Chapter 2

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The three boys found themselves flying through a big and long tunnel made out of multicolored light with occasional flashes of light. Nathan zipped to the front of the trio with his excitement showing while the other two had the same expression. Ezuraki even screamed, "WOOOOOOOO!" as he was flying through.

While flying through the long tunnel Tdog was spinning forward with a big smile clearly enjoying that the tunnel didn't have any gravity

"Man this is going to be AWESOME!" Tdog exclaimed with fists pumped into the air while still spinning.

"You bet!" Nathan replied to him, doing a barrel roll. "I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans we get up to in Amphibia!"

"Same here!" Ezuraki said. "And what better people to get up to them with than my two best friends on all of wattpad!"

Both guys smiled as they got in closer to him for a group hug.

"The sky's literally the limit for what we can do. Maybe we can even deliver a sucker punch to King Andrias while we're there," Tdog suggested "but maybe that might be wishful thinking, though."

"Probably." Nathan suggested, "But hey, as long as we're having fun, that's all that matters, right?"

Both nodded their heads.

"Yeah, you're right. It is." Ezuraki said before looking at his wrist to check his watch. "Oh, and by the way, how close are we to getting there? I feel like we've been flying around in this wormhole place for about... what? An hour or something?"

"Don't worry, dude. We should be arriving pretty soon. In fact, I think we're almost there."

The trenchcoat wearing boy then looked ahead to see a bright light approaching the trio.

"Mhm..." He commented. "Yes we are... Wait! One more thing! If you don't see me with you when we get there, just look for a light blue frog that runs a shop cart filled with strange magic items, ok?"

The two of them then pondered this for a second before they nodded and told him, "Okay. Sure."

He then gave a thumbs up, followed by a salute.

"See you on the other side, guys!" He said.

His friends saluted back and then all three of them saw the bright light getting closer and closer to both of them. It appeared that their destination was approaching.

"We're almost there!" Tdog said, pointing towards what looked like the other end of the portal. "Well, friends. I can't wait to have some fun!"

"Oh, ho ho ho!" Ezuraki replied. "Same here, bro. Welp, no use waiting around. Let's do this!"

They then braced themselves as the brightness got closer, and closer, and closer, until...

*    *    *    *    *

We see a scenery of trees and plants as a bright light up in the sky shines

We then see Tdog falling from the sky face first as he spins forward now aiming his feet down before landing in the ground

Then Ezuraki falls from the sky as he does what Tdog did but doing a superhero landing

Tdog slowly sits up as looks around

"Did it work? Are we actually in amphibia?" He said as he looks up to see giant flys flying through the sky

Then he turns to his right to see giant bugs crawling on the trees

"...yup definitely amphibia yo Nathan Ezuraki we made it!"

"Uhh Tdog...Nathan's not here..."


He turns to see Ezuraki was right Nathan wasn't with them he starts looking around only to notice he really wasn't with them

"Hmm Nathan did say he might not be with us..."

He then starts to scratch the top of his head while looking up in wonder

"What he say to look for again a light blue frog?"he questioned as he turned to Ezuraki

"Yeah, selling magic items in a shop cart!" Ezuraki said while pointing his finger up reminding the fire maker

"Hmm alright then so all we need to do is find this frog" he said as he crossed his arms

"Right!" Ezuraki excitedly agreed with a grin but then it fell "but...where do we start?"

He asked as they two look around clearly stranded in the wilderness


"Hmmmmmm maybe we can take that path over there?"Ezuraki said finding a path

The path looked like it was from hell it looked ominous, scary even with dead frog skeletons lying around the path

"Well....that looks ominous"Tdog said a little disturbed

"Yeah's our only way anyway plus who knows we might find that blue frog" Ezuraki said reassuring and giving hope in him

"Yeah your right and maybe find Nathan" Tdog said

The duo began walking through the ominous woods as they take glances around

Tdog looks to his left to see more frog bones popping up as he winced

"Yeesh whatever lives here must like frog legs...a lot" he said as he looked straight forward

Ezuraki was walking as red eyes from the shadows of the woods stare at him he quickly turns only for them to quickly disappear

"Hmm...." Ezuraki suspiciously hummed as he stares at the spot

Tdog noticed this and also stops and turns to Ezuraki

"What's wrong everything alright bro?" He asked the demon king Ezuraki doesn't say anything for a few moments until he turns to the fire summoner

"'s noth-" is eyes suddenly widen as he ducks as a axe was swung at his head

Tdog acting quickly rushes at the attacker and raises his leg up and kicks the attacker in the chest sending them flying back into a tree

Ezuraki slowly gets up while staring down the attacker who's laying against the tree as Tdog walks up next to him also staring down the attacker

"Thanks..." Ezuraki said

"no problem..." Tdog replied

The attacker gets up as they now have a good look at them it looks like a creature covered in mud

"A mud men?" Ezuraki said confused before getting head sliced off by one of them

Tdog eyes widen in horror seeing his best friend head got sliced off

Ezuraki head falls down as he's body wasn't moving a inch until

"Ow! I'm still trying to get used to the pain, dammit!"Ezuraki said in anger while Tdog sighs in relief

Ezuraki body picks up his head and connecting it

"OKAY WHOEVER DID THAT IS DEAD!!!!!!"Ezuraki screams in anger before running in the woods, bringing out his sword

"Hey! Wait up!"Tdog said before running after him

'I swear i'm going to kill little-'Ezuraki thoughts were cut off by a throwing knife but thankfully he dodged it

"Ha! Didn't think that now would you!"Ezuraki said proudly before-

"Knife to the face!"one of the mud men said throwing another knife

"Stop throwing knife's dammit!"Ezuraki said in anger before he uses his breathing

"Flame breathing first form:...."Ezuraki said ready to slice them off

Ezuraki leaps as he turns around and then..

"....Unknowing fire!"Ezuraki yells as he slices his head off clean and landing safely

Tdog catches up to Ezuraki as he slows down and notices the mud mans head on the floor

"Oh..." he started to slowly walk around the head while looking down at it making sure not to step on it

"I didn't know we were killing em" he says as he then turns to the mud men's body

"Honestly forgot they were real frogs..." he scratched the back of his neck looking off to the side

"He threw a knife at my face!!!" Ezuraki yells as he points at his face

"Well...I mean fair but can't we knock em out?" He asked before a another mud men appeared behind him holding up a axe

"For instance" he says while smiling as he quickly ducks down and sweeps the mud mans legs as he jumps into the air and lands hard on the mud mans stomach then hops off motioning his hands towards the downed frog

"See?" Tdog said with a smile and a raised eyebrow

"Eh still well deserved" Ezuraki says while looking off to the side with his arms crossed

Tdog let's out a sigh then shrugged before he looks behind him to see more mud men appear

He lightly smiles as he cracks his knuckles

"We might be here for a while" he tells the demon king

"I needed to slash at something anyway" he tells back to the fire summoner

The two of them were ready for battle. The mud men closed in on them, and they were more than happy to take them all down... until what happened next.

Suddenly, several black spikes came out of the ground right below half of the two friends' adversaries, impaling them. Both the Demon King and The Fire Summoner jumped back in surprise along with the other murderous creatures. They all looked around, trying to find out what just caused that to happen, but then Tdog and Ezuraki realized what that could mean.

"HEY!" An enraged voice called out from deep into the forest. The mud men all looked into its direction.

"Listen to me right here you mud monsters..." It continued. "Nobody... and I mean, NOBODY messes with my friends..."

The two could recognize that voice anywhere they went. They then smiled as the writer stepped out of the shadows.

It was a light blue frog that had an old shirt and old brown pants worn under a black trenchcoat. It also wore black shoes, a black beret, and reading glasses. Much like someone the boys knew very, very well.

The frog then tilted his head, making joint cracking noises as he did so. Meanwhile, all the remaining mud men pointed their weapons at him.

"Honestly, I don't even get your deal. You're all normal frogs, so why are you all acting like this? Especially to your own kind no less! Why don't you go live in wartwood or something?"

They all wasted no time in attacking. One of them tried to swing an axe at his head, forcing him to react by jumping back and slashing at its arm with a pen that he pulled out of his pocket, cutting it off. It screamed, he smirked.

"Ok, ok, ok. You know what?!" The frog then said, clearly sick of the mud men's shit. "I've had it with you. ALL OF YOU! Me and my friends over here are trying to have a night out and you're over here holding us up."

He took in a deep breath, then let it out.

"Alright... you've had your fun. Time to get you out of the way!"

They all rushed towards him, weapons in hand, but before they could lay a single finger on him, an ink hand came from the trees and carried him away to safety... and to a good view to watch the execution happen.

He pulled out a peculiar looking inkwell with a silver print of a casket on it, but then put it away muttering to himself, "Nah, not yet." Instead, he raised his hand, and several tentacles were seen sprouting outside of the trees, all made of ink as well. They then reached out to his attempted assailants as they looked on in fear and tried to run away, but it was too late. They all grabbed them by the necks and held them in the air. Their grip was as strong as a bear's and the mud men could feel their windpipes being crushed, flailing their legs around in the air desperately, but it was no use... eventually, they stopped moving all together and the mud that disguised them dripped away entirely because the stacked pairs were separated when they were hanged.

The frog then jumped back down from the trees and raised his hands into the air. Saying,

"And that, my friends, is what happens when you mess with Nathan Levy and the Amphibia X Male Reader gang!"

