Chapter 2:FAAFO and Counter

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Keith's Journal

it's been a couple months since I've been here so far many things have passed got damn it many raptures coming away so far before squad of six men we've been doing fine ever since. Right now, all that matters is weird one unit and i'm a feeling this world seems to have the same place as we do we just never know what kind of place are we are in the first place for now those who stand in our way shall know what this fuck around and find out mean.


The Squad has been moving for days... so far they have killing Raptures along the way.

Anthony:Man... it's been days, not a single Human in sight...

Jin:Tell me about...

James reach to his left top chest area only to accidentally see his Stats



Anthony:How did you do that?

James:Well i just tap here and bam!

Jin:Thats your Profile, just like the game!

James:Ability;Tactician, CQC/CQB, Marksman. Level 18, im level 18! Weapons HK416A5 Level 20, MK11 Mod II Level 18, BUL Cherokee Level 15, Bayonet and Machete Level 10!

Keith:Good Stats.

Axi:[Taps on his own]

James:It seems Axi has a bigger level

Jin:My turn

James:Huh... lvl 24. How about you guys?




Anthony: okay so Keith is the biggest level of this group since he's the one getting more kills than all of us due to him collecting intel.

Jin:damn, this is like a game seeing or levels this might be a game guys.


Keith: hey guys i'm picking something up my an S.O.S call

???:<BA-01 down! BA-01 down! Please respond! We've been shot down! BA-01 down! BA-01...! *Static Radio Cutoff*


Keith:It's definately a Distress call...

Feliks:Well? Your call Squad Leader.

Anthony:Squad, were helping, Go! H
Go! Go!

The Squad then heads towards the S.O.S signal.

???:Useless piece of...! Commander! I can't get through the Ark! ...Commander?

She gasp in panic

???:No! Your going into cardiac arrest...! A... AED...! AED! Charging...! *Activates AED* Clear!


The Commander gasp to life

???:Commander! Are you okay? Smile if you can hear me!

Cmdr ???:All right, Al lright, All right. *I smile*

???:Finally! Can you tell me which section are you from?

Cmdr. ???:Central Goverment. Nikke Management Department.

???:All right then. Up and at 'em. Raise your arms up.

Cmdr ???:Okay

The Commander raises her arms up as she got back up her feet by the girl, who is a Nikke.

???:STR Cleared! Great...! Everything is normal! Commander can you hear me?

Cmdr. ???:Yeah, loud and clear.

???:We were attacked en route towards our destination. The transport ship is down. Any Rapture within a hundred-mile radious must have heard that explosion and is headed our way. I realize this is all a bit sudden, but i am now under your command. You are giving me orders. Can you do it?

Cmdr. ???:I'll give it a shot.

???:Yes Commander! Time to get to work, keep your head down. Please don't worry, i will protect you. No matter what happens... Marian, activating combat mode ...Engaging!

Marian then Engages the Raptures have arrived the Area they are in... gunshots can be heared as the Raptures attack...

Cmdr. ???:Marian! Be careful! We don't know how many Raptures there are!

Marian:Don't worry commander, i will!

The radio cracks to life

???:<BA-01, Come in BA-01>

The Commander immediately grabs the radio

Cmdr. ???:This is BA-01, were taking heavy fire! Requesting support over!

???:<Roger that BA-01, were on our way, hold your ground, we are not that far off... Over and Out.

The Radio goes silent.

Cmdr. ???:Marian! Help is on the way!

Marian:I hope they get here in time! *Fires more at the Raptures*

The Cmdr. And Marian, Kept holding their ground.

Marian:I'm running low on ammo! Where is that help?!




The small hudled up Raptures were blown up by an HE Cluster Shell that just hit them...

Marian:What the?!

The Radio Cracks to life again

???:<BA-01, calvary has arrived...>

It's the Squad that arrived in Time

Anthony:Axi! Feliks! Let it rip!!

MG fire mow down the Raptures, ended up the battle in seconds...

Jin:Hostiles neutralized...

Anthony:Good work, <Vanisher-01, Regroup, Now.>

Keith:<Roger Roger.>

Cmdr. ???:Uhm... Who are you people? Are you... the one who respond?

Anthony:Yup... we heared your call and we answer... mind telling me who you both are?

Cmdr. Emberglow:I am Aurelia Emberglow, Commander from Central Goverment, Nikke Management Department. And this is Marian, my Nikke under my command.

Marian Waves in hello...

Cmdr. Emberglow:Mind you five also introduce yourselves?

Anthony:Six, Actually.

Marian:Six? Where is the other one?

Keith:Over here

Both Aurelia and Marian Flitch as Keith Appeared out of nowhere, just behind them.

Emberglow:Whoa!? Simce when did you get here?!

Keith:Thats a secret.

Anthony:Now then. My name is 1stLt. Anthony S. Towson. Callsign; Hitman 2-5

Jin:My name is 2ndLt. Jin K. Preston. Callsign; Assassin 0-3.

