26: i want to send you home

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"Did she cry?" Yedam asked Sunghoon curiously with his gaze glued at Haesoo who just remained silent after arriving home. She laid on the couch, tucked her face into the pillow, and pretended to sleep when someone called her.

Sunghoon hummed in response and patted Yedam on the shoulder, giving a sign to the guy to wait in the car as he wanted to comfort Haesoo who was so at her lowest just now.
Sunghoon needed to leave because it was already late, but he decided to comfort Haesoo first since Hyuri would not be home with Haesoo tonight because she was still with Soohyun and Jiyoon.

He approached her and called her softly.
"Haesoo, do you need some comforts? or do you want me to accompany you until you fall asleep?"

Haesoo sniffed her nose, "It's okay, Sunghoon. Just go home. I will be alright soon."

"I don't want to leave you alone." He replied.

Haesoo carefully fixed her position and faced him who was just a few inches away from her. As her eyes met him, she smiled to show him that she was good.

"It's okay. I will call you if I need you, Sunghoon."

"Thank you so much for being concerned about me." She added and wiped her tears.

"Promise me that you will call me when you need someone to talk to."

"Promise, Sunghoon."

"Alright." He chuckled.

"Now, go to your room and wash first before taking a nap. Wash your face, I don't want to see your puffy face when I meet you."

Haesoo nodded, "Thank you again."

"I love you." He said, with his gaze glued at her.

"I will go home first. I need to get ready for my intern tomorrow."

"Alright, Sunghoon. See you at the college tomorrow."

"Do you have a class tomorrow? I will pick you up after your class has done."

Haesoo shook her head, "I will just cook at home."

"So, I will go first." He stood up and walked towards the door.

Sunghoon stopped at the door and faced her,
"I'm sorry for holding your hand earlier."

"Goodnight and have a sweet dream, Haesoo."


"Are you with Soohyun? Where is Jiyoon?"
Haesoo spoke on the phone with Hyuri and smiled when Jiyoon shouted in response. Hyuri laughed and respond to Haesoo.

"Soohyun was still sleeping. Jiyoon and I went to the store to buy some groceries. Do you want to spend your time with us?"

"I will come later. Did you already have breakfast?"

"Not yet. We just buy some groceries for lunch."

"It's still 9 in the morning. I just received a lot of food from the food delivered. I had no idea who sent this to me."

"It must be Sunghoon. He would be so busy today, right? So he sent them to you, just to make sure you are good."

"You're right. I will thank him after packing the food. I will be there in a few minutes!"

"See you later."


"Did Sunghoon just buy this kind of food early in the morning?" Hyuri blink her eyes in confusion as she was so surprised to see a lot of food on the table. Jiyoon who has just went into the house gasped when she saw the amount of food on the table. They gathered at the table, were completely speechless to see the food.

"Are we going to eat fried prawn, spaghetti bolognese, chicken grilled, and buttermilk crab this early?"

Haesoo just chuckled, "Don't you want them? I will pack the food then--"

Jiyoon shouted, "We want them. This looks so delicious."

"Sunghoon is such a husband material. He knew that he would not be with you today, so that's why he sent a lot of food to you." Hyuri muttered, quickly washed her hand, and went to the table.

"Oh. You're here." Soohyun came downstairs and was nervous to see Haesoo.

Haesoo smiled at her, "Don't be nervous."

Soohyun grinned. She quickly gave a warm hug to Haesoo and apologized a few times, expressing how guilty and sorry she was to Haesoo after everything she did in the past. Haesoo hugged her back, patted her gently, and brought her to the table to enjoy the food.

"Let's forget about the past and be friends," Haesoo said making Soohyun smile in happiness.

"Thank you, Nam Haesoo."

"It's been a long time since I haven't tried this kind of food." Soohyun mumbled.

Hyuri replied, "You should enjoy them now. This is a golden moment."

Jiyoon hand Soohyun the food and enjoyed the food while talking to each other. Haesoo watched them, kept laughing when Jiyoon and Hyuri exchanged jokes. She fixed her eyes on Soohyun, felt so glad to see her smile, and hear her laugh again. She could see the shine in her face again, no more the dark and evil Soohyun that she used to know in the past.

Haesoo immediately stood up from her seat when someone pressed the bell. She opened the door wide and grinned when Yedam and Jisung greet her.

"I thought you have a performance today."

Yedam shook his head,
"It got postponed, so we immediately rushed here. Just to enjoy the food."

Jisung nodded in agreement,
"The food looks so delicious. Hyuri sent those pictures of foods in the group chat. I was so drooling to eat them."

Haesoo couldn't help but laughed.
"Alright. Go wash your hand and finish the food before Hyuri and Jiyoon eat them all."

