Chapter 2: Red Rain

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After the squad met Akuma they searched around the area once more, looking for any semblance of the Nine-Tailed-Titan but unfortunately they found nothing. Commander Shadis decided it would be best if they returned back to the walls because travelling with an untrained bystander was dangerous and he wanted to find out more about the girl.

As the horses carried them back to the walls, Akuma rode on Erwin's horse making sure she didn't fall off by holding onto him although reluctantly. One of the scouts looked up and noticed the weather changing, he soon alerted the group on the situation. Akuma too noticed the clouds gathering above, indicating that rain would be upon them.

She noticed another giant human approaching, she tugged on Erwin's jacket which made him look at her.

"Oi, that one's right on our asses." She said with a growl.

Erwin was about admonish her on her language at such a young age but when he looked at the approaching titan he kicked his horse's side to make it go faster.

"Commander on our left!" Erwin exclaimed and the group soon noticed the titan.

"Crap!" One of the scouts shouted in fear.

"And we're so close!" Another said in irritation and anger.

And she was right, they were closer to the walls. Akuma could see the gates opening as the soldiers up top saw them.

"We'll have to circle around; we can't bring it closer to the walls if the gates are open. Erwin keep the girl safe, the rest of you attack once we enter the forest!" Shadis commanded.

"Yes sir!" the group replied.

Akuma grit her teeth 'Damn it! This is a serious waste of time, just take me to the wall you bastards!'

Akuma looked at the titan and gave it her fiercest glare, her eyes changed from brown to her original fox eyes. The titan felt strong wave of killing intent and stopped in its tracks as it stared at Akuma in fear.

One of the scouts, Petra, noticed and alerted the commander that the titan stopped moving. She was a short woman with brown hair and golden-brown eyes.

"Keep going for the walls, this might be our only chance!" Shadis instructed.

The squad went on as the titan turned around and ran away, Akuma's eyes turned back to being brown as she smirked to herself. The group was a little unnerved by what happened, never has a titan stopped when seeing a human much less run away from them.

"What the hell just happened?" one of the scouts, Thomas, asked.

"What happened was, sent that titan packing!" Another scout, Ricky, laughed which caused Akuma to roll her eyes "Right commander?"

'So they call them titans...' Akuma thought.

"Don't be an idiot, we didn't do anything. The titan must've lost interest but all I know is that we got lucky." Erwin said.

Ricky glared at him as Petra giggled, Shadis didn't answer but he did keep glancing at Akuma, making sure she didn't see him. They soon arrived at the walls and entered through the gates, she noticed a large crowd gathered around. She could hear them murmur, some were grateful for their return but most were insulting them.

She took this opportunity to jumped off Erwin's horse and run through the crowd, shedding off the Erwin's cloak as she ran. Shadis ordered his men to chase her, they followed the order but it was difficult finding her through the crowd and it seemed impossible to do so. Meanwhile Erwin found his cloak on the ground, he picked it up and hoped the girl would be safe still trying to find her.

Akuma walked through an alleyway and saw a lot of shops to her left and right, she saw a seemingly empty clothes shop nearby and ran towards it with such speed that made it look like she just disappeared. She smirked when she saw that the shop was empty and it at least had a wide variety of clothes.

"The people who own this place must be in that crowd." Akuma said as she walked around, looking for some clothes that fit her in this form.

She eventually found some boxers and a peach dress with green trims and a pair of brown sandals. Akuma left the store and saw that the street was starting to get populated once more, meaning that the crowd was dispersing.

"There she is!" she heard the annoying voice of Ricky yell.

He and Petra ran towards her as Ricky lunged at her at an attempt to catch her, she side stepped him and raised her leg. When he was about to hit the pavement, Akuma slammed her foot down on his head and his entire face went through the concrete with some blood seeping out, Ricky was dead.

She saw a horrified Petra looking at her and her smirk grew, Akuma jumped over Petra and ran. She looked over her shoulder and blew Petra a kiss as she continued to run, eventually reaching a farm area with some houses.

