Chapter 1: The Fox God Awakens

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How many years? How many years has it been since I've opened my eyes? Since I've moved legs? Since I've felt anything? How many years? How long have I been trapped in the preservice of my own mind? Forcing myself to endure an endless slumber for the world outside my own mind is a nightmare of its own. How long has it been? A decade? A century? Guess I will never know until I awaken will I?

These were the questions that ran through her mind as she slept, she has no idea how much the world had changed after she decided to go into hibernation. She was tired of the fighting and the wars, so she decided that the best way to escape all the pointless crap was to sleep it all away and hopefully when she woke up, everything would have already fixed itself.

Her sleeping location at first was an open grassy field that was peacefully away from anyone and everyone but now the location had changed over the years. It had now become a dense forest full of natural beauty and wild animals that coexist peacefully, the animals know of the threat she poses and respect her as the alpha of all alphas so they choose to coexist and stay out of her way.

Her being the alpha of all alphas was the most truthful statement that has ever been said. She was a kitsune with nine long swiping tails. She has red-orange fur with black fur around her eyes that stretches to her ears, red irises with black slits for pupils and the upper body structure of a human, complete with opposable thumbs on her clawed hands. She was a gargantuan creature that towered over everything and anything, her claws were already the size of a normal human and in a world filled with titans that were as tall as 20 ft. then that would be equal in size with her pupil.

Due to her long slumber, her body hasn't moved and that has allowed nature to take over. Vines from trees have surrounded her, moss has grown around her arms, legs and tails and a lot of birds have made her head and back their new homes.

She grunted as she felt the numbness from the rest of her body disappear 'Guess now is as good as time as any.'

She opened her eyes and began moving and all the birds flew away from her and the animals around her either flew, ran or swam away. She yawned and stretched her arms, unknowingly removing the moss from her arms. She shook her entire body and removed the rest of the moss and vines.

She shakingly took a few steps, still trying to get joust to walking after so long but what she didn't know was that every step she took caused a small earthquake. She walked out of the forest, her tails flowing behind her, and she noticed that the entire area was a massive empty field of grass with a few separate forests in the distance.

'Well this is new, the land has never been so beautiful and so natural. It's a strange but oddly enough... nice change.' She thought as she looked around.

She continued her walk and took the time to enjoy her surroundings but unfortunately one question kept ringing in her mind as she walked. This question would be the bane of her existence and if she found out the answer to it then should most definitely never be happy. Where are the humans?

She's lived long enough to know that even if she entered a state of hibernation then they would still be alive when she woke up. Humans are pathetic and unreliable but they were unpredictably persistent, she'd give them that.

She rubbed her eyes and sighed, hoping that the wretched human race was extinct and would never bother her again but she knew that was just a fool's dream. She opened her eyes and saw something strange, a bit farther from her were humans. At least that's what she thought they were.

They were unusually large to be humans, though they still dwarfed her greatly as they were about the height of one of her fingers, they were completely naked as well but the strange part was that they had no genitalia and the looks on their faces were practically stating they were morons.

She walked over to one and they all looked up at her. Whatever tiny brain in their heads recognized the obvious threat and they all looked at her in fear, they all started screaming and running away but she was able to catch one.

"Not so fast whelp, I wanna get a good look at you." She said in her deep demonic voice as she picked up the giant naked 'human' between her thumb and finger.

She brought it up to her face and sniffed it, the scent was odd and she could smell the residue of a human coming from it but it was shrouded by a different scent, similar to what you would smell in a lab like a chemical to be exact. She used her finger to poke a hole into its stomach and noticed that steam erupted from the wound and the tissue began healing itself while blood gushed out of it.

"Well aren't you special? You smell different and you look disgusting but you do feel and squirm like a normal human though the sounds you make are annoying. Well I got good news whelp, this experiment is almost over. We've covered smell, sight, touch and hearing, can you tell me what's left?" She asked with a sinister smirk.

It recognized that look in her eyes, that was the same look it would give to humans before it ate them and it didn't like it one bit. It squirmed between her fingers while she chuckled, she tossed it up in the air and when it fell back down it was swiftly caught in her mouth.

She chewed on it and found its taste to be semi-adequate, of course she didn't need to eat but she did it because food was delicious though she hates the way she had to rid it from her body. As she swallowed the titan, she continued her walk though this time the titans wandering about steered clear from her and this made her laugh.

"Hold on a second," she said as she sniffed the air and turned her head to the left and towards the direction of the scent and that's when she saw it "What the hell is that?"

