29: three days

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"Haesoo, I want to hear everything."

"From the beginning to the end."

"How did I come to your house."

"What did I say to you when I was drunk."

Haesoo pushed Jay away and grabbed his phone to turn on the flashlight. Without any hesitation, she ran to the corner of the elevator and ignored him who was teasing her. Jay just leaned his back against the wall with his arm crossed. He raised his eyebrows, chuckled when she looks so shy. The dark slowly faded away, so he could see her red cheeks. Once he spoke about the kissing, she will lower her head and put her hand on the ear while telling him to stop. This kind of moment was so fun to him, especially seeing her who got so blushed after slipping her words.

"What did I say to you when I was drunk?" He asked, so curious to hear her answer as he had no idea what happened that night.

Jay stood up, took a step closer to her.

"Stay away." Haesoo held his arm and pushed him away.

Jay got on his knee, faced her with a smile on his face. "Answer me, first."

"Why are you so curious about it? People spoke nonsense when they drunk." Haesoo replied, still avoiding telling him everything.
Jay didn't react to her, just facing her while waiting for her answer curiously.

"People said the truth when they drunk, Haesoo."

Haesoo shook her head. "You shouldn't know. It's doesn't matter at all. It's not important to you."

"Why does it not important to me?" Jay asked her making Haesoo speechless again. She shut her mouth, didn't say anything because she was scared if she suddenly slip her words again.

"Tell me." He lifted her chin.

"Jay, why did you act this way? How many times do I need to remind you that you have a fiance?" Haesoo fixed her eyes on him.

"Then stop reminding me. I just want your answer to my question. Is it that hard to say?"

Haesoo sighed heavily, "I'm sleepy, Jay."

"I love you, Haesoo."

Haesoo looked at him surprisingly making him smile.

"Did I say that?"

"Did I say, I miss you?"

He nodded, "So, I'm right."

Jay sat next to her and took a glance at the girl.

"Where is the nonsense part?" He asked her.

He reached his hand to her and held it tightly before leaning his face closer to her. He then rests his pointy nose on her, shuts his eyes with his hand slowly reaching to her jaw.

"Do you remember this?"

Haesoo shut her eyes as she couldn't bear seeing him that close. Jay shut his eyes, chuckled.

"This is how two birds look at each other."

He opened his eyes, looked at the girl who still shut her eyes.

"I fell in love with you a long time ago, Haesoo."

"I fell for you so hard. Crazy, how I always think of you when you're not around."

"Ever since I left this country for my heart surgery in other states."

"I still think of you"

He chuckled, "Tell me how to stop falling in love with you."

"Because the more I see you this close,"

"The more I want to make you mine."

He leaned his face closer to her ear, keep talking in a whispering tone causing Haesoo's heart to beat so fast.

"Don't you feel the same way as me?" He wrapped his hand around her nape, gently caressed it.


"If you do."

"Let's get married to each other."


"Welcome, Nam Haesoo." Angel walked towards Haesoo who has just arrived at the building. Haesoo widened her eyes, smiled in amazed when her role model knew her name. Angel wrapped her arm around Haesoo, hugged her before bringing her to the massive auditorium, where other students gathered to.
As soon as they walked into the auditorium, Haesoo shouted in surprise at how large and fancy the place was. She waved her hand to her friends who were with Mr.Jeffery and followed Angel.

"I heard that the electricity got cut off last night. Glad that I came home earlier after I finish my work here."

Haesoo nodded, "I got stuck in the elevator last night. It's scary."

Angel shocked, "Mr.Park said that he was stuck in the elevator too. Are you with him?"

Haesoo immediately shook her head,
"No. Why should I be with him?"

Angel laughed, "Do you want to know what Mr.Park said in the group chat last night?"

Haesoo waited for Angel to continue.

"He said that it is the first time he had so much fun for being stuck in the elevator. We had no idea what does he mean."

Haesoo blushed at her words.

"Why are your cheeks so red?"

Haesoo shook her head, "I got allergic."

Angel chuckled again, "Let's meet some models at the back. Today is the rehearsal for the night festival. You should get a chance to watch the model show."

Haesoo smiled, "I would love to watch them."

As soon as Angel greet her models, everyone stood up and bowed to her respectfully. They greet Haesoo making her get so shy to receive that kind of treatment.

"This is my labelmate, Nam Haesoo. She will be the future of Angel William in PJS. Please treat her well."

Everyone bowed again.

Haesoo shyly stood behind Angel.

At the same time, everyone greets Nami who also came to the night festival rehearsal. Nami told others to take their seat and greet Haesoo and Angel. She stood next to Haesoo, patted her on the shoulder with a sweet smile on her face.

"Did you come with Mr.Park?" Angel asked Nami curiously.

Nami nodded, "We came together."

Haesoo lowered her head, just listening to their conversation.

"What is the reason you bring Haesoo here?" Nami asked Angel curiously.

"She is my favorite student. I want her to try on my dress." Haesoo was shocked at her words making Nami laugh.

"Let's go. I want to look at the dress." Nami said impatiently and brought Haesoo into the room filled with beautiful clothes.

