Chapter 1

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Wattpad was an... interesting place. It was home to a variety of people, who write a variety of stories that all vary in quality and other things. Yes, it was truly a surprise egg of a place to be. However, if you just look hard enough after you learn that anything can happen, you can also find some unique friendships among a variety of unique people.

For example, the friendship that we will see unfold right now throughout this story.

In his special corner of wattpad, in a certain door that leads to his room, a young man in a black trenchcoat, beret and reading glasses on his eyes was sitting atop the top of a tall staircase leading to an elevated wooden platform housing only a table, a chair, a gramophone, and a book he was editing.

In the author's shelter, Nathan was resting his head on the desk, once working on his Amphibia fanfiction with many types of music playing through his gramophone, but now since he feels tired, he thought to take a rest to try and figure out where he was going to go from there. However, his thought process got sidetracked when he took a look at his story as a whole. He closed the book and kept his eyes on the cover and then he thought about the people who were able to make it possible by giving him the confidence to do so.

He thought of his friends, ThomasShogun, Ezuraki Immortal, and Tdog. The people who have made fanfictions with the similar premise. When he thought it never stood a chance, he saw theirs and once they agreed to be part of his gang, he could never have been happier.

He then looked back down at the story he was writing and then up at the window to the white void behind it. After he gave some thought to it, he thought that maybe he and his friend group should get more involved with each other, like friends normally do. All they usually ever do is talk and stuff. He doesn't even start that many conversations because he usually can't think of anything to say that would be worth saying to them.

The boy rested his head on the desk as he took a little break from his work to give this some more thought.

Meanwhile, inside of his head, another layer of him was taking action to direct his thoughts. Inside of yet another library, but this time, with a big screen in the main room, a control panel below it, and a swiveling chair with another version of him with it, only this time, he he was wearing a silver necklace that had hearts that were larger the closer they were to the center of it. All of them were severely dented and cracked though. On his beret, the center of it was shaped like a heart that was snapped in half and on his dark gray pants, the design of a silver heart outline was on the right side, just above his knees.

The hearts weren't always broken, however, for his current appearance was gained from an experience that he will never be told by him. Ever.

Getting back to the topic at hand, he was leaning back on the chair with a pensive face as he looked to the ceiling. A woman who had white hair and wearing a white and sky blue dress was approaching him holding a glowing blue microphone that had the top of its handle wrapped in a cobalt blue bow.

"Hey, 'beat. You ok?" She said.

"Oh. Hey storyteller." The heart-decorated writer replied. "I'm good, thanks."

She then looked at the screen and noticed that it was no longer getting new words typed on it.

"Hm, you talking a break from your story?"

What was on the screen was replaced from a story waiting to be updated from his body's view of him sitting up.

*    *    *    *    *
On the surface, Nathan got up from his chair and stepped back down the vast staircase, past the light gray bookcases that were found at its sides. One he got to the bottom, he headed forward past the gray library and into the vast hallway ahead of him, he walked all the way to the end and he saw a circular room that had bookshelves making up all of the walls and on the other end, and arch that had a door within it was there. This was his front page, the first thing that people would see if they entered his room to check out his stories. He turned around and saw his "about me", which was a scripture etched into a silver plate above the hallway he traveled through, and there, he read the one part he was interested in.


Part of the Amphibia X Male Reader gang with:




Keep being awesome peeps! (Hopefully more members to come) (*present time* some did!)


He took a ladder and climbed all the way up to Ezuraki's name. Next to it, like the others, there was a button that he was able to press. He did just that, and outside his door, he heard the call of Wattpad's fast-travel perch in front of his quarters.

He opened the door to the outside and he found it. It was an orange bird with a book for wings. It's eyes and beak were gold and it looked happy to serve him today.

He petted the bird before he proceeded to climb on top of it.

"Come on. Let's head over and pay our friends a little visit."

They then proceeded to fly over to their first friend's room.

*    *    *    *    *


I was reading some fanfic from my phone while eating some udon, soon i heard flapping from outside , i looked outside to see a giant bird with someone on top of it who could it be? I ask my self

"Who is it?"

"Its me Nathan!"

