Chapter 3

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(Little warning get ready this is a long one...and random)

Marcy slowly passed the rest of the gang to approach the sight behind her. She slowly raised her hand and pointed in front of her...

"...Anne?" She said.

Anne's face instantly turned from surprised to happy with her eyes welling up with tears of joy.

"Marcy!"anne screamed as she runs up to her to give her a Big hug


Anne jumped right at her with her arms outstretched and ended up knocking Marcy to the ground. The two still gave each other an embrace while happily laughing. Meanwhile, the wattpad trio looked at the display in admiration.

".......Dawm this scene brings my heart joy......." Ezuraki said happy

"Same here." Tdog said, wiping away a tear. "It always makes me so happy to see these girls reunite after so long."

"I'm happy for them..." Said Nathan, finally.

"Girl, like, what is up with your outfit?" Anne commented. "You look like some kind of cyborg warrior queen!"

"Yeah, I know, right?" Nathan said from afar. "It looks super sick!"

"It suits her very well" Ezuraki commented

Anne then looked behind her best friend to look at the people who said that.

"Hey, who are those guys?" She said with one eyebrow raised.

"Oh! Right i haven't introduced you to them" Marcy said

"Guys meet anne boonchuy she's my best friend and anne meet these guys, the trenchcoat frog is Nathan, the one with gray hoodie and fluffy hair is Tdog and finally the red haired guy is Ezuraki!" Marcy said introducing them to each other

"Hello!" Nathan waved.

"Yo!" Tdog waved as well

"Hello there" Ezuraki said

Marcy then took notice of the frogs behind Anne and gasped.

"And just who are these cuties?" She asked.

"Are they your frog family? Did they take care of you, Did they adopt you?" marcy said continuing

'Still find it crazy how she guessed that right away...' Nathan thought to himself.

"Well, yeah, pretty much." Anne answered. "Marcy, meet the plantars, Plantars, meet Marcy."

The plantars all reacted with warm and welcoming smiles... except Sprig, who simply looked at her with suspicion.

"Well, it's nice to meet ya, "Marcy"." Hop pop said, and while everybody was greeting each other, the trio watched on, still fascinated they got to watch this whole scene in person.

"Life is so beautiful...."Ezuraki having stars in his eyes while crying

"That, I agree with." Tdog said. "That, my Demon King friend, I agree with."

"Alright, so while those guys are having their little pow wow," Nathan said. "who wants to go over the plan?"

"Sure why not we have the materials" Ezuraki said

"I'll be honest..." Tdog said while looking at the cart. "I highly doubt it. I mean let's just face it. All we came into this world with is the cloths on our backs, our powers, your weapons, and that magic stuff Nathan got when he took over frog him in this world. I don't think we have all that it takes to build a submarine."

" about we get a little help from king andries?" Ezuraki said

Nathan simply stared at him, dumbfounded.
"Help, yes." Nathan said. "THAT GUY?! Hell. No."

"Okay maybe he betrayed marcy and the others but he redeemed himself like did you see the ending in amphibia?"Ezuraki said

"Yeah, yeah I did... but still! Also, aren't we currently at the point BEFORE he redeems himself? At this point in the show, he's basically still the villain in disguise." Tdog said

"I mean yes but he's not gonna stab anybody I'm not gonna get anybody stabbed.........."Ezuraki said with a smile on his face while it was slowly fading away

"Plus even if he did betrayed us i think i would slice his head off" Ezuraki said menacingly

"True, we can hold our own with our powers..." Tdog said. "Also, if things go south, we could just... you know, leave."

Nathan started stroking his own chin.

"Oh hell nah! I'm not gonna leave them all alone, well i mean there not alone but you get the point" Ezuraki said

"I'm still leaning towards asking anybody else around Newtopia for help." Nathan said.

"Okay fine we'll get help from someone else then, does that make ya happy now?" Ezuraki said raising a eyebrow

"Yeah, sorry, I just don't really like that guy." Nathan said. "Plus, we still got one of the smartest people here with us."

He then proceeded to gesture towards Marcy talking with the others.

"If anyone can help us build a submarine, it'd be her."

"Okay you're right, she's the key to our plan then" Ezuraki said "we all agree?"

He and Tdog then looked at each other and then they nodded at each other before turning to Ezuraki.

"Okay then we all agree its in motion now!" Ezuraki said

"Hey, what's in motion, now?" Marcy said, overhearing the last part of their conversation.

"Ah! Marcy, you scare the hell out of me! Don't do that again!"Ezuraki said

"Whoops, sorry. Sorry." She responded. "I just couldn't help but overhear your little conversation and um, what are you talking about exactly?"

"Oh well we were just planning to go to the ocean of AMPHIBIA!!!" Ezuraki shouted raising his fist in the air

"...You're planning on exploring this world's ocean?"

"....yes that's exactly what im saying marcy" Ezuraki said

"We figured that maybe Amphibia's society hasn't done that yet so, hey, why don't we be the first?" Nathan said.

Marcy put the eraser of her pencil to her chin and started thinking about it for a while... then her eyes lit up with excitement yet again.

"That sounds like an AWESOME idea!" She said. "Out of all the time I spend studying this society, I haven't read a single scap about the people of this world exploring the ocean to its fullest extent. It kinda leads me to believe they've only even touched as much of their ocean as us humans have touched ours."

"Yeah I know that's why we're going on an adventure! An ocean adventure!"Ezuraki said while his eyes glowed crimson red

"An ocean adventure..."

She gasped.

"...And you guys could be the first people to thoroughly investigate it?!"

"Yup that's what we're saying" Ezuraki said

The look in her eyes, her pupils growing to nearly fill her whole eyes, and that great grin she was making, it said it all.

"That... sounds like both the most terrifying and awesome idea that I've ever heard!"

She then jumped in the middle of the group.

"Imagine what the people at Newtopia could be saying about us when we get back and tell them everything that we saw down there! We could be legends! Heroes!"

She gasped again.


'Legends never die' Ezuraki said in his mind "okay calm down there cinnamon roll we've gotta build a submarine first then we have our ocean"

"Yep!" Tdog said. "And we need your help to build it."

"...You need my help?" Marcy said a little shocked

"Of course silly your the most if not the most smartest person I've ever met" Ezuraki holding marcy's hand

"Aww, little ol' me?"

"Yeah of course you little ol' you" Ezuraki head patting marcy's head

Marcy was about to say something, but was cut off by Anne hugging her from behind.

"You sure bet, she is!" She said. "Let me tell you, Mar Mar over here is a freaking genius. One time, back home she even hacked into our school speakers and started a rave in the halls! You couldn't have picked a better person to ask for help with your plan."

"Awww, thanks, Anne." Marcy said, kicking the water with her hands behind her back.

Ezuraki was about to say something until he felt a familiar presence. Ezuraki looked back to a upper rank demon bowing to him, to his surprise it was his upper rank demon Hakuji zankai uppermoon 3

Ezuraki personality suddenly changed, veins popped out of his head, eyes turned Demonic

"Do you have what I asked for?" Ezuraki said looking at the demon

"I'm sorry but.... I came empty handed...... there was no treash of it's existed......i also killed a hashira for you........Master Ezuraki" hakuji said still bowing

"I think you have the wrong idea about this hakuji...*point's a finger at him*...i'm curious" Ezuraki said

Soon enough Ezuraki was controlling the cells in his body making spit out blood, who startled the planters, anne, marcy, Nathan and Tdog

"Um... E- Ezuraki...?" Nathan asked.

"There were three slayers left....why didn't you killed them!?!?!?!" Ezuraki yelled angrily startling the group

"Did you expect praise from me, all you did was dispose of a mear cockroach. You may be thinking 'well why don't you do it yourself?' Because im busy with work" Ezuraki said menacingly

"You've disappointed me hakuji......and as for your reward...... you will be received with powerful blood..... now go" Ezuraki said making a 'shoo shoo' motion

"Yes master...." Hakuji said before disappearing thin air

"Ummm..." Tdog said. "You good, dude?"

Ezuraki turns around still angry veins still there

"Do I look okay to you?" Ezuraki said sarcastically





"Oh god..." Nathan whispered to himself while taking a step back.

"Dude... calm down. What the hell's made you so angry?" Tdog said, with a hand up
motioning him to relax.

"Do you know why I'm mad?...huh? It's because there were three slayers left and he had only one job!!!.......huh?" Ezuraki said angrily before marcy stepped in and well......hugged him

"Oi why the hell are you hugging me?...what's the big deal???" Ezuraki said confused?

"Shhh... shh... It's ok... it's ok." She said. "Sometimes, when you feel like you're losing your mind, all you need is a good friend right there to calm you down. With something like... you know, a hug."

Ezuraki just stand there not knowing what to do he just accepted it and let her hug him while he's having a blush

"*mumbles* why am i even blushing over this!?!?"Ezuraki said mumbling 'it's nothing to you Ezuraki it's just..........*sigh* notching'

The other two wattpad authors then chimed in and hugged him as well.

This made him even blush more as they hugged until he breaks

"Let go of me dammit!?!?"Ezuraki said trying to get free from them

"No! Not until you've calmed down!" Marcy said telling him

"Marcy i swear to god i will break your bones if you don't let go!"Ezuraki yelled

"That's ok!" Nathan said. "As long as we're able to make you happy again, you can break all the bones you want. We're not letting you go!"

"Yeah!" Tdog said. "We're not giving up on you just yet, bro!...and you can try heh"

Ezuraki was squirming until the planters and anne had smug smiles until they were getting closer

"Wait...don't you dare!"Ezuraki yelled still trying to get out

They all joined the hug as well... except polly. She was just standing there waiting for somebody's limbs to get torn off.

"Guys get off......please?"Ezuraki said a little calm down tone

"Ah! Ah! We're getting there!" Marcy said. "Hold on everyone."

"As god will be my witness, i will have *breathes in* MY REVENGE!!!"Ezuraki said yelling at them

Nobody listened. Instead, they only hugged him harder.

"Polly......will you help me?"Ezuraki said

"Nah you got this..."the little tadpole said

"*sigh in annoynce* fine ill calm down now...... can y'all let me go now?"Ezuraki said defeated by a mear hug

"I don't know..." Nathan said with a benevolent tone. "I still wanna show you some more love."

"Oh come on i promise to behave okay" Ezuraki said

"I think that's enough." Marcy said. "Come on, let's get off of the guy."

Everybody released him from the hug.

Oh ho ho ho they've made a big mistake

"Now.........time revenge on you guys" Ezuraki said scaring them

All of them were pale

"H-Hold on n-now E-e-ezuraki l-let's talk about t-this now" Marcy said shaking in fear

"Peace was never an option...."Ezuraki said bringing out his wooden sword

"C-chotto matte!" Marcy cried

"CHOTTO MATTE MY ASS!!" Ezuraki yelled

And soon enough he bonked all of them 10 times but its much harder like its a stone


"Is... is it finally over?" Nathan said, holding his own head, which was riddled with bruises

"Yes it's...... over, you guys are lucky i love you " Ezuraki said with a 'hmhmp' and turned away from them, he put away his wooden sword

"Same here, Ezuraki..." Tdog let out with a thumbs up. "...same here..."

"Alright, now that that's out of the way..." Anne said slowly getting up. "...WHAT THE HECK WAS ALL THAT ABOUT?!"

"Eh?" Ezuraki said confused

"There was blood spewing out of your mouth and then you snapped at all of us, yelling about 'three slayers left' or something like that." Marcy said.

"Yeah, what happened back there?" Nathan said.

"What happened was he failed the mission I gave him!!!" Ezuraki screamed still mad about it

"Who failed the mission you gave?" Polly said from afar.

"It was uppermoon 3 hakuji zankai, the mission i gave him was to kill all the people inside the train...... until a pillar and three demon slayers appeared who which by the way ruined everything!!!!"Ezuraki yelled in anger

Anne, Marcy and the plantars simply stared at him cluelessly. While Nathan got up and went over to comfort his friend.

"........why are all of you staring at me like that?...."Ezuraki said confused

"It's fine." He said. "Don't worry about it. All I want to say about all that. I don't know what to say, I just want to make you feel better."

"Same here!" Tdog said.

"Okay maybe i got a little heated but still he failed!!.....?"Ezuraki said until he felt another presence behind him

It was uppermoon 6 zankyou

"*sigh* what is it now zankyou?"Ezuraki said irritated

"I have a report for you master" she said

"What kind of report?"Ezuraki said questionably

"There has been a human sited in a forest, he was wearing hanafuda earrings and carrying a box with him" Zankyou said explaining

"What does he look like?"Ezuraki said

"He has reddish hair and is wearing black and green kimono with a black nichiren sword and his name is.............. Tanjiro kamado " zankyou said

Ezuraki eyes widen as he slowly turns around to the demon and said "Tanjiro..... kamado....... Huh? What happened to the rest of the kamado family?.......*eyes widen in realisation*.... don't tell me"

"Yes..... I'm very sorry....... They were killed by...... Muzan kibutsuji" said the demon

"......*sigh* i understand now..... you are dismissed...."Ezuraki said

"Yes master...." She said disappearing

She leaves as Ezuraki begin to shake in anger, what he did has crossed the line, his eyes burning in anger

"Muzan kibutsuji....... You have crossed the line now......... when i find you......... I'll kill you....... once and for all" Ezuraki said as his eyes shaking

This shocked the rest of them, as their eyes widened and they slightly jumped back at that sudden display while Tdog was mostly looking around and wondering where the person disappeared to

"Oh, geez. Do we need to break out the hug again?!" Marcy said.

"Umm, let Tdog and I try to talk to him." Nathan said. "We're his friends, we should do a better job getting through to them out of everyone."

"Right." Tdog said before nodding in agreement. "Let's go."

The two of them approached the angry demon king with caution.

"Uhh, hey, bro?" Tdog said. "What's... going on?"

"Oh nothing just thinking about......... killing muzan" Ezuraki said with a sadistic smile and scaring them

"Wait, WHAT?!" Nathan said.

"Killing who?...who's that again?..." Tdog said after.

"Muzan kibutsuji...... he's a demon like me but his also a ............ demon king" Ezuraki said. "Muzan is a bad person....... He kills without hesitation, he abused his children and wife to the point where they ended their own lives......" Ezuraki said explaining

The other two just stood there in shock as they couldn't help but look on with their mouths agape.

"Like... for REAL?!"

"Do you think I'm kidding around here?huh!? Why wouldn't i kill him he ruined people's lives likes to toy with their lives and it makes me so angry!?-" Ezuraki said

'Were you not demanding people dead a minute ago....' Tdog thought with half lidded eyes and a sweat drop

Whoot! Whoot!

"Huh?"Ezuraki said

Ezurkai looks up to see an owl as he looks closer he recognises it was his owl, who lands on his shoulder and says "Whoot! There has been a demon spotted near in the forest! Whoot!" The owl said flying around him

"Woah..." Nathan said. "Now who the heck is that?"

"Oh! This little fella is my pet/friend owl but his name is Purgatory/Rengoku" Ezuraki said scratching his owl's chin


"I know right?"Ezuraki said

"Anyway, as I was saying before, I'm so sick of this man! Constantly ruining other people's lives, treating them as if they were nothing but toys! I just..."

The demon king growled in anger before his face got six eyes again, he screamed, and he pulled out his extended katana so slice a row of three trees in half. After that, he was breathing heavily and his face was hardened with anger.

"...and now Purgatory's telling me he might be somewhere in the forest... and after what he had done... He must be brought to justice... At once..."

He turned back to the other boys.

"Sorry, but we're going to have to hold off on our Ocean Adventure for now. Right now..."

The other guys saw him firmly grip his weapon's handles.

"...this needs to be done. For all the lives he's ruined. FOR ALL THE SINS HE'S COMMITTED! I'm going out there to kill him... end his reign of terror once and for all. Don't try to stop me..."

Nathan and Tdog stood there as Ezuraki walked off into the forest... alone. Only then did the Amphibia characters catch up with the other two.

"Hey! What happened over there?" Marcy asked. "It seemed like it got really heated between the three of you..."

"Yeesh... you're telling me." Tdog said, meanwhile, Nathan was facing the ground, looking lost in thought. He then put his hand on his friend's shoulder and looked at him sternly.

"Tdog, can I talk with you in private for a moment?" He asked the pyromancer with a serious tone, leaving him... apprehensive, to say the least.

He looked to the ground before saying, "Umm... sure, Nate... Marcy, Anne, Plantars... Can you excuse us for a moment?"

They all looked at each other and they complied, they turned the other way while the two boys huddled together and hushed their voices so that only they can hear each other.

"What is it, Nathan?" He said.

"Listen, we can't let Ezuraki fight that guy all by himself." Answered the frog.

This surprised Tdog to a large extent as he can already piece together what he was about to say.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold up, now. You're not suggesting that we actually go over there and..."

"Listen to me... Listen, listen... I know that what I'm about to say might sound crazy, but... Ezuraki's our friend, you know that. I want to try and help him out, even if it's only by a little bit."

"Dude... listen to yourself. You're suggesting we fight a literal demon king! I mean we could probably take em but did you see just how angry Ezuraki was? And what if he had minions or whatever I don't want to have to face a whole army with THAT kind of power you know how long that takes!..."

Yet again... maybe Ezuraki would like a little bit of help...

"...Don't get me wrong, you do make a good point. I don't want him to fight that fight on his own. Although..."

"Dude, I get it. I understand."

"You do...?"

"Yeah... I'm a little nervous about fighting him myself. I mean for heck's sake. It took a lot out of me just to even knock Ezuraki down, but I still want to be by his side as a friend and help him in any way I can."

The fire summoner stayed silent, clearly unsure about this whole idea.



"I know that look, and honestly, I understand. Maybe it might not be worth risking our necks for this... but-"

"You're still going no matter what, right?" The fire summoner suddenly said sitting up and getting to the point

"Umm, yes?"

"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind about that, huh?"


"Welp, that just means I'm going to. I ain't letting my homies get massacered."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course not! Like I said in the cart, I've gotten way too attached to you guys to let you deal with something like this all by yourself, so you know what? Count me in!"

Nathan put on a wide grin at his answer.

"So, come on..." Tdog continued. "Let's go kick some demon king butt!"

He stretched his fist out as he broke from the huddle. The grayscale dressed man quickly accepted and they shared a fist bump.

"Hey, Marcy." The monochrome attired frog spoke up to her. "Is it ok if you stayed behind with Anne and the others and caught up? Me and Tdog have some important business to take care of with Ezuraki."

"You mean, like, by yourselves?" She asked.

All she got was a simple nod in response.

"What about us?" She asked. "Why don't you want any of us to come with you? I mean, whatever's bothering your friend wouldn't it be better to let all of us deal with it together?"

He then gave it some thought and he gave an honest response.

"No thanks. We're good." He replied. "Listen... How about you stay behind and try and get started on our submarine for us? Trust me, we won't be gone for long."

He then looked at Tdog, then nodded before they both looked at the forest and threw a glare at whatever was beyond the thickets of its trees.

"We'll only be a minute."

"Yeah, don't worry about us. We got this, we'll be back before you know it. Just hang in there for us, ok?" Tdog said

And like that, they, too, went into the forest by themselves, leaving the Amphibia cast behind wondering what the heck to do now.

[Meanwhile in the forest]

Ezuraki was fighting uppermoon 6, 5, 4. Ezuraki was dodging there attacks with ease and taunting them

"Just die already!!!"

The uppermoons sended all of their attack at once as ezuraki brings out dual wielding swords

"Sound breathing fourth form:constant resounding slashes!" Ezuraki said spinning his swords all around him

They all dodged barely, earning cuts and bruises as Ezuraki gave them no time to recover and cutted their heads off with 'sun breathing first form:Dancing flash!' As they lie there disregenerating before they their fully gone, Ezuraki took their Blood Demon Art and said "say hi for satan for me!" Ezuraki said with a very sadistic smile

Soon as Ezuraki took their Blood Demon Art, his appearance changed

His legs now have mouths now, the tip of the hair is now green and he got gyutaro's mark all around him and he said "huh? Neat i guess....... Hmmm?"

Ezuraki looked right as he saw two figures standing there

The tall one had two war fans in his hands, the short one had pinkish hair with marks all over his body and the mark on his face looked like a ............. A fucking basketball

"Its been a while EZURAKI!!!" It was him it was Akaza

"Oh what do we have here, you killed the rest of uppermoons huh?" Uppermoon 2 Douma said

"It's no surprise seeing you two here huh?........ well this is where i kill you both then!"Ezuraki yelled charging at the two

Meanwhile Tdog and Nathan

"Come on..." Tdog said, closely examining the forestry. "Ezuraki's gotta be somewhere around here!"

"Forestry's too thing, but we've got to find him eventually... I know he's gotta show up... we just need to keep looking."

However, unbeknownst to them, a figure was hiding in the darkness of the woods, watching their every move...

"God, I really hope he's alright." Nathan said. "I know he's a super powerful demon king... but still..."

Unfortunately, the two boys' trek was suddenly interrupted by a figure jumping out at Nathan's right side. He jumped back just in time to avoid it's strike. Instead, the figure just barely missed the two as it retreated back into the bushes.

"What... What..." Nathan stammered before taking out his pen. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

"I have absolutely no idea..." Tdog said before lighting his hands on fire. "...but I've got a very strong feeling it isn't anything good..."

"Alright, that's it. Whatever you are, SHOW YOURSELF!"

As a response, what they got was more bush rustling around them, causing them to look around in an almost paranoid fashion. The mysterious creature that was stalking them would move in a circle, like a shark swimming around its prey as soon as it was caught, and all that they could do was be ready for when it decides to attack again...

Slowly and steadily, the tension was building in the air... until suddenly...

Tdog noticed something...

"NATHAN, WATCH OUT!" He shouted, pushing him out of the way while shooting fire out of his hand at the attacker lunging at him from behind."

Nathan was startled at this revelation and then he looked down at the burning figure that nearly got him. It was...

...a giant centipede?

"Huh... Thanks Tdog..." Nathan said. "You... you just saved my-"

Suddenly, something else jumped on him, pinning him to the ground. It looked was facing the ground before it slowly turned to look up directly at Tdog.

He gasped in shock before he threw charges of fire at the demon in an attempt to get it off, and it did so reluctantly. It guarder with its hands before it jumped back and allowed Nathan to get some room to get up.

"Hooo boy..." He said. "What the hell just-"

Nathan was only strangled by the neck as Tdog looked on in horror. He tried to shoot more fireballs at it, only to be blocked with its eye-riddled flesh sword as it tossed the writer aside and let him collide with a tree.

The figure stands straight up as the two finally got a good look at the threat

"Hm... not bad." The uppermoon1 said. "Though, I highly doubt if you can handle... THIS!"

It lunged forward at him, reeling back his sword, ready to stab him. Fortunately, its target sprouted his fire wings and dashed backwards and up into the sky. He then put his hands together and closed his eyes to charge his hands that were glowing brighter and brighter with each and every passing moment. The demon tried to get up to him by climbing on the trees and jumping right at him, but the attack was already released. He threw his arms down sending barrages of fire balls that rained back down to earth heading right onto its head.

At this, it only smirked and said,


As the fireballs rained down from above, the uppermoon was too fast to be hit by the oncoming onslaught. As a matter of fact, some of the projectiles headed his way were reflected by his sword and sent right back at the guy who sent them after him. This caused him to gasp in shock and strafe left and right in order to avoid getting hit. Unfortunately for him, one of them came out of nowhere, was too fast for him, and was even heading for right where he just flew to. His eyes widened as it approached him, but then spikes of ink appeared right in front of him and it blocked the incoming reflected attack with ease.

Once he looked down, he saw Nathan rising up to his level using one of his summoned hands to elevate himself. He smiled at him, and he smiled back.

The writer then turned to the demon that was attacking his friend and he threw a glare directly at it.

"So, I take it that you're not native to Amphibia, are you?" Nathan asked.

"Oh, so that's what this place is?" Uppermoon 1 answered before readying his sword yet again. "Well, the more you know..."

He chuckled and then lunged directly at him off of a tree. He waited for him to come and then just as he got close, he jumped to the side, created another hand platform for himself, and tried to use the old one to trap him in a grab... only for the hand to be pried open by the very flesh sword that his enemy was wielding. In addition to this, it turned out that the demon was also laughing at him.

"Haha... oh you poor fool..." He said. "Did you seriously think I'd fall for that simple trick?" Unexpectedly, he was punched square in the side of his stomach by the fire summoner that he had just attacked a moment ago. It was sent falling straight to the ground. As Tdog stood on the hand that served as an attempt at a trap, he scoffed at it and then summoned his wings once more.

"You may not fall for traps but you sure do leave yourself open...dumbass" Tdog said glaring down at the uppermoon

Both boys headed back down, Tdog by gliding down, Nathan by his hand lowering him gently. Once they got to the ground, they saw the demon, standing on the ground, flesh sword firmly in his hand. The six eyes that were on it had a gaze that could pierce through a heart of stone.

The duo only glares back with Nathan summoning some ink and Tdog summoning Fire into his hands

"I'm not gonna leave a spec of you.." the fire summoner said before smirking

Soon enough they were interrupted by a loud thud and it created dust around them as the dust cleared. Someone spinning his chained weapon once the dust fully clears, the person revealed to be..... Ezuraki , he was spinning his flail and axe chained together

Uppermoon 1 used the transparent world as he gasp in shock and amazement. The same expressions were seen on Nathan and Tdog.

"EZURAKI!" They both shouted with joy at him!

"....... sorry i'm late guys *smile* *turns around* ...... so you must be the six eyed samurai kokushibou, uppermoon 1 ........what a surprise huh? ..........." Ezuraki said

"Amazing..... how long has it been since I've seen such strength.... 200 years now? .....*chuckles* or maybe 500 years?" Kokushibou said

"You say this as I knocked the wind outta you but go on go on..." Tdog let out

"Ah yes I've heard stories about one slayer that it could kill muzan in seconds" Ezuraki said  surprising kokushibou

"...... Tell me, are you the one that killed......... Yoriichi Tsugikuni?"Ezuraki said

Kokushibou stayed quiet remembering those scorching memories

Ezuraki than wasted no time but to attack by dashing towards him and slashing him in chest, kokushibou was suprised by his speed

"Heh... What's wrong?" Ezuraki asked. "Weren't expecting that strike to go so fast?"

The uppermoon simply stood there with a shocked face that instantly turned into one of anger. His next move was to dash right at him with his sword and slice his neck clean through. Ezuraki was more than ready to dodge it, but before he could, he was surprised by spikes of ink coming up from directly in front of him and blocking the attack. Both parties were confused until they looked behind Uppermoon 1 to see Nathan with his hand outstretched.

"Hey, freak!" He shouted at the enemy demon. "Let me tell you a little something, something."

"You mess with one of us..." Tdog said.

Nathan's pen was pointed his way, and the heat of Tdog's fire fists could be felt from where Uppermoon was. Speaking of whom, he slowly backed up until he realized that he had reached the point where Ezuraki was at and he didn't bump into him. He turned around to see that he was gone, only to feel a menacing presence behind him.

"Then you mess with all of us..." Ezuraki finished as he used the fifth form of his flame breathing style: Flame Tiger.

Several slashes came his way, with each strike hurting more than the last. Finally, the final one was delivered, followed by a swift kick to the stomach, sending him flying towards a tree.

Uppermoon's back slammed against the wooden trunk and let out a small grunt of pain. He then slowly got up, slowly and steadily, throwing a glare at all three friends. He raised his sword yet again before he saw Tdog dashing straight towards him, flame wings deployed.

He was about to either avoid or counter it, but then spikes popped up around his arms in a formation that didn't penetrate his skin, but held his arms in place. Just as he was about to move his legs, tentacles came up and grabbed them. After seeing this, he looked back up from his feet to see that a flaming punch was delivered right to his face. Then another, then another, and another, and another, and another, and another.

Finally, uppermoon decided that he's had enough and broke free of it's restraints and caught the pyromancer's incoming fist just as it was flying right at it. Another came at him, and he caught it, as well. He then raised both of them into the air, and then brought them down after he threw his attacker off balance with a kick to the feet. Tdog fell to the ground as the demon raised his sword with an enraged expression, and he was about to strike, only to turn around and slash at a giant ink hand that tried to grab him.

He knew exactly who sent that thing after him.

He snapped his view to the frog in a black trenchcoat, whose body had tensed up as he held up his pen, ready to defend himself. The demon dashed right towards him, and in response, he made some tentacles come from his side to pull him out of harm's way. Wasn't very effective, however, because just as he dodged the attack, his assailant turned around and dashed his way again.

He tried to make some ink spikes to protect himself, but the demon just jumped right over them and attempted to strike at his head. Luckily, he ducked just in time and counter attacked with his pen. He first stabbed his throat, and it didn't have that much of an effect.

He then strafed to uppermoon's side and slashed at its arms and legs, and finally its chest. It did some damage, but he still ended up getting punched back a few inches. It was then he summoned an ink spike directly from underneath his enemy as an attempt to impale him. However, the attack was dodged and instead, the spike was used to gain momentum for the demon to swing around and deliver a roundhouse kick directly to his face.

The writer fell to the ground and as he looked up, he saw Uppermoon throwing him an angry glare... only for a chain axe to be thrown at his face, causing him to stumble back a bit and see Ezuraki standing over Nathan defensively.

"Like hell if I'm letting you screw anybody else over!" Ezuraki said with red eyes. "You want my friends, you gotta go through me!"

Ezuraki changed weapons as he uses thunder breathing

"Thunder breathing first form:thunderclap and flash 10 fold!"Ezuraki yelled as he charged at him with lightning speed as they clash

They jumped into the air clashing in the air as the sound of thunder was heard everywhere,

(A/n:im giving kokushibou kaigaku's Blood Demon Art and giving him thunder brething)

Kokushibou attempts to kill Ezuraki using his Blood Demon Art enhanced Thunder Breathing, Fourth Form: Distant Thunder,  quick as he is, draws his sword and slashes past Kokushibou's neck, calling him trash and saying he was too slow. Kokushibou realizes that Ezuraki is much more versatile and skilled with his swordsmanship than before. However, he still believes that no matter how much Ezuraki trains, he can never defeat an Upper Rank like him. Ezuraki then is slashed by Kokushibou with the Thunder Breathing, Second Form: Rice Spirit. Ezuraki remarks that Kokushibou has eaten too many people and questions him he can no tell what is right or wrong, to which Kokushibou pridefully responds that he does.

As Kokushibou uses the Thunder Breathing, Third Form: Thunder Swarm, he says that those who judge him correctly and accept him for who he is are correct and those who don't accept him are wrong. Ezuraki  then uses the Thunder Breathing, Fifth Form: Heat Lightning and taunts at Ezuraki, praising his own Blood Demon enhanced Forms. He explains that once his Thunder Breathing forms slash Ezuraki's body, his skin and flesh burns and cracks apart as he uses the Thunder Breathing, Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash. While falling, He jumps onto a wall and uses his own breathing form: Thunder Breathing, Seventh Form:Flaming Thunder God!. Kokushibou is beheaded while falling, and curses Ezuraki while falling with him.

Meanwhile, Tdog and Nathan looked on with amazement before they saw their friend land on their feet with style and grace. He then stood up, turning back to normal, striking a pose with his hands in the air and he was facing the sky. After this, he received a round of applause from the two of them

As Ezuraki turns around to see the Amphibia gang standing there with amazement, shock and star in their eyes

"Uhhh what are you guys doing?.... i thought they told you to stay and build the submarine?"Ezuraki said

"That..." Anne said

"Was..."Sprig said middle of the sentence

"AWESOME!!!!!" Marcy said finishing the sentence

The 3 boys sweatdrop as the amphibia gang ignored their questions

"Ummm... Quick question." Nathan said. "Just how long have you all been standing there?"

"We got here when you two were fighting that guy Ezuraki decapitated in the air." Sprig said. "...And oh my gosh!"

The pink frog then jumped up to Ezuraki's face and grabbed both of his cheeks with his hands.


"Oh yeah." Marcy said. "I forgot to tell you guys those three have superpowers."

"No way..." Anne said.

"Yes way, Anne. Definitely yes way. I couldn't believe it myself at first, but they could."

She walked up to the trio's side and gestured towards them. The first one she pointed to was Ezuraki, who was trying to get Sprig off of him, before she said,

"This guy, the guy with red hair, he's actually a Demon King!"

"A DEMON WHAT?!" Anne exclaimed.

"Say What?!" Hop Pop said.

"Yep!" Marcy continued. "A literal demon king. Super powerful too, from what I heard!"

The next person that she pointed to was Tdog.

"And this guy," She continued. "This guy's a pyrokinetic superhero who has the power to summon and bend purple fire completely at his own will! And he's SUPER strong" she said trying to flex her arms and puff out her chest "And SUPER! fast!" Then quickly running in place

"Woah... Like, for real?!" Anne said.

"Oh yeah. Like, for real, for real."

The last person that was to be introduced in full was Nathan, who she moved over to and pointed at next.

"And as for this little frog, this one has the ability to manipulate ink and use it for what I assume is anything he wants. Such as hands, tentacles, walls, gauntlets, you name it."

Nathan nods.

"He's also a writer from what I've been told."

"Mhm. NathanInkling." The writer said, outstretching his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Anne then walked up to him and was about to accept but then Sprig jumped up in his face, screaming,


Nathan tumbled backwards out of the shock and fell in a mud puddle as a result.

"Oh, sorry..." He continued. "It's just... how... how were you able to do this? Are there any side effects? Just how powerful are you guys? I JUST NEED TO KNOW!"

As he was saying the last part of what he was saying, he grabbed Nathan by the trenchcoat and shook him violently.

While this was happening Ezuraki hears something in the rustling around the ground he goes to check as he did he saw Kokushibou who disregenerating as he looks around to see you and said

"Was it a challenge for you?..." Kokushibou said looking at Ezuraki

"What" Ezuraki said confused

"Was it a challenge for you to fight me...... Ezuraki immortal" Kokushibou said

Ezuraki finally realized what he was saying and was about to be honest to him

"I'll be honest........ you were a challenge, a pain in the ass to be honest........ and i wish i could fight you again, you were a worthy opponent and i respect that" Ezuraki said to kokushibou with honesty

Before he can disappear, he gives Ezuraki a warm smile and said

"Thank you........" Kokushibou said in his last words dropping tears before disappearing completely

Ezuraki remained there on the spot....... Crying in sadness, a few minutes pass by as he wipes off the tears he shedded before going over to his body, placing a hand he took his blood demon art as the body disappears, Ezuraki then put his hand together praying to the god that it was not his fault for being turned into a Demon and be reborn again and said

"May you rest in peace...... Michikatsu tsugikuni" Ezuraki said as he stopped praying and then looks back to see the gang there standing

"U-ummmm h-hey guys h-how are you guys d-doing?"Ezuraki said stuttering his words

"Oh, we're just doing fine." Tdog said. "We're just answering a whole lot of questions Sprig keeps throwing at us, and by 'we', I mostly mean Nathan."

"So you've always had these ink powers since you were born?" Sprig asked the trenchcoat dressed frog.

"Yeah, pretty much." He responded.

Sprig's eyes lit up with amazement before Polly jumped onto his head, joining into the question.

"Coool." She said. "...You know, I was thinking, these powers you have could be pretty useful. I have a little proposition for you."

"Oh, you don't say? Let me guess, does it have anything to do with causing chaos or taking over the world?"

She gasped with surprise.

"How the heck did you know that?!"

"Well... let's just say... I've heard of you a lot over where I'm from."

"And I'm a bit interested for...other reasons" Tdog said leaning forward a bit

While they were talking, Ezuraki sensed something in the woods a very familiar person a pinch of evilness, cruelty, he turns around at the direction he was sencing about, he soon took a closer look, it was none other then..........Muzan Kibutsuji, he's veins popped out, clenching his sword hard, shaking in anger, the gang notice this as they look around they're surroundings

"Guys......... I need you to stay here...." Ezuraki said with an emotionless tone surprising the group

"Ummm, is it ok if I ask why?" Nathan asked.

"Just..... stay here.." Ezuraki said before he uses thunder breathing first form:thunderclap and flash God speed! Dashing into the woods

Everybody else stood there in silence, wondering what his deal was.

"What... just happened?" Sprig asked, clearly confused for the most part. "Why'd your Demon friend ask everybody to stay here?"

Tdog was about to answer but then Marcy chimed in with her own theory.

"Judging by the expression he had before running off, I can probably guess where this is going." She said before walking in front of everybody. "I've seen enough of these kinds of situations in shows and movies to know that whatever he's about to do, it's probably really serious."

Both Tdog and Nathan remained silent for a while, as they knew exactly what kind of reason he might have to do such a thing once they remembered Muzan Kibutsuji, the Demon King's original target before they got held up by all of this.

"I think we might know what that is..." The fire summoner said.

That got all eyes turned on them, obviously awaiting an explanation... and an explanation, they were about to get...

(Meanwhile, with Ezuraki)

Ezuraki's owl tells him that a portal was opened and muzan was here as well as the hashira's


Muzan arrives at the Ubuyashiki Estate and confront Kagaya and Amane Ubuyashiki. Muzan expresses his disappointment in the Oyakata; he has lived for a millennium without aging, where as the Ubuyashiki family is reduced to their leader looking and smelling like a corpse. Kagaya doesn't deny this but states his goal is to dedicate his life to defeating him. He states that unknown to him, he and him were once part of the same family. Muzan doesn't understand the significance, so he explains the reason for his family's curse is that one of their members - Muzan himself - became a demon. Since then, children born to the Ubuyashikis died during birth until they were informed that they could atone and survive by dedicating themselves to ending Muzan.

Muzan wonders if Kagaya's rambling is due to his illness and claims he is not punished, having killed thousands of people without suffering. Kagaya suddenly asks for what Muzan dreams about; unsettled, the demon responds by saying he dreams to be immortal and will do so when he takes Nezuko. Kagaya tells his belief that only human thoughts are truly immortal, then continues that the murders he committed over his life only serve to fuel the anger of those who hate him; the Demon Slayers. Kagaya tells Muzan his kind will end tonight, shocking him. He angrily tells Kagaya to silence himself, but he states one more thing anyway. He believes he is undeservingly loved by his Hashira, declaring that his death would only drive them further into killing him and Ezuraki as well. Muzan asks if he is finished, to which Kagaya thanks him for listening. At the same time, a Kasugai Crow calls for all the Hashira be summoned at the Kagaya estate, forcing everyone to run to the mountain.

The Demon Lord is disturbed by his time on the mountain, wishing he was back at his fortress to work on something else. He internally comments on the Ubuyashikis' weirdness, earning Kagaya's ire. He tells Muzan he himself graduated at the top of his class, and as the head of missions against the Twelve Kizuki is responsible for 300 demon deaths. He also warns that the Hashira will be arriving soon and he will be engulfed in a storm that will kill him, directly threatening Muzan and angering him.

Giyu sees the Ubuyashiki estate destroyed.

Suddenly, the mountainside is destroyed in a massive explosion, wiping out Kagaya, Amane, their two daughters present, and destroying Muzan's body. The Hashiras are horrified at the blast and race to the remains of the estate. Muzan curses Kagaya for sacrificing himself as a decoy, as he never though he was willing to kill himself and his family just to kill him. As he condemns him for hiding his blood lust all along, he realizes the Demon Slayers must now be aware of his presence.


Tamayo injects her drug into Muzan's body.
As Muzan attempts to heal the damage, flesh seeds appear around him, bursting into bramble branches that immobilize him in place. Believing he can simply absorb them in, he is suddenly attack by Tamayo, who pierces her hand through his stomach and injects a drug. She tells him he has now been injected with a drug developed by herself and Shinobu Kocho that can turn demons back into humans. Muzan is furious at Tamayo's intervention and reminds her that it was she, not him, who killed her family. Tamayo tearfully cries out that she wanted to live and see her children survive, but is also reminded she herself killed people to survive. To this, she states that they will atone for those human deaths together and calls out for assistance.

Muzan attacking Gyomei with Black Blood, Brambles.
Suddenly, Gyomei Himejima appears and decapitates Muzan with his flail. But true to Kagaya's prediction, Muzan regenerated his head with little to no difficulty. Gyomei discerns from the sound of his flesh regenerating that Muzan is unlike any other demon he has ever faced. Recalling his master's words that sunlight is now the only option left, he resolves to keep him restrained till dawn arrives. Muzan uses his Blood Demon Art: Black Blood, Brambles at the Stone Hashira, to which he reflects with the Stone Breathing, Third Form: Stone Skin. Sanemi sees the Demon Lord and screams, asking what he did to Kagaya, while the others arrive, worried for Kagaya. Gyomei announces to the Hashira that the Muzan is the demon who infiltrated their headquarters, and that he will not die no matter how many times he's beheaded. This greatly shocks all the Hashira beyond measure due to them never seeing Muzan in the flesh. Tanjiro however, the only one to have encounter him, reacts with fury seeing his face again.

