A Night To Rember

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Jillian's outfit.

Also, a lemon is in this chapter.


Jillian's Point of View:

I was currently at lunch sitting by myself which is usually what at do at lunch at school since I had no friends. At least I have my Nightmaren friends and boyfriend. I was reading a Lego Ninjago comic book getting to a good part when it was snatched away from me by non other than Shakila Slivermen, my main bully who showed a LOT of skin with EVERY outfit she wears and lies 247 every time she does something bad to keep herself on the good kids list. I sighed "Shakila. I'm not in the mood for your shit today. Give me back me comic book please." I told her since I was already stressed with the finals we were doing today. She laughed like I was joking "As if. I just wanna have some fun to relax myself from these tests. So why not tease the fuck out of you." She said with that fake smile of her's "As if your gonna pass anyway...." I muttered quietly, her brow raised as she looked back at me with a death glare "What was that freak? Say it out loud if you have the balls to." She said still death glaring at me. "I said, as if your gonna pass anyway. You know since your brain only focuses on plastic surgery and men stripping." I said with a confident smirk on my face that matched Reala's smirks. She growled as if she was a guard dog attached to a metal chain of a house. "NO ONE. Talks to me like that whore." She said clearly pissed "Well I just did." I said crossing my arms across my chest still smirking. She growled again "THATS IT WHORE!" She yelled the tackled me to the floor then started scratching my left side of my face leaving more scars to hide. If Reala was here right now he would be pissed off to the max and tourchering her in the Night Dimension tonight. After about 2 minutes of Shakila clawing at my face the principal came and pulled her off of me "Shakila SilverMen. To my office RIGHT NOW!" She yelled as she started dragging Shakila to her office. I groaned as I hid my face again with my hair so no one else can see the new and old scars. I grabbed my comic book, put it in my backpack, and started walking to the bathroom. I made it to the girls bathroom and looked it the mirror moving my hair out of the way of the left side of my face seeing the new scars. Bright red ones, burgundy ones, and even some that were bleeding a small bit. I sighed as I looked into the sink seeing my vision clouded as I started crying.

I HATED being bullied at school everyday! They don't even see the tourcher I go through at home to stop and even care! I HATE still being ALIVE!!!!!!! I kept sobbing as my tears fell into the bathroom sink. I went into a stall and took off my jacket revealing my scar covered arms. I pulled out my only sense of relief from this from my backpack. A old broken razor. I started cutting my arms making blood trickle to the bathroom floor, I cutted on both arms all the way to my shoulders of the front, back, and both sides of my arms. I sighed as I put away my razor and put my jacket back on putting my hood up hiding my face more, I started walking to my next class before the bell rang.


I walked out of the school with my hood still up. People looked at me weirdly as I was walking to my car but I had my headphones on blasting my ears out with Just Like Fire by P!nk. I got in my car and started it up driving back home. I sighed as I was almost home. I wonder how Reala would take seeing my new scars. I pulled into my driveway and parked seeing my 'mother' wasn't home which was weird cause she hasn't been at home that often. I sighed getting out my car and slamming the door behind me. I walking into my garage bedroom slamming the door behind me and I heard discs being messed with meaning someone was messing with my VideoGames and CDs. I grabbed my bo staff which I know how to use completely. I looked past a corner seeing Reala looking through my CD collection which was mostly Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park (Rest in peace lead singer. You will be missed dearly by us fans), and Hannah Montana. I sighed getting his attention from my CDs, I put my Bo Staff down as he started floating towards me. He gently grabbed my arm but I still winced from it and moved my hoodie off my head and moved my hair away from the left side revealing my old and new scars, he forcefully took my jacket off of me showing my new cuts. "You saw, didn't you?" I asked him looking down as I was ashamed of myself "Yes. I'm not disappointed in you for cutting yourself or mad. Just PLEASE Jillian, don't do it again. I'm taking care of that slut. Ok?" He said, I nodded wiping my tears with the back of my hand. He gently grabbed my face in his hands and kissed my tears away making me smile a bit as they went away. He hugged me around my waist while I placed my hands on his chest and snuggled my face into it with my smile still on my face.


I saw Reala looking out my cracked and broken window seeing it was now night. He pressed his lips against my neck making my breathing hitch "Maybe I can cheer you up a bit more~" he purred then started nibbling my neck making my heart race. He bit my soft spot making me softly moan, I felt him smirk on my neck as he started sucking on it making me moan non stop. My hands went to gripping his shirt and cape wanting them off making him chuckle as he took them off revealing his perfectly toned and chiseled chest. He kissed me roughly which I kissed back immediately, I ran my hands under his hat pushing it off his head revealing his black with red streaks and tips hair and started messing with it cause it reminded me of a bloodstone. He started slipping off my tank top making my breathing hitch as he did so. He fully took it off and held my curves as he started kissing my breasts making me moan again but a bit louder. His hands went to my high waisted jeans and he undid the button and unzipped the zipper and started slipping them off of me. He tossed them away without care as he fully took them off of me.

He wrapped my legs around my waist after taking my panties off and started kissing me roughly. I messed with his dick making him groan in the kiss. He broke away from the kiss "Why you gotta give me a hand job now?" He said panting, I smirked "Cause nothin can stop me from doing it~" I said flirty like. He chuckled and leaned into my ear "Well I know something that can bring pleasure for both of us~" he purred. I smiled knowing what it was. He pinned me to my bed and that's when I got a good look at his size "U-uhhh Reala. I-I don't think it's gonna fit." I told him, he kissed my neck as he spread my legs apart "I'll be gentle." He whispered in my ear. He put his dick inside me making me wince from the pain. He slowly started speeding up being gently as he promised, the pain slowly started turning into pleasure as he slowly sped up. I started moaning softly as he kept thrusting slowly enjoying every bit of it. He hit a point making us both moan loudly. He took his dick out before he could go any further than he already was, he gazed into my gold eyes with his crystal blue ones then kissed me deeply which I kissed back immediately running my hands to his back as our lips started moving in sync.

My fingers rubbed his spine making him give out a small moan in content. He started kissing my soft spot making me moan softy as I closed my eyes enjoying every bit of it. He broke away from my bruised neck panting and laid down next to me and pulled me into his chest. "Feeling better?~" he asked/purred, I snuggled my face in his chest with a smile on it "Totally. Way much better." I told him still smiling, he kissed the top of my head. "Well I'm glad I could help." Reala said as if he was smiling like crazy. I yawned snuggling my face into his chest more and let sleep takeover.

Reala's Point of View:

I looked down at Jillian seeing she fell asleep. I sighed and got out of her grip stirring her a small bit, I grabbed my clothes putting them back on and looked at her sleeping form. I put a blanket on her which she wrapped around herself more making me chuckle a small bit. I created a nightmare portal and went through it going back to the Night Dimension. I went into the tourchering chamber and looked into an orb seeing that slut Shakila was asleep and dreaming making me smirk evilly.

Time to teach her a lesson for messing with my queen...........

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