Part 15 - Mind, Soul And Body

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The creature continued to reek havoc and destruction around the house, and Phoxen barged back through with a shovel in his hands. His eyes showed an essence of determination and his body surged with adrenalin. The creature froze in his shadow. Phoxen was ready to pounce on the frightened creature, crushing its innocent body under the force of his cold, dirt coated shovel, but hesitated due to him sensing another one of Hsakia's death stares. The room was silent and all movement was halted. Tyler wondered what the time was. Mid-day probably, she guessed. The intruder slowly and soundlessly dropped the dismembered limb on the scratched wooden floor of the entrance hallway, and slowly backed away from the figure. Phoxen raised the shovel above his head, reactively smashing the shovel head onto the body of the creature as it tried to run away knowing its fait if it had stayed. The impact of the shovel crushed the innocent creature's upper tail, only wounding it, not killing it. The creature made no noise, and hardly any movement, but was still awake. Hsakia squeaked, which surprised Phoxen since that was the first time he, or anyone to his knowledge, had ever witnessed a noise exit Hsakia's mouth. Phoxen regretted his decision as Hsakia angrily stomped towards him, and to Phoxen's knowledge, that isn't a good sign. The wounded creature placed itself back onto its four stumpy legs, stumbling. Nadess, Arcana and Tomasn ran in through the door, stopped by the sight they saw. Hsakia shadowed over Phoxen, eyeballing him intensely and with disgust. Hatred. Phoxen wasn't sure to stare back or give in to defeat, but chose to stand with his decision and challenge the opinion of the others

"Phoxen! What the bloody hell have you done?!" Tomasn blurted out without thought of hesitation.

"Shut up, Tom! This doesn't involve you! Keep your stupid opinions to yourself," Phoxen rudely replied.

Arcana stepped back outside, not wanting to be involved in this stand-off in any way. Nadess was willing to agree on and protect Tomasn's opinion, showing it using force if she had to. Hsakia and Phoxen were both challenging each other to a silent, motionless fight, a mental fight where only the fighters know what is going on. Wester and Tyler were both in shock of how quickly their before uneventful day had escalated.

The creature was licking its wounded tail like a cat, even though it didn't have a mouth opening. It no longer looked in destress, and its tail looked like nothing had affected it in any way. Tyler stared at the creature with concern, an because of the fact she was quite keen on animal biology and this creature was truly a magnificent specimen. Although, she didn't see the creature to be a creature, or an object, but more of a person, with a soul and a mind that functioned like her own. She didn't know how she knew this. A rush of coldness run down her back, and a voice appeared in her head. She zoned out of the real world, and was wondering her own mind, uncontrollably. The voice was speaking, but was unintelligible to Tyler, kind of like the farmer in the first part of the dream. A dream inside a dream, she pondered. She forced her mental state to zone back in, and she noticed the creature was intensely staring at her with its pure white eyes, as was everyone else. She had no control over what her body was doing whilst she was in her mind, and was unaware of what she might've done in this state.

"Sorry," Tyler respectfully blurted out unknowingly.

"There's no need to be worried, dear," Wester replied for herself, "We were just kind of... freaked out by your unbreakable eye contact with the floor."

The creature was gone, like it just fizzled out of existence with no trace.

"But...T-the creature!? There was a weird black snake, goat, ferret thing! It was about a meter long and it had pure white eyes! It was r-right over there!" Tyler pointed at the nothingness on the floor near the front door, "Phoxen hit it with a shovel! Don't you remember that?!"

Phoxen shrugged and walked out the door, along with everyone else. Tyler was confused, annoyed even, but she didn't know what at. What was she talking about? She didn't know. She looked around for something she might be annoyed at, but there was nothing. Why was she angry? This was weird, she thought. She followed Wester out the door, and forgot. 

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