Chapter 3: Moments before disaster

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We start of by seeing FAAFO and Nikkes after fighting off another Raptures.

Anthony:Keith, can ya give me some 5.56mm? Im running low.


Keith:Opened his bag and hands over 5.56mm Munition to Anthony.


Keith:No problem.

Feliks:can i get some fresh 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge Drum mags?

Keith:Got it.

Keith searched his bag and eventually found MG 3 Drum mags and hands it over to Feliks.

Feliks:Thanks buddy.



Anis:Are you okay? You don't look so good.

Marian:I don't know what it is, but i feel a bit...

Rapi:Let me do some maintenance. Take off your top.

Marian:Wh-What? Right here?

Anis:Is there a problem?

Marian:What i mean is... the FAAFO Squad is right there...

Anis:You don't think the commander see's you that way, did you? Relax. To them, were just emotionless fighting machines. The last thing they're thinking of when they see us is sex, trust me. Isn't that right, FAAFO Squad?


FAAFO Squad:

Keith:Were not that kind of type, Anis.

Anis:Yeah, we totally believe you.

Marian:I'm fine. It's probably juat a small malfunction due ti these surroundings.

Rapi:Take it off.


Anis:Don't make such a fuss, will you?

Marian:I-I said i'm okay!

Rapi:In the event of a Malfunction, it is required that we conduct the necessary repairs. This isn't an option.

Marian:...I see.

Anis:Good. All right, FAAFO Squad, Turn the other way.

Axi, was a not that much, but a little Irritated by Anis behavior, as he just shrugs it off and does his own Maintenance on his MG. While the rest do the same as they went somewhere to give the girls some "Maintenace" Privacy.

Anthony:Alright, lets do some quick maintenance, before we head out again, check your bullets and ask Keith for Restock on Munitions and Aid kits.

The Squad does Maintenance, Feliks is changing the Barrel of his MG-3, Anthony, changing Batteries on his Acog, laser mount, and AN/PEQ-16, Axi restocking his .50 cal drum mag, Jin assembling back his FN SCAR-H after some inspection, James cleaning his Machete, and Keith resticking his .70 FKB (25mm) Rounds.

Soon After

Rapi:Everything seems okay.

Marian:I told you.

Rapi:Let's keep going.

Anis:Hey, i saw that!


As Keith was about to say something, Anis cut him off.

Anis:Just kidding.



The rest then move on.

As the group keeps walking, the comms crack to life.

??? (Radio): *Static* ... Do you... *Static* Copy? *static*


??? (Radio):Ark Control to Surface. Do you copy? Rapi, Anis?

Rapi:Communication. This is Rapi. Shifty, do you copy?

Shifty (Radio):About time we got through! What's the situation on your end?

Rapi:The new Commander has arrived. The operational coordinates have been confirmed and were proceeding as planned.

Shifty (Radio):Excellent. We had quite the scare back there when we lost the transport ship.

Anis:You took the Transport ship straight into the middle of an enemy camp? What were you thinking?

Anthony:You did what?!

Shifty (Radio):What?

Anis:It's completely oblidirated. With friends like you, who needs enemies?

Shifty (Radio):Raptures in that area have no Anti-Air Weapons.

Anis:... What?


Rapi:Shifty, can you send me the data of the transport ship's black box?

Shifty (Radio):Sure, once im done analyzing it. It won't take long.

Rapi:Okay, thanks.

Shifty:Just a sec. Well then... Hello there! I'm Shifty, an Operator from Ark Intelligence Department. I will be assisting you throughout the operation from here on out. Nice to be working with you.

Aurelia:Me too.


Keith:Strange... there is no AA on the Area...

James:Somethings fishy...

Anthony:What ever is going on... Stay frosty.

FAAFO Squad Nod in agreement.

As the rest kept moving they will eventually encounter more Raptures.


The rest halt.

Anthony:Whats up?

Keith:We got inbound, Up high, we gotta take a builiding to take them out first.


Anthony:Trust him... he knows the things that we don't know.

Shifty:That's strange, i'm not picking up anything from my radar. Wait! There are Raptures up ahead! How did you picked them up?!

Keith:I have my ways of alternatives Radars... come on.

Keith rushes through the building, them the others followed.

As they made it to the top, Keith has set up his FKB-88.

Keith:Range is 500 Meters, switch to guns can reach that long, theres 4 scouts, one shot will get the others attention and come out of their hiding.

The FAAFO Squad Listens as Axi and Feliks Set up MG, while Jin, James, and Anthony adjust their Optics.