"She will look good in that dress." Nami praised Angel nicely. Haesoo just watched them in silence and was so surprised when Angel told her to wear the gorgeous off-shoulder red dress.

Nami and Angel waited in front of the room and immediately went into the room when Haesoo called them.

"I told you. The dress suits her so much."

"Now, let's put some makeup on your face."


The rehearsal finally started. Everyone took their seat, watched every model who walked through the platform with the gorgeous and unique dresses on their body. Jay crossed his arm, watched the show with a plain look. He took a glance around the place, looked for Haesoo but she did still not appear in front of his sigh. He looked at Hyuri who was sitting at the back and was surprised when Sunghoon, Yedam, and Jisung came. They sat at the back, waved their hands to Jay when they spotted him, but he just looked away, continuing to focus on the show.

"Where is Haesoo?" Sunghoon asked Hyuri curiously, didn't focus on the show at all. Yedam groaned, "Sunghoon, let's just focus on the show. This is a rare moment!" Jisung shouted, clapped his hand when Angel walked on the stage.

Hyuri was amazed too, "Angel."

"Who is she?"

"The fashion designer in PJS," Hyuri replied to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon nodded, clapped his hand when he realized that she was the girl that Haesoo adore so much.

At the same time, Hyuri was so surprised when Haesoo and Nami walked out from backstage together. They talked to each other without knowing some people looked at them in amazed. Haesoo pulled her dress, carefully walked because she was so afraid if she accidentally step on it. Sunghoon watched her, smiled when she noticed his presence.

Haesoo watched him, smiled back.

She waved her hand to her friends, continue talking to Nami.

Jay fixed his eyes on Haesoo, watched every step of her, and wished for her to come towards him but it turned out to be Nami. The girl brought Haesoo to Sunghoon and her friends and left them to take a seat next to Jay.

Nami looked at him and smiled.
"Sorry for taking a lot of time." She spoke while fixing her dress but Jay didn't respond, just fixing his eyes on Haesoo who was too busy talking to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon stood up from his seat, got on his knee, and fixed her dress, so no one will step on it. Jisung took out his phone, recorded the moment while Yedam teased them. Hyuri shook her head in response, sighed as they were still childish even though they were in the special event. Haesoo patted Sunghoon on the shoulder, told him to stop helping her but he refused to listen.

After he has done, he leaned his chair closer to the girl and continue talking to Haesoo like it was just both of them in this world. He leaned his face closer to her ear, talking about how disgusted he was to be with Yedam and Jisung making Haesoo laugh. She then leaned her face closer to his ear, replying to him without minding others who were sitting around them.

"Jay, answer me," Nami spoke making Jay shift his gaze to his fiance.

"What is your question?"

"How do I look? Am I beautiful?" She asked him curiously.

"You're--" Jay stopped on his words when Haesoo and Sunghoon stood up from their seat and left the auditorium together. Nami and the others were clueless to see the way he reacted. Mr.Jung and his dad gave a sign to him to take his seat, but he refused. He immediately left the auditorium and followed them from behind.

"Follow him." Mr.Jung spoke to Nami causing the girl to stand up and chase Jay.


"Thank you for accompanying me."

"I received an emergency call from the hospital. It's so sad that I can't stay with you longer."

Haesoo shook her head, "Let's have dinner with Hyuri, Jisung, and Yedam tonight. Let's talk all night long again."

Sunghoon chuckled, reached his hand to pat her head. He then shook his head,
"I will come after I finish my work. Have a great day, Haesoo."

Haesoo replied, "Take care, Sunghoon."

Sunghoon walked towards the door to leave and suddenly stopped, facing the girl. He stood in front of her, hugged her tightly making Haesoo so surprised.

"Hit me after this, Haesoo. I touch you without your consent." He said, still hugging her.

"You look so beautiful today. The red dress on your body."

"It melts me." He brushed her hair.

"When are we going to eat ice cream together again?." He asked her curiously.

Haesoo was still speechless. He broke the hug, cupped her chin before caressing it gently.

"I fell for you harder today. What should I do?"

He looked at the ring finger,
"Why don't you wear the ring?"

Haesoo shook her head, "I will wear them when I'm ready, Sunghoon."

"Promise me?"

Haesoo nodded, "Promise."

"You'll wear them one day, right?"

Haesoo laughed, "Of course."

"I love you, Haesoo."

Haesoo smiled at him and waved her hand to him.

And again, he stopped on his way.

"Haesoo, don't you remember everything that happen in the car last night?"

"When you fell asleep?"

Haesoo looked at him blankly.

"I dreamed about ice cream." She answered.

Sunghoon shook his head,
"But it's not ice cream, Haesoo."

"Then what is it...?"

Sunghoon chuckled and shook his head.


"I will go first, Haesoo." He waved his hand to her, finally left for his work.

Haesoo watched him leave and took a step towards the auditorium again to continue watching the fashion show.

"Oh my god." Nami suddenly fell on the floor and screamed in pain when she got hurt on the knee. Jay turned his body facing the girl and helped the girl as no one else was around them.
Nami held his hand tightly, stood up carefully, and quickly hugged him when she was about to fall. She rest her hand on his shoulder, groaned in pain.

