27: night club

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It was supposed to be a peaceful day for Haesoo, but not until Mr.Jeffery called her and told her to go to PJS Company to have her lesson. Haesoo has already told them that she refused to join the lesson unless she got to be with Hyuri in SHone. Mr.Jeffery couldn't do anything. He wanted to help the girl to be with her best friend, but Jay refused to change the group and instinct to keep her no matter what she said. Haesoo was quite disgusted at how he used his power as the chief to bring her closer to him.

After a few minutes of taking a taxi to the city, the taxi finally stopped her by the company. Without wasting her time, Haesoo got off of the car and fixed her eyes on Jay who was talking to his employee in front of the entrance door. Haesoo fastened her steps into the building as he still didn't notice her presence and quickly took out her phone to call her groupmates, as a way to run away from working with Jay.

"This way, Ms.Nam." Haesoo gasped when Jay suddenly held her sleeve making her body immediately turn facing him. He smiled at her and approached her closer.

"Where do you want to go, Ms.Nam? I'm here."

"I already told Hanee to take my position. We exchanged our roles. So, let me go."

Jay raised his eyebrows. "You don't have my permission to do that, Haesoo. It's not the rule."

"I will create a new rule then."

Haesoo shook her head when he took a step closer.

"No matter what you say, I want to be with my groupmates."

"Alright. Aren't you tired of talking? Let's go." He patted her on the shoulder and brought her into the elevator as she refused to follow him.

"You did this on purpose. I don't know what do you want from me, Jay."

Jay leaned his back against the wall and crossed his arm, "How do you know that I did this on purpose?"

"What if your fiance knows about this?"

"You shouldn't do this in front of her yesterday. She might have a bad idea." She continued.

But Jay ignored her words making Haesoo sigh heavily. She then decided to shut her mouth instead of fighting with him because she knew that he wouldn't listen to her and always think that he is right.

Jay turned his head to her side,
"She wouldn't care."

Haesoo gasped, "She is your fiance. She will care about it."

"You don't understand." He responds in short.

"Are we going to have a lesson on the first day?"

Jay shook his head, "The opening will be led by my dad. You will explore everything about this company, interact with every model trainee and also our fashion designer later."

"Great. I want to meet my friends now." Haesoo quickly went out of the elevator and looked for her friends without waiting for Jay.


"Welcome to PJS, how do you feel today? Are you excited to have a lesson here?" The director spoke in front of the group of students excitedly. Jay glued his gaze at his father seriously, continue listening to the speech, and took a glance at Haesoo who went towards her friends even though she wasn't supposed to be with them.

Every student responds happily and greets the fashion designer in excitement. They chuckled, kept exchanging glances with each other as they couldn't believe that they will receive a lesson from the legendary fashion designer in the country.

Haesoo was excited to see her role model. She grinned, jumped in happiness when the fashion designer noticed her. She talked to her friends about how happy she was without knowing Jay was looking at her with a little smile on his face.

He then shook his head, crossed his arm, and focused on the opening speech.

"Shall we do a small task today?"

Everyone nodded,
"We would love to, Ms.Angel."

Angel chuckled and spoke,
"Here's your best collection that I got from Mr.Jeffery. So now, I want all of you to come to the front and talk about your artwork."

"Who would like to go first?"

Haesoo raised her hand and went towards Angel happily. She looked at the girl with amazed, and adore her beauty in silence causing Angel to laugh at her cuteness. Jay just smiled and took out his phone to record the moment.

"What a beautiful sweater, Nam Haesoo. Can you tell us more about your artwork?"

Haesoo nodded, "This is the first sweater that I made after a long time of learning sewing. At first, I was so sucked at sewing but later then, I met someone who volunteered himself to teach me for free. Even though it was hard and new to me, he would stay with me and help me with everything."

"Interesting. How did you meet him?" Angel asked her curiously.

"I still remember the day I fell on the ground after playing with my friend, Yedam. My skirt ripped apart and I got so embarrassed."

"He came to me and brought me to the rooftop with a scissor, and an extra t-shirt on his bag. He used his t-shirt to make a skirt and sew it in front of me. Even though it's not perfect like the selling skirts in the shopping mall, I still appreciate his efforts."

"Because of him, I felt safe. I wore the skirt he made and still kept it with me."

"Ever since that, I asked him to teach me sewing. That's how I ended up here."

