't stop here just because of my daughter's fault."

Jay nodded, "Of course, Mrs.Lee. You could treat me like your son. I love to hear that."

"See you in the next appointment, Jay."

"Soohyun, let's discuss this at home." Mrs.Lee commanded, leaving the house after giving a warm hug to Jay. Soohyun nodded.

She walked towards the door and stopped in front of Jay.

"You will never forgive me, right?"

Jay didn't respond.

"Jay, I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I said this to you but I still want to apologize for my mistake."

"I'm sorry. It's my fault." She left the house.

"Don't tell your mother that I'm your boyfriend anymore," Jay spoke up.

"It might bring misunderstanding to others."

Soohyun nodded, "I'm so scared if my mother disappoints me, Jay. So, I have no choice other than telling her that you're still my boyfriend."

"But... the time is coming to the end and I still got caught."

She wiped her tears. "I'm sorry. It's my fault again."

She left the house after apologizing for the last time.


    "What do you mean by Sunghoon got to dropped out from school?"

"Yoonhyuk ruined his life! He used his father to escape. It's so annoying."

"Sunghoon and Yoonhyuk fought a lot this morning. It became a hot issue today."

"I had no idea why Sunghoon was so mad at Yoonhyuk."

"I think Yoonhyuk is planning to do something bad to us."

"Sunghoon is so hurting right now, Haesoo."

"I called for him several times but he didn't answer my call."

"Did he call you?"

"I know so damn well he did all of this for you, Haesoo."

"Yoonhyuk kept mentioning your name in front of Sunghoon today."

"I don't understand the reason he brought your name in the conversation."

Haesoo lost her words,

"Do you know where Sunghoon is?"

"I don't know, Yedam. He didn't call me today..."

"Tell me if he--"

Knock Knock

"Yedam, someone is coming to my house. I will talk to you later."

Yedam hummed and ended the call.

Haesoo approached the door and was surprised when she heard Sunghoon's voice outside the house. He was mumbling and groaning in hurt while waiting for her to open the door.

"Sunghoon, is that you?"

"Haesoo... I miss you..." Sunghoon's voice cracked as he broke into tears.

Haesoo opened the door and approached him.
Before she could greet him, Sunghoon quickly pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly, didn't give any sign to let go of her. He cried harder, with his grip on her waist, pulling her closer and closer as he was missing her like crazy.

"Haesoo, I miss you..."

Haesoo broke the hug, looked at Sunghoon who looks so hurt.

"Sunghoon, you need to go to the clinic--"

Sunghoon shook his head, hugged the girl again while crying in hurt.

"Haesoo, today is such a mess."

"Haesoo, where have you been?"

"Haesoo, I miss you like crazy."

Haesoo slowly patted him on his back making Sunghoon cry harder.

Without knowing, Jay was there.

Standing a few meters from them,

watching Haesoo who was in Sunghoon's embrace.

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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