Axi:My name is Capt. Axi Malthus. Callsign; Nightlight

Feliks:My name is Capt. Feliks Piskorz, callsign; Wilk 2-1

James:My name is Capt. James Alvaro. Callsign; Assassin Actual.

Keith:And Finally. My name is Maj. Keith R. Brussett. Callsign; Vanisher 0-1.

Emberglow:What are you guys?

Anthony:Were the FAAFO Squad.

Marian:FAAFO Squad? I never heard of it before... your weapons... they don't look like they are for Nikke's except for Maj. Brussett...

Anthony:Actually... these aren't Nikke weapons...

Marian was Shocked

Marian:What?! But how-

Keith:We'll do some explaining later... right now... Let's get going...

Marian:Right, i guess...

Marian:Argh... my leg...

Marian was hurt

Keith:Are you hurt?

Marian:I suppose you could say that. Hurt, or rather... malfunctioning? Either way, my mobility hasn't been affected.

Keith:Excuse me, Marian...

Keith Bandages Marian's Leg

Marian:Um... Major... this isn't much as use to a Nikke

Keith:Nonsense... I rather see combat capable than a Hindered troop.


Marian stayed quiet for a moment and blush at Keith as he Bandages her leg

Marian:Nonetheless, I... appreciate the gesture. Thank you, Major.

Keith:Your welcome. Please call me by my name.

Marian:Okay... Keith... ...I thought you'd be more of a Rough and Tumble kind of person.

Keith:Nonsense... I may be tough, only when in Times of Active Combat, but i do too have some soft spots for others... like you.

Marian fluster a little. Then finally Keith finally finished Bandaging her leg

Marian:Let's keep moving. The rendezvous point should be close by.

The Squad along with Emberglow and Marian move on...

[After sometime of walking]

Anthony:Don't you think this place looks Familiar?

Jin:Yeah, Feels like home... but... not home...

Feliks:First thing to do is, Find Answers

The 3 Agreed.


Axi point at Keith and Marian.

James:Well well, seems like a new Lovebirds in the battlefield...

Jin:Lucky Bastard...

Marian:Your Weapon looks heavy... are you okay on it's weight?

Keith:Not really... i've been carrying it for years now...

Marian:Your Sniper Rifle back there was so powerful... you must have made a very dangerous weapon to wield...


Marian:If it's getting heavy, i can carry it for you.

Keith:No need for it, Marian.

Marian:It's nothing, really. Carrying your Sniper Rifle is like not very much for me. Come on *Smile*

Keith (tiny panic): I can carry my rifle by myself, don't worry.

Marian:If you insist. In that case...

Marian approaches Keith and grab his arm. Marian smiles as Keith heart beats as he tries to cover his blush.

Marian:At least hold on to me a bit. Let me know when it get's heavy.

Keith:I'll keep that in mind.

Marian:Roger. Let's keep moving then.

As the Squad continues ahead, James raise his arm to a Halting signal.

James:We got Raptures up ahead, i don't see a path around them.

Anthony:Alright, let's do this. Commander, Stay with Feliks, and Feliks, Lay down some MG Cover for us.


Keith:We'll get this done in a Jippy.

The Squad confronts the Raptures and takes into cover.

Anthony:On 3... 1... 2... 3!

Feliks opens up laying down barrage of MG Fire.


Felink:Fuck! Jammed!

The Rapture was about to fire at Feliks till Axi Rammed into it and Sends it flying, and Destroys 2 nearby Raptures using his Trench Club.

Aurelia:Holy smokes he send that rapture flying like a train hitting donkey.



Keith:Axi! Catch! Hot Potato!

Axi catches the Hot Potato, which is a Stielhandgranate.



Axi, got an idea, as he Sticks his C4s around the German Grenade and Throws it towards the Large group Raptures.


Aurelia:Holy shit! That blows!

The others fight on, as they mow down the Raptures, and the battle ended.

Axi (Hand Signal):Thanks for the Potato Masher.👍

Keith:No problem.👍

Anthony:That takes clear of things, Let's get going...

The Squad moves on

Marian:It should be somwhere around here.

They all look around.

Marian:Huh? Where is everyone?

Aurelia:Did the plan change after the transport ship crashed?




Keith:Let's Go!

The squad rush towards the gunfire

??? 1:How ling are we going to wait here?!

??? 2:Until they come.

??? 1:Were sitting ducks out here!

??? 2:We'll wait, until they come.

??? 1:Did you not see how hard they went down?! You saw that explosion! What are the odds of them coming out alive?

??? 2:We haven't receive any confirmation of death.

??? 1:What, so were waiting here until we do?

??? 2:This is the rendezvous point. Leaving here will throw a wrench into the works.

??? 1:This is absurb!


??? 1:Ah! You scared me!

??? 2:!!

The FAAFO Squad take a Circle formation around, looking each others surroundings.

Marian:Im Marian. The commander is here with me, along with the FAAFO Squad.

??? 1:Are you serious? How did you survive that explosion? I get that your a Nikke but isn't that one and those Squad of 6 males, a human?!

Aurelia:Yeah, 7 of us are human.