He then took a bow.

Tdog and Ezuraki stared at the frog mouths open in shock as they slowly lifted their hands and began to clap

"That...was..." Tdog began before Ezuraki interrupted him

"INCREDIBLE!!!" Ezuraki shouts as he had stars in his eyes

"So're uh..." Tdog walked up to Nathan and crouched down getting to his eye level

"A frog now? Is this permanent orrrrrr?..." he asked

"Nah. It's just how I'll be when I'm in amphibia. This is sort of my main way of being here."

"Ohhhh gotcha" Tdog said while shooting a finger gun at Nathan

"Wait wait wait hold on!" Ezuraki interrupted as he walks over to the two

"How come we're not frogs or toads or...whatever we're supposed to be?"
He asked as Tdog shrugged

"Well, first of all, let me explain. I didn't transform into a frog. I actually took over a frog's body."

"Wait, what?!" The two exclaimed, surprised.
"Yep. More specifically, the version of me that exists in this universe."

Nathan took a seat on a nearby stone and clasped his hands after crossing his legs.

"You see, the way I work is that in certain worlds, I have a "Nathan" that exists their with his own personality, his own life, everything. If I want to, I can take over his body and walk around as him. This frog you're seeing right here is "Amphibia Nathan". He's a nomadic shopkeeper that lives in a moving shop cart and he makes a living by selling magic products to other frogs. His body right here, I just used to be with you here."

"Hmm I see..."Tdog says holding a hand up to his chin as Ezuraki does the same until he realizes something

"WAIT!!! Do we have an alternate universe us in this world too!?" He says as Tdog turns to the demon king

"Oh wow good question...but what would we even be?" He asked

"I don't know maybe toads or newts or something " Ezuraki says as Tdog holds up a finger

"What if you're just an animal?" Tdog said as Ezuraki goes to speak but stops and places a hand under his chin "hmm..." he hummed in wonder

Tdog then turns back to Nathan "by the way have you met Anne or the other two in this world yet?" He asked

"You talking about "Amphibia Nathan or me, Writer Nathan?"

Tdog sweats as he raises his arms in a shrug "uhh...both?..."he says with a bit of confusion

His head then slightly turned towards the ground as a flashback then came across his mind... Voices rang out inside of him but then he quickly snapped back to reality and tried to compose himself to look back to normal.

"For both, it's... yes... actually. Also, a fun fact. *ahem* Amphibia Nathan's actually after Anne and her friends because... um, he wants their souls."

"Excuse me?" Tdog Says with a raised eyebrow as Ezuraki also looks confused

"Yeah. Amphibia Nathan's very familiar with black magic and if he gets their souls, he believes he can make so much more stuff that he can sell to others for a fortune."

He then looked at the others with a neutral expression.

"So this you is a villain in this universe or something"Ezuraki asks with a raised hand

Inhaling and exhaling, he continued. "Well, more like a side villain. He's not all that serious. In fact, he's even like one of those more light-hearted and not that serious villains. Like that one pokemon trainer who wants to be your rival and keeps bothering you throughout the entire game."

The two look to each other before looking back to Nathan with smiles

"Eh villain or light-hearted villain or not it doesn't matter" Tdog says putting his arms behind his head

"Yeah cause he ain't the real Nathan!" Ezuraki said with a thumbs up

"The best one might I add"Tdog says moving his right arm from behind his head and raising a finger up

Nathan then leaned back and smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! I was getting a little worried for a second, there."

Ezuraki then stretched his arms as he looks to the duo "now that all that is done what now?" He asked

Tdog scratched the top of his head in wonder "uhhh...hmmm beats me im just wondering what season we're in" he says

"Oh! I can check!" Nathan said. "Now hold on for just one moment."

He pulls out a book and then reads it intently before closing it and raising his head bright eyed.

"Season 2." He said.

Tdog sits up and sighs with relief "whew what a relief we won't need to worry about Anne and the plantars seeing this" he says pointing his thumb back at the mud men bodies

"Ditto." Said Nathan before lying back and snickering. "Imagine if they did though."

The two chuckle as they were imagining the plantars reaction "heh yeah the only one I'd imagined to be fine is Polly" Ezuraki said while holding his stomach

Tdog then crosses his arms and looks up to the sky thinking "alright so we're in season 2 so that means they're heading to newtopia..."he said before looking down at the ground "but I wonder how far they've gotten"

"Hmmm... you guys wanna go check?" Nathan said.

Ezuraki and Tdog nod their heads "yeah!" They both said at the same time

"Hm, alrighty then. Guess we just found the first stop on our multiverse tour. Welp, if that's what you guys want to do, let me call our ride real quick.

"Ride?" Both asked confusingly

Nathan nodded, then pulled out a snail whistle out of his pocket and blew into it. The sound echoed all the way throughout the forest before he put his hands on his hips.

"Aaaaaand here. He. comes."

A snail pulling a shop cart came to them. Nathan pet the side of the snail before going to the back of the structure that the giant creature was carrying behind it. He opened the door and waved to them, then pointed them.

"Welp. All aboard!" He called out to the two of them.

Ezuraki and tdog smiled as they walked towards the cart "wow other you had all of this" Ezuraki shockingly exclaimed as he was the first to enter the cart "this is handy though since I'm pretty sure the people in wartwood are gonna freak out from seeing to more of Anne's species"Tdog said as he was next to enter the cart

"Yeah. It probably doesn't help that somewhere in the lore says other me is banned from wartwood, too."

"Yikes" Tdog says replying to what Nathan said as he looks around the cart "you got any cloaks or something to hide our faces?" Ezuraki asked

"Actually, I think I might. I can brew up some sort of disguise or invisibility potion. Just give me a moment."

He then went to the shelves and took out some invisibility potions and handed them out.

"These should keep us hidden for a good while. Or if you want, we could also try and change our appearances. I think I can manage that as well."

The duo takes the potions as Tdog opens the bottle and puts his eye close to the lid looking inside "I think these should be fine for now" Ezuraki said also looking at his potion but on the outside

"Okay then, let's go!"Ezuraki said

Timeskip (ORA!)

"Are we there yet?"Ezuraki said not entertained

"Nope"said Nathan who is facing forward driving the snail

"Also i think the effect is starting to wear off"Ezuraki said looking at the now exposed arm

"Got anymore?"Ezuraki said

"Sorry we're out of invisibility potions"Nathan said

"Oh poop, guess we're going with the cloak then" Ezuraki said still bored as hell

"Correction YOU are going with the cloak"Tdog said laying back with his arms behind his head as he goes in his hoodies pocket and pulls out his potion"I still got mine" he says swinging it back and fourth slightly

"Man..."Ezuraki sighed

Ezuraki brought out his phone and watching some dank memes (amphibia memes to be exact)

"Hehehe marky wu hehehe" Ezuraki said laughing

Tdog noticed Ezurakis laughing as he turned his head towards the demon king "your phone works here?"he asks with a raised brow

"Yes because i downloaded it" Ezuraki said answering his question before continue watching memes

"Dang...why didn't I think of that" the fire maker whispered to himself

"........wanna watch it with me?....." Ezuraki said offering

"Please" Tdog says sitting up next to Ezuraki

A few hours has past and still nothing, it's night time, some weird eyes pops out and unpops

"Uuuhhhhhhhhhh.....sooooooooooooooooooo booooooooorrrrrrrrreeeeeddddd" Ezuraki said clearly tired from watching dank memes

"Yo Nathan" Tdog calls out to the blue frog up front "we almost there yet?" He asks as he was laying on the carts floor

"Almost there guys just try to pull through a little longer!" He tells the bored duo

"Man...I didn't think the swamp was this far in the show..."Tdog says

"Yeah, the show didn't even took that long, i swear at least make some cartoons a little realistic disney" Ezuraki said

"Then again thank lord for timeskips cause we'd be waiting a whole day for them to get to this place" Tdog says pointing his finger up still laying on the cart floor

Ezuraki was looking around the swamp before spotting a black figure

"Uuhhhhhhh guys why is there a guy in the woods?" Ezuraki said a little creeped out

Tdog sits up and Nathan looks towards where Ezuraki was looking as the duo sees the black figure

"...I'm getting major horror movie déjà vu right now..."Tdog says staring at the figure

"Perhaps it's just a weirdly shaped tree playing tricks on our eyes?" Nathan suggested turning back to the road

"Oh okay then, then why is the Figure GONE?!?!??!?!" Ezuraki said clearly horrified

Nathan looks back to the spot to see the figure gone as his eyes widen "oh...." He says

"Uhhhhh...maybe it was another mud men?..."Tdog says shrugging

"There is no way a mud men is that fast, you saw how they are slow, plus the figure didn't had any mud on'em" Ezuraki said still looking around

"Let me make excuses to distract my fear!!!" Tdog yells to Ezuraki

"Sorry" Ezuraki said to Tdog, who was scared before he could continue talking. A horrifying scream was heard from the back of the cart "we're dead aren't we?"Ezuraki said admitting

The black figure had appeared behind Ezuraki, Ezuraki was about to attack the black figure until he stopped, the black figure did nothing it just went through Ezuraki like it was a ghost

" not freak out.....i think it attacks the person who moves" Ezuraki said stying still

" how are we gonna make it to wartwood?..." Tdog complains staying still as Nathan does the same making the snail stay in place

Half an hour has past and The black figure was still there not even moving an inch while the boys trying to stay still and they are sweating hard until Ezuraki finally snaps

"You know what?....fuck it...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Ezuraki screaming and moving at the same time

The black figure tries attack to him but dodges it , Ezuraki sheaths his sword Rengoku style

"If you harm any of my friends. My red crimson blade will burn you to the bones!!!"Ezuraki ready to attack

"Sun breathing first form:Dance!"Ezuraki yelled

as he attacked the figure the attack didn't affect him, only to go through him

"Eh?"Ezuraki said confused
[Insert confused pikachu meme]

The black figure punched Ezuraki square in the face and sending him flying to a tree "ow" Ezuraki grunts

Nathan then turned his head to him after gasping, "Ezuraki!"