Muzan cornered by the Demon Slayers.
All the remaining Hashira use their respective Breathing Styles in order to cut Muzan down: Muichiro Tokito with the Mist Breathing, Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash, Shinobu Kocho with the Insect Breathing, Butterfly Dance: Caprice, Obanai Iguro with the Serpent Breathing, First Form: Winding Serpent Slash, Mitsuri Kanroji with her Love Breathing, Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw, Giyu Tomioka with the Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance, and Sanemi Shinazugawa with the Wind Breathing, Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts. Tanjiro Kamado joins in the fight and uses the Hinokami Kagura: Sunflower Thrust. Ezuraki uses Sun breathing:Raging sun crimson mirror, All the Demon Slayers converge on an immobilized Muzan. But instead of being concerned, Muzan gives off a disturbing smile. As he saw Ezuraki, his smile became even more wicked as the hashira's took notice of this, they saw Ezuraki charging forward but something about him was different as they were staring, muzan says

"It's been awhile! Ezuraki Immortal!!!!!!!!" Muzan yells at Ezuraki who is giving him Yoriichi vibes

"This ends here muzan kibutsuji!!!!!"Ezuraki yells as he raises his sword above his head, he then strikes down as he uses"sun breathing:fire wheel!"


Doors open beneath all of the Demon Slayers, causing them to plummet into the Infinity Castle except Ezuraki and Tamayo. Muzan mocks the Demon Slayers for believing they had him cornered, declaring they are in hell now and that he will slaughter them all tonight. Tanjiro and Ezuraki refutes and says that it is Muzan who will arrive in hell, to which he scoffs and dares Tanjiro and Ezuraki to try if he can.

Shinobu, cut off from everyone else, walks through the castle and suddenly smells blood. She walks into a large water-filled room with lilies and wooden planks and enters. Inside she sees someone with multiple female corpses all around them; the demons hears the door creak and turns around to meet their new visitor.

Obanai slaying multiple demons in front of Mitsuri.
Tanjiro and Giyu fall side by side, Tanjiro nearly falling to his death only to be saved by Giyu catching him. Tanjiro thanks the Hashira but senses a demon creeping up behind him, quickly killing it with the Water Breathing, First Form: Water Surface Slash. Multiple other demons follow requiring both to use the Water Breathing, Sixth Form: Whirlpool and Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance. Tanjiro venerates Giyu for his skills on using Breathing Styles and can tell which move he does just from the slightest movement he did so he may also use another move without cutting each other.

Obanai and Mitsuri fell together, with Obanai using the Serpent Breathing, Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent to kill a plethora of demons. While he threatens the demons to stay away from Mitsuri, she gushes over how strong and great Obanai is with him asking her if she is okay. Sanemi singlehandedly kills hordes of demons, angered at his inability to protect Kagaya and swears to slaughter them all. Gyomei and Muichiro are together killing demons, to which Gyomei stated that each of the demons have the same power of a Lower Rank of the Twelve Kizuki who are fucking killed by Ezuraki, believing Muzan is sending them en masse to wear them down.

Tamayo is trapped in Muzan's flesh cocoon.
Inosuke, Genya and Zenitsu all enter the Infinity Castle with their own agenda, as well to assist Tanjiro and the Hashiras. Elsewhere, trapped in Muzan's flesh cocoon, Tamayo calls out for help only to be saved by Ezuraki who is carrying her bridal

"Are you okay Tamayo?"Ezuraki said asking if she's okay

"Yes i'm fine thank you" Tamayo said as Ezuraki put down

"What do we do with the cocoon-"Ezuraki was cut off by....

Kiriya Ubuyashiki realizes that Tamayo couldn't endure long enough to hold Muzan down and the medicine that both Shinobu and her concocted was unsuccessful in reverting Muzan back into a human. Kanata informs Kiriya that the first team of Demon Slayers have arrived where Muzan's flesh cocoon is resting and a second group is following them. Kiriya immediately orders her to tell the Demon Slayers to stay away from Muzan until all the Hashira arrive. Multiple teams of Demon Slayers surround the capsule of flesh that Muzan is residing in. A Demon Slayer hears an order from a Kasugai Crow that all the Demon Slayers should standby and not engage until the Hashira arrive as they have no idea on what can happen.

Muzan emerging from his cocoon of flesh.
Suddenly, Muzan emerges from his flesh cocoon with a brand new appearance, his hair being far longer and being silver white due to his accelerated aging. He also has numerous jaws all over his body with sharp white fangs used to consume human flesh and blood, and is holding Tamayo's disembodied head on his right hand, to Ezuraki's surprise he didn't even see him. Muzan massacres the dozens of Demon Slayers currently within his vicinity as they try to retreat from his location. Kiriya attempts to order them through a Crow for them to fall back. However, Muzan murders and consumes all the Demon Slayers within their groups and beheads the Kasugari Crow that gave the orders to retreat.

Muzan notes that due to him aging over a millennia, he has lost the desire to taste food however due to him starving for taking the force of the Ubuyashiki explosion and using his energy to nullify Tamayo's drug he now adores the taste of flesh and blood. He compliments Kagaya for "deliberately" bringing him humans to feast and to regain his strength and stamina. He even wants the new successor to bow down so he could possibly turn him into a demon since practically all of his subordinates were killed by Ezuraki who is going to be the successor. Back at what's left of the Demon Slayer Headquarters, Kiriya commands his two younger sisters to make the second troop of Demon Slayers retreat and keep their distance away from Muzan as he'll only regain more strength and stamina from consuming more flesh.

Muzan crushes Tamayo's skull and kills her.
Muzan lifts Tamayo's disembodied head and mockingly points out that her "drug to turn back into a human" had no subtle change to his body. He also imitates her words that he'll fall into hell and that hundreds of people have spoken similar words to him and that it has never happened once. Tamayo sheds tears and begs Muzan to give back her husband and children, in which he bluntly tells her to die and head to her family that "she" killed. Thus, Muzan crushes Tamayo's skull and consumes her blood and cells. Due to Yushiro's Blindfold being within the vicinity, Yushiro immediately loses his balance and topples over onto a wall with nearby Demon Slayers questioning whether he is alright. Muzan continues massacring more and more Demon Slayers within his path continuing to gain more stamina. Kiriya screams and begs the Demon Slayers to fall back so they can not give Muzan more strength and sustenance along with Tamayo's sacrifice to not be a waste. Muzan notes that every single member of the Twelve Kizuki was of no use to him and that he'll slaughter the Demon Slayer Corps himself.

Kiriya panics and blames himself for giving the wrong orders and letting all the Demon Slayers be slaughtered by Muzan Kibutsuji. From this, he loses all his concentration on preparing the remaining Demon Slayers in order to take down Muzan. During all of this, Kuina repeatingly calls out his name for new orders but Kiriya does not respond, presumably not even knowing that she was calling him. Thus, Kuina slaps Kiriya out of his self-doubting situation much to Kanata's shock and yells at him to keep it together, even calling him "Oyakata-sama". She then states that the fight isn't over yet and that he still needs to give orders to the Demon Slayer Corps, whatever success it brings. This brings back Kiriya's confidence and concentration, thus he commands that all the Hashira must go to Muzan's location immediately along with all the Demon Slayers as reinforcements. A Kasugarigarasu Crow gives intel that Muzan has been fully revived and that all the surviving Hashira must gather at Muzan's location.

A Force of Nature

Tanjiro and Giyu see Muzan in the flesh.

Mitsuri Kanroji and Obanai Iguro are the first to hear this message, with Mitsuri question herself what both she and Obanai have been doing the entire time while Muzan was revived. Obanai questions what effort he has done due to that. He points out that Nakime is not exactly harming them but stalling them for time so the least amount of Hashira can fight Muzan Kibutsuji. Obanai quickly grabs Mitsuri in order for both of them to get out of the situation they're in. Quickly realizing this, Nakime uses her Blood Demon Art in order to teleport Muzan Kibutsuji to Tanjiro and Giyu's location. Tanjiro sees Muzan in the flesh and rage immediately fuels inside of him while Giyu tells him to calm down. Muzan calls them incredibly persistent which sickens him to his core, as he always sees humans as beings who only care about vengeance for the deaths of their loved ones. With that being said, he says that those who are alive should be grateful for being alive and should stop wasting their lives on vengeance. This greatly shocks Giyu and Tanjiro as Muzan compares himself as a natural calamity. He clarifies that humanity cannot gain revenge on disasters no matter much damage or how many lives it takes away from the world. Tanjiro calmly points out that Muzan is being that does not deserve to even exist in the first place.

Giyu using Eleventh Form: Dead Calm to cancel Muzan's attack.
Tanjiro can not believe that he has never felt this cold towards a living being once in his life. He points out from Gyomei's explanation that Muzan cannot die from decapitation, from this he tries to figure out how they can expose Muzan Kibutsuji to the sun. The problem being that they have no clue on how to bring Muzan out of the Infinity Castle. Muzan immediately transforms his arms into long spiked tendrils that function like whips and flails them at both Tanjiro and Giyu. Giyu uses Water Breathing, Eleventh Form: Dead Calm in order to repel the flailing tendrils but gets cut in many places in his body along with Tanjiro. Tanjiro notes that Muzan's attacks are unbelievable in destructive power and lethality, as he is only dodging by instinct alone.

Until You Disappear From The Face of This Earth

Mitsuri and Obanai "killed" by Nakime.

Tanjiro however keeps his tenacity going and attempts to go through Muzan's tendrils in order to harm him in some way. Just as when he got within striking distance of Muzan, one of his arms slash past and cuts Tanjiro's right eye knocking him onto the ground. Before Muzan kills Tanjiro with one of his tendrils, Giyu grabs hold of Tanjiro and tells him that slashing Muzan is absolutely pointless since his strength can't even be compared to the Upper Ranks. Muzan scoffs at the Demon Slayer's efforts on stalling him until the sun rises as the sun can't penetrate deep within the dimensional reality of the Infinity Castle along if three Hashira and a Demon are enough to stall him. This confuses Giyu and Tanjiro as Muzan specifies that both Mitsuri and Obanai were killed by Nakime when she crushed both of the lower halves of their bodies. Muzan keeps attacking the two Demon Slayers with his tendrils with Tanjiro falling over multiple times due to him not being able to his surroundings. Suddenly the Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji drops through the ceiling and stops Muzan's assault by using Love Breathing, Sixth Form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love.

Mitsuri using her Love Breathing, Sixth Form on Muzan.

Mitsuri believes that her attack harmed Muzan in some way, but to her shock, the Demon King is completely unscathed. Obanai appears helping Tanjiro get back up and tells him to back out of the fight if he keeps getting knocked down. Tanjiro is relieved to see Obanai and Mitsuri alive, while Muzan is both confused and livid at the fact the two Hashira that Nakime supposedly killed are still alive. Muzan shouts Nakime's name in fury and demands to know what she is doing, with Yushiro placing his Blindfold technique in front of her singular eye along with his fingers jammed into her skull possibly touching her nerves to command the Infinity Castle upwards towards the surface. Yushiro with his eyes blood red tells that Muzan has committed the gravest sin in the world, taking Tamayo away from him. This makes Yushiro scream in grief telling him to repent immediately and that he will be erased from the face of the earth.

Giyu and Obanai attacking Muzan with their respective Breathing Styles.

Giyu takes this opportunity to try to harm Muzan Kibutsuji with Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide along with  Obanai using Serpent Breathing, First Form: Winding Serpent Slash. This distracts Muzan as he doesn't know whether to kill the Hashira or his remaining Twelve Kizuki member. The floor where the main battle is taking place between Muzan and the Hashira suddenly open, making everyone fall. Muzan lifts his right arm and closes his fist, crushing Nakime's face and most parts of her skull. Because of this, the entire Infinity Castle is collapsing while Yushiro knows that he can still take everyone outside as not all of Nakime's cells have disintegrated yet. With that happening, no one is able to have solid footing while Mitsuri tries to presumably use another Love Breathing technique on Muzan which he dodges. Muzan flails his whips all over the place and slashes Tanjiro in his torso and nearly kills Mitsuri by impaling her face but Obanai pushes her out of the way, only cutting off a small piece of her haori. Tanjiro also javelin throws a broken Nichirin Sword from one of his fallen comrades at Muzan's skull, piercing it completely much like how he did against Akaza and with that Ezuraki appears as he uses sun breathing:burning bones summer sun. Just as that happens, the Infinity Castle pierces through the terrain of the real world, flinging absolutely everyone in all directions.

Small Timeskip

Ezuraki is seen fighting muzan all on his own while smiling at Ezuraki who is angry with boiling blood as Muzan says "it's been years since I've fighted like this!!!!!!!"

"Sun breathing: Beneficent raideince!"Ezuraki yelled as he spiraled into the air and delivered a powerful slash that surrounds Muzan.

[Meanwhile, With the others]

Anne, Marcy, and the plantars all stood there with their mouths wide open, meanwhile, Nathan and Tdog had a grim expression on their faces.

"Yep...that's our boy alright" The former of the two said.

"Now he's going to go on and fight that guy all by himself..." The latter said. "And to be honest, I'm a little worried."

"We HAVE to go help him!" Sprig exclaimed. "We can't just let him fight that thing all by himself."

"Of course, we do." Nathan said. "That's exactly why me and Tdog went into the forest in the first place. I know he told us to stay here, but I want to show my friend some support, and while you're here, why don't you join us?"

"Heck yeah!" Marcy exclaimed. "Do you know just how awesome that could be? Fighting with a Demon King?!-"

"Wait, hold on, Mar Mar." Anne interjected before turning to the writer. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"What do you mean, Anne?"

"What do you mean?... What do you mean?! Look, 'Nathan', I get it. You want to help your friend, and yes, Marcy and I have dealt with a whole lot of stuff in this world, but we've never fought an actual DEMON KING before!"

"Yeah, I've got to agree with Anne on this one." Hop Pop said, walking onto the scene. "Now, I don't know very much about this 'demon king' nonsense and all that, but just the name alone sounds dangerous."

"Aw, WHAT?!" Polly said. "Oh, you're no fun, Hop Pop!"

"If being "no fun" is what it takes to keeping you safe, then I'm gonna ban any and all kinds of fun in this family if need be. There is no way in heck you and the others are NOT going to go fight this "Moozan" fellow, cause frog dangit, this ain't something we should be poking our noses into."

"With respect we just met you guys today, and we're kinda on our own mission right now heck we don't even know if these guys helped Marcy!" Anne says before turning to the duo "did you guys help Marcy?" She asked as the two glanced at each other before looking back to her "we...kept her entertained?" Tdog says with a wry smile as Nathan gave a thumbs up also with a wry smile

"Well, they were going to." Marcy said. "I asked for help, and they said yes."

"Oh yeah we did didn't w-" Tdog was about to say before Nathan nudged the side of his leg "uh I mean yeah yeah! We did!"

"Oh...alright then never mind" she says as hop pop looks at her shocked "SAY WHAT!?!?" He yells as anne shrugged "hey they were going to help Marcy so they're cool with me" she said as hop pop smacks the top of his forehead "unbelievable..." he said as Nathan speaks up

"Look, guys. If you don't want to risk your necks over this, that's fine. You can just stay here if you think this is too much for you."

"No!" Marcy interjected. "We want to help you fight this guy, too, because as powerful as you guys seem, I've got the feeling you need all the help you can get. It's just like dungeons and dragons. The more people you have in your party, the more likely you are to come out on top of any kind of situation thrown your way."

"So that means we're helping one way or another!" Anne says before turning to sprig "right dude?" She asks sprig as he pulls out his slingshot.

"Heck yeah!" He said. "No way I'm letting you guys fight that thing alone either."

"Yeah, and who knows." Polly said on top of his head. "Maybe we can try and take his super cool demon powers? Oooh, that would be AWESOME!"

"I mean...oh brother..." Tdog said while scratching the back of his head with a nervous look before holding up a finger to the group "uh just give us one second okay? Okay" he looks down to Nathan "can we have a word real quick?" He asks

"Sure thing." The "trenchcoat frog" replied.

The fire summoner leads him a few inches away from the group as he crouches down to get to a eye level with his friend "honestly man do you think they'd be able to handle themselves outside of their world?" He asks while pointing back at the amphibia group with his thumb "Cause last I checked the place Ezuraki went ain't so easy..." he said

"I'll be honest... I... don't know. I mean, yes, Anne fought through a lot of stuff and Marcy's a literal knight, but... maybe even this might be a bit too much for them. Still, they seem pretty insistent on helping... I even kinda like their spunk."

"Same man but it's not that I doubt them it's that I don't wanna see one get their arm or leg cut off ya know?" He said with a worried grin

"Yeah... me neither. Kinda torn over here, man..."

"Yeah...but I have a feeling no matter what we choose they'll figure out a way to come...." Tdog said as his head hangs down in defeat

"True, true. Those guys can be pretty tenacious. Alright, how about this? We let them come but as soon as things go south, we try and find a way to send them back to their world."

Tdog looks back to the group before looking back to his friend and nods "alright sounds good"

Meanwhile, with the others, Hop Pop was trying to convince everyone to not partake in the madness, yet judging by the look on everyone's faces, he's probably not doing a good job. The duo looked back at them and headed back their way yet again.

"Now, I know you want to help." The old frog said. "But I can't be the only one who thinks it's just plain stupid to risk your necks for people you barely even know!"

"Hey, guys!" Nathan said. "Me and Tdog were talking about this for a while and, ok, sure. You guys can help."

The group minus hop pop let out a victory cheer before Tdog held up a finger "BUT on one condition you guys take care of the side stuff not the main problem and if things go south you're going straight back here alright?" He said with a raised brow

"Aw what!?" Polly screamed before having a look of boredom "how's that fair..." she said until Anne spoke up "well at least we're helping so...agreed" she said as Tdog crossed his arms with a pleased smile before looking down to his friend "alright Nathan can you get us there?" He asked

"You got it!" He said before he took out his whistle and blew into it.

A few minutes of waiting later, the cart snail had arrived, and he used his frog attributes to jump in through the window before looking at everybody else.

"Get in everybody!"

Anne sprig and Polly look in shock before having looks of determination and rushing inside the cart as hop pop still stood outside with a unpleasant expression as Tdog was also still outside standing next to him

" *sighs*...why do we always have to be dragged into some crazy adventure..." he says while rubbing his eyes while Tdog lets out a chuckle before patting hop pop on the back "eh you'll get used to it plus don't worry old timer I'll watch over you guys" he said before going up to the cart on climbing on to the roof of it as hop pop lets out another sigh

"appreciated I suppose...wait a minute "old timer" I'm not that old..." he says now walking into the cart as anne speaks up "didn't you say you're 69?" He quickly looks back at her "AGAIN ANNE I'M A CRISP 68!!!" he yells as this makes Anne and Tdog chuckle

Then Marcy turns towards him "you guys seem really calm about this shouldn't you be freaking out over how your friend is?" She asked as Nathan spoke up "believe us we're worried but" he said

"But?" Sprig asked

"its best not to underestimate him he'll hold his own until we get there" Tdog said as the two had confident smiles

"Alright then let's hurry!" Nathan said as he leans down towards his snail "let's go quickly bud" he said as he mushes the snail

(Back with Ezuraki and Muzan)

As Muzan continued his attacks one of the tendrils slice off Ezuraki's right eye and Ezuraki couldn't regenerate because of Muzan's  deadly poison, Ezuraki couldn't  breath properly becuas of Muzan as muzan smirks

Ezuraki pairies muzan attacks as suprisingly gathers muzans tendrils around as he stabs in place and now muzan can't move just struggling to get out as Ezuraki holds it

"Pillars of the Demon slayer corps get up! I have held him in place! Hurry up and cut this man down!!!" Ezuraki yelled

As Obanai woke up and saw Ezuraki holding Muzan in place as he quickly got up get his sword and charged at Muzan as he uses "Serpent breathing fifth form:-" Obanai was soon cut off by a tentacle smacking him by the face sending him crashing into a tree as he lies down unconscious

Ezuraki had no other choice to take matter of his own hands, he jumps into the air as he was slashing every tendrils in his way, Ezuraki was now close to cutting him until he was interrupted by a fireball that skidded right past him and hit Muzan square in the face.

"WHAT THE?!" He exclaimed, tumbling to the side before hitting on the ground while Muzan held his face, recovering.

"Hey ugly! If you want to mess with my friend! You'll mess with all of us!" Tdog yelled as the amphibia gang appeared

"What the?!- I told you guys to stay back!" Ezuraki yelled at them

"We're not going to stay back and let you fight this guy on your own." Nathan said. "That's why Tdog and I followed you into the forest in the first place. We all care about you, dude, and we want to fight alongside you as a team!"

Everybody else cheered, "YEAH!" as they pumped a fist into the air.

"No..." Ezuraki said while getting back up. "...No, guys you can't... You should have stayed back. It's too dangerous, he-"

"OH... Ezuraki. You've got friends?" Muzan said, slowly gaining a twisted grin. "I didn't know that..."

The pure-hearted demon king drew his Katana before he said,

"No... Don't you dare..."

"And pass up this opportunity to have a little bit more fun? Oh, you know me better than that you foolish boy..."

"Hey! Nobody talks to our friend like that!" Nathan shouted.

"Well, why don't you come down here and say that to my face?"

"Oh yeah?!" Sprig shouted after popping up behind the crowd and smacking his chest with his fist twice. "BRING IT!"

"YEAH! YOU'VE GOT NOTHING ON US DEMON SCUM!" Polly shouted, sitting on top of his head.

Meanwhile, the cruel demon smirked with a predatory glare in it's eyes. Meanwhile, the people currently staring him down were ready for battle.

Before Muzan even noticed, Ezuraki leaped in as he used "Sun breathing:Flame dance!" As muzan barely dodges Ezuraki's attack

As Muzan steps back, Ezuraki gives him no time as he uses "Sun breathing:Dragon sun halo head dance!"

The attack hits. And this left Muzan stumbling back quite a bit. Ezuraki swiftly follows up with an attack with two slashes coming together to form an 'X' on him. This knocks him back and he tries to retaliate with a slash across the face with his tendrils. Several of them sprung right up around him and they headed right for the demon king, who parried every single one of them that went his way. He even sliced one of them in two, rolled back and sliced at another. He then set his sights on Muzan himself, with Universal breathing first form: Falling Star! He charged straight for his enemy and slashed straight down at his head. It collided right away and launched him back a fair distance. He flipped around each time he hit the ground until he slid across the ground on his back all the way to a tree, where he was then impaled by a spike of ink, causing him to yelp in pain.

Now Muzan was really angry, and it didn't help when the one who summoned that spike said,

"Enough waiting around! Let's end this!"

The other people jumped down and joined their friend in the battle. Tdog set his hands alight, Nathan got out his pen, Marcy loaded her crossbow, Anne drew her sword, and the plantars, despite not having any weapons. Still wanted to fight... well, except for Hop Pop. He's just there to try and convince Sprig, Polly, and Anne not to join this.

"Ready to get your ass handed to you?" Tdog said, reeling back a fireball in his hands.

Meanwhile, the evil Demon King breathed heavily through his gritted teeth. His fists balled up into a fist and his face made it clear that he was consumed by pure rage.

"Alright... You want to die alongside your precious friend so badly?" He said. "FINE BY ME!"

He slowly stands up, his eyes gaining a menacing glare as his wounds begin to regenerate. He then raised his hands into the air before everybody headed straight towards him, only to get obstructed by his tendrils coming from the ground right in front of them. After they shot towards the sky, they came right back down at them and they all were able to get out of the way, luckily.

"Don't get hit by the Tendrils!" Ezuraki shouted at everyone. "They're coated in a lethal poison so if they so much as touch you, you're done for!"

"Ok, look out for tentacles." Marcy assessed. "Got it."

"Everyone! Look out!" Nathan shouted before he caught an incoming tendril aimed straight at Tdog using some of his own. He threw it back before Marcy set it alight with an ignited cattail arrow from her crossbow. Meanwhile, Tdog summoned his wings and shot right up into the air to dodge another one that tried to skewer him. Then he threw seven fireballs right at it before Nathan used his pen to finish the job.

Anne cut a few of them down with her Sword before looking at the other two, who apparently aren't doing very well.

They were surrounded by the tendrils and were able to dodge so far, but they can't do so forever.

"Umm, Anne? A little help over here?" Sprig says with clear fear in his voice while Polly was dancing around their attackers and taunting them each time they missed.

She gasped and clutched her weapon before shouting,

"Don't worry! I'm on my way!"

She then dashed towards them and sliced at them with her sword. Causing a few of them to start targeting her instead. They tried to stab her from above and thankfully, she jumped backwards just in time and dealth a counter attack of her own, cutting them only just a little bit. After they buried themselves into the ground, she felt movement on the ground below her and did a side roll and barely avoided them in time.

They then came back down and when she dodge rolled to her right and slashed at one of them with her sword repeatedly until she was half way through slicing it in half. The other, however, was about to slink around the first one and was about to try and pierce her through the chest, only to be ignited by one of Tdog's fireballs.

Speaking of whom, he was fighting off some tendrils of his own, and he was holding up very well, especially since Marcy was assisting as well.

"Oh yeah!" He said as he shot fireballs. "How about some of these? And Some of these! Oh, and definitely some of THIS!"

He shot a geyser of fire out of his hands like it was a Kamehameha. He spun all around himself as he took all the tendrils out around him.

"...oh wow I didn't think that would work!"

He then shook his hands fanning the smoke away from his palms as he turns around to see Marcy also finish off one of the tendrils by shooting an arrow through it "when did you learn to shoot that thing and why arrows for your choice of a weapon?" He asked pointing at the crossbow on her arm

"Oh well general Yunnan taught me and for why a crossbow..." she started rubbing the back of her head "I'm not strong enough to pick up any weapons so lady Olivia suggested a crossbow!" She said as she motions towards the crossbow on her arm

"Oh well I'm not really a weapons guy myself so I say it suits-"

"WATCH OUT!" Marcy interrupts him as she quickly shoots a bow past his head hitting a tendril as also quickly turns around blasting it with fire finishing the job

He then turns back to Marcy "Yunnan also taught me how to be aware of my surroundings" she says with a smug smile before walking off leaving Tdog with deadpan expression

"...can't believe I just got sass from the clumsy one..." he says

But as Marcy was walking she somehow slips and a tiny pebble as she began to fall backwards only for Tdog to catch her with a raised a brow

"Aware of surroundings huh?...." He asked

while Marcy nervously and embarrassingly chuckled

"Cool!" Nathan said before noticing a tendril creep up from behind him. He  then summoned one of his own to impale it. He then summoned ink spikes at both sides to take out ones that were coming from those directions. Then he got an idea.

"HEY, Marcy!" He shouted.

Marcy quickly turns towards him "Yeah!?"

"How'd you feel about a little combo move?"

Hearing this she suddenly had stars in her eyes as she reloads her crossbow in excitement "*GASP* a combo move!? I've always wanted to do one of those, what's the plan!?" She excitedly asked

He then summoned some blotches of ink floating in the air and sent them right at Marcy's arrows, tipping them to become even sharper. He then summoned and Ink hand to lift her up way off of the ground.

"Prepare to start spinning and firing!"

And with that, the hand threw her even higher into the air, and she started spinning mid air just like she said. Arrows came flying out from her in all directions, like she was some kind of tornado spewing out projectiles. Once the arrows reached their targets, the ink that Nathan used to enhance them spread out into patches of spikes for good measure as well.

Everybody on the ground watched the show from the ground and everybody was amazed. Especially Anne this was Marcy she thought

Once she was finished and sure that all of them were taken out, she landed on the ground with a badass pose to boot.

"That...was...THE MOST COOLEST VIDEO GAME THING THAT'S HAPPENED TO ME I WAS LIKE A SUMMON!!!" She yells as she points to herself

"You sure were, girl. High five!"

And with that, the two ran at each other and shared a high five.

After watching what just happened Polly quickly turns to hop pop "hop pop can I get a crossbow!?" She asks as hop pop looks away scratching the back of his head "eh...we'll talk" he nervously says

Sprig then hit the last tendril back with a rock while Anne finished it off.

"Alright." Sprig said, dusting off his hands. "And that should be the last of them!"

"Heck yeah!" Nathan said. "Well, Muzan, I didn't know that was all you got. I kinda expected more from a demon king."

Ezuraki... however, while the others had confident smiles on their faces, still had this scared face of dread as he clutched his weapon.

"No..." He said, turning a lot of heads to him. "'s not over..."

"Wh- What?" Sprig asked. "What do you mean, "It's not over"?"

"It means..." They all heard the voice of their cruel and demented enemy say. "...That's not all I have! You think this is over? THINK. AGAIN!"

Suddenly, several more tendrils came springing out of the ground yet again. This took everybody other than Ezuraki by so much surprise that they barely were able to avoid their assaults. Once they all got out of the way, they were both shocked and horrified at the sheer number that sprung up for all of them.

"Uuuughhh come on man this always happens! we win but then something else always comes out..." Tdog complained before raising his fists up and lighting them on fire

They all readied their weapons yet again... but...

The tendrils wasted no time in attacking the gang. One headed straight for Anne and she just parried it by the skin of her nose. Marcy was able to kill a few, but she nearly got skewered by two more heading her way. Sprig and Poly were cornered again, but this time, they were in a more dire situation than ever. Nathan tried to block himself off with Ink Spikes but he could see that his defenses were being broken down bit by bit. At this, he gulped in nervousness. Tdog tried to fly away while fighting off the tendrils with fireballs, but with each one hitting, they seemed to get closer and closer.

"Hmm..." the fire summoner hummed looking back before increasing his speed as the tendrils try to catch him

This scene continued for quite a while, and it seemed like this might have been the end for everyone... until the air became heavy, A terrifying aura intimidating from Ezuraki who is pissed off from almost killing them as he said was terrifying enough

"What's so Entertaining about this, What's so enjoyable, such disregard for human life" Ezuraki said as something flashes in Muzan's head as he remember those words before, it was none other than........Yoriichi

"So tell me then, what is the weight of a human life span" Ezuraki said "why can't you understand?....... How can you ever forget" those words echoed in Muzan's head, he remembers those scorching memories where he fighted Yoriichi for the very first time

Ezuraki brought out his sword as he was charging towards Muzan with glare

He gets close enough to cut Muzan's head off as he says

"Universel breathing Ninth form:Universel Destruction!" Ezuraki yelled as he finally cuts Muzan's head, ending this war between Humans and Demons

Muzan is beheaded on the ground as the sun finally rises causing muzan to scream in pain as he quickly gets up  and run towards Ezuraki who is passed out do to him using too much breathing

As muzan got close, he stabbed Ezuraki in the head with his two fingers as he injects his blood into Ezuraki, giving him his blood demon art, strength, speed, Demonic blood and durability..... and soon muzan was gone forever............ the demon king was dead the humans won the war but not without a cost

"Did... did we do it?" Marcy asked.

"It... sure looks like it." Sprig said, recovering from the whole ordeal.

"Wait where's Ezuraki?"

Polly looked around the area before seeing him once again. He pointed his way before shouting to everyone,

"There he is!"

Everyone looked his way and they headed towards him.

"Heh..... sup guys how's it going- HGHNGHBHBDHN" Ezuraki was about to finish his sentence before getting into a bone crushing group hug

"WE DID IT!" Marcy shouted at the top of her lungs. "WE DEFEATED A DEMON KING TOGETHER!"

"We sure did." Anne said. "...we sure did."

"And more importantly, you're alright." Nathan said.

"Man...this was...I don't even know what to say..." Tdog said standing back staring at the group who was hugging Ezuraki before turning back to the destroyed and wreck place

Everybody let go, and while the multiverse traveling trio had relaxed smiles on their faces, the cast of Amphibia were frozen in amazement with excited expressions.

"Wow..." Sprig said. "Just... wow! I just think that was the craziest thing I've ever done in my entire life! And I fought giant bugs, toads, and just escaped death by the skin of my nose."

"Guess you did sprig..... guess you did" Ezuraki said with a happy tone

"Bless your soul for the future little frog..."Tdog quietly mumbled

"I totally get you, dude." Anne said to Sprig. "I don't think I can even process what just happened. Was that even real? Did we really fight a literal demon king?"

"Oh yeah." Marcy said, getting out her notebook. "That felt as real as it ever did. Now that's one thing I can kick off my bucket list."

"Wait there's a bucket list in- ykmkw what im not even gonna ask" Ezuraki as he sighs as he lays down

Ezuraki looks at the sky and lies and  says "guess i'm the new Demon King" Ezuraki said

Nathan hugged him as Tdog walks up next to him while he's still sitting down

"I thought you already were...but I guess the best Demon King now my friend." Tdog said. "...The best demon king anyone could ask for." He said before looking off to the side "as long as you don't do what he did....." he mumbled

The multiverse trio Anne sprig and Polly continued to celebrate their big win all except one and you can probably guess who that was

"...wait a dang second WHERE THE FROG ARE WE!?!?" Hop pop yelled as he panickedly looks around seeing they were in a whole new place

Anne sprig and Polly also start to look around "wait you're right hp I was so focused on the fight I didn't even notice" she said with a hand to her chin

" this can't be....... I-it just can't *slowly smiles* we're in................ DEMON SLAYER!!!!!!"Ezuraki shouted

"We can't stay here what about the kids a place to sleep *GAAAAASP* WE LEFT BESSIE ALL ALONE!!!!" Hop pop shouted pulling the hairs on the side of his head

"Oh shit your right old man hmmmmmmmmmm.....................*snaps finger* I've got an idea!" Ezuraki said snapping his fingers

"What's the plan?" Sprig asked the demon king

Ezuraki smile as he rubs his arms together smiling devilishly smirking scarring the gang as he says "hehe don't worry about sprig"

Sprig who's standing still with a natural smile speaks up "...I feel very uncomfortable right now" he says still with a smile

Ezuraki told the gang to stay here while he get the autographs- i mean meeting the Demon slayer gang

50 minutes later

Ezuraki came back with lots of papers in his hand while he had a smile on his face

"Dude what's with a papers" Tdog asks leaning against a tree

Ezuraki puts the papers away as he walked away like nothing ever happened while having a creepy smile as he walk through the portal

"W-what when did that get there" hop pop asked now fully confused on what just happened

"Eh, I wouldn't worry about it." Nathan said with a dismissive wave. "I don't think it's worth all the trouble of overthinking." He said closing the book behind his back

"Yeah I'd follow his advice and keep walking" Tdog said walking pass hop pop as he stands there before shaking his head and following after the group

Now back at the gates of newtopia hop pop rushes past everyone as he quickly goes up to bessie hugging her neck "it's alright girl you hungry thirsty tired!?" He says

"Hop pop dude we've been gone for only a few minutes..." anne says

"Ahhh, here we are, back at the good ol' gates of Newtopia." Nathan said.

"Yeah...... wait did marcy build the submarine yet?" Ezuraki said asking

Hearing her name being said she looks up from her notebook once again writing down everything that's happened "oh sorry no I couldn't since we went to help you take out that demon I don't really have the stuff to do it. But, I do know someone who could help."

"Who?" Tdog asked.

"Please don't tell me......" Ezuraki said kinda afraid now

"King Andrias."

Nathan dropped his pen as he looked up at Marcy with a thousand yard stare.

"I'm sorry... who?"

"King Andrias! The ruler of Newtopia. If anyone's able to help us out with this little project, it's probably him.

"Ex-fucking-scuse me?!" Ezuraki yelled at her

"Hey, Language!" Hop pop exclaimed at the Demon King.

"Yeah," Marcy said. "And why are you all looking at me like that? King Andrias is the smartest guy I know. Plus he's more likely to gather the resources for the submarine better than anyone else here could."

Tdog awkwardly pats the side of his legs as he shuffles in place ".....yeaaaaah...."

"*mumbles* you wouldn't be saying that when he stabbed you right in the chest" Ezuraki said

"Wait, what was that?" She asked.

"Nothing!" Ezuraki said fake smiling

"Ok, but seriously, why are you guys acting so 'iffy' about him? From what I know about him, he's pretty chill. Come on, guys? Just trust me on this one."

"Oh innocent little marcy......." Ezuraki said making her confused

Tdog then walks up to Marcy and gently puts a hand on her shoulder "we're not being 'iffy' it's know going to someone like the king doesn't seem good I mean he's probably busy right?" He said gently

"Yeah I mean a good king must protect his citizens right?"Ezuraki said trying to convince marcy not to get help from A BACK STABBER

"Plus if YOU build it imagine how proud he'd be seeing you do a task like this without him you know?" Tdog said with a smile

"Yeah! Think about it! He'd be so proud!" Ezuraki said

"Mmm...I mean that does sound good but I'd need his permission to get the stuff and tools so I have to ask" Marcy said the the duo

"Ummm..." Nathan said.

"*sigh* guess i have to take matter to my own hands" Ezuraki said as he walked up to Marcy

"Wait, Ezuraki, what are you-"

Marcy was cut off by Ezuraki carrying her and running away in blinding speeds "IM SORRY!"

"What the?! What are you-"

"HEY PUT DOWN MY FRIEND!!!" Anne shouts as she runs after the two

"...should we?..."Tdog says looking down to Nathan as he points in the direction the three ran off to

"I mean... I definitely wasn't expecting this."

"I say we leave it"

The two look to their left to see sprig standing next to them with his arms crossed

"...I...wasn't talking to-"

"I say we follow him." Nathan replied. "The Amphibia X Male Reader gang should always stick together, after all."

"Good point" Tdog said as he started stretching before stopping and turning to Nathan "want a ride or you got it?" He said pointing to his back

"A ride wouldn't hurt."

[Meanwhile with the two]

Ezuraki is seen running while getting punched by Marcy who has weak arms

"Let go of me you Psycho!" She screamed. "Put me down RIGHT NOW!"

Ezuraki stops running as he puts her down and looks around to see nothing as he sighs and he lays down tired

"Why would you do that?!" Marcy screamed at him who is laying on the ground groaning

She then hears wings flapping as she looks up to see Tdog flying down with Nathan on his back who caught up to them pretty quickly

He lands down as Nathan hops off his back then looks down at his friend

"I think he did it because he didn't want us to go and talk to King Andrias."

"But why? Why won't you trust him?!" Marcy yelled this time

Ezuraki stood veins popped out

"Beacuse HE FUCKING BACK STABBED YOU!!!!!!!" Ezuraki yelled at her eyes glowing crimson red and grabbing her by color

"Wait, wh- what?"

"Welp...secrets out lads" Tdog said clapping his hands together "also" he said before walking up and smacking Ezuraki hand off her color "don't do that even again man..." he said pointing at him like a child

"Yeah..." Nathan said. "I know we just met and you don't know just who the heck we are, but... trust us... King Andrias is NOT a good person.

Now finally catching up to the four Anne runs up before stopping as she leans on her knees catching her breath

"How...can fast....when...carrying someone..." she said in between breaths

Ezuraki looked at Anne " demon powers" Ezuraki said as he turned around to see Marcy who was confused "and another thing!-

"Ummm... hey guys..." Nathan said to everyone.

"Yeah?!"Ezuraki yelled who is still angry at marcy

"Hold on, hold on, hold on." Marcy said. "What do you mean by... 'He's not a good person'? What are you even saying?"

"Marcy..........i think it's time to tell the truth" Ezuraki putting his hand on marcy shoulder

"Wait what's going on?" Anne asked only for Tdog to put a hand on her shoulder "yeah you might wanna sit this one out boonchuy" he said

"Alright... so..." Nathan said. "You know how you think King Andrias is this good person who's super chill and likes having you as company and stuff?"

Marcy nodded. "And you guys think he doesn't?"

"*facepalm* marcy did you seriously didn't find anything suspicious about andrias" Ezuraki said

"N- No. I didn't." Marcy explained. "And how do you guys know all this?"

"*whispers* oh fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" Ezuraki said cursing himself and sweating

"Ummm, let's just say..." Nathan said. "We've heard of the guy, and not all stories are pleasant."

