28: caught you

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"Jay, wake up."

Nami slowly brushed his hair and cupped his cheeks as Jay gave a response to waking up from his sleeping. Jay pinched his head, groaned as he got so dizzy after drinking too much last night. He opened his eyes when Nami stroked his cheeks and was so confused when he was in his room. He immediately leaned his back against the bed, looked at Nami while pinching his head and shoulder. Nami quickly held his shoulder, massaged it to make him feel better but he stopped her by holding her hand and putting it away from him.

"Is that a dream?" He mumbled.

"What are you trying to say, Jay?"

He pinched his head again,
"I was with Haesoo last night. How did I end up here, Nami?"

Nami shook her head, "You must be drinking too much, Jay."

"No, Nami. I was with her. I remember that I went to her house and--" He paused.

"What happened after that?" He mumbled and tried to remember everything that happened between him and Haesoo last night.

"I just remember that I came to her house."

"What was happening after that? Oh my god."

"It must be a dream, Jay." Nami chuckled.

"You slept at the club last night. My manager brought you here."

Jay shook his head, "I went to her house. I'm not stupid."

Nami changed the topic, "Jay, we need to go to our family dinner tonight. It's an important night."

Jay sighed heavily, "Are they going to arrange the marriage again? I don't want to go."

"Jay." Nami stopped him from leaving and looked at him nervously. The guy sat on the bed again, faced the girl while waiting for her to speak.

"Just this time. Don't run away. Let's go to the restaurant."


"Jay, please." She held his hand tightly.

"My dad will scold me all day long if I don't do what he wants. He will get mad at me, Jay."

"I don't care if you want to swear at him right in front of his face. I don't care if you scold him."

"But Jay, he will get mad if we are not together. He will get mad if you don't want to attend any meeting with me. He wants to see us together all the time. He doesn't care if you are mad at him, but he will turn into a bad whore if he doesn't see me together with you."

"Just this time. Don't run away. Let's go to the restaurant and talk to them."

Jay looked at her for a long time,
"Did he hit you? Or kick you? What did he do to you?"

"He never lay his hand on me."

"Stop lying," Jay respond, hoping for her to tell the truth but she just remained silent.

"Alright, let's go to the restaurant. Let's go to the place together."


"Thank you for coming with me, Jay." Nami smiled at him and fixed her dress before getting off from the car. Jay locked the door, went towards her, and cleared his throat as he was uncomfortable to see her wearing a dress with an exposed chest. He shifted his gaze away and was surprised when the girl suddenly held his hand, interlocked her fingers with him before walking to the restaurant together.

Jay just let her hold his hand as he spotted her dad outside the restaurant. He glued his gaze at his daughter, smiled proudly when he saw their interaction, and went into the restaurant with his wife.

"Your dad saw us," Jay muttered to Nami, slowly letting go of her hand and putting it in his pocket.

Nami hummed in response, "Jay, I'm cold."

"Why did you wear this dress? It's too exposed." He replied, slowing his step when the girl stopped on her way.

"Why did you stop?"

"Can you unlock the car? I want to take a jacket." Nami asked him curiously, took a step towards the car. Jay sighed heavily, he then approached her while taking off his jacket and handing it to her causing her to look at him in confusion.

"Take this." He spoke.

Nami took the jacket from him, wore it around her shoulder but it suddenly fell to the ground. Jay shook his head in disbelief. He immediately grabbed the jacket, cleaned the dirt, and wore it on her properly.

"Don't waste my time. Let's go."

Nami nodded, walked next to him shyly as her cheeks got so red after he fixed the jacket on her. They got into the restaurant together without knowing some media were taking a lot of pictures of their interaction without their consent.

They let out a big relief,

"We got it."

"The picture of him wearing the jacket on her will be so hit once we release them on the internet."

"Did you get a picture of them holding hands together? It looks so sweet."

"Let's spread this. We will get tons of money because of this. I love it."

They looked at every picture that they took and went into the car while talking about tons of money that they will get from Mr.Jung.