Angel and the student clapped their hands,
"You become one of the top students in fashion course because of him. You should thank him a lot."

Haesoo chuckled, "I'm so thankful to him."

Jay stopped recording and fixed his eyes on her with a cold stare.

"He is your inspiration."

"Yes, he is."

"You should make a sweater for him. He would be so proud to see your artwork."

Haesoo nodded, "It's still in process."

Jay shifted his gaze away and left the place without waiting for Haesoo to finish.


It was lunchtime when everyone was allowed to leave the building and go to any restaurant or stores nearby before the next task started. Haesoo felt so calm and peaceful when Jay wasn't around her on the first session. She could have fun with her friends without being aware that he was with her anymore.

Honestly, the lesson was not as bad as she expected. Everything was fun except doing the task with Jay.

Haesoo and her friends waited in front of the elevator to go to the first floor impatiently. As soon as the door opened, she was surprised when Jay got into the same elevator as her.

"Haesoo, aren't you going?" Hanee asked Haesoo curiously making Jay shut his phone and shift his gaze to her. Haesoo nodded in response, went into the elevator, and stood behind her friends.

Jay saw her and reached his hand to her. Haesoo widened her eyes in surprise when he pulled her closer with him. He let go of her hand, continue focusing on the phone without taking a glance at the girl.

"Haesoo, you did a great job earlier," Chaeyoung spoke up and showed thumbs up to the girl. Sujin and Hanee nodded, continue to compliment Haesoo causing her to get so shy.

"Is it Park Sunghoon? Your close friend? The one who always accompanies you every time our class ends?" Chaeyoung asked.

Jay waited for Haesoo to respond.

Sujin widened her eyes, "The ice prince? The figure skater?"

Hanee nodded.

"I know him."

"How do you know him?"

"My friend is a figure skater too. He is always competing with Sunghoon. That's how I know him."

Haesoo just smiled in response.

"Is he single? If he is, tell me more about him." Hanee hit Sujin on the shoulder making others laugh.

"Dummy. It's obvious that he is her boyfriend." Hanee spoke causing Sujin to be surprised.

Jay bit his lips, finally spoke.
"Don't you think it's rude to talk something unnecessary in front of me?"

Hanee and the others surprised immediately shut their mouth and bowed to Jay to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Park. We didn't notice you."

As soon as the door opened, they quickly left the elevator. Haesoo was about to follow them but she stopped when Jay held her hand. Without any hesitation, she put his hand away from her and followed her friends.

"Wait for me, Hanee."


"Is that Jay?" Yedam asked Sunghoon curiously and pointed his finger at Jay who was talking to two elderly men and Nami at the table. Jisung nodded in response, "Is he having a meeting at the club? What a weird."

Sunghoon looked at them for a long time and shook his head, "Don't mind them. Let's have fun together."

At the same time, Hyuri came towards them and greet them happily. Sunghoon raised his eyebrows in confusion, "Where is Haesoo?"

"Haesoo refused to come because she is uncomfortable being surrounded by men. Don't you remember that she has trauma?"

Sunghoon hummed in response,
"She should have come. I will protect her all night long."

Yedam adds, "You're right. It's weekend, we should enjoy our time at the club and get drunk together."

"Haesoo couldn't handle the drink because the taste is too strong to her. Maybe it will take time for her to get used to this." Hyuri replied and wrapped her arm around Jisung before dragging him to the bar to take their drinks while Yedam and Sunghoon went to the empty table, near the dancing floor and took their seat.

Sunghoon took out his phone, called Haesoo as he got worried about her being alone without anyone by her side at almost midnight.

"Are you good, Haesoo? Do you want me to accompany you?" Sunghoon spoke louder as the music in the background was so loud. Haesoo took a moment to reply because she couldn't listen to him.

"I asked you. Are you good? Tell me if you need someone to stay with you, I will come."

"It's okay, Sunghoon. It's the weekend, you shouldn't waste your free time with me. Enjoy your night with them."

"It's empty without you, Haesoo."

"We can meet again next time. Don't worry about me. I'm used to being alone at this time."

"Tell me if something happens. Promise?"

"Yes, Sunghoon. It's a promise."

"Take care, Haesoo."

"Take care too, Sunghoon. Enjoy your night."

"I love you, Haesoo."