"Yeah just all of them are downright bad man..."Tdog said

Ezuraki then let's go of marcy and backs away from her

Anne who was watching all of this happen slowly leans towards Tdog "*whisper* the kings a bad guy?" He whispered back "just keep listening you'll find out"

"Basically, he's not to be trusted, and if you do... we're, like one-hundred percent sure something bad's going to happen to you... and this whole place."

Ezuraki backs away from her and slowly runs away from all of them

"Wh- What? Ezuraki?" Nathan said. "What's going on?"
He turns his way and starts to chase after him. "Ezuraki!"

Tdog stands there as he turns towards Marcy who's staring down at the shallow water as he slowly walks towards her "um...I know that was a lot to drop on you and then leave but uh...I gotta go check on em just think about what we said" he then quickly walks over to Anne "you might wanna comfort her" he said as anne nods

He then quickly turns and summons his fire wings then follows after his two friends. Meanwhile, Marcy just slowly turns to Anne, and while her face was showing as much confusion and bewilderment as it could, what her expression portrayed could not hope to accurately convey the extend of the emotions that she was feeling at the moment.

[Meanwhile with the boys]

Ezuraki can be seen wrapped in a akatsuki blanket while he was feeling sad and a hint of anger inside him.......... And on top of a mountain

"Ezuraki!" Nathan called from behind him.

"What do you want, I'm trying to silently cry up here?!" Ezuraki yelled

"What's the matter, dude?"

"Nothing's wrong, now go away" Ezuraki said doing shoo shoo motion

"Umm, It doesn't really look like nothing to me. Something's definitely bothering you."

"How can you tell?! You don't know why I'm even sad! And wrapped in a comfy akatsuki blanket!" Ezuraki said replying back to him

"Where the heck did you even get that..." Tdog asked now landing on the ground as his fire wings extinguished

"I got it from a merch store okay?! *sniff*"Ezuraki yelled... again

"Merch store?" Nathan asked. "Did you get that in the Demon Slayer universe or- Wait. I'm getting sidetracked! Come on, my dude! We're here for you, if there's something you need to talk about, you can talk about it with us."

"Shut up, I just wanna suffer in silence?! That's how i cure myself" Ezuraki said feeling now emotional

Tdog then walks over next to him then crouches down next to his demon friend

"Tdog......... why are you next to me?" Ezuraki said asking him

He then slowly raises his hand up and brings it to Ezurakis forehead and flicks it

"Ow! Wtf?! What the Shitting hell is wrong with you?!" Ezuraki yelled at Tdog who isn't scared now

"You need to talk more. We can't help you avoid the problem next time if you won't open up to us about it now can we?" He said now slowly standing up

"........ fine i guess it could work?...." Ezuraki said defeated

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked him once again.

"I don't know.......its just that she doesn't believe me- i mean us! yeah us!" Ezuraki said panicking while the two looked at him ¿confused?

"Well. Yeah, she is being a little... hard to get through to..." Nathan said. "But, remember. She's been living with King Andrias ever since she got here. Plus, I don't think she really has seen anything about him that personally got any eyebrows raised. As far as she knows, he's just some king sitting on a throne that likes being her friend, which, to an extent, he sort of is... Look, I get it, it hurts, but she just needs some more thorough convincing, that's all."

"Plus she's still going through her innocent phase thinking this is some wonderland like one of her board games but truly she hasn't seen the dark stuff about this place yet"

"Whatever I'm going back to sleep" Ezuraki said turning away from them the two boys just shrugged at each other before carrying him to newtopia


"Alright. Soooo..." Marcy said, brushing herself off. "That was an... interesting experience, alright."

"You said, it, Mar Mar." Anne said. "What was all that stuff they kept going on about this "King Andrias" guy?"

"I don't know. I don't even have any idea where they got all that stuff about him from but coming from the guy who's been pretty much living with him, I'm not so sure those sources, whatever they are, are exactly... legitimate."

As they were talking, they saw the trio come back, Holding a sleeping Ezuraki in their arms.

"Hey guys." Nathan said, waving to them.

"Hey......." Marcy and Anne said as there was silence between them since well

"So..." Sprig said. "You mind telling us what all that was about?"

"No" tdog said carrying Ezuraki and putting him down on the bed

"Soooo...did something happen again since your uh" Anne points to the passed out Ezuraki "your friend there"

"Nah he just threw a fit and knocked out" he said before getting kicked by the passed out Ezuraki "OW! How the hell?..." he said rubbing his leg

"*sleepy voice* No! don't talk to me.... Breadcrumb marcy... *quietly snores*.... marky wu....." Ezuraki said in his dreams and tried to kick something

"Oh boy..." Nathan said before turning to the rest of the cast. "Look, guys. I'm... really sorry about what just happened. We're just... really apprehensive about going to..."

He then pointed to King Andrias's castle.

"...That guy..."

Marcy then took a deep breath with her hands clasped together.

"Listen..." She said. "I don't have any idea what you just heard but trust me, whatever it is, it's not true."

'Oh really?' The writer thought to himself. 'Even if it's the season finale of your own show?'

"...You probably heard those kinds of stories from some crazy people or conspiracy theorists or maybe some shady people who just don't like him. Maybe if I take you guys to him and talk to him, we can sort this whole thing out. Besides, I still think he might be our best bet to getting that submarine up and running."

Ezuraki then woke up yawning and said "wow! I feel great, energized even" he then turns to the group as he also sees marcy who was nervous "oh it's just you...." Ezuraki said with no emotion at all surprising the gang

"Hey, Ezuraki." Nathan said. "You're awake."

"Yes im awake, now if you'll excuse me, i would like to go somewhere else" Ezuraki said walking away from the gang as he was just about to reach the door handle to be cut off by something bashing against the door. This surprised him as his hand retracted from the handle as soon as he saw the door being bashed in. He tilted his head with a raised eyebrow as he stepped back.

"What the?" He said before the door was attacked from the other side a few more times.

He slowly turned over to the people behind him.

"Oh no..." Marcy said, loading her crossbow, almost as if she knows exactly what was behind that door.

"Oh no?" Nathan said. "What do you mean, 'oh no'?"

"Ummm, remember that thing I asked you and your friends to help me out with a while ago when we first met?"


The door was attacked a few more times until...

" it over-" Tdog was saying before the door was broken open as a giant ants head lunges at him as he casually lifts his hands up and grabs the ants pinchers holding it back "oh my god you're ugly" he then kicks the head back as it falls out the cart

"HOLY HECK!" Nathan said, pulling his pen out of his pocket.

"Yep. That's what I was talking about back there."

"Of course the ants had to do with something...........*looks back to see no blanket* they took my blanket" Ezuraki said, he slowly raises fist and screams as he jumps out of the window screaming in anger " I'll rip and tear you, you fucking ANTS!!!!!!!!!!"

"Yeah. I'll help!" Nathan shouted, elevating himself with a hand of ink.

"Ohhhh I don't think I've fought a giant ant before" Tdog said with smile before hopping out the cart

We see Ezuraki chasing the ants as his eyes are glowing red in anger "get back here dammit?!"

Tdog was standing in front of a ant as he cracks his knuckles "alright give me your best shot" he said setting the palm of his hand on fire only for the ant to slowly back away "the heck?..."

Marcy then also steps out the cart "oh I forgot to mention the ants have a fear for fire!" She yelled to him as he looks back with a disappointed look "aww c'mon man where's the fun if their just gonna run" he said before shaking his hand making the fire go away "fine then fist it is" he said

Ezuraki brought out his sword slashing every ant he sees as he got inside the ant hole and he sees the queen of ants right infront of him

The queen had the blanket as it uses it

Tdog and Nathan slide down as well as the two stop and look up seeing the ant queen

"That's..."Nathan said

"queen ant" Tdog finished "and it..." he spoke again

"has my blanket yes" Ezuraki said still glaring at the queen

Tdog then slams his fist into the palm of his hand as a small purple explosion went off "so how are we doing this" he asked his two friends with a smirk " combo?" Nathan suggested as the fire summoner and demon king look to one another before grinning "team combo!" The two shouted.

All three of them joined hands and took a deep breath before looking up at the ant queen, which was heading straight for them. They all gave each other an affirming look and a nod before they planted their feet directly into the ground. They looked up at the sky and a Tdog summoned his fire wings and took his friends along with himself high into the air. Tdog ignited Ezuraki's combo with his powers, while spiraling pillars of ink raised up to their level, surrounding all of them. The demon king raised his weapon directly at the ant and all of those pillars that were summoned converged at the tip of his blade into one giant flaming spike. The pyromancer threw him directly at their target before Ezuraki let out a war cry and flew straight towards it.

"*inhale* AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! FOR MY BLANKET!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed before piercing the ant queen's entire body all the way through. It was set alight and fountains of ink were erupting from everywhere. Ezuraki had his eyes closed and his head down, blanket in hand, before he came down to the ground and landed on one knee and his fist punching the ground, which was an ink hand that was summoned to soften his fall half way down and gently carry him down the rest of the way.

He was placed in between Nathan, who was on the left, and Tdog, who was on the right, and then they all struck a pose of their own.

Nathan had his legs apart, one arm reaching far off to his left, and he had his pen pointed towards the sky as if he was holding Excalibur in his hand before he brought it down and caused several spikes of ink to shoot up from all around him.

Ezuraki stabs the ground with his sword as it ignites in Red Flames, surrounding him with flames while his flame cape is flowing and smiling brightly

Tdog had lowered his hands to his sides as both palms were ignited with purple flames and his body had a fiery aura with bits of flames flying off him while his eyes glowed a bit purple

"Not too bad for a combo move, if I do say so myself." Nathan said.

Then, the trio turns back to the cast of Amphibia behind them.

"And that, my friends..." Tdog said, dusting off his hands. "Is your ant problem all done and dusted."

They all raised their hands together and said in unison,

"You're welcome."

The people watching just stood there in front of them with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

"Woah... and just when I thought you guys couldn't get any more awesome... you do." Anne said, in complete awe.

"Oh, that?" Ezuraki said. "Oh that was just our team combo move we save for, 'ahem', special occasions."

"Wow..." Marcy said. "So you're telling me you have the ability to combine your powers into one super ultimate attack?!"

"Yup that's what we're talking about" Ezuraki said now walking away with his blanket in his hands

"OH MY GOODNESS!" She exclaimed before taking out her notebook. "THAT WAS SO COOL!"

Ezurkai just covered his ears and wears sun glasses due to marcy being loud and being a cinnamonroll

"You have got to show us how you do something like that. Please? Just imagine what Anne, Sasha and I could do if we could do something like that!"

"I guess?......... i mean it would pretty cool to do that" Tdog said rubbing his head

"So that's a yes?" She said, hopping up and down with excitement.

"Sure why not?" Ezuraki said shrugging "now if you guys would excuse me, i would like to go back to sleep"

"Um, sure dude." Nathan said. "Get all the sleep you need. We'll take it from here."

"K thank you" Ezuraki said walking away before falling to the ground snoring

Tdog went over to the Demon King and picked him up in his arms.

"Don't worry." He said. "I'll try and find him somewhere to put him. "Wait up for me, kay?"

"Kay." Nathan said with a thumbs up.

The fire summoner then walked away, leaving Nathan all alone with the cast of Amphibia.

"Well, this was certainly an interesting day, for you, I'm sure." He said, his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth.

"I'd say 'interesting' is a bit of an understatement."

"Heck yeah, it is!" Polly said. "I was expecting this road trip we went on to be a fair bit of crazy, but it turns out what we got was mega-super-ultra crazy! I mean, where the heck do I even begin? First you guys and your super awesome powers, then we ended up fighting a demon king, and apparently your friend became the new demon king or something. Then he essentially kidnapped Anne's friend, and now some super awesome combo power move! Dude! I'm surprised that my brain can even process all of this!"

Nathan chuckled at this, but then she jumped on his head.

"You know, I've been thinking. You guys have shown yourselves to be pretty strong. I could use that. That proposition I made to you in the forest back there still stands, you know, and I promise I'll make it worth your while."

Hop Pop then picked up the tadpole and took her off of the writer's black beret.

"Yeah, sorry about that, boy." He said. "She's just a little bit more... mischievous than the other tadpoles in wartwood."

"Yeah," Sprig chimed in. "She's really bent on taking over the world and stuff. Probably planning on knocking you out so she can dissect you and steal her powers for himself somehow."

"Hey! That's not what I was planning!" She exclaimed, only to get blank stares from Anne and the plantars.

"...ok, fine. Maybe I was planning on doing that a little."

Nathan crossed his arms.

"Heh, figured."


Ezuraki can be seen sleeping and moving around because his having a dream........ a bad dream

*In his dream*

Ezuraki can be seen fighting somebody with two sickles in its hands as they were crashing through buildings as they fight in the air

They quickly catch their breaths while they still can as they charged at each other screaming and pairying each other attacks

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" They both scream in anger pairy each other's attacks and they're surroundings were getting destroyed







*End of dream*


Ezuraki woke up sweating and looking around to see the gang looking at him

"Dude..." Tdog said sitting on a chair with a leg crossed over another "You ok?"

"*pant* yeah im *pant* okay *pant*just had a *pant* bad dream" Ezuraki said panting and sweating a lot, like a LOT  

"Hey, hey." Nathan said. "It's ok. It's just a dream, nothing to worry about. Also, remember. We're here for you."

Tdog pats his shoulder  and Nathan hugged him.

"*sigh* *mumbles* What was that dream?.....Who was that guy? Why was I screaming?" Ezuraki said mumbling

"Wait, what happened in that dream?" Nathan asked.

'Oh fuck.....' Ezuraki cursed himself for saying it outloud "ohhhhhh uuuhhhhhhhh..... nothing?"

"Well, whatever it is, I wouldn't worry about it. After all, it's simply just a dream."

"Or maybe a message" Ezuraki said surprising them "think about it, i read a theory that if you remember your dream it's likely a message"

"I mean, he does have a point." Tdog said. "After all, some say that all dreams do have meaning.....half the time"

"I know but............ i had a weird dream once" Ezuraki said

"Oh, really?" Nathan said. "What's it about?"


*Ezuraki's dream*

Sasha can be seen trying to clean the kitchen and says "this kitchen is so hard to clean, if there was another way"

Ezuraki appears behind her and-







*end of Ezuraki's dream*

Both of them looked at him with blank expressions.

"...Honestly, that's a pretty funny dream." Tdog said.

"Yes but it was a very catchy toon as well" Ezuraki said admitting "and also i don't why sasha was there?" Ezuraki said confused why sasha was there

"Dunno, but it does make that somewhat better, though." Nathan said.

"How does that make it better?" Ezuraki said

"Just the fact that Sasha was there. Famous character from amphibia advertising kitchen gun. It's pretty meme-like, even more than usual."

"Jeez I know I watched amphibia memes but this dream was different like it was real or something?" Ezuraki said

"I mean isn't that how all dreams are, really?"

"Sometimes but this one it felt real aaaaand i remembered a traumatizing dream" Ezuraki said now shaking

"Really what was the dream about?" Nathan said asking him

"Almost got raped by some blonde milf's" Ezuraki said surprising the amphibia gang.......except the planters who were just confused

"Oh jeez..." Tdog said.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Marcy, Anne, and Nathan shouted.

Tdog then shuffled towards Ezuraki as he leaned towards him and whispers "I think you just ruined the last innocent those two had left man...make sure next time to keep it family friendly..." he said as he patted him on the back and steps away

"Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry." Ezuraki said, looking to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Soooooooooo............ that just happened?" Nathan said rubbing his cheek

Anne and Marcy is just staring at Ezuraki with a weird faces

"U-ummmm w-why are you guys looking at me like that?" Ezuraki said nervously

The two girls walked up to Ezuraki and put a hand on his shoulder and said "we need to make you pure"

"H-HUH?!?! W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!?!"Ezuraki shouted scared at the girls

"It won't hurt just stay still for sec" anne said bringing out some ropes as marcy was cornering Ezuraki who is scared af

"Yamerooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!" Ezuraki yelled running away from the two girls who are now chasing him down

"Hey get back here!" Anne said

"We're just going to make you pure! Is it that much to ask you?!!!!" Marcy said

"When you said "make me pure" it didn't sound good!!!!" Ezuraki said

While they were chasing Ezuraki with glowing flashing yellow eyes Nathan and Tdog just sat there eating popcorn

"Hmmm this is good popcorn" Tdog said before putting a popcorn in his mouth

"I know right?" Nathan said. "Though, I do have to ask, how are they planning on making him pure?"

"Nah! Don't worry about it!" Anne shouted as she continued to pursue Ezuraki as the other two boys simply watched in amusement. This chase went on for five minutes with the two of them running in circles constantly until Marcy sprung up out of nowhere and tackled him to the ground. The Demon King tried his best, struggling to break free, but it was to no avail. Anne bent down and started to tie him up while he looked towards his friends with a pleading gaze.

"Guys, come on! Help me out over here, will you?"

"Mmmm I don't know man seems pretty fair you ruined their innocence so they make you pure" Tdog said with a smirk before popping another popcorn into his mouth

He then turned to Nathan "wouldn't you agree?" He asked his froggy friend still wearing the smirk while chewing the popcorn

"Yeah. Plus, I think you got this already."

"No, I don't got this!" Ezuraki shouted. "You wanted to help me out with Muzan, didn't you?"

"Yeeeeah, but this one seems different. It's not like you're gonna die from this or anything. Sooo, good luck, dude."




Anne just finished tying up the Demon King as she lifted him up and held him over her shoulder while Marcy pumped her arms up into the air in victory.

"WOOO!" She shouted. "Yeah, BABY! Alright, now where do we start the ritual?"

Now that caught the fire summoners attention as he choked on his popcorn before coughing and hitting his chest and turning towards Nathan. "ritual? Are they actually about to do an exorcism on him?..." he asked while pointing to the three "I doubt it they're probably just going to do a bunch of wholesome stuff with him" the writer answers with a shrug before staring back at the three "...hopefully" he said as Tdog also looks at the three before leaning back with his arms behind his head as he lets out a relaxed exhale "eh we're here in case anything goes downhill"

"I'm warning you, you two!" He shouted. "I'm the most powerful demon of all of my kind! You have absolutely ZERO idea what I could do to you right now if you don't let go of me RIGHT NOW!"

"Oh, calm down, dude." Anne said. "It'll be over before you know it. Oh, by the way, hey, Mar Mar, you don't have anything that could contain a demon, do you?"

"Ummm. I'll check," Marcy responded. "But for now, let's improvise."

"Alright, THAT'S IT!"

Without any further warning, Ezuraki drew his katana and broke away from the girls with a spin slash. They weren't hurt, but they did stumble back and fall because of that.


The Demon King broke off into a sprint and ran as fast as he can, but Marcy had an idea.

"Wait a minute..."

Pulling some kind of elixr out of her coat and sprayed some on her arrow while he was running away and preparing to use his thunder breathing first form:thunderclap and flash Godspeed! Just before it activated, however, he was struck in the back with the projectile and suddenly grew very sleepy. He fell to the ground.

"N-no...... wake up....... You noodle arms......... *looks at the two girls*..... i will have my revenge..... just need to...... sleep....zzzz..........zzzz" Ezuraki said before sleeping

"Yeah, yeah." Anne said, picking him up. "Trust us, you'll thank us later."

"*in his sleep* ill be the judge of.... That...... zzzzzzz.........zzzzz..."

"Alright, let's go!"

Timeskip brought to you by Ezuraki getting pured by the girls

We see Ezuraki waking up and sitting up in the kitchen and having.......... Coffee?

Nathan and Tdog walk in to check up on their friend.

"Sooo..." Nathan said. " did it go?"

"I don't know...... i feel different somehow?"Ezuraki said

"More... pure?" Tdog asked.

"NO! I don't need it anymore....... Wait, if I'm pure does that mean..... oh no......" Ezuraki said having a terrified expression

"Ummm, what's wrong?" He asked.

"No! ¡No! No! ¡No! ¡No! *inhale* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Ezuraki yelled before dropping to the ground

Anne and Marcy come running into the room.

"What's wrong?" Anne said. "We heard screaming and came as fast as we could."

"Did we do something wrong with the ritual?" Marcy said. "What happened? What happened to you, Ezuraki?"

"That's what i wanna *beep* know...*realization*.....*gasp*" Ezuraki said gasping before looking at the two girls with glare

"Uhhh, why are you looking at us that way?" Anne asked.

"......... oh now i wanna kill you two now......." Ezuraki said before bringing out his sword and using Hinokami kagura: Enbu!

Both girls only had a millisecond to gasp in surprise before they were sent flying and knocked into the nearest wall, causing it to crack severely. After they were stuck on that surface for a while, they fell to the ground, covered in bruises.

"DUDE!?!?" Tdog yelled in a panic while holding the sides of his head

"Woah! Ezuraki, what the heck was that for?" Nathan said.

"You stay out of this! Now you two! Are going to pay!" Ezuraki yelled before sensing something or someone, Ezuraki looks at the direction he was sensing from and brought his red nichirin blade

"Oh yeah?" Marcy asked before loading her crossbow. "Well if that's the case, BRING IT... on?"

Ezuraki didn't respond. Instead, he simply just... stood there.

"Ummm... hello? I thought you were going to try and kill us or something."

"Stfu-" Ezuraki sentence was cut off

A figure leaped forward and sending its fist towards marcy's head which Ezuraki uses Flame breathing second form: Rising scorching sun!

The figure got hit as it leaps backwards as it stand still

"Oi....... Why would you attack an innocent person when I'm right here............" Ezuraki said frowning and he's smile disappeared

Soon enough, Nathan and Tdog jumped in by their friend's side.

The figure then tried to attack Nathan and Tdog to which they blocked it with their powers.... But something was off about him. It was like Ezuraki aura but much...... bloodlust

"*chuckle* That's one interesting sword you got there....." the figure said healing its wound and licking it

"Oh, great. Probably another demon that's out to get us." Nathan said, rolling his eyes and reaching his arm out in front of Ezuraki. "Well, guess what you... thing, sorry, but our friend's sword is off limits."

"Hmp i wasn't going to take his sword..... i was going to make him join us" the figure said to be reveals to have pink hair with marks all over his body

"Well this is familiar..." Tdog said

"Tch... why would I join you? And what do you mean by us? Is there more of you or something?" Ezuraki said tilting his head to the side

"Oh there are more us indeed but..... there's one missing..... and that's YOU" the figure said

"What do you mean by me, what's so important about me? And what's your business here in Amphibia?" Ezuraki said asking him

"Oh how rude of me I should have introduced myself, allow me...... my name is Kai and may I ask what's your name?" Kai said

"I'm the Sun pillar and the Demon king........ Ezuraki Immortal" Ezuraki said

"Ezuraki....... What a fine name you have, Ezuraki think about this....... Join us Demon kings and become even stronger than before...... so what do you say?" Kai said










Kai just gives him a 'really?' Look

"Oh you were serious?"

"Yes and I'm still serious about the offer" kai said

"Heh Yeah sorry pal but our friend isn't really like that...I think" he said side eying Ezuraki "sooooo he won't be joining you today or matter a fact any day so do us a tiny favor yeah?" Tdog said before glares at Kai as his eyes flash purple "get the hell outta this world..."

"Fine then........." Kai said before stomping the ground making a crack in the floor and saying "Technique Development Destructive Kill

Ezuraki's eyes widened and he took a stance and held his katana steady, ready to either get out of the way or block it. The same could be said for his friends. A fiery aura was building up around Tdog and Nathan summoned a tentacle that grabbed his waist from his left side and raised his hands so he could rapidly bring up ink spikes if need be or call upon the tentacle to pull him away fast enough.







"Then I'll just have to kill you then....." Kai said before charging in at Ezuraki

Ezuraki lifts his sword up as he slashes his fist as he was about strike again kai leaped backwards to dodge his attack, they got close to each other as Kai's fist and Ezuraki's sword clash only for Kai to kick Ezuraki in the chest sending him flying through the wall taking the fight outside

The two boys watched in shock that these two were so fast that they couldn't see what's going on only the sound clashing was heard as they spark, the amphibia gang appeared to the scene

"What's going on now?" Sprig asked.

"Another super awesome fight? At least based on what I could hear over here?" Polly asked as she was looking around, only to see nothing but still hearing the sounds. "If so... where is it?"

"Well, right here." Tdog said. "But... here's the thing..."

Suddenly, Ezuraki and Kai appeared for only a second in front of her before disappearing again, leaving her in both surprise and confusion.

"Yeah, that." Nathan said. "Those guys are zooming around like crazy. I'd help Ezuraki out, but I'm not so sure I'd hit anything."

They stood there watching what's going on, the fight goes on before was launched by kai kicking him in the guts as Ezuraki spills out blood from his mouth


Ezuraki was stood there panting as kai appears into the shadows as he says "become one of the twelve kizuki Ezuraki"

"I'll say this again and I'll say it forever....... I won't join you!" Ezuraki said before charging at him swinging his sword at him only to be blocked by him

Kai hits Ezuraki closing the distance between them 'I can't attack him if he's going to keep pushing me away..... well then guess i'll just have close the distance between me and him' Ezuraki thought as he quickly closes the distance between them Kai compliments him by saying "what incredible reaction speed you have Ezuraki!" Kai yelled

Ezuraki raises his sword up, kai readies his fist, they soon have a clash between them, they were talking while clashing

"Thoughs impressive sword skills will be lost too.... Ezuraki! Doesn't that make you sad?!" Kai said

"Of course It would!, why wouldn't I be sad?!" Ezuraki yelled at they a few more times before breaking it.

Both boys and the amphibia crew gasped as Ezuraki looked at his broken weapon, was punched in the face by Kai and sent flying at a building and crashing through a wall.

"NO!" They both shouted, rushing to his aid.

Kai smirked while he had his arms crossed. Meanwhile, the two went to go check on their demon friend.

"Ezuraki!" Nathan called. "Are you ok?!"

"Um, does he even look ok to you?" Tdog said. "I mean, just look at him!"

It was true. He sure had seen better days. Woefully, they looked at his body, but then looked up at his enemy as soon as they heard his voice.

"Y'know it's a shame..... to not have fun with him" Kai said

"I thought he was strong guess i was wrong......... he was just weak" kai said trying to make him get up

Ezuraki gets after hearing what he said "I'm not WEAK!"Ezuraki yelled before his sword regenerated as he attacked him with full force which makes kai even more excited as tried to punch him only to be hit by Ezuraki

"Yes! Give me all you got Ezuraki!" Kai yelled

"With pleasure." Ezuraki said as he continued to throw punch after punch his enemy's way. A few of them were blocked, but all the rest connected directly with his face. One last punch later, Kai was knocked back a few inches before Ezuraki charged at him yet again and delivered him a hard punch to the stomach.

"Now THAT'S more like it!" He yelled as he stumbled back with a chuckle. "Come on, don't hold back now!"

The Demon King cracked his knuckles, then his neck, and next on his list... was going to be Kai's bones. He charged at him yet again and tried to punch him directly in the face, only to have it blocked and countered by a punch of his own. He brought his hands together and prepared to perform a downstrike directly on his head, but then he was surprised when he suddenly disappeared as soon as he did just that. Where was he... right behind him.

"Nothing personnel kid." Ezuraki said before performing a dual-fisted downstrike on Kai, sending him flying right to the ground.

As he was falling, he noticed some black spikes coming out of the ground and then he found a certain frog dressed in black rising his hand along with them. Once he connected the dots, he knew what was going on.

Once he landed on them, all that happened was that he was on his feet standing right on them without issue. However... he didn't look very happy.

"And just what do you think you're doing, sir?" He said.

"Helping Ezuraki beat your-"

"THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND HIM!" He shouted. " Stay out of this."

Before Nathan knew it, he got a hard kick directly at his face. It sent him flying right at a wall and once he hit it, he was out cold. Tdog looked at him with horror before rushing over to him while Kai dusted his hands off before he looked back at Ezuraki.

"Now... where were we?"

Kai charged at him by using destructive kill:war style as Ezuraki uses Flame breathing fourth form: Blooming flame undelation

Meanwhile on the sidelines Tdog pulls Nathan out of the wall as he lays him on the ground "hey HEY Nathan you good man you alright!?" He quickly says as he taps the side of Nathan's cheek "...I...y-yeah..." Nathan weakly says as he flutters his eyes open

Tdog then helps his friend up as he leans him on the wall for support

He then looks back at the battle unfolding before as clashes and blurs could only be seen he then looks down to the ground "*inhale*....*exhale*.....alright" he said as Nathan slightly lifts his head up "w...what are you doing..." he asks as Tdog looks back at him "something that will help out our friend and give us a fighting chance..." he says as he then looks at his hand "alright how much can I go up by" he said to himself as his hand begins to glow purple for a few seconds before the color dispersed "alright...not bad"

He then quickly summons his wings and flies a safe distance away from Nathan before landing on the ground and gets into a stance

He clutched his hands before bringing his arms to his sides as his knees bend a bit as a purple fiery aura starts to surround his body as he clutches his teeth

The wind began picking up as the ground underneath him started to shake making both Ezuraki and Kai appear both stopping their attacks and looking towards him

While this is all happening over at the wall that Ezuraki broke through the plantars and Marcy were all staring out the wall watching as hop pop speaks up "after everything that has happened and IS happening now are we sure we should even still be talking with these boys?" He asked

"yes" all four quickly answered as hop pop lets out a groan

Back over with Tdog who's still in the stance his hair began raising up into the air as it slowly started glowing then his eyes snapped open revealing them to be glowing purple as his pupils were gone "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he screamed as a pillar of purple fire shot out from him  up into the air causing Kai and Ezuraki to shield themselves from the brightness and dust blasting towards them

The light now fades away as Ezuraki and Kai now unshield themselves and look forward as through the dust that was still in the air both see Tdog walking out purple colored hair covered in purple flames standing on end like before as his eyes also glowing purple

He lets out a exhale as steam/smoke floats out

Kai now fully sitting up motion both his hands towards him "alright now what is this bull-" he stops as his eyes widen as a purple blur zooms past him as Tdog was now in the air behind him with his fist pulled back ready to punch

Kai then quickly turns around putting both his arms in front of himself ready to block the attack only to see no one there "what!?" He looks around only to get kneed in his side as he is the one now spitting out blood

"GAHH!!!" The knee to the side then sends him flying as Ezuraki looks to his now purple haired friend "what are you doing I got this!" He says as he marches up to him

"I'm helping you man Nathan's hurt and he's getting good hits on you I'm not risking it..." he retorted

"no like he said this is between me on him" Ezuraki said as he looks towards the slowly getting up figure of Kai as he wipes the blood from his mouth and grins widely "plus I don't even think you can finish him off" he said as he turns his attention back to his friend

"please I have fire that can just about rival the sun I'll burn his body away plus you know that's not how me OR Nathan roll hell you'd probably be doing the same thing if something like this was happening to me" he looks away from Kai and to Ezuraki with his narrowed eyes "plus even if I can't burn him away you're gonna need a good opening so that's where I come in so I'm helping like it or not you ain't convincing me to step out" he said

Ezuraki stares at him for a few seconds before clicking his tongue "tch...fine then" he finally agrees as Tdog gives a small smile before nodding and closing his eyes

"alright then...I'll-" he opens his eyes facing forward but his eyes widened as time seemed to slow down

In front of him was kai's foot as time proceeded to resume like normal he gets kicked in the face which sends him flying back as Ezuraki looks back "TDOG!!!" He yells

As Tdog flies through the air he quickly flips himself as he buries his fingers into the ground to slow himself down coming to a stop

Seeing if friend fine Ezuraki quickly looks back to Kai as he puts his arms up blocking his punch which still sends him flying back as Tdog catches him

"Yes...YES! this is amazing YOU two are amazing!!! COME both at once FIGHT ME!!!" Kai yells as he slams a fist on his chest

"...I'll cover you..." Tdog says as Ezuraki nods. He summons his wings as he flies into the air and starts quickly throwing fireballs at kai who would either dodge or smack some away while Ezuraki ran at him. The demon king then proceeded to deliver a punch aimed directly at his face, which Kai was able to see coming and block right away.

Counter strikes were exchanged between the two, and each and every single one of them were blocked. That was until Ezuraki wound up the last one and managed to hit him with full force directly in the stomach. It sent him back a little bit and gave Tdog time to hit him in the face with a fireball. This sent the enemy stumbling back a bit more and this gave Ezuraki enough time to deliver a roundhouse kick directly to the side of his waist.

"Heh... You guys are pretty good." He said. "I haven't had this much of a challenge in fighting in a LONG time!"

"Heh good...... because this will be your last fight" Ezuraki said bringing out his sword from his body

"Destructive kill: overkill style!" Kai yelled as he send multiple shockwaves at him who dodges it and blocks it with Flame breathing fourth form:blooming flame undelation

Tdog Ezuraki and kai were clashing while the gang was watching then and nathan is healing.

He quietly cheered, "Come on guys...You got this!"

He then saw Sprig walk up to him, clearly concerned about his current state.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked while putting a hand on his shoulder

"Yeah...I'm doing pretty alright..." he told sprig as he was about to help Nathan up

"c'mon we need to get you to some cover-" he said until Nathan held up a hand stopping him

"no.." he said as sprig now looked confused

"What?" He questioned as Nathan kept his eyes on the battle "...waiting" was all he said to sprig as the pink frogs eyes looked down at Nathan's hand seeing he was holding a bottle.

"Hey, what's that?" He asked.

"A little something that's going to help them out... but I still haven't found the right moment yet."

"Well, when IS that 'right moment'?"

"I don't know... I'll know it when I see it. For now...I'm just waiting."

Meanwhile, Tdog was blocking and dodging a barrage of attacks from Kai while Ezuraki flew up to him from behind and punched him in the back of his head, causing him to turn around and did a kick from high to low, knocking him half-away out of the air. A fiery 'woosh' was heard from the other way and when he turned back, he saw Tdog charging up a fiery blast in his hands. After he sent it forward at him in the form of a heated flare, he saw that the enemy was gone completely.

He was rather confused, but then he saw him reappear and try to left hook him, but thankfully, he was able to dodge just in time and try to uppercut him in response, but he dashed backwards to avoid it and tried to kick him in the head, only for him to catch his leg and flip him around and give him a swift punch to the gut, sending him back a fair distance. From that distance, Kai saw Ezuraki rise back up and join Tdog's side before they flew directly towards him while spinning around each other in a spiral with their fists out.
His eyes widened before he tried to react, only too late when he was delivered a dual punch to his stomach.

Kai spilled out blood from his mouth as he stumbles back

"Woah. Impressive..." Kai said, stroking his own chin. "...but, one question remains though..."

Both Tdog and Ezuraki looked at each other in confusion.

"Can you handle THIS!?"

He took a stance and activated Technique Development Destructive Kill: Overkill Style! As a consequence, several very powerful shockwaves were sent over to the duo. Both gasped in surprise and took immediate evasive action. They came from every which way, left and right, and some they were able to avoid just by the skin of their noses. Ezuraki was the first to catch up and give Kai a hard punch right at his face, causing him to spit out a little more blood.

However... just as that happened, Tdog was hit with the full force of one shockwave, and when he let out an 'Oof!', causing The Demon King to turn around with concern for his friend.

"Tdog!" He shouted, and heard his enemy's chuckle at his side. He tried to block one, but it too late. He was attacked and hit pretty hard as well. Both fighters were stumbling downwards while Kai was getting ready to follow up on this.

Ezuraki just ignored the pain and charged forward as he uses Flame breathing second form:rising scorching sun as kai dodges it barely as he literally punch Ezuraki in the eye as he smashes it, Ezuraki stumbles back, ignoring the pain in his eye he charges forward using third form:blazing universe Kai dodges it and goes for an attack but Ezuraki uses fourth form:Blooming flame undelation, kai backs away as prepares to attack again and saying "Destructive kill...."

Ezuraki backs up a bit as runs up to him close enough and says "Fifth form:Flame tiger!" Ezuraki yelled as Kai did the same saying "....War style!" As their attacks clash it exploded as dusts were blocking their view

The dust clears off, Kai appears and is ready to punch Ezuraki again "Come at me!" Kai then punches him but Ezuraki dodges it as they look at each other before Ezuraki slashing his arm off and backing away as they catch their breath

"...those impressive techniques you unleashed on me have already healed, completely" kai said. "Not bad... but not good enough."

Ezuraki gasped in surprise before receiving a punch to the face.

"Goddammit," Tdog said. "You just don't go down very easily, do you?"

In response, all he did was chuckle menacingly before launching at him and flying head first into a long and intense exchange of rapidly succeeding blows that were all landed on both parties. Due to the nature of the fighter's speeds, only very few of the movements could be seen, and when they were seen, all they appeared to be were simply blurs appearing only for a split second out of what looked to be otherwise thin air.

Tdog eventually was able to punch him in the face before that was followed up on by his friend Ezuraki kicking him in the back, followed by the former of the two kicking him in the stomach again. Both of them then went to punch him at the same time, but all they got from that was Kai catching both of their fists, flipping them upside down, and throwing them far in front of him. After that, many shockwaves were sent to the duo.

Ezuraki quickly uses his flam breathing to block the incoming attacks as the dust fully clears kai is nowhere to be seen

"Huh? Where is he?" Tdog said looking around

Ezuraki looks around as well as he then uses his nose to find him, he sensed him as he turns around only to met by Kai's fist. He stumbled and then noticed that some blood was coming out of his nose and his left eyehole, but that didn't stop his enemy from giving him another one.

He continued to throw them, but thankfully for him, he was able to block all of them until he used Flame Breathing: Blooming Flame Undelation to counter attack. It was to promising effect when it hit him directly in the side of his head, followed by a barrage of fireballs launched right at the back of it. Ezuraki smirked.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, in a giant castle that was in the background of the entire battle scene, there was somebody walking down its halls dressed in a night robe and showing fatigue and frustration with every step he took, followed by the stance he took while he was doing so. He made it over to the windows and pulled open the blinds. The sun's rays met the face of a giant newt, who squinted as a consequence as he looked outside, trying to find the source of all of the noise that was able to reach his from where he was dwelling.

"Ugh... What is with all of that racket out there?" King Andrias said with black bags under his eyes and crust all across his face. "Can't some people understand that others are trying to..."

His sentence gradually died down as soon as he saw what was happening. Two strange creatures flying in the air and engaging in... combat of some sort? At least, that's what he thought was happening. It was pretty hard to tell from so far away.

"What the..."

* * * * *

Back with the three fighters, Tdog and Ezuraki were going for the kill, both flying towards Kai while winding up a punch while he was stunned. For a moment, it seemed like this could be the final blow... until...

"Technique Development: Destructive Death!"

Those were the last words they heard before an onslaught of painful shockwaves were sent towards the two of them, and all of them unfortunately connected. Blow after blow, the boys took the full brunt of it all before getting launched all the way down to the ground. One great thud was heard in a ten mile radius as the impact had resulted in a crater. Kai dusted himself off before crossing his arms and gaining a cocky smirk, while he looked at his achievement.

He looked down at them as he landed down to their level before he said,

"Well, well, well. I guess that's it, then... huh?"

Both of them still had some fight left in them, but when they tried to get up, shockwaves were sent their way, knocking them back down.

"Oh, so I guess not. Unless, perhaps..."

He flew down to Ezuraki and slammed his foot down on his chest.

"I'm wrong?"

"Hey!" Tdog shouted. "Don't. You. DARE!"

"Oh, what's wrong, matchstick? You have a problem with your little friend being grounded to a pulp? Oh, don't worry..."

He then moved on to Tdog and did the exact same thing to him.
"I haven't forgotten about you, either."

But just as he did that Tdog took the change to grab the side of Kai's leg and increase his heat as his leg would quickly begin to burn and melt but before it could spread to the rest of his leg and body he uses his other foot to slam on his chest again

However, as he was trying to crush the two, his face suddenly turned pensive before he alleviated the pressure that was put on the two of them and floated back up. This wasn't out of mercy, don't get me wrong... was because he had a much better idea.

"But hey, we were having so much fun up there! I don't want it to end so soon. So hey, what do I know? Maybe it might not be over yet.

Come on! Prove me wrong. Get up, show me just how much fight that you boys have left!"

Kai was cut off by a sword stabbing him in the chest but it hurt, it was a burning inside of him it hurted so much he flipped backwards as he tried to regenerate but he couldn't because of Ezuraki sun breathing, kai looks back at Ezuraki who is bleeding from his eyes

Ezuraki then controls his breathing as he releases a fiery aura like spirit that sent everyone chills down their spine

"So this is how it is" kai said

"I........I will see my duties fulfill! No matter what it takes! No one shall die here!" Ezuraki yelled taking a stance 'I'll inflect much damage as quickly as possible........ now then Flame breathing.......Esoteric art!'