"Nami, you're so beautiful." Mrs.Park said making Nami smile and shyly continue eating the food. Jay just focused on the food, finishing them as fast as he could because he couldn't wait to leave. Mrs.Park reminded him to slow down but he didn't care, just doing what he wanted. Mrs.Jung smiled at Mrs.Park, shook her head, and laughed at how cute Jay was.

Mr.Jung spoke up, "Let's discuss the upcoming marriage--"

"I'm not going to get married to the girl I don't have a feeling on. Sorry." Jay cut the elderly man and wiped his mouth from the dirt.

"Jung Nami, did both of you discuss the marriage?"

Nami hesitated to reply, "We haven't--"

"We have already discussed this. Both of us do not agree to get married to each other." Jay replied again and ignored Mr.Park who told him to calm himself and respect the elderly couple in front of him.

Mr.Jung shook his head, and hand a key from his bag. "Take this key and go to the Shone Exclusive Hotel."

Jay stared at Mr.Jung with a cold gaze without taking the key.
"What do you want me to do with this key? Sell your hotel? or rent them to beggars?"

"Jay, please respect my friend." Mr.Park said
and again, Jay ignored his words.

"I have already booked a room for both of you."

"Yes, I will give them to some beggars," Jay said and again, he got scolded by his dad.

Nami asked her dad curiously, "What do you want us to do with the key?"

Mr.Jung crossed his arm, "Both of you should enjoy your night together. Discuss the marriage and try to fall in love with each other."

Jay scoffed, "Dumb ass, I'm not that kind of man who easily falls in love with someone else after I fell once."

Nami stopped him by holding his arm, and shook her head, telling him to calm down.

"Get married after the night festival end." Mr.Jung continued.

"No matter what happens, I want you to get married to my daughter. How long are you going to stay on the engagement? People will think that we are planning this."

"My employee asked me about your status with my daughter. I heard that some of them could sense that you're having a fake engagement with Nami. So, I want them to shut their mouth and stop spreading about this to others."

Jay stood up from his seat, "Wow, you make me so mad."

"Remember, Jay. I spent a lot of money to help your dad when he was still new in the business. I helped your dad to become this level and now, your company is reaching to the top, putting me in the bottom."

"It's not fair."

Mr.Park nodded, "He helped us, Jay. We will never turn this way if it is not because of him. This is for our sake. We should be fair."

"Then getting married is not the right way to pay for his kindness. Don't drag me into this problem." Jay fought back.

He put the spoon down, and without any hesitation, he left the place.


"How is the food? Should we go to the restaurant again next time?" Sunghoon asked Haesoo curiously and chuckled when she nodded with a sweet smile on her face. Haesoo walked through the hallway, kept her gaze on every store that they passed by, and stopped on her way when something caught her attention.

Haesoo went towards the mannequin, reached her hand to the beautiful peach blouse. She was so in love with the design of the blouse. The material was so comfortable to wear. Not that thick and not that thin, just comfortable to move around. Sunghoon watched her and spoke up.

"Do you like it?"

Haesoo smiled, "This is from PJS. This blouse was designed by Angel William. I just met the creator a few days ago. I love her idea so much."

"Try this on you. I will buy for you."

Haesoo shook her head, "It's okay. I will be a fashion designer. I will try to make a blouse by using her idea."

"Let me buy this for you," Sunghoon called the worker to inform them about the blouse, but Haesoo stopped him by holding his sleeve and continue walking through the hallway making Sunghoon surprised.

"You waste a lot of money on me. Don't do that."

"I don't care, Haesoo."

"Sunghoon, where is our next destination?" Haesoo changed the topic, just to let Sunghoon forget about the blouse.

Sunghoon bend his body lower to her height,
"Wouldn't it be so fun if we just randomly get your finger measured?"

Haesoo looked at him blankly, "What do you mean, Sunghoon?"

Sunghoon pointed his finger at the jewelry store and held her sleeve.
"Let's go. I want to measure your ring finger."

