Chapter 1:New World, New War

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"Only the dead have seen the end of the war."

-George Santayana-


As the WW3 has ended... many nations have been scared, spme had to rebuild... till 6 Dangerous Individuals was struck by a bright light, and they have been Sent, to the Alternate Universe...



(A/N:IDK where the Ark is located or any of the cities, correct me)

In the ruins of a city, we see a US Marine with a M27 IAR.

"Anthony - USMC"

Anthony:Where is this place... not to mention, where am i? This place seems to be abandoned and deserted.

???:Hands up Buddy

Another person appeared, aa he pointed his FN SCAR-H, Anthony then makes a quick move and aims it towards the person

Anthony:No U

??? 1:I ain't playing games buddy

??? 2:I can say the same thing

Another Person appeared, this time he has a MG3 pointed at them

??? 3:are you sure Bout that?

And yet another person appeared with a HK416A5, pointing his gun at The guy with a MG3

??? 4:Don't even think about it

And yet another person Appeared, this time with a Shotgun, aimed at MG3 guy and HK Guy.

Everything was silent, as they are having a Mexican Standoff, none made a move...


An loud explosion has been heard, they turn their intention towards the direction of the explosion, and then they saw weird looking robot and started firing at them, they take cover on nearby debris...

Anthony:This is new and weird!

??? 1:feels like the Avengers, Ultron Story all over again!

Bullets keeps on hitting the covers as they zoom pass.

Anthony then see ??? 1's Patch

Anthony:Your a US Marine?!

??? 1:Yeah! Im too! You!?


??? 1:What about them!?

Anthony:Let's find out! They are on the other side! Let's move in, I'll cover you!

??? 1:Wilco!

Anthony then proceeds to open fire at the robots, as ??? 1 makes across, and fortunately, he made it...

??? 1:Your turn!

??? 1 open fires at the Robots as Anthony also Makes a across to the other side

??? 1:Smoke Away!

??? 1 threw a Smoke then he and Anthony escaped inside the building

Anthony:That was a close one...

??? 1:Yeah... and mind intros?

Anthony:Sure. I'm 1st Lt. Towson, Anthony S., United States Marine Corps, from the 1st Marine Division. And you?

??? 1:I'm 2nd Lt. Kinsley, Jin P., United States Marine Corps, from the 3rd Marine Division.

Anthony:Good to meet ya, Kinsley

Jin:Same here, Towson... Let's try to find the others.

They both proceed to find the 3

Jin:Where ya from Towson?

Anthony:Maryland. How about you?

Jin:Urama City, Okinawa, Japan, Im half Japanese

Anthony:Thats cool...

They then see the 3.

Anthony:Easy! Easy!

Jin:Calm down, don't fire a shot! We are on the same side!

??? 3:and why should i and the others believe you two?

Anthony:Our Patches...

??? 2,3,4:OH....

Jin:Im 2nd Lt. Kinsley, Jin P. USMC, 3rd Marine Division.

Anthony:Im 1st Lt. Towson, Anthony S. USMC, 1st Marine Division.

The other 3 ease down their weapons.

Jin:How about you guys?

The three look at each other and nods in agreement

??? 2:Im Captain James Nico Alvaro Delos Santos, 1st Scout Rangers Regiment.

??? 3: Im Captain Feliks Piskorz, Polish Commandos Military Unit or JW Komandosow.

??? 4: Im Captain Axi Malthus, U.S. Army.

All of them calm settledown...

Anthony:So we got, 2 Americans, 1 Half Japanese, 1 Polish, and 1 Filipino...

Jin:Do you guys know what those Robotic Insects are?

James, Feliks, Axi:No

Anthony:Damn... seems like were gonna have a slight difficulty finding what those are...

???:I think i may be an Assistance...

The group turn their attention towards the pillar, as where they heard the voice, as they drew their weapons in caution and safety

???:Whoa Whoa, Chill... im Friendly, no need to be all hostile.

Anthony:If you are friendly, come out and show your face

Axi:Or i will get a Buclshot if you don't come out you classic ass Anime Protagonist wannabe

???:At least Chill, no need to get all worked up

The Voice of a person then reveal himself as he steps out of the pillar

Jin:Jesus Christ!? He got some firepower

James:Wait! Your!


Axi:Mind telling us James, who on the fuck is this Napoleon Ass with a big gun

James:right, he is the infamous Ghost of Marawi.

Jin:The Sniper?

James:Yeah, it's my first time seeing him in actual person

Anthony:Mind telling your name

???:Of Course, Im Major Brussett, Keith Ruiz. Philippine Marine Corps, 1stMarDiv....

Anthony:Okay, so 2 Filipinos

Feliks:Alright, spill the beans, what do you know about these guys.

Keith:They're called Raptures... they sre robotic beings have Big Bad Ensemble: The Raptures are the main antagonistic force in the story, being human-killing machines that want exterminate what's left. They are lead by Heretics, Nikke-like androids who want revenge against humanity, and above them is the Rapture Queen who controls all Rapture operations.

Axi:So these Insects are that wanna destroy the world... no wonder the place is in Ruins...

Keith:i may advice shoot at the weakspot... they are near... so gentlemen... shall we work together? It's more essential and easier if we are to combined force, and i may give you the guidance on the Raptures weakspots...

The group thinks for awhile, as they are in need of Information...

James:Im in...

Anthony:Me too

Jin:Im down

Feliks:Don't know the Raptures much but i am in

Axi:Hmm... Fine... i swear do any backstabbed i will break every bone in your body... Got that?

Keith:Okay... let's go

Keith then Joined the Group, as they went back to the place where they ran from the Raptures...

(Radio = '<>')

Keith:<All simple boys, hit the Soft spots, locking Targets>

Anthony:<Got it>

The circle on their optics lock on the weakspots

James:Let's drop some led on these motherfu-


The group opened fired at the raptures, Keith's detection worked like a charm, Axi then Charge through and slaughtered 4 Raptures while Keith Sniped 2 big Raptures, wasn't long till the battle was over...

Jin:Seems like the battle is over...

Anthony:Yeah... guess he was telling the truth...

Keith:See... no backstabs

James:how about we make a squad?

Feliks:Yeah! I say winged hussars!

Keith:Ghost Team

Anthony:Nah... how about... FAAFO?


Anthony 'F'uck 'A'round 'A'nd 'F'ind 'O'ut

Keith:I agree..

Jin:Same here

Axi:Fuck it, im in

Feliks:Im down

James:Great, guess were known as FAAFO Squad... and who should be Squad Leader in case?

Keith:Not me, i nominate Towson.

Anthony:wait what?

Jin:I agree

James:Well he is the one who led the Attack while Keith gathered thr Informatio.

Axi:I dont really care, but fuck it.

Jin:So Anthony? Do you accept?

Anthony:I-I... *Sigh* Fine...

And thus the Humans will now fought the unknown force... as they shall become legends...

Nikke:Goddess of Victory

To be Continued


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