Ezuraki unleashed fiery spirit which surprises kai as he laughs at his amazing fiery spirit "Now you have to join me! Just imagine it! We'll be fighting for the rest of eternity!"

'Set your heart ablaze!........ go beyond your limits' Ezuraki thought "i am the Demon king! Ezuraki Immortal!..... Ninth form:Rengoku!"

"Destructive death:annihilation type!"

Ezuraki does A devastating dashing slash that Ezuraki initiates from a high stance, the technique had enough power to carve a deep impression that burnt the ground where it was unleashed. this technique seemingly took the form of a fiery Japanese dragon that envelopes Ezuraki while charging towards Kai as their attacks clash it created an explosion

As the dust clears kai had punched through his upper plexus as Nathan and Tdog screamed in shock and horror

"EZURAKI!" They both shouted out to him.

Meanwhile, Kai looked down at him and smirked yet again.

"Now THAT is the mark of a fine warrior. Always fighting for what he believes in, and even when it seems like he's at his lowest point, he gets back up and continues to persevere... Truly a worthy opponent... It is truly my honor to say that I have fought you until the bitter end.

...and an even greater honor, to have taken your head as my trophy!"

But before he could even make his next move, a fireball was thrown right at his face, and following that up, a spike of ink shot right up in front of him. While it did impale him, once he got it out of his body, it still didn't seem to be all that effective, because, of course, regeneration would take its place.

As a reaction to that attack, he shot a glare at both of them only to be kicked across the face by Tdog before being punched back as he slides across the ground before slowly lowering his head back down revealing a smile on his face

"Hm Hm seems you have a mark as well and here I thought you were finished...truly wonderful perhaps you'll make a hood trophy as well" Kai grins

"You're sick in the head!" Tdog exclaimed while pointing at him.

"Sick in the head?" Kai asked. "So that is what you think, you poor and foolish pyromancer?"

"Of course it is!" Nathan yelled. "You randomly just waltzed on here, tried to get our friend to join whatever sick and twisted group you're in over here, and then when he said no, you tried to beat him to death!

You know what, maybe Tdog was a little off there... You're not sick in the head.






Kai wasn't happy with that comment, to say the least...

"So, would you like to come and say that to my face?!" He asked.

"I'd love to, but that smack to the face you gave me taught me a really, really valuable lesson not to try anything with you..."

He then remembered something.

"...though, I do think you need to be put right in your place... and I think I know just how I can do that."

Reaching into his trenchcoat, he pulled out from his pockets, the potion that he was clutching while he was watching the scuffle unfold in the air. He then reeled back his hand while throwing a glare at him.

"And just what is that, you croaking coward?"

"Just a little something my vessel cooked up from inside of his cart."

Kai tilted his head in confusion. "Well, whatever it is, if you honestly think it's going to work on me, then oh boy... you've got another thing coming!"

Hearing that... elicited the exact opposite response that he was expecting. The writer emitted a silent chuckle while his expression seemed... rather amused... Why is that the case? Well, perhaps it was because the enemy thought that the potion was meant for him.

"No, no... I don't want to try and curbstomp your crazy ass..."

He then turned to Ezuraki.

"But I do know somebody who'd LOVE to."

He then threw the bottle over at his Demon King friend.

Ezuraki catches it in time before drinking it

"NO!-" Kai shouts as he was about to dash towards Ezuraki only for Tdog to drop kick him back

He slides to a stop before looking up at Tdog glaring in anger and fury only to pause as he sees the look in Tdog's eyes...they're different and he's now streaming purple stream

Ezuraki finishes it before throwing it away, he didn't feel anything until a WEIRD sensation was going through his body as it creates a giant smoke surrounding all of them

Kai looks around confused on what just happened As for tdog and nathan they too was confused, the dust fully clears Ezuraki was seen but something about was different his hair was bright red and flowing, he's eyes was crimson red and his personality has changed as he started to laugh

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! This power is fucking ridiculous! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Ezuraki said laughing and floating

Both Tdog and Nathan had their eyes widen as their friend was undergoing this new and sudden change. All Tdog could mutter was, "Holy..." before turning to the froggy writer.

"Nathan, what the heck was in that bottle?!" He asked.

"Ummm, it's pretty much a potion that Amphibia me brewed up that'd boost your stamina, strength, power... pretty much that one item in a video game that bumps up all of your stats."

They both turned to Ezuraki who was still laughing like a maniac.

" seems like it worked a bit... too well?"

"Geez, ya think?" He said before looking back to the demon king "if this backfires from how he is you better give me one so I can finish it"

Then they saw Kai turn to them with an angry glare. He then prepared to dash right at them and in response, they would try and activate their powers to try and block it, but they were too late. He was too fast, and he grabbed both of them by the neck.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He asked with a clear demand in his voice for an answer... only to be cut off by the one and only tapping his shoulder...

"HEY!" A voice rang out from behind.

He turned around to see his enemy, only this time, he seemed rather... different. The hole in his upper plexus had completely healed due to regeneration, his eyes were wide open and his pupils were completely tiny, as if he was under a HUGE amount of caffeine, although, would it truly be wrong to say that was what was in the bottle? Hm... Either way, his aura consisted of an energy the likes of which Kai had never seen before, completely different, and far more powerful than what he's been familiar with so far.

"You are NOT hurting them again!"

He then proceeded to punch him right across the face, and unlike all of the other times that has happened to her, this one sent him flying. This went on until he hit a house and caused a hole to form in its wall. Surprised and amazed at his own display, Ezuraki looked at his own hand before his expression turned into one of menacing excitement as he balled it up into a fist.

Meanwhile, over at the crash site, Kai couldn't believe what just happened to him. Somebody that he found already tough enough to knock to the ground but still had plenty of fun doing so with enough effort, now was able to knock him all the way across the length of a street with one single punch...

All this time, he's been treating this whole encounter as if it were a game because to him, it sure felt like one. Despite the trio's mannerisms during the battle, it never felt like all that much more, now, however from the pyromancers transformation and now that single punch had signaled to him that Ezuraki was much, much more of a threat, and if he didn't play his cards right... it'd pretty much be his end...

Needless to say, that thought... terrified him, especially so when he saw the Demon Hybrid approaching.

"Oh god..." He muttered to himself under his breath.

Meanwhile, Tdog and Nathan watched with fascination, waiting to see what happens next. As for Ezuraki, he just couldn't wait either.

Tdog sits up as his fiery aura explodes and gets bigger about to jump back in only for him so let out a breath of air as his hair and eyes go back to normal and he falls to his behind

Seeing this Nathan quickly rushes to his side "Hey you alright what's wrong what happened?" He asked his friend who was now breathing heavily

"Heh...from the weird entity our sparring matches...and the fight with muzan and the fight happening now...i haven't had a good chance to rest and get my power back up...I'm all drained out...which is why my attacks were barely doing anything...if I had all my power up...I'm confident I would've annihilated this guy...luckily the transformation was available....whew...Ima need a few minutes...or something hot...then I'll be good to go...heh but from the looks of things now I'd say things might be okay..." Tdog said as he lifts his head up watching with a smirk

Kai got back up and took a fighting stance, putting his fists up in front of his face.

"Hellhound!" Ezuraki yelled punching him in face which burnt his entire face

Kai got knocked back crashing through walls until he was out of newtopia, Ezuraki was approaching him in a menacing way, kai got back up as he runs up to him not holding back his power now, Kai was trying to punch him but Ezuraki was blocking every punch until he punches him straight in the face sending him back, Ezuraki finally was about to end him but Kai punched him through his chest as Ezuraki spilled out blood from his mouth 

"Heh not so cocky now are you-" kai was cut off by Ezuraki lifting him up glaring at him

Ezuraki then yeeted him into the air preparing for another attack, the attack resembled whitebeard's attack Gura gura no mi

Kai widened his eyes and then-

[Gif here]

Kai spilled out blood as the an earthquake started, destroying the ground, kai falls down as he slides down to the abyss as he says "Damn you!!!!"

"Dawn me" Ezuraki said walking away leaving kai to die

Ezuraki goes to newtopia to check on his friend's

Nathan was giving Tdog some healing potions to help mend the wounds that Tdog had sustained while fighting with that demon.

"Ok, these should patch you up in a Jiffy." Nathan said as the fire summoner drank the liquids. "You know, you did a pretty good job holding your own when fighting that guy with Ezuraki. But hey, what else should I expect from the purple sun, am I right?"

"Exactly, dude, exactly." Tdog said. "So, how are you doing?"

As if on cue, the frog grunted in pain as he held his arm again.

"Eh, I'm still a little beat up, but it should heal eventually."

"Jeez he really did a number on ya huh?" Ezuraki said still having the red flowing hair and crimson red eyes

"He sure did." Nathan said. "Oh, and by the way, what the heck was that guy's deal anyway?"

"Oh he just wanted me to join the upper ranks" Ezuraki said

"The upper ranks?" They both asked.

"It's like a video game where ummmm...... level up your ranks?" Ezuraki said "It's the highest rank of an demon for example there's lower rank, upper rank and finally there's Uppermoon rank the highest rank of them all"

"Ohhhh." Tdog said. "So, basically, it's like a demon hierarchy."

"Yup" Ezuraki said " and i was one of them, then i left"

"Wait, what?" Nathan asked. "Why?"

"Eh didn't feel like i was doing the right thing" Ezuraki said shrugging

"Well, judging by what we saw from that guy. I can probably guess why." Tdog said.

"I know right? Anyway now that's out of the way, let's check on the amphibia gang" Ezuraki said

"Yeah, let's. Honestly, though. I know they've been through a lot themselves, but even by their standards, I'm still surprised everything that's been happening so far hasn't just straight up broken their minds."

"I've got to admit. Tdog does have a point." Nathan said. "Eh, let's just see how they're doing."

The trio then goes to check the amphibia gang

They were taking refuge from inside of a house, where they watched the entire fight take place. Sprig and Polly had stars in their eyes, while Hop Pop simply stood there and looked disapprovingly at the wreckage. Anne and Marcy were both picking bits of rubble out of each other's hair. That's when the trio opened the now useless door that lead to the inside of what room of the house they were in.

"Hey, guys!" Nathan said. "Problem's all taken care of yet again!"

"Yay" Ezuraki said

"So, how's everyone?" Tdog asked. "Are you all ok? Did Kai hurt you in any way, like at all?"

"Was that the name of the guy who showed up and tried to punch you all to death?" Anne asked as she was helping dust off Marcy's armor.

"Ya about that....... I punched HIM to death..... literally" Ezuraki said crossing his arms

"Woah... well, don't worry. Marcy, Hop Pop and I made sure we all got to cover as soon as the fight started."
"Yep!" Marcy said, holding up the 'A-ok' hand gesture. "No need to worry about any of us. We're in perfect mint condition! Um, still can't say the same for you guys."

"Yeah, you all looked pretty roughed up." Sprig said.

"It's fine." Nathan said with a dismissive wave. "It'll heal."

"Huh? I thought you guys were gonna ask 'what was that earthquake?!' " Ezuraki said mimicking their voices which surprises them

"Woah!" Sprig said, taken aback. "How the heck did you just do that?"

"Practice believe it or not" Ezuraki said plainly "And it took years to that perfectly"

"No way!" Marcy said.

"Yes way" Ezuraki said, "any who let's go to the submarine project!"

"Oh, yeah!" Nathan said, snapping his fingers. "We never really got to work on that submarine project with all of that madness."

"Eh don't worry i understand" Ezuraki said "there's just one thing i don't understand......"


"Why is my hair and eyes..... ARE LIKE THIS!!!!" Ezuraki yelled, gesturing to his hair that was bright red and his eyes glowed crimson red "And I still feel like I can take on the world, what is this?  the calamity power or something? ha!!!"

"Calamity what now?" Anne said, tilting her head.

"Eh... you'll understand later." Nathan said. "For now, to answer your question, Ezuraki, I think that's probably the effects of that potion I tossed at you back there."

"Eh? The effect?" Ezuraki said confused "I know that potion boosted my 'everything' but why's my hair and eyes red? That doesn't make any sense"

"Well," Marcy said. "Call this a hunch, but judging by the nature of this, I'm not sure this was caused by a simple potion. I've been studying Amphibia magic for a long time and believe it or not, I even did a few experiments regarding this sort of stuff, and I've never had this sort of stuff happen to any of the test subjects."

"Wait what test subject's?" Ezuraki said a little scared

"Oh, don't worry. Just a few newts who had the same goal. Nothing big."

"*mumbles* and I hope those newts survived from you" Ezuraki said mumbling looking away

"Anyway, about that hair. Yeah, I'm not so sure whatever potion you gave him caused this."

Ezuraki looks at his hands before looking back at the gang with wide pupils "am i one of the chosen ones?"

Everyone looked at him with confused expressions before saying in unison,

"The chosen what?"

"I doubt that....whatever that is" Tdog said by himself

"Nevermind you wouldn't get it anyway!" Ezuraki said walking away

Marcy, however, didn't want to drop that kind of conversation so easily, so she went after him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Eh?" Ezuraki said turning around to see marcy

"Well, maybe you can try and explain it to us." She said. "I'm interested as to what this whole 'chosen one' thing could possibly mean."

"Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh....oh! what's that?!" Ezuraki said pointing towards nothing which marcy turns around to see nothing, ezuraki takes this opportunity to run fast away from her

"Hey, wait a minute." She said. "There isn't anything the-"

That's when she noticed that he was missing.

"What the? Ezuraki?!"

He didn't listen, he was simply running away and never looking back. Pretty soon, the other wattpad authors caught wind of this as the nerd was calling after him and they went over to her side to inspect the situation.

" be fair you did fall for the oldest trick in the book" Tdog told her holding back a smirk

Marcy then punched his arm. "Oh, come on. Could you honestly blame me for believing something'd be actually there after everything that's flat out happened out of nowhere? Look, this isn't important right now. Why the heck is that guy running away? Is there something about this 'chosen one' business that's so sensitive for him?"

"If I'm being honest with ya no clue" Tdog said as he shrugged "but I am curious about that power up though" he said as he folded his arms

"Why's that?" Sprig asked

"cause I was certain that color changing hair and eyes was my shtick " he said as the amphibia gang gave him a deadpan stare

'that's all this guy was thinking about...' Anne thought

Meanwhile with ezuraki who is playing with something it was balled shaped and it was glowing

"Wonder what's ball thing?" Ezuraki said tossing it around before breaking it accidentally "oops"

Ezurkai walks up to it, picks it up as the ball cracks and it opens to reveal a Red Crystal?

The Demon King looked into the damage and at first, he felt a little bit of worry, but then he saw what was hiding inside, accompanied by a bright light shining directly at his face. Now, whatever this thing was, it certainly caught his attention, causing him to tilt his head in curiosity as he leaned in further.

"Huh... now what's all this, then?"

Then, upon closer, the crystal suddenly erupted into a fountain of bright and red light followed by some small lightning sparks as well. As an immediate response, he turned away, squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands in front of his face in order to shield himself. As the display continued, the light got brighter and brighter until he began to feel light headed.

"What the hell is happening!?" He shouted as the rays continued to assault his face, and he felt himself slipping faster and faster with each passing second.

At this point, he realized that whatever he was holding, it certainly wasn't worth all that much anymore, so his next thought was for him to drop it as fast as possible, but it was too late. As soon as he started motioning himself to toss it out of his own hands, he ended up blacking out as soon as it left his possession.


The gang eventually found Ezuraki blacked out for some reason. As they approached him, they all stopped in their tracks as soon as he realized his current state. Their running was suddenly reduced to a slow walk as they all stared at his body lying on the ground.

"E... Ezuraki?" Nathan said.

"...should I find a stick to poke him with?" Tdog asked

Ezuraki was snoring, turning around and was dreaming about something

"Oh never mind" Tdog said

"Well, at least we know he's probably alright." Nathan said. "Let's just bring him back to newtopia so we can put him on a nice bed to rest in until he wakes up."

"....On it" Tdog said as he picks Ezuraki up on puts him on his back

"Alrighty, then." Sprig said. "We got our friend back again, now we can head home."

"Right!" Both Tdog and Nathan said in unison.

And with that, everybody turned around and started walking back down the path from when we came. Yet, as they were walking, The Fire Summoner carrying the Demon King started to grow pensive. He looked to the ground, appearing deep in thought as soon as he looked back at the moment where he even ran away in the first place.

He looks back forward as he turns to his froggy friend "yo Nathan" he said as Nathan turned his head to him "hmm?" He hummed curiously to his friend "you don't think something happened back there do you?" He asked as Nathan gave him a confused look "what do you mean?" He asked "well one second he's sprinting off then the next he's out cold just seems a little strange and suspicious yeah know?"

He told him as the writer looks down in thought before looking back to him "well it does seem strange but if you're trying to suggest that he got attacked I don't think he'd be knocked out it takes a lot to take him down" the writer told him as he looks down before shaking his head and putting on a smile "yeah you're right guess I'm just over thinking..."


The multiverse trio the plantars and marcy made it back to newtopia as they go back into the building with the giant hole were it all started

Tdog then goes over to a bed and places Ezuraki on it, he stares at the passed out demon king as he then crouches down next to the bed and starts poking his hair

The writer then walks next to his friend and notices what he's doing "you're still on about the hair and eyes thing?" He asked as the fire summoner turned away from his sleeping friend and looked at him "hey man I'm curious like I said before I thought only I can do that what's next he gets color changing fire as well?" He told his froggy friend

"Man how much has happened now" Anne said as she raised her fingers and started listing off things that have happened "one we fought a demon king and weird tentacles two we fought giant ants and now three that weird Kai guy!" She finished while raising her hands up into the air before leaning back on the chair she's sitting on as sprig pops up "and it was AMAZING!"

"As it always was ever since we met these guys!" Marcy said, still hyped up from all of the exciting things that have just happened to her so far. "...and boy, oh boy, I am SO glad we did! Life in Amphibia was awesome enough as it was before, but now? It's like we've gone full anime over here!"
"True that, Mar Mar." Anne said.

"And I still can't believe you actually like what kind of madness these boys have brought over to us. Honestly, I don't "

"Oh come on hop pop they ain't bad, sure we fought A demon king and Ezuraki fighted that Kai guy but in the end it turned out great, see?" Marcy said

Ezuraki suddenly woke up still sleepy as he gets up went to the bathroom as he was brushing his teeth before spitting it out and getting his cape from the shelf, He wears the cape as he sits down drinking coffee as his hair was turning bright red again

"Ugh, why do I have a headache?" Ezuraki said rubbing his head before turning around to see his friends "oh hey guys"

"Sup/Hey" Nathan and tdog said

"Hey you okay? You don't look good?" Anne said

Ezuraki wasn't paying attention as he was only thinking one thing

*Ezuraki mind*

Uzõmuzo hito no nari kyosei shinshõ jingai mononoke mitaida

Kyoshintankai inochi yadoshi ato wa papparapana nakami naki ningen

Yoseru kitai fubyõdõna jinsei saino mo nai daijõ hi nichijõ ga

Onshinbyõdõ ni botsukosei tadoru kioku boku ni ibasho nado naikara

Yume no hazama de nai tenaide don'na kao sureba ī ka wakatterudakedo mada kotaete kure yo

Yami o haratte yami o haratte yoru no tobari ga oritara aizuda

Sõtai shite mawaru kanjõ-sen zaregato nado wa haki sute ike to

Mada tomenaide mada tomenaide dare yori mo satoku aru machi ni umareshi kono shõta o

Ima wa tada noroi norowareta boku no mirai o sõzõ shite hashitte koronde kienai itami daite wa

Sekai ga matteru kono isshun o


Ezuraki? Ezuraki! EZURAKI!!!

"Huh?! Yeah, what is it?" Ezuraki said snapping out

"As i was saying, we're about to meet King andries so be on your best behaviour okay?" Marcy said

'Oh no' Ezuraki thought before the giant door opens to reveal King Andries himself

[Picture is here]

"Wow!/now that's king size" anne and the planters said

"Damn/woah/Eh" the multiverse trio said

The almighty king andries sitting there menacingly-

"Hello planter family!" King Andries said, now getting up "oh bring it here you guys bring it here!"

"Wait kids bow-"

"It's so good to finally meet you!

King Andries then proceeded to hug them to death before letting them go before Polly got up and said "I love this guy!" King Andries then processed to laugh

"You wouldn't be saying that when he crushed frobo" ezuraki said

"What was that?" Polly said turning around

"Nothing!" Ezuraki yelled

King Andries turns around to the trio standing there staring at Andries with a thousand stares "Oh and who are these three marcy?"

"Oh these three are our new friends we found at the gates of Newtopia."

She then walked to the trio's side and gestured towards them to introduce them properly. First was Ezuraki.

"This is Ezuraki, a demon king with powers the likes of which Amphibia has never seen!...


Actually all three of these guys have powers the likes of which Amphibia has never seen, but that's not the point."

"Hmm... I see." The newt king said, stroking his own chin before pointing to Tdog. "And who might this be?"

"Oh this Tdog or known as the purple sun, he has fire power which he can manipulate and control fire at will with a bit extra!" Ezuraki said explaining to the giant newt king

"Ah, I see. And who's this scrappy frog in the trenchcoat."

"Nathan Levy, or as the people back at my home call me, NathanInkling." Nathan said. "I also take it you want to know if I have powers and what they are if I do, huh?"

"Well, do you?"

"Yeah, ink manipulation. I can bend and mold ink to my will to create almost anything."

"Oh, I see. Would you mind if I asked for a demonstration from each of you? Just to see if what I'm hearing is true?"

"Oh sure totally" The three of them said

*Montage time*
*first is Tdog*

Tdog began stretching his arms shoulders and legs before turning his head to the group "you guys might wanna step back for this since y'know" the group steps back as andrias sits back a bit in his throne

Tdog now finally stopped stretching as he stands there for a bit before suddenly his hands erupt in purple fire shooting out as if they were flamethrowers as this makes the group and andrias "oooh" in amazement

Then purple fire wings shoot out from his back as he slowly started fly in the air hovering in place

Then his hair started to raise as it turns purple and starts on fire before he opens his eyes revealing them now glowing a bright purple as he brings his arms to his sides and unleashes a fiery aura around his body as the fire lights up the room

He lands to the ground with his arms crossed still in his fire form "I have a final trick but I can't do it here" he says which saddens the giant king a bit

"Why is that my dear boy?" He asks

"well...if I did the whole place would be gone sooo" he says as his wings disappear and his hair and eyes go back to normal

"But that's all from me"

"My my what a splendid performance" 

*next was nathan*

Next up was Nathan, and so he took a single step forward before tilting his head towards the ground. King Andrias sat on his throne, waiting to see what he would do next.

Like before, a shadow was casted over his eyes and the reflected light caused his glasses to glow full white. He raised both of his arms into the air before a giant inky hand shot out of the ground below him and lifted him right up to his face. He crossed his arms and then snapped his fingers, causing several spikes to pop up around him, and they all pointed at his face.

"So, how's that for a demonstration."

"Oh, I see... Fascinating."

With the wave of his hand, the spikes all dismiss and the hand lowered him and put him down onto the ground safely.

(last Ezuraki)

"Before we start i think we should take this outside" Ezuraki said

"Why?" King Andries asked

"Because my powers are destructive and might hit you or some places" Ezuraki said explaining

King Andries nods before taking this place outside as the gang is sitting grabbing popcorn while andries is sitting, Ezuraki was staring at before taking a deep breath as he raises his sword up

"Wind breathing first form:Whirlwind cutter!" Ezuraki said before dashing forward at blinding speeds and slashes continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern at the target

Ezuraki dusts himself off before looking at the target which was completely destroyed nothing was left just parts of the dummy

Ezuraki continues to perform all of the forms

"Second form:Claws-purifying wind!" Ezuraki lifts his sword upwards towards the right, above their head and unleashes four vertical slashes at once down on the dummy resembling claws

"Third form:clean storm wind tree!" Ezuraki unleashes a whirlwind of slashes around their body that can defend them from incoming attacks and slice up their surroundings

"Fourth form: rising dust storm!" Ezuraki releases several slashes above them from below his target

Ezurkai performed all wind breathing techniques, now it's on flame breathing

"Flame breathing first form:unknowing fire!" Ezuraki charges towards his target at high speeds and aims to decapitate them in one slash

"Flame breathing Second form:Rising scorching sun!" Ezuraki releases an arching sword slash upwards.

Fame breathing third form:blazing universe
-Ezuraki swings his blade downwards in an arc

Fame breathing fourth form:blooming flame undulation
-Ezuraki swings his blade in a circular motion that can defend him from incoming attacks or decapitate multiple enemies at once.

Flame breathing fifth form:Flame tiger
-Ezuraki performs a series of powerful sword slashes that seemingly takes the form of a flaming

Flame breathing esoteric art ninth form:Rengoku
-A devastating dashing slash that Ezuraki initiates from a high stance, the technique had enough power to carve a deep impression that burnt the ground where it was unleashed. this technique seemingly took the form of a fiery Japanese dragon that envelopes Ezuraki while charging towards the target


Ezuraki was now done performing his breathing styles and his other powers as the gang had mouth agape while king andries is shocked and flabbergasted as Ezuraki turns around and said

"So how'd I do?" Ezuraki asked

There was no response from Andrias, no response from the plantars, and no response from the girls. Only Nathan and Tdog were the first to say something.

"Awesome. As. Always" Tdog said before flying up to him to give a high five and Nathan used his ink hand to get to him and give him a fist bump.

"I... I can't believe it..." Andrias said. " three are... are..."

"Yeah?" Tdog asked.

"I have no words. You three are the most powerful beings that I've ever encountered in a long time! I must get to know you more! Quickly. Call the servants! We must establish a proper meeting. How would you boys feel like discussing your abilities in the great hall?"

They all looked at him in silence, but then they let out a sigh of reluctance before they answered,

"Well, I don't see why not." Nathan said. "Sure. Let's head over to "the great hall" or something like that."

"Excellent news! I'm so excited to talk to you all about this! Come now, we have much to discuss!"
After he turned around and went back inside of the castle, all three of the boys went back down to the ground before immediately being greeted by the Amphibia cast.

"That was Incredible!" Marcy said with stars in your eyes. "And I don't think we're the only ones who thought that, if I do say so, myself."

"Oh stop it you guys are gonna make me blush......... don't stop keep going" Ezuraki said smiling

"Well, it's true, and honestly, I'm even more impressed you managed to make King Andrias like you so quickly."

"Yeah I guess it's just our powers or he has never seen us 'powerful beings' before? And what does he mean 'he never encountered powerful beings in a long time' ? " Ezuraki said

"He probably means it's been so long since he's seen people as powerful as us." Nathan said.

"Weird..... anyway what about the submarine?" Ezuraki said

"Oh, yeah, that." Marcy said. "Don't worry, I already spoke to him about it. He sent his guys over to get the parts we needed. Now all we need to do is build it when they come back."

"Yup we're gonna have a great adventure!" Ezuraki yelled hugging the amphibia gang in a bone crushing hug

"Need....... Air!....... slowly...... losing....... oxygen!" Sprig said

"Too...... tight!" Polly said

"You can let us go now!" Anne said

"Just a little longer....." ezuraki said still hugging them before letting them go to catch their breath


King Andrias's forces have retrieved the materials that the group needed to build their underwater vehicle. Now all that they needed to do was put it together. Instantly, everybody went to go get to work, wasting no time in assembling the submarine as everybody put together some form of effort in putting it together. Sprig was hopping from place to place in order to cover every area what they were building so he could patch it up and build it piece by piece, Tdog was in charge of welding with his fire powers, Nathan was the guy who provided some extra helping hands with his ink, Anne also contributed to the building in her normal human way. Ezuraki was also contributing with the building and even summoned some of his demons to assist him and his friends, and Marcy was with Andrias, directing the process so that it was done correctly while also letting them know if they were doing it right or wrong.

"Alright, alright!" She said. "The sub seems to be coming along nicely. Good job everyone!"

"Oh, but maybe try and move that plating a little more to the right." The newt king said, while motioning the builders in the direction that they were supposed to build.

"Well it wouldn't have been possible without your awesome brain skills mar mar" Anne said before looking up to the newt king "oh and you too mr andrias!" She said as he only smiled and waved his hand "please it was no trouble at all. I must say this idea your friends had was a terrific idea!" He said

Nathan was directing the ink hands, placing them exactly where he was supposed to until he noticed Hop Pop looking at their pet project with a cocktail of annoyance and, more importantly, worry.

His performance slowed down as soon as he saw this and he soon went to try and talk to him about it.

"So, let me guess." He said, catching him off guard for a moment. " don't approve of this either, huh?"

"Oh!" The elderly frog said, stumbling back. "Nathan! Don't you know better than to go sneaking up on people like that?"

"Hey, hey. I wasn't trying to. I just wanted to know what your deal is right now. You really don't like this submarine idea, huh? Wouldn't be very surprised considering your reactions to everything else we brought here with us."

At this point, Nathan was expecting some kind of straight forward response along the lines of, "No, I don't. As a matter of fact, I'm sick of you and your lunatic friends putting me and my family in danger." but, when he got a response, it wasn't exactly what he anticipated.

"Well, I wouldn't really say that..."


"Don't get me wrong, I'm still not so sure about this, but if I'm being honest, it does seem like something... worthwhile that we'd get to experience."

"Oh. Well, that's definitely... something I didn't think you'd say."

"Yeah... me neither, but on one hand, I do think it'd be pretty interesting. Still, on the other..."

He took a short pause with his eyes darting all around before he spoke again.

"...on the other hand, I don't think anybody in Amphibia's ever explored the ocean in full before. Not even the people of Newtopia, I'm pretty sure."

"Oh we didn't!" King Andrias shouted from afar, able to hear them somehow. "We did NOT want to find out what was in there."

"Aha! Yep!" Hop pop exclaimed at him while snapping his fingers. "...and that's why I'm apprehensive about this whole thing! We don't know exactly what's in all of that water. There's no telling what we might find down there, and that terrifies me. And I just can't imagine going down there before we end up seeing something we really don't want to, no less that happening to Polly, Sprig, and Anne."

"For real?"

"What do you mean, 'For Real'?! You think I'm just saying all this stuff? No! There's a reason why I wondered why everyone else was still so much as talking to you boys was because so far, you've all put everyone in major danger. 'Muzan', A strange 'Demon Slayer' world or... something like that, 'Kai', now this? All my life, I've been trying to do everything I can to keep this family safe, and even then, that's already been hard enough up to this point. Do you have any single idea what we went through just to get here?"

"Well, umm... Ehhh."

"No, you don't..."

In fact, he didn't. At the time he was writing this very piece of narration for me to read out to you. (Don't tell him, I said this by the way.) He didn't see the Anne and the plantars' journey to newtopia. So, really, he had no idea what kind of resistance they met on the way there or if they even faced any resistance at all.

"You don't know what it took for this family to get here, but let me tell you this. We already had to deal with enough, today. We don't need you to bring your shenanigans into this already- Wait, what were we talking about again?"

"...Ummmm..." Nathan trailed off. "Uhhhh, you were talking to me about how you were scared of our ocean adventure and were worried about your family getting hurt?"

"Oh yeah! Look, Nathan. The point is... I'm scared. Scared of this 'ocean adventure' you're all planning to have, scared of everything that's happened so far, and in fact... I'm even scared of... you boys. More specifically, I'm scared I'd end up losing my family to whatever kind of world you're dragging us into."


"Yeah, and if anything happened to them, I just don't know what I'd even do... So yeah, that's why... yeah one part of me thinks it could be pretty fun, but the other part of me thinks it's just not worth it."

Nathan just... he had no words, instead, he just sat down next to him and looked at the ground, trying to take in all of it.

"Ooookay... so, you just dropped a lot on me right now."

"Yeah relax old timer-"

"BAHH!!!" Hop pop jumped from the voice behind him as he turned to see Tdog "wait you heard all that?" He asked as Tdog nods before a hand lays on hop pops shoulder

"Both of us did-"

"AHHH!" He jumps again, turning to see Ezuraki "AGAIN!? Are you trying to give me a heart attack!" He said as Ezuraki with a smug smile

"maybe~" he said

"Your humor is sick!" Hop pop said as he dramatically pointed his finger at him

"Hey! my humor is hilarious........ to a psychopath perspective" Ezuraki said

"Like I said before relax man you got someone who can control fire a demon king and someone who can manipulate ink I'd say you're fine and I can understand if you feel nervous about this whole thing but I'm saying this in the most respectful way...we didn't really invite you guys to come"

"Yeah." Ezuraki said. "You sort of asked us to come along."

"And that's the problem!." Hop pop said with worried eyes to the trio "one way or another those kids will find some way to tag along whether it be sneaking on or convincing to tag along...and I'd have to go with them making sure nothing happens" he says as he looks off to the side at sprig Polly and Anne helping with the submarine

"Woah..." Nathan said.

"Look, boys." Hop Pop said. "I know you all most likely mean well, but with all due respect, with you around I'm surprised we haven't died hours ago."

The writer's eyes shifted left and right before he took a deep breath.

"In all honesty, I get it." He said. "Really, I... I do... I understand being apprehensive about all this. As a matter of fact, I wasn't really sure about this adventure myself at first."

"Wait, what?"

"It's true. As a matter of fact, where I'm from, our oceans are in the same boat as yours is. Us humans have only explored... um, seven percent, I think of the ocean, I think? And, honestly, what we DID find down there was absolutely TERRIFYING!... but with a little help from my friends, they managed to convince me to go along with it. Like, for example, they helped me to look at the bright side of things, like what exactly we could find and take home with us if we make it out of this place alive."

"Huh? Like what, exactly? What exactly could make what could possibly make going... out there worth it?"

"'d be the first frogs to go under the ocean there's that" Tdog said motioning to hop pop


"Imagine what the people back at wartwood could say about you." Nathan Said. "You'd pretty much be famous!"

"Yeah, and imagine what that could do for your business. I'd imagine people would be more likely to buy your crops. And the press could even get Sprig and Polly some more friends to hang out with."

"Well, that would be nice."
"And the treasure we could find could possibly be worth a FORTUNE! Dude, just think about it, man."

"If this is your way of tryin' to coerce me into being on board with this, It's not very effective, since so far, it would be amazing to be the first frog in the ocean, but it'd also be nice for me and the others to keep our necks, too."

"Alright, well how about this..." Ezuraki said before walking in front of him and kneeling down.

"As much as I get your concerns... look at what you've done just to get as far as you got. You said it yourself that we don't know what you've been through to get here, but you do. Hop Pop... think about it. Think about everything you've been through to get this done. Look at what you've done. You probably faced so many life threatening situations and still came out on top!"

"Mmmm that is true...." Hop pop said, rubbing his chin "but I'm still not sure......"

"Look we'll keep an eye on them if you're that worried" Ezuraki said reassuring that hop pop shouldn't be that worried

"Yeah." Nathan said. "Trust us, we know that we've been bringing trouble to you guys, lately, but I promise, with the kind of power we have, they aren't getting hurt on our watch."

"Damn straight, they aren't!" Tdog said, igniting his fists. "When we get down there, nothing's laying a single finger on you or your kids? Ain't that right guys?"

Nathan and Ezuraki jumped in the air and cheered, "Yeah!"

"Also, I'm pretty sure you guys have done more than enough to show that you can protect yourselves. Also, knowing Marcy, and what she did with us with our fight with Muzan, I'm sure that with this team over here, we're not going down easy!"

"Plus even if they did get hurt, Nathan will just heal them with his potions and i will heal them with my phoenix fire" Ezuraki said igniting his hand with his phoenix fire

Nathan nodded. "Don't worry, Hop Pop. You're all safe with us."

At this point, the old frog sighed. "Fine... I guess I can't stop this anyway, can I?"

"Nope!" Sprig said, jumping down and surprising Hop Pop again.

"ACK! Frog dangit, can everyone PLEASE stop jumping out at me out of nowhere for five minutes?!"

"What was that, Hop Pop?" Polly said on his head, suddenly hanging into his view, causing him to stumble back and fall while screaming.

He wasn't even mad at this point, he just let out an exasperated sigh.

"Whatever, just know that if anything DOES go wrong, it's going on your head, you got that, right, boys?"

The trio all nodded.

"Don't worry." Nathan said. "You're not going to regret this.






The old frog just sighed walking away while Nathan and Tdog just looked Ezuraki with Surprised face as Ezuraki was confused

"Uh why are you two staring at me like that?" Ezuraki asked

"YOU Can use fire as well!" Tdog said getting right into his face

"Umm, yeah." Ezuraki said. "Phoenix Fire, a mythical animal that has the power to summon magical fire at will."

"Since when did you have that?"

"Got it as a little souvenir from the One Piece universe. Pretty handy when you need it, too."

"How did?...what?" Tdog let out in confusion

"Hmm, so we have someone else who can use fire." Nathan said, getting in between them. "Pretty interesting."

"I know, right? This means we have twice the firepower on this team!"

"And that the flames that my enemies will suffer in if they so much as raise a single finger against me..." Polly said under her breath with a menacing smile.

"Okay calm down there little polly, we'll make them suffer as much as you want later okay?" Ezuraki said

"*gasp* really?! Are you serious?!" Polly said

"Yes, yes i am serious" Ezuraki said

While they were talking, King Andries was talking to someone or something (the core) as they were talking quaet

"*whisper* yes i know my lord.......... I know we just met these guys but one of them is the perfect host for you, even if one is not smart, they have the perfect body and power's we have never seen before......... yes these boys powers might be much stronger than Amphibia's GREATEST treasure, the calamity box/gems'' King Andries said talking to himself or someone (the core)

"Hey, King Andrias." Marcy said. "What are ya' talking about?"

"H- Huh?" He stammered. "What... what- Oh, oh, it's nothing dear, Marcy. Just making sure we have all the equipment we need."

"Well, sure seems that way to me. The submarine's nearly complete! Just look."

She was not wrong. They were almost finished building the vessel that they needed to venture the ocean. It was even big enough to hold the king, as much as the trio were secretly against it because they didn't want to give him even MORE power than he already did by giving more area for his forces to explore. Yet, it happened anyway, and now all that they needed to do was put some finishing touches before they could finally put it to use.

"Wooo! Finally, just a little bit more work and we'd finally get to go on our deep sea adventure!" Ezuraki said, jumping into the air with cheer.

"And it's all thanks to all of you guys!" Nathan said. Come on, guys, bring it in! Up top!"

He then raised his hands into the air, waiting for everybody to high five him. Everybody came and did exactly what he was waiting for them to do. One by one, they all high fived him, even Hop Pop did after contemplating and deciding, 'Eh, what the heck?'. The last one to high five him was Andrias, who used his finger to slap his tiny little hand.

"Heck yeah!" Anne said. "Let's get this thing finished!"

"I can't wait!" Sprig said literally shaking in place with excitement "Imagine all the things we're gonna find down there!"

"Oh man a lot, probably like man eating sharks, probably giant eels. Hey, maybe Cthulhu is actually real here!" Tdog said as hop pop gave him an unpleasant stare

"I don't know what those are but you're not helping me out here boy..."

"Yeah, I thought you and Ezuraki said I'd NOT regret this if I agreed to tag along with this."

"Well, imagine if people heard that you were the first people to go down there, fight all that stuff, and live!" Sprig said. "You'd pretty much have people singing your praises for the rest of your entire life!"

"Not to mention treasure, some awesome friendly creatures that you could keep as pets, and even some cool temples we could raid and plunder for riches beyond our wildest dreams!" Tdog said.

"Also, maybe a super powerful relic that could give us immense power and destroy our enemies!" Said Ezuraki.

Suddenly, Polly jumped up onto the demon hybrid's head.

"Now, you're speaking my language," She said.

"Mine too!" Marcy said, running up to everybody. "You see? I know that the unknown might be really, really scary. But neither of us got here just running away and hiding from it, didn't we? Not every possible outcome of trying something new has to be bad. Hey! Take it from me, sometimes it might even be worth it!"

She then gestured to her crossbow, and then to King Andrias.

"Yeah... maybe you're right." Nathan said. "Maybe this adventure will be worth a shot."

"Exactly!" Ezuraki said. "And trust me, if anything that's out to get us DOES show up..."

He then pulled out his Katana and slashes the air with it.

"We'll be ready for them."

Marcy nodded her head with a grin before she showed off her crossbow again.

"Well, alright. Fine." Hop Pop said, crossing his arms. "I guess that might make me feel a little bit better."