Haesoo widened her eyes when he brought her into the store and called the worker to help him. She remained silent, just watching what Sunghoon wants to do. He giggled to see her reaction, "Are you alright, Haesoo?"

Haesoo nodded, "Are you proposing to me?"

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows, "How do you know?"

"Is this a joke?"

"This is a half-joke."

"Are you proposing me to be your girlfriend?"

"Am I too greedy if I want you to be my wife?"
He said confidently making Haesoo blush at his words. She lowered her head, had no idea how to respond to his sudden proposing. So, she decided to shut her mouth and just listen to him.

"Choose the most expensive ring here, please," Sunghoon said. The worker seriously took a look at every ring and grinned when she spot the most expensive one. With our wasting her time, she hand the ring to Sunghoon and waited for him to wear it on Haesoo.

"It's beautiful." He showed the ring to Haesoo happily. "How do you think?"

Haesoo hummed in response, "It's too expensive."

"Let me wear this on you." He reached his hand to her. Haesoo stared at his hand for a long time as she got so nervous to let him touch her hand. Even though it's been two years since she got a trauma, she was still hesitating to let any men touch her. She was so nervous when it comes to other men. Her hand would be so shaking, and also her body. It was weird when she couldn't let any men touch her except Jay.

He could touch her even though she has a trauma. Her body didn't give any reaction when he wrapped his arm around her waist. She got to breathe properly, not having any panic attack when he leaned his body closer to her. In short, everything he did to her will never affect her body. It seems like her body enjoys his presence while her mind keeps telling him to stay away from her. It's honestly so weird.

"Sunghoon, I don't think you can touch me."

Sunghoon shook his head, "Take a moment to calm yourself. You can do this." He comforted her softly.

Haesoo reached her hand to his and stopped when it couldn't stop shaking. She shut her eyes, tried to calm herself by breathing properly. She put her hand on her chest and finally opened her eyes when she finally felt good again.

"Let me touch you."

Haesoo nodded, "Touch me, Sunghoon."

This time, Sunghoon gently held her hand and interlocked his finger with her when she got so nervous. He rests his other hand on her, strokes it while comforting her to be calm. Haesoo shook her head, and smiled, "I can do this."

Sunghoon held her ring finger, slowly wore the ring on her. Haesoo immediately let go of her hand from him and rest it on her chest. She took a deep breath, exhale, and kept doing the same thing until she felt better. Sunghoon proudly looked at her,

"I finally can touch you with your consent."

"I still get so nervous, Sunghoon."

"But you tried." He tilted her chin.

"See, you didn't react to my touch after you touch me once."

Haesoo shut her eyes when the feeling comes through her body.

"But it will not last long." He let go of her and chuckled, "You did great, Haesoo. Now, look at the ring on your finger."

Haesoo fixed her eyes on the ring for a long time. She needed to admit that the ring was so beautiful on her. It fits her finger perfectly like it's originally made for her.

"Beautiful." He mumbled.

"It's beautiful." She respond and lifted her chin to see him, "But Sunghoon---"

"I will buy the ring first." He replied, and asked Haesoo to hand the ring to the worker. He left Haesoo at the chair, went towards the counter to pay for the ring, and came towards the girl once he has done paying. He leaned his chair closer to Haesoo, decided to talk to her while waiting for the ring to get them packed in the box.


Sunghoon cut her off, "I want to get married to you, Nam Haesoo."

He glued his gaze at her and kept repeating his words just to prove to the girl that he was so serious about the marriage. Haesoo barely smiled,

"Sunghoon, thank you for proposing me to be your wife." She paused.

"How should I say this to you, Sunghoon?" She bit her lips, too hesitant to continue her words as she was scared if her words might hurt his feeling.

"Your heart will always flutter for the same person, right?" He asked her softly, kept wearing a smile on his face.

Haesoo sighed, "Sunghoon, I tried to forget him."

"I got hurt because of him. I hate him for that."

"My mind was always telling me to stay away from him."

"I tried to."

"But my heart will never listen."

"I forced myself to move on, Sunghoon."