The figure looked his way, and he was about to immediately freeze in place again, but he was too late. The figure jumped right at him and he was instantly grabbed. The writer let out a scream before it jumped outside of the cart with him in its grasp. From there, he was dragged through the ground and thrown at a tree as well. It then ran up to him and put its hands on his head, looking like he was about to snap his neck, until suddenly, purple fireballs went through its head and hit just above Nathan's. It looked behind itself to see Tdog standing at the shop cart window with his hands aflame.

"Hey!" He angrily shouted. "Don't you dare lay a single finger on him!"

The figure looked behind him and it was very apparent that it had found its next target. It threw Nathan down onto the floor and headed straight for the dark haired pyromancer, who then immediately regretted provoking it and ran to the back door, exiting the cart, only to find it standing right beside him. He tried to deliver a flaming punch to its stomach, just for the same thing that happened before to occur. Instead, all that he got was a series of punches delivered right to his own face and chest.

Blow after blow, the boy suffered so much damage, and each punch knocked him further and further back until one swift kick to the stomach was enough to knock him down onto his back. The figure simply looked down at him and went in for one more attack. Then, suddenly the demon king joined the fight yet again by making an attempt to slice its head clean off once again, which failed because his blade phased through his neck, as usual.

"Stay away from him!" He shouted.

He was the next to be attacked. A left hook came his way and missed as a result of Ezuraki ducking, then even more punches were delivered in swift follow-ups. One after the other. He blocked all of them effortlessly and tried to counter-attack by trying to stab it. No effect, as always... he even asked himself why he even bothered at this point.

Tdog joined the fight by shooting fire geysers out of his hands. The figure grabbed both of them by the neck and slammed them against the back of the cart. Its grip tightened on their windpipes as it was trying to choke them to death, suddenly, a hand made of ink came up behind it and tried to grab it.

Noticing, it looked down and saw not only the appendage phasing through its stomach, but also a shadow of a frog standing on top of the vehicle. It looked up and saw Nathan, his pen out and tentacles holding some potions and three teleportation runes, two of which were tossed down to his two friends.

"What?" He said. "You think I'm just going to let you take out my homies?"

The shadow wasted no time in going straight for him. It jumped up at him and as a result, he jumped from the startle and a hand sprouted up from his left and carried him up and out of the creature's path, causing it to instead jump all the way over the cart. He then jumped out of the hand as it tried to smash it after balling itself into a fist. As you could guess, it failed.

Landing back onto the top of the cart, he jumped off to join the other two. They all heard movement above them, clearly indicating that the figure was on the roof that he had just fallen from. The three of them were about to look up, but then had a brief realization. Looking back from what they had discovered before, they all stood completely still, and lo and behold, it actually worked out for them, because the thing that was attacking them stopped completely dead in its tracks. It was staring down at them instead, silently and steadily.

All three friends let out a sigh of relief now that they had a moment to themselves to breathe. Now it was time to think of a plan of action.

"Ok, that's it." Nathan said. "We need to get rid of this... thing. Now."

"Agreed." Ezuraki replied. "But from the looks of things, that seems easier said than done."

"Yeah! We can't even hit that stupid thing!" Tdog complained.

"I think i might have an idea but i don't know it will work" Ezuraki said

"Okay let's try your idea what's the plan?"Nathan said

"Well someone has to phase through it but at the same time one of you has to attack someone and that figure" Ezuraki said explaining to them

"Got it!" Tdog said and Nathan gave a patient smile as a sign of support. If he could give a thumbs up, he would, but he didn't want to move and trigger the figure's attack.

"So, who's going to take the first step?" Ezuraki asked, looking in between the two of them."

Their eyes then shifted towards each other and they then made their decision.

"I'll do it." Tdog spoke up. "Nathan will take the next step after I phase through it."

Nathan smiled wider in support and then Ezuraki smiled with determination shining in every single crevice of his face as he prepared to support his friends as they made their retaliation against what was trying to kill them.

"Alright. Let's do this!" He shouted.

The three boys stood up and looked up at the figure as it stood up and looked down at them as well. Only this time, they had a way to finally fight back.

Ezuraki already forgetting the plan ran at the figure with blinding speed so the figure couldn't see him and went through him soon the two boys brought out there weapons, they shooted Ezuraki and the figure at the same time as they created dust

The dust clears off as they see the black figure is dead, they sigh in relief who knew the black figure can be easily killed, Ezuraki appears but with a lot of injuries one of his one eye has popped out, burned marks around his body, cut off limbs

But luckily he can regenerate if he didn't i think y'all know what will happen


Both Tdog and Nathan instantly got worried as soon as he saw their friend's state. They immediately rushed over to him while he dusted himself off and looked at the black figure's corpse. He smiled.

"We... we did it! WE-"

He was instantly met with the two boys worriedly examining him.

"HOLY HELL!" Tdog exclaimed. "Ezuraki, are you ok?!"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm ok."

"Dude..." Nathan said. "How can you possibly be ok?! Just look at you!"

He covered his mouth with one of his hands in horror. Meanwhile, the demon king examined all of his own injuries and then realized what all the fuss was about.

"Oh, are you talking about this?" Asked Ezuraki.

"YES! DUH DUMBASS!" Tdog said. "You look like you're barely just hanging on by a thread."

"Oh, don't worry about it, guys-"
"Dude..." Nathan said. "I just... I just don't get it. How are you so calm with..."

He gestured towards all the inflictions that his friend suffered during the scuffle.

"...All this going on?"

"Well, you see, this is-"

"Dude! Dude... I'm not leaving you like this. Don't worry. I've got some healing items in the cart. Don't move! I'll be right back."

The frog writer then made a straight dash to the back door of the cart to get the items he mentioned, but then Ezuraki followed close behind and stopped him by his trenchcoat tail.

"Nathan, no." He said. "You don't have to do that for me. It's ok."

"It's... ok...?"

Under Nathan's glasses, his eyes blinked in disbelief.

"DUDE! You are beaten, burned, bruised, you're even missing an eye!"

"Dude, dude... Listen to me!"

He then stopped speaking to hear out the demon king. Still, seeing his condition, he was very... very worried.

"Ok, first of all. I get it, and I appreciate the concern... but trust me, I've been through way, WAY worse. This stuff is just child's play compared to what happened to me in my life. Second of all, you don't need to waste any of that healing stuff. I don't need it."
"You... you don't?"

He shook his head. "Nope! Hey, Tdog!"

The fire-summoner entered the cart just as he called his name, still a bit puzzled and shocked.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Remember when we were getting attacked by all those mudmen and one of them cut off my head?"

"Wait, ONE OF THEM WHAT?!" Nathan shouted.

"Yup! Don't worry, though! I was able to reattach it without any trouble."

Tdog snapped his fingers before saying, "Oh yeah!" He said feeling a bit silly now

"See, one of my special powers is that I can regenerate. My wounds will heal naturally over time!"

"Really?" Nathan asked.

"Yep! So why don't you just save any of your healing for when we actually need it. Soon enough, I'll be all healed up as good as new, like nothing ever happened."

"Oh... huh. Well, alright then."

The writer finally calmed down after taking a huge sigh of relief.

"...that's... that's good to know."

"Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I believe I recall us having somewhere to be before we were... rudely interrupted?"

"Right!" The other two said as Nathan went over to the snail to pilot it.


Ezuraki:oops they done did it again, another mate dead misplaced his head, oh who could it be i mean it definitely wasn't me, no clue where that charlatan ran, I've been around only skeld only know too well villain vampires want fresh blood now everyone's sus

Tdog and Nathan:???

Ezuraki:*looks at the vent* are you crawling round the vents *points at the gang* or can you prove your innocence

Tdog and Nathan:but we are innocent-

Ezuraki:Don't go lyin 2 me i saw a body lying there, don't go lyin 2 me, don't go lyin, don't go lyin

Tdog and Nathan: *look at each other in confusion, then looking back at him*

Ezuraki: I ain't gonna let there be...

No more dyin', no more dyin'.

Don't go lyin' 2 me.

I saw a body lyin' theeeeeeeeere!

Nathan: Um-

Ezuraki: It was right there!

(Note from Nathan: I never heard "lyin' 2 me". I just checked it out because I was going to have the other two sing along but going off of the prompts, I don't think they were even supposed to know what was going on, were they?)

(Note from Tdog:I didn't know what it was or was going on either)

Tdog looked at the writer.

"Uhhh. I think he's singing a song to pass the time." He said. "Let's just go."

"Alright!" Said Nathan.

"Alright everyone. Trip's back on!"