"That's the spirit Plantar!" King andrias says as he pats hop pops back with his finger which makes him almost fall over before catching his balance

Suddenly the newt king feels something heavy on his right shoulder, as he looks to see Tdog standing there "say big guy you don't happen to have any hot food around here do ya? Like really hot?" He asks as Andrias lets out a chuckle

"Why of course my dear boy!" He says as he raises his hands and quickly claps. Suddenly a newt quickly bust through the doors holding a tray as he lifts the lid revealing Shish kebabs like food

Tdog hops down as he grabs one and takes a bite before he pauses for a few seconds before opening his eyes as they flash purple "AW YEAH!!!" He yelled as he started to scarf down the food before finishing and taking a step back and igniting his fist "oooh yeah that's the stuff!" He then looks up to Andrias giving him a thumbs up "thanks big guy" he said

"No problem at all boy. I'm glad you feel like yourself again" the newt king says as Tdog looks at his hands "man I needed that I feel like I can blow a hole into the planet now!" He said as his fire dispersed while the newt king grew curious

"You can do that?" He asked with his hand under his chin as the fire summoner turns back to him

"well yeah but it'll take a while anyways thanks again"

He walks away from him back to his two friends before Ezuraki looks at him "well you seem calm with him" the demon king said

"You kidding it was bad enough I had to talk with him but hey I'm using this chance to get my energy back"

"Anyway," Nathan said. "The submarine's, like, 99% completed. You all ready?"

"HECK YEAH!!!" Sprig said suddenly jumping in the middle of the trio "I've been ready since this was even mentioned!"

"Uh, did the dragons of laogai creek have a change of heart and help the heroes defeat lord bleck in the forgotten tail of the second dimension?" Marcy asked.




"...yes. Yes they did."


The Storyteller: Um, yeah. Quick intermission from NathanInkling over here, he just wanted me to let you guys know... he has zero idea what he's talking about when it comes to Marcy's references, so he just either makes it up as he goes along or references stuff from our culture, like Mario, or Hollow Knight. Anyway, on with the adventure!


"Let's go fight some killer sharks and eels!" Anne said.

"Could you please not use the word "killer"..." hop pop groaned

"Oh sorry Hp" Anne apologized

Suddenly marcy's eyes widen as she remembers something before looking up to King Andrias "OH! Would you like to tag along with us Andrias?" She asked as she turns to the submarine "from how big we build this thing I'd say you'd be able to fit"

Hearing this our trio had a volt of electricity go through them as their eyes widen as they kept their smiles and played it off...well Tdog and Nathan were, Ezuraki's arms were shaking a bit

Andrias then put his arms behind his back "I'd love to dear Marcy but sadly i am needed here plus I have some VERY important tasks to handle at the moment" he says as the trios nerves calm down while Marcy has a sad smile

"Aww...well that makes sense since you are the king after all" she said

"Hmph. Bet you five bucks those "tasks" he has to attend to involve business with a certain round, orange-glowing and multi-eyed monstrosity." Nathan whispered to his two friends.

"Yeah absolutely" Ezuraki says

"I know I might lose but I'll take that bet" Tdog said "I want that five dollars"

"Welp!" Marcy said, putting her hands behind her back. "Looks like we've waited long enough. Let's take the dive already!"

"Finally!" Sprig shouted. "Let's Goooooo!"

"Right behind you guys." Anne said. "Come on, frog fam!"

And with that, everybody got on board. Ezuraki, Tdog, and Nathan were the first to board, Marcy was second, and Anne and the plantars were at the back of the line. They all got in, closed the door, and retracted the walk way.

Meanwhile, Ezuraki was singing, "Submarine Adventure! Submarine Adventure! Sub. Marine. Adven... ture!"
"Let's go!" Nathan said, before everybody ran for the controls.

Sprig was the first to reach the controls as he stops and stares in amazement at all the buttons and levers "it's a buttony levery wonderland..." he was in amazement as he slowly began inching his hand towards a random button

But suddenly he was picked up from the back of his shirt by Tdog "yeah no I've known you long enough to not trust you with this stuff..." he said

"Good call" Anne said behind him

sprig widened his eyes in shock "what!? Pshhhh no I wasn't going to press anything....okay maybe I was but come on just one or two buttons!"

Tdog then walked over to a chair and sat sprig down in it before buckling him up as sprig tried to get out of it

"Come on, guys... You can trust me!"

He then puffed up his cheeks and eyes and look cute.

"Yeah, no." Hop Pop said. "I've lived far too long now to be done in by some random stupid decision made by you, Sprig."

He pouted. "Alright, fine!"

"Hey, um... guys?" Marcy said. "I don't want to spoil an amazing feel-good moment between everyone, but I just realized something."

"And that is..."

"How are we going to get this thing into the ocean from so long away? I mean, I know we built this thing on a moving platform, but it's probably going to become a little... troubling. Especially with these little weak little noodle arms I'm probably not gonna contribute to anything here."

Then the Amphibia cast stopped again to think about it.

"Oh, no need to worry about it." Nathan said. "I'll take care of this."

They all then took a look at him, as they tilted their heads, wondering what he was going to do. The writer then snapped his fingers and after that happened, the others heard something splash from outside before Polly looked outside of the window and gasped in surprise before turning around.

"Everyone!" She stouted. "Look!"

That all got their attention, and then they all noticed that there were giant hands of ink that popped out directly behind the submarine before picking it up, which did catch them all off guard and cause them all to struggle to balance themselves, but it was all so necessary for their puppeteer to do exactly what he wanted to do.

Nathan raised an arm into the air before pointing at the ground, commanding the hands to put the vehicle down after pointing it at the path of Newtopia's gates, which it did, causing a rumble for everybody inside before it went away in a second.

"Alright, everybody..." The writer continued. "...time to go diving."

He then looked outside of the window of the front of the submarine before he then reeled back his hand a far bit.

"Oh, also, one last thing... make sure to hold on to something, ok?"

"SAY WHAT!?" Hop pop screamed

"Trust me, dude. Just do it."

Marcy, Anne, Hop Pop and Polly all took Nathan's advice and rushed around the room in order to find something to firmly grasp for dear life, especially Hop Pop. As for Sprig, though, he thought he had nothing to worry about since he was already strapped to a chair.

Very soon enough, the hands push the submarine down the steep Newtopian road and when it hit that incline... oh boy, it was quite a ride.

Andrias watched as the hands pushed the submarine, as he lifted his hand up and waves "safe travels!" He said with a 'smile' before turning and walking away

His face now turned serious, as something was speaking to him again "the others? Of course I saw what they can do, they did a whole performance...keep as backups you say?...that's a good choice my lord and it will be a major threat if a group with powers like those go against us. Now that I think about it, all three might be greater than the gems...

He said as he walked back to his throne and takes a seat

"The small blue one's intelligence is great, obviously the leader of their little group and he is able to manipulate ink. Pretty dangerous but we can easily burn away the ink but his mind would definitely be useful for you my lord..."

"Then there's The fire wielder, his power is great and dangerous. If not kept in check He could easily burn this place to the ground, and as he said he could shoot a hole through the planet...not quite sure if he was making an example of how he feels but we should still be aware...test if we can extinguish the flames somehow...perfect for burning things in our way but unsure how his intelligent is..."

"And then there's the red one. His movement and ability with the sword is great...but is not quite intelligent, but would be useful in slashing enemies and objects out of the way...and from what I overheard he too can summon fire and heal with it...only three choices but such great outcomes...but are they truly above the stones?..." he asked as he stared ahead hard in his thoughts before sitting up in his throne

"We will have time to test that theory once they are in the palm of your hands my lord...but which one shall be first?...Test with the same tactic you say?...."

Meanwhile with the gang, Ezuraki is shown practising with his new found powers, he is currently trying to control his fire with the help of Tdog

"How the hell do you even control fire anyway, it looks so easy from what I've seen from you" Ezuraki said trying to light his hand on fire while only a few sparks were shown

The fire summoner only gives a smile

"Relax you don't fully master it on the first try hell for me it took a while but you'll get the hang of it eventually little hint try to feel a tingly sensation in the palm of your hands" he tells him pointing to the palm of his own hand before summoning a small fire

"Okay if you say so" Ezuraki said before opening the palm of his, sparks were shown before it literally lit on fire "oh hey i did it, hey Tdog! Loot what i did"

"See look at that I knew you might've been a early bloomer with enough time and practice you'll be making fires as big as mine" he tells the demon king while pointing at the fire in his palm "just remember...I'M the fire guy k pal?"

"Since I can control fire.........hey wait a minute!" Ezuraki yelled before getting in a T pose posion which confuses Tdog

"Uh...whatcha doing there bud?..."

Ezuraki didn't say anything until his arm's turned into wings surprising Tdog "oh hey i can get use to this" Ezuraki said checking his wings out and flapping it around

"...what the hell was in those kebabs I ate?..."he said looking down and holding the side of his head

Ezuraki then turns his legs into bird legs while having a bird like tail "hehe i'm a bird" Ezuraki said flapping his wings "it feels weird tho, i can turn into a bird or something........ *realization*....IMA PHOENIX!" Ezuraki yelled

Tdog then slowly gets up and walks over to Nathan putting his hands on his shoulders and spinning him around making him turn towards him

"whoa what's wrong man?" He asked the fire summoner

"bro...I think Andrias put something in that food..." he said as he turns and pointed to Ezuraki "do you see what I'm seeing right now?..."

The writers eyes then widen "Ezuraki?" He asked in a confusing tone before quickly going up to his friend and walking around the demon king inspecting him "what happened?" He asked

".......ima bird....." Ezuraki said before jumping in the air fully turning into a Phoenix to which Tdog and Nathan just Widen their eyes more almost their eyes was about to pop out

Ezuraki lands on Tdog's shoulder, A giant Phoenix was sitting on Tdog's shoulder

" know this is pretty fitting considering what my power is..." he said before Polly hops into the room

"hey Nathan how long before we-OH MY FROG!" She screamed before the rest of the plantars and Marcy ran into the room

"What's wrong, did something break dang it sprig how did you-WHAT THE!?" He stopped as his eyes widen spotting the giant bird

"Oh dang you guys didn't say you had a pet bird" Anne says pointing while Marcy was full on freaking out

"!!! Look at the color of the wings its size and *GASP* Are its feathers glowing!? I gotta get a sketch of this guy!" She said as she started writing in her notebook

"Where did you guys even get this thing and where's your third friend?" Anne questioned as the two look to each other then back to the group

"Alright what We're about to say might sound crazy but it's true...alright?" Nathan said as the group nods with confused faces

"...yo this bird is Ezuraki" Tdog said while pointing at the Phoenix on his shoulder

"SAY WHAT!?" Hop pop screamed

"Pshh, no way prove it!" Polly said pointing her stub at the bird

Then Ezuraki turns back to his normal form by doing a backflip ".....Hey guys"

"...I stand corrected" she merely says

"Man the longer we're with you guys the more weirder and weirder your powers get..." anne said

"Weird? WEIRD!? This is extraordinary! Someone who can turn into a new species of a giant bird! It's just out of this world!" Marcy says going back to writing in her notebook

Ezuraki then made a weird yet funny face

"Ezuraki can you turn back to your bird form, i need to-" Marcy was cut off by Ezuraki

"Okay i'm gonna stop you there its not 'bird' its 'phoenix' and Say no more" Ezuraki said before turning into his Phoenix form as he lands on her shoulder

She gets sparkles in her eyes as she looks at the Phoenix now standing on her shoulder "my gosh it's just like one of those games where you have a bird as your companion or messenger!. Man if only I had a magic staff!" She said snapping her fingers

"Why do things keep getting more crazier with you boys..." hop pop said as Nathan only shrugged his shoulders

"Eh I don't know hop pop it's not that bad" anne said poking the Phoenix's feathers while hop pop groans "of course YOU'D say that Anne..." he said

"I'D SAY IT AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!" Sprig can be heard saying screaming in the other room still strapped down to the chair with the belt

"Why is he strapped in a chair?" Ezuraki said using telepathy

[If you see this hello it means he is using telepathy]

"He can't be trusted with the buttons...WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!" Tdog screamed as he realized what happened

"What?" Ezuraki said confused

" doing that?..." was all the fire summoner could ask the Phoenix

"I'm using telepathy to talk to you guys" Ezuraki said through his mind

"...nope I'm done with this nonsense" hop pop said turning and walking out the room

"Yeeeah I'm with hp on this one no offense but voices in my head is not my thing I'm just gonna go keep sprig company" Anne said also walking out of the room as Polly looks up to the Phoenix

"Talk again" she said

"Okay? can you hear me?" Ezuraki said tilting his head

"Hehehe it feels weird" she giggled as Marcy was once again blown away "now telepathy!?. Now it really feels like one of those magical games!"

"*sigh* atleast your not freaked out by this" Ezuraki said

Marcy then took Ezuraki into a room to study him for while or something


It's been 20 minutes as the Amphibia gang was tired and bored

"Ugh i need something to entertain me right now" Polly said rolling around the submarine

Then the door opens to reveal marcy who is eyes are sparkling and Ezuraki who is blushing

"Wow! I didn't know you could do that!" Marcy said

"It's.......... No problem really..." Ezuraki said looking away

"No problem? NO PROBLEM?! It was the best thing I've ever seen!" Marcy said getting close to Ezuraki as he walked away nervous "Hey! Where are you going? We're not done talking yet!"

"I've gotta go check Tdog, don't worry I'll be back!" Ezuraki said as he walked in on Tdog's room who is singing now

*singing time*

Tdog:Ahhhhh! Such a beautiful day! (Uh) the sun's shining in a beautiful way (uh) (wooo!) Gonna take a shower, brush my teeth and-

Ezuraki:life is ultimately meaningless....

Tdog:Uhhhhh *ahem*... U H H H H But ill get out of the room HA! Listen to music top down, hands out put my favorite song and nod to the rhythm

Ezuraki:The planet's being destroyed by carbon emissions

Tdog:Oh! But i i I'll head to class! Try my best on every test til I pass and my grades are screaming in my face  AAAYYYYYY!!

Ezuraki:98% percent of what you learn is a waste

Tdog:i get tah hang out with all my friends YA! My friends are the friendliest friends can't think of a better way to spend my time

Ezuraki: Your brain is flawed and all your friends will die

Tdog:Nevermind I'm alive in the greatest nation so proud of-

Ezuraki: The exploitation of the natives

Tdog:this grasful bird means freedom for all!

Ezuraki:tell that to slaves and bald eagle's aren't bald

Tdog:i can live in the moment, milk every second

Ezuraki:At anytime you could get clinical depression

Tdog:but i'll just be happy, no matter what's in store!

Ezuraki:it's quite genitic and we have no cure

Tdog:at least WE ARE YOUNG!

Ezuraki:Not for long...


Ezuraki:it only goes downhill


Ezuraki:Or you'll regret it


Ezuraki:for now...


Ezuraki:for some people


Ezuraki:good luck...

*singing time over*

"What is going on here?!" Nathan said popping out of his room




"We were just singing around" Tdog said

"And i'm telling him about true facts" Ezuraki said

"*sigh* okay, oh! and btw we're MUCH deeper now in the sea" Nathan said walking away

Ezuraki and Tdog ran out of the living room to see that Nathan was right they were VERY deep in the sea now as Tdog was a bit excited while Ezuraki is having flashbacks from game called IRON LUNG where he got a jumpscare and got creeped out by it

"Uuhhhhhh having IRON LUNG flashbacks right about now" Ezuraki said

"What's iron lung?" Tdog said asking him

"It's a scary game where you were signed to explore a ocean of blood where there's mysterious creatures lurking down there and you have to take pictures and need to go to the location you were supposed to go and the last part is a jumpscare" Ezuraki said explaining it to him who is now creeped out by it as Tdog shivers at the thought of it

"...ugh i shouldn't have asked" Tdog said imagining

"Yeah you shouldn't have asked me about it" Ezuraki said before looking at the sea which revealed new sea creatures.

"Hm." Nathan said. "I've watched a few videos about the game but I never saw it in... full..."

Tdog tilted his head in confusion before asking, "What happened, Nate?"

He simply pointed at the windows and all of the magnificent creatures that were flooding the waters, and the three of them had to say, they were beautiful.

The first that came up were bioluminescent creatures, first was a mysterious creature, which was somewhat like a manta ray, only its wings looked somewhat akin to a butterfly's. The rest of its body was wearing the neon of blue, from the head all the way to its tail. Near the wings' edges were detailed in glowing magenta with lovely moving multicolor patterns.

Next up were the massive jellyfish that were rimlit with the color of red as they floated among the shining reefs.

After that, there was a monstrous snake akin to the one seen in "Best Fronds", except this one's back scales seemed to be glowing in a lively double helix pattern of yellow and orange. Thankfully, it was hibernating so it shouldn't be a problem with the group as long as that was the case.

All three authors stood looking at the window in awe at how amazing everything looked. The pretty colors, the glowing lights, everything. The pupils of their eyes grew to nearly fill up the entirety of their eyes, gazing and appreciating the beauty of the display that was before them.

Soon, Marcy came in after opening the door.

"Sooo, how's my favorite superbeings doi-"

Her sentence was cut off when her eyes were met with what the boys had been seeing, and needless to say, she was absolutely astonished. She even dropped her notebook as her mouth hung open.

"Oh... my... FROG!" She shouted, putting her hands on both sides of her head before turning around and poking her head back through the door she came from.


Once she turned back, she was jogging in place while her fists were at her mouth, which was in a lip-biting grin as her eyes had stars in them.

"Whoa!/Holy moly" The planters and anne said

"Amazing right? Amphibia's sea creatures are" Marcy said trying to find the right word

"Majestic?" Ezuraki said finding the right word

"Yeah Majestic!" Marcy said looking at other sea creatures as the planters and anne watched other sea creatures with marcy while Ezuraki walks away from them as he entered the control center to see no one around it was autopilot 

"Huh? It's on autopilot? Why would it be on autopilot?....... eh whatever" Ezuraki said as he sat on the pilot's chair as he sees the controls

"Well...... this doesn't look complicated" Ezuraki said now piloting the submarine which surprises The planters, anne, marcy, Nathan and Tdog

"Uh what was that?" Tdog said " Ezuraki was that you?"

"Yeah dude I'm piloting the submarine now, so hold on your horse's because I'm about to put some music on now!"Ezuraki said putting some music

|Far away-mystery skulls|

As Ezuraki sat back relaxing and placing his foot on the table "yup this is going to be fun"

Timeskip |2 hour's|

It's been 2 hours since we saw beautiful sea creatures in amphibia, now the ocean is dark which means we were Very deep in the ocean of Amphibia as Ezuraki was getting creeped out and sweating a lot and i mean A LOT, Ezuraki was clearly was sweating mountain's sweat. He's yet to see any creatures of the ocean but if the tone of the environment was anything to go by, he still hoped that he didn't any time soon.

As for the rest, they were also a little bit nervous, but they still kept their heads up as they waited if another creature was going to pop up. Marcy was keeping update logs of the hours that she's spent in the ocean and describing what happened to her so far.

Sprig, however, was pretty much bored out of his mind due to the fact that nothing was happening. He spun around in the chair that he was bound to before he groaned.

"Ugh... why did things get so boring over the past two hours? Nothing's happening so far!" He said.

"IT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU WEREN'T SO-.......... hey sprig" Ezuraki said

"Yeah?" Sprig said replied

"How good are you at mashing buttons?" Ezuraki said asking him while smirking as sprig did the same

"Oh i seeeee what your doin?" Sprig said smirking back at him

"What was that?" Anne asked.

"Uh nothing!" Ezuraki yelled "just keeping sprig company because well I don't wanna make him bored right sprig?"

"Right, buddy." The pink frog replied at him with a wink.

"Yup" Ezuraki said winking back at him

"Okay! I feel like you guys are winking at each other!" Anne yelled from the other side of the room

"Don't worry, Anne. It's nothing. We're just going to play a little... game to pass the time!"

"*mumbles* a button mashing game of course" Ezuraki said "anywayyyyyyyyyy we're going to play now, so don't interrupt us!!!"

"Okay..." Anne said now leaving them alone

"On my way, bud!" Sprig said, waltzing over to the control room.

Once he got there, he saw Ezuraki standing next to the panel that held an entire treasure's trove of buttons

"Now since you're here...... how about mashing the buttons huh? GO WILD WITH IT, DO WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES!!!"

He cracked his knuckles before he only said two words, and those were,

"With pleasure."

He hopped onto the panel and rapidly scanned the entirety of it, wondering where he should start. Soon, he made up his mind.

"Hm, I wonder what this button does."

He pushed a tiny blue button.

"Oh, and this one!"

He pressed a yellow one that was shaped like a rectangle.

"Oooooh, that one looks pretty!"

A red lever.

"Hey, what about this one?"

A green button shaped like a triangle.

You know the gist. His hands flew everywhere pressing buttons left and right as he explored the possibilities of what kind of buttons he could possibly press. Nothing was safe from his grasp, absolutely nothing. Press, press, and press to his heart's content he did, and he had an absolutely joyful expression as he did so. Meanwhile, Ezuraki was watching with an amused smile now that he had finally found something eventful to look at.

Sprig even threw his own body down on one side of the panel and rolled all the way to the other, pressing all of the buttons and levers on the way there. The demon king clapped... until he saw him pressing a white button.

As soon as he did so, the speakers in the submarine began sounding off to say, "Taking a picture". To which, they all looked at them with a stunned expression.

"Uhhh what was that?" Sprig said

"Hold on let me check" Ezuraki said as he looked around to see no camera until he saw a screen that took a picture, the picture was outside of the submarine "huh.... So the white button tooks a picture outside of the submarine...... interesting"

Ezuraki looks closer at the picture before his expression turns into a horrified face "sprig....."

Sprig turns to him who is pointing at the picture before his face turned into a horrified expression

There were bones there but the most horrifying thing they saw was a fish but not just any fish it looked creepy AF

Ezuraki then grabs sprig lets him sit beside him on the chair before saying "we've gotta get out of here.... Now!"

Sprig nods in agreement

"Warn the others that we're in trouble!" Ezuraki said to sprig which he nods before going away to warn the others, Ezuraki takes the wheel as he drove off far away from that thing they saw

As Ezuraki drove off, the fish didn't take long to catch up to Him to which he screams in horror "*insert Bell kun scream*"

"Oh my goodness! OH MY GOODNESS!" Sprig screamed with fear engulfing every part of his voice. "Ezuraki! Do something!"

Ezuraki then went faster than before as the creature roared at them "Ha! Suck my Dick bitch!" Ezuraki said laughing at the creature before it catches up to them and it was much closer to them before "You son of a bi-" The giant fish bumps into them, causing Ezuraki to almost lose his balance

"We're dead!" Sprig exclaimed.

Soon enough, Tdog came into the room.

"Hey, guys." He said. "Heard you guys were bored so I brought a little game of UNO to keep you guys-"

He then heard the roar of their pursuer before his eyes widened.

"Uhhh... what was that?"

"No time to explain!" Sprig said. "All you need to know is that we gotta get out of here, FAST!"

"Yeah! Before a GIANT FISH EATS US!!!" Ezuraki yelled

The giant fish was trying to bite the submarine from the back "STOP TRYING TO EAT US YOU FUCKING OVER-GROWN FISH!!!"

"A giant what?!"

Not long after, Marcy came in.

"What's going on!?" She said with a tone of fear. "Why did I just hear roaring, and why did the boat start to shake?"

"Sprig i thought I told you to warn the others about this!!!!" Ezuraki said dodging the creatures bite

"Oh, right!" Sprig said before dashing out of the room.

"Are we under attack?" Marcy asked. "Did we find a hostile creature here?"


"Ok, ok, geez. Let's see what we can do about this."

She then walked over to the panel and examined what kind of options this submarine had to either fight it off or escape. Her face was pensive as she perused the buttons and levers.

The others then came running in with pure panic on their faces.

"Alright, we're here!" Nathan said. "We came as soon as we heard Sprig's warning."

"OKAY THAT'S IT! SOMEONE TAKE THE WHEEL!!!" Ezuraki yelled before walking away to confront this giant fish

"Hey, wait. Ezuraki, where are you going?" Tdog asked.

"I'm going to confront this ugly giant fish" Ezuraki said before closing a door behind him as water fills up the room before opening door that leads outside as he holds his breath

"Ok, dude! Don't die!" Polly said, waving goodbye to him with her stub.

Ezuraki looks back at her as he waves back at her with a smile before turning around to face the giant fish, he closes his eyes before opening them to reveal Sharingan eyes as he climbs on top of the submarine preparing to attack the creature

'Water style won't be effective.... So i guess I'll use fire style then' Ezuraki thought

As he was preparing his attacks, the others were all looking outside the window, watching him fight the creature.

Ezuraki then screams "FIRE STYLE:MAJESTIC DESTROYER FLAME!!!" Ezuraki breathes out a Ginormous Fire wave which burns the creature's face, frying it it's face, but the creature didn't swim away, the attack was effective but it was not enough to make the creature flee away 'hmm if fire style won't which means any other styles won't work either so there only one solution......... Cut the fish ' Ezuraki thought as he brought out his sword which extended enough to cut the fish in sideways as he got in a position 'I'm gonna make sushi out of YOU!' Ezuraki thought as he brought out his waterproof texting phone which he texted to Tdog and Nathan

The two then got their phones of of their pockets once they buzzed in their pockets due to receiving the messages sent out to them. They then took out the devices and looked at their screens, seeing the notifications.

The text from Ezuraki read, 'Hey, guys. Looks like this fish is a lot tougher than I thought. I'm gonna need some backup over here!'

The boys looked at each other, then their phones, texting back before putting the phones back in their pockets.

"Guys, we're going out to go help Ezuraki." Tdog said. "You all stay behind and keep an eye on the sub until we get back, ok?"

Anne nodded before replying,

"Alright. You three be careful out there."

"Right!" Nathan said before turning to Tdog. "Come on."
With that, they then left the same way that their friend did, meanwhile, the Amphibia crew looked on, wishing the best for the trio.

"Aw yeah!" Polly said. "It's super awesome stuff time again, baby! Come on, guys. Let's catch the show!"

Meanwhile, on the outside, the two other boys just got outside and saw Ezuraki in front of the fish, trying to slash and stave it off. Tdog tapped Nathan's shoulder and pointed to the scene before both their faces got serious and they swam up to it to help him.

"Hey, ugly!" The fire summoner said, gurgling through the water partially drawing the fish's attention, only to be met with an inky fist to the face, which quickly dissolved because of the water.

Both authors swam by the Demon King's side before they took a stance, ready for battle. Once the giant creature caught sight of all three of them, it roared before making a straight charge at them with a maw opened wide.

Ezuraki then did the unthinkable....... Went into its mouth as it closes it while the two boys are panicking as they screamed

"EZURAKI!" They both screamed before their shock turned to anger at the fish.

They then activated their powers although when Tdog's fire shot out it grazed the side of the giant fish before it turned away and swam back.

'Oh fire and water don't mix...but I guess mine is strong enough to work' He thought before smiling.

But right now he is determined to help his friend get out of the monster's stomach whenever he can.

Inside the monsters stomach, Ezuraki can be seen running around it's stomach trying to find it's heart

"Ugh! Where is it!"Ezuraki yelled in anger before surprise, surprise he found it, the monster's heart "huh.... Guess lucks on my side today then" Ezuraki said before activating his Phoenix powers to burn it's heart

Outside of the monster, the monster then screams in pain, swinging it's head and body around before it stopped moving, now only twitching, as it's  guts got cut open by Ezuraki

The other two, who was trying to attack the monster in order to try and free their friend, saw the whole spectacle with eyes wide open.

'Your tough on the outside but you weak in the inside' Ezuraki thought before putting his sword away

Soon enough Ezuraki's face was turning blue for being in the water for too long and is almost out if breath now as he swim towards the submarine fast

'Gotta go fast! Gotta go fast!' Ezuraki thought swimming fast

Ezuraki reached at the door before opening it as the two boys followed him as they got inside they catch their breaths before Ezuraki passed out from exhaustion as he fell in anne's arms as she fell with him making a "oof!" Sound

"Oh, thank goodness you're ok!" Marcy said.

"Yep, and we even handled the fish problem too." Nathan said. "Although, most of the credit goes to Ezuraki. I have to admit, the classic, destroy it from the inside seemed to pay off pretty well."

"Alright, so I think that's..." Tdog said counting off the enemies they vanquished so far. "One, two, three, four... six problems we've solved in this universe so far, and we're still raring to go."

"Heh, you said it brother."

"So, that scary fish isn't going to be bothering us anymore?" Sprig asked.

"Nope! It's completely dead."

While they were talking Ezuraki was dreaming about something as he then kicks Tdog

"Ow!....... The hell?" Tdog said looking back to see Ezuraki trying to kick him "oh geez.... Why do you always kick me"

"I think he just sees you as some kind of bad guy in his dream" Nathan said

"*in dream* I'll kill you, you bastard...........*quietly snores*.... come here you....." Ezuraki said in his dream grabbing anne and pulling her into a hug while anne just has a confused face before just giving in

"Well at least it ain't something trying to squish and brutally eat me..." she says shrugging at the position she's in

*in dream*

"Sakura i am THIS close to fucking kill you" Ezuraki said to the useless peice of trash good for nothing sakura

"But you fingers are touching"

"Exactly" Ezuraki said as the two of them stared at each other for a moment before sakura decided to run away "COME BACK HERE YOU USELESS TRASH!!!!"


*dream end*

"So, do we wake him up or something?" Marcy asked.

"Nah, nah. Let's let him have his rest." Tdog said. "He's earned less randomness"

"Annie are you okay.......*snores* are you okay annie"

"Ummm..." Confused Anne trailed off before answering. "I guess so, as long as you're not trying to crush my lungs."

As ezuraki loosens his grip to let anne breath

"Thank you..."

Meanwhile, Marcy was taking notes in her book, most likely about the giant fish that they just saw.

"Sooo, about that thing you just killed." She said. "Would you mind if you told me a few facts you found out about it?

...well, if you found any, at least."

"Well, from what we found out about it, it was definitely hostile considering it tried to eat our whole sub as soon as it saw us!" Ezuraki said.

"Mhm. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all found that out. What else?"

"Well, I did find out that while it was super tough to deal with on the outside, it was SUPER easy to destroy from the inside out when my friends joined in to fight it."

"Hm, I see. I see."

She proceeded to write down that information.

"Very interesting..."

"Yeah, pretty interesting, indeed." Nathan said. "Although, after that encounter, I don't have a very good feeling about what's up ahead going forward."

"Yeah after what happened, i'm not taking any chances" Ezuraki said

"Wait, so that's it?" Marcy asked "We're stopping the adventure here?"

"What? No we're still gonna adventure just not gonna encounter another monster fish so i'm keeping a lookout, you too sprig Tdog and Nathan, who knows what creature is waiting for us..." Ezuraki said "....TO EAT US!!!"

Sprig saluted. "Eye, eye, captain!"

Nathan gave a thumbs up. "Alright, bud. I'll do my best to keep a lookout and I'll scream if I see anything."

He then walked back into the submarine walls and put his hands on it. This caused several spikes to pop right out of the hull.

"...and if push comes to shove, I'll be the sub's defenses."

...but then the spikes dissolved in the water.

"...well, or at least try to, anyway."

The fire summoner then walked to the side of the writer patting his shoulder "I know your pain..." he said looking at his palm then to the water outside the sub
"Alright, guys." Ezuraki said. "Good luck out there, guys."

"Oh, can I go on lookout, too?" Marcy asked.

"Let me guess, you want to get a good look at all the creatures, huh?"

"Yup!" Marcy said raising her fist in the air

"Well, who am I to get in the way of a curious girl and her research. Go for it, Wu."

Marcy then does a little dance before she had ran away

"Heh, heh. What a cinnamon roll."

And with that, everybody on lookout manned their post and kept their eyes peeled for any kind of potential threats. Meanwhile, Hop Pop just looked outside and shook his head.

"I just knew this was a bad idea the very second I saw the water going dark." He said.

"Hey, come on, there, old timer." Tdog said. "It's not all bad. At least you got to see those pretty glowing things from before. I bet you wouldn't have any of that if you chose to stay on the surface, now, would you?"

"Well, I have to admit. That was rather pretty."

Then a music was heard filling the silent halls, everybody looked around except marcy who was drawing sketch of sea creatures she saw

"Even if we made it, Even if we could try hard to get it, Could we make it look just like my dream, Even if we escape this, Even if i could go on forever, Until we get there it's just you"

"Everything that's beautiful seems far away, But  we're gonna make it, Everything that's beautiful seems far away, But we're gonna make it through, oh"

"Hey, we got music in these speakers?" Nathan asked. "Flippin' awesome! What song is this?"

(Far away-mystery skulls)



"Oh whoa is that...far away? mystery skulls?" Anne asked while scratching the top of her head

"Wait, you know that song?" Ezuraki asked. As the singing stopped

"Uhh DUH who doesn't...actually I think Sasha doesn't..." she said looking down in thought

"No....fucking.....Way!!! You know, mystery skulls!" Ezuraki said grabbing Anne's shoulder and shaking her violently

"So do I!" Marcy suddenly said, now looking away from her notebook "I watch the animations from time to time!"

Ezuraki then brought anne and marcy to a hug as he had stars in his eyes "YES I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE!!!"

Nathan smiled at the whole display before turning back to the window. "Well, I know Mystery Skulls too. I don't know 'Far Away' but I do know a few of their songs. 'Ghost', 'Hellbent', 'Magic', and 'Freaking Out'."

"Same those are the only ones that popped up in recommended for me" Tdog said

Ezuraki then started to cry in joy while bringing out a cookie to calm him down while the room is filling up by tears of joy

"Aww, man." Sprig said, seeing the unity between everyone. "I wish I knew about those 'mystery skulls' things.

"What the heck even is a 'Mystery Skull' anyway?" Polly asked. "Sounds like a cool and dangerous ancient relic."

'If only she knew' Tdog thought

"Are these 'mystery skulls' another one of those things from your world" hop pop said turning to Anne

"Oh my lord hop pop you are missing out man I gotta let you listen once we get back to our world" she said motioning towards her and Marcy

While the group talked something caught Tdog's attention as his eyes widen

"OH MY GOD!" He screamed as the group panicked

"What? what is it!?" Nathan asked as Ezuraki pulled out his katana "another attack?" The demon king said

Tdog then runs up to the glass squishing his face against it

"Look at that lil guy!" He said confusing the group as they looked to each other with raised eyebrows before also going up to the glass and spotting what he was looking at

It was a axolotl floating outside

"Aww look at him just being a lil guy!. The floating pink blob" Tdog said smiling with sparkles in his eyes

"Oh wow I didn't think amphibia had any axolotls" Nathan said as Marcy quickly gets up rushing to the window as well next to Tdog "aww he's so cute!!!" She said as she started writing in her notebook "man at this rate I'm gonna run outta room!"

"I'm guessing you really like axolotls huh?" Ezuraki said to Tdog

"Yeah these guys are cool!" Tdog said as Marcy looked away from the glass "did you know that these guys can regrow any part of their body from an injury? It's so cool and fascinating!"

"Oh so like me" the demon king said

"Yeah but better" the fire summoner said as the demon king's eyes widen

"WHAT!?" He screamed as he marched to the fire summoners side who's still looking outside the sub

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'BETTER' HOW SO HUH!?" He said as Tdog looks away from the glass to his face while pointing at the axolotl

"Just look at em he's a silly little guy" he said

Ezuraki just has a blank look on his face "seriously?" Ezuraki said "okay y'know what im leaving to study some stuff *mumbles* which i'm not going to" Ezuraki makes his way to the training room

"Okay be safe" Tdog said still not taking his eyes off the axolotl that was doing cute things

*In the training room*

Ezuraki is seen doing 1000-push ups, sit ups, running, basically saitama's training while shirtless as he's scars are showing

"*pant* alright *pant* just like *pant* saitama" Ezuraki said catching his breath before falling down panting a lot "haha! Noot! Noot! *looks around to see the amphibia gang watching him*" Ezuraki smile disappears as his eyes flash red

"So you guys have chosen death huh?" Ezuraki said getting up and bringing out his sword

"H-hey now! Let's not get bloody h-here, let's just talk like civilised p-people" marcy said stuttering and backing away

"There is nothing to be talked about here" Ezuraki said approaching them while staring into their souls

"Ah, crap." Nathan said before bringing up spikes of ink all around himself to try and protect himself as his wrath was arising. "Here we go again..."

Ezuraki them jumped into the air as his eyes glowed crimson red while the amphibia gang screamed in horror

"This again?..." Tdog said closing his eyes


Ezuraki is sitting next to the fallen amphibia gang who had faced his wrath "you guys okay?" Ezuraki said opening his one eye

"Yup..... okay....." anne said rubbing her head

"Why do you always bonk us?" Marcy said asking him

"Do you want to be chopped up or something?" Ezuraki said






"" Marcy said

"Then deal with it" Ezuraki said getting up and walking towards the kitchen

"I'm gonna eat my sandwich, Into a square, Cause if i spit along the edges then i don't have to share" Ezuraki said singing

"Mhm, alright, buddy. Have fun." Nathan said.

Meanwhile, Nathan was still looking outside of the window, his attention still fixated on the Axolotl outside the window.

'That'd make an amazing pet to keep.' He said before putting his mind to work on how he could get a way to catch it. Then he had an idea.

"Hey, guys. I'm going to go outside for a bit to go catch that thing. I'll be right back, oh and don't worry. I promise I'll be careful."

"Why would want to catch that adorable thing" Ezuraki said

"To keep as a pet, of course."

"I don't know nathan....." Ezuraki said unsure about this

"Hmm, I mean, it's just a cute little guy, and I don't see anything around that'll try to eat me or kill me or anything."

"But this is Amphibia we're in right now," Tdog said. "Remember?"

"Anything can go wrong in amphibia" Ezuraki said "and plus im sure the thing has a mother or something"

"Then, I'll adopt the mother, too. But... now that I think about it, you may be right. For heck's sake, this is a world where birds can rip you apart in seconds and bugs can be the size of a whole human house."

"*shivers* the herons are the worst kinds of birds" Ezuraki said

"Maybe you should think a little more carefully before you go through with this, dude." Tdog said. "Maybe catching the thing might not be worth it."

"Having the cutest predator in the ocean as a pet?" Nathan said. "Not worth it? Pfft. Although, you might be right. In Amphibia, pretty much everything's out to get you."

"Yup even people" Ezuraki said adding in

Anne nodded. "Yeah, man. Take it from someone who was stuck here for two months, that thing might not be what it seems."

"Agreed." Marcy said. "Finding a friendly creature in Amphibia is like trying to find a blue lobster, which, for your information is about one-in-a-million."

Now, Nathan was stroking his own chin while thinking about all of this. One one hand, he truly wanted to keep the Axolotl for itself, but on the other... there IS a chance that it could end badly for the writer. After all, like his Demon Hybrid said, "Anything could go wrong in Amphibia".

"I'm not so sure getting that thing is worth it." The loveable nerd continued. "Maybe we should just move on and keep looking around."

Nathan looked over at the sea creature outside.

"Oh, but I really want it, though..."

"Nathan, we're not risking our necks so you can have a pet Axolotl..." Hop Pop said. "...and that is final."

He fell silent and then looked to the ground.

"...alright, now that that's settled, I think I saw some cool glowing coral ahead." Anne said. "You guys wanna check it out?"

"Heck yeah, I do." Sprig said. "I hope we find something cool over there."

"Like buried treasure?" Tdog said.

"Or maybe some super rare gems?" Marcy said.

This conversation built up into chattering among the whole group as they went over to the control room...

Everyone except for Nathan.

* * * *

"Alright, guys. Everything's ready." Marcy observed while looking at the buttons and levers. "Full speed ahead!"

The whole group cheered before Tdog noticed that something was... off.

"Hang on a second," He said. "Where's Nathan?"

As soon as everybody heard that, they all looked around themselves and found no trace of the blue frog anywhere. Then, Hop Pop suddenly stopped as he had a realization.

"Wait a minute..."

They all rushed over to the area they where they were before and when they looked out the window, Nathan was swimming in the water with a glass jar in hand. He looked very excited to finally be able to bring an Axolotl from Amphibia home with him. As he cautiously approached it, he thought of what kind of place it could possibly have in the Author's Shelter.

Meanwhile, the sea creature was completely unaware of him, and when it least expected it, it was suddenly entrapped inside of the glass prison, and a victorious smile came across his face.