"Why did you follow me?" Jay asked her curiously. Nami tucked her head on his embrace, "My dad told me to."

Haesoo watched them in confusion. As Jay caught her, she shifted her gaze away from them and walked past them as nothing happened.

Jay looked at her, "Haesoo."

"Jay, it hurts." Nami cut him off.

"My knee."

"Stay here. I will call for your friends." Jay brought her to the bench but she refused, still staying in his embrace.

"Nami, your friends will help you. Let me call them."

"No," Nami replied.


"Don't leave me. My dad will hurt me if he doesn't see us together."

Jay rolled his eyes, "It's okay. I will scold him. Now, let me call for your friends to help you."

"Let's go to the auditorium together," Nami replied to him, holding him tighter.

"Jay, you should carry your fiance to the auditorium." One of his labelmates said. The others watched Jay, waited for him to carry Nami on his back.

"Can you carry her for me?" Jay asked one of them.

"We are not her fiance."

"Carry her for me."

"Why don't you do it?"

Jay scoffed. "I don't want someone to misunderstand me and her."

Jay raised his voice, "So, now carry her on your back and bring her to the auditorium with me."


"Just listen to me," Jay said and walked towards the auditorium. Nami got on Jay's labelmates, remained silent until they arrived at the auditorium again.

Jay helped Nami to sit on the chair and thank his labelmate for helping his fiance. He took a glance at Nami who looks so clueless and sad after he refused to carry her on his back.

Jay just rolled his eyes, tried to look for Haesoo again. He fixed her eyes on her who was sitting next to Hyuri and took a step forward her.

"Don't leave." Nami held his sleeve making him stop on his way.

"Nami, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't leave, Jay."

Jay sighed heavily, "I don't understand you, Nami."

Nami shook her head, forcing him to stay.


"Nami, you know my feeling for Haesoo, right? Why are you stopping me from talking to her?"
He faced her blankly.

"Jay." She lowered her head.

"I'm jealous." She replied, pulling him closer.

"Nami, I don't understand... I thought you--"

"I have a feeling for you, Jay." Nami lowered her head.

"I suddenly fell for you."

"It's been a week."

"What should I do?"

Jay shook his head, "Nami, please don't make our situation get worst. I don't like that we turn this way."

"You're like a sibling to me, Nami."

Nami shook her head, "I know. It accidentally happens, Jay."

"Nami, you know my feeling, right?"

"Jay, you're my fiance." She replied.

"It's a fake fiance." He corrected her.

"You're still my fiance."


Mr.Jung spoke on the stage making Jay and Nami watch him from far.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to the fashion show."

"So, today. I have an announcement to tell you."

"It's great news."

Everyone waited for Mr.Jung to speak impatiently.

"Jay Park from PJS and my daughter, Jung Nami from SHone will get married to each other a night before Night Festival. They have been a couple for a long time, and it's time for them to get married."

Haesoo blink her eyes in confusion. Hyuri and her friends looked at Haesoo who suddenly looks so different after listening to the announcement.

Jay shook his head.

"Congratulations, Mr.Park." PJS's labelmates said happily and clapped their hand. Everyone stood up, kept congrats on them for being a married couple. Nami carefully stood up, stood next to Jay with her arm locked around him. She thank everyone and smiled.

"Everyone is allowed to go to the wedding that will be held in 2 days."

"Once again, congratulation Jay Park and Jung Nami." Mr.Jung walked off the stage.

Jay was about to stop them but he was interrupted when some media were running towards him and asking him some questions about the marriage. Jay spotted Haesoo who walked backstage while everyone was talking to each other in the front.

Before he could chase her, Nami stopped him and asked him to answer their questions. Mr.Jung walked towards Jay, patted his shoulder, and talked about the marriage.


Haesoo looked at herself through the mirror and shut her eyes when everyone around her kept talking about the marriage. Once everyone left, she cried silently.

She hugged herself,
"I'm so dumb."

She cried harder.

"Why am I so dumb?"

"I keep on falling."

"I got hurt several times."

"I always cried because of him."

"Why is this happening to me?"

"I'm so dumb."

"I should move on from the beginning."

"Why did I keep falling for his words?"

Haesoo shook her head, cried in sobbing until her head got so dizzy. She stared at her phone as she got a call from her without answering him and turned her phone into silent as she didn't want him to bother her.

The box of the rings that were given by Sunghoon suddenly caught her attention. She wiped her tears, took it out, and looked at the ring for a long time.

After a long time of hesitating, Haesoo wore the ring on her finger and looked at it for a long time.

She took a glance at her phone as she got a call from Sunghoon and without wasting her time, she answered the call while holding her tears.

"Haesoo, I heard about the news. What is happening?"

"Haesoo, are you alright?"

"Hey, reply to me."

"Haesoo, stay there. I will pick you up."

"Sunghoon." She spoke.

"I wore the ring..."


"Can you make me fall in love with you?"

"I'm so tired of everything."


"I want to fall in love with you again."


1 chapter left ~

𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰
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