"But what should I do?"

"I fell too hard and it's hard for me to move on."

"Haesoo, it's okay." He leaned his face closer to her and shook his head, "No. No. Don't cry. You don't need to cry for telling me the truth." He shook his head again and pouted his lips when tears rolled on her cheeks. He reached his hand to her cheeks and immediately put his hand in the pocket just to avoid himself from touching the girl.

"No, don't cry."

"Oh, what should I do? I made a girl cry."

He pouted, "No, don't cry, Haesoo."

"I feel so bad, Sunghoon." She replied in sobbing and wiped her tears when the others watched them in confusion.

"Why do you need to feel bad? You told me what you're heartfelt. You told me the truth. You don't need to feel bad."

"It because I was failed to love you back. After Jay left, I tried to fall in love with you."

"You're so nice to me. I want to fall in love with you just like how I fell for you before I met him."

"I want to fall in love with you as I fell in love with you in the past. I want to feel those butterflies in my stomach when I see you, like when I had a huge crush on you."

"But it's not happening anymore. I tried, Sunghoon."

"What else should I do?"

Sunghoon shook his head,
"You shouldn't force yourself to fall in love with someone else, dear."

"But Sunghoon--"

"No. Don't do anything. Don't force yourself to fall in love with me. Let it happen naturally. Let it happen when there is a miracle on both of us."

"I will be waiting."

"So, Haesoo."

"The ring is for you."

"I proposed you to be my wife."

"And at the same time, it's a gift from me to you."

"For being the longest girl stay in my heart."

"Wear them for me."

"Not to force yourself to accept me."

"Just wear them when you want to."

"Wear them as a symbol of our friendship."

"Do you get it, dear?"

Haesoo nodded and wiped her tears again.

"Good girl. Now, let me send you home." He took the bag and hand it to Haesoo.

"Thank you, Sunghoon."

He held her sleeve and brought her to the parking lot.


Sunghoon drove his car to her house and took a glance at Haesoo who fell asleep next to him. She looks so exhausted after spending a lot of time with him today. So, it makes him feel so good to see her sleeping. Sunghoon was so thankful to her for still hanging out with him even though she has a lot of projects to be finished at home. So, he took a chance to go to the park and buy a cup of ice cream for her.

"I want to go out for a few minutes. Stay here, okay?" He said softly. Sunghoon took off his jacket, wrapped it around her body, and adjusted her chair to be at the lowest level, so she could sleep comfortably. Haesoo just mumbled in response, continue sleeping.

Sunghoon left the car and went towards the ice cream store quickly. He bought two cups of ice cream for both of them with different flavors. After he has done it, he went to the car and woke her up from sleep.

He put his ice cream on the dashboard and woke her up again.

"Why, Sunghoon?" Haesoo mumbled, still in her sleeping.

"Look what I just bought." He said happily.

Haesoo yawned, watched him in half awake.

"Strawberry ice cream with caramel on the top. I put some chocolate chips too. This will taste so amazing."

Haesoo mumbled, "Really?" She rubbed her eyes.

"Yes." Sunghoon licked the ice cream and widened his eyes when it tastes so delicious than he expected. He taste the ice cream and whine to get her attention without knowing that the ice cream got on his lips.

"I want to taste it." She replied and brushed her hair.

"Then wake up." He said, but she didn't give any response.

"Hello, Ms.Nam? Are you awake?" He asked her and laughed when she looks so clueless.

"Ice cream. Chocolate chip." She mumbled making him laugh.


"Where is it?"

"It's caramel, Haesoo."


"Hey, wake up." He laughed again.

"Where is the ice cream?" She asked, still in her half sleeping.

"Here." Sunghoon hand the ice cream.

"It's here." She put her hand on his shoulder and kissed him on the lips making him so surprised. Sunghoon froze at his position, still holding the ice cream in his hand. Haesoo let go of him and wiped her lips.

"It tastes good." She mumbled, immediately laid on the couch before sleeping peacefully again. She wrapped the jacket around her body, still mumbling about the ice cream.