Oh yeah i remember that Nathan told me about our little meeting

"Ezuraki can i come in?"

"Yeah sure come in"

I let him inside, i make him some tea for him and he drinks it and then spits it out

Dang he must not like tea?

" don't like tea?"

"Yeah sorry im not a big fan of tea..." said the blue haird boy

"Its okay, not many people are a fan of tea" i said

"Yeah i can see that" Nathan said not liking the tea i made....why must people hate tea

"*ahem* so when are we meeting with the others?" I said while some tea...dawm this tea i make really is good

"Once your done drinking your tea" said Nathan

I drink all the tea and got my weapons incase we get in trouble "lets go" i said

Nathan nods, as we go outside and got on the bird, as we fly to TDOG4903's house

*    *    *    *    *


We cut to a plain ordinary house as we hear birds chirping outside

We then cut into a room as we see a boy who was laying down on his bed typing on his phone this was Tdog

Next to him was a empty bowl of recently eaten  store bought ramen on a dresser

(Ahh Mary Chan the amount of times you've saved me from starving when there was no food)

As of right now he was in his chilling or thinking state he calls it he was only wearing a white shirt and red and white boxers

" about...mmm no"...

As we see he was struggling writing as he kept on writing and deleting the same part of a sentence

and as we saw before the empty bowl next to him this has been going on for some time

"Uuuuuuuugh!" He groaned as he let his arms fall next to him spread out huffing while flapping his lips

"writer's block is so stupid man" he said as he laid his arms behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling

"It feels like the thing was literally created by the dang-

He stops as the light from his window was blocked he turns to his right to see at the last second a giant bird fly past his window

He slowly gets up from his bed and walks over to his window and stares out at the sky

"...was that big bird-



Ezuraki popped up in front of Tdog's window as he fell back screaming

He then rushed back up and quickly closes his blinds

*        *         *         *         *

We cut outside to see Ezuraki back away from the window next to Nathan as he had his arms crossed

Meanwhile his bird was over at a tree happily chirping with the tiny birds probably having a conversation

"...I told you we should've just knocked on the door" Nathan said as he unfolded his arms

"He was staring out at the sky from his window I thought he saw us coming!" Ezuraki said as he put his arms behind his head and began walking to Tdog's door as Nathan followed

Nathan knocked on the door three times as the duo now waited after a few seconds they heard footsteps approaching...while also some complaining

"*Muffled*listen here pervert!"

The door was aggressively swinged open


He stopped as soon as he saw who was there standing at his front door

He then turns away from the duo and began to blow on his hands and shake them

He then turned back to the duo with a chill smile

"Eyyy my friends me homies!"

"Hello Tdog" Nathan said

"Sup dude!" Ezuraki said

"Man how long has it been since we've all seen each other wasn't it uh.....uhhhh...

He looked down at his fingers before shaking his head and looking back at the duo

"Eh anyways I would've appreciated you telling me you guys were coming over"

"Nathan did" Ezuraki said pointing his thumb at the black haired boy


"I did didn't you get the message for the meeting" he said as he confusingly pointed his finger at Tdog

Tdog once again turns away from the duo and goes on his phone and starts scrolling through his notifications

"Uhhhhh..." he started to scroll faster still not finding the message until he turns back to the duo and chucks his phone behind him into his house and leans on the doorframe

"Must of not sent...mind uhh..saying it here?"

"I'll explain the rest at the meeting but for a short version-

"Nathans got a dope idea and a cool plan!" Ezuraki said as he interrupted and popped up in front of Nathan

"That iiiiiis?"the dark haired boy questioned

"A night out" the black haired boy said with a smile

"...a night out?" Tdog said

"A "special" night out" Nathan said

"So what do you say tdo-

Ezuraki was interrupted by the door slamming shut

The two stand there for a few seconds then turn to look at each other

"Huh..." Ezuraki said

"Maybe we caught him at a bad time-

But then the door quickly opened revealing a dressed up and better looking Tdog

His hair was no longer messy and now combed

He was wearing a light gray hoodie with his name on the front with bold white letters and dark gray pants with black shoes

"IM IN!" He excitedly yelled

"You are?" Nathan questioned

"Yeah besides I could use a break get some ideas while I'm out with my bro's" he said as he walked past the duo while rolling his shoulder then putting his arms behind his head

"Nice that's another one down!" Ezuraki happily cheered

"For a second I thought you didn't want to go" Nathan said as he followed after the two

Tdog stops in place as he turns back to the two scratching behind his head

"Heh yeeeeah probably wasn't the best idea to slam the door like that got a little too excited hehe my bad!"