"*sigh* guess I'll go get'em" Ezuraki said bringing out his sword and going outside of the submarine as he swam towards nathan

Once the demon king approached, he watched his friend hold up the jar and happily point at it. He sighed and went to reach out to him and take him back to the ship. Before he could do so, however, he heard a loud roar sound off from far away, causing both of the boys to look in the direction they heard it.

'What was that?' Ezuraki thought as he was staring off into the distance.

Unfortunately, he would get his answer soon enough. As they looked, a giant shadow came into view, just barely visible within the watery abyss. Even sooner, it got closer, and closer each passing second. They were frozen in fear before they even realized...

...they fucked up.

The shadow came into view, and unsurprisingly, it was another Axolotl... but this was looked nowhere near harmless. Not even a minor inconvenience. It was giant, it's entire body was black and it's antennas, fins, and eyes were glowing bright white as it stared down at them.

Their mouths fell agape before it took a deep breath, and bellowed a large roar! Both took out their weapons instinctively to defend themselves for what kind of terror they were in for now.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Is what Nathan would have shouted if he wasn't underwater, but then he just realized. The creature was getting ready to attack before Ezuraki took a stance and was about to activate one of his breathing forms.

"Wind breathing first form: Whirlwind cutter!" Ezuraki said

The demon king dashed forward at a blinding speed and slashed continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern at the target. With each slash sent after the giant monster and it knocked him back a good bit before roaring again and charging right for him. It lunged forward, it's gaping maw wide open.

"So it wants more huh? Well I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU THEN! Moon breathing sixteenth form:moonbow, half moon!" Ezuraki yelled creating a barrage of downward crescent slashes from an extremely long and wide range, resulting in a powerful six-fold slash crashing down on The monster, hitting it's head as it roars before using its tail to whip Ezuraki, pushing him away.

He chuckled before cracking his neck with a grin.

"Man, this thing's a fighter." He said. "I've got to admit, this is almost pretty fun."

The giant Axolotl was about to attack again, but then it saw a certain blue frog in a black trenchcoat swimming towards the doors of the submarine while holding the smaller creature in his glass jar. It's eyes narrowed.

Once Nathan noticed this, he gulped before holding up his pen and pointing it at his adversary.

"Oh, so you want sum a' this?" He said. "Alrighty, then. Come get some, then!"

He then summoned a giant ink fist from the top of the submarine and sent it right at the thing. Unfortunately, as it was headed towards it's target, it was already in the process of dissolving into nothing. Once it hit, it only did half of the normal damage that it would normally do.

Ezuraki just facepalm at this 'seriously nathan'

"Whoops." He said. "Dammit, I always forget that."

The creature then roared at him, causing a strong sense of fear to rise inside of him before he hastily made an orb of ink to at least make some sort of attempt to protect himself while he tried to open the door and bring his new pet back to safety. However, just as he was about to get it ajar, he saw the Amphibia crew looking outside of it's window with horrified faces, as well as traces of his black substance flying in front of his face, indicating that it was already disappearing around him.

Still he had a little bit of hope that he could get away, unfortunately, that was short lived, because he then saw the sight of his supposed metal sanctuary promptly shut out from his eyes, and instead replaced with the several sharp teeth of a closed mouth, and around them, flesh made up the rest of his surroundings. It was obvious where he was.

Ezuraki, Tdog and the Amphibia crew all looked on in horror at the sight of Nathan being promptly eaten, the only thing that wasn't consumed was the small Axolotl, which was still trapped inside of its prison until the larger one tail whipped it into the submarine, causing the jar to shatter on its surface. With that done, it threw Ezuraki one last long glare, then swam away.

Ezuraki then felt something..... something that he felt before....Anger/Rage/Hatred, he looked at his hands before saying "Ice age" Ezuraki said before sending a wall of ice at the monster at alarming speed.

As the Axolotl was leaving, it heard something from behind itself. Then it quickly turned around and was met with Ezuraki's massive projectile headed straight for its face. It widened its eyes but before it could even react, it hit, and it had made a massive impact. It stumbled backwards in the water before immediately being stuck in place. It looked all around the place in pure shock and confusion, wondering what the heck was going on.

After that, it's tail got... noticeably colder, and colder. It looked behind itself and saw that ice was being formed around it. As a matter of fact, some frost even began accumulating all over itself... It kept looking around and before it knew it, the ice began spreading. It went past its tail and then overtook its legs, then its torso, and the last moment of consciousness that it had was when it discovered that it reached up to its neck. It looked over to the Axolotl infant, before it quickly spread past and covered its mouth just as it was in the middle of roaring. Its eyes flailed around in panic, but then, just like the rest of it... it was quickly consumed by the spell.

...and that was it.

Soon Ezuraki appeared with a 'cold' glare as his eyes glowed red showing hatred towards the dead monster before he goes into his mouth and into his stomach trying to find Nathan

"Jeez this is what it looks like inside of a big axolotl stomach" Ezuraki said "very disgusting indeed"

"E- Ezuraki? Is that you?" Nathan said, from the depths.

"Yup it's me alright, now c'mon let's get out of here!" Ezuraki yelled

"I'm down here! Quick! I don't know how much longer my pen can hold on!"

He then headed further down and saw his friend using his pen to stab the fleshy walls of the monster's insides to keep himself from falling into the acid below. He turned around and saw him, and at the sight, he was overjoyed.

"EZURAKI!" He shouted with glee.

"That is me!" Ezuraki said before grabbing nathan and giving him a piggyback ride

They got out of the monster's mouth before getting in the submarine as they got scolded by the girls, their criticisms mostly directed at Nathan.


He then looked to the ground. "...I... um, just wanted a pet Axolotl..."

"And you wanted it so badly you were willing to get EATEN BY ONE!?" Hop Pop said.

"Didn't we say anything could go wrong in Amphibia?" Marcy said. "You couldn't just have died by doing that, you know. You could have put the whole submarine in danger by leading that thing to it. You could have gotten all of us eaten, and not to mention-"

"I know... I know, I know. Look, I'm sorry. I'll admit that was... stupid."

"Yeah, really stupid." Polly said.

"From here on out, I promise not to go outside the submarine unless it's completely safe to do so."

His scolding was soon finished off by a slap to the face from Marcy.

"Good." She said. "You'd better. Now, before... that happened, I believe we had something else we needed to check out."

"We'll guess i'm off the hook then" Ezuraki said walking away before being pulled by anne and marcy

"Oh, no you don't, mister." The latter of the two said. "You're not getting away with an earful, either."

Meanwhile on the side Tdog puts his hands behind his back and turns away whistling hoping they don't find a reason to yell at him next.

"Wait but what did i do?" Ezuraki said "and get your hands off my ear please!"


"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad..... right?" Ezuraki said nervous

"It literally skidded across the hull, if you were just a LITTLE lower, we'd all be six feet underneath the ocean floor."

"Well at least you guys are alive, that matters right?......"

"We nearly weren't but, I guess... But from now on, this submarine's on lockdown."

"Aw! What why?" Ezuraki said

The crew just looked him with a 'really?' Face

"Umm, I'm pretty sure we can guess why..." Nathan said.

"Yeah, I think It's pretty obvious." Anne said. "Alright, guys. With that out of the way, let's just keep exploring."

Ezuraki had a grumpy face which the girls notice this before taking a picture

".....did you two just take a picture of me?......."







"Yeah." Anne said.

They were now silent for 1 minute before the girls starts running away "RUN! RUN! RUN!"

"Get back here you two?!" Ezuraki yelled chasing them
Despite feeling awful about what he did, at least he could laugh at the display.

"Just delete the photo already!!!"


Ezuraki only growled in response before jumping in air as he catches the photo they took. He looked at it with narrowed eyes before ripping it in two, much to the girls' despair.

"Aww, come on, dude. It was so funny, dude..."

"Nope, nuh-uh. No way, go find your own funny faces to snapshot or something."

Marcy then whispers to anne "Don't worry anne I've got some copy of him" anne just laughed

"What was that?" Ezuraki said


"....oh..... okay" Ezuraki said

The girls just laughed before getting dragged by Ezuraki

"C'mon you two, let's get going, of course we got some training to do" Ezuraki said dragging them into the training room

"What training?" The two said

"Combat training, you two are BAD at it, so yeah we got some training to do!" Ezuraki yelled

"Should we be.... Well y'know?"

"Nah Ezuraki's right they are bad combat training and hand-to-hand combat" Tdog said

"So, we're doing this?" Asked the trenchcoated blue frog, as Tdog shrugged.

"Yep!" Ezuraki said, pointing his sword at him. "And I recommend you get ready, cause we're starting in just a few seconds."

The Demon King then quickly walked off, whistling with his weapon over his shoulder. Meanwhile, the other two shrugged.


"We're here today to train! Hand-to-hand combat training to be precise"

"Ummm okay? But why do WE have to train?"

Ezuraki just looked at them with 'really?' Face "yes you two might know about hand-to-hand combat but you need more training"

"Okay now your starting to sound like my gym teacher now"

"Well I'm not a gym teacher now am i?"


He then clasped his hands and turned around. "That's what I thought. Now, onto the first lesson!"

"Ok, and that will be?" Asked Nathan.

"Why, honing your counterattacks, of course! I've seen your parries and in my opinion, I think they need some work. So, here's what we're going to do..."

Following a deep breath, Ezuraki then drew his Katana and held a stance as he pointed towards everyone before continuing.

"...once I charge at you with my weapon, I want you all to be ready to properly counter it with your own blade. I won't be holding back, so I'd better see your best effort out of all of you. So, you ready?"

"Wait!" Anne interjected, causing her coach to turn to her.

"What is it, Anne?"

"What about Tdog and Marcy? They don't really hold blades to counter your Katana with. Tdog usually fights with his fists and the fire he shoots from his hands and Marcy doesn't have anything else but a crossbow. Last time I checked, I'm not so sure those things would do pretty well parrying a sword."

"Eh, it's ok, Anne." Marcy said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I'll just improvise."

"No, no." Ezuraki said, pointing at her. "She's right. We need to get you two a blade. Give me a minute."

He walked away, leaving the two alone for a small window of time.

"Okay i got a serpent like sword and a flaming sword for some reason" Ezuraki said sweating "so which one will you two pick?"

"I don't need one I'm sticking to the sidelines on this one I'm not really a training kinda guy" Tdog said as he raises his hand rejecting the sword

Ezuraki only stares at him with a deadpan face "...excuse me?...not a training guy?'ve never trained?..." he said

"Yup didn't feel the need to" Tdog says with a shrug

"How did you even live for this long?"

"Winged it"

He then takes a glance at the flaming sword "but I will take and keep the flaming sword since it looks dope" he said as he takes the sword as his eyes lit with sparkles

He then turns only for the back of his hoodie to be grabbed

"Nah that's not gonna cut it" Ezuraki said as he dragged Tdog back to the group

"Today's the day you train and learn" he said

"Guess I'll take the serpent sword then" Marcy grabbing the sword before she lost balance of the sword

"hehe guess the sword is heavy huh?" Ezuraki said chuckling

Marcy tried to pick up the sword but couldn't "Noooooooooooo, my weak nerd arms!"

"Yup I'll go get the short sword" Ezuraki said going back to his room


The gang was ready for Ezuraki as they look at each other before looking at Ezuraki who is standing there.......MENACINGLY

They gulp as they get ready while Tdog had a bored and uninterested look

Then Ezuraki jumps in the air as he almost kicked them while they Tdog nathan anne and marcy barely dodged it. He then went for a second strike, only for Tdog to block it and try to counter attack by raising his arm for a strike, only to get swept across the leg and knocked to the ground.

He looked up to see the demon king wagging his finger as he loomed above him before he said,

"Ah, ah, ah... First mistake there, buddy. You let your guard down when you tried to go for the kill, leaving your lower leg exposed."

He then pointed to the body part he was talking about.

"If I was an actual enemy, you'd be pretty much dead right now since I wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of how vulnerable you currently are while you're down. Quick tip, make sure to watch yourself very carefully while going for an attack and make sure to leave the least amount of weak spots open as possible. It may just save your life."

"Alright, alright, fine." Tdog said. "Duly noted."

Ezuraki then turned towards the others.

"As for you, so far you're doing... ok."

"Wait, Just ok?" Anne asked.

"Yeah. I saw some sloppiness in that dodge you guys just did, and that's another thing we need to work on, your movement. The way it is right now could leave you a wide open target for incoming attacks. Anyways, moving on..."

He then raised his sword again with a determined grin as the others simply gulped and took a stance to get ready yet again.

"Hey, Marcy. Get ready. Some more slashes headed your way."

"Oh boy..." Said the nerd before holding it up and seeing him rapidly approach her while winding up another strike of his sword.

On instinct, she held it up to block it and once it hit, she stumbled back when she blocked it.

"Nah, sloppy parry back there, Marce," he said. "Let's try it again."

"Um, o- ok."

He then went for another attack, and she tried to block it again. The blades collided yet again, and she actually managed to keep her balance. Another attack soon followed it and she was actually able to defend against it with a fair amount of composure.

"Hm, a bit better," he said. "Seems like you're improving."

Marcy then beamed with joy "really?"

Ezuraki then kneels down as marcy comes closer"Marcy Keep this firmly in mind, you have a Friend, A friend who believes in you, whatever path you take your going to be a fine woman, just keep that burning passion inside your heart, so let's both do our best! Never lose faith" Ezuraki said smiling as marcy cries

"Th- Th- Thank you so much, Ezuraki..."

"Hey, no problem. Now let's try working on our parries again, shall we."

As the tears continued to stream down her face, her mouth formed a smile and her face turned into one of determination before she held up her shortsword again.

"Yes. we. shall. Let's do this!"

Another sword slash came her way, and then she was able to block it with much more composure than before. He nodded, and went for another, and with each and every single attack, the others could see her improving, and as they watched, they couldn't help but smile at how sweet that the display was.

"Ah, there goes my little Mar Mar." Anne said, "I have to admit, it's pretty nice seeing her get better like this with all these parry lessons, and that speech he gave her was honestly pretty sweet, too."

"Yup," Tdog said. "That's our Ezuraki for ya."

"Yeah, I'll have to admit," Hop Pop said. "That scene is enough to make even a silly old frog like myself cry. It's so heartwarming."

"You're not the only one, Hop Pop," Sprig said. "You're not the only one."

"Now THAT is some improvement," Ezuraki said, shooting a finger gun her way. "Good work, girl."

"Awww," Marcy said. "Thank you sensei."

She then bowed to him and he bowed back.

"I'm looking forward to the upcoming lessons we're going to do together."

'Maybe i should teach her how to use breathing styles' Ezuraki thought "yup im looking forward as well but for now let's rest, it's important to rest up while you can"

"Yeah, I couldn't agree more, cause right now, I'm feeling kinda drained right now."

"Okay now rest up, we've got more to do tomorrow" Ezuraki said

She saluted at him and then she left the room to go get some shut eye.

Ezuraki also goes to his room as he closes the door behind him, in the room Ezuraki can be seen holding a dagger against his chest

"Guess it's time to check what's going on inside my body" Ezuraki said before stabbing himself as he slowly cuts it open from top to bottom, spilling out blood

Ezuraki looked at the mirror to see his fully opened chest as he had 10 hearts and 9 brains

"Dawm looks like I've got an upgrade" Ezuraki said "and one of my hearts looks spiky"

As Ezuraki was checking his organs out someone was watching him and it was sprig planter who is now traumatized from What Ezuraki did "........i will never unsee this......"

Timeskip morning

Everybody had emerged from their rooms as their clock struck morning time. Anne, Marcy, Polly, Hop Pop, and Ezuraki all came out and stretched under the submarine's radiant lighting while being surrounded by the watery plane of the outside world. Yawns filled the main room, followed by Tdog's, "Good MORNING everybody! I hope y'all slept well today."

"Fine i guess, last night i felt like somebody was watching me sleep or something, it was uncomfortable" Ezuraki said yawning "and on top of that there was a weird figure in my room"

"Wait, really?" Nathan asked.

"Yes and it was SMILING at me" Ezuraki said shivering "and once i get a clear view of the figure it was a smiling dog...... god i hate that dog"

"Smiling dog?" Tdog asked. "Like, that creepypasta?"

"yes trevor henderson created that smiling bastard of a dog" Ezuraki said with venom in his voice, clenching his fist

"Honestly I don't think that was Trevor Henderson a doing I'm pretty sure that thing was on the internet before he started posting" Tdog said

"But... that... doesn't really make sense..." Nathan said. "I could almost swear that nobody came on this submarine other than us and the Amphibia Crew. Well, at least last time I checked..."

Ezuraki widen his eyes before he hears his door making a bang sound as it echoes before growling was heard

"Uhhh... what was that?" Anne asked.

Ezuraki readies his sword as Ezuraki activates transparent world

"Wait, wait, wait... No, that can't-"

Nathan and Tdog briefly looked at each other and then readied their own weapons as they prepared for whatever could happen next.

"No... C- Come on guys," Marcy said. "Let's not just jump to conclusions here. Maybe that was just something from outside. I mean, I know we've been through some crazy stuff but there's no way that the ACTUAL smile dog from the trevor henderson creepypasta could be right here, right now, in this very submarine... r- right?"

The growling echoed in the room yet again, this time, even louder and clearer than before. She then instantly loaded her crossbow and pointed it in all kinds of directions with wide eyes in such a paranoid manner."

"R- Right guys? RIGHT?!"

Ezuraki then went to marcy who is shaking in fear "hey hey it's okay remember what i said? Plus you've got me Nathan and tdog to protect you guys"

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Nathan said. "I'll admit, I'm a little intimidated, too, but as long as we're a team, nothing can stop us!"

"So hold your head high!" Ezuraki yelled

"Yeah!" Tdog and Nathan cheered. "Because nothing's taking us down after we've survived so much together!"
"Yeah," Polly said. "They're right. NOTHING CAN TAKE US AS LONG AS WE'RE TOGETHER!"

"Yeah. Come on out you bastard!" Ezuraki shouted. "Go on, come and see what's waiting for you here!"

Anne was the last to draw her weapon, and while she still had a lot of fear, she was still able to push it aside thanks to their pep talk and get ready to fight whatever was responsible for the growling. All they had to do now... was wait for it to show its face...

It's been 1 minute since the growling stopped, the gang was sweating bullets except the multiverse trio, they've been through scary things before so they were not scared.... just creeped out

Ezuraki then lowered his guard down "Okay when is this dog gonna come out, because I've been waiting-" Ezuraki didn't finish his sentence because smile dog has appeared out no where, chopping off Ezuraki's arm

Nathan and Tdog gasped in shock and horror before Nathan suddenly swung his pen like crazy at it while sending out sharp crescents of ink in the process. It simply rolled out of the way before immediately lunging towards him, only to be interrupted by Marcy's crossbow bolt.

Once he looked her way to thank her after recovering from the initial hyperventilating, he realized that the look she had was nothing but pure dread mixed with bewilderment. She was frozen in place since she fired her projectile and her eyes were instantly locked onto the creature.

"N- N- N... No way... It can't be."

"YOU GUYS HAVE SMILE DOG IN AMPHIBIA?!" Anne exclaimed while looking at the plantars who simply looked at the aforementioned creature with confusion and shock.

"Ummm... Well, apparently we do now, I think..." Sprig said.

"Anne, I have not seen that freak here in my whole life!" Hop Pop shouted, pointing at it. "As a matter of fact, I just looking at it makes me feel like it's belongs here even less than you, Marcy, Tdog, and Ezuraki."

"That's because it doesn't even belong in our world!" Nathan said in hysteria. "And no, I don't mean it's from another world either... or... maybe it is, I don't know the full lore behind it, but it's like, I don't think it should even exist!"

"Doesn't matter," Polly said. "All we need to know is that it's a creepy four legged beast and we need to take it out, NOW!"

"Right!" Everybody exclaimed before the Smile Dog executed its next move.

It hopped right at Tdog, only to be knocked off course mid air by his fire, then it got impaled by five ink spikes sent by Nathan.

For a while, it simply lay there, unmoving and seemingly lifeless. Everybody was looking at it anxiously, their weapons still ready in case it tries anything else.

Yet... it didn't.

"Is... is it over?" Marcy asked.

"I dunno, girl." Ezuraki said. "From what I've seen, Trevor Henderson's creations rarely go down that-"

Suddenly, the air was rife with loud, frantic, and aggressive barking before a growl soon followed and Nathan had his neck bit into with its horriffic, pointed teeth. Ezuraki was able to slice it in two with his katana before he followed up his attack with his war fan, throwing it and lodging it inside of his head.

He breathed heavily, while he kept his stance. Nathan, however, was not in very good condition. He clutched the part that the dog big with such ferocity and relentlessness that it pretty much created massive and bloody wounds.

"Nathan, are you ok?!" Ezuraki asked him.

Through all of the severe pain that he was undergoing, he looked at him and shook his head while trying to get up but was weakened by his injuries.

"What does it look like to you, demon boy?!" Hop Pop shouted at him. "Of course he isn't ok!"

That wasn't all, though, because as soon as they heard growling yet again, they all turned back to the dismembered canine. It made it very clear that it still wasn't finished yet, as its upper half crawled onto the floor and made it back to its lower. Once that was done, it reformed into one whole entity once again and flicked its head to the side to drop Ezuraki's war fan.

Ezuraki then brings out an weapon, a deadly weapon, it was a flail and an axe chained together as he spins the flail trying to intermediate the Demon dog while the others were surprised on how Ezuraki can fight with a weapon like this

Ezuraki eyes were lifeless almost looked like he was blind, as an image appeared in smile dog mind, it almost looked like the stone hashira

For a few moments, it was rather confused, then the image went away when it was met with a mace delivered right to the face. It skidded backwards before it looked up at him with a scowl.

"Anne, Sprig, Hop Pop," said the demon hybrid. "You take Nathan to safety so he can heal. As for the rest of us, we'll deal with this guy."
Anne gave Ezuraki a salute as she was holding him up by one of his arms while Sprig had the other one. Nathan then walked with them both as he grunted in pain every two steps, to which he got a response from Anne in the form of,

"Shhh, shh, shh, shh. I know, I know it hurts, but it's going to be ok."

Hop Pop simply shook his head.

Smile Dog tried to attack them, but a flaming kick from Tdog had something to say about that. Even angrier than it already is, it was left with the remaining members of the group to battle. This, it was more than glad to do, as it couldn't wait to rip, tear, bite, and chew its way through the flesh of each and every single one of them.

First up was Polly, who caught Sprig's slingshot mid air when he tossed it her way. She pulled it back and aimed it right at the dog's face.

Smile Dog reeled back and bared its teeth, to which Tdog gasped.

"Polly, watch out-"

It leaped towards the tadpole, but before the pyromancer could complete his warning, she jumped to the side and started pelting it with some pebbles.

"Yeah, save your breath, fire boy," Polly said, waving her stub dismissively. "I ain't stupid."

"I can see that" Ezuraki said

Polly nodded.

It then went in for another attack, but she rolled out of the way just like the last attempt. The onslaught continued. Unfortunately for her, however, as she used Sprig's weapon to continue peppering him, she soon came to the realization that it was having very little effect on her enemy. At worst, it made the demon flinch for a second before trying to attack her again. Though, was that really surprising to her? It's just some puny stones being flung at its face.

She sighed and observed the slingshot before saying,

"Ugh! This thing's doing, like, zero damage against that thing!"

She then threw it away.

"Alright, that's it, I'm trying another way."

As she was doing so, Marcy was firing crossbow bolts at the enemy as Tdog offered some assistance in setting them alight as they flew through the air. Meanwhile, Ezuraki was going head to head with it, using his weapon to slash and scratch it while avoiding its constant assaults.

"Haha! Come on you reposting menace," Ezuraki said, taunting it. "You can't tell me that's all you've got, right?"

It only growled in response and went right to biting his head, only for him to duck and use the opportunity to strike him from below. A snarl came from it before it hit the ground.

"Hmm, you know, maybe you're onto something with the whole, 'Spread the word' gimmick you're doing," He continued. "Maybe I should try it myself. How about something like, "Local legend, "Smile Dog", responsible for countless murders, defeated by a local hero." Yeah, that'll get some heads turning!"

The snarling became even more intense than before.

"Ah, ah, ah temper, temper" Ezuraki said before he realized "wait a minute....... I can just do this"

Ezuraki then teleported behind the demon dog before snapping his neck ......Brutally, finally killing it and well the amphibia gang just stood there  with a blank faces

"We risked our lives to kill this thing, just to be killed easily like that...." Tdog said







"Yeah....." Ezuraki said "maybe I should just not hold back?"

"Yeah prob don't need to hold back on these monster's?" Tdog said "and speaking of holding back, how strong are you?"

"Don't know, maybe.... Yoriichi's level?" Ezuraki said ''rubbing his own chin "or DKT? Plus i think i would destroy the submarine if i'm not holding back"

"Huh...heh good to know" Tdog said as he smirks a bit closing his eyes and crossing his arms looking down

"So does this mean you could potentially kill us all with ease?" Marcy said asking him

"If i could then yes but i can't" Ezuraki said

"Why?" Marcy said asking him

"Because your so adorable" Ezuraki said grabbing her cheeks and mushing it together

"*muffled* let... go... of my face... please" marcy said

"But your so adorable" Ezuraki said

She was getting a little annoyed, but she couldn't help but blush a little at the thought of receiving that compliment. Soon enough, he let go and let her face fall, much to her relief.

"Well, thanks, I guess..." she said.

"Your welcome," Ezuraki said, helping her up. "So now what are we gonna do with the body?"

Suddenly they all looked down to see the body gone then they look out the window to see the smile dogs body floating out in the ocean still dead as Tdog walks back in dusting off his hands

"now.... Who wants lunch?" Ezuraki said

Timeskip [Kitchen]

Ezuraki made lunch and everybody was enjoying what Ezuraki made as tdog was eating everything like he didn't eat for 3 weeks. As for Nathan, he was slowly walking into the kitchen while still clutching his now bandaged stomach, still visibly afflicted by the wound that the Smile Dog had left him. He sat down in between his two friends and he saw all of the dishes that lay on everybody's plates.

"Oh, so I see it's chow-time," he said, his eyes observing the table.

Ezuraki nodded and gestured towards himself. "Yep! Made by yours truly. It's my home-made recipe, cooked with the finest technique passed down to me for generations."

"Oh, so you mean, like, a secret recipe?" Anne asked.

He nodded.

"Well, it smells pretty delicious." Nathan said. "Could I get a plate?"

"Sure!" Ezuraki said, getting up to get him a serving, but then he looked at the wound that was inflicted during the battle. His expression went from proud to concern and it goes without saying that everyone else was feeling the same way he was.

"Oh, and by the way dude," Tdog said. "Are you ok?"

Nathan's eyes darted to the left as he had an unsure face when he asked that question.

"Um... to tell the truth, I have definitely seen better days... That dog can really pack a punch, but at least I don't have to lose any more blood thanks to the bandages."

He then turned to Anne, Sprig and Hop Pop.

"Thanks for that, by the way."

Anne gave a thumbs up, Sprig said, "It's not problem, bud.", and Hop Pop just sat there and continued to eat his food, but soon enough, he looked up.

"I'm just glad that nobody's dead. And you should be, too," he said.

"Trust me, I am. But at least now we can sit down and enjoy a nice little... ummm... wait, what are we having, lunch or dinner?"

"Jambalaya" Ezuraki said "my favourite dish to make!"

"Well, I guess I'd better get ready to eat, then."

He then put his hands together and waited patiently as Ezuraki walked into the kitchen to get him some. Meanwhile, everybody else just stared at the injured frog, something that he couldn't help but notice.

"Ummm, is everything ok?" He asked.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok, dude?" Anne asked, answering his question with her own. "You look... like you got hit pretty hard."

"Oh, um... yeah, I'll heal," he answered. "The pain's a bit of a... umm... female dog, to say a better term, but it'll go away with time. I'm sure of it."

"Female dog?" Ezuraki said confused

He leaned into his ear and whispered, "That's pretty much what 'bitch' means."

"Oh! Okay i get it" Ezuraki said understanding

"But hey, that's enough about me. Where's that juicy looking Jambalya?"

"Oh right, here ya go!" Ezuraki said handing him a plate of Jambalaya "enjoy"

The young fanfiction author put the spoon he was given into the jambalaya and once he put it into his mouth after, his eyes widened and his face lit up at the taste of the dish.

"Oh my gosh... I've never had any kind of jambalaya before but my goodness... this... THIS is super awesome! My most heartfelt compliments to the chef!"

"Well i'm glad you like it" Ezuraki said giving him a thumbs up

He gave a warm smile in return before he continued eating more of it.

"I repeat Nathan's sentiments exactly," Anne said. "This sort of stuff is pretty awesome."

Sprig nodded with his mouth full and gave a thumbs up.

"I have to agree," Hop Pop said. "I think this might be the best dish I've had since I was just starting life as an adult. Honestly, this is the best thing that's happened since we met you boys."

"Umm... thanks?" Nathan replied.

"Eh, no problem!"

After that exchange, Nathan continued to eat his meal, but then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. When he turned to his left, he realized that Marcy was the one who had eaten the least of her food out of all of them. She wasn't even eating right now, instead, she was busy writing in her notebook.

"Let me guess," He said. "Good ol' Marcy just couldn't wait til' dinner time before writing about everything that happened, couldn't she?"

Her attention wasn't even on anything else until she was called out to, to which she temporarily dropped her notebook and looked his way.

"Uh, is that even a question?" She responded, her face brimming with excitement. "How could I NOT? Everything we've just done is so awesome, and amazing and so super awesome and amazing and cool! I hardly believe that I'm even awake at this point!

...oh, and that reminds me. There's this one thing I've been meaning to say to you guys..."

"And that is..."

"Thank you... for everything that's happened because of you. Yeah, I'll admit, it's been a little... frightening to say the least, especially when what's happened seems like it's come right out of an anime. Still, this is the most fun I've ever had in my life. It's almost like I want to stay here and hang out with you guys forever!"

She sighed.

"I'm really glad I got to see you guys' little deathmatch, cause you guys just blew the time I already spent in newtopia out of the water."

"Good to know we're not the only ones who had a good time." He said.

While marcy was talking, Ezuraki was crying "W-wow like that was the m-most nicest thing has everyone ever said to us *sniff*"

"Yeah, I'm happy we were able to put a little more spark in your life, Marcy," Tdog said.

"I think 'spark' is a bit of an understatement, but yeah, same here," Marcy said. "But man, so much crazy stuff has happened and at this rate, I'm pretty much going to run out of room for this thing."

She closely inspected her notebook.

"In fact, I'm pretty sure I've just got a few more pages left. Gotta start shortening my notes."

"Well, if you think what's happened so far is awesome, then who knows what else can go down?"

"Oh... OH, just thinking of what could come next practically has me shaking in excitement!"

"...and me shaking in fear." Hop Pop added.

"I can't wait!"

"Actually, I wouldn't mind getting to sit down and take a little break," Anne said. "I think we can all agree we could use one right about now."

Nathan nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

"FORGET THAT!" Polly said, covered in the jambalaya that she just jumped out of. "I want a new super cool adventure that puts our LIVES ON THE LINE!"

"Yeah, I thought you'd say something like that," Hop Pop said.

"Anyway *cracks back* i'm heading to my room now" Ezuraki said heading to his room

"Wait, Ezuraki! Wait for me!" Marcy said following him

As she followed him, the gang is now alone together

"Well, I'm going to go look out at the window and think about things," Nathan said. "If anyone wants to join me, then feel free to do so."

He then got up from his seat and went over to the window, leaving Tdog, Anne, and the plantars by themselves.

"Sooo... what do we do now?" The fire summoner asked.

Sprig shrugged. "Eh, I dunno. Maybe we can play a little game?"

"Um, what game?"

"I dunno. There's not a lot we can do in this submarine compared to Wartwood."

"Well, I say we take a moment sitting here to appreciate some fine art," Hop Pop suggested, much to the kids' dismay.

"Oh no..." Sprig said. "No... oh no, no, no, no, no! NO!"

Polly only stared at him with a look of pure dread, meanwhile Tdog, having considered what he knows about Hop Pop in the show, he knew exactly what was coming to him."

[Meanwhile with Ezuraki and Marcy]

Ezuraki was reading some fanfiction while marcy was playing with his hair twirling it

"Marcy, can you stop playing with my hair please?" Ezuraki said

"Sorry about that, but i can't help it, your hair if so smooth" marcy said as Ezuraki blushed from marcy complement

"T-Thanks for the complement mar mar" Ezuraki said hiding his blush from marcy

"No problem" Marcy said

"I wonder what the others are doing?" Marcy asked

[With Nathan and Anne]

Nathan was pondering how he was able to be here in the first place as the dark depths of the ocean were all that were displayed behind the window while he was staring out of. On top of that, there were many things that had crossed his mind, and that was when a certain human girl came up to him and stood right at his side.

"You know, I'm kinda surprised at how beautiful Amphibia's oceans can be." She said, causing Nathan to jump from the shock.

"Ah! You scared me"

"*giggles* sorry about that" anne said apologizing to him

"Nah, it's fine. So you came here to stare off into the abyss of the ocean, too, huh?"

"Well, not really, but honestly, I'd take that over whatever Hop Pop's saying we do. Honestly, though, I just came here to try and strike up some friendly conversation."

"Oh, yes? Such as..."

"Such as... ummm... well, how about how you got those powers of yours. Must be quite an interesting story you've got to tell there."

"Oh, eh, the answer's a bit more boring than you're probably expecting. They're just part of me. I've always been able to do stuff like this."

"You mean, you were born with them?"

"Yep. Nothing more, nothing less. That's it."


"See? I told you it'd be boring."

"Well, it's still so cool that you have 'em."

She then leaned back against the submarine wall.

", can you imagine if every writer was able to do what you can do? I'm pretty sure they would be able to take over the world if that happened."

Nathan smiled at the thought of that, being in that category himself, he wasn't so averse to that sort of idea. He was about to reply, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw something outside of the window that definitely got his attention.

Three giant bioluminescent crabs were marching along in a straight line.

"Woah..." Was all he could muster.

"...what are you 'woah'ing out there, dude?" She asked him before she took a gander herself and was pleasantly surprised as to what she saw.

That wasn't all, however, because as they kept looking, the ground below the crustaceans began to transform into a few vibrant colors, which soon morphed into an amazing greater variety. Both of their eyes then grew to great lengths at the observation.

"Woah... sometimes I forget how beautiful the ocean can be sometimes."

[With Tdog and the Plantars]





"........So you guys like jazz?" Tdog said finger gunning at them

"What's jazz?" Sprig said asking him

"It's an instrument that makes a funky sound" Tdog said explaining to them

"Hmmmmm I think we have those in amphibia" Hop pop said

"Anyway, Wanna play UNO?" Tdog said

"Sure, I don't see what could go wrong playing this "uno"" Sprig said

Timeskip [morning]

It's morning and the whole submarine is quiet. Nathan was the first to leave his room and when he was outside, he looked left and right, and soon realized the silence in the area around him.

"Ummm... Good Morning?" He said, apprehensively.

Sprig then came out of his room yawning

"Mornin'" He said.

Nathan then waved to him. "Hey, buddy. Did'ja sleep well?"

"Well... that's kinda hard to say..."

"What do you mean?"

"To be honest, it's kinda hard to get any shut-eye at all when you constantly have to be looking over your shoulder for the whole night..."

The trenchcoat frog tilted his head. "Wait, what? What the heck do you mean?"

The pink frog then rubbed the back of his neck.


Just as he was trailing off, a knife was launched right at him. Thankfully, it was only able to graze the right side of his head, and once it passed, Nathan also swiftly stepped to the side in order to avoid getting stabbed. It ended up hitting the wall of the submarine and the two looked on with facial expressions that were a cocktail of both fear and absolute shock.

"What was that?!" The former of the two asked the latter.

"Eh... heheheh... yeah, that's pretty much why I almost got not sleep last-"

Suddenly, they heard Polly's voice sound off from the plantars' bedroom door.

"HEY, SPRIG! DON'T THINK I FORGOT HOW YOU ROBBED ME OF MY HARD EARNED VICTORY!" She screamed at him, and to that, he simply jerked his thumb behind him.

"Wait, Polly's trying to kill you? Why?!"

"I dunno. I guess that's just the price of winning."

"Winning... what?"

"Oh, Tdog showed us this cool card game that I heard you play back on earth where you keep trying to get rid of your cards until you play your last one."

With that answer, nothing more was required to be said, he only looked at him before returning back to normal. All he said to him in response was,

"Say no more."

Tdog and Hop Pop were the next to come out and the latter was on top of the former, raining down his elderly fists on the one that Nathan assumed had subjected him to a terrible trick during their apparent game of UNO.

"Oh my god, you wrinkly, warty, old fart, GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" The pyromancer exclaimed, only for his assault to continue.

"YOU AREN'T GETTING AWAY WITH WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT THAT EASILY!" His attacker snapped back in response.

While they were arguing sprig said "welp i'm gonna go check Ezuraki, Marcy and Anne, sooooooooooo BYE!" Sprig said running off leaving Nathan alone with the other's

"So, let me guess... You didn't take the loss very well, did you?"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" She shouted. "Of course I didn't! That rotten little slimebag knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he used that one card with the two arrows! And honestly, I swear, that game is completely rigged! No matter how many cards I pull, I never got the card I needed! THAT AIN'T FAIR, I'M TELLING YA!"

[Meanwhile with sprig and others]

Sprig was in they're room trying to scare them

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD'S!" Sprig shouted waking them up, Anne first got up and said

"The hell dude? Uuuuugggghhhh" Anne said rubbing her eyes

marcy sat up from her own bed saying "what's going on....?"

Sprig snickered before Ezuraki got up groaning and frowning "what the fuck dude? I was having a good dream, dammit!" Ezuraki yelled before falling back in bed

"BUT I'll kick butt later, for now need rest"

Sprig then got out of the room

Timeskip [Living room]

"Alright, gang," Nathan said, rubbing his hands together. "What's for breakfast?"

"For breakfast it's pancakes, bacon and some scrambled eggs" Ezuraki said getting the ingredients from the giant fridge

"Aw, sweet! I love that dish for breakfast."

"Yeah, yeah anyway i'm heading to cook now" Ezuraki said heading to the kitchen

"Can I help?" Tdog asked.

"Wait YOU? Wanna help me?" Ezuraki said "guess i could get a little help from someone"

"HELL YEAH!" Tdog yelled going into the kitchen with Ezuraki

"I wish I could help..." Nathan said, "but I don't really know how to cook. My mom taught me a few lessons but that's about it.

Timeskip [breakfast]

"Bekfest!" Ezuraki shouted confusing the other's as he brought breakfast while Tdog did the same, they place it on the table

Nathan clapped his hands before clutching his cutlery and looking at his table, waiting for his plate to come. His serving soon came and... there it was...

It was the promised Bacon and Eggs that he and his friends were discussing earlier, and at the sight and smell of them, he licked his lips and raised his utensils.

"Bon Appetit!" Tdog told everybody before sitting down and digging in himself.

The rest of the group followed, consuming the delicious dishes that was prepared by the two star chefs. Unsurprisingly to anyone, they were absolutely delicious. As soon as the beautiful and crispy bacon entered their mouths, the flavors instantly started melting on their tongues. Once the same thing happened with the eggs, everybody could tell they were able to cook them to near perfection.

"Man, you've outdone yourself again, Ezuraki!" Marcy said.

"ㄒ卄卂几Ҝ ㄚㄖㄩ ꪑꪖ𝘳ᥴꪗ W̶u̶" Ezuraki said

Marcy stared at him wide eyed and dropped her knife and fork.

"Uhhh, what was that?" She asked the other two.

Nathan stayed silent, and Tdog was the one to answer.

"...I have absolutely no idea and don't care." He said before continuing to quickly eat his food

"ሠዘልፕነ ሠዪዐክኗ ኗሁሃነ? ነርልዪቿዕ" Ezuraki said scaring them even more

"Why... are you talking like that?" Anne asked.

"ᑎOᑎᗴ  Ⓞ︎Ⓕ︎ 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 ᥇ꪊ𝓲𝘴ꪀꫀ𝘴𝘴 ልክክቿ ꌃꂦꂦꈤꏳꀍꀎꌩ" Ezuraki replied back with smile

Wide eyed, she would lean back further in her chair if the back of it didn't stop her from doing so. The plantars all huddled around each other in the meantime, with Hop Pop glaring at him as he kept his kids safe in his arms.

"Um, are you ok, dude?" Nathan asked.