It's morning and the gang is doing pretty well. Ezuraki was all healed up, Tdog was watching some youtube, Nathan....well Nathan is just driving the snail? Anyway

"Please tell me we're there yet?...." Ezuraki said opening one of his eye

"Yup........"Nathan said

Ezuraki opening his eyes seeing Nathan sweating

"So you have a girlfriend back home?......."Nathan said

""Ezuraki said

The uncomfortable silence has appeared (it was SUPER effective)

"Okay how about we play 'would you rather' huh?"Ezuraki said want to break the awkwardness between them

"Sounds good" Nathan said giving a thumbs up

"Sure why not" Tdog said......with a evil smirk, oh no what have i done

"K I'll start first *ahem* would you guys rather have a night with nico avocado or quit wattpad?"Ezuraki said looking at the boys who had sweatdrops

"...can...can I wear a I HAVE to see and know what's going on?..." Tdog asked with worried eyes.

"Nah, you have to see everything all the way through." He responded.

"Oh crap..." Nathan said. "Well, I don't know... I love wattpad and stuff, but Nico Avocado... NICO AVOCADO!"

"Well, you have to pick one." Ezuraki said. "No chickening out."


Nathan answered.

"Now actually... that's a tough one. I guess I'll have to go with sucking it up and going with Nikocado. I'll admit, it'd be one of my worst moments, I think, but I think I love wattpad too much to give it up. Plus, I pretty much live there and I don't wanna have to pretty much find another house. Also, you guys are on wattpad, as well as ThomasShogun. Not to mention all those fanfictions there. I don't want to quit wattpad man. Plus, at least the experience is temporary. Maybe I can repress the memory and forget about it...


... maybe."

"Huh..." Ezuraki said. "Okay, okay. Dedicated to the website, eh?"

Tdog simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Alright."

(Every goddamn time I open my browser, work on this story and type "Tdog"... the first time I type it in it ALWAYS autocorrects to "Dog"!)

"Alrighty," Said Ezuraki. "Tdog, what about you?"

"...out of all the people you avocado...freaking...NICO AVOCADO!!!..." he leans down a bit grabbing his head and groaning

He then sits up with a plain expression "I'll suck it up alright nico avocado...I've grown too attached to Wattpad and you guys." He said

"Okay, ok. I get it." Ezuraki said.

"Alright, ok, cool." Nathan Said. "Ok guys now it's my turn!"

He cleared his throat before thinking about a possible scenario to put the others in. Soon enough, he snapped his fingers with an, "aha!" before he spoke up yet again.

"Alright... so, I got one. How 'bout this? *ahem*...

...would you rather:

Relive the same day over and over and over again for the rest of your life, and you'd have almost no way to make anything that happens in it different and you can't pick and choose which day, it has to be a random one...

...or experience the worst pain of your life, bringing you to the edge of death constantly and you'd have to fight with all your might to stay alive... for one week?"

The two boys then blinked rapidly at him out of disbelief that he'd think up such a thing, but then got to thinking.

"Oh man...hold on give me a second" Tdog said as he turns away from the duo thinking

"Hmm relive the same day for life or experience the worst pain of your my rehealing powers still work

"Hmmmm... nah."

"Hmm okay then" he looks down with a focused look before looking back up ready to say his answer

"Relive the same day for life"

The demon king said

Tdog then turns around back to the duo ready to give his answer

"Experience the worst pain of my life" Tdog said with a determined look sure of his answer

"Ah. I guess that might be better than reliving the same day over and over. Good choice. Personally, I don't do well with negative things happening to me but I respect your choice."

"I mean living the same day everyday till I die knowing what's gonna happen and I can't do nothing bout it nahhh" the fire maker said as he leans back with a smile"plus it probably won't be that bad I've been through worse....I think" he said with a sweat drop

"Woah... you've been through worse...? Huh... Well that's... interesting...

Eh, we can talk about that later. For now, it's your turn! What do you got?"

"Alright let's see..."Tdog puts a hand under his chin thinking"sign up to go to another planet or sign up to go even deeper into the ocean?"He asked the duo

"Another planet. Final answer." The writer immediately spoke up.

"And why is that?"the fire maker asked

"Easy. The deeper into the ocean you go, the worse and more terrifying it gets. Have you seen those videos about it? At least when you go to another planet, you could find aliens and stuff, and if you don't you can still brag about it to your friends!"

"Hmm alright alright I see your point but if you go into the ocean you could find a new species! Plus space isn't a-" He told the writer before pausing and stopping

"That does seem more likely, but I've heard more horror stories about the ocean depths so I'm sticking with my answer."

"Eh I can't blame you I'd probably pick another planet too heh" he shrugged with a smile

"I'd probably choose the ocean i mean think about it, human's only explored the 7% of the ocean, think about the possibility if human's explored 100% there's a lot of chance we can find mysterious creatures in the bottom of the my answer is the ocean"

"Wow..." Nathan said. "I respect your bravery."

"Thanks but have amphibia explored the ocean?"Ezuraki said question





.... "Actually, now that I think about it, the people of Amphibia did seem like a super advanced society, but... we never really saw any work they did on it."

"Well then i guess we're going to be the first to go to the ocean of amphibia!!!"Ezuraki yelled

"Wait, what?"

"I mean we don't have a submarine but....maybe we can build it???"Ezuraki said

Tdog gave it a little bit of thought. He stroked his chin and looked to the cart ceiling.

"Wattpad authors from another world... the first people to explore the oceans of Amphibia... Now THAT sounds really, really cool!"

"Hmmm... I mean, yeah that does sound cool..." Nathan said, rubbing the back of his neck. "...but... Ehhhh... I am not so sure..."

"What?!" Ezuraki said. "Why?"
"Look, I've already heard enough terrible tales from people wandering around the depths of the ocean on earth. And judging from what we've seen on the show, I highly doubt this world's oceans are gonna be any better!"

" it because you afraid of the ocean?.........."Ezuraki said

The monochrome boy opened his mouth, about to say something, but then realized he needed to put some thought into it because he wanted to give an honest answer.

"Well, I wouldn't object to swimming in the ocean. It's just how deep we go is the problem. If I had a phone with me right now, I'd DEFINITELY show you what I saw on the internet.

...wait a minute. We don't even get any wifi here. Welp, nevermind. FUCK!"

"Fuck indeed" Ezuraki said replying

"Sooooooooo.........we're NOT going to the ocean of amphibia?"Ezuraki said

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sorry. I just-"

"Come on, dude!" Ezuraki said, interrupting him. "You're missing out on so many possibilities over here!"

"We can find treasures! Or! Hidden temples! think Nathan think!

(Omni-man meme hehe)

"I meeeean fire and water don't really mix well with me...then again I REALLY wanna see if there's any sea creatures there I mean we'd be the first to discover ocean creatures in amphibia!" Tdog said


"....that's...random but yeah maybe that too" Tdog said with narrowed eyes

"I mean... that does sound cool..." Nathan said, his eyes shifting to the right.

"Plus little frog you could probably find some useful stuff for his potions and stuff" Tdog said motioning to the potions

"Frog me could use some more business around here." Nathan said, thinking to himself.

Still, the writer looked very, VERY unsure about it... but... his friends still looked like they really wanted to go. He turned away from them to think about this some more. Behind him, he heard more of his friend's attempts at coercion.

"Just think of all the press we could get in Amphibia!" Ezuraki said. "Think about it. The first people to explore the ocean."

"We could be legends!" Tdog said, jumping up with excitement filling his eyes. "Folk songs could be made about us, we could even have this as our greatest achievement, impressing even Amphibia's greatest minds!"

The chanting of his friends picked up behind him. Suddenly, a conclusion was just about to be reached inside of his own head.

*    * The Writer's Mindscape * *

Heartbeat and Lust both stood there, conflicted... until a certain voice rang out behind the two, causing them to jump back and then calm down instantly as soon as they realized who it was.

"I wanna go!" The storyteller said with a perked up face.

He looked behind himself and saw The Storyteller in one of her three amphibia forms, a blue frog that wore an old dress and had a few white and light blue flowers in her hair.

"Oh, hey Storyteller. So, you want to go too?" Lust said.

She then stepped back with her hands in the air.

"I mean, hey. It's up to you two, you're the boss over here. What do you think?"

The two of them looked at each other for a while, then they then stared at the screen once again. On it were his two friends chanting for him to go along with their plan.

* * Back to the physical world    *    *

"Nathan! Natha! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan!.......NATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Ezuraki yelled at Nathan trying to get his attention

"Did he just...fall asleep with his eyes open?" Tdog said to Ezuraki with a raised eyebrow

The grayscale writer sighed, then turned around to the Demon King and the Pyromancer.

"Of course..." He said. "...of course it'd be the power of peer pressure.
Alright. Let's see what we can find there!"

"AAAYYYEEE!!!! LESS GO!!!"Ezuraki said in excitement

"YES! Trust me Nathan you won't regret it...maybe...possibly...nah you won't regret" Tdog said

"I probably will, but hey. As long as it makes my friends happy, I guess I could take a few risks."


Ezuraki:A night

Tdog:on the



We see the trio minding there own business. Ezuraki was sleeping, Tdog is playing with his powers and Nathan looks tired af. He was barely managing to stay awake while Tdog was maintaining a ring of fire on his waist and spinning it around like a hula hoop. His fatigued face smiled at the sight before looking up at the sky.

"Hey, Tdog?" He called out to him, and as a result, he looked his way with a hum.