Nathan then turned towards his bird as he put a hand next to his mouth and hollered

"It's time to go my friend!"

His bird turns away from the tree and looks at Nathan

It then quickly turns back to the tree and let's out a quick chirp probably quickly saying goodbye to the birds and chicks in the nest

His bird spreads out its book for wings and flys over then lands in front of Tdog who's now looking up at the bird with his hands on the sides of his hips

" bird"

Nathan and Ezuraki hop on the bird but they noticed Tdog didn't get on

"Yo Tdog you getting on dude?" Ezuraki said

"Naaah I got it" he said as he closes his eyes and clutches his fists as he lifts his arms up to his sides

Then a purple fiery aura bursts out from him as it morphs to his back and makes a pair of fire wings

"Lead the way" He said as he then turns to the duo as he shoots them a thumbs up

Nathan nods as he leans to the side of his bird and gently pats the side of his face

It then flies up into the sky as Tdog wait a bit then shoots up after them making a small crater on his lawn

"Awww man!" He complained as he looks back to the flying bird then back to the crater as he waves it off with both of his hands

"Eh I'll deal with it later!" He said as he flew after the two

He was now flying beside the duo and bird as he turned his head to them

"So where we having this night out?" He asked

"Not yet we got one more stop!" Ezuraki yelled to him

"Where?" He asked again

Nathan then looks over to him as he smiles

"To Thomas place!"

"Alright let's pick up the pace then!" He said as he makes himself fly faster

"SHOW OFF!" Ezuraki yelled

"Indeed" Nathan agreed as he gently pats his bird again as it also flys faster catching up to Tdog

*    *    *    *    *
As they were flying over to ThomasShogun's house. Nathan decided to check the GPS to see if they were heading in the right direction, and if they were, how close they were to their destination. However, just as he opened his phone, he felt it vibrate in his hand and saw a notification pop up on it. It was a message from ThomasShogun, which caused him to smile in excitement. However, once he went to his messaging app to read it, his expression changed and slowly faded to one of mild disappointment.

'Sorry, I can't.' The text read. 'I'm currently working on a lot of stories in my drafts, which is also why I took so long to respond. I really need to get these done or at least make some good progress with them. Again, I'm really sorry. Maybe I can hang out some other time, but not today.'

'Oh...' The monochrome writer thought to himself.

"Uh, hey, guys?" He then said, getting the attention of his two friends.

"Yo?" Tdog said.

"What's up, Man?" Ezuraki asked.

"I... kinda got some bad news. Seems like Thomas is out of the question, apparently."

This took the others a little bit by surprise.

"He just replied to the message I sent him. Check it out."

The two of them then moved in closer to him so they could read the message on his screen, and just like him, their faces then shifted into mild disappointment.

"Dawm." Ezuraki said under his breath.

"Aw man," Tdog said. "Welp, that's a bummer."
"Yeah, major bummer." Nathan replied. "Looks like we're going to have to continue on without the guy."

"Man, that sucks." Ezuraki said before scooching back away from him.

'Why are buildings called buildings when there already built' Ezuraki thought before he said it out loud "why cookies called cookies and bacon called bacon when cookies are baked and when bacon are cooked" both boys looked at Ezuraki surprised at what he said

"Well...uh...hmm good point" Tdog said

Needless to say, Nathan's mind was also blown.

However, Ezuraki continued.

"Bro... ever realize that humans cut down birdhouses... to make more birdhouses."

Both of them froze in shock once again.

"If tomb is pronounced 'toom', and womb is pronounced 'woom', then why isn't bomb pronounced 'boom'?

Tdog held his head with his hands before he said, "Dude... my brain is starting to melt."

"Wait... if we have charger for apple phones..." Nathan then chimed in. "...why is it not called "Apple Juice"?