He ended the call with a sweet smile on his face and immediately stop smiling when Yedam teased him by recording the moment he talked to Haesoo on the phone. Sunghoon stood up from his seat, reached his hand to steal the phone but Yedam quickly bend his body under the table and watched the video while laughing out loud.

"You're madly in love."

"Yedam, stop."

"I will show this video to Haesoo." Yedam teased him making the guy fruit.

"Oh god. Do you need to do this?"

At the same time, Hyuri and Jisung came with a few bottles in their arm. Hyuri looked at Sunghoon in confusion, wondering what was going on between him and Yedam. Jisung took his seat, shook his head as he was used to this kind of situation.

"Are you planning to get so so drunk tonight?" Sunghoon widened his eyes and gasped when there's a lot of bottles on the table. Yedam cheered happily and poured the alcohol into the cup before drinking it in one shot causing Sunghoon and Jisung to be so surprised.

"Chill. We just started."

Yedam shook his head, continue pouring the drink into the cup, and handed it to Sunghoon with a teasing smile.

"It's too early." Sunghoon put the drink away.

"Or else I will show the video to Haesoo." Yedam challenged him.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes, quickly grabbed the drink, and drank them in one shot. Hyuri jumped excitedly, "This is what I want."

"Oh my god, the smell." Sunghoon shut his eyes and took a moment to drink another cup.

"Drink more," Hyuri spoke loudly.

"I'm not planning to get so so so drunk tonight." He refused but they still waited for him to drink more.

"Just drink!"

"Who will drive the car after this?"

Jisung whined, "Let's just sleep here then."

Yedam shouted happily when Sunghoon drank more.

Their loudness made everyone in the club watch those best friends for a long time. They kept their gazes on Sunghoon, adoring his ethereal looks and also laughing at his cuteness. Jay who just sat a few tables away from them fixed his gaze on them seriously and rolled his eyes when Haesoo was mentioned in their conversation.

"Drink this or I will bring Haesoo out tomorrow."

Jay crossed his arm with his back leaned against the chair. He looked at Sunghoon, was pissed off when the guy kept drinking until
his face got so red.

Sunghoon threw the cup away, shouted before grabbing a bottle of alcohol from Jisung and drinking them without pouring in the cup. He drank them in a few shots with his eyes shut tightly and tilted his head to the back while wiping his mouth. He put the bottle away and decided to drink more as his friends kept on challenging him. Before he could grab another drink, he suddenly fell on the couch and gasped for breathing because he was too tired for playing with them.

Everyone laughed at him, and continue playing.

"Jay, do you hear me?"

Jay immediately shifted his gaze to Mr.Jung who was sitting in front of him. He took a glance at Nami and raised his eyebrows,

Mr.Park cleared his throat, gave a sign to him to speak.

"How long are we going to stay on this engagement? I think both of you should get married--"

Jay cut him off, "I thought we promised to stay on the engagement until the contract ended."

Nami leaned her body closer to him, held his hand tightly as a way to stop him from crossing the limit. Jay put Nami away from him and spoke again.

"Why do we need to get married? Why do you need to change the plan now?" He stood up and slammed his hand on the table.

"Jay, your attitude." Mr.Park spoke up.

Mr.Jung replied, "This is for business."

"You controlled my life. It's all because of this business thing. Have you ever heard me raise your voice to you? Have you ever seen me get mad at you?"

"I was just doing what you wanted."

"I got engaged to the girl I don't have a feeling on. I got engaged just because of this business."

"I did what you asked me to. I thought we just promised to stay this way, but why do I need to get married to her?"

"It's not in the contract, Mr.Jung."

Mr.Park stood up, "Jay, let's discuss properly."

"Nami doesn't have her feeling on me, Mr.Jung. You also know that. Everyone knows that, but why did you force your daughter to do this?"

"She was forced to be lovely with me in front of others because you want everyone to think that we are a happy couple. It hurts her feeling too."

"Please think of our feeling first," Jay adds more.

"I think it's not the right time to discuss this. Let's talk again later." Mr.Jung said and stood up from his seat. Mr.Park followed Mr.Jung and bowed as apologized.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Jung. My son has a hard time because of the night festival. He needs to take a rest first. Let's talk again next time."

"You don't need to apologize, Mr.Park. I should give him time to think first."

Mr.Jung put a lot of money on the table and looked at Nami, "Pay for the drink, use the rest for both of you."

