Chapter 5: Attack of The Titans

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"On that day, humanity remembered. We lived in fear of the Titans. And we were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls."


"Everyone, get ready to fight! There's only one target!" Shadis shouted as him and his troops flew around a titan within a forest "We will exterminate it and make this mankind's first outside base!"

"Target approaching!" Erwin shouted.

"Split into fives! Remember your training! We'll distract the target!" Shadis shouted as his soldiers followed his orders "All attack teams, prepare to move up! We'll close in on it from the sides!"

A soldier hooked onto the Titan's back and flew towards it with his blades brandished "Have a taste of mankind's strength!"


Eren Yeager wakes up with a jolt and looks around in a daze, seeing that he was in a field and fell asleep under a tree.

"Huh...Mikasa?" Eren asked as he sat up.

"We should return home." Mikasa says, carrying a makeshift pack to carry wood.

"Why...are you here? Eren asks, still confused.

"Were you in a deep sleep and thought you were still dreaming?" Mikasa asked.

"No, I think I was having a really long dream. What was I dreaming about...? I can't remember." Eren says.

"Eren," Mikasa says as she notices something "Why are you crying?"

Eren touched his face and a tear was in fact running down the side of his face. Eren wiped it off and stood up, picking up his makeshift pack of wood.

"Don't tell anyone I was crying." Eren said as he walked past her "Especially Akuma."

"I won't but if you don't know why you were crying, maybe you should talk to your dad about it." Mikasa suggested, following him.

"Don't be stupid, I can't tell my dad about that!" Eren exclaimed

"What were you crying about, Eren?" A familiar voice from behind them.

Eren and Mikasa turned around to see a familiar face and Eren frowned "Hannes!"

"Is Mikasa mad at you?" Hannes asked.

"What!? Why would I be crying?" Eren asked but then he cringed "Ugh! You stink of alcohol!"

"You wanna join us?" Hannes drunkenly asks.

" about your work?" Eren asks.

"Yeah, we're watching the gates today." Hannes replied "We've been here all day, and we started getting hungry and thirsty. But it's not a big deal if we happen to drink something with a little alcohol in it. Oh, and if you happen to see Akuma, call her over here for a drink."

"But if you're are you going to fight!?" Eren shouted, ignoring his request.

"Huh, when would we have to fight?" Hannes asked in confusion.

"Do you really have to ask!?" Eren shouted as he punched Hannes' stomach but it barely had any effect on him "When the Titans break the wall and come in!"

"Ouch..." Hannes muttered in a stupor "Hey Eren, don't say those things loudly."

"If it isn't Dr. Yeager's son..." A drunk garrison soldier said while playing cards with his fellow soldiers "You've got spirit kid but if they do end up breaking the wall, we'll do our jobs. But you know what? The Titans haven't broken the wall once in the past one hundred years."

"But my dad said that it's times like these when we're in the most danger!" Eren shouted.

"Dr. Yeager said that? Well he's right." Hannes agreed "He saved our town from a plague once. We can't thank him enough. But these Titans are a different story. I see Titans walking around all the time when I mend the walls but speaking as a soldier, I don't think they can do anything about the 50-meter wall."

One of the garrison soldiers giggled "Maybe the kid's worried about the famous Nine-Tailed-Titan."

"Yeah," Another laughed "The Titan that not only towered over the walls but almost destroyed them by just its roar."

"Quiet you guys, you'll give the kid even more crazy ideas." Another soldier whispered with a chuckle.

"But I saw it! it's real!" Eren shouted.

The soldiers all laughed as Hannes chuckled "Eren, everyone knows the Nine-Tailed-Titan is a myth."

"No it isn't and you guys are gonna regret not preparing for it while you still have time!" Eren shouted "All of you are just lazy! Why don't you stop calling yourselves the Garrison and start calling yourselves the Wall Menders!?"