"Technically, things are never on fire." He then continued. "Fire is on things."

Tdog looked to the sky, mouth agape and putting both hands on his head before lifting them up into the sky as an indication that his mind has been completely blown.

"Wow..." He said before shaking his head. "Alright...I'm going to lay awake at night thinking about that bout we-"

"The youngest picture of you is also the oldest picture of you."

"You can't really move your top teeth."

"You're really just a brain piloting a meat mech."

"Scissors are knives with extra steps."

"Guys...stop" Tdog said. "Or I'm going to be even more sleep deprived..."

He then racked his brain before he got a realization.

"Hold on a second yo Nathan, what happened to that 'special night out' you've got planned?"

Nathan then snapped his fingers and said, "Oh yeah! You're right Heh, got a little distracted there. Still, too bad Thomas couldn't be on board with this."

"Agreed," Ezuraki said. "...but that's ok. I'm sure we can still have a whole lot of fun with just the three of us."

"Heck yeah!" Tdog replied. "Now come on, let's get this party train rolling!"he said as he shot his fist into the air excitedly

Nathan nodded before he replied, "Oh, I couldn't agree more! Come on guys! Our next stop, the author's shelter!"


Ezuraki mind:hmmmmmm i remember fighting a Upper moon demon once, whats his name again? Akize? No Akaza?.....Yeah Akaza i wonder how strong he is?




*Flashback over*

"Yo, Ezuraki you good man What's up?" Tdog asked now flying upside down over Ezuraki while waving his hand in front of his face

"Oh! Nothing just thinking about how i almost died one time!!!" Ezuraki yelled in anger for some reason?

"Woah! relax man what's got you all angry?" Tdog asked quickly flying away from over Ezuraki and now flying next to the duo and Nathan's bird

"Sorry, sorry, when i almost died it kinda made me realize something" Ezuraki said in sad tone

This made Tdog and Nathan worry

"Alright whatcha realize then?" Tdog asked

"When i was a human back then-" Ezuraki was about to finish his sentence before being cut off by Tdog and Nathan screaming

"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE HUMAN!!!!!!"Tdog and Nathan screamed in shock for some reason

" 'Was' a human, now i'm a Demon. A demon protagonist if you will" Ezuraki said proudly with a smile

"Eh?"Tdog and Nathan said confused?

"*sigh* It means im the King of Demons, i can turn people into demons, yes i have powers and yes i can regenerate limps" Ezuraki said.

"Alright. That's enough waiting around!" Nathan said. "Come on, guys. Time to get this party started!"

The writer then leaned down to his mount and rubbed its neck.

"Come on, dude. Let's go back home."

The bird then nodded and turned around. Tdog noticed this sudden movement and he followed them as a result. With their destination now relocated due to the news, the three friends were on their way to the author's shelter to prepare to have the amazing and special night out that the monochrome boy planned for them to have.

At that thought, he started to become excited... especially considering what he's planning on doing to make this outing so amazing and special. He took one last look at his friends and smiled, hoping that they'd enjoy the proposition that he was about to make to them. Then again, knowing them, they'd probably be definitely on board, but he'd have to find out when they reach their destination.

'Get ready guys.' He thought to himself. 'Because this hang out we're about to have is going to be like none other than before!'

He then noticed Tdog speeding ahead of him while he threw up a peace sign.

"Hey! Last one there is a rotten egg!" Said the fiery lad before he shot himself forward again with a short burst of speed.

Nathan grew a determined look on his face, then he turned to Ezuraki, who had the exact same expression. They then nodded at each other.

"You're on!" He replied, and then rubbed the bird's neck and pointed forward, signaling it to go faster, which it did.

The three friends then flew ahead into the horizon ahead of them. Time for the outing to finally begin.

*    *    *    *    *

After a highly exhilarating playful race between friends, the three boys finally arrived at Writer Nathan's home. He then gave a dismissive wave to the bird before heading back inside with everyone else.

They all went through the entire monochrome library and its long halls until they finally got to the main room and he directed all of them to following him up his signature stairs that lead to his workplace.

"So, Nathan." Ezuraki said, his eyes darting all around the place. "Where are we going for this little 'night out' you're talking about?"