Sunghoon put the ice cream down, took a moment to back to his sense as he was still so surprised at the sudden kiss. He looked at her for a long time,

and smiled before finishing the ice cream alone.


"Where did you buy the ice cream?" Haesoo asked Sunghoon curiously. She took the cup and pouted her lips when he finished all of them.

"Why don't you buy this for me?"

"I want strawberry ice cream."

Sunghoon looked at her who just woke up from her sleeping.

"You were sleeping. So, I just bought them for myself." He raised his eyebrows to tease her.

Haesoo sighed, "Why did you buy them when I fell asleep?"

"Because I love seeing you get sulk." He replied.

"But Haesoo, don't you remember anything?"

Haesoo waited for him to continue.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you dream anything when you fell asleep earlier?"

Haesoo blankly brushed her hair,
"I dreamed about ice cream."

"I taste the ice cream. It's strawberry ice cream with caramel and chocolate chips." She widened her eyes as she couldn't believe that she remembered her dream.

"How does it taste?" Sunghoon asked her curiously.

"It tastes like heaven."

"It must be so good." Sunghoon tapped the mirror.

"It's so good." She replied making him giggle.

"I think it's good too." He replied before starting the engine.

"I suddenly crave for it. Let's eat ice cream next time."

Sunghoon nodded, "Anything for you."

Before Haesoo could continue her words, her phone suddenly rang. She took out the phone from her bag and took a glance at Sunghoon.

"Just answer his call," Sunghoon spoke while driving the car.

Haesoo nodded and answered the call from Jay.

"Urgent call."

"Come to PJS before midnight. We will do the second task together."

"What do you mean? It's not in the schedule."

"I made the schedule, dummy."

"Not at this time, Mr.Park."

"I want to see you before 11:50 pm."

"Do you hear me?"

Haesoo sighed heavily, "Jay, let's meet on Sunday. The schedule--"

"Come right now."

"Or I will go to your house."

He ended the call making Haesoo shut her eyes to hold her anger.

"Sunghoon, send me to PJS."

"What does he want from you?"

"He wants me to do the next task."

"I don't think it is the reason he wants to meet you."

Haesoo just hummed, "He will come to my house if I don't listen to him. It's better to follow his words."

"Do you want me to wait for you?"

"It's okay, Sunghoon. I will call you if something happens."

Sunghoon nodded, fastened the car to PJS.


Haesoo got into the building of PJS nervously. She walked through the hallway, looked for Jay but he wasn't around the lobby. She took out her phone, called him several times but he didn't answer her. Haesoo stood in the lobby, just waiting until he arrived.

"Come to my office."

"It's on the 20th floor."

Haesoo sighed heavily. Without wasting her time, she got into the elevator and reached to 20th floor. After a minute of waiting, the door finally opened wide. Haesoo walked out of the elevator, took a step towards his office. The floor was quite dark since the light wasn't switched on. She turned on the flashlight from her phone and fastened her steps when she found his office.

Haesoo knocked on the door,

Jay opened the door wide and fixed his gaze on her. He looked at the girl for a long time and cleared his throat as he was attracted to her. He shifted his gaze away, "The dress is quite short to wear."

Haesoo blankly looked at him,
"Sunghoon didn't say anything about my dress."

"Throw it away. I don't want you to wear the dress when you come to the company." He coldly replied and approached her.

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because you're mine. I don't want others to get attracted to you when you come to my building." He brushed her hair gently and rest his hand on her shoulder making her heartbeat so fast. Jay reached his hand to her, interlocked it with his fingers, and took a step forwards.

"Where are we going to? I thought we want to do the next task."

Jay turned his body facing her and walked backward, "Let's postponed the task."

"And spend our time together."

He smiled. "But first, let's go to the 14th floor. I left something there."

Haesoo just followed him and got into the elevator with him. Jay still held her hand tightly, didn't even let go of her.

"I have a question, Haesoo."

"I want the answer so bad."