Nami nodded, slowly approached Jay who still look so mad.

"I will give more time to think. Let's talk again next time."

"And Nami, try to convince him. He is your fiance."

Nami nodded again, just doing what she was asked to do making Jay get angry to see how she got treated by her dad.

Mr.Park and Mr.Jung left the club without apologizing to Jay and Nami and continue talking about their business.

"I'm sorry, Jay." Nami patted him on the shoulder to calm him down.

"Nami, did you agree with their decision?"

Nami lowered her head, "Then what else should I do, Jay? I will never get a life if I don't listen to him."

Jay sighed heavily, "If my dad didn't meet yours, this will never happen."

"It's because of money, Jay. We would understand this one day."

"This is so wrong." Jay pinched his head and called for the waiter to bring him a few bottles of alcohol. He then took his seat, immediately drank them causing Nami to be so surprised.


"Just go home, Nami."

"I need to drive you home if you're drunk."

Jay groaned, "Just leave me. I can take care of myself. I don't want to scold you."

Nami pouted her lips and took a step away from him, "Tell me if you need a ride."

"Go home carefully, Nami. I'm sorry because I couldn't send you home tonight."

Nami shook her head and smiled,
"It's okay. You need something to release your stress. I will give you space."

She patted his shoulder and finally left Jay alone at the table.

Jay rest his head on the table, brushed his hair because he got so mad thinking about the forced marriage. He drank the alcohol in a few shots and groaned as the taste and the smell were too strong, but it didn't stop him from drinking them.

A few girls approached him, asking him if he need company but they immediately took a step away when he scolded them. They gathered around him, got attracted to the guy because he was so hot when he got mad. Jay titled his head to the couch, let out a loud groan, and drank more as a way to let go of his anger.

His face got so red and got so full after drinking too much. He took a rest for five minutes and asked the waiter to bring more bottles.

"Yes, drink more." One of the girls said and reached her hand to touch him but he quickly slapped her hand and stood up from his seat.

He left the money on the table, walked out of the club while trying so hard to control his balance. He took out his phone, called for Haesoo but it got declined.

"Haesoo, where are you?" He mumbled on the phone.

"I want to meet you."


     It was 2 in the morning, but Hyuri still wasn't home after going to the club with Sunghoon and the others, leaving Haesoo alone in the house. Haesoo was quite worried about Hyuri, so she decided to do her work in the living room while waiting for the girl to come home. She turned on the television, watched a movie while sewing the sweater that she made for Sunghoon.

After a few minutes of waiting, someone suddenly rang the bell of her house. Haesoo immediately stood up from her seat and opened the door.

"Hyuri, why did you come home so late? How many bottles did you drink--"

Haesoo widened her eyes when it was turned out to be Jay.

"Today is the first day of training, Nam Haesoo." He said drunkenly and lost his balance. Haesoo quickly held his wrist and was surprised when he hugged her tightly.

"Jay, the smell is too strong." She spoke up and wrapped her arm around his body before bringing him to the couch. Without any hesitation, she put him on the couch and looked at him in confusion.

"Why did you come here? You should go to your house."

At the same time, his phone rang. Haesoo took the phone from his pocket and answered the call from Nami. Before she could say anything, Jay grabbed the phone and ended the call.

"Jay, you got the wrong place. Let me call a taxi."

Jay whined, shook his head while keep telling her to stay with him.

"You drunk, Jay. You shouldn't drink too much."

She said and reached her hand to grab his phone. And again, he whined.

"Let me call Nami to pick you up."

"No. Don't do that." He mumbled and grabbed her hand tightly before interlocking his fingers with her. "Don't do that, Haesoo."

"I want to stay with you."

He pulled her closer to him and tucked his head on her shoulder with his hand wrapped around her waist tightly. Haesoo slowly pushed him away.

"Jay, back to your sense."

"Haesoo, it's hot. Why is it so hot to be here?" He muttered and reached his hand to his collar to unbutton it and take off his necktie.

"Haesoo, my collar."

"It's hot."

Haesoo sighed heavily and helped him to unbutton the collar. After she has done it, she helped him to untie his necktie and took it off for him.

"It's still hot."

Haesoo took off his thick jacket, just leaving him with his long sleeve white t-shirt. She then held his wrist, unbutton the sleeve, and rolled his sleeve to his arm.