Thunder rumbled in the sky and the rain soon began, Akuma was unbothered by it as she just strolled along the dirt path and looked at all the houses. There was a river nearby and some trees, she saw some lights in some of the house but something made her stop in her tracks. She sniffed the air to make sure that she wasn't exaggerating but she was right, that scent she knew all too well and it was blood.

Akuma ran towards the scent out of curiosity and she soon found a small house on the outskirts of the farm area. As she got the closer to the house, the scent got stronger until she was right in front of it in the pouring rain. She heard voices inside and decided to listen in before she did anything rash.


Inside of the house a girl looked at her mother and father's bodies in horror as blood pooled around them. She was girl of partial Asian heritage with pale skin, grey eyes and long black hair, she wore a long white dress with a brown jacket.

The girl looked away from the bodies as tears streamed down her face, four men stood in front of her and laughed at her reaction. One had a bloody knife and looked over the girl lustfully as he licked his lips.

"There we go, that wasn't so hard." The man with the bloody knife said, grinning madly.

"Idiot! We were supposed to keep the mother alive!" the other yelled.

"Calm down, we still have this one." He replied.

"W-what do you want!?" the girl asked while her legs trembled in fear.

The insane man laughed "What do we want? We're here to sell you to the highest bidder of course! Your kind is rare to find and there are people who would pay a high price for someone like you."

"That is after all when we're finished with you, it's been a long time and I think having some fun with you would satisfy me." Another man said as he stepped forward while gripping the hem of his pants.

Mikasa stepped back and hit the wall behind her as she cried even more 'Mother...Father...Anyone! Please help me! I beg of you!'

A knock at the door made them all turn their heads towards it, one of them growled and looked at the other three men.

"Who the fuck is knocking the door?" he asked.

"How the hell should I know? Maybe some kind of freak who likes to walk in the rain, go check it out." The one with the knife ordered.

The man glared at his partner and took out a knife, he walked down the short hallway to the door while hiding the knife behind him, readying it at a moment's notice. Opening the door, he saw a little girl smirking at him.

The other three heard the man screaming in agony and then a snapping sound reverberated throughout the house. Everything was quiet as the man looked at the dark hallway in curiosity and some fear.

"Oi! What the hell-" another was about to say but he was cut short when the other man's knife was flung towards him and stabbed him in the forehead.

The remaining two watched in horror as their partner fell to the ground dead, the girl felt the same fear thinking that someone or something worse had come to kill them all. They heard a thud and from the hallway came something that made them truly afraid, it was the other man's head.

It rolled towards them and stopped right in front of the leader, Akuma walked into the room with a smirk on her face as she cracked her knuckles.

"Yo!" she greeted.

Everyone in the room, besides Akuma, were shocked to find out that a little girl had killed two armed men so easily and had the gall to act as if it was nothing. Fear had quickly been replaced by anger as the men looked ready to kill Akuma.

The man next to the leader glared at her as he drew his knife and lunged at her "Die you little bitch!"

The knife tried to pierce Akuma's skin but it shattered upon contact, Akuma grabbed the man's arm and pulled him closer. She punched the man and her arm went right through him, the onlookers were horrified at the sight. The man spat out a gallon of blood as Akuma twisted her arm upwards and raised it, the man was soon split in half as his guts spilled everywhere.

The leader puked as he saw this and the girl tried her best not to do the same, he stepped back in fear and realized that if he didn't do something then he would die here and now. He grabbed the girl and held his knife to her throat, looking towards Akuma in fear.

"S-stay away you m-monster or I kill her. I'll do it!" the man threatened with his voice cracking.

Akuma didn't even look at him as she stared at the girl who looked back at her, fear prominent in her teary eyes. Akuma smirked as she took the knife lodged in one of the men's heads.

"What are you doing!? Didn't you hear me? I'll kill her!" the man shouted.

Akuma didn't care, she looked at the girl with cold eyes "Human, if you don't do something now then you'll die. Remember this, in the real world it's either fight or die! So tell me...will you fight!? Or will you die!?"

The girl knew that Akuma was talking to her, she knew that she had to make a decision and she had to make it fast. She could die now and join her parents in the afterlife but that's not what they wanted for her, they would want her to live even if the world was unforgiving, they would want her to live for a purpose and if the girl in front of her was giving her a choice then she knew her decision.