Before Haesoo could shut the door, she was so surprised when someone stopped her.

Her eyes widened when it was Jay and also his fiance, Nami.

Jay just fixed his eyes on Haesoo and went into the house without waiting for Nami.

Nami greet Haesoo politely, quickly followed Jay from behind because she was so awkward talking to his friends.

"Jay, you're here." Soohyun stood up from her seat and took the food container from him.

"We just want to pay for a visit and send some food to you." He replied and took a glance at Haesoo who walked past him. She washed her hand, sat next to Yedam, and enjoy the food while talking to her friends happily.

"Thank you so much, Jay. Are you going back to your work now?"

Jay didn't respond, kept looking at Haesoo who looks so happy with her friends. His thought was interrupted when Nami held his wrist causing him to immediately look at her.

"Should we leave?" She asked him softly.

Jay shook his head and looked at Soohyun,
"The food seems so delicious."

Soohyun chuckled, "Alright. Please take your seat and eat with us."

Haesoo immediately shut her mouth when Jay sat in front of her. Nami then took a seat next to Jay and greeted everyone politely before adding the food to her plate.

"I thought you were busy with your work," Jisung spoke up.

Jay nodded, "I'm busy with my work but it's not wrong to spend my time with all of you first, right?"

Hyuri took a glance at Haesoo.

"It's been a long time since we haven't met anyway." He added.

Yedam nodded, "You seem so happy with your life. How's your heart condition now? Did the treatment finish well?"

"I was healed after having surgery. It's a great feeling."

Haesoo gripped the spoon and stopped eating as the conversation disgusted her. She had no words to explain how disappointed she was in him after listening to his answer about his life. He looks so happy with his life and acted like he did nothing terrible to Haesoo in the past. He didn't even apologize for leaving her alone on the rooftop. He doesn't look guilty and sorry to her at all. It's so disappointing.

Just if he apologize for leaving her hanging, she would be so good and move on from the past.

"I want to leave," Haesoo whispered to Yedam and stood up from her seat.

"Haesoo, it's too early to leave."

"I need to finish my latest project. Don't you remember about it, Hyuri?"

Hyuri gasped and nodded,
"You haven't finished yours yet? Alright, do you want me to accompany you home?"

Haesoo shook her head,
"You can stay with them."

Soohyun spoke up,
"It's too early. We should talk more."

Nami added, "You're right. I just want to know more about you."

Jay replied, "Do you need a ride?"

Haesoo stopped on her way,
"I can take a taxi."

"Call Sunghoon to pick up you. You can't be alone." Jiyoon spoke loud.

Haesoo lowered her head. She then took out her phone and called for Sunghoon, hoping for him to answer the call as she needed him so much right now.

But unluckily, he didn't answer the call, maybe he was too busy with his work.

Jay stood up, took out his key before leaving the house.

"Let's go."


"You should leave after finishing the food." He said while driving her home. Haesoo didn't reply to him at all, all she did was shutting her eyes because she was still hurting after remembering all of the moments Jay did to her in the past.

Jay drove his car slower than he used to. It was on purpose, Haesoo could feel it. She then opened her eyes and sighed, "Can you drop me here? I want to take a taxi."

"I want to send you home."

"Just drop me here."


"Jay, please. Don't make me hate you."

Jay stopped the car next to the road and immediately locked the door when she was about to leave him hanging.

"Jay, I want to leave."

"I don't want you to leave yet."

Haesoo leaned her back against the couch, letting out a big sigh as she had nothing to do anymore. She turned her head to another side, just to avoid seeing his gaze, and quickly wiped her tears when they dropped on her cheeks.

"You said that you hate me. Why did you refuse to let me go?"

"I want to talk to you longer." He replied fastly.

Haesoo shook her head.
"You have a fiance. Please don't be a jerk to Nami."

She continued,

"And why did you suddenly act so caring about me after leaving me hanging for 2 years?"

"You hate me, right? So, leave me alone and stay away from me."

Jay looked at her, "So, you know about me and Nami."

"Alright. Then leave me alone and go to your fiance."

Haesoo unlocked the door again but Jay quickly stopped her by holding her wrist and pulling her on his lap. He adjusted the seat to the back, so he could lean his back against the couch and pulled her closer to him.

Haesoo shook her head, kept pushing him away from her. "You're such a jerk. Remember that you have a fiance."

"Don't do this to me." She hit him on the shoulder as a way to let him go of her but instead, he pulled her closer, not even touching her waist because he knew that she was uncomfortable with it.

"Alright. Just do anything you want to me." He said coldly.

"I will never forgive you, Jay." She hit him again.

"You left me. You hurt me. You had no idea how hurt I was. You had no idea how long I have been waiting for you. You know nothing about the prom night."