"Hey. What's up?" He replied to him.

"You know, I'm really glad you and Ezuraki agreed to tag along on this outing with me. I've been having a lot of fun with you guys, you know that?"

The pyromancer smiled back at him and said,

"Oh, believe me, dude. The feeling's mutual. I'm always up for a chance to hang out with the gang, and out of all the ways, traveling between dimensions!"

"And soon we're going to be dipping our toes into the great oceans of Amphibia! I'm not going to lie, I know I was a little apprehensive about what we could find there, and honestly, I still am! Though, maybe if we DO run into any creatures there. I'm a little interested in what they might look like. If what we saw in the show's anything to go by, they're most likely going to be pretty crazy."

Tdog chuckled.

"Yeah, probably."

He then stopped making fire for himself to play with and then he took a seat next to him.

"I can't wait to go there with you guys." He continued, playfully punching the monochrome writer in the arm.

"I wish I could say the same." The punch catcher replied. "Although, I have to admit. I am looking forward to what the people of Amphibia will think when they heard of what we found down there. Who knows? I could probably even be wrong and it could be pretty fun!"

"Now you're starting to get into the spirit."

Tdog then went over to grab a flower and went over to Ezuraki "Hey watch this" Tdog said before putting the flower on his head as Ezuraki wakes up says

"The prophecy is true!...."Ezuraki said before seeing the Universe around him

"Hey, bro." Nathan said.

"..........."Ezuraki said nothing just seeing around "am i real?"Ezuraki said confused and touching his face

Nathan put his finger on his nose and said,

"Yep. Seems pretty real to me."

Ezuraki brings out his double barrel shotgun and pointed at the tree "YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!"Ezuraki yelled and shot it

Both boys jumped up from the shock and slowly backed away from him.

"Uhhh, dude..." Tdog said. "You ok?"

".......Why you guys backing away from me huh?.........."Ezuraki said very creepy way

"Uh, you just pulled out your shotgun and shot a tree... What gives?"

"That tree had it commin" Ezuraki said pointing at Tdog "Are YOU the suspect?"

"Wait, what?! No. Of course not! Suspect of what?" Tdog exclaimed getting in a stance

"Suspect of the murder from 1978" Ezuraki said


"Umm, I don't know what you're talking about..." Tdog said.

"........Or was it YOU NathanInkling" Ezuraki said now pointing his gun at Nathan

"Dude, I wasn't even alive in 1978." Nathan said. "I have no idea what you're talking about either!"

"............i must be high or something. Either way i feel dizzy........oh blacking out.....catch me please......" Ezuraki said passing out

Both friends rushed to catch him before he hit the ground. They went behind him and stretched out their arms to hold him before he hit the ground.

"What the...?" Nathan said. "The hell was all that about?"

Tdog simply shrugged with a perplexed expression.

Ezuraki then suddenly woke up and stretches his arms and legs before looking at the two boys "yo bros....." Ezuraki said with a smile

They only looked at him blankly and rapidly blinked before looking at each other again with an even more confused expression.

"Uhhh.......why are you guys looking at me like that?..."Ezuraki said confused

Nathan clasped his hands together. "Bro, Tdog woke you up with a flower a few seconds ago and then you started acting crazy."

"Wait did i?"Ezuraki said

"Uh, yeah!" Tdog said. "Like, first you shot a tree with your shotgun, then accused us of 1978 murders and then passsed out."

"Wait you said Tdog put a flower on my head right?"Ezuraki said in a serious tone while his eyes glowed red

"Um, yes?..." Tdog replied with uncertainty in his voice. "Why?"

"Tdog...."Ezuraki then approached tdog and put a hand on his shoulder before getting closer to his face and said "Never. Do. That. Again. Am i clear?"Ezuraki said in very very very VERY serious tone

Tdog narrowed his eyes as he felt the very strong need to lean back.

"A-alright?" He said

"*sigh* good, now are we there at our destination Nathan?" Ezuraki said looking at the blue frog before looking back at Tdog who is shaking

Nathan looked ahead and squinted his eyes. He then gasped in surprise and had a smile as he turned towards the other two.

"Good news!" He said. "We're almost there! Just a few more minutes till we get there."

"Finally!"Ezuraki said

"About time!" Tdog said. "Maybe now we can finally meet Anne and the rest!"

As the cart approached the gates of Newtopia, the three of them all gasped in awe and their pupils dilated at the sigh of the majestic city.

"Still just as beautiful as the show..." Tdog said.

The cart stopped right at the wall, far off from the side of the gate, and they all stood at the cart window with their hands clasped and excited looks on their faces.

"Okay, guys." Nathan said. "We're here! So, what's the game plan for meeting the others?"

"Hmmmm i don't know maybe we just wait i guess?"Ezuraki said

"Alright, sounds fair. So, how about we do something to pass the time?"

Tdog got to thinking, and so did Ezuraki.

" about we spar?....."Ezuraki said suggesting


"It's just a friendly match"Ezuraki said






".....okay then it's decided let's have a match!"Ezuraki yelled

[First match:Ezuraki vs Tdog]

the Ezuraki begins to use his Technique Development, Destructive Death: Compass Needle, Ezuraki says that he will just defeat Tdog. He quickly dashes towards Tdog and the pyromancer returns his advance, readying his Fire attack, and Nathan notes that they're moving so fast that he can't follow them with his eyes only seeing sparks in the process. They clash, and Ezuraki leaps up in the air, The Demon says he is saddened by the thought of the decline of someone wonderfully talented, and tells Tdog to surrender now.

Tdog closing in on Ezuraki.

Tdog closes the distance between him and Ezuraki in order to attack.
Being launched into the air and upside-down, Ezuraki unleashes his Destructive Death: Air Type, which Tdog counters with the Blooming Flame. The pyromancer notes that Ezuraki is attacking him from a distance, punching into the air and moving at a fraction of a blink, and realizes that he'll have to get closer to him if he's to defeat the Demon. Tdog suddenly appears in front of Ezuraki, who compliments his reaction speed as the pyromancer attacks him with his flames. The Demon praises his skills, and wonders to Tdog how sad it'll be if they're lost early, to which the pyromancer replies that it won't be sad because it's only natural for people to die.

[Akaza and Kyojuro exchanging blows at blinding speeds.gif]

Tdog and Ezuraki trading blows at blinding speeds.
As Ezuraki quickly punches him, angered, uses his fire to launch Ezuraki into a nearby forest then proceeds to run inside to finish him off. To his surprise, Ezuraki ambushes him from below, complimenting his exceptional movements. Tdog immediately dodges his attack and cuts of his arm, but Ezuraki retaliates by using his legs to launch him outside the forest.

Tdog continues engaging Ezuraki.
Ezuraki regenerates his lost arm and tells him to continue fighting and says that he has no other option. Which Tdog unhesitantly refuses and keeps fighting him. Tdog then dashes toward Ezuraki and performs Blazing Universe, which creates a shallow wound near Ezuraki's shoulder which he heals instantly while expressing his amazement over Tdog's beautiful attack. Ezuraki unleashes his Destructive Death: Air Type technique which Tdog barely blocks the shockwave and flies backward, then dashes towards him and continues his assault.
Nathan looks on in amazement and horror, as both seem like they're in a completely separate dimension. As both the pyromancer and Demon continue to exchange blows, Ezuraki queried whether Tdog is certain in continuing to fight him, as it might spell his end. Tdog ignores his banter and continues to attack but gets countered by Ezuraki fist which creates a shallow cut on the left side of his forehead. Tdog backs up momentarily then proceeds to use the Unknowing Fire which severs both of Ezuraki's arms which regenerates almost instantly. He then calmly remarks that it would be a pity to defeat Tdog right then as he hasn't reached his full potential yet. Ezuraki suddenly dashes forwards and punches Tdog's guts, which causes it to bleed. Tdog coughs out saliva and vomits but remains steadfast and performs the Rising Sun. Ezuraki dodges his technique and attempts to attack Tdog while he barely manages to parry all his blows with his fire sword. While preparing to attack Tdog with a stronger attack, Ezuraki continues to fight him

[Akaza uses Disorder against Kyojuro.gif]

Ezuraki attempts to attack Tdog with a strength-enhanced strike, to which Tdog barely blocks his attack. However, Ezuraki's strength was able to overwhelm Tdog and crush his eye with his fists. Tdog stumbles back but continues to grit his teeth in the onslaught he is facing and uses both his Blazing Universe and the Blooming Flame. Ezuraki dodges both attacks and takes his stance while Tdog does the same, both then proceed to unleash different techniques, the former Demon using his Destructive Death: Disorder attack while the latter using the Flaming Tiger. Both close in on each other and Tdog manages to cut of Ezuraki arm and cause a shallow cut on his chest. The residue of their attacks clear, and Ezuraki tells Tdog, who's now bloodied and beaten, having lost the functionality of his left eye, not to give up on him just yet. Nathan panic, as the Pyromancer and Demon seem to be in an entirely different dimension to him.

Tdog's willingness to fight

"I will defeat you Ezuraki! No matter what it takes, I refuse to lose!"

Ezuraki says that Tdog fighting with the intention of sacrificing his body is pointless, showing him that the injuries he'd inflicted on him had already completely healed and comparing this to the severe wounds that now covered Tdog. He explains that Tdog can't recover from this anymore as he is, Ezuraki says to an exhausted Tdog that humans will never be able to beat Demons.