"That doesn't sound bad." Hannes said with a hum "But Eren, when people see soldiers fighting, they know something bad happened. Everyone's much happier when we're doing nothing and getting called useless freeloaders."

"We might not get out, but we'll live as long as we can and sleep." Eren said "But...we're living livestock."

"This kid sure knows how to talk!" A soldier said.

"Not like he can do anything, right Hannes?" another soldier asked.

"R-Right..." Hannes said but then he saw Eren running off and Mikasa chasing after him "Hey, Eren!"

"What a strange kid." A soldier stated.

"Does he...want to join the Recon Corps?" Hannes asked himself.

Eren and Mikasa had stopped running and now they were continuing their way back home.

"Ere, it'd be better if you didn't join the Recon Corps." Mikasa said.

"What, you think they're stupid too?" Eren asked.

"I'm not saying anything like that." Mikasa replied.

The sounds of cranking were heard and they both looked ahead to see the front gates opening which caused Eren to smile.

"The Recon Corps are back! Let's go, Mikasa! Let's go see the heroes!" Eren exclaimed as he ran ahead to the gathering crown and Mikasa followed.

They tried to get a good view but it was hard to see past all of the adults even so, the sight was not one to behold. The soldiers were all walking past the crowd, heads hanging in shame and a lot were traumatized along with now wearing bloodied uniforms.

"Why are there so few of them?" One of the people in the crowd asked.

"All of them were eaten. That's what you get for going outside the walls..." Another replied.

"Moses! Moses! My son, Moses, I can't find him..." A distraught woman burst through the crowd in front of the soldier's path "Where is my son Moses?"

"This is Moses's mother...bring it here." Shadis ordered, getting off his horse as a soldier handed him a wrapped up and bloody parchment "This was the only part of him we could bring back."

Moses's mother wailed as she unwrapped the parchment to reveal a severed arm, she hugged the arm as tears stained her face.

" son...fulfilled his purpose, right?" She asked hopefully "He might not have been a hero, but he at least died helping mankind fight back, right!?"

"Of course!" Shadis exclaimed "No...during this mission,, even after all our missions...we still haven't made any progress! I've been a failure and I've only gotten soldiers killed left and right! And we haven't learned anything useful about the Titans!"

With that proclamation, the soldiers continued on their way to the inner wall, leaving the crowd stunned. It soon started dispersing as people whispered about them and cursed them out.

"That was really heavy." A man said.

"Seriously. So all we've been doing is offering ourselves to them as food." Another man said but he was soon hit by a rock, courtesy of Eren.

"Ouch, what was that for, stupid kid!?" the man shouted.

Mikasa grabbed Eren and dragged him away, much to his chagrin and major complaints.


Erwin stood on the wall with a scout's jacket in hand, sighing regretfully as he gripped the jacket even tighter.

"Well you look like shit." A familiar voice said.

Erwin turned to see Akuma sitting by him and staring out at the inner land, she grown a bit taller these past two years and her hair was starting to grow because it was reaching shoulder length by now.

"You saw what happened with Moses's mother I'm guessing." Erwin said, he wasn't even going to question how she just suddenly appeared for their talks because he'd grown used to it by now.

Akuma nodded with a smirk "Another one bites the dust, you scouts are just doing my job for me at this point."

Erwin narrowed his eyes at her "Two years around humans and you still don't care."

"Ask me that after a hundred more years, maybe then I'll start to sympathize with you...maybe." Akuma replied with a laugh.

"You really are a monster." Erwin said as he shook his head.

"Haven't been called that in a while." Akuma chuckled as she stood up and turned around to face Shiganshina "If you want to stay alive then I suggest you leave, something's coming."

"What's coming?" Erwin asked.

"Don't you feel it? Its scent has just been enveloping my nose constantly today." Akuma said as she breathed in and let out a happy sigh.

"What are you talking about? What scent?" Erwin asked.

Akuma turned to look at him over her shoulder with a smirk that showed off her real fangs and her real eyes "Death."