"Yeah." Tdog said while he had his arms behind his head "We going to a restaurant?.. Movie?..park?....or are we just gonna randomly walk around the streets?...."

At first, they didn't get an answer in words. Rather, he suddenly stopped. In turn, this causes the other two to do the same and tilt their heads in confusion.

His hands were behind his back and when he turned around, a shadow was over his eyes and the light hitting his glasses and being reflected on them made them look like two glowing lenses staring back at them. He had a wide smile on his face as well, which caused Ezuraki to internally comment that he looks like an anime supervillain.

He raised his head and his glasses stopped glowing and his ecstatic eyes showed through them to reveal just how he felt about what he was about to tell them.

"Oh... you'll see soon. As a matter of fact, really, really soon! Come on!"

He then started running up the steps while looking at his friends with excitement. They then ran after him catching up with every march forward that he took until they all finally reached the top.

"*inhale*...*exhale**inhale*...*exhale*...I gotta run...and use my legs more...I'm getting too used to using my wings...."Tdog said as he was on his hands and knees breathing heavily

"Hey... Nate..." Tdog said, catching his breath and huffing in between sentences. "I'm happy you're...VERY excited about showing us this...but what exactly are you planning?...And why did it involve us following you up this flight of... ridiculously asinine amount of stairs?"

He then turned around and looked down at what he just walked up, clearly frustrated that he had to spend all of his stamina going up all that.

"And I think I found a new enemy..."he said as he glares at the stairs

"Seriously, dude. I never got why you even needed that many to get to your desk anyway! install an elevator!"

He then turned back around after taking a deep breath and calming down, then waited for his response.

Nathan, however, kept his smile as he clasped his hands together.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He said. "Look, I understand that all this might seem a little confusing, but trust me."

He snapped his fingers and two arms made entirely of ink came out of the ground and reached for a bookshelf that he pointed at. Both of the other boys moved out of the way as those appendages would go for the object in question. Rustling through the various kinds of fanfictions stored there until they finally got what they were looking for. After that, four more arms came over to get the rest. They each pulled out a gray book that had two gold streaks on each end of its bindings and what looked like to be a glowing rune symbol on the cover.

Meanwhile, those inky appendages' puppeteer was practically bouncing with excitement as he got the ingredients necessary for the big reveal to his friends.

The monochrome writer put his hands on his hips while he looked proudly at the hands circling him and holding the books. He then pointed to them.

"You guys see these bad boys?"

The two nodded.

"These... are where the fun begins."

He then raised his hands far above his head and the ink arms shot up far higher and all linked with each other so that they would form a circle. After that formation was taken, the books were all opened. The words on the page illuminated and gave off this supernatural aura that made the demon-hybrid and the firecaster get the feeling that something crazy was about to happen. As a result, they both braced themselves for whatever was going to come next.

Nathan then fell back and took a seat on another ink hand rising from the ground and catching him. Crossing his legs as it carried him up, he looked down at the two before he said,

"You guys ready?"

They then looked at each other for a little while, and then back at the spectacle that was unfolding before their very eyes. It took a few seconds, but they then gained excited smiles before they looked up at him and said.

"Hell Yeah!"

He then stood up on top of the hand and faced the circle of the magical tomes, which perfectly aligned with the window that would usually be there above his desk and shining the bright light of the void down upon him. He smirked at it, knowing that it was now about to play a much, MUCH larger role.

His hands rose again and small strands of ink came out of them and headed towards the books. They all wrapped around it, and the same glow that the leaves of paper emanated then spread over to the substance that was covering them.

After this happened, the glow became brighter and brighter, until the ink-manipulator pulled the mystical circle back... only to thrust his hands forward and throw it at his window, causing a bright light to burst out of it, causing Ezuraki and Tdog to shield their eyes and knocking Nathan off of his hand and onto the stairs behind him.

Once it subsided, it revealed that very same window. Only... different. The glass, wooden cross, and stark white void behind behind them, all of which would have been what Nathan would have known it to look like, was gone. In their stead were a series of images that the inside of the window would flash to.

When the trio recovered from the display that unfolded before their eyes, Ezuraki and Tdog looked up in amazement at what was happening in front of them while Nathan was getting up and he looked at the product of the spell with complete ecstasy!