That last sentence caused the pyromancer to snicker and giggle to himself

Tdog turns back to face Ezuraki, still smiling and saying that he'll defeat him before beginning to ready another attack. Impressed, Ezuraki compliments his fighting spirit and technique, and laughs

Tdog unleashing his most powerful technique on Ezuraki.
Tdog commands himself to burn beyond his limits. With that, he proudly proclaims his identity as the Flame summoner as he readies his family's most powerful technique, the Flaming Dragon. Ezuraki also readies his Destructive Death: Annihilation Type, and the dust this time disperses to reveal that Ezuraki has stuck his arm through Tdog's solar plexus.

Ezuraki pulls it out as Tdog passes out


Tdog woke all healed up thanks to Nathan and Ezuraki apologies to him for sticking his arm onto his solar plexus

[Second Match: Tdog Vs Nathan]

Nathan pulled his pen out of his trench coat's pocket. He flipped it in circles between his fingers and firmly grasped it before looking at his opponent, who was tossing a fireball up and down like a baseball in one of his hands. He crushed it by bringing both of his hands together and it erupted into a cluster of purple sparks while he gained a purple glint in one of his eyes as a shadow fell over his face, leaving only one of them visible.

"So, you ready?" The pyromancer said.

He smiled as a face shadow of his own went over the monochrome writer's eyes and as a result, only the shine of his glasses were visible. He had a determined smirk on his face before he pointed his pen to him and replied,

"Oh yeah. I'm more than ready."

Ezuraki then walked in between them, arms outstretched, acting like a mediator between the two.

"Alright guys!" He said. "I want a good, clean fight. Remember, don't go too far, and play fair. That's all the rules I've got for you."

"Ok, play fair, keep it simple." Nathan said. "Got it!"
"Alright!" Tdog said. "Let's do this!"

The demon king raised a single arm to the sky.

"Three, two, one..."

The appendage was swiftly brought down.


Tdog was the one who took the first action, his fists were set aflame as he launched himself towards Nathan using a fiery blast. He wound up his punch as he was dashing at an incredibly high speed, only to have his arm stuck in a wall of ink that threw his panicked target upwards by coming out from the ground under him.

The fire summoner pulled his limb out and looked up to see the writer sitting on top of the very thing he summoned to avoid the attack, looking down on him with a condescending smile before he got up and jumped down with the intent of kicking him with a foot dive. Tdog avoided it by jumping back and trying to counter attack with a few punches, which the writer either dodged or parried, one after the other. When he blocked them, he either used his arms or small tentacles of ink. The latter of the two options were used to subdue his assault by springing up from behind him and swiftly tying his hands together.

This surprised him at first, while Nathan had a cocky smirk before he flipped his body around and tried to slam Tdog to the ground, only to see fire jets come out of his feet and cause him to launch towards the writer and ram right into him. He summoned fire out of the ground to free him from his restraints and used his arms to grab Nathan, making sure that he's definitely bringing his opponent onto this ride that he was going on. He flew up to the ground as his feet jets stopped and were replaced by his wings before he turned around and threw him back towards the ground with a good amount of effort. Just as the monochrome fighter reached past the halfway point of hitting the ground, a hand made of ink came up from the ground and grabbed him mid air, then opened up to serve as a platform for him to stand on. He looked up and saw Tdog, charging up a fiery attack.

"Heads up, bro!" He shouted at him and then shot a beam of fire right at him. To avoid this, Nathan summoned another hand at his side and jumped right at it before the blast hit the previous ground he had to stand on. He repeated this process over and over when his opponent moved the blast towards his location until it finally fizzled out and stopped.

Deciding that he's had enough of being on the defensive, Nathan summoned many inky tentacles out of the ground and sent them flying right towards him as he had his hands rising higher than it originally was, rising to the same altitude that the fire summoner was at.

Speaking of whom, as soon as he saw the tentacles heading right towards him, he immediately deployed evasive maneuvers. He ducked below the first one, strafed to the right of the second one, spun around and dashed straight towards the grayscale puppet master behind this to avoid the third and fourth one, which came to him at the very same time. To his left, he saw one tentacle winding up a diagonal strike, attempting to slap him right out of the sky, which he avoided by going down, only to see more tentacles coming out from below him. He swiftly flew up to avoid their grasp and shot a geyser of fire from his hands to stop them and give himself some more room to go for his next strike.

Nathan saw his friend rapidly approaching and as a result, he tried to move his platform hand back to avoid his assault, only to realize that he was too fast and got punched right off and started falling to the ground. At first, he started panicking and on instinct, summoned another hand to catch him. Then he saw the fire summoner heading right towards him when he looked behind himself. He shrieked in shock before he then had an idea as he got punched a second time, then a third time, then a fourth... and so on and so on and so on.

The punches kept coming in rapid succession, all hitting him. While Tdog was going full jojo on Nathan, however, he was too busy focusing on his attack to see the same ink hand that its owner was knocked out of head at him from behind and grab him. Meanwhile, Nathan was caught by another hand coming from the ground. He looked up at him, smiling with relief.

Tdog gritted his teeth, thrashing back and forth trying to escape the writer's grasp that took the form of that big appendage, but its grip was about as strong as the hand of a silverback gorilla. Meanwhile, that stupid smug face that Nathan had was coming into sight as the hand raised him above him.

"Well, well, well." Nathan said. "It seems like you were too busy trying to beat the crap out of me that you failed to realize just what could make it go all so terribly wrong."

Tdog still struggled to get out. His hair then started to stand up and sparks of fire came out from between his captor's fingers.

"Well," The writer continued. "...I hate to break it to you but as fun as you were to fight. I'm afraid this is checkma-"

A scream escaped from the fire summoner's mouth before an explosion of fire came from his body before the hand he was trapped in was blasted open and ignited. This caused the hand's puppeteer to stumble back in shock and surprise at the display as he saw the boy rise up to his level yet again. His hair covered with purple flames and standing on end, he almost looked like a super saiyan from Dragon Ball. He even had a smirk of his own as he looked him directly in the eyes before his hair went back to normal.

"So, you were saying?"

He tried to deliver a kick directly to his face, only for Nathan to dodge it and try and counter attack with his pen. That got dodged as well, and that was when the two were locked in a point of combat where avoided strikes in rapid succession of each other were exchanged until Tdog was able to catch an attempted punch to the face thrown by Nathan. The latter's face morphed from frustrated aggression to fearful shock.

"Nope!" The pyromancer said. "That's enough of that!"

He then delivered an uppercut, knocking him up and out of his platform again, then he raised both of his hands above his head, brought them together, then brought them down, giving him a powerful blow that launched him back down to the ground.

Another hand came up and tried to save its master, only for him to get knocked out of that as well. Then another one came, only for the same thing to happen, and over and over, this repeated over and over again until he hit the ground with such force that it caused the shallow water on the ground below him to be temporarily repelled into an empty circle, revealing cracks on the ground that were caused by his impact.

Meanwhile, Ezuraki was watching the whole show, with popcorn that he somehow got. Clearly, he was enjoying the show and he wasn't the only one. He looked up to the walls of the newtopia and saw that four newt guards were on top, looking on at the two going at it with great fascination.

Slowly and steadily, Nathan got to his feet and as he was doing so, he was floating down in front of him.

"Hey, you ok, dude?" He said with a touch of mockery, but also a little bit of sincerity. "I hope I didn't go too far back there."

A smile grew on the grayscale fighter's face. "Nah. It's fine. At the end of the day, it's all in good fun, even when the guy you're fighting...


Suddenly, several tentacles of ink sprung up around the two of them, and they all were targeting Tdog. They all came right at the pyromancer in waves of two to four, and in response, he jumps, strafes, backdashes and flips in great gymnastic succession to avoid all of them.

'Oh, alright...' Tdog thought to himself with yet another smirk. 'I see how it is.'

In response to that attack, he summons one fireball in each hand and shouts.

'Well, in that case...'

"Think fast, chucklenuts!" He called out to the writer before he threw them, one after the other.

As a reaction to the first one, he summoned spikes of ink in front of him to block them just as they were about to hit him. Then, he brought forth more of them all around him with an inky roof to match, providing a protective shell to keep him safe from his friend's attacks while he could send his tentacles to assault him.

He snaps his fingers while muttering, "Ah, blast!" to himself before more of Nathan's inky onslaught was coming towards him.

"Had enough, Tdog?" Said the one behind the attacks.

After dodging so many tentacles, the fire specialist decided that he had, indeed, had enough, and wanted to end this once and for all. Jumping on top of a tentacle and ducking underneath another one, he balled his hands into fists and his hair was standing on end yet again, as well as glowing purple. His eyes then started glowing purple, which startled the shielded writer as he sat inside of his case, and as a result to try and stop it, he sent out a sneaky little trump card he had and summoned a hand to grab him.

The hand then threw him at a far off rock, but as soon as he hit it, a spark in his eyes flashed at him and he launched right off it with fiery hair and ignited fists. He dashed right at him in the same way he did at the beginning of their match, causing Nathan to jump back and squeak in fear before he opened his safety cage and ran away just as he was about to crash into him. His form broke right through his abandoned defenses in the blink of an eye before he turned his head right towards him and grinned maniacally, while fear was filling every ounce of his being at the moment.

He dashed right towards him and jumped in the air, reeling back his punch.