Erwin jumped a bit and blinked but Akuma had disappeared with her laugh resonating in the air.


Out in the back streets, Armin is shoved against a wall in an alley as three kids stand in front of him with smirks and glares.

"What's wrong, heretic? Why don't you punch me back if you want to prove me wrong?" the main kid asked.

"Why would I do that?" I won't stoop to your level!" Armin shouted.

"What did you say!?" the main kid shouted angrily.

"You're beating me up because you know I'm right and you can't prove me wrong. Doesn't that mean you've admitted you're wrong!?" Armin shouted.

"Enough with your damn arguments!" the main kid shouted as he raised his fist to punch Armin.

"Hey!" a voice shouted and they turned to see Eren running towards them "Stop!"

"It's Eren!" The main kid exclaimed.

"That idiot's back?" Another one of the kids asked.

"Does he want to get beaten up too?" The main kid asked.

"Guess so." The third kid spoke up with a smirk but immediately dropped when he spotted Mikasa running up behind Eren "M-Mikasa's with him!"

"If Mikasa's here then that means Akuma's nearby!" the second kid exclaimed.

"Crap! Run before she finds us!" The main kid shouted.

The turned to run but Akuma jumped down from the roof in front of them with her usual smirk "Yo."

"A-Akuma!" one of the boys shouted in fear.

"P-please don't hurt us-" Akuma cut him off by grabbing him by the head and slamming his face into the wall.

She kicked the next boy so hard, he flew past Mikasa and Eren then she aimed a punch to the third boy's face but stopped her fist right in front of him "Boo."

The kid backed up and fell in the process, turning around and running for his life as Akuma laughed.

"Akuma!" Eren exclaimed.

"Eren you dumbass! Aiming to get beat up again, are ya?" Akuma asked with a laugh.

"Tch, I could've handled them." Eren said with his arms folded.

Mikasa ran past Eren and towards Akuma who just rolled her eyes and opened her arms, letting Mikasa hug her. She would do this everyday and at this point, Akuma just accepted it and let her do what she wanted.

"Are you well?" Akuma whispered and Mikasa nodded with a blush "Good."

"Ow..." Armin groaned as he sat up.

"Hey, are you alright, Armin?" Eren asked.

"Yeah, just let me stand myself up." Armin replied.

"Ah, okay." Eren said.


Akuma, Eren, Mikasa and Armin hung out for the rest of the day and by the afternoon they were near the gates just sitting and talking.

"So after telling them that mankind needs to go outside eventually, they beat me up, calling me a heretic." Armin explained.

Akuma chuckled "If they didn't have brain damage before then sure as hell have it now."

"Dammit, we just want to go outside. Why does everyone hate us?" Eren asked angrily.

"Well, it's been peaceful living inside these walls for the past 100 years. Titans might be let inside when people leave the walls, so the king's government banned people from showing interest in the outside world." Armin explained.

"Sounds to me like your king's treating you like sheep." Akuma said.

"We may as well be." Mikasa agreed.

"We're risking our own lives; no one has the right to stop us!" Eren exclaimed.

"You can't do that, Eren." Mikasa said.

"Oh yeah, Mikasa! How dare you tell my parents!" Eren shouted.

"She told them about your suicidal thoughts?" Akuma laughed and Mikasa smiled at the fact that she made her laugh.

"Joining the scouts isn't suicidal!" Eren exclaimed.

"S-so, how did it go?" Armin asked.

"Well they weren't happy about it." Eren replied.

"I figured, people are crazy for believing that these walls will protect us forever." Armin said "Even though the walls have been intact for the past 100 years, there's nothing that can guarantee that they won't be broken down today..."

Akuma widened her eyes as the scent enveloped her 'Chemicals?'

Suddenly a thunderbolt struck outside the walls and much to everyone's shock, a titan peeked over the wall. It was a colossal titan with no skin at all, just muscle. It was what you would expect to see from a human with no skin at all.