"All you did was believe the rumor and raise your voice to me without giving me any explanation, to tell the truth."

"Everything you did to me still glued on my mind. I was so traumatized but you just left me alone and lived in your life as nothing happened."

"I expected you to be so sorry to me when you came back, but you didn't. You dare to tell everyone about your successful life as nothing happened. You still dare to be so lovely with your fiance after what you did to me."

"I hate you so much."

"At least, apologized to me and admitted your mistake."

"I hate you." She hit on the shoulder.

"Yoonhyuk abused me, Jay. I got abused while waiting for you to come."

"I hate you. I'm so disappointed in you."

"Why is it so hard to come to me and tell me that you can't spend your time at the rooftop? Why is it so hard to do that?"

"I will never forgive you."

Jay fixed his position and tucked her hair behind her ear gently before caressing her cheeks but she quickly slapped his hand, put it away from her.

"Haesoo, you got it wrong."

"I admitted that I left you."

"But I came to the rooftop that day."

"When I came to the rooftop, I saw you laying on the floor and losing your consciousness."

"I was the one who called the police."

"I admitted that I was late. I'm sorry for that."

"But I still came."

"I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I was too disappointed in you after hearing about the rumor."

"You had no idea how much I like you, Haesoo. No one understand how broken I was when I heard the rumor. I'm so disappointed and wanted to leave you so bad. So, I could forget
you and live happily."

"I'm sorry for believing the rumor. I'm sorry for not listening to your explanation. I was so disappointed in you, Haesoo. That's why."

Haesoo wiped her tears.
"Thank you for telling me the truth. Thank you for admitting your mistake. That's what I wanted to hear from you."

"Now, I can move on from the past peacefully. Thank you for telling me the truth."

She got off from his lap and unlocked the door to leave but again, he stopped her.

"Do you like me, Nam Haesoo?"

Haesoo looked at him and lowered her head,
"Is it important now, Jay?"

"You have a fiance." She continued.

"I asked you. Do you like me?"

Haesoo quickly answered the call from Sunghoon as a way to change the topic.

"Hello, Haesoo. Sorry for not picking up the call earlier. I was so busy with my work. What do you want to tell me? Do you need my help?"

"Sunghoon, if you're not busy. Can you take me home? I'm nearby Gangnam Street."

"Alright. I will come to you real quick. Wait there."


"Sunghoon is here. I will go first." Haesoo unlocked the door and left the car without bidding goodbye to Jay. Sunghoon parked his car next to the road, quickly got off the car with an umbrella in his hand. He went towards her, protecting her from the heavy rain.

"Are you alright?" He asked her anxiously and shifted his gaze to Jay when the guy got off of the car with an umbrella in his hand before approaching both of them.

Haesoo nodded in response. As Jay took a step closer towards them, she quickly went closer to Sunghoon and stood behind him just to avoid seeing Jay.

"Drive safely. The road might be so slippery." Jay said and smiled at Sunghoon before walking toward his car again. He then opened the door, took a glance at Haesoo for the last time.

"Jay, drive safely too," Sunghoon answered.

Haesoo lowered her head, didn't say anything, and just wished for him to leave as soon as possible.

Jay then drove his car, left Haesoo with Sunghoon.

"Did something happen in the car?" Sunghoon asked her curiously. She lifted her chin to look at him and barely smiled,

"We talked to each other about the past. Everything was already solved. There's no misunderstanding anymore."

"Really? It's good then. Do you feel better after knowing the truth from him?"

She nodded, "I can move on now."

Haesoo changed the topic and grinned,
"Let's go home now. People might think that we are crazy for playing in the rain."

They walked toward his car together.


"Yes, Haesoo?"

"Thank you for the food. You bought them a lot. I couldn't even finish them alone."

Sunghoon faced her in confusion,

"What do you mean, Haesoo?"

Haesoo blankly looked at him.
"Don't you send me food this morning?"

Sunghoon laughed, "I think you got it from a different person."

"So, it's not from you?"

He nodded, "Let's go home now."


   It was 10 in the morning and Haesoo was already late to go to the class. She ran towards the room, calming herself before knocking on the door. The lecturer respond, allowing her to go in, and without any hesitation, she went into the room and bowed as apologize for being late.

Haesoo could feel that everyone was looking at her, and it made her feel so embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, Mr.Jeffery. I will never be late again."

Mr.Jeffery just nodded in response.
"I will let you go this time. Don't be late again, Nam Haesoo."

She nodded, quickly ran towards Hyuri who sat at the back. Hyuri just laughed at Hasso causing Haesoo to hid her on the shoulder as a way to stop the girl from teasing her. She knew that it was her fault for sleeping so late last night, but she was still mad at Hyuri for not waking her up and just leaving her alone even though they stayed together.