??? 1:...Something is fishy about this. Are you really the Commander?


??? 2:Excuse me for a moment. Commander identification code, read. ... the Squad 04-F Commander has changed.

??? 1:Rapi, we don't even know them! How could you...

Rapi:Now's is not the time to argue! There are Raptures right ahead of us.

??? 2:Well... that much is true.

Rapi:From now on, your in command. As the Former Commander is unable to issue orders at present, no formal procedures are necessary to transfer authourity. The situation is urgent, i'll explain the situation once the battle is over.


Rapi:You said your name is Marian? What branch are you from?

Marian:I belong to Silver Gun. Im a Machine Gunner.

??? 2:It checks out. Except for those 6...

Rapi:FAAFO Squad was it? What branch are you from?

Anthony:We do callsigns for now. I'm Hitman 2-5. U.S.A. Marines

Jin:I'm Assassin 0-3. Also U.S.A. Marines.

Axi:I'm Nightlight. U.S.A. Army.

Feliks:I'm Wilk 2-1. JW Komandosow.

James:I'm Assassin Actual. Scout Rangers.

Keith:And I'm Vanisher 0-1. ZWC Spec Ops.

??? 2:... well... Very well then... All right commander. What's the next move?

Rapi:Awaiting your command.

Aurelia:Destroy the Raptures

Rapi:Yes, Commander.

??? 2:Let's get this party started!

James:Raptures 12 o' clock!

Anthony:Assassin 0-3! Wilk 2-1! Nightlight! Lay down MG!

Jin and Feliks and Axi fire barrage of MG.


Anthony:Vanisher 0-1! Use HE Cluster!

Keith loads his 25mm HE Cluster Rounds, and began firing bundle up Raptures.



Anthony:James! With me! Precision fire!


The Squad neutralized the Raptures in quick seconds.

??? 2:Well that was easy.

Rapi:Were Rapi and Anis. Thanks for the assistance.

Aurelia:No problem.


Marian:But why did you take up the Commander up to the surface all of the sudden? So...

Anis:I'm afraid so... our Former Commander is dead.


Anis:He tried to shoot at the Raptures with a human weapon, hurling obscenities all the while. He knew those pea-shooters couldn't put a dent in a Rapture...

Marian:You two failed on your duties. You let him die.

Anis:Your wrong! We've always being willing to protect the commander, now matter what, even if it means sacrificing ourselves! But just because were putting our lives on the line doesn't mean he'll always be safe...


Anis:All right... i was just saying.

Rapi:Could you tell us your name?

Aurelia:My name is Aurelia Embergow.


Anis:I'm going to do a little digging.

Anis Searches up on information about Cmdr. Emberglow

Anis:Let me see... ... Hmm?

Rapi:What's wrong?

Anis:This Commander is a total Rookie.


Anis:They just graduated from the Military Academy Yesterday


Rapi looks at FAAFO Squad.

Rapi:You Squad as well.

Anthony:Anthony S. Towson.

Jin:Jin K. Preston.

Axi:Axi Malthus.

Feliks:Feliks Piskorz

James:James Alvaro.

Keith:Keith R. Brussett.

Rapi:Them too Anis.


Anis Searches up on FAAFO Squad one by one.

Anis:What the?!

Rapi:Is there also a problem?

Anis:All of FAAFO Squad Files are... Redacted!!!

Rapi:Redacted?! Hmm... it seems their files are classified for a reason.

Anis:Could be.

Rapi:Let's move to the commercial street. It's dangerous here.

They all move on

Rapi:Did you really take up your post just yesterday?

Aurelia:Is something wrong?

Rapi:How can a complete ameteur be sent to replaced a Commander who has been killed in the line of duty... What were they thinking?


Rapi:...Nothing. Anyway, your the Commander of this squad from here on out. If you don't have any objections. I'd like to go over our current course of action.

Aurelia:No problem.

Rapi:Okay. I'll brief you. 46 hours ago, we lost communication with a Nikke Squad that was patrolling the area. They went completely dark, so we decided to sent out a search party. During the search, an accident resulted in death of our now-Former Commander.

Anis:The only problem is that the deceased Commander was the only one who knew the coordinates to our destination. You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?

Aurelia:No, i don't.

Anthony:Same goes for us.

Anis:I figured as much.

Marian:I know the coordinates

Anis:Yeah, I figured that too. ...Huh?

Marian:That information was input into my system when i was sent out to this operation. I'll take the lead, follow me.

Anis:Oh... Okay.

Marian:And you, are you called Rapi?


Marian:You failed to protect our former Commander. Who are you to call someone a novice? Their putting their lives on the line just like we are. If i ever hear you talk like that again, it will be the last time.

Anis:Whoa, let's settle down, no need to get riled up.

Keith:Calm down, Marian.

Rapi:Fine, I mispoke, I'm sorry.

Marian:Don't apologies to me, apologies to the Commander.

Rapi:I'm Sorry.

Aurelia:It's okay.


Anis:They didn't get themselves into a tizzy? Definately not an ordinary commander, same goes for the FAAFO Squad.




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