"ㄖ卄  |爪  千|几乇  几卂ㄒ卄卂几"  Ezuraki said "what about  ሃዐሁ?"

"I'm... okay?" he nervously replied before slowly shifting his attention to his breakfast... or at least trying to before he continued to eat."

"go on eat it" Ezuraki said

"Well, if you really are fine, then how'd you learn to talk like that?" Marcy asked.

"what like this?" Ezuraki said "ዐዪ ረጎጕቿ ፕዘጎነ?"

She nodded. "Yeah, that. What's with that? Is that a new ability you've learned or did you always know how to do that?"

"eh kinda learned it" Ezuraki said answering her question.......kinda

"Woooah... cool!" She then took out her notebook and started writing in it again.

"...I think I might need to buy a new notebook when we get back to the surface."

"you kinda do"

"Yeah, no need to tell me twice. I should really start saving room in order to document some of the wildlife that we see down here."

Suddenly, they all heard a loud roar, and once they did, it instantly startled them right out of their seats.

"(ง'̀-'́)ง where's that beast" Ezuraki said

"I have absolutely no clue..." Anne said. "but it seemed like it was coming from over there."

She pointed to a nearby window behind her, and instantly, they all ran over to it. When they all looked outside in fear of what was going to happen next, they then saw something... pretty wild, to be honest.

One giant electric... and I mean HIGHLY electric eel was thrashing, dashing, biting and writing in pain as it was fighting an enormous army of piranhas that were flashing white every second while they were using their razor sharp teeth and their strength in numbers to tear into its fresh.

"well looks like its a job for me then" Ezuraki said smiling

"Wait!" Marcy said.

" you hear that?"

She and the Demon King listened closely, and soon enough, they all noticed. As it writhed and struggled, another roar sounded off in the far off depths. It looked in its direction and noticed a certain fish coming into view. Its shadow was hard to make out at first, but soon enough, it was quickly revealed to be a very, very familiar species that they've dealt with before.

It looked exactly like the kind of "creepy af" fish that Ezuraki had destroyed from the inside. It couldn't have been the exact same one because it was killed indefinitely by his tactic, so the only explanation was that there were more like it... unfortunately.

"Oh no... oh just PERFECT!" Ezuraki said. "Just what we needed."

"Wait!" Anne said. "Maybe it's just me but... it doesn't look like it's heading for us."

"Ummm... wait, what?"

"Just look!"

She was right, it wasn't going for them. Instead, it looked like it was heading into the direction of the battle between the Eel and the Pirahnas. It growled before taking a sudden pause and then swiftly swimming out of the way while its enemies were still trying to eat it whole.

Fortunately for it, that action proved to be rather efficient because the sudden movement made them all converge together as they continued to try and press into the empty space that was left behind where the flesh was supposed to be.
Immediately, they caught on and set a new course to continue feeding on it, only to realize too late that the leviathan had eaten most of the group whole. After that, the Eel charged in to try and clean up the scraps, but as soon as the two fishes' skin collided, the fish did seem to be hurt... but not enough to have all that much of an effect.

It opened its mouth again, and the Eel flinched before continuing its assault, only to be stunned by a quick bite from the creature. Looking back on its injuries, it quickly swam away as fast as it could, the fish in tow.

Meanwhile, everyone who got a view of the show stood there with their mouths open. Marcy, however, simply flipped open her notebook.

"And that's what I'm talking about."

"please god let us survive" Ezuraki said praying to god

"are you.....praying?" Anne asked

"i know what im doing" Ezuraki said before heading to the control center sweating

"...starting to think he's not really immortal....." Tdog said


They got away from the monster not taking any risks and for a while, everything seemed to be some kind of smooth sailing.

"phew! We got away safely" Ezuraki said wiping off the sweat on his forehead

"Well that was uhhhh a crazy fight?" sprig said, shrugging

"Crazy?" Anne said. "Hah! Try 'absolutely insane!'"

"You're telling me," Marcy said. "You know, this is why I'm so glad I decided to start conserving space for my notebook, because honestly, I have a feeling we're about to see a whole lot more crazy stuff in the future.

"You know, call it a hunch, but I'm right with ya." Tdog said.

"♫︎my money don't jiggle, jiggle it folds, i like to see you wiggle, wiggle♫︎" Ezuraki said singing

"Oh, you singing another song dude?" Anne asked him.

Ezuraki just ignored her and continued to sing "♫︎for sure it makes me want to dribble dribble, you know riding in my fiat you really have to see it♫︎"

Even without a response, the answer she was expecting was rather clear, so she shrugged her shoulders and decided to join in on the fun.

"♫︎six feet two in a compact no slack but luckily the seats go back i got knack to relax in my mind sipping some red, red wine♫︎"

"♫︎i sip brews from chalices holding my palaces grip is so crampy suckers suffer from paralysis rhymes i write them in the castle you try to diss me and pretty soon your ass♫︎"

"♫︎will squat in a cell cause i can tell you its illegal treason thats the reason i'm regal youll do time for the crime thats less majestic and the fuck the police cus they cant arrest me♫︎"

"Oh, so we're singing again?" Tdog asked, getting no response as he kept singing. He smiled as he wouldn't mind sharing yet another musical number with his friends.

"Wanna sing with me or not?" Ezuraki asked them

"Hell YEAH we do!" Both Anne and Tdog responded.

"okay then get ready ♫︎i like to see you wiggle it makes me dribble fancy a fiddle♫︎"

"♫︎My money dont jiggle jiggle, it folds i like to see you wiggle wiggle, for sure♫︎"

"♫︎It makes me wanna dribble, dribble, dribble, you know? Ridin in my flat, you two really have to see it♫︎

"♫︎six feet two in a compact no slack but luckily the seats go back i got a knack to relax in my mind sipping some red, red wine♫︎"

"♫︎Uhm, all this caviar hard to digest. Money long like receipts from CVS♫︎"

"♫︎i sip brews from chalices holding my palaces grip is so crampy suckers suffer from paralysis rhymes i write them in the castle you try to diss me and pretty soon your ass♫︎"

"♫︎Will squat in a cell cause i can tell you its illegal treason, thats the reason im regal you do the time for the crime thats less majestic and fuck the police cus they cant arrest me♫︎"

Nathan smiled yet again at the sight of all of his friends having fun. He smiled and would be more than happy to join the fun, himself. He had some other plans, so he instead left them to do their own funny little thing as Marcy started to walk in, presumably to participate in the activity herself.

* * * *

He went to the control room and approached the panel with special intent on one thing and one thing only. He carefully drifted his finger across it's entirety, brushing every single appliance that decorated it... until he came across the very one that he was looking for.

He looked admirantly at the camera feature. He pressed the button and a screen came to his eyes from above. On the cameras, he saw nothing but the watery abyss, but he was still looking forward to observing it because he was positive it wasn't going to stay like that for long.

Among the charming ambience of his friends' whimsical muffled singing behind himself, he noticed the distinct sound of the metal door opening and closing, briefly letting in those melodies before they faded into suppression again.

Upon this, he took his eyes off of the screen and looked behind himself to see that it was Marcy, who waved to him and said, "Hey-o!"

"Oh, Marcy?" Asked the writing amphibian. "Hey, there. Didn't expect to see you here. I thought you were out singing with the other guys."

"Well, I wanted to, but I wasn't really familiar with the lyrics to what they were singing and I thought what you were doing seemed a little more interesting.

What are you doing here, exactly?"

"Oh, come here."

She did what he said.

"I'm thinking of looking at the ocean a little more and seeing what else we can find. Also, at the dinner table, I had a small little thought. We should really be taking some more pictures to really capture the moment. You get me?"

"Huh, you know, when you actually say it, you're kinda right. I mean, Anne's been taking some photos with her phone and so have your other two friends, but I think we should start really preserving the proof of what we saw."

"Yeah, yeah. On top of that, I think we should also explore a little bit more. We've already seen some crazy stuff down here. Just imagine what else we could find if we looked a little harder."

"Hm. You know, I like the way you think, dude."


(Meanwhile with the others)

We see the others are playing UNO except Ezuraki because he has bad memories of it

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME HOP POP!!!" Tdog yelled at hop pop who played a +2 card


"Wow! UNO is pretty complicated" Anne said with a innocent smile before looking over at Ezuraki who's looking away from them, as anne goes over to Ezuraki

"Hey, you okay dude?" Anne asked

"Hmm? Yeah! I'm fine, just wondering" Ezuraki said

"What are you wondering about?"

"Oh y'know just my past"

"Well, if you... don't mind me asking, what is about your past?" Anne said asking

Ezuraki didn't say anything, as anne felt uncomfortable asking that as she was about to leave until Ezuraki grabs her signaling her to stay as she stayed

"Well about the past is... wellllll, its kinda complicated, its mainly about how i became the inferno piller" Ezuraki said explaining

Anne listened carefully, clearly interested in the story

[Meanwhile, with Nathan and Marcy]

"So, you like what you see?" Nathan asked.

For a while, Marcy didn't answer. When he turned to her, he found her writing in her notebook. Soon, she looked up at him and noticed him looking at her.

"Marcy?" He asked.

"Oh- oh yeah!" She responded. "Yeah, sorry about this. I'm so sorry. I was just... taking it all in and jotting all these amazing creatures down in my notebook. Oh! And speaking of which, look at that!"

She ran over to the screen and planted her face onto it. What she was talking about was a herd of glowing rainbow jellyfish, and next to that was what looked like an ordinary rock, but when the submarine's flashlight stumbled upon it. Eight legs sprouted underneath it, as well as some eyes, then skittered away.

"Oh, OH! And that one! Come on, Nathan! Just look at this one!"

Adhering to her request, he went over to her side to look at what she was looking at. When he got there, she put her finger on the exact spot she had mentioned. Once he laid eyes on it, what he saw completely caught him by surprise.
It was a bunch of electric eels, their electricity shining bright in the darkness. Though, their body structure did seem a little weird because it was a lot more rough and boxy. The group of sea fishes all lined up on top of each other. Some of them even changing shape in order to look like 'L's, Zig-Zags, and sometimes, they just stayed in straight lines. They dropped on top of each other one by one until they all formed a wall before the energy flowing around their bodies suddenly stopped, leaving them completely invisible in the dark.

"Woah... It kinda reminds me of tetris in a way."

"I know right?!" Marcy said, grabbing him by the collar. "I didn't even think I'd ever see something like that!"

However, that wasn't all, because out of the corner of their eyes, they noticed something. A fish was swimming in its direction, indicated by its path that they saw, completely passing the flashlight. They noticed its shadow heading towards it, outlined by the few bits of luminescence displayed in where they were right now, all but confirming where it was headed.

At first, the two thought nothing of it, but then they noticed something. The wall of eels lit up again, and this time, the fish was spazming on top of it. The wall then disassembled itself and the light that its parts' electricity gave off was enough to show the fish floating among them, floating dead.

They instantly went in for the kill, ravenously eating the fish together and sharing its carcass all at once. They all swam away afterwards. Needless to say, they were quite amazed.

"Oh. My. God." Nathan said.

Marcy's face lit up before she began writing in her notebook again.

"And that's another one for the good ol' journal!"

[Back with Ezuraki and the gang]

"I was born in the sengoku era where I was in a peaceful village until.... Demons came into our village, killing most of our villagers, me and my sister were the only one's left but then... He came"

Anne gasped saying "who?!"

"Yoriichi tsugikuni he was the person who created the first breathing style.... Sun breathing"

"Wow! I'm guessing this is like a very rare breathing style?" Anne asked.

"Yes, that man traumatized Muzan kubutsuji because of his breathing and his speed, strength, endurance, etc"

"Wow, Ezuraki," Sprig said. "I knew you were cool, but I didn't think you could get even cooler!"

"Yeah!" Polly said. "Your backstory sounds so epic and mysterious so far."

"Once me and my sister were the only ones left, Yoriichi saved me and my sis, when he was about to leave I shouted "When I grew up!!! I'LL BE STRONG LIKE YOU, YORIICHI!!!""

"Aww, that's actually kinda sweet." Sprig said.

"But Yoriichi stopped when I shouted at him, he turned around and walked towards me saying "when you grow up.... I promise, I'll make you my apprentice" i lit up in joy"

Everyone else stopped talking for a second to put their fists over their chests while their eyes welled up with joy and they had weak smiled.

"Well, I'm guessing the apprentice thing happened...somehow." Tdog said laying on his side on the ground.

"Yeah, when i was old enough, i found yoriichi in his old state once i found him he started to teach sun breathing which i learned very quickly to which i created a new breathing style called "Inferno breathing""

"Woah! Inferno breathing?!" Sprig said. "Man, that sounds super dope!"

"It may sound cool but once you hear it what i did you'd be horrified"

"Woah... now I've GOT to hear it!" Polly said. "Come on! Tellmetellmetellmetellme, TELL ME!"

The tadpole was jumping up and down with excitement.

"*chuckle* maybe another time" Ezuraki said

Both her and Sprig's heads faced down in disappointment.

"Awww..." They said.

"Hey, don't worry, guys. It's fine. I'm sure Ezuraki has some even cooler tales to tell us, too."

"Hmm there was this one time i almost got killed by a flute demon" Ezuraki said under his breath which they heard

Everyone's excitement reignited instantly and they faced up and leaned in to listen... somewhat even Hop Pop seemed to be interested in his story a little while Tdog now lays on his back putting his arms behind his head using this time to relax since things seem calm now

"Yeah, tell us that one!" Polly said.

"Well, after i became a pillar, i was signed to exterminate a Flute demon, after that went to the location"


Ezuraki is seen walking around the forest until he saw something horrifying.... There were dead 9 demon slayer laying around as there was 4 children corpse laying until he saw the demon that was suppose to kill

"So Your their reinforcements, huh?" The demon said " only one of you isn't enough"

"But you won't be lonely, your comrades are waiting for you in the underworld" demon said continuing to talk

He slaughtered NINE demon slayers and sucked the innards from 5 children then the demon corrected himself to 4 as one was still alive and crying, the words of Ezuraki father chame through his mind 'that death often comes... for comrades with whom you've recently shared a laugh' as Ezuraki thought of he then swore to SLAY this awful demon

With that this enraged Ezuraki far beyond and with that a flame was ignited with in him as he lungs forward to slash the demon, with the demon dodging out of the way, he quickly pulls out a flute, this bizzare flute then let out a terrifying sound and covered in pulsing veins

In response Ezuraki quickly covered his ears as suddenly two terrifying canian appear of the demon

"Your at a disadvantage, you can't  cover your ears  and hold your katana at the same time, and that means you can't fight!" The demon said

And so Ezuraki didn't move an inch, that he must have noticed that if he moved an inch he would fall and collapses to ground

"My flute Disrupts the nervous if you try to move your foot, your head will move! And if you try to move your hand, your foot will move!"said the demon"You humans train so hard, but one sound from my flute...renders it all useless!!! My dogs will devour you... as you wriggle like a filthy worm!

With that the creatures would charge at him towards Ezuraki as he thought of something 'life is but a serious decisions, one where you don't have unlimited options or time' soon enough Ezuraki had enough of This life's greatest mistake... Demons

And with that Ezuraki slashes the creature that was running towards him which are now just dead corpses now

"What?!"the demon said before getting his head sliced off of his shoulders like the jaws of a predator, this left the demon  in shock

"NO!! I WAS GOING TO JOIN THE TWELVE KIZU-" before the demon can finish his sentence, he had already disappeared

"Rot in hell, you piece of shit"Ezuraki said before holding onto to the last survivor which was a crying girl

'I vow to someday become admirable like you' Ezuraki thought before carrying the girl to the demon slayer HQ

*Flashback over*

Everybody except Tdog who was still chilling was blankly staring at the demon king once his tale was finished, and as he waited for their response, one of them finally decided to make a sound.

Anne raised her hands and clapped at a slow pace before it gradually proceeded to get faster and faster until she rapidly gave him a round of applause.

Just as he smiled, Sprig joined in, and so did Polly,This continued until he had a whole crowd giving him a standing ovation. As for Hop Pop, he just sat there with his eyes wide open in bewilderment.

"That was EPIC!" Polly said. "My goodness, I wish I could go and fight demons like that."

"Yeah!" Anne said. "So much fire and flames and flesh and corpses just. WOW! I think I might need a few extra minutes to just process what I just heard."

"Ahem" the fire summoner let out

"Oh your flames are still sicker dude!" Anne said

"I know we've said it before but... man, we can't say it enough. You are SO COOL!" Sprig said.

"U-umm t-thanks it's not a big deal or a-a-anything"Ezuraki said blushing because complement he was receiving, as anne noticed this with that she had a smug smile

"Hey, what's wrong, buddy?"

"N-Nothing" Ezuraki was now red as a tomato

"Really? Cause it doesn't seem like that to me."

"R-Really it's nothing guys" steam was coming out of his ears now

"Then what's with the red on your face, huh?

"*whisper* mission failed, cover your blush has failed" Ezuraki whispered "okay that's enough storytelling now!"

"Awww..." The plantar kids said in dismay. "Really?"

"Yes now go to bed it's getting late now" Ezuraki said before getting up and walking towards his room

After he left anne said

"Woah... this feels so anime right now."

Timeskip [night time]

Everybody had gone to bed and laid themselves to rest in the submarine. Everybody... except for two certain individuals. The two human beings were at the control room with their eyes glued to the outside surveillance system that was provided to them.

They weren't done observing the ocean just yet, because even though they've already seen so much, they still felt like there was more to see.

"Man, what an awesome day..." Marcy said to her fellow observer. "I can't even believe some of the things we saw out there."

"Ditto. Ditto with you on that one, Marcy." Nathan said.

"Hey, you know. It's been pretty fun looking at all this sea life with you. I've had some really high expectations lately but I've never thought I'd see anything that crazy. Like the giant lava snakes we found at those volcanoes."

"AND the bomb fish that tried to blow up the side of our sub."

"Yeah, and the dancing jellyfish...

Hm, now that I think about it. A lot of giant glowing jellyfish seems to be here."

"You know what? Yeah... I wonder what the deal with that is."

I think I have a vague idea as to why, but I'm not telling anyone. Instead, Nathan simply shrugged.

"Oh well, they're still pretty nonetheless."

"Pretty? Try gorgeous!"

Marcy let out a sigh and rested her left elbow on the panel while resting her head on its hand as she looked out at the ocean void.

"This adventure might have been the best one Anne and I have ever been on. Like I said, I just wish we could just stay here forever...

...It sure beats what's waiting for me back home..."

And here... we... go. Marcy's story. Nathan knew exactly what she was talking about when she blurted it out, but despite that, he didn't want to outright say anything because while he did know her, she didn't know him, and he didn't want to say anything she assumed he doesn't know about her.

Still, he wanted to try and console her about it, so he thought he'd try and drum up some conversation.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "Don't you want to go back to your life at home?"

That was when Marcy froze up a little bit.

Then somebody woke up and was about enter the bathroom before seeing nathan and marcy






"You guys like jazz?" Ezuraki said smiling

Both of them were instantly caught off guard by his comment and they briefly jumped before instantly turning around.


"Jeez, Ezuraki. Don't sneak up on us like that, man."

"Jeez, did I scare you guys? And I hope I'm not seeing something heated?" Ezuraki said giving the two smug smile trying not laugh

"Wait, what?" Marcy said, frozen in surprise. Meanwhile, Nathan was frozen with a dumbfounded expression before he followed up her question with, "WHAT?!"

"Umm, Ezuraki... I'm..."

Nathan was about to say 18, but then he realized that he was in another Nathan's body, and this one was much older, the thought of which made him even more uncomfortable with what was proposed.

"Eh... ummm... look, the point is, no. No, you're not. I was just trying to talk to Marcy about her situation back at home."

He then mouthed to him, "And I'm sure you know what that situation is."

Ezuraki couldn't contain his anymore as he laughed at them "...kkkkkkkkhhhhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA!"

"Eh, wha- what's so funny?" Marcy said, confused.

'Oh boy...' Was all that Nathan would think.

"*stops laughing* o-oh god that almost killed me *snorts* god dawm!"

"Can I, um... get in on the joke, please?"

"Nah you wouldn't get it ....*snorts*" Ezuraki said trying not to laugh

"You... sure?"

"Trust me," Nathan said. "You really wouldn't."

"Well, okay... I'm just going to go to bed now. See you all in the morning, goodnight."

"Goodnight.... sister-in-law *snorts*"Ezurkai tries not to laugh again

"Dude!" Nathan said.

Ezurkai laugh again as nathan is punching him

"Dude, you know I'm too old for her."

"I can make you young again?"

"Uh, no thank you..."

Ezurkai was still giving nathan the smug smile before he headed to his bedroom as he realized "oh wait I need to go to the bathroom!"

"Well, okay... goodnight."


Timeskip [morning]

Everybody had woken up in their own rooms.

Ezuraki is still laughing about last night as nathan groans

"Ezuraki please stop..." Nathan said tired

"Hehe i can't help it" Ezuraki said laughing a bit

Suddenly a fist bonked Ezuraki on the head


"Quit being weird..." Tdog said

"You heard that last night?" Nathan asked

"Yeah I finished using the bathroom and heard all that walking back to my your jokes man" he told the demon

"Hehe...oh but it was still a good one" Ezuraki said wiping a tear off his eyes

"Whatever, let's just get up and get some breakfast."

The trenchcoat frog then got up from his bed and yawned while stretching his arms into the air."

"Okay I'm gonna make breakfast now" Ezuraki said heading to the kitchen

"Can't wait to dig into it, bud." Tdog said.

[Small timeskip]

Now that everybody was up and ready to eat, Ezuraki has prepared breakfast which was Pancakes and waffles

"Bekfest!" Ezuraki shouted as he brought breakfast to the table

Everybody cheered as soon as he brought the food to the table. They all clutched their cutlery and clanked it together while licking their lips.

"Aight dig in-"

Without another word needed, everybody instantly started eating their breakfast. As he gazed all around the table, the expressions that he read on everybody else's faces showed some euphoria out of enjoying the meal.

"Guys slow down!! If you keep eating like that I think you guys will lose a finger!"

"Hah! Don't be reidiculous." Sprig said before picking up a piece of a pancake and putting it in his mouth, unknowingly biting on his own finger, prompting him to take his hand out of his mouth immediately.

"Uh-huh that's what i thought-Marcy aren't you gonna eat your breakfast?" Ezuraki said

She didn't even touch her breakfast. Instead, she was so focused on writing in her notebook and taking a look at the pictures that she took with Nathan yesterday.

Ezuraki got irritated by this so he took her notebook away

"Hey!" She said. "What the heck, man?"

"You weren't eating breakfast because of this dawm notebook" Ezuraki said gesturing to the notebook "and your not gonna get it back until you finish eating your breakfast"

"Come on, man. Please?"

Marcy gave Ezuraki the 'puppy eyes' it was super effective! But it was not enough "Hah! Your trick won't work on me anymore!" Ezuraki said putting the boom away and doing a jojo pose

She sighed and reluctantly picked up her knife and fork. "Alright, fine."

"Good, now if you'll excuse me im gonna practice on my JOJO pose" Ezuraki said before heading towards his room

Marcy continued to eat her food, visibly disappointed by the fact that her journal was taken away. Still, the taste of his pancakes were able to lighten her mood at least by a little bit.

Suddenly Tdog walked up holding her notebook he snagged off Ezuraki with a smirk as she gasps and then smiles before grabbing it as the two fist bump

"Man, can you believe what kind of ride this has been, guys?" Anne said, picking up another slice of pancakes with her fork and eating it.

"Yeah, I know, right?" Sprig said. "I'm really glad I said yes to this whole journey. We've seen a whole lot of crazy things, and got to bond with these even crazier guys!"

"I think this might just be one of the best things that's ever happened to me..." Polly said. "Seriously, thank you so much for taking us on this journey, guys!"


Time instantly stopped as soon as they heard those words came out of Ezuraki's bedroom.

"1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds, 6 seconds, 7 seconds, 8 seconds, 9 seconds, 10 seconds....... ZA WARUDO!"

Time unfroze instantly and everyone started talking again like nothing's ever happened.

Ezuraki then came out of his room with an evil smirk and shouted"KONAWA EZURAKI DA!"

"Oh, hey, Ezuraki." Anne said. "...Um, what's with the smile there, buddy?"

Ezuraki smile grew wider and wider "you fools! Didn't you know i, Ezuraki Immortal have obtained  STANDO POWAH!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." Tdog said. "Run that by me again?"


The fire summoner instantly slammed his hands on the table before he looked up in shock.

"How the hell?!" He yelled at this randomness

"That's right my friend, with this power i can rule the world or i can just save people"




"Well, would you look at that. You really do learn something new every day."

"Why thank you!" Ezuraki said

"So what does your stand do?" Marcy asked

"All i know it can stop time and can hit really hard"

"Cooooool." Marcy said with

"So what's your catchphrase?" Tdog asked

"My what?"

"Catchphrase, y'know like when jotoro says ORA! Whenever he punches someone?"

"Yeah, yeah," Nathan said. "Like, your signature saying when the time really arises."

"Oh that, i already chosen one" Ezuraki said

"Oh what's that then?"

"It's....MUDA!"Ezuraki said before punching the table "or i can change if you want?"

"Nah, that's an awesome catchphrase." Tdog said.

"Thank you! Now.......what  we do now?"

"Well, seeing as you have the ability to stop time... WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT! Probably even-"

However, the tadpole as promptly cut off by a hand to the fact that belonged to Marcy.

"Oh! Hold on a minute, Polly. I just realized something. Since you have the ability to stop time, how about we use this to our advantage down here?"

"Hmmmmm that is a good idea"

She nodded rapidly. "Think about it, guys. We could most likely swim out there, take some stuff we find in the ocean and bring it back here without having to worry about being attacked by anything!"

"Hmmm you make a great point Master marcy" Ezuraki said "so! Tdog hold my hand"

"What? I need to hold your hand?"

"Yes just do it" Ezuraki said before tdog hold his hand "ZA WARUDO"

Everyone else braced for the effects as soon as they heard those words, but, despite that, they were only able to move for a second before his ability kicked in.

"You can open your eyes now" Ezuraki said

As Tdog opened his eyes he then saw no one moved while Ezuraki counting


"10 seconds, 9 seconds, 8 seconds, 7 seconds, 6, seconds, 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second.... Zero" Ezuraki said before time resumes as everybody was able to move now

"HANG ON THERE, BOY-" Hop Pop said before he had a few quick blinks before his realization.

"Wait, you just used your ability right now!?" Marcy asked with a hint of excitement.

"Yes i did, Tdog here was the only one that didn't get affected by my ability because he was holding my hand"

Tdog only stared at him before looking around.

"THIS IS SO AWESOME!" Marcy exclaimed. "Especially now that we know how not to get stopped with everything else! Oh, I'm already imagining the kind of souvenirs we're going to take home."

She then grabbed both of his cheeks and squished them.

"You are literally a godsend, you know that, right?" She said.

"U-U-U-UMMMM *blush* T-T-THANKS! M-MARCY!" Ezuraki said before his head started to spin

She then turned towards Nathan and Tdog and wrapped her arms around their shoulders bringing them in close "all three of you are!"

"Aww" Nathan awed

"Well shucks" Tdog let out

"So, when are we going to start with this?" Anne said, already rubbing her hands together. 'We gonna start with that cool shiny coral? Maybe one of that giant axolotl's eggs? Oh, oh! Or maybe we could try and locate some treasure and make it a cakewalk with his new ability?"


However, all that she got was blank stares out of everybody around her. She quickly realized what was going on when she looked around her amidst the awkward silence. Hop Pop walked up to her and gently picked her up.

"Okay... maybe we could set our scope just a little smaller than that?" He said.

"Ugh, fine! Princess of the underwater depths?"

"Um, no..." Anne said apprehensively.

"Heir to the throne?"

"No." Hop Pop said.

"Right hand tadpole-"

"We're not killing anyone!" Nathan exclaimed at her. "We're not doing that, we're not killing anything, and we're not taking over the world...

Well, I mean, unless Ezuraki's with you on this. When you think about it, we're pretty much at his mercy when it comes to what he wants to do with this."

Ezuraki had an evil smile "ho ho! When I think about it, all of you are at my mercy!" He said clenching his fist

Everybody's expressions instantly went fearful before they all took a slow step back.

The only ones who were unfazed were Tdog and Polly "I ain't at anything" he said as Polly jumps onto his hair

"Yeah!!!" She agreed

"Uhhhh... well, as long as you don't go along with that whole... killing the fish thing, since I'm sure that'll have some HEAVILY disastrous effects on Amphibia's ecosystem," Marcy said before she put on a timid attempt at a smile.

"Well see about that!" Ezuraki

A good few of the people in that room gulped, but then brushed off the dread that the current situation was carrying.

"Anyway... moving on!" Anne said. "When are we gonna play around with this guy's 'Za Waurdo' ability?"

"Uhhh i don't know? Maybe we can prank hop pop!" Ezuraki said

"I HEARD THAT!" Shouted the Elder before throwing him a glare.

"I mean... does it really matter, he won't really see it coming."

He shrugged with a smile, looking directly at him.

"Boy, you listen to me right now. I don't care if you're a so-called "Demon King", "Uppermoon class slayer", a "Stand User", or whatever the heck any of that means... but I swear to frog... if you use that ability to prank me, I'll-"

"BOOP!" Ezuraki said booping him on the nose

"BOY, I SWEAR TO FROG!-what are you doing?"

Ezuraki then did this

He the started to laugh like maniac

Everyone was instantly caught off guard by that sort of action, but some of them couldn't help but let out a snicker at the pose.

"Um, no, seriously... what ARE you doing?" The old frog said yet again out of confusion.

"Trying to impress ya old man!" Ezuraki said still in the position

"Well, I am a little freaked out... but I do wonder, how the heck are you able to bend like that?"

"By breaking my bones! And it hurts!"

"Hold on, wait, really?" Nathan asked.

"Nah fam just kidding, i used to bend like this when i was little" Ezuraki said explaining to them

Everybody else clapped for such an amazing feat that he was preforming.

"Thank you, thank you, but bones hurt tho" Ezuraki said

"Ummm... maybe we could could try and-"


Ezuraki's bones just broke...... As a consequence, everybody's eyes widened and their mouths hung open in shock. Though, none of the Amphibia casts' reactions came close to the level of shock and concern that Tdog and Nathan were feeling about his current predicament....well mostly Nathan

"Oh god... ohhh god..." Nathan said.

"Umm, uhh, okay. Don't worry, don't worry. We can try and help you-"


"Hmmm i don't feel so good, does anybody feel that-" Ezuraki was about to finish his sentence before he blacked out as a result Tdog just got a poker and poked him which anne slaps it away

"Dude! No!" She said. "What the heck do you think you're doing?"

"Ummm, checking to see if he's okay?"

"C'mon let's go put him in bed" Anne said before trying to put him in bed "how is he this heavy?"

"Well, who knows? With him, I'm pretty sure anything could happen." Sprig said.

".........Pizza time......"Ezuraki said in his dream

"There, there, buddy," Nathan said, petting him on the head. "Don't worry, it's all going to be fine. Trust me."

"......Marcy time......." Ezuraki said "........if me and marcy would be......Ezurcy or Marraki......."

"What?" Marcy asked out of confusion.

"......dude" Tdog said with a deadpan expression

* * * * *

Soon, they were able to take him to his bedroom and lay him gently down on his bed. They pulled away the sheets, set him down, and then lightly tucked him in before Anne gave him a quick pat on the head to wish him goodnight.

"Alright," Marcy said. "Judging by... well, the simple looks of his injuries alone, it seems pretty bad, but knowing he can regenerate, It'll probably only take a while until he heals."

She then wiped the sweat off her brow before she continued,

"And thank goodness for that."

"Welp, so much for taking stuff from the ocean with Za Waurdo," Anne said, "At least for the time being..."

"Oh well, there's always other stuff we can do instead," Sprig said.

Tdog then had an idea "hey marcy..."

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Is there a device that we can see someone's dream?"

"Ummm, I'm... not really so sure? But, I don't know. Maybe we could try and make one."


"Hmmmm... Alright, maybe that could be a fun little project while we're waiting for our friend over here to heal. Though, there is one problem though... what the heck are we even going to make it out of?"

"Maybe Ezuraki has some stuff we can use to make it?" Sprig said

Marcy then snapped her fingers. "Hm, good idea! That guy probably has all kinds of crazy stuff in there. Can't really hurt to look for any parts in there."

"Cool, then what are we waiting for?" He asked before turning around to look at the demon's inventory.
All three of them approached the stuff that was next to his bed and they crouched down to get a closer look at it.

And it had a BUNCH of stuff in the chest, Swords, hammer, knifes, daggers, a notebook, shuriken and some other mechanical parts, there was also a picture of Ezuraki and other people

"Hey, what's this?" He asked before picking it up and looking at it.

There was Ezuraki and other people those people were wearing clothes that said 'Destroyer of Demons' while wearing a kimono, in the picture Ezuraki looked much different he had black hair black eyes while having a flame like cape

"Hmm. Interesting." Sprig said, putting back the picture before assisting Marcy and Tdog gather up the mechanical parts.

"Hmm, alright. This seems like a good way to start off," Tdog said. "Now all we need is the screen so we can see what he's dreaming about."

"Right!" Marcy said

While they were doing their own thing, Ezuraki got up, yawning as he looked to them "the heck you guys doin?"

They all immediately stopped what they were doing as soon as they heard his voice. They all quickly turned their heads to him with a blank expression.

"Oh, Ezuraki." Marcy said.

"Good Morning bud" Tdog said

Ezuraki didn't he just stayed there for a bit before looking at them with a cold stare

"The reality is that even those who live upright and good lives meet with misfortune... while the wicked act as they please. They enjoy themselves and live life to the fullest. The idea of divine punishment is a joke. Wicked people going to hell after death? If humans didn't think like that, people with weak spirits couldn't keep going, right? I truly believe... that humans are pathetic."
Ezuraki said before continuing on.
"How sad... that paradise does not exist. It's a fairy tale that humans created with their imagination. The Gods and Buddhas don't exist either. These people had been alive for decades yet they couldn't understand something so simple. When you die, you just become nothing. You just stop feeling anything. Your heart stops and your brain stops. You rot and return to the earth. As long as you are a living creature, it is unavoidable. They could not accept something so simple. It must be difficult to be so dumb. I wanted to make the pitiful people happy and help them. That is why I was born."

Ezuraki said before smiling "Nee nee what's wrong guys?"

"Umm... what was that?" Sprig asked.

"Oh! Nothing's wrong sprig" Ezuraki said giving him a innocent smile

"Are you sure?" Marcy asked. "Because I'm not so sure why you decided to say it."

"Decided to say what?" Ezuraki said, confused tilting his head "I don't know what all of you talking about?"

"You don't remember? All that stuff about "Even the upright and good lives will meet misfortune" and that "Paradise doesn't exist" or something?"

"Hmm I don't remember saying that?" Ezuraki said smiling


"Yes really, or is it that you don't believe?"

Nathan shrugged. "Probably another weird thing that happens on this trip. Whatever, glad to see you're up again, buddy."

Ezuraki smile grew wider "I'm glad too buddy"

"So, what do we say we take those time stopping powers for a spin, eh?" He continued.

"Sure, whatever you say Nathan inkling" Ezuraki said "where should we go then?"

"Well, I've picked up a reading around this area on the submarine," Marcy said. "From the little data I was able to get out of it, it seems rather big and somewhat metal-based. I'm rather curious as to what it could be. Who knows... maybe it could be..."

She gasped before she continued.

"...Buried treasure?!"

When she said the word 'treasure' this caught Ezuraki interest

"The only problem is, however... it's buried a bit deep at the bottom of the ocean."

"Oh! That's no problem for me!" Ezuraki said

"You bet it isn't! So, I take it that means you're up for it?"

"Of course!" Ezuraki said "i like to help you guys out"

"YES!" Polly shouted. "Buried Treasure, here we come!"

"Well, it's not confirmed to be buried treasure, but I sure hope it is!" Marcy said.

"So what do I do now?" Ezuraki asked

"Come on, guys! Next stop, the ocean!"

"Oh well, I'm being dragged now!"

Marcy grabbed his arm. "Yep! Now let's go!"


* * * * *

Everyone was outside of the submarine while Marcy was at the head of the group holding a sonar. It let out one 'ping' after the other as she observed the screen closely before raising her head and facing the group.
"It should be over that way, and remember, if we run into any trouble."

She pointed to Ezuraki.

" know what to do."

Everybody proceeded to follow her in the direction that she was swimming. Sprig took one more look back at the submarine, which they were getting further and further from, and waved it goodbye before mouthing, "We'll be back soon, don't worry." And continuing on.

"So, Mar Mar," Anne said. "How much further is this thing that may or may not be treasure?"

"According to the radar, it's still quite a long while away. Oh, and by the way, the rest of you should take up lookout duty to see if anything unfavorable's coming our way."

"Oh, don't worry," Sprig said. "Leave that to me. Nothing gets past these big, bright, and freshly peeled eyes- Oh, what is that?"

A small fish was swimming past him.

"I think Polly and I could give him some help to..." Hop Pop said. "...but you'd better do your thing as soon as we see anything headed our way, because I ain't about to rist my own life taggin' along with your crazy schemes."

"Achoo! ACHOO! AH-PLEAGH!" Ezuraki sneezed three times

"Something wrong, Ezuraki?" Tdog asked

"*sniff* *sniff* im okay, it's just i'm a little sick today" Ezuraki replied

"Oh... that's pretty unfortunate to hear," Marcy said. "You still sure you can tag along with us on this?"

"Oh please! I'm a demon slayer that fighted powerful Demon's before, i'm sure i can handle the sickness" Ezuraki said before sneezing "ACHOO!"

"Yeah, to be fair, it's probably just the common cold," Tdog said. "Nothing compared to what we've already dealt with, right guys?"

"Right!" Both of them said before the entire group continued on their journey.

Twenty minutes later, they were getting closer, the lovable nerd could just see it on her radar. They were getting close and then she smiled.

"Come on gang, it shouldn't be all that long from here!"

"Good," Nathan said. "because if I'm to be frank with you, my arms are getting a little bit tired of swimming and the hands I make to do it for me don't last all that long."

Soon, they continued swimming, and they didn't stop. The 'ping's on Marcy's radar continued to pick up in frequency.

"AYE YO WTF-"Ezuraki couldn't finish his sentence before he got crushed by a giant rock-


Everyone turned around and saw it happen before they all gasped in shock and horror.

"EZURAKI!" They shouted.

"I...don't" Ezuraki said as he was gasping

"No... no no no no no!" Marcy exclaimed. "What the heck happened to you, dude?!"

" a...rock" Ezuraki said "and....don't worry....i'm not.....dead...."

"Okay! Not dead... not dead..." Nathan said. "Cool, cool. Um, do you need any help?"

"What........ does it.....look
like....SHERLOCK!" Ezuraki shouted at him "course... i need help....Idiots"

"R- Right. Sorry, sorry. Come on, guys. Let's get this thing off of him!"

"And you....better hurry......because i'm....starting to feel....numb other side" Ezuraki said


Everybody immediately swam over to him and helped him get out of the terrible situation that he was in. Sprig, Anne, Polly, were in charge of pushing away the boulder, while Marcy, Nathan and Hop Pop were in charge of pulling him out.

" it...harder!"

They all put some more effort into what they were trying to do, they felt him loosen a little, but they knew what they were far from done. So, they put even more of their energy trying to dislodge him. Some more progress was made.

"Um aren't you gonna help?" Sprig asked Tdog

The fire summoner was just staring with his arms crossed "I don't know he looks funny being under that rock" he snickered

"Dude this is a serious moment!" Anne said

"Alright alright I've watched enough" he said swimming towards the rock about to push it off

"Wait!.....i think i have an idea.....*sigh* yup....this is gonna hurt my body" Ezuraki said before sliding on the other shredding his skin as he screams in pain and agony while the gang watches him do it they held their mouths trying not to puke

"Holy HELL dude! What the- What are you doing?!"

"Trying to get out, what does it look like?! *RIP* AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Ezuraki screamed in pain again before finally getting out from under the rock, his body were fucking bruised, blood, skin were shredded and bones were revealed

"HOLY HECK, EZURAKI!" Tdog exclaimed.

"Oh my frog..." Sprig said. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

Ezuraki then regenerated his skin body and everything

"Jesus man...I was about to get the rock off you you know...." He said doing a demonstration by easily pushing the rock

Suddenly Ezuraki realised... he was underwater which means he couldn't breath

"*Gurgle*How am I breathing underwater?"