"Let me give you a drink." Haesoo put his hand away from her and was surprised when he stopped her by holding her waist again and pulling her on his lap before adjusting his position on the couch. Haesoo shook her head, she tried to take his hand away from his waist but instead, he gripped it and pulled her closer just to make her stay on his lap.

His left hand was still on her waist while his right hand caressed her cheeks. He then slowly moved his hand to her bare shoulder and stroked it making Haesoo so nervous. She immediately grabbed his hand and put it away
from touching her.

"Haesoo, you're so beautiful."

"Oh my god. so fucking beautiful."

"So cute, pretty, and gorgeous."

"Do you know what's the best part I love about you?"

"Oh gosh, your lips. Fuck it."

"Fuck, I love it so much." He chuckled and touched her lips.

"Do you still remember the day I saved you from the creepy man?" He chuckled at his words and glued his gaze at her.

"We kissed that night. Oh my god. It was a wonderful night." He laughed again, still keeping her closer to his body.

"Jay, you have a fiance now. Forget those old moments of us."

"You're my fiance."

"Who the fuck is Nami? I just know Nam Haesoo."

"How many bottles did you drink, Jay? Oh my god. You drive me crazy."

Jay pouted his lips,
"You drive me crazy too."

"I love you, Haesoo. I miss you so much."

Haesoo shook her head,
"Forget about the past, Jay. You're engaged."

"Fuck those engagements. I still want you."

"Stop swearing, Jay." She cupped his cheeks causing him to smile at her sweetly and fixed his eyes on her.

"Fuck, so pretty."

"Stop swearing."

"Shit, I want you now."

He leaned his face closer to her lips but he stopped when Haesoo received a call from Sunghoon. He stared at her phone on the table and cursed out loud.

"Fuck you, Sunghoon."

"Jay, stop swearing."

"Who are you, pretty? Why do you seem to like my soulmate?"

"Where did you get those perfect eyes from? It would be so perfect if our child have your eyes."

He laughed again.

"You're so drunk." Haesoo shook in disbelief.

"Yes. Drunkenly in love with you."

Haesoo sighed heavily as she had no idea how to calm him anymore. She got off from his lap and again, he stopped her by grabbing her waist and picking her up causing Haesoo to immediately wrap her arm around his shoulder, so she wouldn't fall on the ground.

"Jay, let me go." She gasped when he lifted her higher. He shook his head, refused to listen to her. Haesoo hit him on the shoulder a few times, but it didn't affect him to let go of her at all. Jay opened the door of the guest room and then he carefully placed her on the bed.

He then leaned his body on top of her with his hand traveling to her waist again.

Jay brushed her hair, caressed her cheeks gently. "Haesoo, do you like me?"

Haesoo put her hand on his shoulder, pushed him away. "Jay, back to your sense."

"Haesoo, do you like me?"

"If you don't like me."

"Can you like me tonight?"

"Just like me tonight."

"I don't care if you hate me."

"But tonight, can you like me?"

"No, I mean."

"Can you love me the way I love you?"

"Just tonight."

Haesoo shut her eyes as she got goosebumps at his words. She didn't reply to him and was so nervous when he stroked her bare skin.

"Are you uncomfortable with me?" He asked curiously.

"Can those words get banned for tonight?"

"Please say that you're comfortable with me."

Haesoo immediately replied,
"Jay, you will regret everything you said once you sober later."

"I don't have anything to regret when I'm with you." He brushed her hair and tucked it behind her ear.


"Please love me tonight, Haesoo." He caressed her cheeks.

He lifted his chin, rests his pointy nose on hers and shuts his eyes before kissing her on the lips. Haesoo put her hand on his shoulder and tried to stop him but she was failed when he tilted his head to another site with his hand traveling to her neck, gripped it before kissing her harder.

Jay lowered his lips to her neck, gave a few pecks before kissing her on the forehead.
He brushed her hair gently, lowered his body, and kissed her on the nose and cheeks. A smile appeared on his face when Haesoo finally let go of her hand from his shoulder, not stopping him from kissing her anymore.

Without any hesitation, he grabbed her chin and kissed her on the lips for a long time.

Jay looked at her eyes for a long time, fell next to her with his hand reaching to her body. He then pulled the girl into his embrace, hugged her tightly with his eyes shut tightly.

"I hate my life, Haesoo."

He said and fell asleep.


𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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