Part 16 - Banter

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The air was still mildly pungent, but now tolerable. Tyler noticed all the houses on the street, perfect and identical. They didn't show any difference between them, and all looked uninhabited. Untouched. Everything was coloured with only the brightest of colours, using a wide variety of different shades, and colours ranging from fluorescent yellow to pastel pink. The houses contrasted against the black void of the night sky. She continued to follow everyone along the red lawn (or what remained of it) at the front of the house and onto the brick road. She looked back at the house she had lived in for all of her life she could remember, and stared at it dispirited. It was such a shame that the house wasn't as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside, but it was nice to stare at something different in the street. It gave her eyes a rest from all the chaotic colours everywhere else. She continued walking with the group.

"So, wait... Where are we going, again?" Phoxen questioned, annoying Hsakia and Wester because this was the third time he had asked.

"For the last ff—...freaking time, Phoxen," Nadess responded, "We're going to Town Centre!"

"Ok! Ok! Dog! No need to be so aggressive, Nade." Phoxen exaggerated, followed by a short sigh, "I've always wondered why it's called Town Centre."

"I'm guessing because it's in the centre of the town" Tyler commented smartassingly.

"It's a question we're all asking babe, only in our minds," Tomasn passively interjected, replying to Phoxen and ignoring Tyler's comment, "If the first people were 'smart' enough to separate this dog-forsaken rock into sections, then call the south west sector the Town Centre, then you should at least be able to have the same brain capacity to not question pointless things out loud."

"Fuck off, Tom. It was just a fucking question," Phoxen argued, "And that didn't even make sense! Stop trying to sound smarter than you actually are. Just give into the fact that you're a fucking dipshit."

"But— I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to offend you. I was just s—"

"Hsakia asks how many times do I, being Saki, need to ask you w-worthless pieces of garbage to watch your m-...mother fucking profanity?"

The group went quiet, but continued walking along the road. Wester regretted including some of the words Hsakia had written down, but Hsakia insisted. Nadess had a smirk on her face that was aimed at Phoxen, trying to show him how she actually had some self control.

Everyone had a deep feeling inside of them that if they spoke again, Hsakia would probably rip out their oesophagus's, so the group remained silent for a while. The lack of noise made Tyler noticed the subtle background noise of the clicking and chirping of insects and other small creatures hidden in the shadows of the nature of this world. It intrigued her. It interested her. It wasn't an important factor to anything happening at the time. This world was beautiful, she thought. The light of the void, glowing from the presence of stars and the moon that looked so close you could touch it from where you stand, lit the windows of the houses with an iridescent sheen. Tyler wondered if it would ever become day. She wondered what the time was. She thought. She questioned. The walk was enjoyable.

Author's Note: Sorry this part was a little shorter than usual. Also, I'm planning on uploading the newer parts in chapters (meaning that it will take a bit longer to upload but there will be more to read so yeah). I've already organised the previous parts into chapters on my computer, but won't organise the parts into chapters on this website. What I'm trying to say is that the next part I upload is going to be chapter 9 (not chapter 17 bc chapters are longer), but you wouldn't have missed anything. So see you then!

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