Chapter 247-Deaths

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Ugh my eyes are really screwed up. If I look at a screen they just can't focus anymore :( Hope yall doing okay for Thanksgiving and staying safe!

"Hah...that was close." The white-robed youth stepped out of a rip in reality with cold sweat all over his boy. "I played tough, but even with my copy of the ultimate defense that freak could have broken through with enough time. What the hell is he?"

The blue-furred cat popped its head out from under its robes and licked its paws. It sniffed, as if put out by the amount of work it had to do to escape Amalgate's grasp.

That...thing was not human. I caught glimpses of his aura, and for some reason they remind me of one of this place's top experts. However, he was different. I think...and this is just my guess, he might have been some sort of natural spirit, or a treasure spirit once. But perhaps through experimentation or forbidden techniques he developed sentience. That is my best guess, I can't be sure. But he is definitely not human...of that I am sure.

"I see." The white robed youth nodded at Tui's mental transmission. He scrunched up his face and put his arms around his head, thinking. "So what do we do now? He said he would keep hunting us."

The blue-furred cat yawned, dismissing the youth's concerns.


Please, Little One. If I don't want to be found, then no one from this pathetic place will find you. Even out beyond the void in my home, I am not known as Tui Voidwalker for nothing! Continue on your travels. Although...just to be safe, avoid using techniques from The Unbound One for the time being. It would seem that freak is able to detect them to some degree.

"Mmm, if you say so. I suppose it's almost time for the main event to begin. We'll have to get stronger. Although...I wonder what that freak meant when he spoke of another. It sounded like there was another disciple of the Nine Paths. And that he was already dead. But who could it have been?" The youth shrugged. "No matter, if he's dead, he's gone. Besides...there can only be one true inheritor of His legacy. Perhaps it's better this way."


A beautiful girl stood with a sky blue sword at her waist in the midst of a gathering of youths. All of them had the air of top geniuses and there was something astounding about them. If one were to look closely, many of them had recently ascended to the King Realm! As for the girl, she was a human cultivator and as such was infinitely close to reaching the equivalent Goddess Realm!

"What's the holdup?" One of the male cultivators tapped his foot on the floor. Though he was a bonafide King Realm cultivator of the Hells and a demon, he deferred to the girl's leadership. "Why haven't the elders shown themselves yet? They called this meeting and then they waste our time. They don't even value your opinion at all, Xiao Gui!"

"Just wait, Quen." The human girl on the cusp of becoming a Goddess replied. Naturally, this girl was Xiao Gui, the daughter of the Three Step King. With the power of the Primordial Chaos constantly escaping from the Heavens, all the top young geniuses had experienced breakthroughs, including her. However, though the species which resided in the Hells immediately broke through, humans took a bit more resources and comprehension. As such, she still lingered beneath the Goddess Realm, but all were sure she would considering her father's identity. Suddenly, a heavy footstep rang out. It's creator clearly was of a high level and was purposely announcing his arrival.

"Alright. Xiao Gui, is everyone here?" A scarlet-robed demon elder appeared. He had leathery-skin and a scarred face with three fingers on each hand. His powerful aura was unrestrained and wildly shoved energies of a Peak King Realm fighter. He was easily a match for most of the youths here and despite having recently broken through, the youths instinctively shied back from this elder. Xiao Gui stepped forward around a pit of bubbling lava and met the elder face to face.

"Xiao Gui greets Elder Ji-Lein." She said respectfully with a curtsy. "All of us are assembled who are not actively fighting the Cursed. Everyone but Ito, Aileen, and Bujen. What are your orders?"

"Hmph. That will be enough." Elder Ji-Lein scowled as he examined the gathered cultivators. He pressed a finger to the bridge of his scraggly nose and rubbed it. "I'm here to inform you that the higher ups have decided to send you to combat the Cursed inhabitants. I trust you are all aware of the new Dael City Hellhole?" He looked at each of the youths who nodded in turn. Quen, the youth from before, seemed irritated. Stepping forward, he held out his hand.

"With all due respect, Elder Ji-Lein, isn't it just a new Hellhole? The Cursed were trapped underneath the Pillars when the Heavens sealed the Hells and yes they've grown strong absorbing the tainted energies, but aren't they just insane demons? Barely even cultivators. No matter how much they have absorbed the energies, they're just a mad rabble, small fry. Why do you need us to go there?" His words were met with stern disapproval from the elder demon. However, several of the youths were nodding to Quen's words and the elder sighed.

"Quen...listen to me, I don't decide these things. And you shouldn't think of the Cursed as mere rabble. They are many, and though at first, they may seem weak, even Kings have been overwhelmed by a sufficiently large Hellhole invasion if left unchecked. Both our side and Humanity require each Hellhole to be closed as they open to prevent the Cursed from crossing out of their pocket dimensions. Trust me...if the Hellholes are left open too long and the things inside manage to get out, you will regret these words. Does that answer your question?" Elder Ji-Lein's voice grew tough and when Quen nervously swallowed and took a step back inside the crowd, he nodded.

"Elder Ji-Lein, is that all then? You will dispatch the 1st Elite Hell Squadron to take on the Dael City Hellhole?" Xiao Gui asked. The elder shrugged, his expression softening as he beheld the daughter of the Three Step King. This one is too sharp. I cannot hide anything from her. 

"Well, that is your mission, but it is not all I came here to tell you. Listen to me, there has been word from our human allies. A month ago they sent in a team of their own cultivators, not true elites, but not too far below the God Realm either. True Peak Celestial Realm cultivators." The elder paused, wondering how best to say this. Eventually, as a demon, he gave up on subterfuge. "Don't breath a word of this to anyone, but it seems that the entire squadron was slaughtered."

"The Heavens have gotten involved?!" Several of the Hells geniuses immediately began to whisper. Xiao Gui looked them over and gave them a stern glare. Eventually, they became quiet again and the Elder continued.

"We don't know that. But it is a distinct possibility. As you know, over the last few years, since showing themselves and attacking us at Great Loss Cliff, they haven't made any major moves. But it's possible that that is about to change. Hence why we are sending you, the 1st Elite Hell Squadron to investigate. Go in, seal the Hellhole before it gets too big, and find out what eliminated those human cultivators. Understood?"

"Got it!" Xiao Gui replied and saluted the elder. The teammates under her lead also did the same. However, despite her outward calm, inside she was not happy at all about the situation. Ugh, how did I end up leading this squadron?

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