As a result, Nathan screamed and summoned more spikes to block it, only to have them break from the attack. It didn't hit him, but it still was shocking to him that he was so strong that he was able to block his makeshift parry like that. Tdog sent punch after punch, with ink spikes attempting to block each of them, only to get broken and every time this happened, the two got closer and closer until...

BAM! An uppercut was delivered straight to Nathan's chin, followed by a kick to the stomach, sending him over right next to the cart. His body flew through the air, hitting the ground with small splashes occasionally before skidding across the water and stopping right when he got near the spot where Ezuraki was spectating.

He tried to get up, only for Tdog to put a foot on his back with a smug expression while he kept him pinned down.

As this was happening, both boys were breathing heavily after they separated and Nathan got his head out of the water. Sweat was dripping down their bodies, although in Nathan's case, it was hard to tell what was sweat and water because of the shores he was knocked down to during the fight. The latter of the two, getting up and outstretching a hand to him.

"Alright, you definitely won that one." He said. "Good work out there."

The pyromancer smiled and took his offer, shaking his hand.

"Thanks. You too."

And Ezuraki clapped.

[Third Match: Nathan vs Ezuraki]

The writer and demon king stood across from each other as Nathan was fully healed thanks to one of his potions Tdog was standing in the middle between them like Ezuraki did before

"Alright like before fair fight not too far and remember have fun" he said with a smile as he slowly raised his right arm into the air as Nathan and Ezuraki stared down each other with smirks


Nathan readied his hands as a few little cracks were heard


Ezuraki slowly placed his hand on the handle of his sheathed sword

"One....GO" Tdog yelled before quickly summoning his fire wings and flying out of the way of the duo

Like Tdog Ezuraki wasted no time waiting and dashed towards Nathan unsheathing his sword ready to slash at him

But the grayscale writers smirk grows a bit wider for he was expecting this and waited for him to get closer

But as Ezuraki grew closer his instincts kicked in as he slides to a stop and quickly jumps back as a inky tentacle shot up from the spot on the ground Ezuraki would've been running over

"Heh should've known you'd plan something" Ezuraki said as he began running around Nathan as more inky tentacles would shoot out of the ground following where he ran trying to get him

Ezuraki then quickly turned towards the writer as he made himself dashed towards him but Nathan quickly summoned a inky hand as it went down towards Ezuraki

Then Ezuraki quickly jumps up towards the hand

"Flame Breathing First Form:...." As he grew closer to the hand he slashed his at its center "UNKNOWING FIRE!!!" Then cutting it in half as both pieces fell past him

Now falling down towards Nathan Ezuraki lifts his sword above his head ready to bring it down but Nathan quickly brings up a ink wall to protect him only for Ezuraki to slash down the middle cutting it in half as the monochrome fighter quickly dashed back 'tch not good' the demon king continues with his assault as he also dashed in front of him and started rapidly slashing his sword as Nathan would try his best to dodge

On the last slash Ezuraki would target at his legs making him jump up into the air but that's what he wanted as he quickly turns and roundhouse kicks him in midair sending him flying back rolling across the shallow water before stopping

Nathan then gets up as he slowly summons ink as it covers his arm morphing into a giant spiked knuckle fist "alright then come at me!" He started charging at Ezuraki who which smirks in response and also starts charging

Both fighters about to reach each other reeled back their weapons about to swing only for the writers cocky smile to return as he sikes out the demon king by quickly sliding when Ezuraki slashed his sword dodging it and sliding through his legs making him fly forward and land on the shallow water'd ground

The Grayscale writer then quickly gets up and summons a inky tentacle as it quickly grabs The demon king's ankle

"Don't you dare-" the tentacle quickly lifts Ezuraki into the air before falling back down and slamming him into the ground again and again

He was slammed into the ground several times before the tentacle throws him into a nearby rock

He lays stuck in the rock with his head down as the grayscale writer walked up to the demon king as he summons a pillar of ink that lifts him up to the level of the boy who was stuck in a outline of himself in the rock "seems like this rounds over Ezuraki" he says to his friend whose head is still down not unconscious since he could see his friends body moving when he breathes "just say I win before I have to continue with-" he's cut off as the demon kings arm shoots out and grabs him by the face covering his mouth as he now lifts his head to show his face as he now wears a crazed looking grin while on the top of his forehead was bleeding

"Heh heh...not even close" he jumps out of the rock and holds him above his head and slams him into the ground

He starts to punch him across the face several times before he slowly gets up as Nathan lays down on the ground dazed then holds his sword above his head but Nathan snapped out of his dazed and lets out a panicked gasp and quickly summons ink from the ground to form a barrier over him then hardens it as his opponent's sword slightly goes through the ink almost stabbing his stomach 'whew!' Ezuraki then frustratingly pulls out his sword once again lifting it over his head charging up a powerful swing but Nathan quickly makes the ink barrier go down as he jumps out past him while punching him across the face he lands as he quickly turns and kicks him in the back making him fly forward and fall on his stomach

"Now for the finisher!" Nathan yells as he summons a pillar of ink to shoot out under Ezuraki as it hits him sending him flying into the air then the writer then summons a giant ink hand as he hops onto its palm and it throws him into the air

While midair he summons another spiked gauntlet as he punches Ezuraki while flying past him then he turns back down towards him while summoning a heavy cube of ink as he uses it to jump back towards the demon king and get another hit off him

He continued this assault repeatedly and quickly flying past him while hitting him all over his body before appearing above him as he summons another spiked ink gauntlet and holds both over his head "ITS OVER!" and smashes them down onto Ezuraki as he goes bolting down to the ground as he makes impact making a crater and blowing away the shallow water

The writer falls as he summons a inky hand that catches him before gently lowering him down as he hops off the palm and walks over to the edge of the crater as he catches his breath before he sits up with a smirk dusting off his hands "and that's that" he then noticed Tdog flying in the air with his arms crossed as he shows him a thumbs up while smiling but his face stayed hardened and his arms were still crossed as the writer then now had a confused expression with his thumb still up

" gonna call the round ref?" He asked.

He didn't answer. Instead, he just looked at whatever he was looking at while in his current position.

"Uhh, ref?" He continued. "Tdog?"

The fire summoner then squinted his eyes as he pointed towards what caused that expression.

Ezuraki....Was standing there, hair covering his face.As soon as he lifted up his head....Nathan was now scared because of how he looked now

He had six eyes and the Demon slayer mark has spreted more as the dust fully clears, he was holding his sword, that was extended longer

"Heheheh Not bad Nathan took me a while to heal from that one" he said as he dusted dirt off his shoulder

"B-but how!?" That should've at least knocked you out!" He screamed to the demon king with narrow eyes as he slowly takes steps away

"I'm a demon Nathan you've had a front row seat from the first match you should know my power by now" he said with a grin as he slowly walks towards the writer

Nathan who's staring down the slowly approaching demon thinks to himself 'damn no matter what I do he's gonna heal from it...I can't beat him he'll just heal the bruises...I can't knock him out...I can-...wait!' Nathan now calms himself taking a deep breath as he now wears a smile "alright then" he stares directly into the eyes of his opponent with a determined look which shocks Ezuraki but he shook it off

The writer then quickly summons floating ink as he makes them into spikes and throws them at Ezuraki but he gets into a stance

"Fame breathing fourth form:Blooming Flame Undulation!"

He swings his blade in a circular motion deflecting the ink as it goes flying back to its sender as he ducks dodging his own attack as he looks back to see them flying away

As he turns back he's met with a kick to the face as it sends him flying 'he's faster...' he lands on the shallow water as he quickly gets up to see Ezuraki across from him slowly putting his leg down as he smirks "You can call it off now if you want" he cockily says to him

"Heh not even close" he responded with a smirk as Ezurakis eyes widened when his friend used his own words against him before he closes them and started to chuckle before opening them again with a glare

"Fine then"

Suddenly the demon king was next to him as he quickly turns summoning a ink shield but in a split second the shield was shattered sending the grayscale writer flying

As he's flying he smashed into something hard revealing to be Ezuraki who was already behind him as he quickly grabs his leg midair and slams him into the ground several times before chucking him away then chasing after him

Again flying through the air Ezuraki appears next to him as he begins hitting all over his body from punches to kicks then appears above the writer with his leg up "HAAAA" then brings it down slamming it down onto his chest making him smash into the ground making a crater

Ezuraki than appears at the edge of the crater staring down at Nathan's form as the shallow water begins slowly slide into the crater around Nathan

The demon king turns his back to the crater and begins walking away "we're done here" Tdog who now unfolded his arms was about to call the match and fly down to get his friend before his eyes widened

While Ezuraki was walking away he hears a loud splash as he raises his head and his eyes widen too he slightly turns to the writer in the air with a inky gauntlet falling down towards him ready to swing

Ezuraki then puts his hand on the handle of his sword and quickly slashed the writer leaving a giant gash on his chest as he falls back down into the crater

The demon king slides down the crater to him before holding the sharp edge of the sword to his face "cmon man just say it" he breathes heavily as he holds the giant gash on his chest " first..." he slowly lifts his hand up as he makes his middle finger and thumb connect "you should always watch your surroundings..." he snapped as from the walls of the crater spiked ink shoots out Impaling all over his body leaving him unable to move

His opponent coughs out blood as he looks down at him " think this will hold me?..." the writer then walks up to him with a smirk "nah" as he summons another spiked ink to slash off the demon kings head as he catches it before it fell to the ground

Then he commands more spikes to shoot out to stop his healing

"Now it'll hold you" Ezuraki shakes in his friends grasp "Tch Hey! No fair!!!"

