A Sweet Date

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Reala's point of view:

I opened my eyes waking up. I felt something on my chest making me look down seeing Jillian knocked out lightly snoring which made me chuckle silently. So I guess yesterday wasn't a dream then and we are a couple now. I sighed, I should probably let her sleep in since she needed the sleep, but then again I do want to take her on a date. Dang it why can't I make up my mind? I felt her snuggle herself more into my chest like I was a pillow, I looked at her arms seeing cuts and burns on them making my eyes widen a small bit. Does she hurt herself?! I moved her hair from covering her left side of her face seeing scars that dotted the entire side of it and a little one that was on the center of her right eyebrow that was like a zigzag shape. I started stroking her legs making her moan in her sleep which made me blush crimson. I sighed trying to calm down my blush, I grabbed my hat and crown and put them on my head hiding my hair again. I felt her shuffle her in her sleep a LOT meaning she was having a nightmare. I started stroking her hair which made her gold eyes shot open as she started breathing heavily. I pulled her to where her face was in my neck as I started stroking her hair calming her down.

Her breathing normalized and she had a rose blush dusting her face as she hid her face in my neck. "Love. Why do you have those scars on you?" I asked her making her freeze. "W-well...... The ones on my face are from my bullies at school and a few from my 'mother', while the ones on my arms and legs are from myself.........." She said sadly as her face was still buried in my neck so it was muffled a bit. I hugged her a bit tighter "I'll take care of your bullies and your 'mother'. Just, please stop hurting yourself. Ok?" I told her, I felt her nod "Ok........" She said, I gently let her on the bed as I went to my closet to get her and outfit. I got her a navy blue lace dress with sleeves and black ankle boots and handed them to her, she sighed as I turned around trying not to look like last time. "Ok done." She said which made me turn around to fight a blush as she looked more beautiful if that was possible. I kissed her forehead making her smile "Still beautiful as always." I said making her smile brighten which I liked.

I lead her downstairs to the dinning room where everyone was having breakfast and I kept thinking of a date to take her on.


I was taking Jillian to Memory Forest since I know she likes music and I know the Nightopians would be playing at this time. I held onto her as I entered my portal I created with my dust. She had her eyes closed shut the entire time. We made it to there but in the exact same place where I tricked Helen into thinking that NiGHTS was helping Wiseman get her Iydea. Jillian opened her eyes and I let her on her feet and grabbed her hand in mine and started guiding her to the concert area. We arrived there and they were already playing making a smile appear on Jillian's face. I looked to the corner of my eye seeing she had her eyes closed as she swayed her head side to side slowly. I interlocked my fingers with her's making her open her eyes and look down at our holding hands and a bright smile appeared on her face, she laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes listening to the melody playing making me smile. I kissed the top of her head and started stroking her cheek with my free hand. I felt being watched making me look behind us from the corner of my eye seeing NiGHTS, Jackle, and Selph trying to stay hidden while they watched us. I sighed since they weren't really good at being hidden currently. They must have heard me sigh cause they tried to be more hidden by the tree.

Jillian looked behind us and saw them and giggled at them making them book it probably back to Nightmare Manor. I smirked as she watched them leave and snaked my arm around her waist making her gasp lightly as she turned to me "Rea-" she was about to say my name before I cut her off by pulling her into my chest making her blush rose. I started dancing with her to the melody making her smile as she laid her other hand on my shoulder and laid her head on my chest. I kept her close to my chest not wanting to let go since I was letting her go back after tonight. I kissed the top of her head then pecked her neck making her giggle. The melody stopped making me sigh since I didn't want to stop this moment, I lifted her head up with her chin letting go of her hand making her look at me as we were 'nose touching'. I captured her lips in a passionate kiss which she kissed back wrapping her arms around around my neck while I let go of her chin and wrapped my other arm around her waist.

At least I can finally feel free with her..................

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