"Oh god..." Nathan said. "D- Don't worry. We'll take you back to the submarine to make sure that you're 100% okay! Don't worry. I promise."

"*gurgle*I'm not worried about that, how? Am I breathing underwater?" Ezuraki said

Once everybody started thinking about it and took a rather good look at it now, they soon realized that they were right. How... WAS he breathing underwater?

Tdog took a very close look at him and once he was done, his face was rather confused to say the least.

Meanwhile, Marcy was standing there looking rather pensive as she was stroking her chin while thoughtfully examining him.

"Guys.....stop staring at me...." Ezuraki said as they looked away except for Mercy and Tdog "...*whisper* fucking perverts"

"Shut up man you can't talk..." Tdog said

"Oh, sorry, dude!" Anne said. "It's just... weird... how ARE you breathing underwater?"

"Eh, it's probably a new power you've found that lets you do that," Marcy said. "Knowing you, that's not so far off, eh?"

"Maybe" Ezuraki said "now come on lets continue one the journey"

Everybody then proceeded to continue swimming on through the water, Marcy still checking the radar to find out where the treasure could possibly be hiding. According to the screen, they seemed to be getting closer, they were getting closer. Really close, as a matter of fact. She was even confident enough to say...

"We're here!" Marcy said.

"Really?" Asked Nathan.

"Yep! Now we just need to find out where the heck it is. Everyone, let's get digging!"

"*gurgle* Do we even have a shovel?" Ezuraki asked them

"Well, I brought a shovel before we left here." Marcy said. "How 'bout the rest of you?"

"Meh got nothing" Tdog said shrugging

"Well then...give me the shovel because i can dig much faster than all of you" Ezuraki said signalling marcy to hand over the shovel

"Pff I'll dig faster with just my hands pal" Tdog said

"Well, ok then, dude. Still, we'll find a way to help you."

"Heh you could try" Ezuraki said before both of them began digging faster than the speed of sound itself

Everybody's eyes widened in surprise as the two continued to di at such an incredible speed.


"Guys i hit the jackpot!"Ezuraki shouted at them

"The heck you talking about I hit that?" Tdog said

"Nuh uh!" Ezuraki said back

Marcy gsped before she looked down into the hole they dug. "Really?!"

"Yup, i hit something" Ezuraki said "at least i assumed i hit something"

"Well whatever it is I'm sure it's the treasure" sprig said

"Then what are we waiting for?" Nathan said. "Let's dig that baby up!"

Then everybody started to dig on the area that the two boys digged

"Guys! We're getting closer," Anne said. "I can feel it!"

"And taste it! *nom, nom* okay maybe that was a bad idea!" Sprig said regretting

"Less whining, more digging!" Polly said


As everyone continued to dig deeper and deeper, they could see that mre and more of the object was being revealed.

"Hell yeah! We're getting there gang!" Anne said digging faster

It continued on, more and more until their target was mostly unearthed. After digging just a little bit more, they finally dug it up in full and can finally see what it was.

"We did it, guys!" Sprig shouted. "We finally did it!"

Nathan pumped his fist up in victory.


"It's... beautiful..." Sprig said as he was admiring the treasure with all of his friends and family. Meanwhile, Polly swam up with excitement.

"Heck yeah!" She exclaimed.

"So are we gonna take this baby back to the ship or what?!" Tdog said

"Oh, we are SO taking this back to the ship!" Anne said. "Come on, guys! Let's GO!"

Ezuraki then came up and pick up the treasure before swimming up to the ship

Once they all got on board, they laid down the chest filled with all the magnificent treasure. Clearly overjoyed, they started taking everything that was there and threw it up into the air before it all came raining back down on them.

"Oh my frog!" Marcy exclaimed. "Look at how much there is!"

"Huh....i never thought there would never be this much?" Ezuraki said

"Good golly!" Hop Pop said. "We're rich! Now I can finally get to plan my retirement! Oh! Oh! Or I could get to take my family out to eat at the good restaurants they've always been naggin' me to try!"

Ezuraki smiled "well congratulations hop pop, you're rich!"

"You sure bet I am! You know, maybe you boys really might not be so bad after all."

"Awwww thanks hop pop" the three boys said in unison

"Don't mention it. I'm just glad I was finally able to actually get somethin' out of this adventure."

"U betcha! Think about utopia. Your family could live there!"

"Oh... I'm already imagining it now."

"Best of all! You can buy EVERYTHING!" Ezuraki said

"And it's all thanks to you guys!" Sprig said. "Come on! High five!"

Then the three boys high fives sprig than each other

"I know I probably sound like a broken record right now, but this is honest to frog... the best adventure I've ever been on IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!" Marcy exclaimed. "And now as the cherry on top, we've found ANCIENT treasure at the bottom of the sea!"

"Now.....should we go back to the surface?"

"Yeah, makes sense, honestly. I think we've been down here for a long time

"Then let's go!" Ezuraki shouted

"YEAH!" They all cheered in unison.

"I'll head over to the control room and put us all on course."

"Can't wait to get to the surface" Ezuraki said before yawning "phew!, I'm tired, goodnight" he said heading to bed

"Dude its only 5" Tdog said


"Yeah dude its only 5, the day is still young" anne said

"Don't care gonna sleep-"

"Wait," Nathan said.


"You know, since this is our last day at sea, I thought we'd have somewhat of a last meal together as a gang?"

"Ooh, you know, that sounds like a pretty great idea," Sprig said.

Ezurkai thought about it and said "hmmm okay you convinced me, what kind of meal do you guys want?"

"Hmmm... surprise us. Though, I wouldn't complain if you made your famous jambalaya again."

"Jambalaya then, hmmm but there's  something missing tho....." Ezuraki said rubbing his chin then a lightbulp appeared on his head "maybe...just maybe, okay everybody I'll be back with the meal!"

Ezuraki went to the kitchen to whip up some food

"Alright, I'll go tell the guys about all this!" Sprig said before hopping away, leaving a smiling Nathan behind before he went to look outside the window.

"Okay, time to make omurice...with jambalaya!" Ezuraki said before cracking three eggs

"Oh, I'll help too!" Tdog said as he ran into the kitchen.

"Guess I could use a little help Tdog, cook some rice then cook the omelet but make it rose shaped!" Ezuraki said before cooking


The time had come. The Marcy, Anne, and the plantars all gathered around the table once the news had gotten to them. Meanwhile, Tdog and Nathan sat at their seats as they looked excited to celebrate their achievements as they were headed to the surface.

"So, I heard we were having one final feast under the sea?" Anne asked.

Nathan nodded. "Uh huh. I thought it'd be good to have a last celebration before we're topside. Ezuraki and Tdog were kind enough to prepare the meal for us-"

"DINNER IS READY!" Ezuraki shouted at them

"And here he is right now!"

Ezuraki and tdog came out with a bunch of food, burgers, fries, nuggets, spaghetti, pizza, basically Every food, Both of them placed the food on the table, the gang's eyes shined as they had never witnessed such beautiful food they were drooling so much

"WOW!" Marcy exclaimed. "Ezuraki, you sure outdid yourself on this one! Honestly"

"Oh it's nothing..........except it has BURGERS, FRIES, NUGGETS, SPAGHETTI, PIZZA, COLD SUBA, NOODLES, YOU NAME IT!" Ezuraki said."Now who's ready to have the best dinner in their entire existence!"

"We are!" Anne said.

"Then let's dig in!" Ezuraki said before handing them out plates of food

"Hang on!" Marcy exclaimed just as she had received her plate. "First, I want to say something."

She then got to her feet and turned towards the trio.

Nathan and tdog were confused while Ezuraki is sweating bullets

"I would like to say that you three are the best thing that's ever happened to us. Shocker, I know. I think this is, like, the billionth time I've said this now... but seriously... I feel like I just can't say it enough. You've made this already amazing adventure trapped in another dimension somehow even MORE insane, unbelievable, and just flat out FUN. Even in newtopia, I never knew I'd be meeting LITTERAL DEMON KINGS! You three, you are amazing and when I get home, I feel like I'd have SO many stories to tell everyone I know, and for that... I have you three to thank."

"Honestly, that statement just gets more and more true every time you say it, Marcy," Sprig said. "Frankly, this is even more insane than the adventures we had since Anne came into town. Thanks to you guys, I can finally tell the other kids in town that I helped a group of heroes CONQUER A DEMON!"

"Honestly, you guys are pretty ok too in my book," Polly said. "It's not everyday three guys come in and help you satiate your bloodlust. And hey, now you guys helped us all get rich off of treasure."

"You guys showed us so many amazing things since you arrived," Marcy said. "I don't think any of these amazing things would have happened if it wasn't for you... And you know what? That's why I called this speech right here. To propose a toast... to all three of you!"

"Oh *Sniff* *Sniff*"

All of them looked at where the sound is coming was coming from Ezuraki who had tears in his eyes

"Aww dude are you crying?" Anne said asking him

" eyes are just....*sniff* cosplaying t-tears" Ezuraki said not admitting that he's crying 

"Pfft. Softie," Nathan said.

"I'm not crying nor I'm a softie" Ezuraki said, still not admitting."a-anyway, can we just propose a toast already?"

"Alright alright," Marcy said raising her glass. "A toast!"

Everyone else raised their glass.

"To the most awesome trio in the world!" Anne said.

"To the guys that got me a new record on my kill count!" Polly said.

"To the guys who got me to see the wonders of amphibia's oceans!" Sprig said.

After hesitating for a little bit, Hop Pop finally raised his glass.

"And to the boys that got me rich... and probably gave me nightmares for the rest of my life."

"Ummm... you're welcome?" Tdog said.

"And to the guys who gave me the best adventure ever," Marcy said.

Ezuraki just blushes at their complement while the other two smiled at their complement

"So, cheers?"

"Cheer's!" The trio said

Timeskip (Night time)

Everyone lay asleep in their rooms as the engines of the submarines whirted quietly in the ambience, creating a quaint atmostphere that helped everyone sleep...

Everyone except Tdog and Ezurkai, apparently they were working on a project called 'NUKE 9' it was a bomb that can destroy an entire universe, one wrong move and it's all over

"Hey dude" tdog called

"Yeah?" Ezuraki answered back at him

"Should we even be doing this?" Tdog said

"What do you mean? It's perfectly safe!" Ezuraki said pointing at the nuke that can kill them in a millisecond which is on the ground

".........yeah.....yeah I'm just gonna sleep now" Tdog said going to his room "oh! And Please don't set off the nuke.."

"Don't worry! You can trust me!" Ezuraki said putting a smile to his face as Tdog had suspicion as he slowly walked backwards  to his room still eyeing on Ezuraki who rolled his eyes

"Ha! I can be trustworthy! I can be responsible if I want to right now!" Ezuraki said accidentally hitting the bomb a little too hard making it shake

Tdog then eyed him for a little bit, but he shrugged.

"Ok, I trust you," He said before he closed the door to his own room and left Ezuraki to work on the bomb all by himself.

Tdog then lays down in his bed facing up to the ceiling before closing his eyes shortly after he opens then again

"...I just helped make a nuke and left Ezuraki with it alone..." he says slightly sitting up before laying on his side

"Nah he's not stupid enough to mess with it" he says laying back down for a few seconds before sitting up looking at the door only to lay back down


Timeskip (morning)

The doors of everybody's rooms swung open before everybody was about to exit to make the most of their last day in the water. As they all spoke, they were all headed up to exit the ocean.

"Man, can't believe we explored the ocean of Amphibia" sprig said

"Me neither, dude," Anne said. "And not to mention all of the AWESOME stuff we found down there. Marcy's notebook must REALLY be packed."

"Oh, it sure is!" Marcy said, popping up in between the two of them and holding up her notebook with pride. "I think there's, like, only one page left."

She then sighed.

"If only Sasha was here to see all of this. She'd probably freak ou along with the rest of us."

"Yeah sure won't be pissing her off anytime soon" Ezuraki said coming out of nowhere

"What?" Marcy and Anne asked.


Both of them looked at each other, then shrugged it off and kept on walking.

"You know, I wonder how she's doing right now," Said Anne before they both walked off.

"MORNING, EZURAKI!" Nathan shouted out before he jumped up and hugged him.

"Heya! So how's it going with you guys?" Ezuraki asked

"Nothing much. I'm just waiting till we get back to the surface. As much as I loved seeing everything this place had to offer, I can't want to see Newtopia again."

"Hmmm how about some breakfast? Until we wait?" Ezuraki offered

"Yeah sure. It IS the most important meal of the day."

"Sure is, the kitchen!" Ezuraki said before sprinting ahead of them "the last one to lose is a rotten egg!"

"Oh, you're on!" Tdog said before running after him with flame trails

Nathan laughed and let out a calm sigh at the two of them before he went over to the control room. Once he got there, he looked at the screen to check how close they were to resurfacing and it turned out, they still had a little more time. If there was any last moments to appreciate the prospect of being underwater, now would be the best time to do so.

So, he went over to the window and looked outside to admire the beautiful oceanscape one last time.


"I should be the one saying that to YOU" Tdog said

"What'cha guys doing here?" Marcy asked.

"Were racing-" Tdog let out as the two passed her

"Oh, a race? Can I join?"

"Only if you're fast enough" Ezuraki shouts

"Oh, trust me. I think I can manage."

The nerd then began stretching her legs before she shot both of them a look, then she used her hookshot crossbow to pull herself forward and let go just as she was about to arrive at the spot on the ceiling she hookshotted to. She then executed a roll to keep her momentum and kept running and running before she hookshotted herself to a wall and pulled herself forward again.

"THE FUCK?!"Ezuraki said before sprinting after her at the speed of sound almost instantly while Tdog raised a brow

As Marcy was doing her thing, she was surprised to see him do such a thing before she was knocked on her stomach by suddenness of Ezuraki passing her.

"Sorry marcy" Ezuraki said to marcy before leaving her

"It's ok. I'm okay..."
She slowly got up as she watched him run all the way to the kitchen while Tdog was at her side helping her.

"Welp, guess that's the race," Marcy said, clapping with a smile. "Good game, dude.

"Less go!!! Mvp baby!"

"Guess we are rotten eggs, after all."

"Get dunked on!" Ezuraki said before doing a victory dance

"Geez, no need to rub it in plus you cheated" Tdog said pointing a finger at him.

"Sorry i couldnt hear you over my victory dance!!!!" Ezuraki said rubbing it in their faces

"Was he always been rubb-ish?" Marcy asked

"Eh, not so sure, but- Wait a minute..."

After Tdog got her pun he broke out into a short giggle. "Ok, that's a good one."

"What's a good one?" Marcy asked

"Oh, I thought you were um...telling a pun...Eh, nevermind. Let's get to cooking!"

The three of them then started to cook

Small timeskip

"Bekfast!" Ezuraki said before placing breakfast down on the table

"Mmm, mmm, mmm!" Marcy said. "Smells and looks delicious as always! You guys never miss, do you?"

"Hehe nope!" Ezuraki said "now better call the other's"

He then went to call the others as the others came to the kitchen

"Dude im telling you, BFG division goes with EVERYTHING" Ezuraki said

"How is the most 'violent game' music BFG division goes with everything?!" Anne said disagreeing

"Hey, guys, what's going on over here?" Tdog said walking up to them.

"It's nothing until ANNE here thinks the BFG division doesn't go with everything!"

"I highly disagree then!!"

Then lightning started to appear between them until nathan breaks it up

"Alright, alright guys! Break it up you two!" He said. "Ok, look. Seems like you two couldn't come to an agreement so I guess it's up to me to come to one for you."

He then cleared his throat.

"So, this is about whether or not this "BFG Division" goes with everything, huh?"



"Alright, that's it. Let me listen to a few examples and Tdog, Marcy and I will be the judge of that."

Marcy then poked her head out from behind him with a look of confusion.

"Wait, what do you need me for?" She asked.

"I'll explain soon enough. For now..."

He then snapped his fingers.

"Let's just get this debate over with. Please present me with an example."

"I'll go first" anne said volunteering "first.....BFG DOESN'T GO WITH EVERYTHING! For example Doki doki literature club"

"Really now?"

"Yes! The game is just a yandere game there isn't violent scene's!"



"Hmm it might go well with a compilation with Monika killing all the other girls." Tdog said.

"SHUT UP, TDOG" both of them said in unison

"I WILL BURN BOTH OF YOUR BUTTS!!! Plus we're supposed to judge dinguses!."

"As i was about to say, NO IT DOESN'T, WHAT ABOUT ANIMAL CROSSING!!!!"


"Hang on, can I listen to the song?" Nathan said. "I feel like what you're talking about is probably what I'm thinking and if it is... then I ain't so sure about that one, chief."

"HERE!" Ezuraki went to his room and came back with his ear plugs and then slammed his ear plugs in Nathan's ears which causes him to yelp in pain

"AAGH! Geez dude!" He exclaimed. "Calm down, please?"

"Just listen!!!" Ezuraki said before playing the song

"Ok ok!"

[Youtube video here]

"Hmmm... so... I listened to the song and... listen, my bro. I can tell you're pretty passionate about this argument... but this with Animal Crossing? Ehhh..."


"I WIN WOOOOOO" anne said celebrating

"Now hang on there, bud." Marcy said. "Now, I can understand where you're coming from with this, Nate, but... I did see compilations of people fishing with this music."




"Hmmm, maybe another example is in order."

Anne and Ezuraki looked at each other before their stomach growls

"Phew all this beef with each other got me pretty hungry"

"Tell me about it"

The sudden change between these two surprised the gang

"H- Hang on," Nathan said. "Weren't you two at each other's throats."

"What? You mean that whole thing?"

"It's in the past man, there's nothing to be worrying about"

"Oh, well that's... a bit of a relief.

"Now who's hungry?"

"I sure am!"

Then both of them proceeds to eat like animal's

Some of them were confused

"Well, as long as they aren't fighting anymore, I'm down. I mean, hey. I'm pretty peckish myself.

Timeskip (surface)

On the outskirts of Newtopia, two guards stood by, keeping the door closed. That was, until they noticed a huge group of people approaching their doors.

"SUP NEWTOPIA!!!" Ezuraki shouted

The guards looked down at them and then they realized that it was the exact same group that broke through their doors in that submarinee they built. Even confirmed when Marcy ran to the helm and said.

"Attention people of Newtopia! Marcy and her friends, requesting to re-enter the city and report back to King Andrias on our findings under the sea."

They both looked at each other and then back at her, before walking away from the wall's edge and disappeared from sight for a while.

Then, a small tremor could be felt from the gate before it was seen slowly opening further and further until they all saw that the city has bee n

"Wonder what king Andries would say when we found a shit ton of gold?" Ezuraki said whispering to his friends

"Well, he's already a king, actually," Nathan said. "Chances are, he already has a whole lot of treasure and gold. I'm more excited to tell him about all the crazy other stuff we found."

"Especially when we fought that giant fish" Tdog said remembering Ezuraki eaten by it

"Oh heck yeah," Anne said. "I'm pretty sure my heart dropped when I saw that."

"Please don't remind me" Ezuraki said remembering what was inside of it as he shivers from it

"Don't worry, buddy. It's all over now."

"Hey are we there yet?" Sprig tasked

"Yup, almost there"

"Soon, we'll be telling King Andrias the stories of the multiverse trio, the calamity tr- well, duo in this case, and the plantar family who conquered this world's oceans!" Nathan said.

"Hehe i could imagine sasha's face when she's gonna hear about this" Ezuraki said to his friends

"Yeah!" Marcy said. "She'd probably be going all like, "WHAAAT?!!? You guys really did all that?""

"Probably," Anne said. "And she's probably gonna be real sad."

"Why's That?"

"Well, she's probably gonna complain we did all that without her."

"Pfft if she's gonna complain then she's gonna complain about it" Ezuraki said "what? Is she like a toxic friend or something?"

"Oh yeah. Most likely." Tdog said.

"Wait, what?" Marcy asked.

"Frankly, I kinda agree with you guys. Knowing her she probably would."

"Well, I wouldn't say 'toxic' exactly," Marcy said. "Just really, um... assertive."

"Ehhh... we'll talk about this later. For now, though, let's do this!"

'Maybe i shouldn't have brought that up' Ezuraki thought

Timeskip (castle)

As King Andrias was drinking his tea and staring outside the window, wondering how the rest of his citizens were doing, his train of thought was suddenly interrupted when the voice of a newt behind him called out his name.

"Your majesty, King Andrias!" A guard said, causing him to stop drinking his tea and turn around.

"Ah hello, guard," He said putting on his friendliest face and speaking in his warmest voice. "What brings you here?"

"Your honor, it is my absolute pleasure to report that the visitors from another world, as well as the plantar family, have returned from their adventure!"

"Oh, really?! Well, that's delightful news! Have them brought here at once! I can't wait to hear about what they cold have possibly been up to there."

"Of course your majesty!" The newt soldier said before sprinting away

(With the gang)

"Hmmmm" Ezuraki hummed

"What's wrong dude?" Tdog asked

"I feel like someone is running at us right now-" Ezuraki was about finish his sentence before he was cut off by a newt-

"King Andries has ordered me to bring you guys to the castle!" the newt said "now, if all of you would follow me"

"Oh okay"

" do realize you all could see the guard running to us right?...." Tdog said as Ezuraki says nothing

The group began to follow the newt guard to kings andrias

Marcy was doing her thing and nerding out to Anne about all the stuff she seen while showing her notebook and sketches of the creatures

The plantar family following behind with sprig hopping happily next to hop pop with Polly on his head while he lists off things they could do with the treasure they found

And our multiverse trio behind the plantars continues to follow

But suddenly Tdog looks down thinking as his eyes narrowed while the blue frog notices this

"You alright Tdog? Someone troubling you?." He said as this catches the attention of the demon king

"Yeah...well kinda it's just...should we tell him about the stuff we found and I'm not talking about the treasure as you said dude probably has enough" the fire summoner said looking down to his friend

"You mean the sea creatures?" The writer questioned as Tdog nods "you're worried he might try and do something to them?" He questioned again for Tdog to nod once again

"I'm just...nervous? I just don't want him to try anything with the ocean now" he said scratching behind his head.

"Hmmm. Yeah... Now that I think about it, knowing the guy, I really wouldn't want to give him OR that stupid core any more power. I wonder how bad it would be if he got them into his army..."

"Since it's sea creatures My minds thinking he'd take control of them and spread them across to sea...or heck maybe we missed one that can go on land and deep into the ocean...then he'd rule land and sea..." the fire summoner says looking concerned.

"Oh c'mon, sure he can control them and....might take that i think about it's somehow disturbing"

"And not to mention that creepy fish and giant Axolotl..."

Nathan shuddered.

"Exactly" tdog said looking towards the sea

"Never again" Ezuraki said remembering he got swallowed by giant fish

"And the other reason Is I'm deciding is we tell the others or not...I mean you remember how Marcy got when we tried to warn her" Tdog said taking a glance at said girl

"Yeah plus she called me freak, soooooo not my problem"

"Oh goodness... this is a real tight space we're in, gang..."

"And that's why I'm slightly freaking out a bit" he said as he taps his hands on the sides of his legs

"Ohhhh what do we do. What do we do?"

"Guys relax, maybe we can figure something out?"

"Okay... okay... Maybe you're right. What do we do, though. Because if we don't tell him, they will, and they sure won't listen to reason."

"Maybe i can-"

"Hey guys! Are you coming or what?" Anne yelled at them

The trio looks towards her as tdog shouts back "yeah we're coming" he said with a thumbs up and a smile as anne turns away he lets out a sigh "I think we just gotta role with it and try to stop it when the time comes" he says looking up at the giant castle where the newt king lies.

"Okay then, Let's change the future!" Ezuraki said raising his fist as he nervously smiles 'this is not gonna work is it?'

And so, the three boys took a sharp breath before they nervously followed the rest of the Amphibia cast and headed up to Andrias's castle.

[King Andries castle]

The doors to the throne room slowly swung open to reveal the mighty ruler of the newts sitting atop his throne and looking down at the returning friends all smiling as they walked up to him.

"Why my favorite group has returned from their adventure to the deep so tell me my friends what have you found? Anything special?" The newt king asked sitting up in his throne

"Oh nothing just saw something AWESOME-"

"SHUT!" Ezuraki said shutting Anne's mouth

"Wait, what?" Marcy asked.

"Something?" The newt king said repeating what was cut off confusingly

"Uuhhhhh something....amazing happened?"

"Ha ha I would think so after all you yourselves did go search an unsearched place.

"Oh heck yeah, something amazing happened! King Andrias, you are NOT going to believe what we found down there."

'Oh no!'

Nathan winced as she was beginning to talk. He genuinely didn't want to give this scumbag newt any more power, but judging by the way things are, it's going to be a very difficult task.

'Oh crap' was all Tdog could think as his pupils shrunk

Ezuraki was about to go to her and make her stop talking

"So, you see-"

"WAIT!" Nathan shouted, causing everybody in the room to go silent. "Look, your majesty. Before we tell you anything about what we found down there, there's a little something I'd like to discuss with my friends, ok?"

As he looked down on him and the rest of the crowd with a rather puzzled expression, he paused for a second before he shrugged and leaned back.
"Okay, then," He said. "Go on, discuss what you need to discuss, but please. Tell me all about your underwater journey before you get back."

"Okay! Come on, guys," Nathan said before using his ink hands to pull everyone his way.

"Wait, what?" Marcy asked. "Discuss? Discuss what? I thought we were all set to tell him everything."

"Yeah, what the heck gives?" Anne asked.

"Listen, we'll explain everything outside the room,"
Nathan said. "We'll be back soon, King!"

"Okay!" Said the newt.

The group starts to leave as the two newt guards open the giant doors for them as they walk out with the doors closing behind them.

As soon as they shut Anne was the first to speak up "alright what the heck was all that about?" She says crossing her arms.

"Ummmm we can explain?"

"Alright, go on then," Hop Pop said.

"Alright... So, it's about-"

"Wait, don't tell me!" Marcy said. "Is this about King Andrias again?"

"Ummm... yeah."

"What about King Andrias?" Sprig asked.

"Wait now don't tell me you three planned something that has to do with the king! I knew you three wer-" hop pop said before He's interrupted

"Aye chill old timer we ain't like that!" Tdog says pointing his finger into hop pops face

"Yeah, look. You see, we're just trying to help you guys."

"Help us? Help us how?"

"Alright, guys," Marcy said, stepping in front of everyone. "I think I need to give an explanation as to what's going on here. You see, for some reason, these guys don't trust King Andrias. Anne, remember when Ezuraki took me up and carried me into the forest?"

"Mhm, mhm. Yeah?"

"Well, apparently it was so he could "warn" me about him. He and his friends kept saying stuff like, 'oh he's evil' and 'oh he's going to betray you' and all that stuff."

"Wait, really?"

"Look, I know. It seems REALLY far fetched, but we're really trying to help you here," Nathan said.

"Yeah? And with what PROOF do ya have to really say that the king is evil hmm?" Hop pop said with his arms on his hips with a raised eyebrow.

All three of them opened their mouths, ready to speak... unfortunately, they weren't able to say anything.

"Look... we saw him," Nathan said.

"And what did you see him do?"
He had nothing coming out of his mouth other than complete silence.

"Alright we can't really show it or describe it but the guy IS bad news and HAS done terrible things!" Tdog said dramatically pointing towards the castle

"And if you still don't believe us then....fine....go......go talk king Andries about what we've been through and in teh'll will see why we were doing this" Ezuraki said before walking away

"Why don't you not want to tell him about our adventure anyway?"

Ezuraki still didn't say anything just walked away

Nathan inhaled. "I'll be honest, knowing how things are going now, we're probably going to sound crazy."

"Hmph," Hop Pop said. "Good to know you finally caught on."

"Let's... let's-" He sighed. "Let's just go."

Nathan and Tdog then looked at Ezuraki who's still walking. They then looked at each other before putting their gaze straight ahead.

"So, might as well join him, huh?"

"Got no other choice so...heck yeah"

"Look, guys. For frog's sake, stop it with this whole, 'King Andrias is evil' nonsense," Marcy said while walking past them. "You're only complicating things, whatever you're saying isn't true, and I really like you guys, so please don't mess that up, okay?"

Nathan wanted to say something in response, but all he could do was sigh defeatedly.

And with that, they all marched up back to the king's castle.

Once they got there, the giant doors swung back open and it allowed all of them to re-enter the throne room and see the king once again. He smiled again at their return.

"Ah, my little adventurers!" He said. "So, I hope you're ready to tell me about your adventures."

"We sure are, your Majesty!" Marcy said. "Sorry about the hold up before. These guys are awesome but sometimes they just... um, how do I put this nicely-"

"They like to spew out a bunch'a nonsense is what she's trying to say!" Hop Pop exclaimed, jumping in front of them. "Ugh. Whatever. Let's just tell him already."


She then ran up to him and pulled out her notebook.

"Oh man, where do I even BEGIN?! Just that one adventure alone is what filled my notebook almost to the brim with documented content. Ooh! Ooh! Take this for example."

She flipped through pages and showed him the giant and scary fish that tried to eat everyone.

"I don't know what species is, but it turned out to be really hostile, and it tried to eat us, but fortunately it seemed to be very weak to inside attacks, as Ezuraki had gladly showed us. Oh, and this! It turns out there's a species of electrical fish that travel in packs and attack by shocking their prey. And then! Then there's a species of Axolotl that..."
As she was telling King Andrias all about her findings, the trio could only stand there, watching hopelessly as all the information was fed to them.

"*sigh* I'm gonna go train, see ya later" Ezuraki said before leaving

"Okay, good luck."

"Later man" tdog said with a small wave.

As he went to the training room he saw a dummy as he then started to punch the dummy

"Neh neh they think Andries is not evil, neh neh idiots i say IDIOTS!!" Ezuraki said before punching the dummy too hard, sending it flying out of the castle before the dummy hit a person "....whoops"

"Alright, what's the deal?" A voice asked beside him.

"Huh?" Ezuraki looked beside him to see Sprig. "Oh hey sprig"

"Don't hey me, what was that all the king of amphibia being evil"

"Eh, you wouldn't understand" Ezuraki said

"Wouldn't I? Come on, man. What's your deal with the king? Why do you think he's evil?"

"Because he IS evil, jesus how money times we have to tell you guys"

"If he's so evil then why did he treat us like guests? Why did he help with the sub and why is he so happy to see us all the time then!?"

Ezuraki just facepalms "just go ask nathan or tdog"

"Okay, then. Fine. I guess I will."

And with that, the young frog walked away, leaving the demon king to go and train.

Meanwhile, Marcy is still ranting to the king about everything that they found in their entire adventure, and as she was, he was listening closely with an amazed smile. Both of the boys in the back were still watching, but Tdog was in the middle of zoning out and Nathan was facepalming and waiting for the stories to end.

That's when he felt a tug on his pants, and when he looked down, he found Sprig.

"Oh, hey Sprig," Nathan said. "What's up?"

"Look," Sprig said. "What's the deal with calling the king evil?"

"Oh, you're still thinking about that?"

"Uh, yeah! I just don't get it. We've spoken to him, he welcomed us to our castle with open arms, heck, he even helped build our submarine! Why would you even think for a second that he's evil?"

The writer sighed. "Alright, look. Remember when-" Nathan said, trying to think of a way to use the example he had in mind. "While we were in that submarine, Anne told me this story about this girl who was back where you're from. 'Maddie' right?"

"Wait, Anne told you about her?"

Nathan nodded. "Yep, and there's this one moment she told me where you broke up with her and were so scared of what she looked like on the outside."


"Yeah, and when you got a curse the other day? You thought that was her, right?"

"Yep. Turned out it was Barry, instead."

"Exactly! And it turned out Maddie uses magic to help people and not hurt them?"

"Ye- Oh... I think I know where you're going with this."

"Mhm? Yeah. Just because someone seems like they're nice on the outside, doesn't mean that's all that they are in their heart. People are capable of treating you like guests as an act, you know. Appearances aren't everything. You learned that back at wartwood, didn't you?"

"Yeah... but..."

"...but this time's different!" Hop Pop said from behind the trencoat frog, causing him to jump from shock. "Nathan, he's the KING! He's BEEN that way for over a THOUSAND YEARS! If he really is the 'big bad' you say he is, don't you think we wouldn't be seeing him on that throne nowadays?"

"...That's probably because he hasn't had a reason to act that way yet. But... now that-"

"OH PHOOEY!" He shouted. "Just shut it already. You and your friends are just a bunch-a worm dung spewers that probably broke out of a mental asylum to get here."

He then turned his back to Nathan crossing his arms.

"The way I see it, nobody here has any reason to believe any of the madness that comes outta your mouths. As a matter of fact, you're lucky we're still even talking to you."

"*GASP*" Ezuraki came in shocked

"...dude...words hurt sometimes" Tdog said

Ezuraki then dropped a cake that said 'we're sorry, please forgive us' but now it's ruined

"Well, it's true. Do you have any idea how you guys sound right now?"

"Yeah, sorry but I'm gonna have to agree with Hop Pop," Marcy said. "Also, that DOES apply to the king too, you know."

She pointed behind both Nathan and Tdog, and as they were confused about what she meant, Ezuraki was the first to see. His eyes widened at what he saw before the other two turned around to see King Andrias bending down right behind them.

"Ok, forgive me for intruding, but what's all this about me being evil now?" He asked.

Needless to say, they were all shocked.

"H- How long have you been listening to us?"

"Well, ever since you said my kind demeanor can be an act..."

"Ummmmm we we're talking about.....cakes?"

"....ooooohhhhh i love cakes"

"Y- Yeah. Like, we were supposed to surprise you with a special celebration cake to celebrate our expedition."

"That's... not what you told-" Sprig was about to say but was shut up by Nathan.

"We're sorry if you thought we meant something else..."

He cleared his throat.

"Your majesty... But we didn't mean it like that."

"Y-yup just a misuse of....words" Tdog said trying his best to sound convincing.

"Oh, don't worry, boys. I understand," He said, dismissively.

"Phew! *whisper* good thing i saved it"

"Well, oookay. If that's really what you meant, then ok," Marcy said. "But King Andrias, these boys really do believe you are evil for some reason. They keep claiming they've seen you do 'terrible things' and that you're a backstabber. I don't think that's true... is it?"

'You little cinnamon tattletale' was all Tdog could think

"Why sweet little Marcy of course it's not perhaps these boys just heard a rumor or two flying around after all there's always people out there who want to ruin my reputation" the newt king said before looking down at the three boys "speaking of which where in Amphibia did you boys hear all this from hmm?" He asked with a raised brow.

Nathan nervously looked in-between his two friends, who were probably thinking the same thing he was at that moment.

'What the hell do we tell him?!'

By the looks of things, it looked like they didn't have a single answer either.

The room was quiet for a few seconds before the fire summoner let out a sigh and decided to do the only thing they can do at the moment...lie

"...we....we heard it on the streets..." he said looking down not believing what he has to do to get him and his friends out of this situation

"The streets?!" He asked before he burst out in laughter. "Oh, silly boys. Of course you heard that rumor on the streets. Such unreliable sources always hide in the shadows of that place trying to spread such slander."

All three of them sighs in relief as they wipe their sweat off their forehead

"Alright, listen to me. I've been king, peacekeeper of this world for over MANY years. In that time, I have been proving myself more than worthy of the title of 'king'. I've kept my people safe, I've kept the lights running, heck, I even fought tooth and nail to keep this kingdom from crumbling. If I really was secretly 'evil' all this time, wouldn't you think even the most perfect actor would have slipped once?"

"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TELLING HIM!" Hop pop shouted while knocking him on the top of his head.

"You mustn't believe everything you hear. In fact, if you think everybody's capable of lying, then why didn't you put any of their claims into question? Trust me, this I swear on the graves of all my ancestors that came before me, I am, always have been, and always will be the most benevolent ruler in all of Newtopia."

"Right...." Tdog said slowly as his eyes flashed purple for a quick second before crossing his arms

Ezuraki started to walk away from King Andries as he headed to his room

"Well, I guess you... may have a point there..." Nathan said, forcing a remorseful look and a polite tone. " know what? Yeah, maybe we may have thought more about it before going along with that."

"Exactly, but no need to worry. There's no hard feelings between us."

"Oh sweet that' once again apologies your majesty" Tdog said clasping his hands together with a "smile" "now if you'll excuse me ima go find something really hot to eat" he said before turning and walking away

"Why of course my dear boy and don't be shy to ask my guards and cooks" king andrias said as the fire summoner walked out

"See? Didn't I tell you?" Marcy said.

"Y- Yeah... I guess you're right. Sorry about that."

[In the boys room]

"Can't believe king Andries convinced them!!!!" Ezuraki said

"I know. That has to be the hardest we've ever failed at exposing anybody in our whole lives...


...and also the only time we've ever failed at exposing anybody...


...and the first time we've ever tried to expose anyone."

"Nathan, you know I REALLY hate failing!!!!"

"I know... I know, but there's no way we can still continue warning 'em now after THAT. We even had to FAKE admitting that we were wrong just to get them off our back."

"Especially how hop pop thinks of us now" tdog said taking a bite out of one of those spicy kebabs

"I don't care about that! Screw him! I'm only pissed at king Andries convinced them, once they see he's true colours, ILL FUCKING RUB IT IN THEIR FACES!!!"

"Do you know how close I was to just striking that guy in the face calamity Anne style" Tdog says before lighting his hand on fire

"Probably SUPER close."

"Y'know what? Fuck it Im leaving newtopia!" Ezuraki said before he started to pack his stuff putting it in a little backpack "and i swear to god if you two try and stop me-"

"Bro where the heck will you even go?" Tdog said while taking the last bite of his kebab


"Toad Tower?! You mean where all those barbarians are?!"

"Bruh you do know at this point and time those guys are the bad guys right? And I'm not trying to make them trust andrias even more by thinking we're working with the bad guys" the fire summoner said

"Hmph oh i'm not gonna fight/stop them i'm gonna JOIN them" Rzuraki said with a smile

"That's what I said not to do!!!" The fire summoner exclaimed

"You did?"

"Yeah. Now that he said it, I think joining them's the worst choice of action in terms of trust right now. Look, it's clear we're past the point of making them turn on Andrias so I guess we gotta roll with the punches. Either that or just give up and leave Amphibia."

"Hey! They're only gonna get mad at me not you guys"

"And you think we're just gonna let you put yourself in the gang's crosshairs?"


The other two gave him a blank stare.

"What? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Ezuraki asked

"Yeah a whole lotta stupid" Tdog said "It's no the answer is no man we're not gonna leave you in the crossfire from the roads OR andrias" he spat out spat out

"Well......JUST TRY AND STOP ME" Ezuarki said before breaking the window and jumping out

The two boys get up and look out the window watching Ezuraki run off into the distance before they look at each other




"Well, crap..." Nathan said.

Tdog quickly puts his finger on his nose "not it!" He quickly said

Nathan sighed and jumped outside of the window, summoning an Ink hand below himself to carry him safely down so he could follow Ezuraki. All he could have at the moment was contempt, because he just had a feeling this was going to take a lot-

"NATHAN! TDOG! EZURAKI!" Marcy said as she was rapidly knocking on the door. "Come on, guys! Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!

Both of them then turned to the door that was still being rapped upon with the knuckles of the nerd's fist. Their faces tensed up as their visitor awaited to answer the door... and find out that one of them have gone missing.

"M- Marcy?" Nathan asked.

"Well, duh. Who else? Haha! The king's taken it upon himself to make breakfast for us all. Also, he put something extra special in your food to make sure there's no hard feelings."

They then looked at the empty bed, which was supposed to be Ezuraki's. A few beads of sweat dripped down their faces as that infernal knocking sound continued to assault their ears.

"Oh boy... oh boy oh god of FRICK!" Nathan said. "This is bad, Tdog. If she comes in here and finds Ezuraki's not here, she's gonna have questions..."

Tdog puts both of his hands on the sides of his head as he looks at the door in worry

"Ohhhhhhh god man........" he groaned.

"Come on, guys!" Marcy continued. "Early bird gets the worm, after all~ Now come on, open the door so I can get you your breakfast. Oh, by the way, we have a big day ahead of us today, so you'd better get ready!"

"What do we do? Bud?..." Tdog asked. "Come on, bro! What do we do!?"

Marcy continued knocking and speaking meanwhile, the two boys were slowly but surely slipping into panic mode.

"God dammit..." Nathan muttered to himself.
To be continued.....

End of chapter 3

I know I know...this is random...especially the beginning

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