"It worked..." He said before slowly approaching the window.

"It... It...


He reached out to his sides and pulled his two friends close to him, pulling them in a hug and laughing happily.


"Wow Nate...this is..." Tdog said, at a loss for words at what was in front of them... then turning to the writer that made it. "So uh...wanna say what this is?"he asked with a confused grin

With the wave of the writer's hand, more big ink hands sprouted from the ground below him and took the form of makeshift stairs in front of him.

"See for yourself, dudes."

The trio then got closer to the newly transformed window that had the six books surrounding the frame. Now that they got a closer look at it in all of its glory, they then realized that the images were actually very familiar with them.

That was because they recognized that those images were all from various shows that they've watched and enjoyed over the years. Amphibia, Glitch Techs, Demon Slayer, Jojo's Bizzare adventure, and so... so... SO MUCH MORE.

Tdog slowly approached it again, the first so see it. He then turned back around to Nathan, who had a look of pure glee on his face.

"Now that is...impressive" Ezuraki said in awe

"I know, right?!" Nathan replied back before stepping back.

He then spread his arms wide and raised his voice, almost as if he was addressing a crowd.

"Gentlemen, behold... our special night out as bros!"

"Bro not gonna lie i feel like this is illegal and not legal at the same time" Said the Demon king

"Well, my Demon-King companion, no matter what the legality of it is, I think one thing's for sure. It's going to be the most awesome night of our lives!"

"So... hold on...bring it back for a second" Tdog said spinning his fingers over one another"...did you...make a...portal?"

He nodded with a proud look on his face. "Mhm. A multiverse portal, to be precise."

"So what your saying is, you literally created a portal that can travel around the multiverse?"Ezuraki said still awe

"Oh, heck yeah! And here's the best part. We're going to use this to travel as many worlds as we can... in one night!"

Ezuraki then walks up to nathan and said

" friend.......can we please go to....amphibia?"Ezuraki said in a series tone while having stars in his eyes

The writer then gasped in surprise and he had an excited smile.

"Dude! I was literally thinking that was the place where we went to first!"

"Wait a minute.....what can.....literally connect these multiverse"Ezuraki said in a questionable tone

"Uhhh... maybe...?" Nathan said, apprehensively.

"Okay maybe we can try later but for now let's go to AMPHIBIA!!!!!"Ezuraki said

"Heck yeah!"

Tdog was looking at the conversation between the two boys with stars in his eyes and he walked right up to Nathan.

"Heh nice one Nathan" He said as he patted his shoulder"You weren't kidding when you said this was special"he said putting his fist on the side of his hip looking back and smiling at the portal

"Okay guys enough talking let's go already!"Ezuraki said as he was about to walk into the portal before getting blocked by Nathan

"Woah, woah, woah! Guys. Guys! Look. I know... I know this all seems super exciting, but before we go in, I just want to say something."

He closed his eyes, a shadow covered his face, and the light made his glasses glow again.

"Now, I know this seems really, REALLY awesome, and honestly, I agree. However... we've seen all these shows, played these video games and basically saw these worlds. We know what kind of trouble we could possibly get into, so while I want us all to have fun. I want us to be careful. I don't want anything bad to happen while we're out. Ok?"

'Legend has it the moss grows under the north side of the tree's ' Ezuraki thinking a song while Nathan is talking

"Ezuraki...? Ezuraki?!"

"Huh?! Wha-?!"Ezuraki said getting out of his no no square
(No no don't touch me there this is my no no square)        

"You heard what I said, right?

"Uhhh yeah! Of course I did right, Tdog?"ezuraki said trying to cover it up

"Nate relax we got this"he said in a chill tone as he put his arm around Ezurakis shoulders"promise we'll be careful."

Nathan let out a sigh of relief. "Good. That's good. Thanks guys."

"So, shall we?" Ezuraki asked.

Tdog smiled and nodded his head "let's!."

Nathan nodded his head as well, and then they all held hands before looking at the portal.

"On three."
"One, two, THREE!"

The next moment, they were gone from sight after they headed right into the portal.

End of Chapter 1

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