Keith (Eyeing through the scope):Thats right... stay still...

Keith Loads a HE-AB (High-Explosive Airburst) directly in his FKB-88's Chamber, and finally, pulled the trigger.

The shot cracks to a loud noise as the Round hit the Aerial Raptures hitting all 4 of them. Then more Raptures appear and began approaching for an attack.

Anthony:Open fire!

The rest Pull the trigger as Keith is taking out the Aerial Ones as he loads a Mag of full HE-AB (High-Explosive Airburst) into his FKB-88, and continuesly firing.

As the fight went on... all Raptures are down.

Keith:That's all of them.

The rest stand down as Keith said.

Keith:Anyone need Restock?

Axi and Feliks:✋


Keith gives Axi and Malthus new fresh Ammunition.

Aurelia:Damn... i still can't get fully use to your Rifle...

Anis:That was an Airburst... are you responsible for the crash?

Keith:Nope... if i were responsible, i would check on my prey to confirm dead.

Rapi:How can you assure of it?

Keith:I rather not fuck around and find out on those i do not know, so it's no... i did not shot down the Transport ship.

Aurelia:He is telling the truth, the Transport ship had no Airburst Related holes to the transport ship.


Anis:Well... i hope your telling the truth.

Anthony:Come on, let's keep moving.

They all then move on

Shifty (Radio):High Class Energy up ahead, most likely Lord-Class.

Anis:What? What's something that big doing here?

Rapi:I suggest we retreat.

Marian:What about the missing Nikkes?

Anis:We leave them behind.

The FAAFO Squad Frown to hear Anis to say it so confidently.


Anis:Only 0.2% of Nikkes who go missing are ever recovered. You, of all people this search parties are jsut for show.

Marian:Well i can't pretend they don't exist either!

Aurelia:Is a Lord that Dangerous?

Shifty (Radio):Yes. They are the ones who leads high-level Raptures. Their combat are unparalleled. Judging from the simulation. Our chances our high, but theres a high probability of us sustaining heavy losses... And a 24.35% probability of total Annihlation.

Marian:Commander, should we pull out?

Aurelia:I don't want to give up from the search.

Rapi:Then please give the order. That's all we need. We follow the commander's orders no matter what.

Aurelia:Continue the Operation.

Rapi:Yes, Commander.

Anis:... Commander, you do realize that this could be a suicide mission, right? So long as our brains remain intact, we Nikkes are no worse off. It's a different story when it comes to humans. Your fine with that?

Aurelia:I'm okay.

Anis:Okay, understood.

Marian:Commander please walk behind me. I'll protect you

Aurelia:How about you guys? This is kinda a suicide mission, one of you might die.


Anthony thinks for a moment and finally replies.

Anthony:Were in, my squad have been through few or more Suicide Missions.

Aurelia:Then it's settled, lets move out.

As the rest move on... they encounter more Raptures as they enter combat.

Anthony:Keith, Fire Airbursts.

Keith:Got it!

Keith fires his Airbursts shell towards the group of Raptures to kick off the fight.

Anthony:Feliks! Axi! Suppressive fire!

Feliks and Axi fired their MG, as Jin and James Pull the trigger of their grenade launchers to take down grouped up Raptures. As Rapi cover fires Keith as he switch position to Position, while Anis is with Jin and James laying down Artillery, and Anthony and Marian are protecting Aurelia. As the battle went on, the battle was over.

Shifty (Radio):Hugh... Battle over. Damage report?

Rapi:Minimal Damage, Sufficient Ammo Remaining.

Anis:Same here.

Marian:Some damage to the left clavicle. Heavy damage to the lower right projector. Abrasion to the left eye caused by a stray bullet, no inregularities in identifying targets. Overall damage rate is 17.05%. Still combat capable.

Shifty:Are you sure that's not too high?

Marian:It doesn't matter. Were almost there. Let's pick up the pace.

Keith:Marian, wait a for a second.


Keith Applies bandages on Marian.

Anis:Keith, what are you doing? That kind of thing is useless to a Nikke.

Marian:No it works


Marian:It feels like i'm being healed... from the inside.



Marian:Keith, i could use another bandage here as well.

Marian smiled to Keith as Keith listened and applies another Bandage.

Marian:Thank you. Pain is gone already.

Keith:Your welcome, Marian.

Jin:Sure do hope those two could be together after this.

James:Yeah... let's make sure we tease them.

Jin:Good idea.



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