Outside lightning struck as the girl's face changed to an angry and deadly look, Akuma grinned and threw the knife into the man's leg. He screamed in pain and let the girl who grabbed the knife and roared as she stabbed the knife into his throat then repeatedly into his chest. As the girl kept stabbing him, Akuma saw the bodies of a man and a woman and she finally understood.

The girl had stopped when she saw that the man had been dead for a while now. She heard footsteps approaching her and turned around, swinging the knife. Akuma stopped her as she grabbed her hand, the girl dropped the knife and immediately broke down. She hugged Akuma as tears wailed in pain and sorrow.

Akuma rolled her eyes though she didn't move her, not sure why herself. The door to the house burst open and they heard footsteps approaching, a man and a boy showed themselves looking around frantically and horrified. The boy puked when he saw the remains of one of the men.

The man was fairly tall and slender with straight brown hair neatly parted down the middle, a thin beard and a mustache, and green eyes. He wore a grey suit with a black vest and a white shirt, a plain bolo tie and round glasses.

The boy was round faced sizable with bright green eyes and short brown hair falling in a natural, middle-parted, curtain-type style. He wore brown trousers, a green shirt with tassels at the collar, a reddish-brown coat and small brown shoes with a red scarf.

"Mikasa!? Who are you!? Did you kill Mikasa and her family!?" the man asked.

"M-M-Mr. Jaeger?" the girl, now named Mikasa, stuttered as she looked behind Akuma.

Akuma let go and this caused Mikasa to immediately miss the warmth and care.

"Mikasa thank God you're safe." Mr. Jaeger said.

"Mikasa!" the boy exclaimed as he ran to hug the girl but he was stopped when Akuma stepped in front of her.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Akuma asked too protectively for her taste.

"I could ask you the same thing!" the boy shouted as he took out a knife.

"Eren! Put the knife down!" Mr. Jaeger shouted, the boy, Eren, scoffed as he put the knife away.

"I'm sorry about my son," Mr. Jaeger apologized "I am Grisha Jaeger and he is Eren Jaeger."

Akuma narrowed her eyes "Tch, name's Akuma."

"Akuma..." Eren muttered.

"Did this Akuma?" Grisha asked.

"Yeah, so what?" Akuma asked as she folded her arms.

Eren glared at her as he gripped his knife once again "Murderer!"

"The fuck you call me!?" Akuma shouted with an angry glare.

"No," Mikasa said, causing all of them to look at her "S-she saved me...those men k-killed...mother and father..."

Grisha looked at her with understanding and approached Akuma, he got down on one knee and held his hand out "Thank you for saving Mikasa..."

Akuma looked at the hand and sighed "Yeah, yeah no problem human."

Grisha retracted his hand as he and Eren looked at each other in confusion, he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Well, why don't we go to our house? The authorities will be here any moment and I'd rather not have you children look at this any longer." Grisha said as he looked around the bloodbath of a house.

"Will Akuma be coming also?" Mikasa asked.

Grisha looked at Akuma "Do you wish to come Akuma? I know it's late and your parent must be worried sick."

Akuma rolled her eyes "I don't have any parents old man."

Everyone widened their eyes and both Grisha, Eren and Mikasa looked at Akuma sadly "I'm sorry Akuma."

Akuma shrugged nonchalantly "Whatever."

Grisha stared at the girl for a moment and sighed "Well then shall we go?"

"No." Akuma replied, causing them to all look at Akuma in shock.

"No? What do you mean no?" Eren asked.

"I mean no. I don't need your damn charity, I'm fine by myself." Akuma said about to walk away but she stopped when Mikasa grabbed her hand.

Akuma looked to see Mikasa looking at her with pleading eyes though this barely swayed Akuma in any way, she growled and removed her hand. Walking out of the house and going to God knows where.

Mikasa ran to the door and saw Akuma's back as she kept walking, she was surprised though when Akuma stopped. She looked at Mikasa over her shoulder with a teasing smirk and winked at her. Mikasa softly smiled when Akuma kept walking, she knew now. Akuma was her new purpose in life. 

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