He tries to have his body break free from the spikes only for the writer to summon three more to shoot into his body

He then lets out a groan as he stopped shaking in his grasp

" *sighs*...alright win gg's" he says with a slight smile

Then Nathan looks up to Tdog again giving him a thumbs up now really meaning the match was over as the fire summoner flew down.

"Aaaand, that's game!" Tdog said, raising a hand into the air.

Nathan ran over to the cart to get a healing potion, then quickly ran back to the crater

He chugs down the liquid as a result, he was fully healed and he stretched into the air with a smile.

The demon king, now released and fully healed, gave a thumbs up after that and promptly shook hands with the grayscale writer. The six eyes on his head then went away, his sword retracted to its normal length and he calmed down.

"Good game, Nathan." He said. "I'll be honest, I really didn't expect you to put up that much of a fight. Congrats on being able to handle that form, by the way."

"Thanks." Nathan replied. "I really tried my best over there, but I have to admit, that was... hoo boy... that was intense. You were really freaking tough back there, too."

Tdog then sprung up between the two and brought them together with a hug.

"Same to you, Tdog." He continued after such happened.

"I think we all gave it out best during those matches." The pyromancer said. "Nathan, you did an amazing job with all the ink flying around the place. Same with you Ezuraki, with those breathing styles and Katana slashes, and not to mention that super crazy demon form. Insane!"

"And let's not forget that display you put on when you fought me and Nathan." Ezuraki said "I really have to give you props on that one."

"Thanks..." Tdog said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I really tried out there..."

"Didn't we all?" Nathan said, trapping the other two in a group hug of his own. "I think this just goes to show that as a group, we can do ANYTHING!"

The other boys smiled before they cheered "YEAH!" while they jumped into the air while pumping up their fists.

"Come on, guys, bring it in!"

They all hugged. Three friends proudly showing their strong bond between the three of them.

Behind them, they then heard the faint sound of clapping and cheering, and it sounded like it was coming from a place above their level. When Tdog was the first to break away from the hug and looked over to where he heard it come from, he saw a whole line of newt guards on top of the Newtopia wall making those very noises.

A grin came upon his face before he turned to the others and said,

"Hey, hey guys?"

They then broke away as well and looked at him. He pointed at the crowd that was cheering them on.


They then did so, and saw the exact same thing that he saw. Turns out that little sparring match that occurred between the gang drew quite a bit of attention towards them. Honestly, who could blame them? The things that went on during those fights were truly something to behold. As a result of this, they all gained proud grins as they kept looking at them.

"Huh..." Ezuraki said. "Well, wouldn't you look at that. Seems like we've got some fans."

"Woah..." Nathan said next. "Didn't expect this to happen. Not complaining, though."

They then walked up to the wall that all of the spectators were on to get a little bit closer to them. As they did so, the sounds of praise grew louder and clearer with each and every inch that they got closer to them. Once they got close enough, they put their hands on their hips and looked up at all of them.

They were about to say something to address all of them, but suddenly, out from the entire crowd, one single voice rang out as all of the others were dying down. All that it said was,

"Oh my god..."

A mysterious hooded figure pushed a pair of newts aside to make way for itself. It then walked over to the edge of the structure and looked down at all three of them.

"Oh. my. God." Its voice then repeated as it crouched down.


As it kept talking, the three then realized that its voice sounded... awfully familiar. It almost sounded like...

Its hands then reached for its hood, slowly pulling it back until...

The figure's face was then revealed as soon as the hood was taken off. It was Marcy Wu.

She then jumped down while firing a tethered bolt from her crossbow at the spot she just left. She used this as a method of slowing her descent until she was inches away from the ground. At that point, the tether was released and she fell to the ground as normal. Her eyes had stars in them as she looked at all three of the authors that stood before them.

Meanwhile with the trio Tdog also had stars in his eyes as he was quickly and repeatedly lightly smacking the side of Ezurakis arm as he grabs his hand stopping him "dude I know I know..." he said with a bit of annoyance

"No, I mean, like, that was absolutely PHENOMENAL!" She continued. "Everything I just saw looked like it came straight out of an anime! Seriously, where the heck do I even begin?!

Like, first there was the red guy and the gray guy in the hoodie going at it with the fireballs, the katana parrying, and the freaking SOLAR PLEXUS!

Oh man, then there was the little frog guy in the black trench coat. Needless to say, the whole fight had me on edge the entire time. So much fire and black hands. By the way, trench coat guy, those hands seriously gave me some serious supervillain vibes. And just when I think the fire guy couldn't get any cooler. He then goes SUPER SAIYAN?! Like, what?! And that finale was sick as all heck!

Then the red guy versus the trenchcoat guy. OH that one had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Well, so to speak, since I didn't get a seat to watch the fight from. But that doesn't matter. And don't even get me started on the ending where the red guy's katana extends and he goes all out. BRO! I didn't expect that to happen. Also, I looked through my binoculars and you got four extra eyes? Dude, I- um, are you like some kind of demon or something?"

"Actually, yeah!" Ezuraki responded.

That's the moment when she froze entirely, her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk into tiny little dots.

"No. Way..." She said.

"Yes way. As a matter of fact, I'm the Demon King, baby! Complete with every breathing style you could think of and, like, a shit ton of power. Girl, you don't even wanna try me!"

Ezuraki then struck a pose, squatting down and crossing his arms. One hand holding his katana and the other holding his war fan. Meanwhile, she just stood there, awestruck.

She then quickly pulls out her notebook as she starts to quickly write down what she just learned

She then directed her attention to Tdog as she started to walk around him inspecting him and asking questions

"And you my goodness the ability to summon fire out of thin air and MAN the heat was so hot I could feel it up on the wall! And that form where your hair just went WAPOOOOSH!!! *Gasp* Are you a Pyrokinesis!? Are you living proof that humans can control fire with their minds!?" She excitedly asks stopping in front of the fire summoner

"A What now?"

"A Pyrokinesis! it is the purported psychic ability allowing a person to create and control fire with the mind there was no proof until now!!!".

" probably...maybe not but I'm Tdog The purple demon from hell The purple Sun!" He said dramatically saying titles as he struck a pose

[insert dio pose]

Marcy looked on with amazement until he stopped posing and turned to her with a relaxed smile " nah I'm just joking I'm just your regular do gooder when I can be" he says as he puts his arms behind his head as Marcy put the end of her pencil under her chin in thought "so your a hero in a sense...?" She asked as he looks down in thought before looking back up to her

"huh never thought about it like that but yeah in a sense" he said before her eyes had stars again and she started to write in her notebook excitedly "EVEN BETTER!!!"

She finishes as she then quickly goes in front of Nathan "and my gosh and you! All those black hands and tentacles! How did a little frog like you get this much power!? And the texture of the hands and tentacles looked so slimy and inky like tell me, are you an ink manipulator or have ink manipulation!?" She asked bringing her pencil close to her notebook

"Actually, yes. I do have ink manipulation." Nathan said. "It's sort of been my thing for a long time as a writer."

She raises a brow "a writer? So you've written a book! Is it about your power? OH! or is it a popular newtopia selling book?" She asked

Nathan then leaned in towards his two friends.

"Uhhh... do I tell her?" He whispered to them.

Tdog slightly leans down "nah" Ezuraki nods agreeing "just say it's far from here"

"It's a book that I wrote FAR from here." He said.

She slowly nods again writing down what she's learnt as her grin comes back "man this was a great day I mean..." she stops writing as she excitedly takes a step back and motions towards the trio "ughhh just look at you guys wait so you two are human" she points to Tdog and Ezuraki as the two quickly glance at each other before looking back to her "*GASP* did a bright white light bring you here? Is there a third person out there oh my gosh are we all connected somehow?!?!" She excitedly says while quickly writing in her notebook as Tdog leans to the duo and whispers "I think she's over thinking about this...."

Ezuraki then speaks "uhhh not exactly...our way was more...COLORED I guess you can say" he says with a light smile

Marcy stops writing as she looks up to the trio before she nervously laughs "heh right that doesn't seem right" she started erasing what she just wrote as she smiles "man just my luck three people like you come straight to the gates of newtopia" she says before her eyes quickly widen then holds the side of her head "oh my gosh I almost forgot!" She quickly puts away her notebook and turns back to the trio "I know we JUST met right now but could you lend us a hand with something?"

The trio looks to one another as Ezuraki crouches down next to Nathan "hey Nathan how much time here do we have exactly?" He asks as Tdog also crouches down and asks "and how much can we affect and interfere?" They asked their grayscale friend

"Well, it's not like there's a specific time limit here specifically, and honestly, I don't mind helping her out. So, yeah let's do it. If I think we go too far, I'll let you guys know."

The two nod as all three sit up and confidently look back to Marcy "alright we'll stick around and help you out" said Nathan as Marcy lets out a short scream and happily jumps "Thank you thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me" she says as her eyes widen again as she remembers something "oh!" She quickly walked up to the trio and extended her arm out "my names Marcy Wu!" Ezuraki was about to shake her hand until

"Marcy?...." Trio and Marcy quickly look back to see Anne and the plantars

End Of Chapter 2

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