"I will do the same thing to you, Hyuri. Just wait."

"Oh, I'm so scared." Hyuri teased her again and immediately shut her mouth when the lecturer called her name in front of the audience.

"Hyuri, do you have something to say?"

Haesoo held her laugh to see Hyuri's reaction.

"Nothing, Mr.Jeffery."

"Stay focused in my class."

"I'm sorry." Hyuri rolled her eyes at Haesoo, continue focusing on the class.

"Nam Haesoo."

Haesoo widened her eyes when her name got called. She quickly stood up, waited for Mr.Jeffery to speak nervously. She was so speechless, wondering the reason she was being called even though all she did was just focus on the class.

"The sweater you made is good. The material of the mattress, the color, the design, and everything about it are perfect. You're the best among everyone here."

"You did a great job." Everyone clapped their hand as a way to congrat her. Mr.Jeffery showed a thumbs up making the girl smile in happiness. She bowed to her classmate as thank you and continue focusing on the class while holding her embarrassment.

"The sleepless night worth it."

She chuckled. "Every effort to make them is worth it."

"For your information, the biggest night festival in Gangnam will be held next week. The festival was organized by two popular fashion brand companies in this country. There will be a fashion show by high-class models and a lot of artists will also be invited to the festival."

"Our college was invited to the fashion show since we have been producing a lot of creative designers, stylists and popular models from this place. It is such an honor."

"The great thing is, every student from the fashion course will receive a week of training with those legends designer and stylist from both companies. You will get to organize the festival with them too."

Everyone widened their eyes and shouted in happiness. They stood up from their seat, jumped excitedly as they couldn't believe that they had the chance to organize the festival with those organizers and receive training from them. It was such a golden moment ever because they will never receive this kind of chance in the next few years.

"This is so crazy, Hyuri. I can't believe this."

"So do I. We need to pay a lot of money to join this festival. We just got them for free. This is so great."

Mr.Jeffery smiled, "The CEO is here. He will give you some explanations about the festival."

Haesoo's smile faded away when Jay went into the room with Nami by his side. They stood next to Mr.Jeffery and greeted everyone nicely causing the others to scream in happiness and recorded the moment excitedly.

Hyuri took a glance at Haesoo,
"This is a bad idea."

Haesoo nodded and sat on the chair again without listening to Jay in the front.

Jay spotted Haesoo who sat at the back with Hyuri. He waited for her to look at her back but all she did was ignore him by playing with her phone. At the same time, Nami waved her hand to Hyuri and chuckled when some men in the place waved their hands, begged for her to greet them back.

"This is Jay Park from PJS and the girl next to him is his fiance, also the daughter of the director of SHone."

"PJS and SHone are the organizers of the festival. They will give you some explanation about the upcoming festival."

Haesoo rest her head on the desk, decided to sleep until both of them leave.

"Hello. I'm the CEO of PJS, Jay Park. It's nice to meet all of you. It is quite awkward because I didn't prepare a lot of things for myself. The director of PJS is the one who needs to lead this, but he has something emergency to do in another country. So, I should take his position today." Jay spoke and watched Haesoo again.

"Firstly, thank you so much for deciding to take a fashion course. I heard that some of you have great fashion talent. So, I hope I can see more of your collection and let our model walk on the platform with your art on their body."

"May I know who's the best stylist and designer here?"

Mr.Jeffery replied, "There are two students who always give a great artwork and have a good achievement."

"The top one is Han Hanee, the one who sat in the front." Hanee waved her hand excitedly.

"The second one is Nam Haesoo. She is the one who sat at the back."

"Nam Haesoo, lift your chin." Mr.Jeffery said but she refused.

"Nam Haesoo, I want to talk to you after the class end. I want to know more about your talent." Jay spoke up.

Haesoo didn't respond.

Jay put his hand on the pocket and moved to the next topic about the night festival.

"Since there are 40 students here, there will be two groups that will be led by two companies.
the first group will be led by PJS, and the next group will be led by SHone. Both groups will receive a different task and different trainer."

"The best student here, Nam Haesoo will get into PJS and receive exclusive training from me." He continued making Haesoo surprised and other students look at her with jealousy.

Nami then lead the speech,
"Mr.Jeffery will send the group list on the group chat."

Mr.Jeffery smiled and did his task. Everyone took out their phones and read the group list.

"I got SHone," Hyuri mumbled.

Haesoo widened her eyes and gasped while reading the group list two times because she couldn't believe that she needed to separate from Hyuri. She immediately raised her hand causing everyone to look at her.

"Can we change the group?" She asked curiously.

Jay then took the microphone from Nami and replied, "No."

"I want to change my group."

"Sorry, Ms.Nam. You can't change my decision."

He smirked.


𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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