What she spotted was a large wall and when she looked closer, she saw tiny figures standing and walk around the top of the wall. She smirked as recognized that scent and decided that she would have some fun with this revelation.


On the wall, a man with short black hair and brown eyes who wore a uniform consisting of a short, light brown jacket with a badge of a shield and two roses in front on both shoulders, on the front left pocket and on the center of the back, a light-colored shirt, a dark brown sash around the waist covering the hips, white pants, and dark brown knee-high leather boots.

He squinted his eyes as he looked at the giant shadow in the distance, wondering just what the hell he was looking at. His thoughts were interrupted though as another man in a similar uniform approached him, this man had slicked back blonde hair and green eyes.

"Oi Clark, don't you know that when you squint your eyes like that you look really stupid?" the blonde haired man said with a cocky smirk on his face.

The black haired man, Clark, sighed "Silus." He greeted dully.

The blonde haired man, Silus, chuckled "Just kidding man, ya really need to lighten up once in a while."

"Sorry that watching titans try to breach the wall all day makes me a downer, watching them just...puts me on edge."

"And that my friend is why you haven't gotten laid yet." Silus said as he laughed.

"Jackass." Clark grumbled as he continued staring at the shadow in the distance.

"So what's making you pull that stupid face?" Silus asked as he looked at his friend.

"That," Clark said as he pointed at the shadow "What is it?"

"Don't know, but I wouldn't worry much. It could be a large forest or something." Silus said as he shrugged.

Clark watched his friend walk away in shock "You're just going to dismiss it? Just like that!?"

"Of course I am, it's just a dumb forest. There's no need to-"

"GROOOOOAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" an ear-piercing and demonic roar echoed through the entire area.

They both widened their eyes in shock and fear as they heard that roar, both covering their ears as they were in close proximity of the roar and all the other soldiers on the wall covered their ears as well. The wall shook and all the other houses behind the wall as well, the entire district of Shiganshina shook because of the roar as if an earthquake was taking place.

In a household inside the Shiganshina district, a boy with short brown hair and brown eyes hid under a table with his mother holding onto him. His eyes were closed and he covered his ears tightly from the pain.

"What the hell is going on!?" the boy exclaimed as his mother held onto him tighter to try and keep him safe.

In another household, another family also hid under their table with both the father and mother holding onto their daughter. The girl had long black hair and black eyes, she also shut her ears and her eyes as the roar continued.

In the streets of Shiganshina, a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair was curled up into a ball as he hid in an alley. He had cuts and bruises and he was crying profusely, not just from the pain from the beating he got but from the devastating roar that rang out through the district.


Her roar ended and she smirked at the cracks that now littered the wall. She started running towards the wall and jumped up high into the air, soon landing right in front of the wall. She smirked at the fearful faces that the two humans on the wall were giving her and she could clearly smell the scent of piss coming from the blonde one. She was a bit taken aback by the large city behind the wall and grew a bit angry by seeing it, now knowing that humans do still exist and there were a lot of them.

To her it was amusing but from the human's perspective, it was absolutely horrifying. Both Clark and Silus were frozen on the spot and that was the same for the other people who were on the streets, all staring at the monster in front of them. Seeing a titan big enough to look over the walls was terrifying but this monster didn't just look over the walls, it towered over it.

To top it off, how it looks would bring nightmares to anyone. It's tails all swung around behind it and they all seemed to be bigger than the wall as well. The way it's eyes glowed with a deep and evil red and the predatory look in its eyes and the giant ferocious fangs in its mouth as it smirked made and the red aura it was exuding that demanded dominance. Any other fear looks like child's play to the being in front of them right now.

The brown haired boy ran out of his house with his mother chasing behind him and calling his name, he looked towards the wall and froze as well as his mother. He has never seen anything like it, sure he's heard about what titans looked like from the soldiers but this was nothing to what was described. He was so frozen on the spot and for good reason because if that thing was bigger than the walls by that much then what chance would they have even if they ran away.

She could smell it; the scent was so prominent. Hell, it was overwhelming and she loved it. Fear. All of them exuded it and she wanted it to stay this way. It was their fault, they deserve whatever's coming to them, they deserved to die. But she wouldn't be the one to do it, that would be too easy. She wanted them to suffer just as she had and so she decided that she wouldn't kill every human she saw, only the ones that got in her way.