"N-no way..." Eren muttered.

"What?" Armin muttered with wide eyes.

The titan raised its gigantic leg and brought it forward, kicking through the gate and destroying some parts of the wall around it. The impact of the hit sent the concrete of the walls flying and the wind pressure blew the people near the gate away along with several houses.

People screamed and ran as the titans invaded the town and Eren ran off towards his house after he saw a piece of the wall fly in that direction.

Akuma stared at the titan in shock but that was soon replaced with a dangerous smirk. Mikasa looked towards Akuma with wide eyes and then towards Eren's fading figure, torn on whether to stay or to run after Eren.

"It's over...The titans have invaded this town!" Armin exclaimed, holding onto his head in fear.

Akuma ran towards the direction Eren went and Mikasa followed but Akuma was too fast.

"Mikasa! Go home! I'll catch up with ya!" Akuma shouted as she suddenly turned a corner and ran through a crowd of people who were trying to escape.

Mikasa stopped and tried to see where she had gone but she couldn't see anything so she listened to what Akuma told her to do and ran to the Yeager household, hoping Akuma would be safe the whole way.

Akuma turned to an empty alley and laughed in excitement "Yes! This is the moment I've been waiting for! I can finally let loose!"

"Now, let's see if I remember how to do this." Akuma said as she put her fingers in a cross hand sign "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

With a burst of smoke, a second Akuma appeared with the same smirk as the original.

"Keep those idiots alive will ya? I wanna have some fun." Akuma ordered.

Clone Akuma nodded "You got it."

With that, Clone Akuma jumped onto the rooftops and made her way to the Yeager household, what was left of it at least. Upon arriving, Clone Akuma saw Eren and Mikasa struggling to get Carla out from the rubble she was trapped in.

She jumped and landed on the ground by them, running up and helping with the rubble.

"Akuma!" Mikasa exclaimed, glad she was safe.

"We gotta get her out of here Akuma!" Eren shouted.

"No, leave! It's too late for me!" Carla stated.

Akuma stared at her for a moment as Hannes arrives much to Carla's relief.

"Hannes! Take the kids and run!" Carla shouted as a Titan with a wide smile approached them.

"Don't take me lightly, Carla." Hannes stated with a smirk as he drew his blades "I'll kill the Titan and save all three of you!"

"Wait, you can't fight it!" Carla shouted.

"Watch me!" Hannes stated as he ran at the Titan 'I can save them! I can definitely do this!'

Hannes suddenly froze upon getting closer to the titan and it didn't take long for him to sheath his blades and turn around, picking up all three of the kids and running away.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" Clone Akuma shouted.

"Hannes! What are you doing!?" Eren shouted, hitting Hannes on the shoulder "Mom is still trapped there!"

"Eren, Mikasa, on!" Carla shouted tearfully as the Titan moved the rubble and grabbed her.

Suddenly a flaming explosion rocked the center of Shiganshina, destroying nearly everything around. Akuma roared, gaining everyone's attention, even the Titans as they widened their eyes in fear.

"ROOOAAARR!!!" Akuma let out, shaking the earth around her.

"I-It's here..." Eren muttered.

"The Nine-Tailed-Titan." Mikasa muttered.

With a swing of its tails, Akuma started destroying everything in sight. No man, woman, child or Titan was safe from her wrath. One of the tails smacked the Titan holding Carla away and into the wall, causing it to explode into a pile of blood and guts.

Clone Akuma hit Hannes, and that caused him to let her go. She ran towards the now falling Carla and made it just in time, catching her. Eren and Mikasa smiled as Akuma ran towards them with their mother in her arms.

"What the hell are you looking at!? Fucking run!" Clone Akuma shouted, running past them.

Hannes followed with the kids in hand as the Nine-Tailed-Titan destroyed all of Shiganshina behind them.

"On that day, humanity remembered. We lived in fear of the Titans. And we were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls"

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