Haesoo waited for him to continue.
"What is it, Jay?"

he turned his body facing her.

before he could say anything, the elevator suddenly got stuck on the 18th floor. Haesoo screamed in surprise and quickly ran into Jay's embrace when the light turned dark.

"What happened, Jay?" Haesoo asked him nervously, still tucking her body into his embrace.
Jay moved his body, looked for the emergency call but he stopped when Haesoo whined, telling him to stay in his position.

"Jay, don't move. I will lose you." She whined, hugged him tighter.

"I want to press the emergency call," Jay replied and slowly let go of her hand from him.

"I can't see anything." She said, looking for Jay nervously while holding her tears.

"Jay, where are you?"

"I'm here. Just stay there, Haesoo."

Haesoo took out her phone, turned on the flashlight. Before she could use it, her phone suddenly shut down because it was out of battery. Again, she shouted and called Jay several times.

"Haesoo, I'm here."

Haesoo took a step forwards, with her hand searching for him. Jay sighed heavily. He turned his body facing her and pulled her closer to his embrace. "Hold me tightly."

Haesoo nodded, just stay in his embrace.

"There's no electric here," Jay mumbled.

"Then what should we do?" Haesoo asked him curiously, got more scared.

Jay called for the emergency, talked to the worker while patting Haesoo on her back, just to comfort her from crying.

"There's no electricity around your location. It will take a long time to fix the electricity. Please hang on."

Jay took a glance at Haesoo,
"It's okay. Take your time. It's okay for me to wait longer anyway."

Haesoo lifted her chin to see him,
"Why did you say that? We need help quickly."

"Let's just stay here. It's not that I will leave you alone, right?" He sat on the floor and was surprised when Haesoo quickly hugged him and tucked her head on his shoulder.

"Don't move, please." She said.

Jay moved to tease her.


He took her hand away from him and suddenly stood up.


"Alright. I will stay with you." He sat next to her and hugged her again.

"This will not happen if you don't ask me to come to this building. I will get to rest peacefully on my bed and do my projects."
She hit him on the shoulder hard.

"Don't you like this moment, Haesoo?" He asked her softly.

"Because I did." He continued.

Jay moved as she didn't respond to him.


"Then reply to me, dummy."

"Shut up." She hit him on the shoulder again.

"You seem so tough in front of me. You act like a Wonder Woman and treat me harshly."

"And now look who's in my embrace."

"You become a baby, huh?" he teased her.

"Shut up, Jay."

They remained silent for a long time, still
keeping Haesoo closer to his embrace. Jay reached his hand to her hair and brushed it gently.

"I have a question, Haesoo."

Haesoo hummed in response.

"Did I come to your house yesterday?"

Haesoo shook her head,
"What are you saying? You didn't come to my house."

"I got so drunk yesterday and I went to your house."

"Jay, stop talking nonsense."

Jay let go of her and held her shoulder, let her face him. He stroked her cheeks brushed them gently before cupping her chin.

"Tell me the truth, Haesoo." He asked her softly, still caressing her cheeks.

"Jay, you should stop talking nonsense. You didn't come to my house. How many bottles did you drink that night?"

"Tell me the truth." He cupped her cheeks, leaned his face closer making Haesoo lower her head as she got so shy.

"Jay, I don't know what you want me to answer."

"I had no idea, Jay."

"You drunk too much. Stop talking nonsense."
She spoke up.

"I drank a lot of alcohol. I met Nami and her father. I went to your house because I miss you so bad. And after that, I forgot everything that happened."

Haesoo shook her head, "Jay, you shouldn't drink too much."

"We didn't kiss that night."

Jay raised his eyebrows and smiled.
"I didn't say that I kiss you."

Haesoo became nervous.
"I didn't mean to say that."

"You didn't come to my house that night."

"That's what I mean."

Jay smiled, pulled her closer.
"So, I was right."

"I came to your house."

"And we kissed."

Haesoo shook her head,
"No, we didn't."

"Then why did you suddenly talk about our kiss?" Jay chuckled.

"I caught you, dummy."


𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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