She placed her right hand onto the top of the wall and inwardly laughed at the small tremor she caused. She looked at the two humans in front of her and continued to smirk. Deciding that they had enough she let go of the wall though her paw prints were now imbedded on the wall. She walked away from the wall and back to her forest, satisfied with what she had done today.

Clark and Silus watched in silence as it walked away from them, both didn't move in fear of its return though that was not all that happened. The entire district was quiet, quiet enough that a pin could drop from one side of the district and it could be heard on the other side of the district.

"O-oi...W-w-what the hell was that?" Silus asked in a traumatized state "CLARK!!!? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!?"

Clark didn't answer as he fell to his knees and puked his guts out with tears streaming down his face, he didn't have the will to stand anymore. All the doubts he had about humanity surviving had increased tenfold, now he just knew. Humanity stood no chance.


Three days later...

After the appearance of the Nine-Tailed-Titan, things have been slowly going back to normal in the Shiganshina district. Rumors have spread about it and soon everyone was talking about it, some refuse to believe such a tall tale while others remain skeptical but the citizens of Shiganshina know that it exists and now live in constant fear hoping that it will not return.

Both Clark and Silus gave their full reports on what happened that day and soon after they both quit their lives as soldiers. They were both living quieter lives, Clark became a butcher and Silus now worked at a bar.

Soon enough, with the scarce information gathered on the Nine-Tailed-Titan. An expedition was soon initiated by Commander Keith Shadis, Commander of the Survey Corps. The aim of the expedition was to find the whereabouts of the Nine-Tailed-Titan and study it to find any kind of weakness, with as little casualties as possible.

This was of course a fool's dream. Going beyond the wall would always result in a casualty, even if it was the titans or some natural causes, there would always be casualties. Soon enough, Commander Shadis gathered a total of 20 soldiers to accompany him and they embarked on their expedition outside of the wall.

Meanwhile, the titan in question stared boredly at a small pond in front of her. She knew that her actions would prompt questions about her existence and that would've at least led to a few humans leaving their little cage and come searching for her. This was all part of her plan though she didn't count on the amount of time it would take for it to be set in motion.

That's when she heard it, footsteps. Too fast to be from any human she had seen so it must've been something like a horse and so far she hasn't seen any horses in her forest so it must've been them. Their scent was new to the forest and she could hear faint voices coming from farther off in the forest, they were finally here.

She smirked as she started shrinking and her form began changing to those similar to a human child. She finished her transformation and smirked at her new form. She was now a small child with orange hair and brown eyes but since she was in her true form before and now she transformed, she wasn't wearing any clothes.

"This form should be enough but now that I don't have my fur, I'm completely naked." She said with a sigh "They would question why a young girl is naked and alone outside of the walls."

She sat down and curled up into a ball, covering up most of her body. She heard the sounds of horses neighing and their footsteps getting closer and she inwardly smirked at this. She punched herself hard and her nose bled, she pretended to cry and tears streamed down her face.

The humans heard the sounds of a child crying and as they reached the clearing they saw an orange haired child with no clothes, curled up in a ball bawling her eyes out. Keith stopped his horse from going any further and the rest stopped behind him, he got off with his squad following behind.

She sniffled as she looked up at Keith, he was a tall and intimidating man. He was bald with prominent wrinkles on his forehead and dark circles around his eyes. He had a small beard growing from under his chin and wore the same uniform as those humans she'd seen three days ago.

"W-who are you?" Keith asked.

"C-Cold... it's cold." She said.

He understood what she meant and looked to the man at his right "Erwin."

The man, now named Erwin, was as a tall man with a commanding presence. He had blonde hair that was neatly parted on the left side, icy blue eyes and thick bushy eyebrows. He also wore a uniform.

He took off his green cloak and approached the girl. She shrunk back and shuffled away in fear, he had many questions but he could tell she was scared. He gave her a kind smile and slowly approached her, when she didn't move away he put the cloak on her to cover her up. He held out his hand to her and she took it, stumbling a bit as she stood up. The cloak covered her up all the way to her knees, Keith noticed that she had a few bruises around her body and her nose was bleeding.

There were so many questions running through his mind. Who was she? Why was she outside of the walls? Was she with someone else? She should have been dead with the titans roaming around but she was somehow still alive and the strange part was the fact that the entire forest didn't have any titans roaming around.

"Who are you? What's your name?" Keith questioned.

She looked at him dead in the eye and he could've sworn he'd seen her smirk but she wasn't, she gave him her name and everyone felt a chill run down their spines as they heard it.


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